MICROCHIP Libero SoC Simulation Library Software User Guide

June 16, 2024

Libero SoC Simulation
Library Setup Instructions


(Ask a Question)

The purpose of this document is to describe the procedure to set up the simulation environment using a Libero SoC project as the input. This documentation corresponds to the pre-compiled libraries provided for use with Libero SoC v11.9 and newer software releases. The libraries provided are compiled for Verilog. VHDL users require a license allowing mixed-mode simulation.
The compiled simulation libraries are available for the following tools:

  • Aldec Active-HDL
  • Aldec Riviera-PRO
  • Cadence Incisive Enterprise and Xcelium
  • Siemens QuestaSim
  • Synopsys VCS

To request a library for a different simulator, contact Microchip Technical Support.

Libero SoC Integration

(Ask a Question)

Libero SoC supports simulation using ModelSim ME by generating a run.do file. This file is used by ModelSim ME/ModelSim Pro ME to set up and run the simulation. To use other simulation tools, you can generate the ModelSim ME/ModelSim Pro ME run.do and modify the Tcl script file to use the commands that are compatible with your simulator.
1.1 Libero SoC Tcl File Generation (Ask a Question)
After creating and generating design in Libero SoC, start a ModelSim ME/ModelSim Pro ME simulation under all design phases (presynth, postsynth, and post-layout). This step generates the run.do file for the ModelSim ME/ModelSim Pro ME for each design phase.
Important: After starting each simulation run, rename the auto-generated run.do file under the simulation directory to prevent Libero SoC from overwriting that file. For example, the files can be renamed to presynth_run.do, postsynth_run.do and postlayout_run.do.

Aldec Setup for Active-HDL and Riviera-Pro ([Ask a

Question](https://microchip.my.site.com/s/newcase?pub_guid=GUID- C5F2A2E4-8E46-4933-8016-E9D322CA479C&pub_lang=en- US&pub_ver=1&pub_type=User%20Guide&bu=fpga&tpc_guid=GUID-D80AB1BE-9597-421B- A2A5-F4F6ABBF405C&cover_title=Libero%20SoC%20Simulation%20Library%20Setup%20Instructions&tech_support_link=NA&revision_letter=A&source=PDF&title=Aldec%20Setup%20for %20Active-HDL%20and%20Riviera-Pro))

The run.do file used by the ModelSim ME/ModelSim Pro ME can be modified and used for simulation using the Aldec simulators.
2.1 Environment Variable (Ask a Question)
Set your environment variable to your license file location:
LM_LICENSE_FILE: must include a pointer to the license server.
2.2 Download Compiled Library (Ask a Question)
Download the libraries for the Aldec Active-HDL and the Aldec Riviera-PRO from the Microchip website.
2.3 Converting run.do for Aldec simulation (Ask a Question)
The run.do files generated by Libero SoC for simulations using the Active-HDL and Riviera-Pro tool can be used for simulations using Active-HDL and Riviera- Pro with a single change. The following table lists the Aldec-equivalent commands to modify in the ModelSim run.do file.
Table 2-1. Aldec Equivalent Commands

ModelSim Active-HDL
vlog alog
vcom acom
vlib alib
vsim asim
vmap amap

Following is a sample run.do related to Aldec simulators.

  1. Set the location of the current working directory.
    set dsn

  2. Set a working library name, map its location, and then map the location of Microchip FPGA family
    precompiled libraries (for example, SmartFusion2) on which you are running your design.
    alib presynth
    amap presynth presynth
    amap SmartFusion2

  3. Compile all the necessary HDL files used in the design with the required library.
    alog –work presynth temp.v (for Verilog)
    alog –work presynth testbench.v
    acom –work presynth temp.vhd (for Vhdl)
    acom –work presynth testbench.vhd

  4. Simulate the design.
    asim –L SmartFusion2 –L presynth –t 1ps presynth.testbench
    run 10us

2.4 Known Issues (Ask a Question)
This section lists the known issues and limitations.

  • Libraries compiled using Riviera-PRO are platform specific (i.e. 64-bit libraries cannot be run on 32-bit platform and vice versa).

  • For designs containing SERDES/MDDR/FDDR, use the following option in your run.do files while running simulations after compiling their designs:
    – Active-HDL: asim –o2
    – Riviera-PRO: asim –O2 (for presynth and post-layout simulations ) and asim –O5 (for post- layout simulations)
    The Aldec setup for Active-HDL and Riviera-Pro has the following pending SARs. For more information, contact Microchip Technical Support.

  • SAR 49908 – Active-HDL: VHDL Error for Math block simulations

  • SAR 50627 – Riviera-PRO 2013.02: Simulation errors for SERDES designs

  • SAR 50461 – Riviera-PRO: asim -O2/-O5 option in simulations

Cadence Incisive Setup ([Ask a

Question](https://microchip.my.site.com/s/newcase?pub_guid=GUID- C5F2A2E4-8E46-4933-8016-E9D322CA479C&pub_lang=en- US&pub_ver=1&pub_type=User%20Guide&bu=fpga&tpc_guid=GUID-090B43B9-E81C- 4B12-AC63-3B95B76CCCF2&cover_title=Libero%20SoC%20Simulation%20Library%20Setup%20Instructions&tech_support_link=NA&revision_letter=A&source=PDF&title=Cadence%20Incisive%20Setup))

You need to create a script file similar to the ModelSim ME/ModelSim Pro ME run.do to run the
Cadence Incisive simulator. Follow these steps and create script file for NCSim or use the script file
provided to convert the ModelSim ME/ModelSim Pro ME run.do files into the configuration files
needed to run the simulations using NCSim.
Important: Cadence has stopped releasing new versions of the Incisive Enterprise
simulator and started supporting Xcelium simulator.

