marklin 55160 Museum Steam Locomotive Instruction Manual

June 17, 2024

marklin 55160 Museum Steam Locomotive


Product Information


  • Model: Dampflokomotive S 2/6 3201 “Museum”
  • Model Number: 55160
  • Material: Metal construction

Product Usage Instructions

  • Before Operating for the First Time:
    This model is complex and contains mostly metal parts that are not easily replaceable. Handle the model with care.

  • Safety Instructions:
    Ensure the connecting cable between the locomotive and tender is only plugged in when there is no voltage present. The cable connection must be unlocked for separation.

  • Transportation:
    For safe transport, the model is screwed onto a pedestal. Transport the model securely in the original cassette.

  • Switchable Functions:
    The model features switchable functions including heating.

  • Operation on a Layout:
    Refer to the parameter/register settings for proper operation on a layout.

  • Spare Parts:
    Consult the provided spare parts list for any replacements needed.


  • Q: How should I transport the model?
    A: The model should be securely fastened on a pedestal inside the original cassette for safe transportation.

  • Q: Can plastic parts be easily replaced?
    A: No, most parts of the model are constructed of metal, making replacements more complex compared to plastic parts.

Putting into Operation

Before Operating for the First Time
This model is especially complex and costly in terms of its technology. Most of the applied parts are constructed of metal. Such parts cannot be replaced as easily as plastic parts. Please therefore note that you should handle this model with special care. Please contact Märklin Service for replace-ment of parts or repairs.

marklin-55160-Museum-Steam-Locomotive-fig- \(1\)

This heavy model was bolted to the base for safe transport. Please transport this model properly and in the original packaging.

marklin-55160-Museum-Steam-Locomotive-fig- \(2\)

The connecting cable between the locomotive and tender may be plugged in only when there is no voltage present or on. To do this, place the locomotive and tender on a length of track with no power in it or shut the layout off before doing this. The cable connection between the locomotive and tender snaps into place and must be unlocked for separation.

marklin-55160-Museum-Steam-Locomotive-fig- \(3\)

Safety Notes

  • This locomotive is to be used only with an operating system designed for it (Märklin AC, Märklin Digital, Märklin Systems, DCC).
  • Use only switched-mode power supply units and transformers that are designed for your local power system.
  • This locomotive must never be supplied with power from more than one transformer.
  • Pay close attention to the safety notes in the instructions for your operating system.
  • The feeder track must be equipped to prevent interference with radio and television reception when the locomotive is to be run in conventional operation. The 104770 interference suppression set is to be used for this purpose.
  • The wire used for feeder connections to the track may only be a maximum of 2 meters/78 inches long.
  • Do not expose the model to direct sunlight, extreme changes in temperature, or high humidity.
  •  WARNING! Sharp edges and points are required for operation.
  • The LEDs in this item correspond to Laser Class 1 according to Standard EN 60825-1.

General Note to Avoid Electromagnetic Interference:
A permanent, flawless wheel-rail contact is required to guarantee the operation for which a model is designed. Do not make any changes to the current-conducting parts.

Important Notes

  • Due to the high power requirements for this heavy locomotive, there are only limited possibilities for operation with the 60652/60653 Mobile Station.
  • The operating instructions are a part of the product and must therefore be kept as well as transferred along with the product to others.
  • Please see your authorized Märklin dealer for repairs or spare parts.
  • The warranty card included with this product specifies the warranty conditions.
  • Disposing:


  • The mode of operation (AC, Mfx, Märklin Motorola, or DCC) is recognized automatically.
  • Mfx technology for the Mobile Station/Central Station.
    • Name set at the factory: S 2/6 Museum
  • Address set at the factory: (Märklin) 32/33 / (DCC) 3
  • Setting locomotive parameters (address, acceleration/braking delay, maximum speed, etc.): with the Control Unit and DCC (CV programming), Mobile Station, or the Central Station.
  • Direction-dependent headlights.
  • Voltage buffer included (to buffer dirty areas of the track)
  • The model is designed for operation on Märklin 1 Gauge track. As the consumer, you assume the risk of operating on other makes of track.
  • Minimum radius for operation: 1020 mm/40-1/6“.
  • Only the train control functions and headlight changeover feature are available in analog operation.
  • In the decoder settings, DC operation is deactivated at the factory, since this otherwise causes conflicts with the braking distance. To use DC operation, it must first be activated. CV 27, bit 4 and bit 5 OFF; CV 50, bit 1 ON

Note about Installation in the 59960 Display
Use the original mounting bolts from the locomotive and tender and the #10 spacers from the 59960 display for installation in the 59960 display.

