SENSECAP S500 V2 Compact Weather Station User Guide
- June 16, 2024
Table of Contents
Sense CAP All-in-One Weather
Station User Guide(V2)
Version: V1.2
Dates: 2023-6-8
Product Introduction
SenseCAP ONE is a series of all-in-one compact weather sensors, including $1000 10-in-1, $800 8-in-1, S700 7-in-1, SSOO 5-in-1, S200 weather sensors. These weather sensors integrate multiple sensors into this compact device, monitoring up tolO weather parameters: air temperature, air humidity, atmospheric pressure, light intensity, wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, PM 2.5, PM 10,noise and CO2. The sensors use ultrasonic to measure wind speed and wind direction, to achieve high-precision data collection, which is easy maintenance. The equipment is designed with industry standards and can work stably in harsh outdoor environments from -40°C to 85°C. The product supports the Modbus-RTU (RS485) and SDI-12 protocols.
Basic parameters
Product Model| SenseCAP ONE Series (S200/S500/S700/S800/S1000)
Power Supply| 12V~ 24V(0.42W)
Heating Power Supply| 24V(21W)
Support Protocols| RS485 (MODBUS-RTU) / SDI-12
IP Rating| IP66
Working Temperature| -40 ℃ ~ + 85℃
Working Humidity| 0 to 100%RH (non-condensing)
Product Model: S200 (2-in-1)
Measurement Parameter| Measurement Range| Measurement Accuracy| Resolution
Wind speed| 0~60 m/s standard range 0~75m/s extended range Up to 80m/s
withstand range| ±0.3m/s(≤10m/s);
±3% (10m/s ~ 50m/s)
±5% (>50m/s)| 0.1m/s
Direction of the wind| 0~360°(@-40℃~60℃)| ±3.0°| 0.1°
Product Model: S500 (5-in-1)
Measurement Parameter| Measurement Range| Measurement Accuracy| Resolution
Air temperature| -40~85°C| ±0.1℃| 0.01°C
Air humidity| 0~100%RH| ±1.5%RH| 0.01%RH
Barometric pressure| 300~1250hPa| ±50Pa| 10 Pa
Wind speed| 0~60 m/s standard range 0~75m/s extended range Up to 80m/s
withstand range| ±0.3m/s(≤10m/s);
±3% (10m/s ~ 50m/s)
±5% (>50m/s)| 0.1m/s
Direction of the wind| 0~360°(@-40~60℃)| ±3.0°| 0.1°
Product Model: S700 (7-in-1)
Measurement Parameter| Measurement Range| Measurement Accuracy| Resolution
Air temperature| -40~85°C| ±0.1℃| 0.01°C
Air humidity| 0~100%RH| ±1.5%RH| 0.01%RH
Barometric pressure| 300~1250hPa| ±50Pa| 10 Pa
Wind speed| 0~60 m/s standard range 0~75m/s extended range Up to 80m/s
withstand range| ±0.3m/s(≤10m/s);
±3% (10m/s ~ 50m/s)
±5% (>50m/s)| 0.1m/s
Direction of the wind| 0~360°(@-40℃~60℃)| ±3.0°| 0.1°
Light intensity| 0~188000 Lux| 5% reading| 5Lux
Rain intensity| 0~200mm/h| ±10%| 0.2mm/0.02mm
Product Model: S800 8-in-1)
Measurement Parameter| Measurement Range| Measurement Accuracy| Resolution
Air temperature| -40~85°C| ±0.1℃| 0.01°C
Air humidity| 0~100%RH| ±1.5%RH| 0.01%RH
Barometric pressure| 300~1250hPa| ±50Pa| 10 Pa
Wind speed| 0~60 m/s standard range 0~75m/s extended range Up to 80m/s
withstand range| ±0.3m/s(≤10m/s);
±3% (10m/s ~ 50m/s)
±5% (>50m/s)| 0.1m/s
Direction of the wind| 0~360°(@-40℃~60℃)| ±3.0°| 0.1°
Noise intensity| 35~100dB| ±1.5dB| 0.1dB
PM2.5| 0~1000µg/m3| ±10%@100~1000µg/m3
±10µg/m3@0~100µg/m3| 1µg/m3
PM10| 0~1000µg/m3| ±15%@100~1000µg/m3
±15µg/m3@0~100µg/m3| 1µg/m3
Product Model: S1000 (10-in-1,CO2 series)
Measurement Parameter| Measurement Range| Measurement Accuracy| Resolution
Air temperature| -40~85°C| ±0.1℃| 0.01°C
Air humidity| 0~100%RH| ±1.5%RH| 0.01%RH
Barometric pressure| 300~1250hPa| ±50Pa| 10 Pa
Wind speed| 0~60 m/s(@-40℃~60℃)| ±0.3m/s,(≤10m/s)
±3% of the measured value(>10m/s)| 0.1m/s
Direction of the wind| 0~360°(@-40℃~60℃)| ±3.0°| 0.1°
Light intensity| 0~188000 Lux| 5% reading| 5Lux
Rain intensity| 0~200mm/h| ±10%| 0.2mm/0.02mm
PM2.5| 0~1000µg/m3| ±10%@100~1000µg/m3
±10µg/m3@0~100µg/m3| 1µg/m3
PM10| 0~1000µg/m3| ±15%@100~1000µg/m3
±15µg/m3@0~100µg/m3| 1µg/m3
CO2| 400-5000ppm;exten ded range up to| 土(30 ppm +3% of reading) (extended
range ±10% of| 1ppm
Note: Multi-in-one meteorological environment sensors witn otner monitoring elements can be customized. For specific requirernents, please contact relevant personnel of the
Before the installation, check the packing list and make sure there are no missing parts.
