Pretorian TECHNOLOGIES 2628 USB Switch Access Android Instruction Manual

June 2, 2024


Pretorian TECHNOLOGIES 2628 USB Switch Access Android



  • Product Name: USB Switch
  • Compatibility: PC, Mac, Android, Chromebook
  • Additional Features: Integral 75mm switch, supports mouse, keyboard, and gamepad functions, programmable settings for motor deficits

Product Description
The USB Switch is a versatile switch access device designed to provide switch access to a variety of software on PC, Mac, Android, or Chromebook platforms. It features an integral 75mm switch that can be programmed for various functions such as mouse, keyboard, and gamepad. The unit also supports the attachment of up to two additional wired switches, each configurable to different functions. Additionally, it offers programmable settings for motor deficits.


  • Supports PC, Mac, Android, Chromebook
  • Integral 75mm switch
  • Programmable settings for motor deficits
  • Supports mouse, keyboard, and gamepad functions
  • Allows attachment of up to two additional switches

Product Usage Instructions

Connecting Your USB Switch

  1. Plug the provided cable into the USB socket [D] on the rear of the unit.
  2. Plug the other end of the cable into your host computer.
  3. The computer will automatically build a suitable driver for the USB Switch.

Mode Settings
The default modes for the integral switch [A] and sockets [B] are as follows:

  • Integral Switch (A): Space
  • Socket 1 (B): Enter
  • Socket 2 (B): Tab

To change the mode setting for the integral switch [A]:

  1. Press the Channel button [F] once.
  2. The current mode setting will be displayed on the screen [G].
  3. Press the Mode button [H] repeatedly until the desired setting from Table 2 appears on the display.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Is the USB Switch compatible with all devices?
    The USB Switch is compatible with PC, Mac, Android, and Chromebook platforms. For specific compatibility with Android tablets, alternative cables may be required.

  • Can I use the USB Switch with Apple devices?
    No, the USB Switch is not compatible with Apple iPhone or iPad. Consider using Pretorian Technologies’ iSwitch instead.

USB Switch

Pack Contents

  • Carefully check the contents of the box, which are:
    • USB Switch unit
    • USB cable
    • These instructions

Product Description

  • All three switches may be set to different functions.
  • Uniquely, USB Switch also allows adaptation for tremors, ataxia, chorea and other neuromuscular conditions resulting in motor deficits through its programmable Acceptance Delay, Ignore Repeat Time, Maximum Press Time and Auto-Repeat feature.
  • USB Switch is a highly versatile switch access device designed to give you switch access to a wide variety of software on PC, Mac, Android† or Chromebook platforms. The function of the integral 75mm diameter switch may be selected using a simple user interface and can be one of many mouse, keyboard and gamepad functions.
  • Two sockets at the rear of the unit allow up to two additional wired switches to be attached.


  • 75mm Switch with built in USB interface.
  • No drivers need to be loaded onto host computer.
  • Switch function programmable via integral LED display.
  • Advanced settings to allow adaptation for tremors, ataxia, chorea and other motor deficits.
  • Two additional 3.5mm switch sockets, each separately programmable for function.
  • Works with PC, Mac, Chromebook and Android Tablets†
  • Low profile and low operating force

Android Tablet requires alternative cable.Pretorian-TECHNOLOGIES-2628-USB-


  • Your USB Switch is compatible with the following computer platforms:
    • All types of PC, including laptops
    • All types of Apple Mac
    • All types of Chromebook
  • Some Android tablet computers and phones.
  • Android tablets vary enormously in specification so compatibility with these products is dependent upon the specific host device. Please contact Pretorian Technologies or your local distributor for guidance. If the Android device has a micro-USB sync/charging port, you will also need an alternative cable to the one provided. These are widely available from good hardware stores.
  • Throughout these instructions, all references to ‘computer’ should be taken as meaning any of the above devices.
  • Note that USB Switch is not compatible with Apple iPhone or iPad since these do not support a USB connection. Please consider Pretorian Technologies’ iSwitch instead.

Connecting your USB Switch

  • Plug the provided cable into the USB socket [D] on the rear of the unit and then plug the other end of the cable into the host computer. It does not matter whether the computer is on or off. The first time the USB Switch is plugged in, the host computer will build a suitable driver. It will never ask you to load a disk or search the internet for a suitable driver.
  • The process of building a driver may take up to thirty seconds to complete. The host computer will usually tell you when the device is ready to use.
  • Some Android computers may reboot after the drivers have been built in order to make them effective. This will only occur the first time the unit is plugged in.