3.1 Environment Variables (Ask a Question)
To run the Cadence Incisive simulator, configure the following environment variables:

  1. LM_LICENSE_FILE: must include a pointer to the license file.
  2. cds_root: must point to the home directory location of the Cadence Incisive Installation.
  3. PATH: must point to the bin location under the tools directory pointed by cds_root that is,
    $cds_root/tools/bin/64bit (for a 64-bit machine and $cds_root/tools/bin for a 32-bit machine).
    There are three ways of setting up the simulation environment in case of a switch between 64-bit and 32-bit operating systems:

Case 1: PATH Variable
Run the following command:
set path = (install_dir/tools/bin/64bit $path) for 64bit machines and
set path = (install_dir/tools/bin $path) for 32bit machines
Case 2: Using the -64bit Command-line Option
In the command-line specify -64bit option in order to invoke the 64bit executable.
Case 3: Setting the INCA_64BIT or CDS_AUTO_64BIT Environment Variable
The INCA_64BIT variable is treated as boolean. You can set this variable to any value or to a null string.
setenv INCA_64BIT

Important: The INCA_64BIT environment variable does not affect other Cadence tools, such as IC tools. However, for Incisive tools, the INCA_64BIT variable overrides the setting for the CDS_AUTO_64BIT environment variable. If the INCA_64BIT environment variable is set, all the Incisive tools run in 64-bit mode. setenv CDS_AUTO_64BIT INCLUDE:INCA
Important: The string INCA must be in uppercase. All executables must be run in either 32-bit mode or in 64-bit mode, do not set the variable to include one executable, as in the following:
setenv CDS_AUTO_64BIT INCLUDE:ncelab

Other Cadence tools, such as IC tools, also use the CDS_AUTO_64BIT environment variable to control the selection of 32-bit or 64-bit executables. The following table shows how you can set the CDS_AUTO_64BIT variable to run the Incisive tools and IC tools in all modes.
Table 3-1. CDS_AUTO_64BIT Variables

CDS_AUTO_64BIT Variable Incisive Tools IC Tools
setenv CDS_AUTO_64BIT ALL 64 bit 64 bit
setenv CDS_AUTO_64BIT NONE 32 bit 32 bit
setenv CDS_AUTO_64BIT EXCLUDE: _icbinary 64 bit 32 bit
setenv CDS_AUTO_64BIT EXCLUDE:INCA 32 bit 64 bit

Important: All Incisive tools must be run in either 32-bit mode or in 64-bit mode, do not use EXCLUDE to exclude a specific executable, as in the following: setenv CDS_AUTO_64BIT EXCLUDE:ncelab
If you set the CDS_AUTO_64BIT variable to exclude the Incisive tools (setenv CDS_AUTO_64BIT EXCLUDE:INCA), all Incisive tools are run in 32-bit mode. However, the -64bit command-line option overrides the environment variable.
The following configuration files help you manage your data and control the operation of the simulation tools and utilities:

  • Library mapping file (cds.lib)—Defines a logical name for the location of your design.
  • Libraries and associates them with physical directory names.
  • Variables file (hdl.var)—Defines variables that affect the behavior of simulation tools and utilities.

3.2 Download Compiled Library (Ask a Question)
Download the libraries for Cadence Incisive from Microsemi’s website.
3.3 Creating the NCSim Script File (Ask a Question)
After creating a copy of the run.do files, perform these steps to run your simulation using NCSim:

  1. Create a cds.lib file that defines the libraries that are accessible and their location. The file contains statements that map library logical names to their physical directory paths. For example, if you are running presynth simulation, the cds.lib file is written as shown in the following codeblock.
    DEFINE presynth ./presynth
    DEFINE smartfusion2

  2. Create a hdl.var file, an optional configuration file that contains configuration variables, that determines how your design environment is configured. The following variable files are included:
    – Variables that are used to specify the work library where the compiler stores compiled objects and other derived data.
    – For Verilog, variables (LIB_MAP, VIEW_MAP, WORK) that are used to specify the libraries and views to search when the elaborator resolves instances.
    – Variables that allow you to define compiler, elaborator, and simulator command-line options and arguments.
    In case of presynth simulation example shown above, say we have three RTL files: a.v, b.v, and testbench.v, which needs to be compiled into presynth, COREAHBLITE_LIB, and presynth libraries respectively. The hdl.var file can be written as shown in the following codeblock.
    DEFINE WORK presynth
    DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/a.v => presynth )
    DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/testbench.v => presynth )
    DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, + => presynth )

  3. Compile the design files using ncvlog option.
    ncvlog +incdir+ –cdslib ./cds.lib –hdlvar ./hdl.var –logfile
    ncvlog.log –update –linedebug a.v b.v testbench.v

  4. Elaborate the design using ncelab. The elaborator constructs a design hierarchy based on the instantiation and configuration information in the design, establishes signal connectivity, and computes initial values for all objects in the design. The elaborated design hierarchy is stored in a simulation snapshot, which is the representation of your design that the simulator uses to run the simulation.
    ncelab –Message –cdslib ./cds.lib –hdlvar ./hdl.var –logfile ncelab.log –errormax 15 –
    access +rwc –status worklib.:module
    Elaboration During Post-layout simulation
    In case of post-layout simulations, first the SDF file needs to be compiled before elaboration using the ncsdfc command.
    ncsdfc .sdf –output .sdf.X
    During elaboration use the compiled SDF output with –autosdf option as shown in the following codeblock.
    ncelab -autosdf –Message –cdslib ./cds.lib –hdlvar ./hdl.var –logfile ncelab.log –errormax
    15 –access +rwc –status worklib.:module –sdf_cmd_file ./
    The sdf_cmd_file must be as shown in the following codeblock.

  5. Simulate using ncsim. After elaboration a simulation snapshot is created, which is loaded by ncsim for simulation. You can run in batch mode or GUI mode.
    ncsim –Message –batch/-gui –cdslib ./cds.lib –hdlvar ./hdl.var –logfile ncsim.log –
    errormax 15 –status worklib.:module

Important: All the above three steps of compiling, elaborating, and simulating can be put into a shell script file and sourced from command-line. Instead of using these three steps, design can be simulated in one step using ncverilog or irun option as shown in the following codeblock.
ncverilog +incdir+ -cdslib ./cds.lib –hdlvar ./hdl.var <all RTL
files used in the design>
irun +incdir+ -cdslib ./cds.lib –hdlvar ./hdl.var <all RTL files
used in the design>

3.3.1 Known Issues (Ask a Question)
Testbench Workaround
Using the following statement for specifying the clock frequency in the testbench generated by user, or the default testbench generated by Libero SoC does not work with NCSim.
always @(SYSCLK)


Modify as follows to run simulation:
Important: Compiled libraries for NCSim are platform specific (i.e. 64 bit libraries are not compatible with 32 bit platform and vice versa).
Postsynth and Post-layout Simulations Using MSS and SERDES While running postsynth simulations of designs containing the MSS block or the post-layout simulations of designs using SERDES, the BFM simulations do not work if the –libmap option is
not specified during elaboration. This is because during elaboration, MSS is resolved from the work library (because of the default binding and the worklib being postsynth/post-layout) where it is just a Fixed Function.
The ncelab command must be written as shown in the following code block to resolve the MSS
block from the SmartFusion2 precompiled library.

ncelab -libmap lib.map -libverbose -Message -access +rwc cfg1
and the lib.map file must be as follows:
config cfg1;
design ;
default liblist smartfusion2 ;
This resolves any cell in the SmartFusion2 library before looking in the work library i.e. postsynth/ post-layout.
The –libmap option can be used by default during elaboration for every simulation (presynth, postsynth, and post-layout). This avoids simulation issues that are caused due to resolution of instances from libraries.
This ncelab tool exception is a caveat for designs containing FDDR in SmartFusion 2 and IGLOO 2 during postsynth and post-layout simulations using –libmap option.
Important:** This issue has been reported to Cadence support team (SAR 52113).

