VEVOR Q-3A Full Body Harness and Half Body Harness User Manual

June 16, 2024

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 Q-3A Full Body Harness and Half Body Harness

VEVOR Q-3A Full Body Harness and Half Body Harness Technical Support and E-Warranty Certificate

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This is the original instruction, please read all manual instructions carefully before operating. VEVOR reserves a clear interpretation of our user manual. The appearance of the product shall be subject to the product you received. Please forgive us that we won’t inform you again if there are any technology or software updates on our product.
Please read this manual carefully before using the product. Failure to do so may result in serious injury. SAVE THIS MANUAL



Trademark| VEVOR logo| Reference
standards| ANSI/ASSE 359 or
ASTM F1772

All instructions attached to the device must be read and understood carefully before use. Attention! This sheet contains only the general instructions.

    The activities related to the use of this device are potentially dangerous and its use is reserved exclusively to competent and trained persons or persons directly supervised by competent and trained persons. Before using the device, it is essential to: have received adequate training and instruction and, where required, specific training for the use of the devices; be familiar with the device; be in perfect psycho-physical shape. Attention! Consumption of alcohol or psychotropics, including medication that may alter perception, balancea and concentration, is to be avoided.

  2. WARNINGS. Before use: ensure that all equipment is in perfect operating conditions, that it is appropriate for the intended use and that all the elements and components are compatible with each other and comply with the rules, regulations and directives currently in place; check that the system is assembled correctly and that the various components work without interfering with one another. Before and during use: check the perfect closure of the lever and the associated locking of any connectors used.
    2.1- Devices to be used with ropes. Before and during each use: always verify the compatibility of the rope/s used: some ropes may be or become more or less smooth due to different factors (e.g. construction of the sheath; possible surface treatments; inadequate diameter; wet, icy, ary or muddy ropes etc.); check the correct positioning of the rope/s inside the device; pay attention to potential foreign bodies that can prevent the correct nctioning of the device on the rope/s.
    2.2 – Conditions for use. This equipment is meant to be used in climatic conditions typically tolerated by human beings (the permitted temperature range is shown on the specific instructions). Pay attention to the following conditions, since they could jeopardize the strength of the device: humidity, frost, extreme temperatures, aging inadequate storage. Attention! Do not apply and avoid the contact with the following substances, that could damage the device and compromise its safety: chemical substances leg. paint, solvents, adhesives, corrosive substances, reagents, etc.);  self-adhesive labels; other potentially harmful products/substances. Attention! When using textile devices, be careful to the contact with sharp edges and, when necessary, use protective devices.
    2.1- Responsibilities. Each individual is responsible for his/her own choices and actions: anyone who is not capable of assuming this responsibility must not use these devices under any circumstances. The responsibility of the manufacturer is limited to manufacturing defects and materials used. Attention! Do not use a device for activities exceeding its limitations or for uses that are different to those intended! Attention! Being equipped with personal protective devices does not justify exposing oneself to potentially lethal risks.
    Attention! There are many incorrect or erroneous usage procedures and only the procedures indicated as correct are allowed: any other possible usage procedure must be considered as forbidden.
    2.4 – Materials. All materials and treatments (unless otherwise specified) are antiallergic and do not cause skin irritation or sensitization.
    2.5 – Warnings. Such warnings relate only to the devices reporting, in the specific instructions, the ANSI/ASSE 359 or ASTM F1772 standard. Before each use: make sure that all the devices show the correct reference to the standard and that are in perfect working order; make sure that the maintenance sheets of each device are correctly updated; make sure you have carefully considered the safest way of access, equipped yourself properly and provided for a rescue procedure to recover the incapacitated operator or to deal with any emergency that may arise during work; inform the user of the existence of the arranged rescue procedure. During each use: pay attention to the dangers that could jeopardize the performance of the device (e.g. twisting or dragging of lanyards or rescue ropes on sharp edges; chemical reagents; electrical conductivity; pendulum falls etc.). For devices intended for use in a fall arrest system: for the operator’s safety it is necessary that the device or anchor point is always correctly positioned and that the work is carried out so that the risk of falling and the length of a fall are minimized; before any use, verify the free space required below the user at the work station so that, in the event of a fall, there is no collision with the ground or other obstacles on the path of the fall; consider that a body harness is the only acceptable body holding device that can be used in a fall arrest system.