Controllable Functions

Headlights f0
Smoke generator f1
Operating sounds 1 f2
Sound effect: Whistle blast f3
Telex coupler at the back, with sound f4
Engineer‘s cab lighting f5
Sound effect: Sanding f6
Lowering the coal pile f7
Sound effect: Squealing brakes off f9
Sound effect: Ash grate f10
Light(s) for oncoming train f11
Glow from firebox f12
Sound effect: Injector f13
Sound effect: Water pump f14
Sound effect: Station announcements f15
Changing lights: Marker lights off f16
Sound effect: Switching whistle f17
Sound effect: Conductor whistle f18
Sound effect: Blowing off steam f19
Sound effect: Air pump f20
--- ---
Surrounding sounds f21
Sound effect: Safety valve f22
Function „Firing“ 3 f23
Sound effect: Announcement f24
Sound effect: Filling water f25
Sound effect: Filling coal f26
Sound effect: Filling sand f27
Low-speed switching range f28
Sound effect: Rail joints f29
Sound effect: „boosting“ control f30
Changing the function of the switch in the tender 2 f31
  1. with random sounds
  2. -> page 36
  3. Firebox, stoker and coal pile in motion


CV Discription 6021 Value DCC Value
01 Address 01 – 80 1 – 127 (3)

CV 29/Bit 5 = 0

02| PoM| Minimum Speed| —| 0 – 255 (4)
03| PoM| Acceleration delay| 01 – 63| 0 – 255 (8)
04| PoM| Braking delay| 01 – 63| 0 – 255 (8)
05| PoM| Maximum speed| 01 – 63| 0 – 255 (161)
08| | Factory Reset / Manufacturer Recognition| 08| 08 (131)
13| PoM| Functions F1 – F8 in analog operation| —| 0 – 255 (1)
14| PoM| Functions F9 – F15 and lights in analog operation| —| 0 – 255 (1)
17| | Extended address (upper part CV29 Bit 5 = 1)| —| 192 – 231 (192)
18| | Extended address (lower part CV29 Bit 5 = 1)| —| 0 – 255 (128)
19| | Multiple Unit Address| —| 0 – 255 (0)
21| PoM| Functions F1 – F8 on Multiple Unit| —| 0 – 255 (0)
22| PoM| Functions F9 – F15 and lights on Multiple Unit| —| 0 – 255 (0)


| | Bit 0: Reversing direction

Bit 1: Number of speed levels 14 or 28/128 Bit 2: DCC operation with braking area Bit 5: Address length 7 Bit / 14 Bit


| 0 / 1 (0)*

0 / 2 (2)*

0 / 4 (4)*

0 / 32 (0)*




| Alternative Formats Bit 0 analog AC

Bit 1 analog DC Bit 2 Motorola

Bit 3 mfx



0 / 1 (1)*

0 / 2 (2)*

0 / 4 (4)*

0 / 8 (8)*

60| PoM| Multiple station announcements Bit 0 – 3 = Number of stations
Bit 4 = Last station reverses the sequence.
Bit 5 = Locomotive direction determines the sequence. Bit 6 = Basic setting for sequence.|

| 0 – 126 (36)
61| PoM| Random sound: Interval min.| —| 0 – 255 (30)
62| PoM| Random sound: Interval max.| —| 0 – 255 (50)
63| PoM| Volume| 01 – 63 (63)| 0 – 255 (235)
66| PoM| Reverse trim| —| 0 – 255 (128)
95| PoM| Forward trim| —| 0 – 255 (128)

( ) Values = factory settings

  • DCC: programming on the programming track using CV programming, programming with PoM (Program on the Main); this must be supported by the controller you are using.
  • The values for the desired setting must be added!
    Example: The number of speed levels 28/128 = 2 + DCC operation with a braking route = 4, results in the value = 6

Operation on a layout

Operating the locomotive on grades
In contrast to the prototype, a locomotive on a model railroad can operate up steeper grades. As a general rule, a grade should be no steeper than 3%. In extreme situations a maximum grade of 5% is permissible, keeping in mind that the locomotive’s tractive effort will be less. The beginning and the end of the grade must always work gradually up to the maximum grade for the route.