2.1 Packing List
Number| Parts|
1| SenseCAP ONE All-in-one compact weather sensor| 1
2| M12 8-pin communication cable (default length 3-meter hook-up wire, and
there is a waterproof aviation connector type to choose when working with
SenseCAP SensorHub datalogger. If the aviation connector is not needed, cut it
off by yourself)| 1
3| USB Type-C cable, for configuring devices| 1
4| Flange plate (purchased separately)| 1
5| Pole adapter sleeve base (purchased separately)| 1
6| Pole adapter cross bar (purchased separately)| 1
2.2 Installation
2.2.1 Device Interface Introduction
There are two connectors at the bottom of the device.
- USB Type-C interface allows you to connect your computer with a normal USB Type-C cable to the device for configuration.
- The main data interface can be connected to the M12 8-pin cable, supporting multiple bus protocols
2.2.2 Connect with USB Cable
2.2.3 M12 Cable
The device adopts an M12 8-pin connector, the different colored pins provide
power and data communication (as shown in the above diagram).
When working with the RS-485, you can connect only 4 wires (not using a
heating function), and the rest can be individually wrapped with tape to
prevent short circuit
The holes of the cable and the pins of the device connector must be aligned when the cable is plugged in.
Plugin the cable and tighten it clockwise
Note: the cable is aimed at with the bottombefore inserting it into the
Otherwise,the pins are skewed may cause the communication is abnormal .
When using the device with a heating function, a separate 24V (24V@1A is recommended) power supply is required. Gray wire #5 is connected to the negative of the power supply, and pink wire #6 is connected to the positive pole of the power supply.
- When the device needs to add power extension cable, if its length is more than 100 meters, it needs to use 24V/2A for power supply (without heating function);
- When the heating function is enabled, the power supply of the heating module should be within 3 meters of the SenseCAP ONE.The distance between the power supply of the heating module and the device is not more than 5m. Please use the 3m / 5m conversion cables sold by our company.
2.2.4 Install the device.
There are two major installation methods, either mount on a pole with a sleeve
or a platform with a flange plate.
The size of the sleeve is shown below.
It is recommended that the diameter of the pole should be less than or equal to 75cm.
The dimension of the flange plate is shown below.
Device’s Operating Mode
After installation, you can power on the device, configure it and collect data
from the device.
The device has two operating modes, configuration mode, and working mode.
Configuration Mode| With a USB cable, you can check or configure the device’s
parameters, such as device name, version number, and communication protocol
configuration. Product firmware can be upgraded in this mode.
Working Mode| Connect the devices and data logger with an M12 data and power
cable, and then the data collected by the device will be sent to the host via
different communication protocols.
3.1 Configure the device via USB port
There is a waterproof round cover at the bottom of the device. Turn it
counterclockwise to remove this cover, and you can see a USB Type-C connector
and a configuration button.
Connect the device to your computer with a USB Type-C cable. The computer will
automatically install the device driver. After the driver is successfully
installed, you can see a serial port in the device’s manager.
If the driver is not installed automatically, click this link to manually download and install the driver.(The version is CP210x Windows Drivers)
There are two methods to configure the device:
- SenseCAP ONE Configuration Tool
- Serial debug tool
3.2 SenseCAP ONE Configuration Tool
SenseCAP ONE Configuration Tool offers a graphical interface for you to
configure the device.
And you can download the tool from the GitHub link below:
Select the software for the respective operating system, Windows, macOS, or
Linux based on your needs.
The next image shows the main interface of the SenseCAP ONE Configuration Tool.
- Open the software, click on the pull-down box at the serial port, select the corresponding serial port of the device.
- Set the Baud rate to 9600.
- Click connect, if the connection is successful, the sensor data area on the right will show the corresponding measurements.
Click Settings to enter the device settings,and click“Read FromDevice”to obtain the Information of the device.
- Select the communication protocol. In the example here we choose the RS-485 Modbus RTU.
- Modify the Modbus address: write the address in the Modbus address, and then click “Write to Device”.
On the configuration page, you can modify the following: device name, data
type, and data upload interval. After any modification, you will need to click
“Write to Device” for the changes to take effect.
In application settings, you can set the cycle for the tool to read sensor
data, with the minimum as 2S, and a dot range for the curve.
Click “Firmware Update” to update the device firmware. Please contact sales or technical support at ( to get the firmware.
On the upgrade page, you will need to choose to update the mainboard firmware or the driver board firmware. Select the firmware file at your local repository, click “Update Now”. If there is an unexpected power break during the update process, the update won’t be executed. You will need to go through the same process to update the firmware.
