CYCMOTOR X1 Stealth Electric Bike Conversion Kit User Guide

June 5, 2024

CYCMOTOR X1 Stealth Electric Bike Conversion Kit


Monitor & CUstomize your e-bike riding experience for all CYCMOTOR mid-drive systems. Use it as a secondary dashboard, a settings set-up, or both. Customize your ride to suit your style! The CYC Motor (BAC) mobile application is your ideal solution to set up & cUstomize your e-bike experience. This platform is your go-to station for your CYCMOTOR kit for all ASI con- trollers

Bluetooth connectivity Complete with torque sensor contiguration Compatible with ASI BAC855 & BAC2000 controllers Real-time dashboard for all your motor & riding information Fully customizable parameters for pedal assist, throtle, & gear preferencesCYCMOTOR X1 Stealth Electric Bike Conversion fig


CYCMOTOR X1 Stealth Electric Bike Conversion fig


  1. STEP
    Open the app & select the Bluetooth icon in the top left corner of your dashboard. This icon will be grey when noit connected to a device & red when connected. Make sure that your phone’s Bluetooth is enabled.
    IMPORTANT: Location permission for the app must be enabled.

  2. STEP
    Select the SEARCH button in the bottom left corner to search for your controller Available e-bikes will then be listed.

  3. STEP
    Select your e-bike and then select CONNECT at the bottom right corner. Once connected, the CONNECT icon will change stating that you are connected & can select again to disconnect.CYCMOTOR X1 Stealth Electric Bike Conversion fig


For the CYCMotor Ltd’s supplied APT displays, you are able to access 2 modes: Race Mode & Street Mode where Race Mode is intended for full power output & Street Mode intended to accommodate
your legal regional output requirements for e-bikes. You can change these settings to suit your coun- try’s legal road requirements in the “Modes & Levels” settings section. To change your mode, select the icon displayed in the “Mode” tab on the main dashboard. You will be able to change the mode in real-time. Note that the mode will be reset after each reboot. The app will reset to the mode that is displayed on your APT display (either an R for Race, or an S for Street). You can press the power button twice on your display to set the mode atter reboot.

In some circumstances, you might be presented with an error. When an error occurs, your display will show an error code. In order fo clear the error, you can select the warning icon on your app dash-
board. The error code/s will then be listed. Reter to the “Error Codes” section in this document & tix the fault accordingly. To then clear the error signal atter you’ve tixed the tault, select the warning icon, select the error code, & press “Clear at the bottom ot your display. The error signal will stay on until the fault is tixed &the error is cleared. Note that only common errors will be displayed on your APT display. In the unlikely event that your motor is not working, & there is no error code on your display, check tor internal errors by selecting the wgrning isenCYCMOTOR X1 Stealth Electric
Bike Conversion fig 4



The settings page allows you to navigate though different parameter categories. There are 6 different categories. Each catagory provides set ot parameters of which some are adjustable & some are
readings trom your e-bike system. Each category contains an “Information” tab in the top, righthand corner explaining parameters & providing guidelines. Kindly take note of these descriptions as well as any warnings mentioned in these tabs & in this guide.

Save all new changes in parameters to flash or risk losing progress. Any changes made that were not saved will be lost atter a reboot. To save to tlash, tap the ‘Save’ icon in the upper righthand corner,
next fo the information icon. “Successfully saved to tlash!” message will appear upon completion.CYCMOTOR X1 Stealth Electric Bike Conversion fig



  • Display Unit
    Set your units to display in Metric (km) or Imperial (miles).

  • Temperature Unit
    Set your units to display in degrees Celsius (‘C) or Fahrenheit (F)

  • Software Revision Level
    This is the settings version currently installed.

  • Load from local files
    If you have received a settings file from CYC Motor Ltd, an authorized CYC Motor dealer, or some- one else, you can load it here. All settings files are in XML format. Note that the app will need permission to access your phone’s storage.

  • Load from cache
    If you have pre-saved settings to your cache, you can load them here. These settings will be named by a time stamp with the latest one showing at the bottom of the list Save settings to cache
    Save your current settings here and access them later by loading trom your cache history.

    Keep record of these values when fist connected via screenshot or writing them down somewhere safe. These parameters are used for troubleshooting. With this data, CYC Motor Ltd will be able to restore your original controller settings.CYCMOTOR X1 Stealth Electric Bike Conversion fig



    You can set the throttle & PAS power output independently for both modes.

