FSi XM552U 55 Inch UHD OLED Monitor User Manual

June 4, 2024

Flanders Scientific Inc.
Monitor User Manual

Updated 7.14.2022/XM552U/XM652U

Safety Precautions

This display has been designed primarily for SDR Mastering / Monitoring applications. HDR monitoring modes are provided as well and may be useful for short-term client review of HDR material. However, this display is not suggested for HDR mastering or long-term HDR monitoring as prolonged use of these modes can reduce the lifespan of the display as well as have a negative impact on the overall display performance.

Display of static content, overlays, OSD menu or scopes, may cause permanent BURN-IN on the display’s OLED panel.
The length of time required for burn-in to develop varies due to many factors including content and luminance level.
You should avoid displaying static content, especially in HDR mode for extended periods of time.
To lessen the potential severity of burn-in the display will start to dim if a static image is detected for 2 or more minutes. The display will return to normal operating luminance when the image is refreshed (see the Panel Dimming section of the manual for details). Panel dimming can be turned off, but additional caution should be exercised if panel dimming is disabled.
A Clear Panel Noise capability is provided that can help restore panel performance to some extent, but when possible care should be taken to avoid conditions that may cause burn-in.

Connecting and Disconnecting SDI BNC Cables
To prevent damage to components from electrical discharge follows these steps:

  • Connect power first on all devices.
  • Power on all devices.
  • Connect BNC cables.

To disconnect:

  • Disconnect BNC cables.
  • Power down and disconnect power from devices.

If using a wireless video receiver we strongly suggest using an SDI Video Ground Path Isolator (available at ShopFSI.com and ShopFSI.eu) and powering the receiver from a separate power source than the monitor. Use of wireless video receivers can cause dangerous ground loop issues that can damage connected equipment like monitors. Using a ground loop isolator and powering from a separate power source will help keep downstream equipment protected.

Safety Precautions

  • All operating instructions must be read and understood before the product is operated.

  • this safety and operating instructions must be kept in a safe place for future reference.

  • All warnings on the product and in the instructions must be observed closely.

  • All operating instructions must be followed.

  • Do not use attachments or accessories not recommended by the manufacturer. The use of inadequate attachments may result in serious accidents.

  • Do not place heavy objects on the power cord. The route power cord to prevent people from stepping
    on or resting objects on the cord. Check to ensure that both outlet and product connection points are properly seated and secured.

  • This product must be operated on a power source as specified on the specification label or product screening. Always operate the product within the voltage range specified.

  • Do not overload AC outlets or extension cords. Overloading can cause fire or serious electric shock.

  • Never insert an object into the product through vents or openings as this can cause serious electric
    shock or damage.

  • Do not expose the product to water or other liquids as this can lead to electrical shock or permanent damage.

  • Do not attempt to service the product yourself. Removing covers can expose you to high voltage and other unsafe conditions. Please seek the assistance of a qualified service professional for all service needs.

  • If any of the following occur, unplug the power cord from the AC outlet and consult a qualified service professional to perform repairs:

  • The power cord or plug becomes damaged.

  • When any liquid is spilled on or in the product.

  • When the product has been exposed to rain or water.

  • When the product does not operate properly as described in the instruction manual.

  • When the product has been dropped or damaged.

  • Keep this product away from heat generating sources such as radiators, heaters, stoves, or other heat generating products.

  • All operating instructions must be read and understood before the product is operated.

  • This safety and operating instructions must be kept in a safe place for future reference.

  • All warnings on the product and in the instructions must be observed closely.

  • All operating instructions must be followed.

  • Do not use attachments or accessories not recommended by the manufacturer. The use of inadequate attachments may result in serious accidents.

  • Do not place heavy objects on the power cord. The route power cord prevents people from stepping on or resting objects on the cord. Check to ensure that both outlet and product connection points are properly seated and secured.

  • This product must be operated on a power source as specified on the specification label or product screening. Always operate the product within the voltage range specified.

  • Do not overload AC outlets or extension cords. Overloading can cause fire or serious electric shock.

  • Never insert an object into the product through vents or openings as this can cause serious electric shock or damage.

  • Do not expose the product to water or other liquids as this can lead to electrical shock or permanent damage.

  • Do not attempt to service the product yourself. Removing covers can expose you to high voltage and other unsafe conditions. Please seek the assistance of a qualified service professional for all service needs.

  • If any of the following occur, unplug the power cord from the AC outlet and consult a qualified service professional to perform repairs:

  • The power cord or plug becomes damaged.

  • When any liquid is spilled on or in the product.

  • When the product has been exposed to rain or water.