Tips For The Care Of Your Locomotive

  • Due to the heaviness of the locomotive, we recommend thoroughly cleaning the wheel sets and the track after about 10 hours of operation and lubricating the wheel bearings again.
  • This locomotive can also be used outdoors. We do not recommend running the locomotive in bad weather (snow or rain).
  • The mechanism and the electronic circuit are protected against spraying water. The locomotive cannot be run through water. We recommend that you check the locomotive over after running outdoors and that you dry it with a cloth or clean it with a brush if necessary. Never clean the locomotive with running water.

Cleaning fluids can attack the finish and lettering of the locomotive and damage them.

marklin-55160-Museum-Steam-Locomotive-fig- \(4\) marklin-55160-Museum-Steam-Locomotive-fig- \(5\)

When using the reproduction prototype couplers the locomotive must be run on curves greater than 2,320 mm/92“.

marklin-55160-Museum-Steam-Locomotive-fig- \(6\) marklin-55160-Museum-Steam-Locomotive-fig- \(7\)

Spare parts

marklin-55160-Museum-Steam-Locomotive-fig- \(8\)

  1. Leiter rechts E374 248
  2. Leiter links E374 249
  3. Tritte vorn E377 313
  4. Schraubenkupplung E372 550
  5. Bremsschlauch E377 314
  6. Bremsgestänge E378 109
  7. Zylindertritte E378 113
  8. Telex-Kupplung E374 152
  9. Drehgestell-Feder E272 868
  10. Hohlschraube E347 951
  11. Puffer E378 116
  12. Leitern Tender E378 117
  13. Rauchgenerator 337 149
  14. Controller Rauchsatz 373 747
    Kupplungen, Leitern, Verstrebung E373 968

Several parts are offered unpainted or in another colour. Parts that are not listed here can only be repaired by the Märklin repair service department. Details in the image may differ from the model.

Gebr. Märklin & Cie. GmbH

The following listing gives the factory settings in the area of function mapping for the decoder to 55160. These settings can be changed multiple times and at any time. See also supplemental decoder instructions.

The settings for function mapping are very complex and require extensive knowledge of working with DCC.

