carepolicy Private Homecare Agency Policies and Procedures Owner’s Manual

June 16, 2024

carepolicy Private Homecare Agency Policies and Procedures Owner’s Manual
carepolicy Private Homecare Agency Policies and


Welcome to the Policy and Procedure Manual of [AGENCY NAME], a leading provider of Private Homecare services in the State of Georgia. This comprehensive manual serves as a guiding framework for our agency’s commitment to delivering exceptional care and support to our clients in the comfort of their homes.

At [AGENCY NAME], our mission is to empower individuals to live their best lives while preserving their dignity, independence, and well-being. We are dedicated to setting the standard for quality care, innovation, and client- centered support within the homecare industry.

This manual has been meticulously crafted to align with state regulations, including the Georgia-Rules of Department of Community Health Chapter 111-8 Healthcare Facility Regulation, Chapter 111-8-65 RULES, AND REGULATIONS FOR PRIVATE HOME CARE PROVIDERS. It outlines our agency’s policies, procedures, and best practices, ensuring that every client receives the highest level of care and attention they deserve.

Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our Vision, Mission, and Values statements, which guide every aspect of our operations. We prioritize compassion, quality, client-centered care, integrity, safety, continuous learning, collaboration, respect, responsibility, and innovation in all that we do.

This manual is designed to be a valuable resource for our dedicated team of caregivers and staff. It provides clear guidance on how we deliver care, maintain safety, uphold ethical standards, and ensure compliance with state regulations. It also serves as a reference point for our clients and their families, giving them insight into our commitment to their well-being.

We recognize that the homecare industry is ever-evolving, and we are committed to staying at the forefront of these changes to provide the best possible care. As such, this manual is a living document, subject to regular updates and improvements as we strive to meet the evolving needs of our clients and the industry.

At [AGENCY NAME], we believe that every individual deserves the highest standard of care, and this manual is a testament to our unwavering dedication to that principle. We invite you to explore its contents, share in our commitment to quality, and join us on our mission to make a positive difference in the lives of those we serve.

Vision Statement:

“To be the foremost provider of compassionate and exceptional Private Homecare services, setting the standard for quality care, innovation, and client- centered support in the State of Georgia.”

Mission Statement

“At [AGENCY NAME], our mission is to empower individuals to live their best lives in the comfort of their homes by delivering personalized and high- quality Private Homecare services. We are dedicated to preserving the dignity, independence, and well-being of our clients while upholding the highest standards of professionalism and compliance with state regulations. Our team of compassionate caregivers and staff is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of those we serve.

Core Values:

  1. Compassion: We approach our work with deep empathy, understanding, and kindness, ensuring that our clients feel valued and cared for like family.
  2. Quality: We uphold uncompromising standards of excellence in all aspects of our services, continuously seeking ways to improve and enhance the quality of care we provide.
  3. Client-Centered: Our clients are at the heart of everything we do. We actively involve them in their care planning, respect their choices, and tailor our services to meet their unique needs and preferences.
  4. Integrity: We maintain the highest levels of honesty, transparency, and ethical conduct in all our interactions, both within our team and with our clients and their families.
  5. Safety: The safety and well-being of our clients, caregivers, and staff are paramount. We implement robust safety protocols, training, and infection control measures to protect everyone we serve.
  6. Continuous Learning: We foster a culture of learning, growth, and development, encouraging our team members to expand their knowledge and skills to better serve our clients.
  7. Collaboration: We believe in the power of collaboration and teamwork. By working together with our clients, their families, healthcare professionals, and the community, we can achieve the best possible outcomes.
  8. Respect: We treat everyone with respect and dignity, recognizing the inherent worth and individuality of each person we serve.
  9. Responsibility: We take our responsibilities seriously and are accountable for the care and services we provide. We are committed to fulfilling our obligations to our clients and our community.
  10. Innovation: We embrace innovation and technology to improve the delivery of care and enhance the quality of life for our clients. We are always seeking new ways to make a positive impact.

These Vision, Mission, and Values statements guide [AGENCY NAME] in its commitment to delivering exceptional Private Homecare services while upholding the principles of compassion, quality, and integrity in all that we do.

Document Control

Document revisions shall be recorded in the table below;

Ver. No.| Rev. No.| Page No.| Description of Amendment| Approved By| Date
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Document review and approvals shall be recorded in the table below;

Description Title Signature Date
Prepared By
Reviewed By
Approved By

Note: All policies and procedures shall be reviewed at least annually, with recommended changes submitted to the governing body for approval, as necessary.