  3. INSPECTIONS. Inspections carried out by the user are necessary to ensure that the device is in an efficient condition, functions correctly and can be used. Before and after each use: verify that the metal and plastic parts, if present, do not show deformations, sharp edges, abnormal variations in color, corrosion and oxidation;a verify that the metal and plastic parts, if present, do not show cuts, cracks, incisions or signs of wear with a depth greater than 1 mm; verify that the textile parts, if present, and their stitching do not show cuts, abrasions, fraying, wear, burns, damage due to exposure to heat or ultraviolet rays, excessive stretching, corrosion and traces of mold or chemicals, paying attention in checking any hidden areas as well; verify that the stitching, if present, do not show cut, pulled or loose threads; verify, feeling with the fingers the whole length of the devices made of rope, that the inner core does not show cuts, points of emptiness, splits, swelling; verify that any moving parts (e.g. opening levers, locking cams, etc.) correctly rotate without jamming and, where provided with a spring, once released slowly automatically return to their position; verify that there is no dirt, particularly near any gap le.g. sand. deposits of material).

    Each device, beside exceptions, is to be considered for strictly personal use and, where necessary, it must be prescribed that it is delivered individually to the user. In case of use by a second user, carry out and inspection of the device before and after use and, where required, note the details on the appropriate sheet. Attention! Never use a device if you do not know the related complete life path or if it is provided without the correct documentation (instructions for use, any inspection sheet, etc.).

    The indications on the device can appear in different places depending on  the dimension of the device.

  1. Product name. 2) Product code. 3) Product definition.4) Name of the manufacturer or of the responsible for placing the product on the market. 5) Warning that the device is designed to be used by only one person. 6) Reference standard.
    It is difficult to predetermine with accuracy the real lifespan of a device because it is influenced by several factors (environment in which the equipment is used, climatic factors, storage conditions, frequency and intensity of use, etc.). Nevertheless, it is possible to estimate the device’s maximum lifespan, consisting of an initial period of optimal storage and a period of use. For textile and plastic products, the maximum lifespan is 12 years from the date of manufacture, of which no more than 10 years from the date of the first use. The maximum life span of metallic products is theoretically indefinite, but it is still advisable to replace them after 10 years of use. Attention! The life span of a device can be limited even to just one use, where it is involved in an exceptional event (major falls, extreme temperatures, contact with harmful chemical agents or sharp edges, etc.).

    Stop using the device immediately: if the maximum life span has been exceeded; if it is obsolete, incompatible with more modern devices or outclassed due to standards’ updates; if the result of the inspections is not satisfactory; if there are doubts on the functioning or on the good condition of the device; if it has been exposed to an exceptional event or a hard fall: even if there is no visible defect or degradation, its initial strength and resistance could be seriously reduced. Atfention! Destroy discarded products to avoid any further use. Attention! Do not use the device again until receiving a written confirmation from a competent person authorized by the manufacturer, stating that it is acceptable to use the device again.

