DMP SCS-1R Network Enabled Receiver Instruction Manual

June 12, 2024

DMP SCS-1R Network Enabled Receiver

DMP SCS-1R Network Enabled Receiver

Instructions For Use

AC Power Restored

AC Power was restored to the panel. This message is a restoral for System Message 08.

Standby Battery Restored

The panel battery voltage has restored to greater than 12.6 VDC at the last battery test. This message is a restoral for System Message 09.

Communication Line Level Restored


The panel has detected that communication to the cellular tower has restored. This message is only sent when check-in is set to ADP3 in path communications of an XR500/XR100 using software version 202 or higher. This message is a restoral for System Message 10.
NOT IMPLEMENTED – The signal decibel level between the panel and the receiver under MPX communication was restored to appropriate levels.

Panel Tamper Restored


The panel’s built-in tamper circuit was restored to a normal condition. This message is a restoral for System Message 11 and System Message 74.

Backup Communication Line Restored


The panel’s backup line of communication was restored. This message is a restoral for System Message 12.

Panel Ground Restored


The panel’s built-in ground detection circuit was restored to normal. This message is a restoral for System Message 13.

System Not Armed by Scheduled Time


If Closing Check is enabled in System Options, this message is transmitted 10 minutes after the closing time of the panel’s internal schedule when the schedule is not extended, or the panel is not armed within the 10 minutes.
The keypad alerts the user that the system is not armed and allows them to extend the schedule.

Automatic Recall Test OK


This message indicates that the panel is communicating properly. It is an automatic communication test message sent at the Test Time programmed in Communications for the path. It is sent every 24 hours by default. All combination fire/burg panels allow the test to be deactivated. Also see System Message 88 and System Message 97.

WARNING: A.C. Power Failure


Indicates main A.C. Power is not present or is less than 85% of normal. Message is sent after panel programmed delay time (15 seconds to 9 hours) has expired. The restoral message is S00.

WARNING: Low Standby Battery


Indicates that standby battery has fallen below 11.9 VDC. Battery is tested at 15 minutes past each hour. The restoral message is S01.

WARNING: Low Communication Line


The panel has detected that communication to the cellular tower was missing for more than 180 seconds. This message is only sent when check-in is set to ADP3 in path communications of an XR500/XR100 using software version 202 or higher. The restoral message is System Message 02.
PREVIOUS USE BUT NEVER IMPLEMENTED – The signal decibel level between the panel and the receiver under MPX communication is less than appropriate levels.

WARNING: Panel Tamper


The panel has detected that while all areas were disarmed, the panel’s built- in tamper circuit was placed in an open condition. The restoral message is S03. Also, see System Message 74.

WARNING: Panel Backup Communication Fail


Indicates that the backup channel of communication has failed. This message is only transmitted on the main channel of communication when either of the following two events occur: (1) When HST or NET is programmed for main, and a dialer is programmed for backup and the dialer line(s) fail to get a message transmitted in 10 attempts or (2) When HST or NET is programmed as backup and the message acknowledgment from the receiver is not received by the panel. The restoral message is S04.

WARNING: Panel Ground Fault


The panel’s built-in ground detection circuit was placed in an open condition. The restoral message is S05.

WARNING: Non-Alarm Message Overflow


The panel detected that many non-alarm messages occurred in an extremely short period of time and its communication buffer could not hold all of them. After the messages that the communication buffer could hold are sent, this message (System Message 14) is sent to indicate that some non-alarm messages were not transmitted and were not retained in panel memory. Examples of these kind of messages are openings, closings, schedule changes, and code changes. Also see System Message 18, System Message 40, System Message 41, System Message 42, and System Message 44.



This message is sent if Ambush Reports are enabled in System Reports when the User Code for User Number 1 is entered for any action (Arm, Disarm, Silence, access User Menu, etc.). It indicates that the end-user has initiated a silent alarm because of an emergency.
S15 AMBUSH is sent to the receiver using the Account Number of the first Area.

WARNING: Panel Not Responding
WARNING: Entry Check-in Protection Fail


The receiver detects that the supervised account (high security) has failed to communicate within its proper time window, which is communicated with each check-in message. Check-in messages are sent routinely if programmed, or when Entry Delay begins if using Entry Check-in Protection. This message is only sent when the panel’s main communication is programmed as WIFI, CELL, or NET. The restoral message is System Message 17.