    Race Mode is your “boost” or “tull power mode and has pararmeters set tor reaching closer to the system’s full capabilities. You can adjust these to your own preference within the capabilities of your chosen controller. The default setting in Race Mode is 3000W & 100km/hr.

    Street Mode is intended to be set to your region’s legal limits. You can adjust these to your own preference or to your region’s legal limits. The detault setting in Street Mode is 750W & 25Km/hr
    Learn how to set up your region’s legal limits in the “Legal Limits” section of this document.CYCMOTOR X1 Stealth Electric Bike Conversion fig

    These 2 catagories set the factor with which motor power is timed to give an output. In assist level 1, the assist level is by default 0.3, meaning that only 30% of the available power will be achieved. The 3 assist levels underneath each heading, map the assist levels evenly throughout your number of gears. You can set the maximum number of assist levels to 3, 5, or 9 respectively via the display (kindly see your display user manual). Assist Level Configuration affects both your thottle & PAS & is relevant to the amount of assist you wil get in each gear. Speed Limit Assist attects only your vehicle speed limit set & pertains to your top speed in each assist level as set for Race & Street Mode respectively.

    Speed Regulator Mode There are 3 different modes that can be set to affect your speed regulation: Speed This mode maps your throttle to respond with a specific motor speed. This means that if
    you apply 50% throtle & your motor can reach 10K RPM, the controller will do what is necessary to get ihe motor RPM up to 5K RPM. This mode can only be set betore shipment or when update
    via programming cable is available.

  • CYCMOTOR LTD does not recommend using this mode.

  • OTHERS (cont.)Speed Regulator ModeTorque with Speed Limiting – In this mode, the throtle cotrols motor current supplied to the motor, but speed limits set in Modes & Levels are considered as well. For example, if you apply 50% throttle, the controller will supply 50% of the rated motor current until it senses that 50% of vehicle speed is reached. Atter this, tl certain speed. Keep in mind that ASI speed Iimiting is through Motor RPM & not actual vehicle speed. Actual vehicle speed limiting can be done through the display. controller will start limiting the motor power to maintain a Torque – In this mode, the throttle controls only the motor current. Meaning that it 50% throtle is applied, 50% of rated motor current will be supplied to the motor regardless of motor RPM and threshold needed to clear the overvoltage error.

  • CYCMOTOR LTD recommends Torque with Speed Limiting Throttle Bypass Assist Level Here, you can set your throttle to give you 100% power range according to your Race/ Street mode power settings regardless of your assist level settings. Enabling this will give you 100% throttle power range from 0 to the highest assist level, but the pedal assist will still refer to the assist level settings. Disabling this will give you throtle power range according to your assist level power setings.

  • Motor RPM Speed Limiting
    This parameter enables or disables the speed sensor which allows you to be able to limit your speed based on the motor RPM & not the speed sensor. Under high power, this will give youa smoother riding experience.


    Throttle Voltage Reading This non-adjustable value is the voltage reading from your throttle. This value wil be just below 1 out of the box, provided that you are using a throttle supplied by CYC Motor. It may be different for ihroitles supplied elsewhere.

  • Throttle Full Voltage
    This is the output of the throtle when opened tully and is pre-set when purchased. You do not need to change this at all with CYC supplied throtles.

  • Throttle Off Voltage
    The Throttle Off Voltage value should be the same as the Throttle Voltage Reading when the throtle is closed and sets the output of the throtle when it is not active.

  • Throttle Fault Range
    This is the amount ihe throttle can move up & down without activating. In other words, when you are driving around on a bumpy road and the throttle moves slightly, it will not drastically affect your speed. Within the 0.2V range, the output will remain constant. Only when moving the throttle more than 0.2V, will the response of the motor change.

  • Throttle Deadband Threshold
    The Throtle Deadband Threshold pertains to opening the throttle when it’s completely closed. This is the amount the throttle can be moved from the zero position without generating a response from the motor. IH this value is set lower, your throitle will engage quicker & vice versa.CYCMOTOR X1 Stealth
Electric Bike Conversion fig 10

    The Throttle Ramp Times affect the response times when opening and dosing the throttle. Positive Motoring Torque Ramp This is the time it takes tor the motor to achieve the required input. For example, it you open the throtle fully, it will take 250ms (by default) before the motor gives you full power. It will gradually ramp up to tull power within the set time. We recommend not to set this below 15Oms.