3.4 Sample Tcl and Shell Script Files (Ask a Question)
The following files are the configuration files needed for setting up the design and shell script file for running NCSim commands.
NE smartfusion2 /scratch/krydor/tmpspace/users/me/nc-vlog64/SmartFusion2
DEFINE presynth ./presynth

DEFINE WORK presynth
DEFINE PROJECT_DIR /scratch/krydor/tmpspace/sqausers/me/3rd_party_simulators/Cadence/IGLOO2/
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/Actel/DirectCore/CoreAHBLite/4.0.100/rtl/
vlog/core/coreahblite_addrdec.v => COREAHBLITE_LIB )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/Actel/DirectCore/CoreAHBLite/4.0.100/rtl/
vlog/core/coreahblite_defaultslavesm.v => COREAHBLITE_LIB )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/Actel/DirectCore/CoreAHBLite/4.0.100/rtl/
vlog/core/coreahblite_masterstage.v => COREAHBLITE_LIB )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/Actel/DirectCore/CoreAHBLite/4.0.100/rtl/
vlog/core/coreahblite_slavearbiter.v => COREAHBLITE_LIB )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/Actel/DirectCore/CoreAHBLite/4.0.100/rtl/
vlog/core/coreahblite_slavestage.v => COREAHBLITE_LIB )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/Actel/DirectCore/CoreAHBLite/4.0.100/rtl/
vlog/core/coreahblite_matrix2x16.v => COREAHBLITE_LIB )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/Actel/DirectCore/CoreAHBLite/4.0.100/rtl/
vlog/core/coreahblite.v => COREAHBLITE_LIB )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/work/SB/CCC_0/SB_CCC_0_FCCC.v =>
presynth )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/Actel/DirectCore/CoreConfigMaster/
2.0.101/rtl/vlog/core/coreconfigmaster.v => presynth )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/Actel/DirectCore/CoreConfigP/4.0.100/rtl/
vlog/core/coreconfigp.v => presynth )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/Actel/DirectCore/CoreResetP/5.0.103/rtl/
vlog/core/coreresetp_pcie_hotreset.v => presynth )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/Actel/DirectCore/CoreResetP/5.0.103/rtl/
vlog/core/coreresetp.v => presynth )
presynth )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/work/SB_HPMS/SB_HPMS.v => presynth )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/work/SB/SB.v => presynth )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/work/SB_top/SERDES_IF_0/
SB_top_SERDES_IF_0_SERDES_IF.v => presynth )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/work/SB_top/SB_top.v => presynth )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/work/SB_top/testbench.v => presynth )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, + => presynth )
ncvlog +incdir+../../component/work/SB_top -cdslib ./cds.lib -hdlvar ./hdl.var -logfile
ncvlog.log -errormax 15 -update -linedebug
../../component/work/SB/FABOSC_0/SB_FABOSC_0_OSC.v ../../component/work/SB_HPMS/SB_HPMS.v
../../component/work/SB/SB.v ../../component/work/SB_top/SERDES_IF_0/
../../component/work/SB_top/SB_top.v ../../component/work/SB_top/testbench.v
ncelab -Message -cdslib ./cds.lib -hdlvar ./hdl.var
-work presynth -logfile ncelab.log -errormax 15 -access +rwc -status presynth.testbench:module
ncsim -Message -batch -cdslib ./cds.lib -hdlvar ./
hdl.var -logfile ncsim.log -errormax 15 -status presynth.testbench:module

3.5 Automation (Ask a Question)
The following script file converts the ModelSim run.do files into configuration files needed to run simulations using NCSim.
Script File Usage
perl cadence_parser.pl presynth_run.do postsynth_run.do
postlayout_run.do Microsemi_Family


!/usr/bin/perl -w


Usage: perl questa_parser.pl presynth_run.do postsynth_run.do

Microsemi_Family Precompiled_Libraries_location#

use POSIX;
use strict;
my ($presynth, $postsynth, $postlayout, $family, $lib_location) = @ARGV;
&questa_parser($presynth, $family, $lib_location);
&questa_parser($postsynth, $family, $lib_location);
&questa_parser($postlayout, $family, $lib_location);
sub questa_parser {
my $ModelSim_rundo = $[0];
my $actelfamily = $[1];
my $liblocation = $[2];
my $state;
if ( -e “$ModelSim_run_do” )
open (INFILE,”$ModelSim_run_do”);
my @ModelSim_run_do = ;
my $line;
if ( $ModelSim_run_do =~ m/(presynth)/)
open (OUTFILE,”>QUESTA_PRESYNTH/presynth_questa.do”);
$state = $1;
} elsif ( $ModelSim_run_do =~ m/(postsynth)/)
open (OUTFILE,”>QUESTA_POSTSYNTH/postsynth_questa.do”);
$state = $1;
} elsif ( $ModelSim_run_do =~ m/(postlayout)/ )
open (OUTFILE,”>QUESTA_POSTLAYOUT/postlayout_questa.do”);
$state = $1;
} else
print “Wrong Inputs given to the file\n”;
print “#Usage: perl questa_parser.pl presynth_run.do postsynth_run.do postlayout_run.do
foreach $line (@ModelSim_run_do)

General Operations

$line =~ s/..\/designer.*simulation\///g;
$line =~ s/$state/$state\_questa/g;

print OUTFILE “$line \n”;

if ($line =~ m/vmap\s+.($actel_family)/)
print OUTFILE “vmap $actel_family \”$lib_location\”\n”;
} elsif ($line =~ m/vmap\s+(.
$line =~ s/..\/component/..\/..\/component/g;
print OUTFILE “$line \n”;
} elsif ($line =~ m/vsim/)
$line =~ s/vsim/vsim -novopt/g;
print OUTFILE “$line \n”;
} else
print OUTFILE “$line \n”;
} else {
print “$ModelSim_run_do does not exist. Rerun simulation again \n”;