    It is generally recommended, at least every 12 months, a thorough inspection of the device by the manufacturer, by a competent person authorized by the manufacturer or by a competent person according to the current national regulations on PPE inspection. Attention! Such inspection is mandatory only for devices for which it is indicated in the specific instructions. Nevertheless, regular inspections are essential to ensure the continued efficiency and durability of the device, on which the safety of the user depends. The carrying out of the periodic inspections does no exempt the user from the obligation to carry out the checks before and after each use, nor to request an extraordinary periodic inspection at the occurrence of exceptional events (e.g. fall from low height, etc.) or in in case of doubts on the proper functioning of the device. The data of the device and the results of the inspections must be reported respectively in the identification sheet of the device and in the periodic inspection one.
    The instructions for use and any additional documents must be kept for the entire life of the device. Attention! In absence of the document showing the data of the device and the results of the checks, or if illegible, refrain from using the device. Attention!
    8.1 – requency of inspections. The minimum frequency of 12 months can be changed according to the national regulations in force or to the frequency, intensity and mode of use (e.g. heavy uses, use in the marine environment, corrosive atmospheres etc.).
    8.2- Device identification sheet (Fig. rv A) Trademark. B) Manufacturer. C) Product (type, model, code). D) User (company, name and address). E) Serial number. w) Year_of manufacture. G) Purchase date. H) Date of first use. Expiry date. L) Reference standards.
    8.3 – Device periodic inspection sheet (Fig. B). 0) Date. P) Reason of the inspection: periodic inspection or additional check. Q) Name and signature of the person responsible for the inspection. RY Notes (defects found, repairs performed or other relevant information). S) Inspection results: device fit for use, device unfit for use. T Date of next inspection.

    On the specific instructions for use are indicated the notified bodies pertaining to the product, they are listed on this instruction.

    At the end of the lifespan of the equipment, i.e. at the end of its working life,  it is compulsory to take care of its disposal, taking into account thepotential impact on the environment. For this purpose. it is recommended hat the products are disposed in accordance with the laws in force in the country where the disposal is taking place.

    Any alteration or tampering immediately voids the guarantee and it is forbidden, as it can compromise the safety of the device itself. Repairs, where feasible, must be carried out exclusively by the manufacturer or by a competent person expressly authorized by the manufacturer, in compliance with what is indicated in the inspection and/or maintenance procedures.

    If necessary, clean any moving parts of metal devices with compressed air and lubricate them by using exclusively silicone-based spray oil. Attention! An excessive quantity of oil encourages dirt and dust to stick. Remove any excess oil using a cloth. Attention! Check that the lubrication does not compromise the interaction between the device and the other components of the system le.g. ropes).

    Avoid contact with sources of heat or with abrasive or sharp materials. To disinfect, use a dilute ammonia solution according to the safety instructions provided with the product. After washing, or in the case of damp or wet equipment, leave to dry in the open air away from direct sources of heat.

    For optimal storage, put away the devices completely dry at room temperature in well ventilated areas. Do not expose the devices to chemically aggressive substances, persistent dusts or dirt or environments with high concentrations of salt. During transport, avoid compressions, exposure to direct sunlight and contact with sharp objects. Do not leave the devices in the car or in closed environments exposed to the sun. For the transport use the protective case supplied or, if absent, a packaging that preserves the integrity of the product.

    The guarantee is valid for 3 years as from the purchase date. and covers for any manufacturing defect or defect in the materials used. The following are excluded from the guarantee: normal wear, inadequate maintenance and storage, incorrect or improper usage, unauthorised tampering or repairs, lack of observance of the instructions for use. The manufacturer declines all liabilities concerning the direct, indirect or accidental consequences, including any consequence that derives from the incorrect use of the devices, including correct use of the device in unsuitable situations that do not ensure proper safety levels. For the user safety it is essential that the retailer provides the devices instruction for use, maintenance, repair and periodic check in the language of the country where they will be used, whenever the devices are sold outside of the original country of destination.


Type Full body harness
Model Q-3A
Main Material Polyester
Color Yellow + Black
Size Universal
Product Dimensions (LWH)(mm) 340240110
Packing Size (LWH) (mm) 350250120
Net Weight (kg) 2.1
Gross Weight (kg) 2.28
Type Half Body Harness
--- ---
Model B-1A
Main Material Polyester
Color Yellow + Black
Size Universal
Product Dimensions (LWH)(mm) 340240110
Packing Size  (LWH) (mm) 350250120
Net Weight (kg) 2.1
Gross Weight (kg) 2.28


—Harness construction
VEVOR Q-3A Full Body Harness and Half Body Harness - Overview

A1 Shoulder Strap A6 Connecting Components
A2 Waist Strap A7 Body Shoulder Pad
A3 Leg Loop Suspension Straps A8 Body Leg Pad
A4 Leg Loops A9 Body Waist Pad
A5 Buckle A10-1 Tool ring(No more than 6kg)
A10-2 Lanyard Parking Attachment

