KEBA Licensing Runtime License Software Instruction Manual

June 4, 2024

KEBA Licensing Runtime License Software

Document:  V 1.01
Document No.:
Pages: 20

KEBA 2021
Specifications are subject to change due to further technical developments. Details presented may be subject to correction.

All rights reserved.

KEBA Industrial Automation GmbH

Reindlstraße 51, 4040 Linz, Austria

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Record of Revision

Version Date Change in chapter Description Changed by
1.00 01-2019 Newly created hasl
1.01 10-2021 Several Updated to new company structure, updated device
replacement hasl

Trial license

By default, all products are delivered with a trial license. This license expires after 30 days. Within this period, all product functions can be used in their full scope. After this time has expired, use is no longer possible, or only pos-sible to a limited extent. For full use, a new, valid license is required, which can be requested from KEBA. A trial license can only be used once. Even if the product is uninstalled and then reinstalled, use without a valid license is no longer possible.

Activation of a trial license (single-user license)

When using a product on a PC, no activation of the trial license is necessary. Once the product has been installed, the trial license is automatically activated and the product can be used for 30 days from the time of installation.

Activation of a trial license (runtime license)

When using a device, the trial license must be activated manually. Otherwise, the product cannot be used or can only be used incompletely. Activation is only possible via the access “DevAdmin”.

Before activation, the date and time must be set correctly on the device! Otherwise, the license may become invalid immediately when the date is updated.

To activate the trial license proceed as follows:

  1. Start “DevAdmin”
  2. Establish a connection to the desired device.
  3. Switch to tab Licensing ► Activation.
  4. Click on Activate trial license. The trial license has been activated and the product is fully usable for 30 days.

Activating a runtime license (software on the device)

The following options are available for activating a license on the device:

  • Online activation directly on device
  • Offline activation using device
  • Online activation using “DevAdmin”
  • Offline activation using “DevAdmin”

Online activation directly on device

For online activation, the device on which the software to be licensed is in- stalled must have an Internet connection and a display. A FAT32-formatted USB stick (max. 128 GB) is also required. To prepare the USB stick, proceed as follows:

  1. Plug the USB stick into a PC.
  2. Create the directory “licensing” in the root directory of the USB stick.
  3. Create empty file with the name .ticket.xml in the “li-censing” directory.
  4. Create file with the name config.lua with the entry autoMode = true.
  5. Pull off the USB stick. The USB stick is now prepared.

Depending on the device, the display is a display menu or a 7-segment dis- play.

Device with display menu
Proceed as follows to activate the license:

  1. Plug the USB stick into the device to be licensed.
  2. The device recognizes the file on the USB stick and automatically starts licensing.

If the entry autoMode = true has not been set, the query “Start online li- censing?” appears on the display. Confirm the query with ENTER.

After successful activation of the license, the message “New licenses acti- vated” appears on the display. The USB stick can be removed.

Device with 7-segment display
The device must be in OsReady, STOP or RUN state. Proceed as follows to activate the license:

  1. Plug the USB stick into the device to be licensed.
  2. The device recognizes the file on the USB stick and automatically starts licensing. The following icon is displayed:

Licensing has been performed successfully. The device returns to the origi-nal operating state. The USB stick can be removed.

Offline activation using device

If the device on which the software to be licensed is installed does not have an Internet connection, only offline activation is possible. To do so, a FAT32-formatted USB stick (max. 128 GB) and another PC with an Internet connec-tion are required.
Proceed as follows to activate the license:

  1. Plug the USB stick into the device.
  2.  Navigate to Licensing ► Offline activation ► Generate request in the display menu. The file <Seriennummer des Geräts>_request.xml is stored on the USB stick in the “licensing-offline” directory.
  3. Confirm the message with the confirmation button.
  4. Remove the USB stick.

Switching to the PC:

  1. Plug the USB stick into the PC.
  2. Open “WebDepot” by entering the link listed on the license ticket into an Internet browser.
  3. Enter the ticket code and click on Next.KEBA-Licensing-Runtime-License-Software-fig-3
  4. If necessary, select the license for the desired product.
  5. Click on Next and Bulk activation for PLCKEBA-Licensing-Runtime-License-Software-fig-4
  6. Select the file <Seriennummer des Geräts>_request.xml from the “li- censing-offline” directory of the USB stick.
  7. Click on Upload Request And Continue Now.
  8. Click on _<Gerätename>.KEBA-Licensing-Runtime-License-Software-fig-5
  9. Save the file under the name <Seriennummer des Geräts>_re-quest.xml in the “licensing-offline” directory of the USB stick. The name must not be changed.
  10. Remove the USB stick.