Cadence Xcelium Setup ([Microchip

Login](https://login.microchip.com/ssologin/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2Fssologin%2Fconnect%2Fauthorize%2Fcallback%3Fresponse_type%3Dcode%26client_id%3DSalesforce%26redirect_uri%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fmicrochip.my.site.com%252Fservices%252Fauthcallback%252FCommunity_portal_oAuth%26scope%3Dopenid%2520salesforce%26state %3DCAAAAY0pFj9qMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwAAAA9oICl56OZ1k8C8uwtoVvXZdWlTrAW1O0XEcWYr82GlEYtl- gdPkgHO3fZ730fUYM_t9M1OshTzmLtybyZylyrM1akZ0XWCv8laq18ZU0lE8SZuGBBhFFt17EzBmYLSRBGa_ryZVxNrNZdKLgz4RJmO5ITPslx4SQIm- QnkUUJlItjkl44x6ebR82YzRRFsuV5OC_eXHbLfxcclLqF3Yw68f8eezzvThYGpgVcZoIL-EL- fzhLCVAf4icu_2xfp-KTDkWn_2L3bP6CtHee5XkTpQ8oRP9jfla502gIa3niwfxN- 5AqAKwKRbBVeXriwyvyFoxUDJw6eXM1hinTCpPKmildmaxMVHm3rD- 0HsducvDLFfXyF_NXgEGP5mHitpLTh8QUxa5oN4aXjcJxNBlR1reO0CXpnhebnZn0IKP8TQ03ri2btuGlosmE78hfg5Vnxf0S0WX_3PQSlfHAVPL5GM5Zxm8dhaxUugzya19pSfruF013glRJkMJoHhjTcgCpQ_1j1M8S- gVUVtkrxf0etSpMVeq9P2gB- IRl69FuSiqOFtjYwggWccLN82qLddgB4hVSU69ZXaNTmV4QCMk36MXKk6EQmw8_xVKjg7bw1sVxKH1hKsOE7kcZS4NQnPDNTKkPs7avv3YiaInjmixG2RyQK64q3OGT7tJnxqRJJuePKdMvH_epiY_G4vUNWF_69Qlbtu2zhjrP9MEJBY0fyU%253D))

You need to create a script file similar to the ModelSim ME/ModelSim Pro ME run.do to run the Cadence Xcelium simulator. Follow these steps and create script file for Xcelium or use the script file provided to convert the ModelSim ME/ModelSim Pro ME run.do files into the configuration files needed to run simulations using Xcelium.
4.1 Environment Variables (Ask a Question)
To run the Cadence Xcelium, configure the following environment variables:

  1. LM_LICENSE_FILE: must include a pointer to the license file.
  2. cds_root: must point to the home directory location of Cadence Incisive Installation.
  3. PATH: must point to the bin location under the tools directory pointed by cds_root (i.e.
    $cds_root/tools/bin/64bit (for a 64 bit machine and $cds_root/tools/bin for a 32 bit

There are three ways of setting up the simulation environment in case of a switch between 64-bit and 32-bit operating systems:
Case 1: PATH Variable
set path = (install_dir/tools/bin/64bit $path) for 64bit machines and
set path = (install_dir/tools/bin $path) for 32bit machines
Case 2: Using the -64bit Command-line Option
In the command-line specify -64bit option in order to invoke the 64-bit executable.
Case 3: Setting the INCA_64BIT or CDS_AUTO_64BIT Environment Variable
The INCA_64BIT variable is treated as boolean. You can set this variable to any value or to a null
setenv INCA_64BIT

Important: The INCA_64BIT environment variable does not affect other Cadence tools, such as IC tools. However, for Incisive tools, the INCA_64BIT variable overrides the setting for the CDS_AUTO_64BIT environment variable. If the INCA_64BIT environment variable is et, all Incisive tools run in 64-bit mode.
Important: The string INCA must be in uppercase. All executables must be run in either 2-bit mode or in 64-bit mode, do not set the variable to include one executable, as in the following:
setenv CDS_AUTO_64BIT INCLUDE:ncelab
Other Cadence tools, such as IC tools, also use the CDS_AUTO_64BIT environment variable to control the selection of 32-bit or 64-bit executables. The following table shows how you can set the CDS_AUTO_64BIT variable to run the Incisive tools and IC tools in all modes.

Table 4-1. CDS_AUTO_64BIT Variables

CDS_AUTO_64BIT Variable Incisive Tools IC Tools
setenv CDS_AUTO_64BIT ALL 64-bit 64-bit
setenv CDS_AUTO_64BIT NONE 32-bit 32-bit

setenv CDS_AUTO_64BIT
EXCLUDE:ic_binary| 64-bit| 32-bit
setenv CDS_AUTO_64BIT EXCLUDE:INCA| 32-bit| 64-bit

Important: All Incisive tools must be run in either 32-bit mode or in 64-bit mode, do not use EXCLUDE to exclude a specific executable, as in the following:
setenv CDS_AUTO_64BIT EXCLUDE:ncelab
If you set the CDS_AUTO_64BIT variable to exclude the Incisive tools (setenv
CDS_AUTO_64BIT EXCLUDE:INCA), all Incisive tools are run in 32-bit mode. However, the
-64bit command-line option overrides the environment variable.
The following configuration files help you manage your data and control the operation of the simulation tools and utilities:

  • Library mapping file (cds.lib) defines a logical name for the location of your design.
  • Libraries and associates them with physical directory names.
  • Variables file (hdl.var) defines variables that affect the behavior of simulation tools and utilities.

4.2 Download Compiled Library (Ask a Question)
Download the libraries for Cadence Xcelium from Microsemi’s website.
4.3 Creating the Xcelium script file (Ask a Question)
After creating a copy of the run.do files, perform the following steps to run your simulation using Xcelium script file.

  1. Create a cds.lib file that defines which libraries are accessible and where they are located.
    The file contains statements that map library logical names to their physical directory paths. For example, if you are running presynth simulation, the cds.lib file can be written as shown in the following codeblock.
    DEFINE presynth ./presynth
    DEFINE smartfusion2

  2. Create a hdl.var file which is an optional configuration file that contains configuration variables, that determines how your design environment is configured. These include:
    – Variables that are used to specify the work library where the compiler stores compiled objects and other derived data.
    – For Verilog, variables (LIB_MAP, VIEW_MAP, WORK) that are used to specify the libraries and views to search when the elaborator resolves instances.
    – Variables that allow you to define compiler, elaborator, and simulator command-line options and arguments.
    In case of presynth simulation example shown above, say we have 3 RTL files a.v, b.v, and testbench.v, which needs to be compiled into presynth, COREAHBLITE_LIB, and presynth libraries respectively. The hdl.var file can be written as shown in the following codeblock.
    DEFINE WORK presynth
    DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/a.v => presynth )
    DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/testbench.v => presynth )
    DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, + => presynth )