Harness Attachment PointVEVOR Q-3A Full Body Harness and Half Body Harness -
Overview 2

A11 Sternal Attachment A13 Waist Attachment
A12 Frontal Attachment A14 Dorsal Attachment

—Harness A11 Sternal Attachment and A14 Dorsal Attachment  VEVOR Q-3A Full
Body Harness and Half Body Harness - Overview 2 VEVOR Q-3A Full Body Harness and Half Body Harness -
Overview 4VEVOR Q-3A Full Body
Harness and Half Body Harness - Overview 5

Harness constructionVEVOR Q-3A Full Body Harness and Half Body Harness -
Overview 6

B1 Shoulder Strap B7 Body Shoulder Pad
B2 Adjustable Chest Strap B8 Body Waist Pad
B3 Leg Loops B9 Sub-pelvic Strap
B4 Waist Strap B10 Body Leg Pad
B5 Buckle B11 Tool ring(No more than 6kg)
B6 Lanyard Parking Attachment

VEVOR Q-3A Full Body Harness and Half Body Harness - Overview
7 VEVOR Q-3A Full Body Harness
and Half Body Harness - Overview 8MODEL NO.: Q-2C
Harness constructionVEVOR Q-3A Full Body Harness and Half Body Harness -
Overview 9

C1 Shoulder Strap C5 Leg Loops
C2 Adjustable Chest Strap C6 Sub-pelvic Strap
C3 Lanyard Parking Attachment C7 Body Shoulder Pad
C4 Buckle

VEVOR Q-3A Full Body Harness and Half Body Harness - Overview
10 VEVOR Q-3A Full Body Harness
and Half Body Harness - Overview 11

Harness constructionVEVOR Q-3A Full Body Harness and Half Body Harness -
Overview 12

D1 Buckle D5 Body Waist Pad
D2 Waist Strap D6 Body Leg Pad
D3 Leg Loop Suspension Straps D7 Tool ring(No more than 6kg)
D4 Leg Loops

Harness   Attachment    PointVEVOR Q-3A Full Body Harness and Half Body
Harness - Overview 13VEVOR Q-3A Full
Body Harness and Half Body Harness - Overview 14

Harness Safety Warning
—Please check before use, If the safety warning label is turned on, prohibition of use.VEVOR Q-3A Full Body Harness and Half Body Harness -
Overview 15 VEVOR Q-3A Full Body
Harness and Half Body Harness - Overview 16 VEVOR Q-3A Full Body Harness and Half Body Harness -
Overview 17These instructions explain how to correctly use your equipment. Only certain techniques and uses are described.

  1. Field of application Personal protective equipment (PPE).Full-body fall arrest harness. This product must not be pushed beyond its limits, nor be used for any purpose other than that for which it is Responsibility WARNING Activities involving the use of this equipment are inherently dangerous. You are responsible for your own actions, decisions and safety. Before using this equipment, you must: Read and understand all Instructions for Use. Get specific training in its proper use. Become acquainted with its capabilities and limitations. Understand and accept the risks involved. Failure to heed any of these warnings may result in severe injury or death. This product must only be used by competent and responsible persons, or those placed under the direct and visual control of a competent and responsible person. You are responsible for your actions, your decisions and your safety and you assume the consequences of same. If you are not able, or not in a position to assume this responsibility, or if you do not fully understand the Instructions for Use, do not use this equipment.

  2. Compatibility
    Verify that this product is compatible with the other elements of the system in your application (compatible =good functional interaction)

  3. Harness setup
    Be sure to correctly stow the excess webbing (folded flat) in the keepers. Beware of foreign objects that could impede the operation of the FAST LT PLUS buckles (e.g. pebbles, sand, clothing…). Verify that they are securely fastened. Adjustment and suspension test Your harness must be adjusted to fit snugly to reduce the risk of injury in the event of a fall. In a safe environment, you must move around and hang in the harness from each attachment point, with your equipment, to verify that the harness fits properly, provides adequate comfort for the intended use and that it is optimally adjusted. To ensure adequate protection, this harness must be properly sized and adjusted to fit the user. See the diagrams on adjustment and the function test. Do not use this harness if you are unable to adjust it to fit properly. Replace it with a different size or model of harness.

