AUSDOM Bass One Wireless Active Noise Cancelling Headphones User Manual

June 5, 2024

AUSDOM Bass One Wireless Active Noise Cancelling Headphones

Product Overview

  1. IVC-BASS Slider
  2.  Type·C Interface for Charging
  3. Charging LED Indicator
  4. Next Track/ V+
  5. .Pnovious Track/ V-
  6. 3.5mm Line-in P<Jrl
  7. .Microphone
  8. .ANC LED Indicator
  9. ANC Button
  10. .Powar Button
  11. Power LED Indicator
  12. Typ&-C Charging Cable
  13. 3.5mm Audio Cable
  14. Airplane Adapter

Charging the Headphones

Use the supplied Type-C charging cable to charge the headphones. II lakes about 3.5 hours for the first charge, and only 3 hours, or a subsequent charge. The headphone Charging LED tums to solid and during charging. When the
battery is fully charged, the Charging LED turns green. When the battery is low, the Power LED Indicator lights up red. Al. at the same time. the headphones also provide a low battery warning tone.
Note: It is strongly recommended fully charge for the first use. Playtime varies aCC1CJording to the volume level and audio content. The headphones will power off automatically if you plug Iha type-c cable in for charging. When you listening to music under Wireless mode, and you can’t tum on the headphones while charging

Pairing with Wireless-enabled Devices

  1.  Make sure the headphones are off.
  2. Do not place both devices more titian 3ft/1 m away from each other.
  3. Turn on the wireless function of your devices.
  4.  Press and hold the power button on the headphones until It powers on but does, let go Just yet. Continue holding down on the power button until you see the power LED indicator ~ashes blue 811d red alternately, which means your headphones are in •pairing mode• waiting to be paired with your device. You will hear a prompt.
  5.  Select the “AUSDOM BASS ONE” to pair. Once successfully paired, the power LED tums to solid blue. You will hear a prompt.
    Before painting the headphones with, a computer, please make & sure your computer or laptop has an Iha built~n Wireless feature. If not, you must p<Jrchase • Wireless dongle, preferably version 2.1 or above. AUSDOM BASS ONE will pair with the last paired device automatically when turned on. Because of different systems1, some computers or laptops may lead to being manually paired every time.

Active Noise Canceling

A.usdom Ba&S One curtails a noise-canceling circuit, noise mainly ~ an airplane, buses or plans Is effectively reduced.

  1.  The noise<: cooling effect may not be pronounced in tranquil environs”’11, or some noise may be heard.
  2. The nols&-can call”G effect may vary dePQl’\dll'(I on how you wear the headphones.
  3. The noise-canceling function works for noise in the low-fi”frequency band prlmaJ1Iy. Although noise Is reduced, It 1s not canceled out entirely

IVC-BASS Function

Ausdom Bass One featums IVC-BASS function. Toe headphones have two built.. speakers; rote aocardlng to the baas frequency. And It also allows you 1D adjust the bass level finally lo a poem,c.t be. lance for better
music enjoyment by simply moving the slider.
Note; The Bass effect may not be pronounced while playing 11~1 music, and Ifs much better when play rap, rock, or heall)'”bass music-

Making and Answering a Call

Making a Call

  1. Make u-e the headphones 11re paired with the mobile phone. Dial through the mobile phone and press the call buttoo on the phone.
  2. To end a call, press the pom! r button once or also ends the call directly by the phone.

Answering a Call
Make sure the headphones are paired With your phone. Please refer to chapter s fatdoo wj1h WilJ!less-Enabled Devices.

  1.  Press the power button on your headphones to answer the call through headphones. If there Is music playback, It will pause,
  2. To and a call, press the powerful too once again or also end the cal directly by the phone.
  3. As soon as the call is ended, the music will continue to play automatically.

Line-in port

The Line-in port can’t work, no function.


  • Slore Iha headphones in a dry place when it powers off.
  • you don’t use the headphones for a long period, charging the battery 9119, Y 2 months for 1-2 hour
  • Use a dry cloth for cleaning if needed.
  •  Avoid dropping the headphones from high or on hard surfaces.
  • Avoid exposing the hftadphon&& to extreme temperature. (Room” ‘3nded Storage temperature is -40·c, ao·c.)
  • Toe headphones are NOT waterproof. Avoid ~ ir,g the headphones to rain or getting liquids into any button port or othftr opener(ls.
  • Please doni twist or bend the headphones. This may cause permanent deformation.
  • The built-in battery can be disposed of in the fire to avoid

Protecting Your Hearing

The headphones are held close to your ears, 110 loud 1101mds pics a potential h-ng risk. It is highly rec: commended th8I setting low volume level before putter(I on the headphones and avoiding BXpO&ing if continuously 1D high valulTIB&. If you need to use the headphones for a long period, please rest for ten minutes for a half-hour use.

Control Instructions

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Nate: There will be an alert tone when the volume reaches the maximum level.


  1. UnclarWnlasa mode, why do Iha Madt>I-autJomric: aly tum off when I connect It for chug~g?
    Normal! It tums off In order to protect the battery better

  2. ‘M,ydoell’l’t1ha pah. Does Iha moble phClna?
    Please check the followings.

  3.  Check that the headphones are on a lull charge.

  4. Make sure that the mobile phone’s Wireless function is on. You can dear all connection history on your phone.

  5. Make sun other pained device’s wi nameless function is turned off.

  6.  Make sure the two devices are i11 in the effective pairing range. (3ft/1m).

  7. Make sure that there is no obstacle between the adapt, ones and the mobile phones, such as electronic equipment and a wall,

  8. Furthermore, make sure that the headphones are In pairing mode, and pair it with the phone again

  9. Phil”A is AOme noise• A: Wireless is a radio technology, 110 it is 9ensitive to obstacles between the headphones and 1he pairing device. Please make sure that there Is no obstacle between the two devices and is within 33ft/10m_

  10.  Why doesn’t 1h& bass work7
    II depends on what music style ii plays. The Bass effect may not be pronounced while playing light music, and It’smuch better when playing rap, rock, or heavy-baas music.Please check that the headphones are In pairing mode. Refer to chapter 5. Pairing with Wireless-Enabled Devices. Sometimes when the haadphona• is connected to too many Wireless devices, it cannot search the end pair effectively. Or your mobile phone and computer are already connected to many other devices. Try removing some connections before searching the head, ones.


For more information, please visit:http\\


FCC Rules.

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1.  This device may not cause harmful interference, and
  2. this device must accept ai,y interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation,

Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Note: This equipment”‘1t has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limns are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, W not installed and used in accordance with the instructions may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular. Jlar installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by tu ming the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures;

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  •  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circu~ different from that to which the tile receiver is connected. -Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Toe device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirements The device can be used in portable exposure conditions without restriction


This product bears the selective sorting symbol for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). This means that this prod~ m~ be handled pursuant to European directive 2D12/19/EU in order to be recycled or dismantled
to minimize i1s impact on the environment User has the choice to give his product to a competent recycling organization or to the retailer when he bu)’5 a new

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