MUNBYN IBC01 Portable Back Clip Barcode Scanner 2D User Manual

June 16, 2024

IBC01 Bluetooth 2D
Wireless Scanning
Back Clip

Product Description

1.1. What’s in the box Link to download the electronic version of the instruction manual:
1.2. Description of structure
Button 1 : Short press to turn on the device, long press for 8 seconds to turn off the device
Button 1, button 2: Press to scan the barcode
Button 3: Press and hold for 5s to enter the pairing state
Interface: Type-C
Note: Button 1 is both a switch button and a scan button Tone and light status:

  • Successful scanning and reading: beep once.
  • Scan code reading failed: no beep sound.
  • Bluetooth pairing: Bluetooth indicator flashes.
  • Bluetooth pairing is successful: the Bluetooth indicator is always on.
  • Bluetooth pairing failed: Bluetooth indicator off, two beeps.

1.3. Product features

  1. Can interpret various 1D/2D codes.
  2.  Support Android/iOS system, it is a cost-effective device for inventory management.
  3. Provides a simple and fast Bluetooth connection.
  4. Offers a wireless Bluetooth range of up to 50 meters, but the actual distance is related to your on-site environment.

1.4. How to connect the back clip

  1. Turn on Bluetooth on your phone or computer.

  2.  Press the power button on the back clip to turn on the scanner.

  3.  Press and hold the pairing button for 5 seconds to enter pairing mode.

  4.  Search for “Barcode Scanner HID” in the
    Bluetooth list on your phone or computer. (Note:
    The scanner is in HID mode by default.)

  5. Click and select “pair” to connect the scanner to your device. Once the pairing is successful, you can start using it.

 Wireless section settings

2.1. Restore the default settings
When you need to reset the device and clear the stored data and settings, you can scan the following two barcodes:

€RD9FF55.| %%SpecCode93

Note: To restore factory settings, you need to scan the above two barcodes, but the Bluetooth connection status remains unchanged.
2.2. Bluetooth mode setting

%%SpecCodeAA| %%SpecCodeAB


Bluetooth HID mode is a Bluetooth connection mode that enables wireless communication of human input devices (such as keyboards, mice,joysticks, etc.) with computers or mobile devices.
Bluetooth BLE mode is a low-power Bluetooth technology, and its application scenarios include sensors, smart bracelets, smart watches, and smart homes.
The Bluetooth SPP mode is a Bluetooth communication protocol based on the serial port, which is mainly used to transmit serial port data.
Note: BLE and Spp mode, is to search for connection in your App.
2.3. Power display


2.4. Language related settings

%%SpecCode40| %%SpecCode41

%%SpecCode42| %%SpecCode43

%%SpecCode44| %%SpecCode46

2.5. Encoding format

%%SpecCodeB5| %%SpecCodeB4

2.6. Beep setting
2.6.1 Literacy cues

R0E0404.| R0E0400.

2.6.2 Beep volume



2.6.3 Bluetooth connection beep

%%SpecCode94| %%SpecCode97

Note: If you want to scan offline and disable the beep, you need to disable the Bluetooth connection beep at the same time.
2.6.4  Vibration settings

%%SpecCode77| %%SpecCode76

2.7. Normal and Inventory Mode Settings

%%SpecCode10| %%SpecCode11

2.7.1 Operation in Inventory Mode

%%SpecCode16| %%SpecCode17


2.8. Enter offline storage mode


2.9. Hibernation settings

%%SpecCode30| %%SpecCode31

%%SpecCode32| %%SpecCode33

%%SpecCode34| %%SpecCode35

%%SpecCodeBA180168| %%SpecCode36


2.10. Transmission speed setting

%%SpecCodeB0| %%SpecCodeB1

%%SpecCodeB2| %%SpecCodeB3

2.11. Case Conversion Settings

%%SpecCodeA3| %%SpecCodeA4

%%SpecCodeA6| %%SpecCodeA5

Scan head setup code

3.1. All barcodes are readable
Reading the following setup codes will allow or disallow reading for all supported barcode types.
After disabling the reading of all types, only the setup code will be allowed to be read.