  4. Fall arrest harness. Sternal attachment point. Dorsal attachment point. Textile dorsal attachment point for self-retracting device The sternal attachment point, the dorsal attachment point or the textile dorsal attachment point for self-retracting device must be connected to a fall arrest system that meets current Only these attachment points are to be used for connecting a fall arrest system, for example a mobile fall arrester, an energy absorber… For ease of identification, these points are marked with the letter ‘A’. Be sure to always use the two loops together. Specifics on the textile dorsal attachment point for self-retracting device This attachment point is designed only for connecting a self-retracting fall arrest system. Be sure to follow the recommendations for use of the system provided by the manufacturer. Clearance: amount of free space below the user The free space below the user must be sufficient to prevent the user from hitting an obstacle in the event of a fall. For the clearance calculation, take into account the length of any connectors that will have an effect on the fall distance. Specific details on calculating clearance are found in the Instructions for Use of the other components (energy absorbers, mobile fall arrester…). In a fall, the fall arrest attachment point elongates. This elongation (approximately 0.5 ml maximum) must be taken into account for the clearance calculation.
    The sternal attachment point or the dorsal point may be used for rescue.

  5. Rescue

  6. Fall arrest lanyard connector-holder
    A. To be used only as a connector-holder for unused lanyard
    B. In the event of a fall, the connector-holder releases the lanyard-end connector, to avoid impeding deployment of the energy Warning: this is not a fall arrest attachment point.

  7. Equipment loops must only be used for WARNING – DANGER: never use equipment loops for belaying, rappelling, tying in, or anchoring a person.

  8. ANSI/ASSE Z359 requirements for proper use and maintenance of full-body harnessesNote: these are general requirements and information provided by ANSI/ASSE Z359; the manufacturer of this equipment may impose more stringent restrictions on the use of the products they manufacture, see the manufacturer’s instructions.

  9. It is essential that the users of this type of equipment receive proper training and instruction, including detailed procedures for the safe use of such equipment in their work application. ANSI/ASSE Z359.2, minimum requirements for a managed fall protection program, establishes guidelines and requirements for an employer’s managed fall protection program, including policies, duties and training, fall protection procedures, eliminating and controlling fall hazards, rescue procedures, incident investigations and evaluating program

  10. Correct fit of a full-body harness is essential to proper performance. Users must be trained to select the size and maintain the fit of their full-body

  11. Users must follow manufacturer’s instructions for proper fit and sizing, paying particular attention to ensure that buckles are connected and aligned correctly, leg straps and shoulder straps are kept snug at all times, chest straps are located in the middle chest area, and leg straps are positioned and snug to avoid contact with the genitalia should a fall occur.

  12. Full-body harnesses that meet ANSI/ASSE Z359.11 are intended to be used with other components of a personal fall arrest system that limit maximum arrest forces to 1800 pounds (8 kN) or

  13. Suspension intolerance, also called suspension trauma or orthostatic intolerance, is a serious condition that can be controlled with good harness design, prompt rescue, and postfall suspension relief A conscious user may deploy a suspension relief device allowing the user to remove tension from around the legs, freeing blood flow, which can delay the onset of suspension intolerance. An attachment element extender is not intended to be attached directly to an anchorage or anchorage connector for fall arrest. An energy absorber must be used to limit maximum arrest forces to 1800 pounds (8 kN). The length of the attachment element extender may affect free fall distances and free fall clearance calculations.

  14. Full-body harness (FBH) stretch, the amount the FBH component of a personal fall arrest system will stretch and deform during a fall, can contribute to the overall elongation of the system in stopping a fall. It is important to include the increase in fall distance created by FBH stretch, as well as the FBH connector length, the settling of the user’s body in the FBH, and all other contributing factors when calculating total clearance required for a particular fall arrest system.