  • When the product does not operate properly as described in the instruction manual.

  • When the product has been dropped or damaged.

  • Keep this product away from heat generating sources such as radiators, heaters, stoves, or other heat generating products.

FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interfaces when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
Warning: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer responsible for compliance void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

Parts & Their Functions

FSi XM552U 55 Inch UHD OLED Monitor - keyboard

  • SDI 1: Used to select SDI Input 1 as the active Input.
  • SDI 2: Used to select SDI Input 2 as the active Input.
  • SDI 3: Used to select SDI Input 3 as the active Input.
  • SDI 4: Used to select SDI Input 4 as the active Input.
  • DP: Reserved for possible future use, currently inactive.
  • F1: Assignable function key. This key’s function is selectable from the Function Menu.
  • F2: Assignable function key. This key’s function is selectable from the Function Menu.
  • F3: Assignable function key. This key’s function is selectable from the Function Menu.
  • F4: Assignable function key. This key’s function is selectable from the Function Menu.
  • F5: Assignable function key. This key’s function is selectable from the Function Menu.
  • MENU / LEFT: Used to toggle and navigate On-Screen Menu.
  • UP: Used to navigate On-Screen Menu.
  • DOWN: Used to navigate On-Screen Menu.
  • RIGHT / ENTER: Used to navigate On-Screen Menu and to confirm selections within the On-Screen Menu.
  • PHASE / H POS: Used to adjust hue higher or lower. Pressing down on the center of this button will return the hue set to its default position.
  • CHROMA / V POS: Used to adjust chroma higher or lower. Pressing down on the center of this button will return the chroma setting to its default position.
  • BRIGHT / Ref POS: Used to adjust brightness higher or lower. Pressing down on the center of this button will return the brightness setting to its default position. The brightness knob should NOT be used to increase the overall peak white luminance of the unit, use the Luminance setting to adjust overall luminance.
  • CONTRAST / F Stop: Used to adjust contrast higher or lower. Pressing down on the center of this button will return the contrast setting to its default position.
  • VOLUME: Used to adjust the volume. Press down on this knob to instantly mute or unmute the volume.
  • POWER: Used to turn the power ON / OFF.

FSi XM552U 55 Inch UHD OLED Monitor - back panel

  • SDI In: 4 Multi-Format 12G/6G/3G/HD-SDI Inputs.
  • SDI Out: 4 Looped 12G/6G/3G/HD-SDI Outputs.
  • MON Out: Processed output. Follows Mode Selection.
  • DP In: Reserved for possible future use, currently inactive.
  • Audio In/Out: Analog Stereo Mini-phono Audio Input & Output. Unbalanced, Audio Out delayed by the exact amount of monitor video processing time to maintain sync.
  • USB Type A: USB power, can be used to power MediaLight Bias Lights.
  • RS-485: RS-485 Ports (In/Out) for looping remote control interface.
  • LAN: IP Control via select programs.

Navigating the Menu
Pressing the MENU button on the monitor’s keypad will call up the on-screen menu. To navigate use the UP and DOWN buttons and press the ENTER button to select the highlighted sub-menu. Navigate the sub menu in the same way by using the UP and DOWN buttons to highlight a particular function and press ENTER to change that function’s settings. To exit the menu or back out of a submenu press the MENU button.
Menus longer than the Main Menu may not fully display. These menus will scroll. Use the Up and Down keys to scroll up and down a menu.
Function Menu

FSi XM552U 55 Inch UHD OLED Monitor - fig1

The Function Menu allows you to assign user-selectable functions to any of the 5 function buttons (F1, F2, F3, F4, and F5) on the monitor keypad. To assign a function to a function key, highlight one of the 5 functions and press ENTER. A list of assignable functions will appear. Select the desired function with the UP and DOWN buttons and press ENTER.

Area Marker
Use the Area Marker function to select what type of marker is displayed when the marker function is active. The marker selections available from this option include the most commonly used markers and more complex user-designed custom markers.
Safety Marker
Use the Safety Marker function to toggle the size, in percentage, of the safety marker displayed. This option can be used by itself or in conjunction with the Area Marker function.
Center Marker
Toggles whether the center marker (cross-hair) is displayed when the marker is activated.

Menu – Function Menu
Function Menu

FSi XM552U 55 Inch UHD OLED Monitor - fig2

Load Profile
Saved profile configurations can now be loaded via the function button. This acts as a “load” button only as opposed to a toggle, so pressing a corresponding Function button twice does not revert to the previous pre-load state.
Please note: to avoid circular logic problems, loading profile configurations do NOT change function button assignments. The function buttons are independent of the profile configurations.