Mode Settings

The default modes for the integral switch [A] and sockets [B] are given in Table 1:

SWITCH (A) Space
SOCKET 1 (B) Enter
SOCKET 2 (B) Tab

Table 1: Default Switch/Socket Modes

  • To change the integral switch [A] mode setting, press the Channel button [F] once. The current mode setting is then shown on the display [G]. To change, press the Mode button [H] repeatedly until the desired setting from Table 2 appears on the display.
  • After a few seconds the display is extinguished and the settings are saved. Note that all settings are retained even with the power off and are automatically recalled at power-up.
  • Note that neither of the LEDs [C] are illuminated when setting the internal switch mode.
  • To change the setting of either socket [B], first select the socket that you would like to change by repeatedly pressing the Channel button [F] until the LED [C] adjacent to that socket is illuminated.
  • The current mode setting is then shown on the display [G]. To change it, press the Mode button [H] repeatedly until the desired setting from Table 2 appears on the display. After a few seconds the display is extinguished and the settings are saved.
  • Any combination of settings can be programmed, including duplicates, should you wish to use USB Switch for turn-taking and co-operative learning.
Mode Setting Class Function Explanation
0 Gamepad Switch 1 **Gamepad functions- used with

various software including Inclusive Technology and Crick†
1| Gamepad| Switch 2
2| Gamepad| Switch 3
3| Gamepad| Switch 4
4| Mouse| Left Click| Mouse Switch Functions
5| Mouse| Right Click
6| Mouse| Drag Lock
7| Keyboard| Space| General purpose keyboard functions used widely for computer access
8| Keyboard| Enter
9| Keyboard| Tab
A| Keyboard| ~ 1| Tilde functions used on some tablet apps
B| Keyboard| ~ 3
C| Keyboard| F7| Used on Clicker† software, for example
D| Keyboard| F8
E| Keyboard| Numeral 2| Used with Intellitools† and other US software
F| Keyboard| Numeral 3
G| Keyboard| Up Arrow| General purpose keyboard functions frequently used for navigation
H| Keyboard| Down Arrow
J| Keyboard| Left Arrow
L| Keyboard| Right Arrow
P| Mouse| Cursor Up| Mouse emulation
R| Mouse| Cursor Down
T| Mouse| Cursor Left
U| Mouse| Cursor Right**

Table 2: Switch Mode Settings

†All trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are acknowledged.

Switch Filtering Features

  • The USB Switch contains a number of features to allow users with ataxia, chorea, dystrophy, various forms of palsy and other coordination and motor deficits to successfully use a switch without frustration.
  • A number of important switch timings may be changed according to the user’s precise requirements. As with all such features, a period of experimentation will yield the most suitable settings. Carers and, where appropriate, users are encouraged to read Pretorian Technologies’ Switch Filtering white paper to gain a thorough understanding of the function of each setting and typical configurations for particular coordination and motor deficits. A copy of this white paper can be viewed on the USB Switch product page of the Pretorian Technologies website
  • Specifically, there are four settings which may be changed:
    • Acceptance Delay
    • Ignore After Release Delay
    • Maximum Press Time
    • Auto-Repeat
  • When shipped from the factory, all settings are zero (or off), so if these facilities are not required, it is not necessary to go through any of the configuration described in the following sections. However, it should be noted that the settings are retained in the product’s memory even with the power off, so once they have been made non-zero they will be remain so until further changes are made.
  • The following sections give a brief overview of each setting and describe how to make changes to it. Once you elect to make changes (or even to view the current settings), you will be guided through from one menu to the next, dropping out once all have been set (or viewed). Note that there is no repetition of displayed characters from one menu to the next so it always possible to tell precisely which menu you are currently in.

Acceptance Delay

  • Acceptance Delay is defined as the time between first pressing the switch and it being accepted as pressed. If the switch is released within the chosen period, the switch press is ignored. Only a sustained press of at least the chosen time period will be recognized as a successful press.
  • Users with poor aim should keep this set to zero, whereas users with tremors but good aim may benefit from making this setting non-zero.
  • Beginning with the LED display [G] off, Press and Hold the Channel button for around two seconds until the LED display lights. Note that the display flashes off briefly once a second to confirm that the switch filtering menus are being viewed.
  • The current Acceptance Delay period is now shown on the LED display. The default setting is 0 (immediate). To make a change to the setting, repeatedly press the Mode button [H] until you see the required setting.
  • Once you see the required setting on the display, pressing the Channel button [F] takes you to the Ignore After Release Time menu.
Setting Delay
0 0 (Immediate)
1 0.25s
2 0.50s
3 0.75s
4 1.0s
5 1.5s
6 2.0s
7 4.0s

Table 3: Acceptance Delay Settings

Ignore After Release Time

  • Ignore After Repeat Time is defined as the time after releasing the switch for which any further switch presses are ignored. If the switch is re-pressed within this period, it will be ignored until the full period has elapsed. If the switch is still pressed at the end of this period, or is re-pressed after this period has elapsed, the switch press will be recognised from that point forward.
  • A non-zero setting allows a user with tremors to release the switch without fear of repeated switch activity. If the user has poor aim, it is usually preferable to have a non-zero Ignore After Release time than a non-zero Acceptance Delay.
  • The default setting is A (no delay). To make a change to the setting, repeatedly press the Mode button [H] until you see the required setting.
Setting Time
A 0 (No Delay)
B 0.25s
C 0.50s
D 0.75s
E 1.0s
F 1.5s
G 2.0s
H 4.0s

Table 4: Ignore after Release Settings

  • Note that if both Acceptance and Ignore After Release Delays are non-zero, the minimum time from a switch being released until it can next be recognised as pressed is the SUM of the two settings. So, for example, if the settings are 3 and E respectively, the time from release to a second press being recognised is 0.75 + 1.00 sec = 1.75 sec. It is unusual to require both of these settings to be non-zero.
  • Once you see the required setting on the display, pressing the Channel button [F] takes you to the Maximum Press Time menu.