  15. When not in use, unused lanyard legs that are still attached to a full-body harness D-ring should not be attached to a work positioning element or any other structural element on the full-body harness unless deemed acceptable by the competent person and manufacturer of the lanyard. This is especially important when using some types of Y-style lanyards, as some dangerous shock] load may be transmitted to the user through the unused lanyard leg if it is not able to release from the harness. The lanyard parking atfachment is generally located in the sternal area to help reduce tripping and entanglement hazards.

  16. Loose ends of straps can get caught in machinery or cause accidental disengagement of an adjuster. All full-body harnesses shall include keepers or other components which serve to control the loose ends of straps.

  17. Bue to the nature of soft loop connections, it is recommended that soft loop attachments only be used to connect with other soft loops or carabiners. Snap hooks should not be used unless approved for the application by the manufacturer.

  18. Dorsal
    The dorsal attachment element shall be used as the primary fall arrest attachment, unless the application allows the use of an alternate attachment. The dorsal attachment may also be used for travel restraint or rescue. When supported by the dorsal attachment during a fall, the design of the full-body harness shall direct load through the shoulder straps supporting the user, and around the thighs. Supporting the user, post fall, by the dorsal attachment will result in an upright ody position with a slight lean to the front with some slight pressure fo the lower chest.
    Considerations should be made when choosing a sliding versus fixed dorsal attachment element. Sliding dorsal attachments are generally easier to adjust to different user sizes, and allow a more vertical rest position post fall, but can increase FBH stretch.

  19. Sternal
    The sternal attachment may be used as an alternative fall arrest attachment in applications where the dorsal attachment is determined to be inappropriate by a competent person, and where there is no chance to fall in a direction other than feet first. Accepted practical uses for a sternal attachment include, but are not limited to, ladder climbing with a guided type fall arrestor, ladder climbing with an overhead selfretracting lifeline for all arrest, work positioning, and rope access. The sternal attachment may  also be used for travel restraint or rescue. When supported by the sternal attachment during a fall, the design of the full-body harness shall direct load through the shoulder straps supporting the user, and around the thighs. Supporting the user, post fall, by the sternal attachment will result in roughly a sitting or cradled body position with weight concentrated on the thighs, buttocks and lower back. Supporting the user during work positioning by the sternal attachment will result in an approximate upright ody position. If the sternal attachment is used for fall arrest, the competent person evaluating the application should take measures to ensure that a all can only occur feet first. This may include limiting the allowable free fall distance. It may be possible for a sternal attachment incorporated into an adjustable style chest strap to cause the chest strap to slide up and possibly choke the user during a fall, extraction, suspension… The competent person should consider full-body harness models with a fixed sternal attachment for these applications.

  20. Frontal
    The frontal attachment serves as a ladder climbing connection for guided type fall arrestors where there is no chance to fall in a direction other than eet first, or may be used for work positioning. Supporting the user, post fall or during work positioning, by the frontal attachment will result in a sitting body position, with the upper torso upright, with weight concentrated on the thighs and buttocks. When supported by the frontal attachment, the design of the full-body harness shall direct load directly around the thighs and under the buttocks by means of the sub-pelvic strap. If the frontal attachment is used for fall arrest, the competent person evaluating the application should take measures to ensure that a fall can only occur feet first. This may include limiting the allowable free fall distance.

  21. Shoulder
    The shoulder attachment elements shall be used as a pair. and are an acceptable attachment for rescue, and entry/retrieval. The shoulder attachment elements shall not be used for fall arrest. It is recommended that the shoulder attachment elements be used in conjunction with a yoke which incorporates a spreader element to keep the full-body harness shoulder straps separated.

  22. Waist
    The waist attachment shall be used solely for travel restraint. The waist, attachment element shall not be used for fall arrest. Under no circumstances is it acceptable to use the waist attachment for purposes other than travel restraint. The waist attachment shall only be subjected to minimal loading through the waist of the user, and shall never be used to support the full weight of the user.

