AJAX MotionProtect Curtain Wireless Motion Detector User Manual

June 6, 2024

AJAX logo MotionProtect Curtain User Manual
Updated January 25, 2021AJAX MotionProtect Curtain Wireless Motion

MotionProtect Curtain is a curtain-type wireless motion detector. The detector has a narrow horizontal detection angle and is designed for indoor perimeter control: windows, doorways, and other entrances or exits of the guarded facility. The maximum motion detection distance is 15 m.
MotionProtect Curtain integrates into Ajax security systems, connecting to a hub through the Jeweller secure protocol. Wireless coverage may reach up to 1,700 m line-of-sight. The pre-installed battery ensures up to 3 years of autonomous operation.
An iOS or Android app is used for detector setup. It also notices with push notifications SMS or call (if enabled)
Ajax can be connected to the central monitoring station of a security company.
Connection to ocBridge Plus and uartBridge integration modules are not provided.
Buy curtain-type motion detector MotionProtect Curtain

Functional Elements

AJAX MotionProtect Curtain Wireless Motion Detector -

1. LED indicator
2. Detector light
3. Screw aperture for SmartBracket attachment panel
4. QR-Code| 5. Power button
6. Tamper button
7. SmartBracket attachment panel (the perforated part is a part of tamper protection for the cases when the detector gets pulled away from a surface)

Operating Principle

MotionProtect Curtain’s IR sensors detect intrusion into the premises by detecting moving objects having a temperature close to that of the human body.
Once the system is armed, the detector starts polling its two IR sensors. If a motion is detected, an alarm state is instantly sent to the hub and a green LED starts vice. Having caught an alarm state, the Hub triggers sirens and notifies the user and the security company.
Motion alarms are sent every 5 seconds
To prevent false alarms, MotionProtect Curtain has a Correlation Signal Processing functionality that can be enabled in the detector’s settings.
Once it is active, the detector starts sending alarm states to the hub only if an identical motion signal is registered by both IR sensors. If it is disabled, MotionProtect Curtain sends an alarm state even with one of the two IR sensors triggered.
What is correlation signal analysis and how does it work

Pairing the Detector with a hub

Before you start pairing the detector:

  1. Turn on your hub and check the Internet connection (via Ethernet and/or GSM).
  2. Install the Ajax application on your smartphone. Create an account, add your hub to the app, and create at least one room.
  3. Check the status of the hub in the app to make sure it is disarmed and is not updating.

Please note that only a user with admin permissions can add devices to the hub
Pairing MotionProtect Curtain with a hub:

  1. In the Ajax mobile app, tap Add device.

  2. Name the device, scan the QR code or enter it manually (placed on the back of the detector body or its packaging), select the room for placement and tap Add. The countdown will start.
    AJAX MotionProtect Curtain Wireless Motion Detector -

  3. Turn on the detector by holding its power button for 3 seconds.
    AJAX MotionProtect Curtain Wireless Motion Detector -

For detection and pairing to occur, the device must be within a hub’s wireless coverage (at the same facility). The connection request will be sent to the Hub only once the device turns on.
If the MotionProtect Curtain fails to connect to the hub, it will automatically power down within 6 seconds after turning on. There is no need to turn off the device to retry.
If the MotionProtect Curtain has already been paired with another hub, turn off the detector, and then follow the standard pairing procedure.
After pairing, the detector will appear on the app’s hub device list. The frequency of the device status updates depends on the polling interval indicated in the hub’s settings (36 seconds by default).
If the detector enticement before the system is armed, it will activate not immediately but the next it is polled by the hub.


  1. Devices
  2. MotionProtect Curtain




Temperature| The detector’s CPU temperature (changes gradually)
Signal Strength| The strength of the signal between a hub and the detector
Battery Charge| The battery level of the device. Two states are available:

  • ОК
  • Battery discharged

How battery charge is displayed in Ajax apps

Lid| The status of the detector’s tamper device that responds to the detachment and removal attempts.
Delay When Entering, sec| The delay for security system activation when entering premises
Delay When Leaving, sec| The delay for security system activation when leaving premises
Connection| Status of the connection between the hub and the sensor
Sensitivity| Detector sensitivity:

  • Low
  • High
  • Normal

Correlation signal processing| Status of the signal correlation processing functionality
Always Active| If enabled, motion detection is active always
Temporary Deactivation| Shows the status of the device’s temporary deactivation function:

  • No — the device operates normally and transmits all events.
  • Lid only — the hub administrator has disabled the notice body.
  • Entirely — the device is completely excluded from the system operation by the hub administrator. The device does not follow system commands and does not report alarms or other events.
  • By a number of alarms — the device is automatically disabled when the number of alarms is exceeded (specifics Auto Deactivation). The feature is coned in the Ajax PRO app.