Maximum Press Time

  • Maximum Press Time is defined as the maximum switch closure time, irrespective of how long it is actually pressed i.e. normal operation. When set to ‘P’ (Continuous) the switch is closed for as long as it is pressed. When set to ‘R’, ‘T’ or ‘U’, the switch closure is for the appropriate period no matter how long the switch is pressed for.
  • This setting is very useful for users who have difficulty in removing their hand from the switch after a switch closure, which can often result in multiple occurrences of the chosen action.
  • The default setting is P (continuous). To make a change to the setting, repeatedly press the Mode button [H] until you see the required setting.
  • Once you see the required setting on the display, press the Channel button [F]. This will either take you out of the configuration menus, or to the Auto-Repeat setting if appropriate.
Setting Time
P 0 (Continuous)
R 0.1s
T 0.2s
U 0.5s

Table 5: Maximum Press Time Settings


  • The Auto-Repeat setting selects whether the unit auto-repeats a switch closure. It only appears as an option if the Maximum Press Time is non-zero and either the Acceptance Delay and/or Ignore After Release Time are also non-zero. It may be used to output periodic switch closures for as long as the switch is pressed which is often useful when scanning, for example.
  • The duration of the switch closure will be the Maximum Press Time setting and the period between switch closures is the sum of the Acceptance Delay and Ignore After Release Time.
  • The default setting is N (off). To make a change to the setting, repeatedly press the Mode button [H] until you see the required setting.
  • This is an advanced setting and should not be turned on until all other features have been fully evaluated and the appropriate settings determined.
  • Once you see the required setting on the display, press the Channel button [F]. This will take you out of the configuration menus. All settings will be saved and the display will be extinguished.
Setting Time
N Off (gives single switch closure)
Y On (auto-repeats)

Table 6: Auto-Repeat Settings


Your USB Switch has no user serviceable parts. If repair is necessary the unit should be returned to Pretorian Technologies or an authorised Distributor.

Replacement Cables

  • Should you misplace the connecting cable or need to purchase a replacement, the following details will allow you to correctly specify your requirements to a technology retailer:
    USB Type A Plug to USB Mini Plug.

  • Note that such cables are frequently referred to as ‘camera cables’.

  • Should you wish to use USB Switch with a tablet computer with a USB Micro charging/sync socket, please specify the following:
    USB Mini Plug to USB Micro Plug.

  • Note that Samsung devices have a non-standard socket and therefore an adaptor will be required to use USB Switch with Samsung tablet computers. These are widely available from technology retailers.


Your USB Switch is warranted against defects in manufacture and component failure. The unit is designed for domestic and educational applications. Use outside these areas will invalidate the warranty. Unauthorised repair or modification, mechanical abuse, immersion in any liquid or connection to incompatible equipment will also invalidate the warranty.


If your USB Switch does not operate correctly, please use the following guide to determine the cause. If, after following this guide, your unit still does not operate, please contact your supplier before returning it.

Symptom Possible Cause/ Remedy
My USB Switch is not recognised when plugged into my computer
  • Check that plug is fully inserted into socket [D].
  • Check cable for integrity-try a replacement cable.
  • Note that many of the switch modes are keyboard functions so it is often a good idea to select one of these and try pressing the switch in a word processing application. You should see characters appear in the document just like typing on a keyboard.

Nothing happens when I press the switch|

  • Check that you have selected the correct mode setting for the software you are using. Many use space and enter.
  • Check that the switch filtering functions are set according to your needs. In particular, a non-zero setting for Acceptance Delay can lead the user to believe that the switch is not functioning as they tend not to press it for long enough to overcome the delay.

My USB Switch works on my PC but does not work on my Android tablet|

  • USB Switch gets its power from the host computer. Some Android tablets do not make power available on the sync/charging port. Please contact Pretorian for an up to date list of which tablet computers may be used.
  • Note that Switch Access is only available on Android 5.0 (Lollipop) and later.

The Apple and Samsung brand names are used for identification purposes only, are the property of their respective owners and are acknowledged.

  • Unit 37 Corringham Road Industrial Estate Gainsborough Lincolnshire DN21 1QB UK
  • Tel +44 (0) 1427 678990
  • Fax +44 (0) 1427 678992
  • SimplyWorks® is a registered trademark of Pretorian Technologies Ltd
  • S040093. Use with firmware 65.0


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