    Users of personal fall arrest systems shall, at a minimum, comply with all manufacturer instructions regarding the inspection, maintenance and storage of the equipment. The user’s organization shall retain the manufacturer’s instructions and make them readily available to all users.
    See ANSI/ASSE Z359.2, Minimum requirements for a managed fall protection program regarding user inspection, maintenance and storage of equipment.
    (1), In addition to the inspection requirements set forth in the manufacturer’s instructions, the equipment shall be inspected by the user before each use and, additionally, by a competent person, other than the user, at interval of no more than one year for:- absence or Megibility of marking sabsence of any elements a ecting the equipment form, fit or function- evidence of defects in or damage to hardware elements including cracks, sharp edges, deformation, corrosion, damage from chemicals, excessive heating, alteration and excessive wear- evidence of defects in or damage to strap or ropes including fraying, unsplicing, unlaying, kinking, knotting, roping, broken or pulled stitches, excessive elongation, chemical attack, excessive soiling, abrasion, alteration, needed or excessive lubrication, excessive aging and excessive wear.
    (2) Inspection criteria for the equipment shall be set by the user’s organization. Such criteria for the equipment shall equal or exceed the criteria established by this standard or the manufacturer’s instructions, whichever is greater.
    ( 3.) When inspection reveals defects in, damage to, or inadequate maintenance of equipment, the equipment shall be permanently removed from service or undergo adequate corrective maintenance, by the original equipment manufacturer or their designate, before return to service.

  24. Maintenance and storage
    (1) Maintenance and storage of equipment shall be conducted by the user’s organization in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Unique issues, which may arise due to conditions of use, shall be addressed with the manufacturer.
    (2) Equipment which is in need of, or scheduled for maintenance shall be tagged as “unusable” and removed from service.
    (3) Equipment shall be stored in a manner as to preclude damage from environmental factors such as temperature, light, UV, excessive moisture, oil, chemicals and their vapors or other degrading elements.

Carrying out regular periodic checks (at intervals predetermined by the manufacturer) is vital for ensuring the equipment’s efficiency and durability and the user’s safely. The performance of regular periodic inspections is required by the ANSI/ASSE 359 or ASTM F1772 standard and it is therefore mandatory only for some devices categories, whose instructions for use will expressly indicate such obligation. Carrying out periodical controls doesn’t relieve the user nor from the obligation to perform the controls before and after each use, neither to require an extraordinary periodic check, in case an outstanding event occurs (ex, a fall, even from a iow height, a change of user etc.), or in case of doubts about the correct functioning of the device. Attention! Before first use, the owner/user of PPE must fill inthe “device identification sheet” when present in the user’s instructions of the same, Attention! The Inspector, after having carried out the periodic inspection, is responsible for the proper functioning of a PPE.
The check must be performed with the highest accuracy, without haste and after completing all the necessary steps.
The regular periodic checks must be carried out:if the previous use of the device is unknownzat least every 12 months, with normal/standard use;in the presence of anomalies found during the inspections before and after each use; except for exceptions, whenever there is a change of user;filling the periodic inspection sheet in,;Attention! The periodic inspection sheet also exists in the optimized version for kits or systems of PPE.Attention! Provided that that the minimum mandatory frequency for the periodic inspection is 12 months, it can be increased (i.e. 3 months, 6 months etc.) according to the national regulations in force or the frequency, intensity and method of use (i.e. heavy use, use in a marinel environment, corrosive atmospheres etc.).
The periodic inspection sheet must be filled out:following the specific procedure for each type of device . the photographic material available, where present;consulting the instructions or use of the device;examining the device in a suitable, tidy and well-lit environment. The photographic material at the end of the procedures is accompanied by an explicative caption and by the following symbols:

| The device is in good condition or has only minor damages: it is therefore suitable for use.
| The device has medium/major damages that affect its primary functions and, as a consequence, must be discarded.
| The device has defects that can be solved through lubrication or cleaning. If such defects are not solved, the device must be discarded.
| The device has defects.