Statement of Policy


The purpose of this Statement of Policy is to provide a clear and comprehensive framework for the operation and management of [AGENCY NAME], a Private Homecare agency, in accordance with the regulations and guidelines established by the State of Georgia, including the Georgia Rules of Department of Community Health Chapter 111-8 Healthcare Facility Regulation, Chapter 111-8-65 Rules, and Regulations for Private Home Care Providers.

Policy Statement:

[AGENCY NAME] is committed to delivering high-quality, compassionate, and client-centered home care services to meet the unique needs of our clients while adhering to the laws and regulations governing the provision of home care services in the State of Georgia.

Key Principles:

  1. Client-Centered Care: We are dedicated to providing care that respects the dignity, autonomy, and individual preferences of each client. Our services are tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of our clients, fostering a sense of independence and well-being.
  2. Compliance with Regulations: We fully comply with all applicable state and federal regulations governing the provision of home care services, including but not limited to Georgia Rules of Department of Community Health Chapter 111-8 Healthcare Facility Regulation and Chapter 111-8-65 Rules and Regulations for Private Home Care Providers.
  3. Quality and Safety: We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality and safety in all aspects of our services. This includes rigorous caregiver training, continuous quality improvement, and infection control measures to protect the health and well-being of our clients.
  4. Client Rights and Confidentiality: We uphold the rights and responsibilities of our clients as outlined in state regulations. We are dedicated to safeguarding the confidentiality of client records and respecting their privacy at all times.
  5. Competent and Caring Staff: Our agency employs qualified and compassionate staff members who undergo thorough background checks, training, and performance evaluations to ensure they meet the requirements of state regulations.
  6. Emergency Preparedness: We have established comprehensive emergency preparedness plans to respond effectively to unexpected situations and provide a safe environment for our clients and staff.
  7. Complaint Resolution: We maintain a transparent and responsive process for addressing client complaints, concerns, and grievances, ensuring that they are resolved promptly and to the satisfaction of our clients.


  • Management and Staff: Our agency’s management and staff are responsible for adhering to the policies and procedures outlined in this manual, ensuring compliance with state regulations, and providing exceptional care to our clients.
  • Clients and Families: Clients and their families are encouraged to actively participate in their care planning and communicate their needs, preferences, and concerns to our agency. They are also responsible for adhering to the agreed-upon care plans and responsibilities.

Review and Updates:

This Statement of Policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to reflect changes in state regulations, industry best practices, and the evolving needs of our clients. Our commitment to delivering exceptional home care services in compliance with state guidelines remains unwavering.

Policy: Admissions

The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for the admission of clients to [AGENCY NAME] in compliance with the state regulations outlined in Georgia-Rules of Department of Community Health Chapter 111-8 Healthcare Facility Regulation, Chapter 111-8-65 RULES, AND REGULATIONS FOR PRIVATE HOME CARE PROVIDERS.

Policy Statement:
[AGENCY NAME] is committed to providing high-quality home care services to eligible clients while adhering to all relevant state regulations and ensuring the safety and well-being of clients. This policy defines the criteria, assessment process, and documentation requirements for client admissions.


  1. Eligibility Criteria
    (a) Eligibility Assessment:

    • Before admitting a client, [AGENCY NAME]shall conduct a thorough eligibility assessment to determine if the client meets the criteria for receiving home care services. The assessment may include factors such as age, medical condition, and the specific services required.
      (b) Documentation of Eligibility:

    • All eligibility assessments and supporting documentation shall be maintained in the client’s file.

  2. Admission Process
    (a) Initial Contact:

    • Prospective clients or their authorized representatives may initiate the admission process by contacting [AGENCY NAME] through phone, email, or in person.
      (b) Assessment Visit:

    • Upon initial contact, a qualified representative of [AGENCY NAME] shall schedule an assessment visit with the prospective client and, if applicable, their authorized representative. During this visit, the following steps will be taken:

  3. Client Assessment:

    • A comprehensive assessment of the client’s needs, preferences, and medical history will be conducted to determine the appropriate level of care and services required.
  4. Service Plan Development:

    • Based on the assessment, a personalized service plan will be developed in collaboration with the client, authorized representative (if applicable), and the client’s personal physician (if nursing services are required).
  5. Review of Client Rights:

    • The client and authorized representative, if applicable, will be provided with information about their rights, responsibilities, and complaint procedures.
      (c) Service Agreement:

    • After the assessment visit and service plan development, a service agreement outlining the agreedupon services, schedule, and terms will be provided to the client or their authorized representative for review and signature.
      (d) Client Consent:

    • The client or their authorized representative must provide informed consent to receive services from
      [AGENCY NAME]. This includes consent for specific services, access to medical records, and other necessary consents.
      (e) Client Orientation:

    • New clients will receive an orientation to familiarize them with [AGENCY NAME]’s policies, procedures, and emergency contact information.

