fullwat PDA3000 Series Power DC AC Inverter Instructions

June 13, 2024

PDA1500-STATION / PDA3000-STATION series
pure sine wave Power DC-AC Inverter
Multi-function INVERTER/CHARGER:
inverter + MPPT solar charger + battery charger


This is a mulfifunciion inverter/charger, combining funclions of inverter, solar charger and battery charger to offer uninteruptible power support with portabe size. s comprehensive LCD display offers user-configurable and easy- accessible button operation such as battery charging curent, AC/solar charger priority, and accepiable input vottage based on different applications.


  • Pure sine wave inverter
  • Configurable input voltage range for home appliances and personal computers via LCD setiing Configurable: battery charging current based on applcations via LCD sefing
  • Configurable AC/Solar Charger priority via LCD sefiing.
  • Compatbie to mains voliage or generator power.
  • Auto restart while AC is recovering.
  • Overload Over femperature/ shot circut profection.
  • Smart battery charger design for opfimized battery performance.
  • Cold start funcion.
  • MPPT mode regulation charger


The following ilusiration shows basic appication for this inverter/charger. It also includes following devices fo have a complete running system

  • Generator or Uilly.
  • PV modules (opion).

Consult with your system infegrator for oiher possible system architectures depending on your requirements.
This inverter can power all kinds of appliances in home o office environment, including motorfype appliances such as fube light, fan, refiigerator and air condifioner.



  1. AC Input
  2. AC Output
  3. Circuit breaker
  4. Safety (Earih) ground
  5. Battery positive
  6. Pattery negative
  7. PV Input
  8. ON/OFF
  9. RS232 communication


5.1 Unpacking and Inspection
Before installation, please inspect fhe unit. Be sure fhat nothing inside he package i damaged. You should have received the folowing ffems inside of package:

  • The unitx 1
  • User manual x 1
  • Commurication cable x 1
  • Software CDx 1

5.2 Preparation
Before conneciing allwiings, please fake off batiom cover by removing two screws s shown below. 5.3 Mounting the unit
Consider the following points before seleciing where fo install

  • Do not mount fhe inverter on flammable constucfion materils
  • Mount on a sofd surface.
  • Install this inverter t eye level in order fo allow the LCD display fobe read t all times.
  • For proper air citculafion to dissipate heaf, alow a clearance of appiox. 20 om fo the side and approx. 50 cm above and below the unt
  • The ambient femperaure should be befwsen 0°C and 55°C fo ensure opiimal operation.
  • The recommended installation posifion is fo be adhered fo the: wall vertically
  • Be sure fo keep ofher abjects and sufaces s shown in he diagram to guarantee sufficient heat dissipation and fo have enough space for removing wires

Insiall the unit by screwing fhee screws.
It’s recommended fo use M4 or M5. 5.4 Battery connection
For safety operaion and regulation compliance, i’s requested fo insfal separate DC over-curient protector or disconnect device between battery andinverter.
It may not be requesied to have a disconnect device in some applications, however, i sil requested fo have over-current protection nstalled. Please refer fo fypical amperage in below fable as tequired fuse or breaker size.
WARNING! All wiing must be performed by a qualified personnel.
WARNING! It’s very imporiant for system safety and efficient operation fo use appropiiate cable for battery connection. To reduce sk of injury, please use the proper recommended cable and feminal size as below. Recommended battery cable and terminal size:

Model| Input voltage| Typical amperage| Battery capacity| Wire size| Ring terminal| Torque value
Cable mm2| Dimensions
D (mm)                      L (mm)
PDA3000-STATION| 24V| 100A| 100AH
200AH| 28AWG| 14| 6.4| 29.2| 2-3 Nm
PDA1500-STATION| 12V| 1
4AWG| 22| 6.4| 33.2
24V| 50A| 100AH| 1 6AWG| 14| 6.4| 29.2
10AWG| 8| 6.4| 23.8

Please follow below steps fo implement battery connection:

  1. Assemmble battery iing feminal based on recommended battery cable and tenminal sizs.
  2. PDATS00-STATION mode! supports 12VDC or 24VDC system. Connect all batiery packs as below chat. It is suggested fo connect at least 100Ah. Note: Please only use sedled lead acid battery or sedled GEAGM lead-acid battery.
  3. Insert e fing fermminal of batiery cable fiatly info batiery connector of inverter and make sure the bolts are tightened wih forque of 2-3 Nm. Make sure polarily ot both the batiery and the inverter/charge is correctly connected and iing feminals are fightly screwed to the battery temminals.