Notes :

  • The panel is able to indicate to the line card to not expect another check-in. This is used in the case where a primary path restores to tell the backup path not to generate a failure message when it stops receiving checkins.
  • When using routine check-in messages, this is to be interpreted as “WARNING: Panel Not Responding”
  • When using Entry Check-in Protection, this is to be interpreted as “WARNING: Entry Check-in Protection Fail”

Panel Response Restored
Entry Check-in Begin


The receiver has detected that communication with the supervised account has been restored. This message is a restoral for System Message 16. This message can also be generated when a network panel sends a check-in message after receiver reset or powerup.

Notes :

  • When using routine check-in messages, this is to be interpreted as “Panel Response Restored”
  • When using Entry Check-in Protection, this is to be interpreted as “Entry Check-in Begin”

ALARM: Zone Alarm Overflow


The panel detected that many zone alarms occurred in an extremely short period of time and its communication buffer could not hold all of them. After the alarms that the communication buffer could hold are sent, this message (System Message 18) is sent to indicate that some zone alarm messages were not transmitted and were not retained in panel memory. Also, see System Message 14, System Message 40, System Message 41, System Message 42, and System Message 44.

WARNING: New Panel Online


The receiver is indicating that a new account has become active. This message is sent any time one of the following conditions are met:

  • Communications is initialized, either by the DMP factory or in the Initialization menu
  • Remote Key is changed in Remote Options
  • Remote Phone Number is changed in Remote Options

In addition, Serial 3 panels may append communication programming information.

Automation Not Responding

The receiver has detected that the Host Automation Computer has failed to acknowledge a receiver message indicating communication failure. The restoral message is System Message 22.

Automation Restored

The receiver has detected that communication with the Host Automation Computer has been restored. This message is a restoral for System Message 21.

Panel Test Signal Received


A manually operated communication test has been performed at the panel keypad.

WARNING: Auxiliary Fuse Trouble


The panel has detected that electrical power is unavailable for the auxiliary output circuit. The restoral message is System Message 27.

Auxiliary Fuse Restored


The panel has detected that electrical power is now available for the auxiliary output circuit. This message is a restoral for System Message 26.

WARNING: Telephone Line 1 Trouble


The panel detects that its main telephone connection is disconnected or is in a non-operable state. In the case where a Model 893 Dual Telephone Line module is attached, the panel detects that the supervised telephone line does not have sufficient voltage/current to support communications. The restoral message is System Message 29.

Telephone Line 1 Restore


The panel detects that its main telephone connection is now operational. This message is a restoral for System Message 28.

WARNING: Telephone Line 2 Trouble


The panel detects that the second telephone line attached to the Model 893 Dual Telephone Line module does not have sufficient voltage/current to support communications. The restoral message is System Message 31.

Telephone Line 2 Restored


The panel detects that the second telephone line attached to the Model 893 Dual Telephone Line module is now operational. This message is a restoral for System Message 30.

ALARM: Supervised Wireless Interference

A wireless receiver connected to the panel has detected RF interference while the system was armed. The restoral message is System Message 89.

ALARM: Early Morning Ambush


At Disarming, an end-user is indicating a silent alarm because of an emergency situation. This message is sent if Early Morning Ambush is enabled in Area Information and the end-user has not entered a second User Code (PIN) or has not activated the appropriate input device within the programmed number of minutes after Disarming.

WARNING: Alarm Bell Silenced


The panel’s main bell circuit was manually silenced by a code entry at a panel keypad.

Alarm Bell Returned to Normal


WARNING: Bell Circuit Trouble


The panel’s internal bell supervision circuit has detected an inappropriate bell circuit supervision voltage during standby operation. The restoral message is System Message 39.

Bell Circuit Restored


The panel’s internal bell supervision circuit now detects the appropriate bell circuit supervision voltage during standby operation. This message is a restoral for System Message 38.

ALARM: Fire Zone Alarm Overflow


The panel detected that many fire type zone alarms occurred in an extremely short period of time and its communication buffer could not hold all of them. After the alarms that the communication buffer could hold are sent, this message (System Message 40) is sent to indicate that some fire type zone alarm messages were not transmitted and were not retained in panel memory. Also see System Message 14, System Message 18, System Message 41, System Message 42, and System Message 44.

ALARM: Panic Zone alarm Overflow


The panel detected that many panic type zone alarms occurred in an extremely short period of time and its communication buffer could not hold all of them. After the alarms that the communication buffer could hold are sent, this message (System Message 41) is sent to indicate that some panic type zone alarm messages were not transmitted and were not retained in panel memory. Also, see System Message 14, System Message 18, System Message 40, System Message 42, and System Message 44.

ALARM: Burglary Zone Alarm Overflow


The panel detected that many burglary type zone alarms occurred in an extremely short period of time and its communication buffer could not hold all of them. After the alarms that the communication buffer could hold are sent, this message (System Message 42) is sent to indicate that some burglary type zone alarm messages were not transmitted and were not retained in panel memory. Also, see System Message 14, System Message 18, System Message 40, System Message 41, and System Message 44.

WARNING: Bell Fuse Trouble


During standby operation, the panel’s internal bell supervision circuit has detected that power is unavailable to operate the bell circuit. The restoral message is System Message 53.

WARNING: Fire-Burglary Trouble Overflow


The panel detected that many fire and burglary type zone troubles occurred in an extremely short period of time and its communication buffer could not hold all of them. After the troubles that the communication buffer could hold are sent, this message (System Message 44) is sent to indicate that some fire- burglary type zone troubles messages were not transmitted and were not retained in panel memory. Also, see System Message 14, System Message 18, System Message 40, System Message 41, and System Message 42.

Abort Signal Received


This message is sent if Abort Reports is enabled in System Reports when a User Code is entered, Disarming the panel during the time after a burglary alarm occurred and before the panel’s Bell Cutoff timer expired. The intended use for this message is to signal the central station that the burglary alarm was aborted.
For SIA CP-01 compliant panels, (XR500 version 109 or higher or XRSuper6/XR20/XR40 version 301 and higher), the Abort Signal is only sent before the alarm is transmitted.

Zone Swinger Automatically Bypassed


The panel automatically bypassed a zone because it tripped more times than the number found in Swinger Bypass of panel programming. The zone number is transmitted using an “X” message immediately after System Message 46. This message is activated based on panel programming for each zone. It is also completely deactivated when Swinger Bypass in panel programming is set to zero.

Zone Swinger Automatically Reset


After being automatically bypassed, the panel automatically reset a zone because it did not trip for one complete hour. This operation and message is a panel programmed option called RST SWYB found in System Options.
The zone number is transmitted using a “Y” message immediately after System Message 47.



NOT IMPLEMENTED – The panel has detected that while A.C. Power is not present, the usable power available from the battery is low and proper panel operation will soon be inhibited.

Cancel Signal Received


After a burglary alarm occurred and was sent to the receiver and before the panel’s bell cutoff timer expired, a user code was entered at the panel keypad and the panel was disarmed. The intended use for this message is to signal the central station that the burglary alarm was false. The Cancel Signal message is only sent from SIA CP-01 compliant panels (XR500 version 109 or higher or XRSuper6/XR20/XR40 version 301 and higher as of March 2005).

WARNING: Supervised Wireless Trouble


The panel has detected that an attached wireless receiver meets one of the following conditions: The receiver has stopped properly communicating with the panel Wireless Jamming is detected while the system is disarmed the receiver’s tamper switch is faulted
The restoral for this message is System Message 89.

WARNING: Remote Programming

An IP network panel has started a remote programming session using TCP protocol. This message allows the central station to be aware that a supervised account is being remote programmed for the case where the receiver may generate a System Message 16 Panel Not Responding.

Bell Fuse Restored


During standby operation, the panel’s internal bell supervision circuit has detected that power has been reestablished for the operation of the bell circuit. This message is a restoral for System Message 43.

WARNING: Unsuccessful Remote Connect

REMOTE SECURITY FEATURE The panel rejected an attempt by an SCS-1R or SCS-105 receiver to communicate in a remote session (upload/download). The possible reasons are incorrect account number, incorrect receiver keys (passwords), or incorrect panel key (password).