3.3 Serial debug tool
The communication settings are as follows:
Select the serial port| You can find port information in your computer’s
device manager
Baud rate| 9600bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bits, none parity, none flow control.
- In the Serial Debug Assistant, select the corresponding COM port.
- Check the “click Enter to start a new line” check box.
- Set the baud rate to 9,600.
- Send ? in the send area.
- If you receive the corresponding 0XA message in the serial receive window, the configuration is successful. If not, please check the COM port and the baud rate.
Please check the detailed ASIIC command in the next chapter.
Communication Protocols
The device supports the following communication protocols:
Modbus-RTU| The Modbus protocol is a common language applied to electronic
devices. With this protocol, devices can communicate within their network. It
has become a universal industry standard, widely used in data loggers, sensor
equipment, and so on. Based on this protocol, devices produced by different
vendors can communicate with each other for system integration.
The Modbus protocol is a master-slave protocol. One node is the host, and the
other nodes that use the Modbus protocol to join the communication are the
slave. Each slave has a unique address.
ASCII| The ASCII protocol is a query-response or a question-and-answer
communication protocol in which a host PC uses ASCII characters to send
commands to a device and then receives responses from that device.
SDI-12| Single-bus-based data communication protocol, is an asynchronous
serial communications protocol for intelligent sensors that monitor
environment data.
4.1 Modbus-RTU Protocol
To start Modbus-RTU communication, the M12 data cable of the device needs to
be connected to the RS-485 port of one Data Logger, which powers up the device
at a voltage of 12V-24V. The following image is a diagram of the wiring:
Protocol communication parameters
Data Format | One start bit, 8 Data bits, None parity, one Stop bits. |
Baud Rate | 9600bps (default), which can be modified by configuration. |
Default Device Address (Decimal) | |
S800 | 46 |
S700 | 20 |
S500 | 10 |
S200 | 44 |
4.1.1Modbus-RTU Protocol Message Format
Sensor data is stored in the Input Register and is read-only
The device address and the communication baud rate of RS-485 are stored in the
Holding Register and can be modified.
Each register is 16bits and takes up 2 bytes.
Read the message from the input register.
The message format from by the host
Slave address| Function code| Register address| Number of registers| CRC check
1 byte| 1 byte| 2 bytes (big-endian).| 2 Byte (big-endian).| 2 bytes
Address 0-247| 0x04| big endian| big endian| little endian
The message response from the slave
Slave address| Function code| Number of registers| First Register data| Second
register data| …| CRC check
1 byte| 1 byte| 1 byte| 2 bytes| 2 bytes| …| 2 bytes
AA| 0x04| MM| VV0| VV1| …| CCCC
Address 0-247| 0x04| big endian| big endian| big endian| …| little-endian
Read and write the holding register.
The message format from by the host
Slave address| Function code| Register address| Number of registers| CRC check
1 byte| 1 byte| 2 bytes (big-endian).| 2 Byte big-endian).| 2 bytes
AA| 0x03/0x06| RRRR| NNNN| CCCC
Address 0-247| 0x03/06| big endian| big endian| little endian
The message response from the slave
Slave address| Function code| Number of registers| First Register data| Second
register data| …| CRC check
1 byte| 1 byte| 1 byte| 2 bytes| 2 bytes| …| 2 bytes
AA| 0x03/0x06| MM| VV0| VV1| …| CCCC
Address 0-247| 0x03/0x06| big endian| big endian| big endian| …| little-endian
4.1.2 Register Address Definition
Register type| Address| Name| values range| Number of registers| Register
status| Note
Input register| 0x0000| Air temperature| -40000~85000| 2| R| big endian Data
format int32 Divide the data value by 1000 to get the true measurements
0x0002| Air humidity| 0~100000| 2| R
0x0004| barometric pressure| 30000000~125000000| 2| R
0x0006| Light intensity| 0~188000000| 2| R
0x0008| Minimum wind direction| 0~360000| 2| R
0x000A| Maximum wind direction| 0~360000| 2| R
0x000C| Average wind direction| 0~360000| 2| R
0x000E| Minimum wind speed| 0~60000| 2| R
0x0010| Maximum wind speed| 0~60000| 2| R
0x0012| Average wind speed| 0~60000| 2| R
| 0x0014| Accumulated| 0~80000000| 2| R|
| | rainfall| | | |
0x0016| Accumulated rainfall duration| 0~2000000000| 2| R
0x0018| Rain intensity| 0-200000| 2| R
0x001A| Maximum rainfall intensity| 0-60000| 2| R
0x001C| Heating Temperature| -40000~85000| 2| R
0x001E| The dumping of state| 0 or 1000((The dumping of state is 1000, the
vertical of state is 0)| 2| R
0x0030| PM2.5| 0~1000000| 2| R
0x0032| PM10| 0~1000000| 2| R
0x0040| CO2| 0-10000| 2| R
| 0x0048| Noise intensity| 35000~100000| 2| R
Holding register| 0x1000| Device address| | 1| R/W| The default address is 1
Can be set to 1 – 247
0x1001| Baud rate| | 1| R/W| The default is 96, which means 9600.