1.1 Check the existence and the readability of the marking details。
1.2 Check that device has not exceeded the storage and/or in-use lifetime, as

stated in the specific instructions for use.
1.3| Check that the device is intact and no parts are missing (check against a new product).
1.4| Check that the device has not been modified outside the factory or serviced in a non-approved centre (check against a new product).
1.5| Check that the device has not experienced an exceptional event (e.g. fall from height, violent blow, etc.). Even in the absence of visible defects or deterioration, the original strength could be seriously reduced.


Make sure there are no cuts, abrasions, loose threads, wear, burn marks or traces of chemical substances. Inspect the webbing of waist belt, leg loops, shoulder straps, connecting elements between parts and, if present, textile attachment loops and elasticated parts. Pay particular attention to check parts hidden by buckles, rings, where straps cross one another and by padding. Caution! Carefully inspect the webbing closest to where (if present) the fastening buckles and the loop for the chest-to-waist belt connector are located.
Safety stitching is different from other stitching: it uses thicker thread and larger stitches and is a different colour from the strap. l Make sure there are no cut, loose or pulled threads, wear, abrasion, corrosion or traces of chemical substances. Check the l stitching of the leg loops, waist belt, shoulder straps, other connecting straps and, if present, attachment points formed of woven l fabric. Pay particular attention to check the stitching for attachment rings/loops, where straps cross one another and in areas hidden by buckles and by padding.
Check all attachment rings: ventral, side, sternal, back. Check all buckles present: on the waist belt, on the leg loops, on shoulder. straps, and on other connecting straps. Make sure they are not bent and there are no cuts, cracks, oxidation or corrosion. Make sure there is no foreign material residue in cavities.
Check the state of the padding of the waist belt, leg loops and shoulder straps. Make sure there are no cuts, abrasions, loose threads, wear, corrosion or traces of chemical substances. Check as well the stitching on these components.
Check the gear lops. Make sure there are no cuts, abrasions, loose threads, wear, corrosion or traces of chemical substances. Important! Even though they are not structural components, damaged gear loops are hazardous because equipment attached to them can fall. You are advised to remove unsafe gear loops, notifying this modification on the periodic inspection sheet.
Check strap retaining loops (non-structural element). Make sure there are no cuts, abrasions, loose threads, wear, corrosion or traces of chemical substances.


Check that closure  buckles  open and  close  correctly  without restrictions.
The adjustment buckles of the waist belt, leg loops and shoulder straps should allow adjustment without restrictions. They should keep the strap firmly fixed and should only release the strap when they are manually opened.
The elastic straps which support the legs loops should be undamaged and functioning properly.
Check that the lower part of the harness is correctly connected to the chest harness as shown in the instructions. Verify the presence of the integrated connector. Attention!


No.| Date| Reason for check| Name and signature of the person responsible for checking.| Notes (defects found, repairs performed or other relevant information)| Check results| Date of next check
1| | Periodic
Additional| | | Device fit for use.
Device unfit for use|
2| | Periodic
Additional| | | Device fit for use.
Device unfit for use|
3| | Periodic
Additional| | | Device fit for use.
Device unfit for use|
4| | Periodic
Additional| | | Device fit for use.
Device unfit for use|
5| | Periodic
Additional| | | Device fit for use.
Device unfit for use|
6| | Periodic
Additional| | | Device fit for use.
Device unfit for use|


VEVOR Q-3A Full Body Harness and Half Body Harness - Overview
Full Body Harness and Half Body Harness - Overview 19VEVOR Q-3A Full Body Harness and Half Body Harness -
Overview 20VEVOR Q-3A Full Body
Harness and Half Body Harness - Overview 21

VEVOR logoAddress: Baoshanqu Shuangchenglu 803long 11hao 1602A-1609shi Shanghai
RANCHO CUCAMONGA, California, 91730 United States of America
Römeräcker 9 Z2021,76351
Pooledas Group Ltd
Unit 5 Albert Edward House,
The Pavilions Preston, United Kingdom
Made In China

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| VEVOR Q-3A Full Body Harness and Half Body Harness [pdf] User Manual
Q-3A Full Body Harness and Half Body Harness, Q-3A, Full Body Harness and Half Body Harness, Harness and Half Body Harness, and Half Body Harness, Half Body Harness, Body Harness, Harness


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