Internal Message


Panel/Receiver Request for Alarm Receiver key.

ALARM: Panel Substitution


The receiver has detected that a supervised data network panel account has been substituted by another panel. The intended use of this message is to detect in high security applications when communication for the account is substituted using a duplicate panel.

WARNING: Substitution/check-in Overflow


The receiver has detected that its memory cannot accommodate the number of supervised HST/NET (network) panel accounts that have been established. The maximum number of HST/NET panel accounts with check-in enabled that can be established on an SCS-1R Receiver is 2500 supervised HST/NET panel accounts. The account number associated with this message will be the last account to check-in.

WARNING: Invalid Panel Message Format

The receiver has detected a Serial 3 panel message that was not formatted correctly. This can occur when a panel has been incorrectly programmed to send PC/Host Log reports to the SCS-1R Receiver.

WARNING: Communication Trouble – Line x


SCS-150 Version 101 uses System Message 153 rather than messages 61 – 65 for communication trouble.

System Test Begin


The panel has been placed in a mode for the walk test. Zones that are tripped will be reported as Zone Verify or Zone Fail for recording purposes. The Test End message is System Message 67.

System Test End


The panel has been removed from a walk test. This is a Test End message for System Message 66.

Receiver Printer Failed


The SCS-1R Receiver detects that the appropriate RS-232 voltage is not present on pin 5 of the Activity Log connection. The restoral message is System Message 69.

Receiver Printer Restore


The SCS-1R Receiver detects that the appropriate RS-232 voltage is now present on pin 5 of the Activity Log connection. This message is a restoral for System Message 68.

End of History Buffer


Request for Receiver Time and Date


WARNING: Network or Communication Path Trouble


The panel has not received a proper acknowledgement from SCS-1R Receiver, or the receiver (account 0) has detected a data communication failure. This message is transmitted if it is a failure to communicate over dialer, cellular, or network as either the main or backup communication. The restoral for this message is System Message 73.
In firmware prior and including version 121 06/19/08 of the XR500, XR500N, XR500E series panels, and all firmware versions of the XR200, the S72 message was for only sent for NET/HST communication failures.

Network or Communication Path Restored


The panel has received a proper acknowledgment from the SCS-1R Receiver, or the receiver (account 0) has detected a data network restore. This message is only transmitted if the panel is programmed for HST/NET network communication as either the main or backup communication. This message is a restoral for System Message 72.
Note : In firmware prior and including version 121 06/19/08 of the XR500, XR500N, XR500E series panels, and all firmware versions of the XR200, the S72 message was for only sent for NET/HST communication restorals.

ALARM: Tamper During Armed State


The panel has detected that while any area is armed, the panel’s built-in tamper circuit was placed in an open condition. The restoral message is S03. Also, see System Message 11.

ALERT: Early to Close


The panel has detected that system arming occurred too early before the scheduled closing time. This message from the panel is optional and allows a programmable number of minutes to define the limit as to how early arming can take place before the scheduled closing time.

ALERT: Late to Open


The panel has detected that the system has not been disarmed near the scheduled opening time. This message from the panel is optional and allows a programmable number of minutes to define the limit as to how late disarming can take place after the scheduled opening time.

ALERT: Unauthorized Entry


A User has Disarmed an Area outside of their Access time according to one or more Schedules. The meaning is dependent on the panel or panel hardware family:

  • XR550 family: One or more of the (up to 4) Profiles grants Access to an Area for a different time according to one of the (up to 8) Access Schedules assigned to that Profile.
    • Note : Adding a Schedule to the Profile, deleting all Access Schedules from a Profile (makes Access Areas active at all times), adding an Access Area to a Profile that is in schedule, changing one of the assigned Time Schedules, etc. can correct this.
  • XT50: A scheduled level User has Disarmed an Area outside of the panel’s Permanent Schedule.
  • XR500 family: Profile grants Access to an Area for a different Shift.
    • Note : Changing Shift/Time Access to Anytime, adding a Shift to the Profile, or adjusting a Shift Schedule can correct this.

ALERT: System Recently Armed


The panel has detected that the alarm message that it just sent was generated within five minutes of the panel being armed. The intended use of this message is to inform the central station that the panel was just armed before the alarm occurred.