  • Negative Motoring Torque Ramp
    This is the time it takes for the motor to stop responding after the throtle is closed. This value is usu- ally set low to stop any motor response atter the throttle is closed as soon as possible. We do not rec- ommend setting this value higher.


  1. Q: Which parameters can adjust the sensitivity of the throttle?
    Al: The Throtle Faulit Range, Deadband Threshold, Positive and Negative Motoring Torque Ramp are the parameters that set the sensitivity and responsiveness ot your throtle.

  2. Q: How can I turn my throttle off?
    A2: The second parameter under Pedal Assist settings, is called “Control Command Source”. Here, you can select whether you want to activate your throttle.


if you have obtained a throtle from a different supplier or accidentally changed values to frigger error 22H, then your Throtle Full & Of Voltage values need to be checked & entered manually.

  1. The Throftle Full Voltage can be obtained by making sure the bike is in Assist Level 0, so the motor will not be activated when the throtle is pressed down. Then, when fully opening the throitle, the Throtle Full Voltage can be read from the Throtle In value on the app dashboard. Enter that value into the Ihrottle full Voltage parameter.
  2. The Throttle Off Voltage can be obtained by entering the value that is read from the Throttle In value, but this ftime when the throttle is in a closed posifion i.e., not activated at all. Your Throttle O# Voltage and your Ihrotle Volfage Reading will then be fhe same when the throtle is completely closed.CYCMOTOR X1 Stealth Electric Bike Conversion fig 11


These 2 parameters tell you if your torque sensor is working, and how you would like your overall assist to work.

Torque Sensor Voltage
The Torque Sensor Voltage can be used to confirm that the torque sensor is connected and that it works properly. How do you know? lt the torque sensor is plugged in, the voltage reading should be 1.5V. Then, you can put some torce onto the pedals and it the voltage changes, your
torque sensor is working correctly.

Control Command Source
This selection allows you to decide if you only want to use PAS, only throttle, or both. This is gener- ally a preterence from rider to rider:

  • Ihrottle and pedal sensor (Throtle, cadence, & torque sensor is activated & can be used simultaneously)
  • Ihrottle or pedal sensor (Throttle, cadence, & torque sensor is activated but cannot be used simulaneously) orque sensor (lorque sensor is activated; cadence sensor & throtle is deactivated)
  • Throttle (Throtle is activated; cadernce & torque sensor is deactivated) Pedal sensor (Cadence & torque sensor is activated; throttle is deactivated)CYCMOTOR X1 Stealth Electric Bike Conversion fig 12


This is the pedal (or cadence) sensor settings

Pedal Sensor Type
There are 4 types of pedal sensors giving you the option to use only the pedal sensor, only the torque sensor, or both:
Single Hall Keverse (Only for Gen 1 XI PRO motors. If you have a Gen 1, you should only use this sensor type as the GenI motors do not have torque sensing) Single Hall lorque (LDS) (Both the pedal (or cadence) sensor & torque sensor is activated) AXle torque (lorque sensor is activated; pedal (or cadence) sensor is deactivated) Single Hall (Pedal (or cadence) sensor is activated; torque sensor is deactivated)

Pedal Speed Sensor Pulses Per Revolution
This is a ftorque sensor specitic parameter. For the latest forque sensor, there are 36 magnet pulses tor one revolution ot the pedals. For older versions, there are 18. You can contact CYCMOTOR LTD
directy it vou are unsure what version vou have.

Pedal Sense Delayy
This is the number of magnet pulses that must be detected before the PAS is activated. Most prefer having it engaged as soon as possible so we have set the value to 1. If the PAS engages too fast for
your preterence, you can set it higher. Adding more magnets will give you a larger range to set your activation.

Pedalec Maximum Timeout & Pedalec Minimum Timeout
The Pedalec Maximum Timeout & Pedalec Minimum Timeout are two parameters that work together & affect your PAS response for deactivating. What this means is that between 50ms to 100ms (by de- tauli), the controller will start probing tor change in pedal speed. It there is no change in pedal speed within this timeframe, the PAS will be deactivated. This time period can be set longer or shorter
by changing maximum & minimum values.CYCMOTOR X1 Stealth Electric Bike
Conversion fig 12


Pedal Speed Map End
This s the cadence value that will give you tull gain when pedaling, i.e. the speed at which the torque sensor will feel most powerful. There is an ideal pedal speed for each rider at which the
motor feels the most powerful when riding, & you can set this value according to your ride style.

