ECM 80678 Compact Hx-2 PID Espresso Machine User Manual

June 6, 2024

Feature-ECM-Compacta-HX-2-seitlich_snthr LOGO

ECM 80678 Compact Hx-2 PID Espresso Machine

Feature-ECM-Compacta-HX-2-seitlich_snthr IMAGE


  •  portafilter with coffee filter – 1 spout
  •  portafilters with coffee filter – 2 spouts
  •  blind filter
  •  drip grids to raise the espresso cups
  •  flexible hose for freshwater supply: 3/8“ for connection waterpipe, 150 cm
  • 1 drainage hose, 150 c


General safety notes:

  • Make sure that the local main supply voltage corresponds to the information given on the type plate on the front panel of the espresso machine.
  •  Carry out the installation of the machine according to the instruction in chapter 4.
  •  Plug the machine into a grounded socket only and do not leave it unattended.
  •  Do not roll or bend the power cord.
  •  Do not use an extension cord/ do not use a multiple sockets.
  •  Place the machine on an even and stable surface. You can regulate the height of the machine by adjusting the feet of the machine.
  •  Never place the machine on hot surfaces.
  •  Never immerse the machine in water; do not operate the machine with wet hands.
  •  The machine should only be used by experienced adult persons.
  •  The machine is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
  •  Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.
  •  The machine should be installed by a skilled person.
  •  Do not expose the machine to inclement weather (frost, snow, rain) and do not use it outdoors.
  •  Keep the packing out of reach of children.
  •  Only use original spare parts.
  •  Do not operate the machine with carbonated water, but with soft potable water.
  •  Do not operate the machine without water.

If you have any further questions or if you require any further information, please contact your specialized dealer before starting up the espresso coffee machine. Our machines comply with the relevant safety regulations.
Any repairs or changes of single components must be carried out by an authorized specialty dealer. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its’ service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard. In case of non-observance, the manufacturer does not assume liability and is not liable for recourse. Ask for authorized service points outside of Germany.

When necessary, make use of a water softener/water filter cartridge in order to reach an adequate hardness degree. If these measures are insufficient, a prophylactic descaling of the machine is possible. Contact your specialized dealer before undertaking this measure.

Proper use
The Compact HX-2 may be used for the preparation of coffee, hot water and steam-based drinks only. Use of the machine other than for the aforementioned purpose is strictly prohibited. The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for damages due to unsuitable use of the machine and is not liable for recourse.


Machine parts


  1. Cup heating tray, removable

  2. Control panels with seven-segment display

  3. Steam valve

  4.  Steam wand

  5. On/OFF switch 0 / 1 / 2
    0 = Off/
    1 = Pump/
    2 = Pump + heater

  6.  Brew groups

  7.  Hot water valve

  8.  Hot water dispenser

  9.  Drip tray with drip grid

  10.  Boiler/pump pressure gauge

  11.  Air mix adjustment screw

Feature-ECM-Compacta-HX-2-seitlich_snthr FIG 2

  1. Cup heating tray, removable

  2.  Control panels with seven-segment display

  3.  Steam valve

  4.  Steam wand

  5.  On/OFF switch 0 / 1 / 2
    0 = Off/
    1 = Pump/
    2 = Pump + heater

  6.  Brew groups

  7.  Hot water valve

  8.  Hot water dispenser

  9.  Drip tray with drip grid

  10.  Boiler/pump pressure gauge

  11.  Steam wand with auto steamer

  12.  Button auto steamer

  13.  Air mix adjustment screw

The danger of injury: The following parts are hot or may become hot:

  • area around the steam and hot water wands
  •  steam and hot water wands, porta filter
  •  brew groups
  •  body (upper part and side frames)

Control panel

Feature-ECM-Compacta-HX-2-seitlich_snthr FIG 3

Technical data

  • Voltages: 3 phases, 230 V each
  • Power: 3.000 W
  • Boiler capacity: 9 L, 2 heat exchangers
  • Measurements: W x D x H / 650 mm x 510 mm x 480 mm without portafilter

Connection plan

  1. Connection for water drainage
  2. Connection for water supply
  3.  Power cord

Dimensions in mm

Feature-ECM-Compacta-HX-2-seitlich_snthr FIG 4


The installation is to be carried out exclusively by qualified specialists, according to the following instructions and in compliance with valid laws.

The following chapters deal with the preparation of the machine, its electrical connection, water supply connection and drainage connection.

Preparation for installation

  • Place the machine on an even and stable surface. You can regulate the height by adjusting the feet of the machine.
  •  Never place the machine on hot surfaces.