ALERT: Signal During Opened Period


The panel has just generated and sent a burglary alarm to the central station. It has also detected that this burglary alarm occurred during the normal open period of the panel’s internal schedule.

ALERT: Exit Error


The panel has detected that an Exit type zone was open just after the expiration of the exit delay at arming (door left open). The alarm bell rings for 10 seconds and then the exit zone is force armed.

WARNING: Network Card Trouble – Card c


Receiver generated message. Not sent by panel. The receiver has detected that a supervised SCS-101 network line card has failed to communicate with the receiver. This is a network line card hardware, power, or connection issue. The restoral for this message is System Message 82.
Note : This message is only sent if Card Model is set to 101 in Line Card programming on the SCS-150. The complimentary message for an SCS-104 network card is an S154 (missing).

Network Card Restored – Card c


Receiver generated message. Not sent by panel. The receiver has received a proper acknowledgment from a previously missing SCS-101 network line card and communication is restored. This message is a restoral for System Message 81.
Note : This message is only sent for the SCS-101. The complimentary message for an SCS-104 is an S154 (restored).

Remote Programming Complete


The panel has detected that a remote (upload/download) session has just been completed. In addition, Serial 3 panels may append communication programming information. See “Programming Field” section.

Remote Command Received


The panel has detected that during a remote (upload/download) session, it responded to a command such as arm/disarm, schedule change, etc.

WARNING: Local Programming


The panel has detected that an on-site panel programming session has just begun or has just been completed. In addition, Serial 3 panels may append communication programming information. See “Programming Field” section.

WARNING: Transmit Failed-Msgs Not Sent


This message indicates that one or more messages were not sent to the receiver; the panel used all of its retries in an attempt to send a message to the receiver on a particular path.

  • The number of retries varies by path type.
  • Failed check-in messages do not cause this message to be sent.
  • For XT30 family panels, failed daily auto recall test messages (S07 / S88) do not cause this message. For XR550 and XR500 family panels, this message is not sent if there are only Network (or Wi-Fi) paths.
    • Note : Network paths do not fail in the sense that the panel will never discard a message. It will send all messages once the path restores.

Automatic Recall OK – Unrestored System


This message is sent in place of the S07 message. This message indicates the panel has detected that one of its circuits has not restored to normal at the time the automatic communication test is performed. These possible circuits are: Unrestored 24-Hour Zones, AC Power, Standby Battery, and Phone Lines. The intention of this message is to reinforce identification of troubles in fire systems.

Notes :

  • To troubleshoot this message:
    • Perform a System Test in the User Menu to test the AC and battery.
    • Perform a Sensor Reset in the User Menu to restore latched 24-hour zones such as smoke detectors that have gone off.
    • Access the Diagnostics Menu to test communications paths.
  • For XR500, version 212 and later, and XR550 103 (10/18/13), this message is only sent if there is at least 1 device programmed as fire (FI) type. Since this message is meant to be used for fire systems only, this is done to reduce S88’s on burglary only systems.
  • This message is required for UL Commercial Fire listing
  • See also S07 and S97
  • On XT Systems, this message is only used to indicate a current trouble condition on a communication path

Supervised Wireless Restored


The panel has detected that an attached wireless receiver has re-established proper communication with the panel, or previously detected RF interference has cleared. This message is a restoral for System Message 32 or System Message 50.

WARNING: Unrecognized Message


A signal transmitted to the receiver by a panel using a valid communication sequence could not be recognized as a definable message by the receiver.

Service Requested


By use of a keypad command, a user is indicating the need for service on the alarm panel.

WARNING: No Arm/Disarm Activity


The panel has detected that areas have not been armed or disarmed in the programmed number of days. This may be an indication that the end-user has stopped using the alarm system.

ALARM: User Activity Not Detected


The panel has detected that zone open or short activity has not occurred at disarmed zones within the programmed number of hours. This message may indicate that an end-user is not moving within the premise.

ALERT: Activity Check Enabled


The end-user has manually enabled the Activity Check Feature. This feature indicates that activity on disarmed zones has not occurred within the programmed time period.

ALERT: Activity Check Disabled


The end-user has manually disabled the Activity Check Feature. This feature indicates that activity on disarmed zones has not occurred within the programmed time period.