Menu – Scope Menu
Scope Menu

FSi XM552U 55 Inch UHD OLED Monitor - fig3

Lum & Vec Position
Use Lum & Vec Position to select in what area of the screen you would like your Scopes to be displayed.
Lum Style
Select IRE or HDR (PQ) Waveform. Note: HDR Waveform currently only works with YCbCr formats.
Lum Coloring (Customizable Exposure Check)
Generates an artificial luminance map of the incoming source that can be particularly useful in identifying overexposed areas in any given shot. An onscreen scale helps indicate what artificial color corresponds to what luminance from 0 to 100 percent.
You can change the range of these color-coded regions to any preferred setting by using the monitor’s rotary knobs. The H POS rotary knob will adjust the lower limit of the lower color-coded region. The V POS rotary knob will adjust the upper limit of the lower color-coded region. The Ref POS rotary knob will adjust the lower limit of the upper color-coded region. The F Stop Rotary knob will adjust the upper limit of the upper color-coded region. These color-coded ranges are retained in memory so you can exit and reenter Lum Coloring Mode without having to reset your desired threshold levels.
Note: Scopes only work in Normal LUT Mode. Scopes will not operate in Advanced LUT Mode.

Menu – Video Menu
Video Menu

FSi XM552U 55 Inch UHD OLED Monitor - fig4

SDI Format
Select the correct incoming signal format. SDI Format selection overrides payload ID if not set to AUTO.
The mode selection allows you to set the SDI input configuration as well as the processed monitor output configuration. Please note that the output configuration only impacts the outputs labeled MON, the standard OUT connections are always clean loop throughs of whatever is being received by the display. Note that when using a down-conversion configuration UHD will be down-converted to HD and 4K will be down-converted to 2K. All 2K and HD down- converted signals will be output to all 4 MON outputs so the down-conversion may be accessed from any of these connections.

Available MODE options
AUTO: attempts to automatically identify the signal type, particularly useful if simply switching between single-link 1.5Gbps, 3Gbps, 6Gbps, and 12Gbps SDI signals formats.
6G_IN: single-link 6Gbps SDI input, single-link 6Gbps SDI output
6G_IN HD_OUT: single-link 6Gbps SDI input, 1.5Gbps HD output
6G_DL_IN: dual-link 6Gbps SDI input, dual-link 6Gbps SDI output
6G_DL_IN 3G_OUT: dual-link 6Gbps SDI input, single-link 3Gbps SDI Level A output
12G_IN: single-link 12Gbps SDI input
12G_IN 3G_OUT: single-link 12Gbps SDI input, single-link 3Gbps SDI Level A output
3G_DL-IN: dual-link 3Gbps SDI Level B input, dual-link 3Gbps SDI Level B output
3G_IN: single-link 3Gbps SDI input scaled fullscreen
HD_IN: single-link 1.5Gbps SDI input scaled fullscreen
3G_INx4: quad 3Gbps SDI input from inputs 1,2,3,4 to form UHD/4K signal on the screen
HD_INx4: quad 1.5Gbps input from inputs 1,2,3,4 to form UHD/4K signal on the screen
4K and UHD over 3G dual-link, 3G quad-link, and 1.5G quad-link should be formatted as Square
Division (SQ). Two Sample Interleave (2SI) support is tentatively planned for a future release.
Deinterlace Mode
Mode1: Combines fields and displays as progressive scan image.
Mode2: Shows on screen as interlaced with correct field order.

Menu – Video Menu
Video Menu

FSi XM552U 55 Inch UHD OLED Monitor - fig5

Pixel Mapping
Pixel Mapping toggles between various available pixel mapping options including:
With Pixel Mapping set to OFF, the incoming source is scaled to fill as much of the screen as possible while preserving the aspect ratio. If the incoming source and panel share the same resolution then there will be no difference between OFF and the other pixel mapping modes.
Maps the signal 1:1 with the center of incoming video in the middle of the screen.
Top Left
Maps the signal 1:1 with the top left of the incoming video on the top left of the screen.
Top Right
Maps the signal 1:1 with the top right of the incoming video in the top right of the screen.
Bottom Left
Maps the signal 1:1 with the bottom left of incoming video in the bottom left of the screen.
Bottom Right
Maps the signal 1:1 with the bottom right of the incoming video in the bottom right of the screen.
Note: Using pixel mapping with a 4K source on a native 3840×2160 screen will cause a portion of the video to not be displayed, but these modes can be used to display 4K signals 1:1 and view the Left, Right, or Center of the video signal.