Electrical connection
The electrical connection has to be conducted by an authorized specialty dealer.

Water supply connection

Make sure that the water supply installation is connected to a potable water supply with an operating pressure with max 3 bar (0,3 MPa). Please note that often the pressure of the water supply varies. If the water supply pressure temporarily exceeds 1.5 (0,15 MPa) use a pressure regulator. Furthermore, a shut-off valve should be used. This valve should be located where it is easily reached, so that the water supply can be interrupted at any time.

  • Water connection 3/8”
  • Connecting the metal hose
  • Connection (wrench size 20)

Feature-ECM-Compacta-HX-2-seitlich_snthr FIG 5

Rotary pumps require pre-pressure. For this reason, they should always be connected to a fixed water supply and not be used with an external, pressure- less water container. This could damage the pump.

Installation of the water drainage
The hose for the waste water is inserted into the appropriate L-connector at the bottom of the machine and the already installed siphon drainage. Then the L-connector is screwed together with the drainage funnel. Please make sure that the drainage hose is positioned in a manner that no water can accumulate in it.

Feature-ECM-Compacta-HX-2-seitlich_snthr FIG 6


  • Connecting the machine to a fixed water connection and installing the pressure regulator have to be carried out by authorized service personnel.
  •  In order to avoid premature calcification of your machine, we recommend installing a water softening system.


Read the instruction manual carefully, prior to operating the machine.
Prior to starting the machine, check if:

  • The steam and hot water valves are closed.
  •  The machine is switched off. (On/Off dial in position 0.)

Now you can start up your machine:
Turn the dial to position 1 to activate only the machine’s pump. Once the pump stops, the boiler has been filled and you can now turn the dial to position 2. This ensures the machine will only begin heating when the boiler has been filled.
Before preparing the first coffee, rinse the machine with approx. 5 l of water by pressing the ECM buttons on both brew groups and letting the water run out of the brew groups. Remove approx. 10 l of water from the hot water outlet. When removing a larger amount of water, it is recommended to switch off the machine.

If the machine is set to position 2 and begins heating before the boiler has been filled, the heating element may become damaged and need replacing.

PID Programming

Programming of the dosage
To program doses, proceed as follows:
Choose a portafilter and fill it with the desired quantity of ground coffee for the button you would like to program (e. g. filter 1 cup for portafilter 1 cup, button no. 1). Place a cup under the portafilter.

When the left control panel is programmed, the right control panel is automatically programmed/ overwritten synchronously. If you would like to program the control panels individually, you need to start programming with the left control panel and then the right panel.

  1. Clamp the portafilter into the brew group.
  2. Press the ECM button until the light flashes.
  3. Choose the button you would like to program and press it for a short time. Coffee is dispensed into the cup.
  4. As soon as the desired quantity of coffee is reached, press the relevant button or the ECM button again. The dose for the chosen button has been programmed. To leave the programming menu press the ECM button.


  •  Please note that the doses can vary if different quantities of coffee are used or different levels of pressure are used while tamping.
  •  The programmed dosage buttons can be re-programmed at any time.

Using the main menu

To open the main menu, press the ECM button and button no. 3 on the left control panel.

Feature-ECM-Compacta-HX-2-seitlich_snthr FIG 7

Main menu A – F:

  • A = boiler temperature
  • b. = autosteamer temperature
  • c = reminder function for group cleaning
  • d = regulation of the preinfusion
  • E = regulation pre-infusion volume
  • F = regulation pre-infusion time

The menu items E and F are only relevant if any type of pre-infusion is selected in the menu item d. See chapter 5.2.5 for the regulation of the pre- infusion.

Navigating within the menu:     button no. 2 – up                        (e. g. in the main menu from A to F)
button no. 1 – down                      (e. g. in the main menu from F to A)
To confirm a selected menu item press the ECM button.

When opening the main menu, the display indicates the last menu item that had been selected before exiting.

Programming the boiler temperature – A
Open the menu item A and confirm by pressing the ECM button. The current set temperature is indicated on the display. E. g.: The display alternately indicates the numbers 01 and 17 for 117°C. Pressing button no.2 increases the temperature while pressing button no. 1 decreases it. To confirm the selected temperature, press the ECM button. Now you are back in the main menu. After a short while you will automatically exit the menu. Setting range: 80° – 125° C

Programming the auto steamer temperature – b

Setting range:

Open the main menu by pressing the ECM button and button no.3. Press button no. 1 or 2 until you reach the menu item b. Confirm with the ECM button.The current set temperature is indicated on the display.  Select the desired temperature using buttons no. 1 or 2.