Pedal Speed Map Offset
The Pedal Speed Map Offset is related to the pedal speed required to activate the PAS. The lower the value, the slower you can pedal & still engage pedal assist, & vice versa. The value must remain be-
tween 0.3-0.5. Tip: when riding more technical terrains, try setting this lower than you would for riding on an open road.

Assist Cut Out Distance
Set to 1.5m (by detauli), this is the distance betore the PAS cuts out. 1.5m is approx. one-wheel revo- lution & is required tor smooth operation. This can only be made shorter it you have more magnets
on your wheel. If you only have 1 magnet, then the controller will only be able to pick up signal after wheel revolution. It you install 2 magnets, then you can set this lower to 0.75m & the controller will
be able to pick it up accordingly.

This is the torque sensor settings.

Torque Sensor Gain
This is a value related to your specitic torque sensor. For the latest torque sensor, this value is calcu- lated to be 69 Nm/Volt. Do not change this value as it is used tor intormational purposes only. If you
have accidentally changed this value, please restore settings to default or load latest saved settings from yOur cache.CYCMOTOR X1 Stealth Electric Bike
Conversion fig 13


Pedelec Power Gain
You can adjust the sensitivity of the torque sensor by charnging this value. If you want the torque sensor to be more powerful, increase this value. Decrease it it you want it less powerful. Pedal Power Gain is the tactor of input to output. Meaning that it you pedal at certain strength, it will be multiplied by this tractor before giving an input to the motor.

Axle Torque Sensor Offset Voltage & Torque Sensor Offset
The Axle lorque Sensor Offset Voltage & lorque Sensor Offset is set to determine at what voltage input, the system should remain inactive as every forque sensor has a reading once if s connected.
Just because the forque sensor is connected, doesn’t mean you want it to activate without any huma input. The torque Sensor Ottset should not be set lower than the Axle lorque Sensor Offset Voltage.
Torque Sensor Oftset voltage can be set by reading the value torm Axle lorque Sensor Offset Voltage. Ihis value should be I.55v. lt it is close fo OV, then no torque sensor is connected, All the torque sensors provided by CYC are set with a base voltage of 1.55V so there is no need to change the lorque Sensor Offset.

Pedalec Initial Torque
The Pedelec Initial Torque is the amount of torque supplied trom the motor to account for the lack o pressure trom the opposite leg. For example, when you are starting on a hill, it is ditticult to maintain pressure on both legs and keep a constant cadence. Ihis helps to get things going in these situa- fions. Increase this value for more initial forque when the PAS is engaged.

Pedelec Deadband Torque
This is the amount of torque required before acfivating the PAS. The higher this value is, the harder you must pedal to activate the pedal assist.CYCMOTOR X1 Stealth Electric Bike Conversion fig

The final 2 parameters for your PAS settings, are the ramp times. These work similar to the ramp times in the Throttle settings & attects the system’s response time.

Pedalec Positive Motoring Torque Ramp
This is the amount of time it takes to reach the desired input. If 1O0% pedal power is given to the controller, the motor will take 50ms (by defaulh) to reach 100% power.

Pedalec Negative Motoring Torque Ramp
This is the amount of fime it takes tor the motor to have no response after you stop pedaling. It the motor was running at 100% power, & there is no more pedal input, it will take 5Oms (by detauli) for
the motor stop responding.


  1. Q: Which parameters shouldI look at to give me more/ less power when pedaling
    Al: To adijust the power of your pedal assist, make sure you are in Single Hall Torque (LDS) or Torque mode in you Pedal Sensor lype as your power output is toque based. Ihen, go to Pedalec Power Gain under loque Sensor Contiguration. If you want fhe torque sensor to be more powertul, in- crease this value. LDecrease it, it you want it less powertul.

  2. Q: Which parameters attect my pedal sensitivity
    A: The 2 parameters under PAS Ramp Times will affect how quickly the PAS will respond.