The current page in “WebDepot” must not be closed!

Switching to the device:

  1. Connect the USB stick.
  2. Navigate to Licensing ► Offline activation ► Activate license in the display menu. The file _receipt.xml from the USB stick is read out and saved to the USB stick again.
  3. Confirm the message (“OK”) with the confirmation button.
  4. Remove the USB stick.

Switching to the PC:

  1. Connect the USB stick.
  2. Click on Upload Receipt.
  3. Select the file _receipt.xml from the “licensing-off-line” directory of the USB stick.KEBA-Licensing-Runtime-License-Software-fig-6
  4. Click on Upload Receipt Now. he license has been successfully activated.

Online activation using “DevAdmin”

For this online activation, a PC with an Internet connection is required. The device on which the software to be licensed is installed does not require an Internet connection, but it must be connected to the PC via a network con- nection. Proceed as follows to activate the license:

  1. Establish a connection between the PC and the device using DevAd-min.
  2. Click on Licensing ► Activation.KEBA-Licensing-Runtime-License-Software-fig-7
  3. Enter the ticket code.
  4. Click on Start online activation.

The license was successfully activated on the device.

Offline activation using “Dev-Admin”

If neither the device on which the software to be licensed is installed nor the PC on which the device is connected via the network (offline PC) have an In-ternet connection, only offline activation is possible. To do this, a FAT32 -for-matted USB stick (max. 128 GB) and another PC with an Internet connection (online PC) are required. Between offline-PC and online-PC no network con- nection is necessary. The device to be licensed is connected to a PC without an Internet connec-tion (offline PC) using DevAdmin. Proceed as follows to activate the license:

  1. Insert the USB stick into the offline PC.
  2. Establish a connection between the offline PC and the device using De-vAdmin.
  3. Click on Licensing ► Activation.KEBA-Licensing-Runtime-License-Software-fig-8
  4. Click on Dowload license request file.
  5. Save the file _<Gerätename>.xml to the USB stick. The name must not be changed.
  6. Remove the USB stick.

Switch to the online PC:

Activating a runtime license (software on the device)

  1. Connect the USB stick.
  2. Open “WebDepot” by entering the link listed on the license ticket into an Internet browser.
  3. Enter the ticket code and click on Next.KEBA-Licensing-Runtime-License-Software-fig-9
  4. Click on Bulk Update for PLC.KEBA-Licensing-Runtime-License-Software-fig-10
  5. Save the file _<Gerätename>.xml from the USB stick directory.
  6. Click on Upload request and continue now.
  7. Save the file _<Gerätename>.xml to the USB stick. The name must not be changed.
  8. Remove the USB stick.

The current page in “WebDepot” must not be closed!

Switching to the offline PC:

  1. Connect the USB stick.
  2. Select the file _<Gerätename>.xml from the USB stick directory and click on Update license and download receipt.
  3. Confirm the message Upload successful with OK.
  4. Save the file _receipt.xml to the USB stick. The name must not be changed.
  5. Remove the USB stick.

Switching to the online PC:

  1. Connect the USB stick.
  2. elect the file _receipt.xml on the USB stick and click on Upload Receipt Now.
  3. Confirm the dialog with OK. The license has been successfully activated.

Device replacement (runtime license)

The following options are available in which a license that has already been activated can be transferred to a new device:

  • Offline exchange of a memory card
  • Online exchange of a memory card
  • Online restore of a license using DevAdmin
  • Offline restore of a license using DevAdmin

The original license runs on the new device for an additional 14 days. The li- cense can only be used 2 x on a new device.

Only activated unlimited licenses can be transferred. If there is already an activated license on the new device, it will not be overwritten by the restore.

Offline exchange of a memory card

In this application case, the memory card of a defective device was inserted into a new device. For this application case, a FAT32-formatted USB stick (max. 128 GB) and a PC with an Internet connection are required. The de-vice must have a display.
During the licensing process, the web browser with “WebDepot” open must not be closed. In order to transfer the license from the old device to the new device, pro-ceed as follows:

  1. Insert the USB stick into the new device.
  2. Navigate to Licensing ► Offline Restore ► Generate Request in the display menu and confirm using the confirmation button. The file _request.xml was saved to the USB stick. The name must not be changed.
  3. Remove the USB stick.