Warning: Shock Hazard
Installation must be performed with care due fo high battery voliage in sefies.
Caution!! Do not place anything between the flat part of the inverter terminal and the fing tenminal. Other wise, overheating may ocout
Caution!! Do not apply anti-oxidant substance on the tenminals before feminals are connected fightly.
Caution!! Bsfore making the findl DC connection or closing DC breaker/disconnector, be sure postive (+) must be connected fo pasilive (+) and negaiive (-) must be connected fo negaive [-).
5.5 AC Input/Output connection
‘Caution!! Before connecting fo AC input power source, please install a separate AC breaker between inverter and AC input power sourc. This will ensure the inverer can be securely disconnected duing maintenance and fully profected fiom over curent of AC input. The recommended spec of AC breaker is 104 for PDAT500-STATION, 32 Afor PDA3000-STATION.
Caution!! There are two teminal blocks with IN and OUT” markings. Please do NOT mis-connect input and oufput connectors.
WARNING! All wiring must be performed by a qualified personnel.
WARNING! It’s very important for system safety and efficient operation fo use appropriate cable for AC input connection. Toreduce fisk of injury, please use he proper recommended cable size as below.
Suggested cable requirement for AC wires.

Model Gauge Torque value
PDA1500-STATION 14AWG 0.5~0.6 Nm
PDA3000-STATION 12AWG 1.2~1.6Nm

Please follow below steps fo implement AC input/output connection:

  1. Before making AC inpui/oufput connection, be sure fo open DC profector or dsconnector first.

  2. Remmove insulation skeeve 10mm for sk conductors. And shoren phase L and neutral conductor N 3mm.

  3. Insert AC input wires according to polartiies indicated on ferminal block and fighten the ferminal screws.
    Be sure fo connect PE protective conductor ( ) first.
    Gound (yelow-green}
    L UNE (brown or black}
    N Neulal (blue} Warning: Shock
    Be sure ihat AC power source s disconnected before atiernpting to hardwire it fo the unit.

  4. Then, insert AC output wires according fo polariies indicated on terminal block and fighten ferminal screws.
    Be sure to connect PE protective conductor ( ) first.
    Gound yelow-green}
    L UNE (brown or black}
    N Neufal (blue}

  5. Make sure the wires are secursly connected.

Caution: Important!!
Be sure fo connect AC wires with correct polaiiy. If Land N wires are connected reversely, it moy cause ufifty shortcircuited when these inverters are worked in pardilel operaion.
Applances such as air condifioner are requited at least 2~3 minutes o restart because it required fo have enough time fo balance refrigerant gas inside of circus. If a power shortage oceurs and recovers in a short time, it il cause damage fo your connected appliances. To prevent ihis kind of damage, please check manufacturer of air condioner i i’s equipped with fime-delay function before installafion. Othewise, fhis inverter/charger wil tig overload fault and cut off oufput fo protect your appliance but somefimes it stil causes intemnal damage fo the i conditioner.
PV Module selection for MPPT mode.

Inverter model|


Rafed out power| 12V| 24V| 24V
Charging curient (PWM)|

40A mox.

Max PV Amay open circuit vofiage|


MPPT operating voliage range:| 17-80V| 30-80VDC

Take 300Wp PV module as an example. After considering above two parameters, the recommendesd module configrurdtions are lised s below fable.

Inverter model PDA1 500-STATION PDA3000-STATION
Rated out power 300W 12V
Maximum power (Pmax) 32175A 2 pieces in serial

2 sets in parallel
Max. Power current lmmp (A)| 8.93A
Open circuit voltage Voc (V)| 39184A
Short circuit current Is° (A)| 9.78A

Please follow below steps fo implement PV module connecfion:

  1. Remove insulation skeeve 10mm for positive and negative conductors.
  2. