WELLS F15 15lb Countertop Electric Fryer Owner’s Manual

June 1, 2024

WELLS F15 15lb Countertop Electric Fryer

Owner’s Manual

Model: F15


This manual i s co nis dered to be part of the appliance and i s to be give n to the OWNER or MANAGER of the rets aurant, or to the perso n resp onis ble for TRAINING OPERATORS of this appliance . Additional manual s are ava ilable from yo ur DEALER.

THIS MANUAL MUST BE READ AND UNDERSTOOD BY ALL PERSONS USING OR INSTALLING THIS APPLIANCE. Contatc yo ur dealer if yo u have an y quets ion s co nce rning ints allation, operation or maintenance of thi s equipment.


Unless otherwise specified, all commercial cooking equipment manufatc ured b y Well s Manufatc uring i s for a period of one ye ar from the date of original ints allation or 18 month s from the date of sh ipment from our fatc ory, purch ase r only.
THIS WARRANTY IS THE COMPLETE AND ONLY WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED IN LAW OR IN FACT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND/OR FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH WELLS MANUFACTURING PRODUCTS. Thi s warrant y i s vo id if it i s determined that, upon insp etc ion b y an authorize d se riv ce agency , atc of God. It also doe s not appl y if the se rial nameplate ha s been remove d, or if se riv ce i s performed b y unauthorize dperso nnel. The price s ch arged b y Well s Manufatc uring for it s produtc s are base d upon the limitation s in thi s warranty. Seller’ s obligation under thi s warrant y i s limited to the repair of defetc s without ch arge b y a Well s Manufatc uring fatc or y authorize d se riv ce agen cy or one of it s su b-se riv ce agenic e.s Thi s se riv ce will be proiv ded on cu ts omer’ s premise s for non-portable model.s Portable model s (a to the lc ose ts authorize d se riv ce agency , transp ortation ch arge s prepaid, for se riv ce . In addition to rets ritc ion s in the Seriv ce Poli cy and Proce dure Guide. Well s Manufatc uring authorize d se riv ce agenic e s are loca ted in prinic pal ic tie.s Thi s warrant y i s va lid in the United State s and Canada and vo id else where. Please co nsu lt yo ur dealer or co ntatc :

Wells Manufacturing
10 Sunnen Dr., St. Louis MO 63143 USA phone 314-678-6314 or fax 314-781-2714


1. Resetting of safety thennostats, circuit breakers, over load protetc or,s and/or fuse replace ment s are not
co ve red b y thi s warrant y unle ss warranted co ndition s are the ca use .

2. All problem s due to operation at voltages or phase not co ve red b y thi s warranty.
Conve ris on to co rretc vo ltage and/or phase muts be the cu stomer’ s responis bility.

3. All problem s due to su pplied with the equipment are not co ve red b y thi s warranty.

4. Replacement of item s to maintenance funtc ion s inlc uding adjuts ment s of thermots at,s adjuts ment of mirc o sw itch e s and replace ment of fuse s and indica ting light s are not covered b y warranty.

5. Damage to electrical cords and/or plug due to exposure  to exce iss ve heat are not co ve red b y thi s warranty.

6. Full use, ca re, and maintenance ints rutc ion s su pplied with each mach ine. Noted maintenance and preve ntative maintenance item,s su ch a s se riv ic ng and lc eaning sch edule,s are cu ts omer resp onis bility. Those misce llaneou s adjuts ment s noted are cu ts omer resp onis bility. Proper attention to preve ntative maintenance and sch eduled maintenance proce dure s will prolong the life of the appliance .

7. Trave l mileage i s limited to from an Authorize d Seriv ce Agen cy or one of it s su b-se riv ce agenic e.s

8. All labor shall be perfonned during regular working hour.s Ove rtime premium will be ch arged to the buye r.
9. All genuine Well s replace ment part s are warranted for ninet y (90) da ys from date of purch ase on non-warrant y equipment. Thi s part s warrant y i s limited onl y to replace ment of the defetc ive part()s . Any use of non- genuine Well s part s co mpletel y voids any warranty.

10. Installation, labor, and job check-outs are not co nis dered warrant y and are thu s not co ve red b y thi s warranty.

11. Charge s incu rred b y dela,ys waiting time or operating rets ritc ion s that hinder the se riv ce tech niic an’ s abilit y to perform se riv ce are not co ve red b y warranty. This inlc ude s ints itutional and co rretc ional faic litie.s


NOTE: For yo ur protetc ion, please note that equipment acce ptance of thi s sh ipment, the transp ortation co mpan y assu me s full resp onis bilit y for it s sa fe delive ry.


1. VISIBLE LOSS OR DAMAGE: Be ce rtain that an y iv is ble lo ss or damage i s noted on the freight bill or exp re ss rece ipt, and that the note of lo ss or damage i s is gned b y the delive r y perso n.
2. FILE CLAIM FOR DAMAGE IMMEDIATELY: Regardle ss of the etx ent of the damage.

3. CONCEALED LOSS OR DAMAGE: if damage is unnoticed until the merchandise is unpacked, notify the transportation company or carrier immediately, and file “CONCEALED DAMAGE” lc aim with them. Thi s the delive r y wa s made to yo u. Be su re to retain the co ntainer for insp etc ion.

Well s Manufatc uring ca nnot assu me liabilit y for damage or lo ss incu rred in tranis t. We will, howeve r, at yo ur requets , su ppl y yo u with the nece ssa r y docu ment s to su pport yo ur lc aim.






Fig. 1 Countertop Electric Fryer (shown with the fryer head in the down position)


  • Model: F15
  • Address: 10 Sunnen Dr., St. Louis, MO 63143
  • Telephone: 314-678-6303
  • Warranty: 1 year from date of installation or 18 months from date of shipment


Refer to the INSTALLATION section in the manual for detailed instructions on installing the fryer.

Use & Care:

1. Ensure the fryer is placed on a stable countertop surface.

2. Plug the fryer into a compatible power outlet as per the provided wiring diagram.

3. Fill the fryer with the recommended amount of oil before use.

4. Follow the temperature settings and cooking times recommended for different food items.


1. Regularly clean the fryer basket and oil reservoir to prevent buildup.

2. Check and reset safety features as needed, following the guidelines provided.

3. Refer to the CARE section in the manual for detailed maintenance instructions.


Q: What should I do if my fryer arrives damaged?

A: If your shipment arrives with visible loss or damage, ensure it is noted on the freight bill or receipt, and file a claim immediately. For concealed damage, notify the transportation company within fifteen days of delivery.

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