Brisant Secure Ultion Smart Lock User Guide

June 11, 2024
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Ultion Smart Lock Installation and
Usage Guide

Brisant Secure Ultion Smart Lock

Version: 20221021
Date: Friday, October 21, 2022
Authors: Justin Bateson


Ultion Nuki combines the highest accredited Ultion cylinder lock, and comes with a £2000 security guarantee. Straight out of the same box and without any drilling or wiring Ultion Nuki is fitted and working in minutes to doors with lift lever, slam lock and escutcheon locks.
Ultion has developed Control 4 drivers for the Ultion Nuki smart lock, making it the first door-locking solution for Control 4 installs designed specifically for UK doors. This now gives installers the ideal security option for whole-house projects, from a trusted British lock expert.


  • This driver provides two way communication with each lock:
    • Lock
    • Unlock
    • Toggle

  • Auto adds a lock driver for each lock connected to a bridge

  • Battery level feedback

Change Log

Version 20221021

  • Initial Release


Adding the drivers
This driver uses auto driver adding and driver binding so, it is important to add both of the drivers below into the project (not just Composer) before you begin:

  • Brisant bridge driver
  • Brisant door lock driver

Add and Configure the Bridge

  1. Using the Search tab in System Design, searh for Brisant Ultion Bridge and double click on the Brisant Ultion Bridge driver

  2. Select the Bridge driver in the project
    Brisant Secure Ultion Smart Lock - fig 1

  3. The driver should automatically discover all the available bridges on the network. Choose the preferred bridge from Select Bridge and click Set

Brisant Secure Ultion Smart Lock - fig 2

Brisant Secure Ultion Smart Lock - fig 5

Brisant Secure Ultion Smart Lock - fig 3

NOTE: Only select this once otherwise the lock drivers will be added to the project again1) You will now have 30 seconds to press the physical button on the bridge5) Now the driver will add a driver for each lock added to this bridge and rename the driver. The driver will also add a generic control4 Door Lock which is what is displayed in the Navigator. You can change this to a relay driver of your choice. 6) You now need to add the Licence Key to the Brisant Lock driver and press Set7) The Activation State should now change to Success
8) You can now move the Door Lock driver to the required room and rename as required.


The actions tab provides some options to manually process certain steps if the driver cannot complete the set up process.
The bridge driver takes advantage of the bridge’s callback settings to get instant feedback when the lock state changes.
Bridge Discovery
If there were any issues with accessing the internet when the driver was first added to the project, then you can manually start the discovery process using this button.
If this is successful, you should have a list of IP addresses under Select Bridge
Clear Discovered Bridges
The driver will only do a discovery once. If you have added a bridge to the network since adding the driver, use this option
Import Locks
This will attempt to import the list of locks from the selected bridge and add drivers for them
Display Diagnostics
This will provide driver diagnostic info in the Lua output window
Get Callback List
This will get all the current callbacks stored in the bridge
Clear Callback List
This will clear all of the current callbacks stored in the bridge
Add Callback
This will add the driver’s callback to the bridge
NOTE** With callbacks, the bridge can only have 3 callbacks stored. If you are using this device with another system that has a callback, make sure you have a copy of the callbacks or are comfortable with re-adding them, before pressing **Clear Callback List


Where can i purchase the Ultion NUKI from?****

– You can purchase the Ultion NUKI directly from their website.

Where can i obtain a licence for this driver?****

– This driver is sponsored by Ultion. The licence is attached to the Ultion hardware.
– Please contact Ultion to obtain a licence.

What hardware will this work on?****

– This driver is designed for the Ultion NUKI range of hardware. You will need the Bridge hardware for it to operate with Control4.
Note that this integration is cloud based. As such an internet connection is required for communications.


The driver will print error messages to the Lua output window when:
Debug Mode = Print and,
Debug Level = 7 – Debug
Use the Lua output logs with the table below as a first step to troubleshooting. Message| Actions
DETECTED THAT THE IP ADDRESS HAS CHANGED UPDATE THE BRIDGE’S fCallback| Manually update the callback registered in the bridge, using the Actions tab Clear Callback List and Add Callback
fCallback does not match an existing lock with nukiId:| Use the Actions tab Get Callback List, Clear Callback List and Add Callback to troubleshoot
Detected change to bridge’s number of locks| The bridge now has a different list of locks to what is available on the bridge. Run Actions tab Import Locks
something went wrong. perhaps you ran out of time or pressed the button on the wrong bridge?| You have to press the button on the bridge within 30 seconds. Use Actions tab Bridge Discovery to run this process again
Unexpected response from the bridge while authorising| Contact Brisant with the output
DISCOVERY ERROR:| The bridge returned unexpected data. Contact Brisant with the output
No bridges found.| Brisant do not have any bridges registered for this network. Please contact Brisant for support
Invalid discovery data| Please contact Brisant for support
The bridge has the maximum number of callbacks set.\n Please use Actions > Clear Callback List.\n ### WARNING This will remove all 3rd party callbacks listed above.| The bridge can only notify three network devices of a lock change. Use the Actions tab’s Get, Clear and Add Callback buttons to troubleshoot.
Failed to remove callback…| Try again to remove all the callbacks or contact Brisant for support
…is either too long or too short| You haven’t entered the correct number of characters for the Licence Key. Double check and contact Brisant for support
Activation has failed.| Double check and contact Brisant for support
Invalid Battery State:| The bridge is reporting unexpected data for the bridge.
Slave driver on binding >X< does not exist…| Contact Brisant for support
The bridge driver is providing data for a different lock. Confirm the bindings are correct. If this doesn’t work, try re-adding the bridge driver and configure it from scratch

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