CV Wert Bedeutung
257 62 AnzahlZuweisungen
260 0 Zuweisung0 – Trigger
261 16 Zuweisung0 – Flags
262 80 Zuweisung0 – Event
263 0 Zuweisung1 – Trigger
264 32 Zuweisung1 – Flags
265 81 Zuweisung1 – Event
266 8 Zuweisung2 – Trigger
267 0 Zuweisung2 – Flags
268 112 Zuweisung2 – Event
269 2 Zuweisung3 – Trigger
270 0 Zuweisung3 – Flags
271 176 Zuweisung3 – Event
272 9 Zuweisung4 – Trigger
273 0 Zuweisung4 – Flags
274 114 Zuweisung4 – Event
275 27 Zuweisung5 – Trigger
276 0 Zuweisung5 – Flags
277 195 Zuweisung5 – Event
278 26 Zuweisung6 – Trigger
279 0 Zuweisung6 – Flags
280 194 Zuweisung6 – Event
281 160 Zuweisung7 – Trigger
282 32 Zuweisung7 – Flags
CV Value Description
283 82 Zuweisung7 – Event
--- --- ---
284 160 Zuweisung8 – Trigger
285 16 Zuweisung8 – Flags
286 83 Zuweisung8 – Event
287 1 Zuweisung9 – Trigger
288 0 Zuweisung9 – Flags
289 132 Zuweisung9 – Event
290 1 Zuweisung10 – Trigger
291 0 Zuweisung10 – Flags
292 136 Zuweisung10 – Event
293 1 Zuweisung11 – Trigger
294 0 Zuweisung11 – Flags
295 143 Zuweisung11 – Event
296 3 Zuweisung12 – Trigger
297 0 Zuweisung12 – Flags
298 255 Zuweisung12 – Event
299 5 Zuweisung13 – Trigger
300 0 Zuweisung13 – Flags
301 133 Zuweisung13 – Event
302 7 Zuweisung14 – Trigger
303 0 Zuweisung14 – Flags
304 161 Zuweisung14 – Event
305 12 Zuweisung15 – Trigger
306 0 Zuweisung15 – Flags
307 162 Zuweisung15 – Event
308 22 Zuweisung16 – Trigger
309 0 Zuweisung16 – Flags
310 255 Zuweisung16 – Event
311 16 Zuweisung17 – Trigger
312 64 Zuweisung17 – Flags
313 160 Zuweisung17 – Event
314 0 Zuweisung18 – Trigger
315 0 Zuweisung18 – Flags
316 160 Zuweisung18 – Event
317 17 Zuweisung19 – Trigger
318 0 Zuweisung19 – Flags
CV Value Description
319 129 Zuweisung19 – Event
--- --- ---
320 23 Zuweisung20 – Trigger
321 0 Zuweisung20 – Flags
322 255 Zuweisung20 – Event
323 23 Zuweisung21 – Trigger
324 0 Zuweisung21 – Flags
325 255 Zuweisung21 – Event
326 11 Zuweisung22 – Trigger
327 16 Zuweisung22 – Flags
328 86 Zuweisung22 – Event
329 11 Zuweisung23 – Trigger
330 32 Zuweisung23 – Flags
331 87 Zuweisung23 – Event
332 28 Zuweisung24 – Trigger
333 0 Zuweisung24 – Flags
334 113 Zuweisung24 – Event
335 17 Zuweisung25 – Trigger
336 0 Zuweisung25 – Flags
337 178 Zuweisung25 – Event
338 3 Zuweisung26 – Trigger
339 0 Zuweisung26 – Flags
340 177 Zuweisung26 – Event
341 3 Zuweisung27 – Trigger
342 0 Zuweisung27 – Flags
343 255 Zuweisung27 – Event
344 23 Zuweisung28 – Trigger
345 0 Zuweisung28 – Flags
346 185 Zuweisung28 – Event
347 185 Zuweisung29 – Trigger
348 0 Zuweisung29 – Flags
349 137 Zuweisung29 – Event
350 185 Zuweisung30 – Trigger
351 0 Zuweisung30 – Flags
352 138 Zuweisung30 – Event
353 69 Zuweisung31 – Trigger
354 0 Zuweisung31 – Flags
355 161 Zuweisung31 – Event
CV Value Description
356 69 Zuweisung32 – Trigger
--- --- ---
357 0 Zuweisung32 – Flags
358 162 Zuweisung32 – Event
359 161 Zuweisung33 – Trigger
360 0 Zuweisung33 – Flags
361 135 Zuweisung33 – Event
362 162 Zuweisung34 – Trigger
363 0 Zuweisung34 – Flags
364 137 Zuweisung34 – Event
365 6 Zuweisung35 – Trigger
366 0 Zuweisung35 – Flags
367 191 Zuweisung35 – Event
368 10 Zuweisung36 – Trigger
369 0 Zuweisung36 – Flags
370 186 Zuweisung36 – Event
371 13 Zuweisung37 – Trigger
372 0 Zuweisung37 – Flags
373 188 Zuweisung37 – Event
374 14 Zuweisung38 – Trigger
375 0 Zuweisung38 – Flags
376 183 Zuweisung38 – Event
377 18 Zuweisung39 – Trigger
378 0 Zuweisung39 – Flags
379 189 Zuweisung39 – Event
380 19 Zuweisung40 – Trigger
381 0 Zuweisung40 – Flags