  3. Compile the design files using ncvlog option.
    xmvlog +incdir+ –cdslib ./cds.lib –hdlvar ./hdl.var –logfile
    ncvlog.log –update –linedebug a.v b.v testbench.v

  4. Elaborate the design using ncelab. The elaborator constructs a design hierarchy based on the instantiation and configuration information in the design, establishes signal connectivity, and computes initial values for all objects in the design. The elaborated design hierarchy is stored in a simulation snapshot, which is the representation of your design that the simulator uses to run the simulation.
    Xcelium –Message –cdslib ./cds.lib –hdlvar ./hdl.var –logfile ncelab.log –errormax 15 –
    access +rwc –status worklib.:module
    Elaboration During Post-layout simulation
    In case of post-layout simulations, first the SDF file needs to be compiled before elaboration using the ncsdfc command.
    Xcelium .sdf –output .sdf.X
    During elaboration use the compiled SDF output with –autosdf option as shown in the following codeblock.
    xmelab -autosdf –Message –cdslib ./cds.lib –hdlvar ./hdl.var –logfile ncelab.log –errormax
    15 –access +rwc –status worklib.:module –sdf_cmd_file ./
    The sdf_cmd_file must be as shown in the following codeblock.

  5. Simulate using Xcelium. After elaboration a simulation snapshot is created which is loaded by Xcelium for simulation. This can be run in batch mode or GUI mode.
    xmsim –Message –batch/-gui –cdslib ./cds.lib –hdlvar ./hdl.var –logfile xmsim.log –
    errormax 15 –status worklib.:module
    Cadence Xcelium Setup
    Important: All the above three steps of compiling, elaborating and simulating can be put into a shell script file and sourced from command-line. Instead of using these three steps, design can be simulated in one step using ncverilog or xrun option as shown in the following codeblock.
    xmverilog +incdir+ -cdslib ./cds.lib –hdlvar ./hdl.var <all RTL
    files used in the design>
    xrun +incdir+ -cdslib ./cds.lib –hdlvar ./hdl.var <all RTL files
    used in the design>

4.3.1 Known Issues (Ask a Question)
Testbench Workaround
Using the following statement for specifying the clock frequency in the testbench generated by user or the default testbench generated by Libero SoC does not work with Xcelium.
always @(SYSCLK)


Modify as follows to run simulation:

Important: Compiled libraries for Xcelium are platform specific (i.e. 64 bit libraries are not compatible with 32 bit platform and vice versa).
Postsynth and Post-layout Simulations using MSS and SERDES
While running postsynth simulations of designs containing MSS block, or post- layout simulations of designs using SERDES, the BFM simulations do not work if –libmap option is not specified during elaboration. This is because during elaboration, MSS is resolved from the work library (because of the default binding and the worklib being postsynth/post-layout) where it is just a Fixed Function.
The ncelab command must be written as shown in the following code block to resolve the MSS block from the SmartFusion2 precompiled library.
xmelab -libmap lib.map -libverbose -Message -access +rwc cfg1
and the lib.map file must be as follows:
config cfg1;
design ;
default liblist smartfusion2 ;
This must resolve any cell in the SmartFusion2 library before looking in the work library i.e. postsynth/post-layout.
The –libmap option can be used by default during elaboration for every simulation (presynth, postsynth and post-layout). This avoids simulation issues that are caused due to resolution of instances from libraries.
This ncelab tool exception is a caveat for designs containing FDDR in SmartFusion2 and IGLOO2
during postsynth and post-layout simulations using –libmap option.
Important:** This issue has been reported to Cadence support team (SAR 52113).

4.4 Sample Tcl and shell script files (Ask a Question)
The following files are the configuration files needed for setting up the design and shell script file for running Xcelium commands.
DEFINE smartfusion2 /scratch/krydor/tmpspace/users/me/nc-vlog64/SmartFusion2
DEFINE presynth ./presynth
DEFINE WORK presynth
DEFINE PROJECT_DIR /scratch/krydor/tmpspace/sqausers/me/3rd_party_simulators/Cadence/IGLOO2/
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/Actel/DirectCore/CoreAHBLite/4.0.100/rtl/
vlog/core/coreahblite_addrdec.v => COREAHBLITE_LIB )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/Actel/DirectCore/CoreAHBLite/4.0.100/rtl/
vlog/core/coreahblite_defaultslavesm.v => COREAHBLITE_LIB )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/Actel/DirectCore/CoreAHBLite/4.0.100/rtl/
vlog/core/coreahblite_masterstage.v => COREAHBLITE_LIB )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/Actel/DirectCore/CoreAHBLite/4.0.100/rtl/
vlog/core/coreahblite_slavearbiter.v => COREAHBLITE_LIB )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/Actel/DirectCore/CoreAHBLite/4.0.100/rtl/
vlog/core/coreahblite_slavestage.v => COREAHBLITE_LIB )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/Actel/DirectCore/CoreAHBLite/4.0.100/rtl/
vlog/core/coreahblite_matrix2x16.v => COREAHBLITE_LIB )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/Actel/DirectCore/CoreAHBLite/4.0.100/rtl/
vlog/core/coreahblite.v => COREAHBLITE_LIB )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/work/SB/CCC_0/SB_CCC_0_FCCC.v =>
presynth )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/Actel/DirectCore/CoreConfigMaster/
2.0.101/rtl/vlog/core/coreconfigmaster.v => presynth )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/Actel/DirectCore/CoreConfigP/4.0.100/rtl/
vlog/core/coreconfigp.v => presynth )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/Actel/DirectCore/CoreResetP/5.0.103/rtl/
vlog/core/coreresetp_pcie_hotreset.v => presynth )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/Actel/DirectCore/CoreResetP/5.0.103/rtl/
vlog/core/coreresetp.v => presynth )
presynth )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/work/SB_HPMS/SB_HPMS.v => presynth )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/work/SB/SB.v => presynth )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/work/SB_top/SERDES_IF_0/
SB_top_SERDES_IF_0_SERDES_IF.v => presynth )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/work/SB_top/SB_top.v => presynth )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, ${PROJECT_DIR}/component/work/SB_top/testbench.v => presynth )
DEFINE LIB_MAP ( $LIB_MAP, + => presynth )
ncvlog +incdir+../../component/work/SB_top -cdslib ./cds.lib -hdlvar ./hdl.var -logfile
ncvlog.log -errormax 15 -update -linedebug
../../component/work/SB/FABOSC_0/SB_FABOSC_0_OSC.v ../../component/work/SB_HPMS/SB_HPMS.v
../../component/work/SB/SB.v ../../component/work/SB_top/SERDES_IF_0/
../../component/work/SB_top/SB_top.v ../../component/work/SB_top/testbench.v
ncelab -Message -cdslib ./cds.lib -hdlvar ./hdl.var
-work presynth -logfile ncelab.log -errormax 15 -access +rwc -status presynth.testbench:module
ncsim -Message -batch -cdslib ./cds.lib -hdlvar ./
hdl.var -logfile ncsim.log -errormax 15 -status presynth.testbench:module