  6. Documentation and Records
    (a) Client Records:

    • All documentation related to client admissions, including assessments, service plans, service agreements, and consent forms, shall be maintained in the client’s file. Records will be kept secure and confidential in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
  7. Review and Updates
    (a) Service Plan Review:

    • The client’s service plan will be reviewed and updated as needed, in accordance with state regulations, but at least every sixty-two days or as changes in the client’s condition or needs occur.
      (b) Client Discharge:

    • Procedures for client discharge, if necessary, will be followed, and appropriate documentation will be maintained.

  8. Compliance with Regulations
    (a) Regulatory Compliance:

    • [AGENCY NAME] shall adhere to all state regulations and guidelines governing client admissions, eligibility criteria, and documentation.

Policy: Service Agreements

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that [AGENCY NAME] establishes and maintains written service agreements with clients in compliance with the rules and regulations for private home care providers as outlined in the Georgia Department of Community Health’s Chapter 111-8-65.

Policy Statement:
[AGENCY NAME] shall create and maintain service agreements for all clients receiving private home care services. These service agreements shall contain the necessary information and comply with state regulations to ensure transparency, quality, and client rights.


Initial Service Agreements

(a) Date of Initial Contact: The service agreement shall include the date on which [AGENCY NAME] makes
initial contact with the client for services.

(b) Date of Referral: The service agreement shall include the date on which [AGENCY NAME] received a specific request to deliver private home care services to a particular client.

(c) Description of Services Needed: The service agreement shall include a description of services needed as stated by the client or responsible party, if applicable.

(d) Description of Services Provided: The service agreement shall include a detailed description of the services to be provided, along with the expected frequency and duration of services.

(e) Charges for Services: The service agreement shall outline the charges for such services and specify the mechanisms for billing and payment of these charges.

(f) Acknowledgment of Client’s Rights: The service agreement shall include an acknowledgment of the client’s receipt of a copy of their rights and responsibilities as outlined in Rule .12.

(g) Provider Contact Information: The service agreement shall provide a telephone number of [AGENCY NAME] that a client can call for information, questions, or complaints about services supplied by the provider.

(h) State Licensing Authority Contact: The service agreement shall include the telephone number of the state licensing authority, i.e., the Department of Community Health, for clients to call if they have questions or complaints about the provider concerning a violation of licensing requirements that was not resolved to their satisfaction by complaining to the provider.

(i) Authorization for Access to Personal Funds: The service agreement shall include authorization from the
client or responsible party, if applicable, for access to the client’s personal funds when home management services are to be provided. This includes assistance with bill paying or any activities involving access to or
use of such funds.

(j) Authorization for Use of Client’s Motor Vehicle: The service agreement shall similarly approve the authorization for the use of the client’s motor vehicle when services include transport and escort services and when the client’s personal vehicle will be used.

(k) Signatures and Date: The service agreement shall be signed and dated by the provider’s representative and the client or responsible party, if applicable. If a client or responsible party refuses to sign the agreement, the refusal shall be noted on the agreement with an explanation from the provider’s representative.

Timelines for Service Agreements

For new clients, initial service agreements shall be completed not later than the second visit to the client’s residence to provide services if the second visit occurs on a different day from the first visit or not later than seven calendar days after services are initially provided in the residence, whichever is earlier.

If [AGENCY NAME] is unable to complete the service agreement for good cause, such reasons shall be documented in the client’s file.

Subsequent Revisions

Subsequent revisions to the initial service agreement may be handled by noting in the client’s record the specific changes in service (e.g., addition or deletion of service, changes in frequency, duration, or charge for services, etc.) that will occur and that the change was discussed with and agreed to by the client and/or responsible party, as appropriate, who signed the initial agreement prior to the change in services occurring.

Client’s Right to Cancel

A client has the right to cancel any service agreement at any time and shall only be charged for services actually rendered prior to the time that [AGENCY NAME] is notified of the cancellation. The provider may assess a reasonable charge for travel and staff time if notice of the cancellation of the service agreement is not provided in time to cancel the service before the provider’s staff member arrives at the client’s house to perform the service.

*This is only a preview of the Original Document

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