It can be set to:
0x2000| Set the accumulated rainfall to 0| | 1| R/W| Write 1 to set
accumulated rainfall to 0. Read back 1 to confirm that the setting is
finished. Read back 0 indicates that the setting failed
0x2001| Set the accumulated rainfall duration to 0| | 1| R/W| Write 1 to set
accumulated rainfall duration to 0. Read back 1 to confirm that the setting is
finished. Read back 0 indicates that the setting failed
4.1.3 Modbus-RTU Read
Here is an example of the Modbus Poll tool (download from
Configuration connection parameters: Baud rate 9600bps, 8 Data bits, None Parity, 1 Stop bits.
Read the air temperature register 0x0000 to 0x0001, click Setup, and select Read/Write Definition
Set the default slave ID(2-in-1 is 44,5-in-1 is 10,7-in-1 is 20), function code 04, starting address 0, quantity (2-in-1 is 12,5-in-1 is 6,7-in-1 is 28);
Now the computer reads the sensor data every 1 second, and the measurement (line 0 and line 1) is shown in below picture, after dividing the measurement by 1000, it is the true temperature value, 28300/1000 = 28.3 °C
On the right, you can check the raw sent and received data packages.
When the temperature is positive:
- Host sends 01 04 00 00 00 02 71 CB
- Slave responses 01 04 04 00 00 6E 8C D6 41
- Return temperature data 0x00006E8C (Hex), converted to decimal = 28300, get the corresponding air temperature by dividing through 1000, air temperature = 28300/1000
= 28.3 °C
When the temperature is negative:
The temperature needs to be obtained through a complement calculation.
- Host sends 01 04 00 00 00 02 71 CB
- Slave responses 01 04 04 FF FF FC 18 D6 41
- Returned temperature data FFFFFC18H (Hex complement).
- The original code is – (FF FF FC 18-1 = FF FF FC 17) = 80 00 03 E8(Hex) = -1000 (Decimal).
- Then the temperature measurement is -1000/1000 = -1°
S500 decode:
Read register 0x0000~0x0005.
Send command:0A 04 00 00 00 06 71 73(Check code);
Return:0A 04 0C 00 00 70 80(Temperature)00 00 95 10(Humidity) 06 07 94 40(Air
pressure)60 0D(Check code);
Read register 0x0008~0x0013.
Send commond:0A 04 00 08 00 0C 70 B6(Check code);
Return:0A 04 18 00 00 00 00(Min wind direction)00 03 6E 84(Max wind
direction)00 03 C8 C0(Avg wind direction)00 00 00 00(Min wind speed)00 00 04
BC(Max wind speed) 00 00 02 10(Avg wind speed)BC 78(Check code)
S700 decode:
Read register 0x0000~0x001F and 0x0030~0x0033.
Send command: 14 04 00 00 00 20 F3 06
Return: 14 04 40 00 00 70 80(Temperature) 00 00 95 10(Humidity) 06 07 94
40(Air pressure) 00 00 00 00(Light) 00 00 00 00(Min wind direction) 00 00 00
00(Max wind direction) 00 00 00 00(Avg wind direction) 00 00 00 00 (Min wind
speed)00 00 00 00 (Max wind speed) 00 00 00 00(Avg wind speed) 00 00 00
00(Accumulated rainfall) 00 00 00 00(Accumulated rainfall duration) 00 00 00
00(Rain intensity) 00 00 00 00 (Maximum rainfall intensity) 00 00 6A
7C(Heating Temperature) 00 00 00 00(The dumping of state) 99 09(Check code)
S1000 decode:
Read register 0x0000~0x001F and 0x0030~0x0033.
Send command: 2B 04 00 00 00 20 F6 18
Return: 2B 04 40 00 00 70 80 (Temperature) 00 00 95 10(Humidity) 06 07 94
40(Air pressure) 00 00 00 00(Light) 00 00 00 00(Min wind direction) 00 00 00
00(Max wind direction) 00 00 00 00(Avg wind direction) 00 00 00 00 (Min wind
speed) 00 00 00 00(Max wind speed) 00 00 00 00(Avg wind speed) 00 00 00
00(Accumulated rainfall) 00 00 00 00(Accumulated rainfall duration) 00 00 00
00(Rain intensity) 00 00 00 00(Maximum rainfall intensity)00 00 6A 7C(Heating
Temperature) 00 00 00 00(The dumping of state) 99 09(Check code) PM2.5,PM10
and CO2 need to be read separately:
Send command: 2B 04 00 30 00 04 F6 0C
Return: 2B 04 08 00 00 90 88(PM2.5) 00 00 A4 10(PM10) 13 FA(Check code)
Read register 0x0040~0x0041.
Send command:2B 04 00 40 00 02 77 D5
Return:2B 04 04 00 0C EC 98 (CO2) FD 2F (Check code);
4.2 ASCII Protocol
4.2.1 Command definition
A | Device address, 0 by default |
XA | Starter, fixed value |
; | The separator used to distinguish multiple commands |
… | A command, represented by different strings |
? | A query term used to query values |
= | Assignment, which is used to set the value |
v | The argument, the specific value of the parameter is set |
m | Sensor measurement |
& | Sensor measurements combine character for getting or setting multiple |
measurement parameters
Terms Explanation
Command| Represented by different strings, such as BD for Baud rate and CP for
communication protocol
Data List| A Data List contains multiple sensor measurement types, represented
by an abbreviation of G0.