The recommended temperature is 66° C.
To confirm the selected temperature, press the ECM button. Now you are back in the main menu.

Programming the temperature while frothing milk

Keep the ECM button pressed until the light above the button starts to flash. Place the steam wand of the auto steamer in a filled milk jug and press the auto steamer button. Steam will begin dispensing with the temperature displayed on the right control panel. Once the desired temperature button.

Risk of injury
Always keep the steam nozzle underneath the surface of the liquid in order to avoid Always keeping the steam nozzle underneath the surface of the liquid in order to avoid being sprayed.
Avoid skin contact with the steam dispenser while cleaning!

After every application, clean the steam nozzle and the steam dispenser with a non-abrasive, damp cloth. This removes any liquid residues.

Programming the group cleaning mode Cln – c
The control panel allows the programming of a reminder for the next brew group cleaning. There is no preset reminder when the machine is delivered, so please program the reminder as desired: Open the main menu by pressing the ECM button and button no.3. Press button no. 1 or 2 until you reach menu item c and select by pressing the ECM button. The reminder will be activated on the display when the programmed number of extractions has been reached. Please select a number of extractions by pressing buttons no.1 or 2. Setting range: 1-99 >1 is equivalent to 100 extractions

An extraction is ony counted as such after 15 seconds. Therefore, a flush or every extraction under 15 seconds is not counted.

Example: If you have programmed the number 5, the display will remind you (indicating „Cln“) to clean the brew group. Learn more about the automatic brew group cleaning in chapter 7.2.

Regulating the pre-infusion – d, pre-infusion volume – E and pre-infusion time – F
During pre-infusion, the coffee grounds are dampened prior to the espresso extraction and slowly well up. This makes the coffee puck more stable and keeps it from being destroyed by the high brewing pressure. Furthermore, the oils and aromas are able to develop prior to extraction.
You can choose between three settings that affect the pre-infusion volume E and the pre-infusion time F.

Pre-infusion – d:

  • 00 = off, no pre-infusion                     pre-infusion volume and pre-infusion time are inactive\
  • 01 = pre-infusion through pump         pre-infusion volume and pre-infusion time can be programmed
  • 02 = pre-infusion through the water pressure        only the pre-infusion volume can be programmed
  • pre-infusion volume                                               E: setting range (0.0 – 5.0 sec)
  • pre-infusion time                                                    F: setting range (0.0 – 5.0 sec)
    Translation of the original German user manual

Feature-ECM-Compacta-HX-2-seitlich_snthr FIG 8

Feature-ECM-Compacta-HX-2-seitlich_snthr FIG 9

Resetting to factory default
To reset the programmed values to the factory settings, perform the following. With the machine switched off, press the ECM button, no.1 and no.3 buttons at the same time.

While pressing the buttons, switch on the machine. You will see the following indications on the display:

Feature-ECM-Compacta-HX-2-seitlich_snthr FIG 11

Switch the machine off and on again. All values have been reset to the factory settings. The indications r0. and 02. will turn off after a few seconds.

Preset values

A| 117° C| boiler temperature
B| 70° C| autosteamer temperature
c| 0| reminder function for group cleaning
d| 0| pre-infusion time
E| 1.0| moistening time
F| 0.5| soaking time


Preparation of the machine
The switched off and filled machine is to be placed into operation as follows:

  1. Make sure that there is water pressure in the supply hose (see pump pressure gauge)
  2. Turn the machine on (power switch see position no. 5 in chapter 3.1 Machine parts).
  3.  Wait until the boiler pressure gauge indicates approx. 0.9-1.1 bar (0,09 – 0,11 MPa).
  4.  Depending on the ambient temperature, the heating-up phase is approx. 45 minutes.
  5.  The machine is now ready for use.
  6.  Before preparing the first coffee, clamp the portafilter into the brew group and press any button on the corresponding control panel. Release some water from the brew group. This way, the portafilter is at an optimal temperature.
  7.  The regulation of the pump pressure takes place via the adjustment screw at the bottom of the machine (Pic. 1). In order to Bread the current pump pressure, insert the portafilter with the blind filter into any of the brew groups and press the ECM button. The current pump pressure can be read from the gauge. Stop the water flow by pressing the ECM button once again. Now start the adjustment of the pump pressure and repeat point 7 until the desired pressure has been reached.
  8.  Please note that the pump pressure changes with any change in the plumbing pressure.

It is recommended to leave the portafilters in the brew groups, keeping them warm for the optimal temperature for coffee dispensation.