  3. Q: How can I set my PAS to start up faster/ slower
    A: lo change how tast your PAS activates, you can look at your Pedal Sense Delay and Pedal Speed Map Ofset under Pedal Assist Contiguration, as well as your Pedalec Deadband Torque under
    lorque Sensor Contiguration

  4. Q: How can I get more power when I activate the pedal assist
    A: To adjust the power of your pedal assist when starting, make sure you are in Single Hall Torque (LDS) or Torque mode in you Pedal Sensor Type as your power output is toque based. Then, go to Pedalec Inifial Torque under Toque Sensor Configuration.CYCMOTOR X1 Stealth Electric Bike Conversion fig


Brake 1 Voltage
his is the voltage read trom the brake senso

Analogue Brake Off Voltage
Ihis is the voltage read trom the brake sensor when the magnet is close to or touching the sensor.
Analogue Brake Full Voltage
This is the voltage read trom the brake sensor when the magnet is taken away trom the sensor. This is when the brakes are fully engaged. Contact the CYC technical support team to set up brake sensors not supplied by CYC Motor Ltd.

Display Protocol
Display Protocol is set to KM5s by defaul. For displays not supplied by CYC Motor Lid, contact the CYC technical support team for assistance.CYCMOTOR X1
Stealth Electric Bike Conversion fig 17

Wheel Diameter
The wheel diameter can be measured or calculated. We advise that this number must be calibrated so that vehicle speed within the app matches display speed. Ihis will give more accurate speed limit-
ing under ditferent modes. Remember to set the correct wheel size within the display as well. Kindly reter to your user manual.

Disable Display
Here, you can enable or disable the display. Note that when the display is disabled, you will have full access to the kit’s power range irrespective of assist levels where throttle & PAS is always active.

DISPLAY (cont.)
Wheel Speed Sensor Pulses Per Revolution
This is the number of magnets in the wheel that is communicating with the speed sensor. For more aIcCcurate vehicle speed limiting and measurement, we advise to add more magnets to the wheel.

Rated Motor Current
This is the amount of phase current the motor draws from the controller & should be kept according
fo the tollowing values:
For BAC855 – between /5A to 90A
For BAC2000 – below 150A

Motor Position Sensor Type
Here you can choose to set it to Sensorless which will deactivate the Hall sensor.

Instant Resume
Here, you can enable or disable instant resume when the motor cuts out. CYC Motor Ltd advises to keep this parameter enabled. It disabled, the risk of Error 21 H is increased especially when riding on
rough terrain.CYCMOTOR X1 Stealth Electric Bike Conversion fig


Rated System Voltage
This is equal to the nominal voltage ot the battery pack you are using. This is where the voltage tor the controller is set. Your kit is pre-set to the voltage you specitied when making your purchase but
you can change this at any fime. When changing to a ditferent battery volfage, you need to adjust this parameter accordingly & save o ilash in order fo prevent an error trom occuring due to change in votage readin9.

Slow Over Voltage Threshold
This is the value at which the controller will fault when connecting too high voltage to the system. These values are considered over a long period ot fime.

Slow Under Voltage Threshold
This is the value at which the controller will taut when connecting foo low voltage to the system. These values are considered over a long period ot time.

Fast Over & Fast Under Voltage Threshold
These are the instantaneous voltage change at which the controller will fault. Meaning that if the voltage spikes above 124% (by default) of the nominal voltage, or drops below 60% (by default) of
the nominal voliage, the controller will fault to protect itself.

DC Voltage Trip Clear Hysteresis
This is the number of volis below the overvoltage threshold needed to clear the overvoliage error.CYCMOTOR X1 Stealth Electric Bike Conversion fig


Error 22H (Throttle voltage out of range)

This can be caused by 3 main reasons:

  1. The throtle cable has been accidently unplugged Ensure that the throttle is connected properly
  2. The detault throttle oft & throttle tull voltages have been changed. Contim that throttle oft voltage & throttle full voltage thresholds have been set correctly. Reter to Throttle settings> “Setting up other throt tles tor instructions to set the throitle voltages correctly if they have been changed.
  3. Throtle is broken You can check if the throtile is broken by switching on your ebike, ensure that you are in Assist level 0, then checking that the Throtle In volt age on the app dashboard changes normally when opening the throttle. H you are still experiencing error 22H, it could be caused by a partially bricked controller. Refer to “Other faults” on the next page to check how to
    Contirm it your controller is bricked. It it is bricked, please contact CYC Support for further assistance.
    Error 24H (Hall sensor error)
    This error is caused by taulty hall sensors or by connecting the wrong motor wires. Firsly, check that you have connected the motor wires correctly blue to blue, yellow to yellow, red (or orange) to green. If this is correct, then connect to the CYC Motor (BAC) app & to go Settings> Peripheral Setup> Motor Position Sensor Iype> change this to “Sensorless& save to tlash to run your motor sately. When running in sensorless mode, there is a slight lag in fhe system’s stari-up response. To fix the hall sensor, kindly contact CYC Support for further assistance.
    Error 30H (Communication error)
    error 30H is displayed brietly upon startup, that is normal. If the error stays on, reter to “COther faults” on the next page to check it your controller is bricked. Next, contact CYC Support tor further assistance stating whether your controller is bricked or not. CYC Support line for all errors & fauts: technical [email protected]