R2C0602.| R2C0600.


3.2. Manual mode
3.2.1. Transmission speed setting
Manual reading mode is the default reading mode. In this mode, the scan module starts reading after pressing the trigger key and stops reading when the code is successfully output or when the trigger key is released.


3.3. Continuous scan mode
3.3.1. Mode Entry
When the barcode is successfully output or the single reading time is over, the module will wait for a period of time (can be set) and automatically start the next reading. If the following situation does not occur, the reading module will work in the cycle as above: During the reading process, the user can also click the trigger key to pause the reading manually. Clicking on the trigger key the module will continue to cycle through the codes.


3.3.2.Length of single code reading

  1. In continuous scan mode, this setting is the maximum amount of time the scanning back clip is allowed to continue scanning before a successful scan.
  2.  After a successful scan or single reading timeout, the scanning back clip will enter a non-scanning interval. The single scan duration setting options are 1000, 3000, 5000ms and infinite.
  3.  The default length is 5000ms, which means the ScanBack will continue to scan for 5000ms and then stop.

R06FF0A.| R06FF1E.

R06FF32.| R06FF00.

3.3.3.Length of reading interval
This setting refers to the interval time between two adjacent reads, i.e., after the previous read (regardless of whether the read is successful or not), the reading module does not collect the read for the set interval time and does not perform the next read until the interval time is over. The default interval time is 1000ms, i.e., no scanning is performed within one second.

R05FF00.| R05FF05.



3.3.4Same barcode reading delay

  1. In order to avoid the same barcode being read several times in a row, the reading module can be required to fail to read the same barcode for a consecutive period of time in this mode. The same  barcode is allowed to be read only when the same barcode is not read for a consecutive period of time in this mode.
  2. The same barcode reading delay time means that after the same barcode is read by the reading module, it will compare with the last reading time, and when the interval time is longer than the reading delay time, then the same barcode will be allowed to be read, otherwise the output will not be allowed.

R138080.| R138000.

3.3.5 Delay time for reading the same barcode When the same barcode reading delay is enabled, the same barcode reading delay time can be set through the following setting code.

R137F00.| R137F05.

R137F1E.| R137F0A.


3.4. Induction mode
3.4.1 Mode Entry

  1. After setting, no button trigger is needed, the reading module immediately starts to monitor the brightness of the surrounding environment, and the scanning back clip will start to read the code when the scene changes.
  2.  In inductive reading mode, the module can also start reading after pressing the trigger key, and continue to monitor the brightness of the surrounding environment when the barcode is successfully read and the information is output or the trigger key is released.


3.4.2 Length of single code reading
In the inductive reading mode, this parameter refers to the maximum time duration that the reading module is allowed to continue to collect and identify before the successful reading.


R06FF00.| R137F00.

3.4.3 Same barcode reading delay

R138080.| R138000.

3.4.4 Delay time for reading the same barcode

R137F05.| R137F00.

R137F0A.| R137F1E.


 Data editing

In practical applications, we sometimes need to edit the readable data before outputting it, to facilitate data differentiation and processing.

  • Data editing includes:
  • Adding the prefix Prefix;
  • Adding the suffix Suffix;
  • Add the terminator Tail.

4.1. Prefix
Add prefix
Prefix is a user-defined string before decoding information, which can be added by scanning the “Allow Prefix” setting code.

R600808.| R600800.

Modify prefix
Scan the “Modify Suffix” setup code and then scan the “Combine Scan Data” setup code to enable users to modify the content of the suffix. The device uses two characters for each suffix character. The  suffix values are expressed in hexadecimal format, with a maximum of 15 characters allowed. Please refer to Appendix A for the ASCII code list and hexadecimal conversion table.

C600000.| S0000FF.