For example, G0 contains several test types:
4.2.2 Query Command Format
Commands come in two formats:
- A command without = refers to the basic query method.
indicatesquerythedevice’saddress - A command with = refers to a query with an argument
4.2.3 Setting Command Format
Set a specified parameter, such as setting a baud rate.
4.2.4 Command List
Device info queries and related commands settings
Query Device address | ? |
| Send| ?
Response| 0XA
Description| The default response address is 0
Query baud rate| BD
| Send| 0XA; BD=?
Response| 0XA; BD=96
Description| The baud rate for device 0 is 9,600
Setting| Send| 0XA; BD=[bd]
Response| 0XA; BD=[bd]
Description| Return the Baud rate of device 0 is [bd], it could be 96 for
9600; 192 for 19200, 384 for 38400; 576 for 57600; and 1152 for 115200.
For example, the return value 0XA;BD=96 represents the successful setting of a
Baud rate of 9,600
Communication protocol| CP
Query| Send| 0XA; CP=?
Response| 0XA; CP=[cp]
| [cp] Represents the code of the communication protocol, the device supports
multiple communication protocols.| 1| SDI-12
2| RS-485 Modbus-RTU
3| RS-485 ASCII
Response 0XA;CP=3
Setting| Send| 0XA; CP=[cp]
Response| 0XA; CP=[cp]
Description| Set the communication protocol of device 0 to [cp], if [cp] is 6,
the communication protocol is set to ASCII text protocol based on the RS-485
RS-485 address| MBAD
Query| Send| 0XA; MBAD=?
Response| 0XA; MBAD=1
Description| The RS-485 address of device 0 is 1 (decimal)
Setting| Send| 0XA; MBAD=2
Response| 0XA; MBAD=2
Description| Set the address of device 0 to 2 (decimal)
RS-485 baud rate| MBBD
Query| Send| 0XA; MBBD=?
Response| 0XA; MBBD=96
Description| The RS-485 communication baud rate for device 0 is 9,600
Setting| Send| 0XA; MBBD=[bd]
Response| 0XA; MBBD=[bd]
Description| Return device 0’s RS-485 communication baud rate is [bd]: it can
be 96 for 9600, 192 for 19200, 384 for 38400, 576 for 57600, and 1152 for
For example, the return value is 0XA;MBBD=96 represents the successful setting
of the baud rate of 9,600
Device Name| NA
Query| Send| 0XA; NA=?
Response| 0XA; NA=SenseCAP ONE S700
Description| Device name is: SenseCAP ONE S700
Setting| Send| 0XA; NA=[na]
Response| 0XA; NA=[na]
Description| Set the new device name to [na], and the character length
limitation is 64 bytes
Device model| TP
Query| Send| 0XA; TP=?
Response| 0XA; TP=SenseCAP ONE S700
Description| The device model is SenseCAP ONE S700
Device version| VE
Query| Send| 0XA; VE=?
Response| 0XA; VE=HW-1.0&SW-2.0&S1-2.2
Description| Device hardware(HW) is v1.0, the software firmware(SW) is v2.0,
and the #1 driver board firmware is v2.2
Device serial number| S/N
Query| Send| 0XA; S/N=?
Response| 0XA; S/N=1019906922012011
Description| S/N represents the serial number of the device
Production date| MD
Query| Send| 0XA; MD=?
Response| 0XA; MD=20201027
Description| The production date of the return device is October 27, 2020,
Restore configuration| RESTORE
Setting| Send| 0XA; RESTORE=1
| Response| 0XA; RESTORE=1
Description| Return 0XA; RESTORE=1 means the setting is successful and return
0XA means the setting fails.
Electronic Compass| CC
Query| Send| 0XA;CC=?
Response| 0XA;CC=[cc]
Description| [cc] Electronic Compass offset state
| Y| Enable Electronic Compass|
N| Disable Electronic Compass
C| Enable Geomagnetic compensation
Setting| Send| 0XA;CC=Y
Response| 0XA;CC=Y
Description| Enable Electronic Compass
Send| 0XA;CC=N
Response| 0XA;CC=N
Description| Disable Electronic Compass
Send| 0XA;CC=C
Response| 0XA;CC=C
Description| Enable Geomagnetic compensation,it will start the 30s
compensation process, during this time, the device should be placed
horizontally, and rotate evenly along the Z-axis for 1-2 rounds.
Tilt Detect| TD
Query| Send| 0XA;TD=?
Response| 0XA;TD=Y/N
Description| Y: Enable tilt detection function
N: Disable tile detection function
Setting| Send| 0XA;TD=Y
Response| 0XA;TD=Y
Description| Set to enable tilt detection function : TILT=0 means the device
is placed vertically, TILT=1 means the device is placed not placed upright.
Send| 0XA;TD=N
Response| 0XA;TD=N
Description| Disable tile detection function: the TILT always equals 0 when
the device is placed at any position.