ALARM: Verify Signal Received


After an alarm has occurred at the premise, a user has entered a user code and manually activated an alarm verification message to the receiver as a verified response.

Network Communication Test OK


The panel has sent a network communication test. This typically occurs every 24 hours. Some panels allow for variable time periods. All combination fire/burg panels allow test to be deactivated. Also see S07 and System Message 88. In addition, Serial 3 panels may append communication programming information. See “Programming Field” section.

SCS-1R Memory Full

The SCS-1R Receiver has detected that its memory cannot hold another message from a panel and will not accept any other panel signals. The intended use of this message is to indicate that after an extended period of time, the receiver’s large memory has become full because it is unable to release a message to the LCD Keypad or the SCS-1R Printer. When the SCS-1R Receiver is not receiving a proper acknowledgment from the Host Automation Computer, it operates in the NO RESPONSE FROM HOST AUTOMATION mode. Messages are sent to the SCS-1R LCD Keyboard and Printer for acknowledgment by an operator. If the LCD Keypad and/or Printer are not operating properly, or if messages are not acknowledged at the LCD Keypad, the memory begins to store the messages until it is full. Also, if the PRINT ALWAYS option in receiver programming is marked YES (See section 10) and the printer is not operating correctly, the memory begins to store messages until it is full.
This occurs when the Host Automation Computer is or is not properly acknowledging messages.

System Check

The SCS-1R Receiver sends this message at a periodic rate to verify communication between the receiver and the Host Automation Computer. The periodic rate is based on receiver programming in Host Configuration.
This message is always sent Serial 1.

Device Missing (9/21/10)


This message is sent if a Device Fail Output has been programmed in Output Options and either of the following conditions are met:

  • A device is not responding to messages from the panel
  • The panel has attempted to send programming to a device on the bus but didn’t receive a proper acknowledgment from the device

Devices can include 734, 734N, LX-Bus zone expanders, wired or wireless keypads.

Programming of devices from the bus is provided in version 206 of the XR500/100 or any XR550 family panel. The only device capable of receiving programming is the Model 734 access control module. Examples of improper acknowledgment from the device would be a NAK because programming being sent is not correct for the version of software in the device. Also, no acknowledgment from the device would be considered improper.

Device Restored


This message is a restoral for 101.

The panel is indicating that a device such as a zone expander on an LX-Bus has begun responding to messages from the panel after the panel reported a Device Missing.
Programming of a device on the bus was successful after a past failure had occurred.

Aux Power Fail

Sent for firmware version 600 and greater panels. Auxiliary power failure is reported if the panel cannot properly power the auxiliary circuit:

  • XR550 family: AUXPWR is 2 volts or lower than +12 or BELL_+
  • XT30 family: AUXMON is 2 volts or lower than BATMON (with or without BATTEST)

The restoral is System Message 111 – Aux Power Restore.

Aux Power Restore

Sent for firmware version 600 and greater panels. This is a restoral for System Message 110 – Aux Power Fail.

DC Power Fail

Sent for firmware version 600 and greater panels. DC power fail is reported for XR550 family panels if the panel is not charging the battery properly – i.e., if AC is present and the voltage on +12 is lower than the voltage on BAT_+
The restoral is System Message 113 – DC Power Restore.

DC Power Restore

Sent for firmware version 600 and greater panels. This is a restoral for System Message 112 – DC Power Fail.

On Demand Monitoring Started

Sent for XT30 hardware family version 125 and greater. This message indicates that On Demand Monitoring has started.

On Demand Monitoring Stopped

Sent for XT30 hardware family version 125 and greater. This message indicates that On Demand Monitoring has stopped.

ALERT: Cell Data Communication Excessive


The panel has determined that the number of panel messages sent to the receiver in the last hour through a data cellular radio has exceeded 3000 total bytes of data. This message is sent once an hour until the data traffic rate is less than 3000 total bytes of data in the last hour or when the data traffic rate exceeds 6000 total bytes of data in the last hour. When the 6000-byte rate is incurred, data limits occur and System Message 122 is sent. The restore message is System Message 125.