Example: Modify the user-defined prefix to “DATA”

  1. The hexadecimal values of the four characters
    “DATA” are: “44”, “41”, “54”, “41”;

  2.  Scan the “Adding prefixes is allowed” setting code;

  3. Scan the “Modify Prefix” setting code;

  4. Scan the data setting code in sequence,(Appendix
    B: Data Code) “4”,”4″,”4″,”1″,”5″,”4″,”4″,”1″;

  5.  Scan the Save setting code (Appendix
    C: Save or Cancel).

4.2. Suffixes
Add suffix
Suffix is a user-defined string that can be added by scanning the “Allow Suffix” setting code after decoding the information.

R600202.| R600200.

Modify suffix
Scan the “Modify Suffix” setup code and then scan he “Combine Scan Data” setup code to enable users to modify the content of the suffix. The device uses two characters for each suffix character. The suffix values are expressed in hexadecimal format, with a maximum of 15 characters allowed. Please refer to Appendix A for the ASCII code list and hexadecimal conversion table.

C600001.| S0000FF.

Example: Modify the user-defined suffix to “DATA”

  1. The hexadecimal values of the four characters “DATA” are: “44”, “41”, “54”, “41”;
  2. Scan the “Adding Suffix is allowed” setting code;
  3. Scan the “Modify Suffix” setting code;
  4.  Scan the data setting code (Appendix B: Data Code) “4”, “4”, “4”, “1” in sequence “, “5”, “4”, “4”, “1”;
  5.  Scan the “Save” setting code (Appendix C: Save or Cancel).

4.3. Closing Notes Tail
This feature can be enabled in order to allow the host to quickly distinguish the results of the current decoding.
After “Modify end character suffix” is enabled, if the reading is successful, the module will add the corresponding end character after the decoded data.

%%SpecCode9F| %%SpecCode9C

%%SpecCode9D| %%SpecCode9E

Appendix A: List of ASCII codes

00 0 NUL (Null char.)
01 1 SOH (Start of Header)
02 2 STX (Start of Text)
03 3 ETX (End of Text)
04 4 EOT (End of Transmission)
05 5 ENQ (Inquiry)
06 6 ACK (Acknowledgment)
07 7 BEL (Bell)
08 8 BS (Backspace)
09 9 HT (Horizontal Tab)
0a 10 LF (Line Feed)
0b 11 VT (Vertical Tab)
0c 12 FF (Form Feed)
0d 13 CR (Carriage Return)
Hexadecimal Decimal Character
--- --- ---
Oe 14 SO (Shift Out)
Of 15 SI (Shift In)
10 16 DLE (Data Link Escape)
11 17 DC1 (XON) (Device Control 1)
12 18 DC2 (Device Control 2)
13 19 DC3 (XOFF) (Device Control 3)
14 20 DC4 (Device Control 4)
15 21 NAK (Negative Acknowledgment)
16 22 SYN (Synchronous Idle)
17 23 ETB (End of Trans. Block)
18 24 CAN (Cancel)
19 25 EM (End of Medium)
la 26 SUB (Substitute)
lb 27 ES (Escape)
lc 28 FS (File Separator)
ld 29 GS (Group Separator)
le 30 RS (Request to Send)
if 31 US (Unit Separator)
20 32 SP (Space)
21 33 (Exclamation Mark)
22 34 (Double Quote)
23 35 # (Number Sign)
24 36 $ (Dollar Sign)
25 37 % (Percent)
26 38 & (Ampersand)
27 39 (Single Quote)
28 40 ( (Right /Closing Parenthesis)
29 41 ) (Right /Closing Parenthesis)
2a 42 * (Asterisk)
2b 43 + (Plus)
2c 44 . (Comma)
2d 45 – (Minus/ Dash)
2e 46 . (Dot)
2f 47 / (Forward Slash)
Hexadecimal Decimal Character
--- --- ---
30 48 0
31 49 1
32 50 2
33 51 3
34 52 4
35 53 5
36 54 6
37 55 7
38 56 8
39 57 9
3a 58 (Colon)
3b 59 (Semi-colon)
3c 60 < (Less Than)
3d 61 = (Equal Sign)
3e 62 > (Greater Than)
3f 63 (Question Mark)
40 64 @ (AT Symbol)
41 65 A
42 66 B
43 67 C
44 68 D
45 69 E
46 70 F
47 71 G
48 72 H
49 73 I
4a 74 3
4b 75 K
4c 76 L
4d 77 M
4e 78 N
4f 79 0
50 80 P
51 81 Q
52 82 R
Hexadecimal Decimal Character
--- --- ---
53 83 S
54 84 T
55 85 U
56 86 V
57 87 W
58 88 X
59 89 Y
5a 90 Z
5b 91 [ (Left / Opening Bracket)
5c 92 \ (Back slash)
5d 93 ] (Right / Closing Bracket)
5e 94 A (Caret / Circumflex)
5f 95 _ (Underscore)
60 96 (Grave Accent)
61 97 a
62 98 b
63 99 c
64 100 d
65 101 e
66 102 f
67 103 g
68 104 h
69 105 i
6a 106 j
6b 107 k
6c 108 I
6d 109 m
6e 110 n
6f 111 0
70 112 p
71 113 q
72 114 r
73 115 s
74 116 t
75 117 u
Hexadecimal Decimal Character
--- --- ---
76 118 v
77 119 w
78 120 x
79 121 y
7a 122 z
7b 123 {  (Left/ Opening Brace)
7c 124 (Vertical Bar)
7d 125 } (Right/Closing Brace)
7e 126 ~ (Tilde)
7f 127 DEL (Delete)