Preparing coffee

Use the portafilter with 1 spout and the corresponding filter (1 cup) for the preparation of 1 cup. Use the portafilter with 2 spouts and the big filter (2 cups) for the preparation of 2 cups.

  1. For espresso, i.e. Café Crème, fill the finely ground coffee into the corresponding filter. (The marking inside the filter can help you find the right amount of coffee.
    Please make sure that the filter is inserted firmly into the portafilter.

  2. Evenly compress the ground coffee with a tamper.

  3.  Clamp the portafilter firmly into the brew group.

  4.  Place the cup under the spout of the portafilter. (For the preparation of 2 cups, put 1 cup under each spout.)

  5.  Press the button with the programmed dose of coffee you would like to brew. As soon as the
    programmed dose is reached, the brewing stops automatically and the remaining water is released into
    the drip tray. The remaining pressure/water is released through the lower portion of the brew group.


  •  Only freshly ground coffee allows for an optimal coffee result. Therefore, use a professional coffee grinder. In our assortment, you will find several professional coffee grinders.
  • We recommend to use a stainless steel tamper with a diameter of 58 mm for optimum tamping.

Dispensing of hot water

  1.  Place an adequate water container (with a heat-insulated handle) under the hot water dispenser.
  2.  By opening the hot water lever you can dispense water.
  3.  Close the hot water lever.

Place the nozzle of the dispenser into the water container in order to avoid injuries due to hot water sprayings.

The hot water valve also allows the draining of the boiler. To do this, the machine should be switched off, but still heated.

If the machine is set to position 2 and begins heating before the boiler has been filled, the heating element may become damaged and need replacing.

Dispensing of steam

Dispensing of steam in general
The Compact HX-2 makes it possible to generate large amounts of steam in order to heat or froth beverages, e. g. milk or punch. It is a professional espresso coffee machine with an enormous steam volume. Therefore, within a few seconds, you can prepare milk froth. Please pay attention to the instructions below. Do not bring the milk to a boil, otherwise frothing milk will not be possible.

  1. Important: In order to get the best result when frothing milk, open the steam lever for approx. 2 – 3 seconds to release the condensation water in the pipe and to release dry steam.
  2. Immerse the steam nozzle (at the end of the steam dispenser) into the liquid.
  3. Re-open the steam handle.
  4. Heat and/or froth the liquid.
  5. After frothing or heating, release the steam into the drip tray to keep the holes of the steam nozzle clean .

Risk of injury
Always keep the steam nozzle underneath the surface of the liquid while heating or frothing in order to avoid being sprayed.\

After every application, clean the steam nozzle and the steam dispenser with a non-abrasive, damp cloth. This removes possible liquid residues.

Risk of injury
Avoid skin contact with the steam dispenser while cleaning!

Dispensing of steam with the auto steamer

Immerse the auto steamer into the milk and press the auto steamer button. The milk is heated up and/or frothed at the temperature that has been programmed under menu item b.

If your milk texture is too bubbly, you can regulate the amount of air that is introduced into the milk using the adjustment screw behind the autosteamer.

After every application, clean the steam nozzle and the steam dispenser with a non- abrasive, damp cloth. This removes any liquid residues.

Risk of injury:
Avoid skin contact with the steam dispenser while cleaning!


Regular and thorough care is very important for the performance, longevity and safety of your machine.

Always switch the machine off and let it cool down to room temperature before cleaning.

General cleaning

Daily cleaning:
Portafilter, filters, drip-tray, grid, and plate of the drip tray require a daily cleaning after use. Use warm water and/or a food-safe detergent for cleaning. Clean the shower screen and the group gasket in the lower part of the group and remove visible dirt from the brew group without disassembling the parts.

Cleaning as necessary :
Clean the steam and hot water valve after every use. Clean the body when the machine is switched off and cool .

Use a soft, damp cloth for cleaning. Never use abrasive or chloric detergents!

Automatic group cleaning and degreasing of the brew groups
An ECM brew group cleaner is available at your specialised dealer. The cleaning is carried out using the blind filter included with delivery.

  1. Heat up the machine.

  2. Insert the blind filter into the portafilter.

  3. Fill the blind filter with the group cleaning powder or with one tablet.

  4. Clamp the portafilter into the brew group.

  5. Start the brew group cleaning mode by simultaneously pressing the ECM button and button no. 1 on the control panel of the respective brew group. The lights of both buttons start flashing,
    the cleaning mode commences. The cleaning program stops automatically after five cleaning cycles (the pump runs for 7 seconds, turns off for 3 seconds, runs for 7 seconds, etc.).