  • 3000 bytes of data is approximately 20 messages such as burglar alarms or open/close messages.
  • Supervision check-in messages are not counted towards the total number of bytes for the XR100/XR500 Version 205 or higher.
  • This timer is restarted on a panel power-up or panel reset using the J16 Reset jumper

WARNING: Cell Data Non-Alarm Suppress


The panel has determined that the number of panel messages sent to the receiver in the last hour through a data cellular radio has exceeded 6000 bytes of data. Panel messages sent through the data cellular radio for each future hour are now limited to 1000 bytes of data for Fire alarm messages and 1000 bytes of data for non-Fire alarm messages such as Burglary or Panic. All other panel event messages are not attempted to be sent through the data cellular radio except for XR100/XR500 Version 205 and higher panels where only the supervision check-in messages continue to be sent.
This message is sent once an hour until the panel calculates that in the last hour the possible number of panel messages that should be sent through the data cellular radio is less than 3000 total bytes of data. Data limits are then removed.
This message is only sent by the panel after the System Message 121 has been sent. The restore message is System Message 125.

Notes :

  • Panel events are always stored in the panel display event buffer and can be retrieval using remote software.
  • 1000 bytes of data is approximately eight fire alarm messages.
  • 1000 bytes of data is approximately seven burglar alarm messages.
  • Supervision check-in messages are not counted towards the total number of bytes for the XR100/XR500 Version 205 or higher.
  • This timer is restarted on a panel power-up or panel reset using the J16 Reset jumper.

ALARM: Cell Data Fire Alarm Suppress


This message is sent to the receiver only after System Message 122 has been sent.
The panel is unable to send to the receiver additional Fire Alarm messages through a data cellular radio because 1000 bytes of data for Fire Alarm messages were already sent during this hour. At the end of this hour, the 1000- byte counter is reset and another 1000 bytes for Fire Alarm messages is available for the next hour.
All data limits are removed when the panel calculates that in the last hour the possible number of panel messages that should be sent through the data cellular radio is less than 3000 total bytes of data. The restore message is System Message 125.

Notes :

  • 1000 bytes of data is approximately eight fire alarm messages.
  • Supervision check-in messages are not attempted during this period for any control panel including the XR100/XR500 Version 205.
  • This timer is restarted on a panel power-up or panel reset using the J16 Reset jumper.

ALARM: Cell Data Non-Fire Alarm Suppress

This message is sent to the receiver only after System Message 122 has been sent.

The panel is unable to send to the receiver additional non-Fire Alarm messages such as Burglary and Panic through a data cellular radio because 1000 bytes of data for non-Fire Alarm messages were already sent during this hour. At the end of this hour, the 1000-byte counter is reset and another 1000 bytes for non-Fire Alarm messages is available for the next hour.
All data limits are removed when the panel calculates that in the last hour the possible number of panel messages that should be sent through the data cellular radio is less than 3000 total bytes of data. The restore message is System Message 125.

Notes :

  • 1000 bytes of data is approximately seven burglar alarm messages.
  • Supervision check-in messages are not attempted during this period for any control panel including the XR100/XR500 Version 205.
  • This timer is restarted on a panel power-up or panel reset using the J16 Reset jumper.

Cell Data Communication Fully Restored


The panel has determined that in the last hour the number of panel messages that are sent to the receiver or should be sent to the receiver through a data cellular radio was less than 3000 bytes of data. This message is the restore message for System Messages 121, 122, 123, 124 and is only sent once.

ALERT: Cell Rate Plan Exceeded


The panel has determined that in the last 30 days the number of messages sent to the receiver through the data cellular radio exceeded the kilobyte data rate plan established at the activation of the radio. This message is to provide an alert to avert overage charges and could occur because of panel programming changes that affect the cellular data traffic rate.

WARNING: Cell Communicator Bus Failed


The communication on the bus between the panel and the cellular communicator has failed while no areas of the system were armed. This message may originate from both the panel and the cellular communicator as both monitor the bus. The restoral message is System Message 132.
Note : This message is used for XR500/100 with CellComRT.

ALARM: Cell Communicator Bus Failed


The communication on the bus between the panel and the cellular communicator has failed while any area of the system was armed. This message may originate from both the panel and the cellular communicator as both monitor the bus. The restoral message is System Message 132.
Note : This message is used for XR500/100 with CellComRT.