Switching to the PC:

  1. Connect the USB stick.
  2. pen “WebDepot” by entering the link listed on the license ticket into an Internet browser.
  3. Enter the ticket code and click on Next.
  4. Click on Hardware change for PLC.
  5. Click on Upload Request and select the file _request.xml from the licensing-offline directory of the USB stick.
  6. Click on Upload Request And Continue Now and on _.
  7. Save the file in the licensing-offline directory of the USB stick.
  8. Remove the USB stick.

Switching to the device:

  1. Connect the USB stick
  2. Navigate to Licensing ► Offline Restore ► Restore license in the display menu and confirm using the confirmation button. The message “Restore license executed” appears on the display. The file _receipt.xml was saved to the USB stick. The name must not be changed.
  3. Remove the USB stick.

Switching to the PC:

  1. Connect the USB stick.
  2. Click on Upload Receipt.
  3. Select the file _receipt.xml from USB stick directory license-offline.
  4. Click on Upload Receipt Now.
    The license has been successfully activated on the new device.

Online exchange of a memory card

In this application case, the memory card of a defective device was inserted into a new device. For this application case, the device must have an Inter- net connection and a display. In order to transfer the license from the old device to the new device, pro-ceed as follows:

  1. Navigate to Licensing ► Online Restore ► Restore License in the display menu and confirm using the confirmation button. The license can be installed on the new device. See 2 Activating a runtime li-cense (software on the device).

Online restore of a license using DevAdmin

In this application case, the memory card of a defective device was inserted into a new device. For restoring a license online, there is a PC with an Inter-net connection in the network of the device and it is running. The device to be licensed is also running.

  1. Establish a connection between the PC and the device using DevAd-min.
  2. Click on Licensing ► Activation.
  3. Click on Start online restore.KEBA-Licensing-Runtime-License-Software-fig-12
  4. Confirm the dialog with OK. The entered license is available for licensing again and can be used as de-scribed in Chap. “Licensing software on a device”.

Offline restore of a license using DevAdmin

In this application case, the memory card of a defective device was inserted into a new device. This restore method is used for devices without an Inter- net connection. For this method, a FAT32-formatted USB stick (max. 128 GB) and an Internet-capable PC are required (online PC). During the restore process, the web browser with the “WebDepot” open (online PC) and the web browser with DevAdmin open (offline PC) must not be closed.

  1. Insert the USB stick into the offline PC.
  2. Establish a connection between the offline PC and the device using De-vAdmin.
  3. Click on Licensing ► Activation.
  4. Click on Download license request file.KEBA-Licensing-Runtime-License-Software-fig-13
  5. Save the file _request.xml to the USB stick. The name must not be changed.
  6. Remove the USB stick.

Switching to the online PC:

  1. Connect the USB stick.
  2. Open “WebDepot” by entering the link listed on the license ticket into an Internet browser.
  3. Enter the ticket code and click on Next.
  4. Click on Hardware change for PLC.
  5. Select the file _request.xml from the directory of the USB stick.
  6. Click on Upload request and continue now.
  7. Click on _.xml and save the file to the USB stick.
  8. Remove the USB stick.

Switching to the offline PC:

  1. Connect the USB stick.
  2. Select the file _request.xml from the directory of the USB stick.
  3. Click on Update license and download receipt.
  4. Save the file _receipt.xml to the USB stick. The name must not be changed.
  5. Remove the USB stick.

Switching to the online PC:

  1. Connect the USB stick.
  2. Select the file _receipt.xml from the directory of the USB stick.
  3. Click on Upload Receipt Now.
  4. Confirm the dialog with OK.
    The entered license has been successfully transferred to a new device.

License status and license overview

Single-user licences

The status of a software license can be queried by clicking the icon in the task bar. Furthermore, a licensing overview can be called up using the link to the WebAdmin. In the License monitor tab, the license number and the number of assigned and available licenses are displayed. A license overview of all licenses and corresponding validity periods is located in the Container tab.

Runtime licenses
In order to query the status of a hardware license (runtime license), the de-vice has to be accessed via “DevAdmin”. In the Licensing ► Overview tab, an overview of all licenses and their validity periods as well as the license type is shown.

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