Menu – Video Menu – Pixel Mapping

FSi XM552U 55 Inch UHD OLED Monitor - fig6

Menu – Color Menu
Color Menu

FSi XM552U 55 Inch UHD OLED Monitor - fig7

The monitor features 5 Color System selections: DEFAULT, GaiaColor, LightSpace, CalMAN, and NONE. On the XM652U, XM651U, XM650U, XM552U, and XM551U the factory calibrations are stored in the DEFAULT Color System. LightSpace and CalMAN Color System options are provided as additional memory placeholders to store custom end-user calibrations using LightIllusion (LightSpace / ColourSpace) or CalMAN calibration software. The GaiaColor selection is reserved for future development and should not be used at this time on XM WOLED displays. Please leave the ColorSystem set to Default unless you have specifically saved your own user-generated calibration LUTs to the LightSpace or CalMAN memory banks.
LUT Mode
Does not apply to GaiaColor Color System. In Default, LightSpace, or CalMAN modes select Normal or Advanced. Normal Mode enables both calibrations and looks LUT positions. Advanced Mode provides larger CLUT size support, but limits look LUT and ancillary feature support (e.g. scopes).
In Normal Mode 6 LUT positions are accessible at a time as follows:
Front DIT 1D LUT -> DIT 3D LUT -> Post DIT 1D LUT-> Front Calibration 1D LUT -> Calibration 3D LUT -> Post Calibration 1D LUT
In Normal Mode, all 1D LUTs are 4096 entry points using 12bit values in the Flanders.lut format and all 3D LUTs are 17x17x17.cube format using only the header  UT_3D_SIZE 17.
The DIT LUT positions should be used for technical transforms or look LUTs, calibration LUTs should normally only be stored in the Calibration LUT positions.
In Advanced Mode 3 LUT positions are accessible at a time as follows:
Front Calibration 1D LUT -> Calibration 3D LUT -> Post Calibration 1D LUT In Advanced Mode all 1D LUTs are 4096 entry points using 12bit values in the Flanders. lut format and the 3D LUT is 33x33x33.cube format using only the header LUT_3D_SIZE 33.
LUTs can be saved to the display using the IP Remote Utility. Application Note: LUTs are applied within the range active on the monitor’s color menu.

Menu – Color Menu
Color Menu

FSi XM552U 55 Inch UHD OLED Monitor - fig8

Select from available options to instantly change the active color space. This will enable both the 3D Calibration LUT and 1D Calibration LUT positions stored to the corresponding memory bank.
Luminance Custom
Allows for custom peak luminance selection in 5nit increments when Luminance Mode is set to CUSTOM. If Luminance Mode is not set to CUSTOM this menu item will simply reflect the Luminance Mode selected.
Luminance Mode
Select from CUSTOM or the 100, 200, 400, 800, or HDR quick access selections. When set to CUSTOM the Luminance menu item above Luminance Mode will allow you to specify your preferred custom peak luminance setting. For HDR use you must select the HDR luminance setting, which enables the panel’s HDR boost mode.
Please note that when set to LUM 800, only the 3D Calibration LUT position will remain active, the 1D LUT will revert to Unity in this selection.
Video Range 64-940
Extended Video Range 64-1019
SMPTE Full Range 4-1019
Full Range 0-1023
Temperature – Only applies in GaiaColor mode / Reserved for Future Use.
EOTF – Only applies in GaiaColor mode/ Reserved for Future Use.

Menu – Color Menu
Color Menu

FSi XM552U 55 Inch UHD OLED Monitor - fig9

Red / Green / Blue Gain and Bias settings
White balance may be adjusted/customized from one of the Temperature selection presets using the custom Red, Green, Blue Gain, and Bias settings.
Factory Alignment Reset
This setting deletes the Factory AWB calibration. Do not use this setting unless you have the proper equipment to redo the factory AWB calibration.
Basic settings for the most commonly used configuration on the XM652U, XM552U, XM551U, XM650U and XM651U are provided below:

For Rec709 2.4 SDR
Color System: Default
LUT Mode: Normal
Range: Video Range 64-940
Gamut: BT.709
Luminance Mode: 100| For P3-ST2084
Color System: Default
LUT Mode: Normal
Range: Video Range 0-1023
Gamut: P3-ST2084
Luminance Mode: HDR

Please note that in the DEFAULT Color System if factory LUTs have not been overridden the gamut option DCI P3 will target a DCI white balance of x=0.314, y=0.351 while the P3-ST2084 option will target a white balance of x=0.3127, y=0.3290.