 Appendix A: List of ASCII codes


D000000.| D000001.

D000002.| D000003.

D000004.| D000005.

D000006.| D000007.

D000008.| D000009.


D00000A.| D00000B.

D00000C.| D00000D.

D00000E.| D00000F.

 Appendix C: Save or Cancel

  1. When you read the data code, you have to scan the “Save” setting code to save the read data. If you make a mistake when reading a data code, you can cancel the wrong data.
  2.  For example, if you read a setting code and read data “A”, “B”, “C”, and “D” in sequence, then If you read “Cancel the previous read data”, the last number “D” will be canceled, and if you read “Cancel the previous read data”, the read data “ABCD” will be canceled. “If you read “Cancel modification setting”, you will cancel the read data “ABCD” and exit the modification setting.

S0000FF.| S000001.

S000010.| S000000.

Frequently Asked Questions

8.1. Why can't I search for the back clip?

1. Please make sure that your phone's Bluetooth is turned on and not connected to other devices; 2. Please make sure that the device is paired (press and hold the button on the back of the backpack for 5 seconds to enter the pairing state). 3. If you have entered the pairing state, but still cannot be found, please cancel the pairing and restart the Bluetooth to scan the back clip and mobile phone and try again. (Bluetooth name Barcode Scanner HID)

8.2. The back clip can not be charged normally.

Due to the impact of long-distance transportation or a long period of inactivity, the battery may enter sleep mode, need to charge for about 20 minutes to activate the battery of the device, and then try to turn it on.

8.3. The back clip and cell phone after successful connection is always disconnected.

1. The device's power has almost run out, as soon as possible charge the Bluetooth back clip. 2. There is a blockage or distance between cell phone and the device is beyond the signal receiving distance. In order to maintain the continuous stability of the signal, please try to keep the device and the phone without obstruction. 3. You can also temporarily use offline mode to continue scanning stored data when Bluetooth is not connected.

8.4. Why does my back clip show as headset?

Please scan the HID mode setting code, restore to HID mode, and then connect (Refer to section 2.1)

Contact us

MUNBYN provides 18 months warranty and lifetime free service.
If you encounter any issues with the product, please contact the MUNBYN team to promptly receive troubleshooting tips or a replacement.
Email: (24*7 online support)
Website. (how-to videos, warranty details)
Skype: +1 650 206 2250


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