382 190 Zuweisung40 – Event
383 20 Zuweisung41 – Trigger
384 0 Zuweisung41 – Flags
385 187 Zuweisung41 – Event
386 22 Zuweisung42 – Trigger
387 0 Zuweisung42 – Flags
388 192 Zuweisung42 – Event
389 25 Zuweisung43 – Trigger
390 0 Zuweisung43 – Flags
391 193 Zuweisung43 – Event
392 29 Zuweisung44 – Trigger
CV Value Description
393 0 Zuweisung44 – Flags
--- --- ---
394 197 Zuweisung44 – Event
395 30 Zuweisung45 – Trigger
396 0 Zuweisung45 – Flags
397 163 Zuweisung45 – Event
398 21 Zuweisung46 – Trigger
399 0 Zuweisung46 – Flags
400 198 Zuweisung46 – Event
401 163 Zuweisung47 – Trigger
402 0 Zuweisung47 – Flags
403 196 Zuweisung47 – Event
404 15 Zuweisung48 – Trigger
405 0 Zuweisung48 – Flags
406 180 Zuweisung48 – Event
407 24 Zuweisung49 – Trigger
408 0 Zuweisung49 – Flags
409 181 Zuweisung49 – Event
410 4 Zuweisung50 – Trigger
411 0 Zuweisung50 – Flags
412 132 Zuweisung50 – Event
413 67 Zuweisung51 – Trigger
414 128 Zuweisung51 – Flags
415 163 Zuweisung51 – Event
416 4 Zuweisung52 – Trigger
417 0 Zuweisung52 – Flags
418 85 Zuweisung52 – Event
419 69 Zuweisung53 – Trigger
420 0 Zuweisung53 – Flags
421 164 Zuweisung53 – Event
422 26 Zuweisung54 – Trigger
423 0 Zuweisung54 – Flags
424 164 Zuweisung54 – Event
425 164 Zuweisung55 – Trigger
426 0 Zuweisung55 – Flags
CV Value Description
427 152 Zuweisung55 – Event
--- --- ---
428 30 Zuweisung56 – Trigger
429 0 Zuweisung56 – Flags
430 255 Zuweisung56 – Event
431 64 Zuweisung57 – Trigger
432 8 Zuweisung57 – Flags
433 84 Zuweisung57 – Event
434 22 Zuweisung58 – Trigger
435 0 Zuweisung58 – Flags
436 130 Zuweisung58 – Event
437 19 Zuweisung59 – Trigger
438 0 Zuweisung59 – Flags
439 141 Zuweisung59 – Event
440 177 Zuweisung60 – Trigger
441 0 Zuweisung60 – Flags
442 130 Zuweisung60 – Event
443 4 Zuweisung61 – Trigger
444 0 Zuweisung61 – Flags
445 199 Zuweisung61 – Event
446 255 Zuweisung62 – Trigger
447 0 Zuweisung62 – Flags
448 255 Zuweisung62 – Event
449 255 Zuweisung63 – Trigger
450 0 Zuweisung63 – Flags
451 255 Zuweisung63 – Event
452 255 Zuweisung64 – Trigger
453 0 Zuweisung64 – Flags
454 255 Zuweisung64 – Event
455 255 Zuweisung65 – Trigger
456 0 Zuweisung65 – Flags
457 255 Zuweisung65 – Event
458 255 Zuweisung66 – Trigger
459 0 Zuweisung66 – Flags
460 255 Zuweisung66 – Event
461 255 Zuweisung67 – Trigger
462 0 Zuweisung67 – Flags
463 255 Zuweisung67 – Event
CV Value Description
464 255 Zuweisung68 – Trigger
--- --- ---
465 0 Zuweisung68 – Flags
466 255 Zuweisung68 – Event
467 255 Zuweisung69 – Trigger
468 0 Zuweisung69 – Flags
469 255 Zuweisung69 – Event
470 255 Zuweisung70 – Trigger
471 0 Zuweisung70 – Flags
472 255 Zuweisung70 – Event
473 255 Zuweisung71 – Trigger
474 0 Zuweisung71 – Flags
475 255 Zuweisung71 – Event
476 255 Zuweisung72 – Trigger
477 0 Zuweisung72 – Flags
478 255 Zuweisung72 – Event
479 255 Zuweisung73 – Trigger
480 0 Zuweisung73 – Flags
481 255 Zuweisung73 – Event
482 255 Zuweisung74 – Trigger
483 0 Zuweisung74 – Flags
484 255 Zuweisung74 – Event
485 255 Zuweisung75 – Trigger
486 0 Zuweisung75 – Flags
487 255 Zuweisung75 – Event
488 255 Zuweisung76 – Trigger
489 0 Zuweisung76 – Flags
490 255 Zuweisung76 – Event
491 255 Zuweisung77 – Trigger
492 0 Zuweisung77 – Flags
493 255 Zuweisung77 – Event
494 255 Zuweisung78 – Trigger
495 0 Zuweisung78 – Flags
496 255 Zuweisung78 – Event
497 255 Zuweisung79 – Trigger
498 0 Zuweisung79 – Flags
499 255 Zuweisung79 – Event
CV Value Description

Gebr. Märklin & Cie. GmbH


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