  6. Remove the portafilter with the blind filter and rinse it with fresh water. Then clamp it back into Hebrew group.

  7.  Start the cleaning cycle again without using detergent and repeat step no. 5.

  8.  Afterward, unclamp the portafilter, take out the blind filter and reinsert the coffee filter into the portafilter. Clamp the portafilter back into the brew group.

You can stop the cleaning procedure early by pressing any button.

Beware of hot water spray while cleaning the brew group.

Draining the boiler

  1. Heat up the machine and then switch the machine off.
  2. Interrupt the water supply by closing down the fixed water connection.
  3. Open the hot water valve (caution: hot water may spray).
  4. The water is released into the collection container through the drainage hose.
  5. When the boiler is empty, close the hot water valve. (If you have any questions, please contact your specialised dealer.)

If the machine is set to position 2 and begins heating before the boiler has been filled, the heating element may become damaged and need replacing.


Replacing the group gasket and the shower screen

  1. Switch off the machine, disconnect the power cord and make sure that the machine is cooled down to room temperature.
  2. Switch off the machine, disconnect the power cord and make sure that the machine is cooled down to room temperature.
  3. The shower screen and the shower holder (brass) can be removed easily.
  4. Under the shower holder is a thin ring, the gasket of the shower plate (item. no. C449900790).
  5. The group gasket (item no. C449900230) can only be removed by inserting a thin screwdriver between the shower holder and the group gasket. Pry out the group gasket (the old group gasket will be damaged/destroyed).
  6. Clean the groove completely, before installing the new group gasket. When inserting the group gasket, make sure that the beveled side is facing upwards so that it is no longer visible.
  7. Press the group gasket gradually into the pre-cleaned groove.
  8. Then screw in the shower plate (item no. C519900102) and the shower holder.
  9. In order to ensure that the group gasket is inserted properly, carefully clamp a portafilter without filtering into the brew group.

Follow the steps as indicated below:

Feature-ECM-Compacta-HX-2-seitlich_snthr FIG 15

The steam nozzle is blocked

Clean the holes of the steam nozzle carefully with a needle or with a paper clip. For this purpose, the steam nozzle may be unscrewed as well.  Afterward replace the steam nozzle.


The Compact HX-2 is delivered in a special carton and protected by a plastic cover and foam. Shipping on a pallet only!

Keep packing material out of the reach of children!

Keep packing and packing material for possibile transport! Do not throw it away!


  • Transport the machine only upright and on a pallet.
  •  Do not tilt or turn the machine over.
  •  Do not stack units on top of each other.
  •  Do not place other heavy items on the packing.


  • Keep the machine packed in a dry place.
  •  Do not expose the machine to the cold. Danger of damage.
  •  Do not stack units on top of each other.
  •  Do not place other heavy items on the packing.

WEEE Reg.-Nr.: DE69510123

The product complies with the following EU Directives:

  •  Machinery Directive 2006/42/EG
  •  Low Voltage Directive: 2014/35/EU
  •  Directive for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC): 2014/30/EU
  •  Pressure Equipment Directive: (PED): 2014/68/EU
  •  Directive on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (ROHS): 2011/65/EU
  •  Directive 2012/19/EU regarding waste electrical and electronic equipment
    – (WEE Reg.-Nr.: DE69510123)

Furthermore, the following regulations were followed:

  • Regulation on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH): 1907/2006/EU.
  •  Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004 regarding materials and objects intended to come into contact with food
  •  Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 on plastic materials and objects intended for the purpose of coming in contact with food
  •  Regulation (EC) No 2023/2006 on good manufacturing practice for materials and articles intended to come into contact with food

For compliance, the following harmonized standards have been applied:

  • EN 60335-1:2012 + AC:2014 + A11:2014 + A13:2017 + A1:2019 + A2:2019 + A14:2019
  •  EN 60335-2-75:2010-11 (VDE 0700-75:2010-11)
  •  EN 55014-1:2018-08 (VDE 0875-14-1)
  •  EN 55014-2:2016-01 (0875-14-2:2016-1)

Note: In the event of any changes made to the devices mentioned above without our express permission, this declaration of conformity will become invalid.

If the machine will not be used for a long period of time, it is recommended to . clean the brew groups (see instructions on 7.2). Afterwards, please do not clamp the portafilter back into the group.
.. empty the boiler. (see chapter 7.3)


Feature-ECM-Compacta-HX-2-seitlich_snthr FIG 16

ECM Espresso Caffee Machines Manufacture GmbH lndustriestra8e 57-61, 69245 Bammental, Germany Phone +49 (0)6223 9255-0
[email protected]


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