Bricked Controller
To know if your controller is bricked, switch on your ebike, connect via the app, & check if values are displayed. Fall values show O when connected, it means that your controller is bricked or partially
bricked. Ensure that you have waited tor the values to load as it may take up to 5 seconds. This is tix- able but you will need to contact CYC Support.
Motor not running with no errors on the display
There are a few main reasons that your motor may not run but there are no error codes displayed. If this is the case, check for internal errors by selecting the Warning icon in the top right corner of the
app dashboard.
Faults: Controller Over/ under volfage
It you have set the incorrect battery voltage reading in your Battery settings, a taulf warning will appear. Go to Setting> Battery >> changed your Rated System Voltage to match your battery voltage
&save to tlash. Ihis fauly will now appear as a Last Faulf” until cleared by selecting the “clear button at the bottom ot the internal warnings tab.

Other caUses
Brake sensors not set up correctly or faulty. When the brake sensors are plugged in but the magnet is not dose enough to the sensor, or if the sensor is broken, the motor will not run. Contirm that Brake Voltage changes when moving the magnet closer to & torm the brake sensor. You can find your Brake | Voltage under Settings> Pe ripherals Setup> Broake Contiguration. CYC Support line for all errors & faults: [email protected]

CYCMOTOR X1 Stealth Electric Bike Conversion fig 20


After unboxing & installing your X1 Pro or XI Stealth, there area few things you need to set up.

Ensure that all wires are properly connected & that your system can switch on by long pressing the display’s power button. Check that the display shows your battery voltage & level. Should your display brietly show trror 30H upon start-up, this is normal as the system takes a moment to con- nect. Should your battery voltage & level not display reter to step 3.

Ensure that your pedal assist & throttle are working correctly. To test this, connect to the app & change to Assist Level O on your display. You can test the PAS by looking at the app’s dashboard & furning the crank set. If your Average Pedal RPM reading changes, then your PAS is working. lo test the throttle, open your throttle & check that your Throttle In voltage changes. Ensure that you fest the PAS & throtle in Assist Level O as to not make the bike thrust torward.

Set up the correct intormation on your display. You will need to enter your wheel diameter, battery voltage (it incorrect), & your preterred number of assist levels. Kindly see your display’s user manual tor instructions.


H you require any more intormation or have any questions about the user manual disclaimer, please feel tree to contact us via email at [email protected] or call +852 3690 8938.
All the information contained in this user manual is published in good foith and for general informational purposes only. CYCMOTOR LTD Ltd does not make any warranties about the completeness of this intormation and encourages turther inquiries as stated above it needed. CYCMOIOR LTD will not be held liable tor any losses and/or damages in connection with the use ot this service. The use of this service is at the user’s own risk.
Notice: Please contact CYCMOTOR LTD if unsure about changing parameters or for any further assistance as CYCMOTOR LTD will not be held liable for any losses and/ or damages caused by the negligence or misinterpretation.

This service is provided by CYCMOTOR LID. at no cost and is intended tor use as is. This text is usecd to inform visitors regarding our policies with the collection, use, and disclosure ot personal information it anyone decided fo use this service. It you choose to use this service, then you agree to the collection and use ot information in relation to this policy. The personal information that we collect is used tor providing and improving the ser- vice. We will not use or share your intormation with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy. Ihe terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions, which is accessible at CYCMOTOR LTD unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy.

Intormation Collection and Use
For a better experience, while using this service, we may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information, including but not limited to Nameloptional), Phone number, Email address, Location (Optional). The intormation that we request will be retained by us and used as described in this privacy policy. Visit policy for more detailed intormation regarding our Privacy Policy.

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