4.5 Automation (Microchip Login)
The following script file converts ModelSim run.do files into configuration files needed to run simulations using Xcelium.
Script File Usage
perl cadence_parser.pl presynth_run.do postsynth_run.do
postlayout_run.do Microsemi_Family

!/usr/bin/perl -w


Usage: perl questa_parser.pl presynth_run.do postsynth_run.do

Microsemi_Family Precompiled_Libraries_location#

use POSIX;
use strict;
my ($presynth, $postsynth, $postlayout, $family, $lib_location) = @ARGV;
&questa_parser($presynth, $family, $lib_location);
&questa_parser($postsynth, $family, $lib_location);

&questa_parser($postlayout, $family, $lib_location);
sub questa_parser {
my $ModelSim_rundo = $[0];
my $actelfamily = $[1];
my $liblocation = $[2];
my $state;
if ( -e “$ModelSim_run_do” )
open (INFILE,”$ModelSim_run_do”);
my @ModelSim_run_do = ;
my $line;
if ( $ModelSim_run_do =~ m/(presynth)/)
open (OUTFILE,”>QUESTA_PRESYNTH/presynth_questa.do”);
$state = $1;
} elsif ( $ModelSim_run_do =~ m/(postsynth)/)
open (OUTFILE,”>QUESTA_POSTSYNTH/postsynth_questa.do”);
$state = $1;
} elsif ( $ModelSim_run_do =~ m/(postlayout)/ )
open (OUTFILE,”>QUESTA_POSTLAYOUT/postlayout_questa.do”);
$state = $1;
} else
print “Wrong Inputs given to the file\n”;
print “#Usage: perl questa_parser.pl presynth_run.do postsynth_run.do postlayout_run.do
foreach $line (@ModelSim_run_do)

General Operations

$line =~ s/..\/designer.*simulation\///g;
$line =~ s/$state/$state\_questa/g;

print OUTFILE “$line \n”;

if ($line =~ m/vmap\s+.($actel_family)/)
print OUTFILE “vmap $actel_family \”$lib_location\”\n”;
} elsif ($line =~ m/vmap\s+(.
$line =~ s/..\/component/..\/..\/component/g;
print OUTFILE “$line \n”;
} elsif ($line =~ m/vsim/)
$line =~ s/vsim/vsim -novopt/g;
print OUTFILE “$line \n”;
} else
print OUTFILE “$line \n”;
} else {
print “$ModelSim_run_do does not exist. Rerun simulation again \n”;

Siemens QuestaSim Setup/ModelSim Setup ([Ask a

Question](https://microchipsupport.force.com/s/newcase?pub_guid=GUID- C5F2A2E4-8E46-4933-8016-E9D322CA479C&pub_lang=en- US&pub_ver=1&pub_type=User%20Guide&bu=fpga&tpc_guid=GUID-3489D02D- 6AE3-4E99-91E0-BF098583908C&cover_title=Libero%20SoC%20Simulation%20Library%20Setup%20Instructions&tech_support_link=NA&revision_letter=A&source=PDF&title=Environment%20Variables))

The run.do files, generated by the Libero SoC for simulations using the ModelSim Microsemi Editions, can be used for simulations using the QuestaSim/ModelSim SE/DE/PE with a single change. In the ModelSim ME/ModelSim Pro ME run.do file, the precompiled libraries location needs to be modified.
By default, the simulation tool other than the ModelSim Pro ME performs design optimization during simulation that can impact the visibility into simulation artifacts such as design objects and input stimulus.
This is typically helpful in reducing simulation runtime for the complex simulations, using verbose, self-checking testbenches. However, the default optimizations might not be appropriate for all simulations, especially in cases where you expect to graphically inspect the simulation results using the wave window.
To address issues caused by this optimization, you must add appropriate commands and related arguments during simulation to restore visibility into the design. For tool-specific commands, see the documentation of the simulator in-use.

5.1 Environment Variables (Ask a Question)
Following are the required environment variables.

  • LM_LICENSE_FILE: must include the path to the license file.
  • MODEL_TECH: must identify the path to the home directory location of QuestaSim installation.
  • PATH: must point to the executable location pointed by MODEL_TECH.

5.2 Converting run.do for Mentor QuestaSim (Ask a Question)
The run.do files generated by Libero SoC for simulations using ModelSim Microsemi Editions can be used for simulations using QuestaSim/ModelSim_SE with a single change.
Important: All the designs which are simulated using QuestaSim must include -novopt
option along with vsim command in the run.do script files.
5.3 Download the Compiled Library (Ask a Question)
Download the libraries for Mentor Graphics QuestaSim from Microsemi’s website.

Synopsys VCS Setup ([Ask a

Question](https://microchip.my.site.com/s/newcase?pub_guid=GUID- C5F2A2E4-8E46-4933-8016-E9D322CA479C&pub_lang=en- US&pub_ver=1&pub_type=User%20Guide&bu=fpga&tpc_guid=GUID-BC7CEF06-C4D7-4E4B- 958A- 39E8EE8EAC42&cover_title=Libero%20SoC%20Simulation%20Library%20Setup%20Instructions&tech_support_link=NA&revision_letter=A&source=PDF&title=Synopsys%20VCS%20Setup))

The flow recommended by Microsemi relies on the Elaborate and Compile flow in VCS. This document includes a script file that uses the run.do script files generated by Libero SoC and generates the setup files needed for VCS simulation. The script file uses the  run.do file to do the following.

  • Create a library mapping file, which is done using the synopsys_sim.setup file located in the same directory where VCS simulation is running.
  • Create a shell script file to elaborate and compile your design using VCS.

6.1 Environment Variables (Ask a Question)
Set the appropriate environment variables for VCS based on your setup. The environment variables needed as per the VCS documentation are:

  • LM_LICENSE_FILE: must include a pointer to the license server.
  • VCS_HOME: must point to the home directory location of the VCS installation.
  • PATH: must include a pointer to the bin directory below the VCS_HOME directory.