Heating| HC
Query| Send| 0XA; HC =?
Response| 0XA; HC =Y/N
| Y: enable heating function
N: disable heating function
Setting| Send| 0XA;HC=Y
Response| 0XA;HC=Y
Description| Turn on the heating function of the device;
When the air temperature is between [5℃ and -25℃], the device begins to
| | heat, and the temperature of the heating plate is the highest, up to 40℃
When the air temperature is higher than 5 ° C, the device stops to heat;
(Note: If the temperature is lower than -25 ° C ,the heating module cannot
raise the temperature of the device above 0 ° C, it may freeze, which will
affect the detection of wind speed and direction)
Send| 0XA;HC=N
Response| 0XA;HC=N
Description| Set to enable heating function.
Command to read sensor data.
For quick reading of all measurements, G0 is the command.
Read all measurements | G0 |
Query | Send |
Response |
Description| Returns the value of all measurement parameters
Group Name| Measurement| Name| Unit
G0| Contains all combinations of measurement parameters
AT| Air temperature| ℃ (default), ℉
AH| Air humidity| %RH
AP| Barometric pressure| Pa (default), hPa, bar, mmHg, inHg
LX| Light intensity| Lux
DN| Minimum wind direction| deg
Dm| Maximum wind direction| deg
DA| Average wind direction| deg
SN| Minimum wind speed| m/s (default), km/h, mph, knots
SM| Maximum wind speed| m/s (default), km/h, mph, knots
SA| Average wind speed| m/s (default), km/h, mph, knots
RA| Accumulated rainfall| mm (default), in
RD| Duration of rainfall| s
RI| Rainfall intensity| mm/h (default), in/h
Rp| Maximum rainfall intensity| mm/h (default), in/h
HT| Heating temperature| ℃
TILT| Fall detection|
Modify the Properties of Measurement Parameters
Properties represent some characteristics of the measured data, such as the
unit of output temperature and the interval between data updates.
Temperature and Humidity Data Update Interval | IB |
Query | Send |
Response | 0XA;IB=1 |
Description | The default data updates every 1 second |
Setting | Send |
--- | --- |
Response | 0XA;IB=2 |
Description | Set the data update interval to 2 seconds, you can choose a value |
between 1 to 3600 seconds.
Air Temperature Unit| UT
Query| Send| 0XA; UT=?
Return| 0XA; UT=C
Description| The temperature unit is Celsius
Set up| Send| 0XA; UT=F
Response| 0XA; UT=F
Description| Set the air temperature unit to Fahrenheit.
C=°C, F=°F
Barometric Pressure Unit| UP
Query| Send| 0XA; UP=?
Response| 0XA; UP=P
Description| The unit is Pa.
Set up| Send| 0XA; UP=H
Response| 0XA; UP=H
| Set the unit to hPa.
P = Pa, H = hPa, B = bar, M = mmHg, I=inHg
Wind Speed & Direction Data Update Interval| IW
Query| Send| 0XA; IW=?
Response| 0XA; IW=1
Description| The default data updates every 1 second.
Set up| Send| 0XA; IW=2
Response| 0XA; IW=2
Description| Set the data update interval to 2 seconds, you can choose a value
between 1 to 3600 seconds.
Wind speed & direction average time window| AW
Query| Send| 0XA; AW=?
Response| 0XA; AW=5
Description| The default average update interval for wind speed & direction
data is 5 seconds.
The device collects wind speed & direction in 5s intervals and then averages
the value.
Setting| Send| 0XA; AW=10
Response| 0XA; AW=10
Description| Set the data update interval to 10 seconds, you can choose a
value between 1 to 3600 seconds
Wind Speed Unit| US
Query| Send| 0XA; US=?
Response| 0XA; US=M
Description| The default wind speed unit is m/s
Setting| Send| 0XA; US=K
Response| 0XA; US=K
Description| Set unit to km/h
M = m/s, K = km/h, S = mph, N = knots
The wind direction offset correction value| DO
Query| Send| 0XA;DO=?
Response| 0XA; DO=0
Description| The default correction angle for the wind direction is 0.
Setting| Send| 0XA; DO=1
Response| 0XA; DO=1
Description| Set the wind direction offset to +10°, if the current wind
direction is 280°, the corrected wind direction is 290 degrees.
The wind correction range is -180° to 180°
Rainfall Data Update Interval| IR
Query| Send| 0XA;IR=?
Response| 0XA;IR=10
Description| The default rain data update interval is 10 seconds.
Setting| Send| 0XA;IR=60
Response| 0XA;IR=60
Description| Set the data update interval to 60seconds.
The interval range is 10 to 3600 seconds.
Rainfall Unit| UR
Query| Send| 0XA; UR=?
Response| 0XA; UR=M
Description| The default rainfall unit is mm
Setting| Send| 0XA; UR=I
Response| 0XA; UR=I
Description| Set the units of rainfall to inches
M = mm, I = inch.
Rainfall Counter Reset Mode| CR
Query| Send| 0XA; CR=?