Cell Communicator Bus Restored


The communication on the bus between the panel and the cellular communicator has restored. Message is sent from the panel to the receiver and is a restoral for System Message 130 and System Message 131.
Note : This message is used for XR500/100 with CellComRT.

WARNING: Cell Communicator DC Failed


The panel has received a message from the cellular communicator that its input DC voltage is missing or low. The cellular communicator is operating from its internal battery. The restoral message is System Message 134.
Note : This message is used for XR500/100 with CellComRT.

Cell Communicator DC Restored


The panel has received a message from the cellular communicator that its input DC voltage has restored. This message is a restoral for System Message 133.
Note : This message is used for XR500/100 with CellComRT.

WARNING: Cell Communicator Low Battery


The panel has received a message from the cellular communicator that the cellular communicator’s standby battery is low or missing. The restoral message is System Message 136.
Note : This message is used for XR500/100 with CellComRT.

Cell Communicator Battery Restored


The panel has received a message from the cellular communicator that the cellular communicator’s standby battery has restored. This message restores System Message 135.
Note : This message is used for XR500/100 with CellComRT.

WARNING: Cell Communicator Tamper


The panel has received a message from the cellular communicator that the cellular communicator’s built-in tamper circuit was placed in an open condition while no areas of the system were armed. The restoral message is System Message 139.
Note : This message is used for XR500/100 with CellComRT

ALARM: Cell Communicator Tamper


The panel has received a message from the cellular communicator that the cellular communicator’s built-in tamper circuit was placed in an open condition while one or more areas of the system were armed. The restoral message is System Message 139.
Note : This message is used for XR500/100 with CellComRT.

Cell Communicator Tamper Restored


The panel has received a message from the cellular communicator that the cellular communicator’s built-in tamper circuit was restored to a normal condition. This message is a restoral for System Message 137 and System Message 138.
Note : This message is used for XR500/100 with CellComRT.

Trouble Override

Sent for firmware version 600 and greater panels. This message indicates that a user has acknowledged a System Trouble Message by selecting OKAY when arming the system.

WARNING: Memory Usage pp% – ddddddd

System Message Type 151 is memory buffer usage and is appended with a qualifier field indicating 50, 60, 70, 80, or 90 percent full and indicating whether printer, display and/or system buffer is filling. The first indication of increasing memory usage is sent at 60 percent full, then 70, etc. The 50 percent indication is sent when the memory usage is decreasing and reaches 50 from a higher memory usage range. Note: It is not necessary to send the 90% indication on memory recovery (as memory usage is decreasing). p = 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, d = Display, Printer, or System.
WARNING: Memory Usage pp% - ddddddd

WARNING: Communication Trouble – Line cl

The receiver has detected that a digital dialer telephone line has experienced a failed communication attempt. A failed communication attempt is defined as the telephone line going off hook for an incoming call but not successfully communicating with a panel. c = card number (1 – 8), l = line number (1 – 4).
WARNING: Communication Trouble - Line cl

WARNING: Line Card c pppppppp

The receiver processor has detected an issue with a programmed line card. Missing is displayed when the processor cannot communicate with the line card. Error is displayed when a component of the line card is not functioning properly. Restored is displayed when all functions of the card are returned to normal. c = card number (1 – 8), p = Missing, Error or Restored.
For SCS-VR ONLY; When using an SCS-VR, an s154 message indicates the receiver has detected a database failure. The restoral message will be sent once the database has bene restored to normal operation.
WARNING: Line Card c pppppppp

WARNING: Comm Line pppppppp – Line cl

The receiver has detected that a digital dialer telephone line or a network line is missing (zero volts, unplugged, no voltage detected) or restored from missing. p = Trouble or Restored, c = card number (1 – 8), l = line number (0 – 4).
WARNING: Comm Line pppppppp - Line cl


Documents / Resources

| DMP SCS-1R Network Enabled Receiver [pdf] Instruction Manual
SCS-150 Processor Version 107 12-12-2019, SCS-VR Version 1.4.6 4-6-2021, SCS- 1R, SCS-1R Network Enabled Receiver, Network Enabled Receiver, Enabled Receiver, Receiver

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