6.2 Download Compiled Library (Ask a Question)
Download the libraries for Synopsys VCS from Microsemi’s website.
6.3 VCS Simulation Script File (Ask a Question)
After setting up VCS and generating the design and the different run.do files from Libero SoC, you must:

  1. Create the library mapping file synopsys_sim.setup; this file contains pointers to the location of all the libraries to be used by the design.
      Important: The file name must not change and it must be located in the same directory where simulation is running. Here is an example for such a file for presynthesis simulation.
    SmartFusion2 :
    presynth : ./presynth
    DEFAULT : ./work

  2. Elaborate the different design files, including the testbench, using the vlogan command in VCS. These commands may be included in a shell script file. Following is an example of the commands that are needed to elaborate a design defined in rtl.v with its testbench defined in
    vlogan +v2k -work presynth rtl.v
    vlogan +v2k -work presynth testbench.v

  3. Compile the design using VCS using the following command.
    vcs –sim_res=1fs presynth.testbench
    Note: The timing resolution of simulation must be set to 1fs for correct functional simulation.

  4. Once the design is compiled, start simulation using the following command.

  5. For back-annotated simulation, the VCS command must be as shown in the following codeblock.
    vcs postlayout.testbench –sim_res=1fs –sdf max:.<DUT instance
    name>: –gui –l postlayout.log

6.4 Limitations/Exceptions (Ask a Question)
Following are the limitations/exceptions of Synopsys VCS setup.

  • VCS simulations can be run only for Verilog projects of Libero SoC. The VCS simulator has strict VHDL language requirements that are not met by the Libero SoC auto-generated VHDL files.
  • You must have a $finish statement in the Verilog testbench to stop the simulation whenever you want to.
    Important: When simulations are run in GUI mode, run time can be specified in the GUI.

6.5 Sample Tcl and Shell Script Files (Ask a Question)
The following Perl automates the generation of the synopsys_sim.setup file as well as the corresponding shell script files needed to elaborate, compile, and simulate the design.
If the design uses an MSS, copy the test.vec file located in the simulation folder of the Libero SoC project into the VCS simulation folder. The following sections contain sample run.do files generated by Libero SoC, including the corresponding library mapping and shell script files needed for VCS simulation.
6.5.1 Pre-synthesis (Ask a Question)
quietly set ACTELLIBNAME SmartFusion2
quietly set PROJECT_DIR “/sqa/users/me/VCS_Tests/Test_DFF”
if {[file exists presynth/_info]} {
echo “INFO: Simulation library presynth already exists”
} else {
vlib presynth
vmap presynth presynth
vmap SmartFusion2 “/captures/lin/11_0_0_23_11prod/lib/ModelSim/precompiled/vlog/smartfusion2”
vlog -work presynth “${PROJECT_DIR}/component/work/SD1/SD1.v”
vlog “+incdir+${PROJECT_DIR}/stimulus” -work presynth “${PROJECT_DIR}/stimulus/SD1_TB1.v”
vsim -L SmartFusion2 -L presynth -t 1fs presynth.SD1_TB1
add wave /SD1_TB1/
add log -r /

run 1000ns

!/bin/csh -f

set PROJECT_DIR = “/sqa/users/Me/VCS_Tests/Test_DFF”
/cad_design/tools/vcs.dir/E-2011.03/bin/vlogan +v2k -work presynth “${PROJECT_DIR}/component/
/cad_design/tools/vcs.dir/E-2011.03/bin/vlogan +v2k “+incdir+${PROJECT_DIR}/stimulus” -work
presynth “${PROJECT_DIR}/stimulus/SD1_TB1.v”
/cad_design/tools/vcs.dir/E-2011.03/bin/vcs -sim_res=1fs presynth.SD1_TB1 -l compile.log
./simv -l run.log
SmartFusion2 : /VCS/SmartFusion2
presynth : ./presynth
DEFAULT : ./work

6.5.2 Post-synthesis (Ask a Question)
quietly set ACTELLIBNAME SmartFusion2
quietly set PROJECT_DIR “/sqa/users/Me/VCS_Tests/Test_DFF”
if {[file exists postsynth/_info]} {
echo “INFO: Simulation library postsynth already exists”
} else {
vlib postsynth
vmap postsynth postsynth
vmap SmartFusion2 “//idm/captures/pc/11_0_1_12_g4x/Designer/lib/ModelSim/precompiled/vlog/
vlog -work postsynth “${PROJECT_DIR}/synthesis/SD1.v”
vlog “+incdir+${PROJECT_DIR}/stimulus” -work postsynth “${PROJECT_DIR}/stimulus/SD1_TB1.v”
vsim -L SmartFusion2 -L postsynth -t 1fs postsynth.SD1_TB1
add wave /SD1_TB1/
add log -r /

run 1000ns
log SD1_TB1/*

!/bin/csh -f

set PROJECT_DIR = “/sqa/users/Me/VCS_Tests/Test_DFF”
/cad_design/tools/vcs.dir/E-2011.03/bin/vlogan +v2k -work postsynth “${PROJECT_DIR}/synthesis/
/cad_design/tools/vcs.dir/E-2011.03/bin/vlogan +v2k “+incdir+${PROJECT_DIR}/stimulus” -work
postsynth “${PROJECT_DIR}/stimulus/SD1_TB1.v”
/cad_design/tools/vcs.dir/E-2011.03/bin/vcs -sim_res=1fs postsynth.SD1_TB1 -l compile.log
./simv -l run.log
SmartFusion2 : /VCS/SmartFusion2
postsynth : ./postsynth
DEFAULT : ./work
6.5.3 Post-layout (Ask a Question)
quietly set ACTELLIBNAME SmartFusion2
quietly set PROJECT_DIR “E:/ModelSim_Work/Test_DFF”
if {[file exists ../designer/SD1/simulation/postlayout/_info]} {
echo “INFO: Simulation library ../designer/SD1/simulation/postlayout already exists”
} else {
vlib ../designer/SD1/simulation/postlayout
vmap postlayout ../designer/SD1/simulation/postlayout
vmap SmartFusion2 “//idm/captures/pc/11_0_1_12_g4x/Designer/lib/ModelSim/precompiled/vlog/
vlog -work postlayout “${PROJECT_DIR}/designer/SD1/SD1_ba.v”
vlog “+incdir+${PROJECT_DIR}/stimulus” -work postlayout “${PROJECT_DIR}/stimulus/SD1_TB1.v”
vsim -L SmartFusion2 -L postlayout -t 1fs -sdfmax /SD1_0=${PROJECT_DIR}/designer/SD1/
SD1_ba.sdf postlayout.SD1_TB1
add wave /SD1_TB1/
add log -r /