Response| 0XA; CR=M
Description| Rain counter reset mode is by manual M
Setting| Send| 0XA; CR=L
Response| 0XA; CR=L
Description| Set the counter reset mode to overflow reset, and you can select
the modes as:
M: Manual reset, reset immediately after sending the reset command (the reset
command is available under all three communication protocols, as detailed in
the different protocol sections).
A: Post-read reset (accumulated rainfall and accumulated rainfall time are
performed separately after reading reset)
L: Overflow reset
Accumulated rainfall overflow value| AL
Query| Send| 0XA; AL=?
Response| 0XA; AL=80000
Description| The default accumulated rainfall overflow value is 80000, which
is measured in the current rainfall unit.
This overflow value takes effect only if the CR rainfall counter reset mode is
set to L overflow reset.
Setting| Send| 0XA; AL=1000
Response| 0XA; AL=1000
Description| When the rainfall is set to 1000 (current unit), the accumulated
rainfall will be reset to 0.
The overflow value range is 10-80000 (current unit).
Accumulated rainfall duration overflow value| DL
Query| Send| 0XA; DL=?
Response| 0XA; DL=2000000
Description| The default rainfall duration overflow value is 2,000,000, the
unit is second.
This overflow value will only take effect when the CR rainfall counter reset
mode is L overflow reset.
Setting| Send| 0XA; DL=3600
Response| 0XA; DL=3600
Description| Set the rainfall duration overflow value to 3600 seconds.
It ranges between 100 – 2000000 seconds.
Clear the accumulated rainfall| CRA
Setting| Send| 0XA; CRA=1
Response| 0XA; CRA=1
Description| Clear the accumulated rainfall.
Clear accumulated rainfall Duration| CRD
Setting| Send| 0XA; CRD=1
Response| 0XA; CRD=1
Description| Clear the accumulated rainfall duration.
Interpretatio n| Accumulated rainfal| Once the device is powered ,the
accumulated value will be calculated and saved. When the accumulated value
reaches 80,000 mm, it will be automatically cleared and enter the
recalculation stage (it will still be saved after power off).
Accumulated rainfall duration| Once the device is powered ,the accumulated
value will be calculated and saved. When the accumulated value reaches
2000000s, it will be automatically cleared and enter the
recalculation stage (it will still be saved after power off).
Rainfall intensity (hourly rainfall)| The accumulated rainfall in the past
hour, during which the accumulated value is updated every 10s until the
accumulated time reaches 1 hour
| Maximum rainfall intensity| Maximum rainfall per minute in the past hour *60
4.3 SDI-12
SDI-12 communication adopts three wires, two of which are sensor power supply
wires and the other is SDI-12 signal wire.
Each sensor on the SDI-12 bus has a unique address, which can be set to ‘0’,
‘1’ ~ ‘9’, ‘A’ ~ ‘Z’, ‘A’ ~ ‘Z’. The SDI-12 address of the SenseCAP ONE
defaults to ‘0’. The instructions supported by this sensor are shown in the
next chapter, where each instruction conforms to the SDI-12 v1.4.
The sensor is powered by a DC power supply of 3.6~16V. After the sensor is
powered on, it will go into sleep mode immediately and wait for the data
acquisition equipment to give instructions. SDI-12 uses baud rate 9600bps, 1
start bit (high level), 7 data bits (high 0 and low 1, anti-logic), 1 even
parity bit, and 1 stop bit.
The sequence of each byte sent is shown in the following figure:
4.3.1 SDI-12 command and response
Command format
- Start with device address ‘a’, it is ‘0’in the following sample.
- End with ‘!’as a terminator
- The response command end with the
Query the device address | ?! |
Send | ?! |
Response | 0 |
Description | The sensor at address ‘0’ responded to the query |
Query the device status | 0! |
Send | 0! |
Response | 0 |
Description | Address ‘0’ of device online |
Query the device information | 0I! |
Send | 0I! |
Response | 014SenseCAPONE3.01019906922104001 |
Description | Response the device information |
accccccccmmmvvvxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
--- | --- |
a | Device address: 0 |
14 | SDI-12 protocol version :v1.4 |
cccccccc | Product:SenseCAP |
mmm | Device series:ONE |
vvv | Software version:3.0 |
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | Device serial number:1019906922104001 |
Modify device address | 0Ab! |
Send | 0A1! |
Response | 1 |
Description | Device address 0 is changed to 1. The address range is |
Start Measurement| 0M!
Send| 0M!
Response| Immediately response:00024
After 2s, the response device’s address, means finishing the
Description| This command is to start THPL measurement, in order: air
temperature, air humidity, atmospheric pressure, illuminance, but the sensor
will not reply to the measurement data immediately after receiving this
command, but the time required to reply the measurement data and the number of
measurements. To obtain measurement data, you must wait until the measurement
is completed, and then use the send data command “0D0!” to obtain it.
After using this command, the sensor will enter a sleep mode after the
measurement to save power consumption. After using “continuous measurement
command 0R0!…0R9!”, it will exit the low power consumption state.
The response format is defined as follows: atttn
| a| Device address:0|
ttt| The time expense to measure data, the unit is seconds.
n| The number of measurements
Extended Measurement| 0M1!…0M9!