Menu – System Menu
System Menu

FSi XM552U 55 Inch UHD OLED Monitor - fig10

Update Firmware
When left to Allow (default) allows firmware to be remotely updated using the FSI IP Remote Utility.
When set to Block prevents firmware from being remotely updated.
Current IP
Shows the monitor’s current IP address.
Displays the current firmware version.
Serial Number
Displays the unit’s serial number.
Profile Load
Load a saved configuration by selecting it from the list. Configurations 1 through 5 are user adjustable using the Profile Save menu item. The Default Configuration returns settings to the factory default of:

Color System: Default
LUT Mode: Normal
Range: Video 64-940
Gamut: BT.709
Luminance: 100
Gain/Bias Adjustments: 0 (neutral)

Profile Save
Select a configuration position to save all current monitor settings to that configuration slot.

Menu – System Menu
System Menu

FSi XM552U 55 Inch UHD OLED Monitor - fig11

Set Static IP
Allows you to set a static IP address, subnet mask, and gateway address.
While setting an IP using the on-screen keyboard, use the monitor’s Up, Down, Menu, and Enter keys to navigate the keyboard. You can also use the H Pos and V Pos rotary knobs. Pressing the H Pos or V Pos rotary knobs will make a selection of the highlighted on-screen key.
IP Reset
Re-enable DHCP after a static IP address has been used.
Clear Panel Noise
The Clear Panel Noise feature may help to alleviate various panel noise conditions, particularly severe burn-in conditions caused by displaying static, high contrast, content for extended periods of time.

Select On
The panel will display black and remain on for approximately 8 minutes.
After 8 minutes the monitor will automatically shut down.
After the unit shuts down please leave the monitor turned Off for 1 hour.
After 1 hour press the power button to turn the monitor back on.
The display will remain black for 15 seconds after boot up, then a white line will appear on the screen and slowly scan down the panel.
Once the scan is complete the monitor will automatically be ready for use.
this step may vary slightly depending on the specific model in use

Panel Dimming
When panel dimming is set to On the panel will automatically begin to dim after 2 mins of static color and/or shape is detected to help protect the panel from image retention. Panel dimming can be set to Off to disable this behavior and this may be particularly useful during calibration routines, but care should be taken to avoid the long-term display of static images.

Menu – OSD Menu
OSD Menu

FSi XM552U 55 Inch UHD OLED Monitor - fig12

Time Code
Allows you to select whether to display Time Code on screen pulled from an SDI signal. Reserved for future use, currently inactive.
Menu & Status Position
Changes position of on-screen menu and signal status display.
Menu Set
Set menu to automatically disappear after 5s, 10s, or to stay On until manually cleared.
Status Set – Signal Status ID window
Select from On, Off, or 5-second display. When set to a 5-second display the monitor will display a signal status ID window for 5 seconds whenever an input button is pressed or signal format is changed. The first line of the signal status ID window shows the user selected primary input and video mode (default is Auto).
The second line shows the primary input’s detected bandwidth (e.g. 12G), resolution (e.g. 3840×2160), and scan type (e.g PsF). Please note that if your video mode is set to something besides a single wire format (e.g. Quad Link SDI) this second line will only show the detected bandwidth and resolution of the primary (selected) input. A quad link SDI UHD signal will therefore only indicate the resolution of the primary quadrant (HD) whereas a single 12G-SDI UHD signal will show 3840×2160 resolution. The third line indicates the frame rate, whether the signal is RGB or YCbCr, and the signal bit depth. Please note that this information is based on the received VPID. If VPID is incorrect or missing you may manually override using the Video Menu’s SDI format selection, but this line will continue to reflect signal type as indicated by VPID.

Removing Pedestal Feet

FSi XM552U 55 Inch UHD OLED Monitor - fig14

XM551U, XM650U, and XM651U have pedestal-style feet that can be removed when wall mounting.
The feet are held on by six screws per foot on the bottom.

Dimensional Drawing – XM551U

FSi XM552U 55 Inch UHD OLED Monitor - fig15

Large Dimensional Drawing PDF available online.

Dimensional Drawing – XM650U

FSi XM552U 55 Inch UHD OLED Monitor - fig17FSi
XM552U 55 Inch UHD OLED Monitor - fig18

Large Dimensional Drawing PDF available online.

Dimensional Drawing – XM651U

FSi XM552U 55 Inch UHD OLED Monitor - fig19FSi
XM552U 55 Inch UHD OLED Monitor - fig20

Large Dimensional Drawing PDF available online.

This manual is based on firmware version 2.1.24
Flanders Scientific, Inc.
6215 Shiloh Crossing
Suite G
Alpharetta, GA. 30005
Phone: +1.678.835.4934
Fax: +1.678.804.1882
E-Mail: [email protected]


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