run 1000ns

!/bin/csh -f

set PROJECT_DIR = “/VCS_Tests/Test_DFF”
/cad_design/tools/vcs.dir/E-2011.03/bin/vlogan +v2k -work postlayout “${PROJECT_DIR}/
/cad_design/tools/vcs.dir/E-2011.03/bin/vlogan +v2k “+incdir+${PROJECT_DIR}/stimulus” -work
postlayout “${PROJECT_DIR}/stimulus/SD1_TB1.v”
/cad_design/tools/vcs.dir/E-2011.03/bin/vcs -sim_res=1fs postlayout.SD1_TB1 -sdf

max:SD1_TB1.SD1_0:${PROJECT_DIR}/designer/SD1/SD1_ba.sdf -l compile.log
./simv -l run.log
SmartFusion2 : /VCS/SmartFusion2
postlayout : ./postlayout
6.6 Automation (Ask a Question)
The flow can be automated using the following Perl script file to convert the ModelSim run.do files into VCS compatible shell script files, create proper directories inside the Libero SoC simulation directory, and then run simulations.
Run the script file using the following syntax.
perl vcs_parse.pl presynth_run.do postsynth_run.do postlayout_run.do

!/usr/bin/perl -w


Usage: perl vcs_parse.pl presynth_run.do postsynth_run.do postlayout_run.do

my ($presynth, $postsynth, $postlayout) = @ARGV;
if(system(“mkdir VCS_Presynth”)) {print “mkdir failed:\n”;}
if(system(“mkdir VCS_Postsynth”)) {print “mkdir failed:\n”;}
if(system(“mkdir VCS_Postlayout”)) {print “mkdir failed:\n”;}
cp ../$ARGV[0] . ;
chdir (“../”);
cp ../$ARGV[1] . ;
chdir (“../”);
cp ../$ARGV[2] . ;
chdir (“../”);
sub parse_do {
my $vlog = “/caddesign/tools/vcs.dir/E-2011.03/bin/vlogan +v2k” ;
my %LIB = ();
my $file = $
[0] ;
my $state = $_[1];
open(INFILE,”$file”) || die “Cant open File Reason might be:$!”;
if ( $state eq “presynth” )
open(OUT1,”>presynth_main.csh”) || die “Cant create Command File Reason might be:$!”;
elsif ( $state eq “postsynth” )
open(OUT1,”>postsynth_main.csh”) || die “Cant create Command File Reason might be:$!”;
elsif ( $state eq “postlayout” )
open(OUT1,”>postlayout_main.csh”) || die “Cant create Command File Reason might be:$!”;
print “Simulation State is missing \n” ;
open(OUT2,”>synopsys_sim.setup”) || die “Cant create Command File Reason might be:$!”;

.csh file

print OUT1 “#!/bin/csh -f\n\n\n” ;


print OUT2 “WORK > DEFAULT\n” ;
print OUT2 “SmartFusion2 : /sqa/users/Aditya/VCS/SmartFusion2\n” ;
while ($line = )

Synopsys VCS Setup

if ($line =~ m/quietly set PROJECT_DIR\s+\”(.?)\”/)
print OUT1 “set PROJECT_DIR = \”$1\”\n\n\n” ;
elsif ( $line =~ m/vlog.
\.v\”/ )
if ($line =~ m/\s+(\w*?)\_LIB/)

print “\$1 =$1 \n” ;

$temp = “$1″.”_LIB”;

print “Temp = $temp \n” ;

$line =~ s/^vlog/$vlog/ ;
$line =~ s/ //g;
print OUT1 “$line\n”;
elsif ( ($line =~ m/vsim.presynth\.(.)/) || ($line =~ m/vsim.postsynth\.(.)/) || ($line
=~ m/vsim.postlayout\.(.)/) )
$tb = $1 ;
$tb =~ s/ //g;

print “TB Name : $tb \n”;

if ( $line =~ m/sdf(.*)\.sdf/)
$line = $1 ;

print “LINE : $line \n” ;

if ($line =~ m/max/)
$line =~ s/max \/// ;
$line =~ s/=/:/;
print OUT1 “\n\n/cad_design/tools/vcs.dir/E-2011.03/bin/vcs -sim_res=1fs postlayout.$tb -sdf
max:$tb.$line.sdf -l compile.log\n” ;
elsif ($line =~ m/min/)
$line =~ s/min \/// ;
$line =~ s/=/:/;
print OUT1 “\n\n/cad_design/tools/vcs.dir/E-2011.03/bin/vcs -sim_res=1fs postlayout.$tb -sdf
min:$tb.$line.sdf -l compile.log\n” ;
elsif ($line =~ m/typ/)
$line =~ s/typ \/// ;
$line =~ s/=/:/;
print OUT1 “\n\n/cad_design/tools/vcs.dir/E-2011.03/bin/vcs -sim_res=1fs postlayout.$tb -sdf
typ:$tb.$line.sdf -l compile.log\n” ;

-sdfmax /M3_FIC32_0=${PROJECT_DIR}/designer/M3_FIC32/M3_FIC32_ba.sdf —

ModelSim SDF format

$sdf = “-sdf

max:testbench.M3_FIC32_0:${PROJECT_DIR}/designer/M3_FIC32/M3_FIC32_ba.sdf”; -VCS
SDF format
OUT1 “\n\n”
( $state eq “presynth”
OUT2 “presynth
: ./presynth\n”
OUT1 “/cad_design/tools/vcs.dir/E-2011.03/bin/vcs
-sim_res=1fs presynth.$tb -l
( $state eq “postsynth”
OUT2 “postsynth
: ./postsynth\n”
OUT1 “/cad_design/tools/vcs.dir/E-2011.03/bin/vcs
-sim_res=1fs postsynth.$tb -l
( $state eq “postlayout”
print OUT2 “postlayout : ./postlayout\n” ;
print “Simulation State is missing \n” ;
foreach $i ( keys %LIB)

print “Key : $i Value : $LIB{$i} \n” ;

print OUT2 “$i : ./$i\n” ;
print OUT1 “\n\n” ;
print OUT1 “./simv -l run.log\n” ;
print OUT2 “DEFAULT : ./work\n” ;
close INFILE;
close OUT1;
close OUT2;

Revision History ([Microchip

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The revision history describes the changes that were implemented in the document. The changes
are listed by revision, starting with the most current publication.

Revision Date Description
A 12/2023 The following changes are made in this revision:

• Document converted to Microchip template. Initial Revision.
• Updated section 5. Siemens QuestaSim Setup/ModelSim Setup to include a new note that explains the impact on visibility during simulation and optimization.

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ISBN: 978-1-6683-3694-6
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