Send| 0Mn!(n ranges 0~9)
| Immediately response:00024
After 2s, the response device’s address, means finishing the
Description| 0M1!: Start Wind measurement: minimum wind direction, maximum
wind direction, average wind direction, minimum wind speed, maximum wind
speed, average wind speed.
0M2!: Start Rain measurement: accumulated rainfall, accumulated rainfall time,
rainfall intensity, maximum rainfall intensity.
| 0M3!: Start Dust measurement: PM2.5, PM10.
0M9!: Start other measurements: heating temperature, tilt status.
0M4!…0M8!: reserved.
After using this command, the sensor will enter a sleep mode after the
measurement to save power consumption. After using “continuous measurement
command 0R0!…0R9!”, it will exit the low power consumption state.
For the definition of reply, please refer to “Start measurement command 0M!”
Read measurement value| 0D0!…0D9!
Send| 0D0!
Response| 0+27.65+65.81+100000+5000
Description| This command is used to obtain a set of measurement data in the
sensor. The sensor responds with the measurement data. If all the desired
measurement data is not returned in 0D0!, you can continue to send 0D1!, 0D2!,
etc., until all the measurement data is received.
The response format is defined as follows:
| a| Device address:0|
4.3.2 SDI-12 Read
Wiring the SDI-12 Use USB to SDI-12 debugger to communicate
with the device
The communication settings:
Format | 1 start bits, 7 data bits, Even parity, 1 stop bits |
Baud rate | 1200bps |
Device address | 0x00 |
Connect the green wire (GND Data) and yellow wire (SDI-12 Data) to the USB to
SDI-12 debugger.
And connect the red wire (Vin+ power positive) and brown wire (Vin- power
ground) to the 12V power supply.
Download the serial port debugging assistant:,and then open the serial port debugging
- Choose the correct port number
- Set the baud rate to the baud rate of the USB to SDI-12 debugger (note that it is not the baud rate of the SDI-12 protocol)
- Check the “CRLF”
- Click to open the serial port.
- Send the query device address command “?!”, if you can see the response “0”, it means the connection is OK.
Start Measurement
Read air temperature, air humidity, barometric pressure, light intensity Send
the “start measurement command 0M!”, the sensor first responds with “00024”,
which means that the “0M!” command takes 2 seconds to measure and returns 4
measured values. After 2 seconds, the sensor responds with its own address
“0”, indicating that the measurement has been completed.Then send ” Read measurement value command 0D0!” to get the 4
measured values of this measurement, which are air temperature +27.01℃, air
humidity 64.74%, barometric pressure 100720Pa, and light intensity
Use extended measurement command 0M1! to read
minimum wind direction, maximum wind direction, average wind direction,
minimum wind speed, maximum wind speed, average wind speed. The device
responds with “00056”, which means that the “0M1!” command takes 5 seconds to
measure and returns 6 measured values. After 5 seconds, the device responds
with its own address “0”, indicating that the measurement has been
Then send ” Read measurement value command 0D0!”
to get the 6 measured values of this measurement, which are minimum wind
direction 345.9 degrees, maximum wind direction 347.5 degrees, average wind
direction 346.3 degrees, minimum wind speed 2.8m/s, and maximumwind speed
2.8m. /s, average wind speed 2.8m/s.Then send “continuous measurement
command 0R2!, the device returns 4measured values: cumulative rainfall 1.2mm,
cumulative rainfall duration 20 seconds, rainfall intensity 1.2mm/h, maximum
rainfall intensity 72.0mm/h.
Error code
5.1 Modbus error code
Error code | Description | Response instance |
0x01 | Device do not response | 01 84 01 82 C0 |
0x04 | Sensor probe exception | 01 84 04 42 C3 |
5.2 ASCII error code
Error code | Description | Response instance |
0 | Command do not exist | 0XA;…=#0 |
1 | Device do not response | 0XA;AT=#1 |
3 | The command length exceeds the limit, it needs to be reduced | 0XA;…=#3 |
4 | Sensor probe exception | 0XA;AT=#4 |
5.3 SDI-12 error code
Error code | Description | Response instance |
2001001 | Device do not response | 0+2001001+2001001+2001001+2001001 |
2001004 | Sensor probe exception | 0+2001004+2001004+2001004+2001004 |
Trouble Shooting
6.1 How is the average wind speed and direction calculated?
The default average time window is 5s. Within this window, the device will
collect wind speed and direction data five times and return an average value.
6.2 Support
Support is provided Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 18:00 GMT+8. Due to
different time zones, we cannot offer live support. However, your questions
will be answered as soon as possible in the before-mentioned schedule.
Provide as much information as possible regarding your enquiry (product SKU,
accurately describe your problem and steps to replicate it etc.) and send a
mail to:
6.3 Document Version
| Date| Description|
V1.0| 7/4/2023| First edition| Jenkin Lu
V1.1| 25/4/2023| Add new product
| Xinan Rao
V1.2| 8/6/2023| Add trouble shooting| Andrea Ouyang
V1.3| 8/12/2023| Modify Document error| Yvonne Meng
Technology Co., Ltd.
All rights reserved.
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