Firmware| The detector’s e-version
Device ID| Device identi

Detector Setup

  1. Devices
  2. MotionProtect Curtain
  3. Settings
Setting Value
First Detector name (editable)
Room The virtual room to which the device can be assigned
Sensitivity The detector sensitivity selector:
  • High
  • Normal
  • Low

Correlation signal processing| The correlation signal processing function toggle
Always active| If enabled, motion detection stays active always
Delay When Entering, sec| The delay in security system activation when entering the premises
Delay When Leaving, sec| The delay for security system activation when leaving premises
Delays in Night Mode| The delay for security system activation in Night Mode
Arm in Night Mode| If active, the detector becomes armed once system enters Night Mode
Alarm LED indication| Allows you to disable the or during an alarm. Available for devices with version or higher
How to e-version or the ID of the detector or device?
Alert with a siren if motion detected| If active, sirens added to the system are activated if the motion is detected
Signal Strength Test| Switches the detector into the signal level test mode
Detection Zone Test| Switches the detector to the detection area test
Attenuation test| Switches the detector into the signal attenuation test mode ( available in detectors with version 3.50 or later )
Temporary Deactivation| Allows the user to disconnect the device without removing it from the system.
Two options are available:

  • Deactivate entirely — the device will not execute system commands or participates in automation scenarios and the system will ignore device alarms and other noti
  • Deactivate lid notification — the system will ignore only the notice tamper button

Learn more about the temporary deactivation of devices
The system can also automatically disable devices when the set number of alarms is exceeded.
Learn more about auto deactivation of devices

User Guide| Opens the detector User Guide
Unpair Device| Unpairs the detector from the Hub and resets its settings

Detector Indication

The MotionProtect Curtain indicator LED may turn red or green, depending on the status of the device.![AJAX MotionProtect Curtain Wireless Motion Detector

Indication when pressing the power button

Event Indication
The power button is pressed (detector is on) Lights up red while the button

is held
Turning on| Lights up green while the device is turning on
Turning off| Lights up red, then ee times

Active detector indication

Event Indication Note
Connecting the detector to the hub Lights up green for a few seconds
Hardware error Flashes red continuously The detector needs to be repaired,

contact support
Motion or tamper alarm triggered| Lights up green for about 1 second|
Battery replacement needed| Smoothly lights up green and goes off| For battery replacement procedure, see Battery replacement manual

Integrity Testing

Ajax security systems can run tests to verify the integrity of connected devices.
The tests start instantly, but no later than within 36 seconds by default. The test start time depends on the detector polling interval setting (see the Jeweller section in the Hub settings).
Signal Strength Test
Detection Zone Test
Attenuation test

Detector Placement

The effectiveness of the security system depends on detector placement. Choosing a location to install MotionProtect Curtain, consider the direction of the light affects the detector’s audio signal transmission.
Consider the detection range as well as the beam width when installing the detector. Incorrect device placement can lead to false alarms or improper operation of the device.

AJAX MotionProtect Curtain Wireless Motion Detector -

| AJAX MotionProtect Curtain Wireless Motion Detector -

Horizontal and vertical detector’s angles of view

Detection range Beamwidth
3 meters 0.3 meters
6 meters 0.6 meters
9 meters 0.9 meters
12 meters 1.25 meters
15 meters 1.55 meters

The device was developed only for indoor use.
Do not install the detector:

  • Outside the premises (outdoors)
  • In front of the windows within reach of direct sunlight
  • Opposite of the objects that rapidly change temperature (e.g., electric and gas heaters)
  • Opposite of the moving objects having a temperature close to that of the human body (curtains swaying above a heating radiator)
  • In places with fast air circulation (near fans, open windows, or doors)
  • Near metal objects and mirrors that cause the attenuation or interfere with radio signals
  • Within any premises with the temperature and humidity beyond the permitted range
  • Closer than 1 m to a hub

If the detector keeps reacting to interference and raising false alarms, but it is impossible to install it anywhere else, the Correlation Signal Processing can be enabled in the settings.
Please note that if the Correlation Signal Processing is enabled, the range of motion detection is reduced depending on the detector sensitivity chosen

Sensitivity| Motion detection range w/ Signal
Correlation Processing | Motion detection range w/o Signal
Correlation Processing

Low| Up to 6 m| Up to 11 m
Normal| Up to 7 m| Up to 13 m
High| Up to 8 m| Up to 15 m

*at an ambient temperature of 23°C
If possible, avoid situations where the detector enticement is at a longer distance than required. The best place to install it is within an enclosed place. For instance, to detect movement in an archway, install a detector in it. This way, the detector will be triggered only by a person that enters it.AJAX MotionProtect Curtain Wireless Motion Detector -

To prevent the detector from reacting to domestic animals, install it upside down, leaving space for the free movement of animals below the detection zone.AJAX MotionProtect Curtain Wireless Motion Detector -

The placement of a MotionProtect Curtain also depends on the distance to a hub and whether there are any obstacles between the devices that may hinder the radio signal, e.g., walls, deck, or large objects in the room.
Check the signal strength at the placement location. If you have a signal level of one bar, there is no guarantee of the security system’s stable operation. Take all necessary precautions to ensure maximum signal level. At least try moving the device—even 20 cm can make a difference.
If the device still shows a low or unstable signal level even after you move it, use a ReX radio signal range extender
The detectors are lighthearted perpendicularly to the expected entry path to the room!
Make sure that no furniture, home plants, vases, or decorative or glass structures are blocking the detectors.
We recommend installing the detector at a height of 2.4 m!AJAX MotionProtect
Curtain Wireless Motion Detector - Placement5

Installing the detector at any other height will narrow the detection zone, affecting the quality of motion detection.
Keep in mind that MotionProtect Curtain does not detect movement behind the glass. Therefore, do not install the detector in places where glass structures may block its range of view, e.g., in places where an open window may obstruct the devices.

Detector Installation

Before installing the detector, make sure that you have chosen an appropriate location as indicated in this manual.
There are two options for installing MotionProtect Curtain:

  • directly to a surface
    AJAX MotionProtect Curtain Wireless Motion Detector -

  • to the included bracket.
    AJAX MotionProtect Curtain Wireless Motion Detector -

Installation procedure:

  1. Attach the SmartBracket panel or a bracket to the surface with the included screws or other equally reliable fasteners. Screw the SmartBracket panel onto the included bracket.
  2. Attach the detector to the SmartBracket attachment panel.
  3. Mount the detector on the SmartBracket attachment panel using a screw.

The double-sided adhesive tape should be used only for the temporary installation of the detector. It will dry out eventually, becoming unable to reliably hold the detector and possibly causing false alarms in the security system. The fall of the device may also result in its damage.
If the detector’s LED fails to light up after the device is attached to the SmartBracket, check the tamper status in the Ajax app and then check if it o the attachment panel. If you try to detach the detector from the surface or the panel, you will receive a notification
Having installed the detector, run the Detection Zone Test. In case of incorrect operation, the detector needs to be relocated.

Detector Care and Battery Replacement

Check the integrity of the MotionProtect Curtain detector regularly. Clean the detector body from dust, spider webs, and other contaminations as they appear. Use soft dry cloth suitable for equipment care.
Do not clean the detector with any substances containing alcohol, acetone, gasoline, or any other active solvent. Wipe the lens carefully and gently—any scratches on the plastic may reduce the detector’s sensitivity.
The pre-installed battery ensures up to 3 years of autonomous operation (at a polling interval of 3 min). If the detector battery is nearly depleted, the security system will send a note that the LED will smoothly light up and go out when the detector detects any motion or if the tamper is activated.
How long do Ajax devices operate on batteries, and what affects this
Battery replacement


Sensor PIR sensor, 2 pcs
Detection angles Horizontal — 6°; vertical — 90°
Time for motion detection From 0.3 to 2 m/s
Placement Indoor only
Motion detection range Up to 15/13/11 m (up to 8/7/6 m with Correlation

Signal Processing enabled depending on sensitivity settings)
False alarm reduction| Available — Correlation Signal Processing
Tamper Protection| Available — detector body detachment and damage
Frequency bands| 868.0–868.6 MHz or 868.7–869.2 MHz depending on the region
Compatibility| Operates only with all Ajax,hubs and range extenders
RF signal strength| Up to 20 mW
Radio signal modulation| GFSK
Radio signal range| Up to 1700 m line-of-sight
Power supply| 1 battery CR123A, 3 V
Battery life| Up to 3 years
Installation method| Indoors only
Operating temperature range| From -10°С to +40°С
Protection class| IP54
Overall dimensions| 134 × 44 × 34 mm
Weight| 118 g

Complete Set

1. MotionProtect Curtain
2. SmartBracket panel
3. Battery CR123A (pre-installed)| 4. Installation kit
5. Quick Start Guide
6. Bundled Bracket


The warranty for the “AJAX SYSTEMS MANUFACTURING” LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY products is valid for 2 years after the purchase and does not apply to the pre-installed battery.
If the device does not work correctly, contact our customer support technical issues can be solved remotely!
The full text of the warranty
User Agreement
Technical support: support@ajax.systems

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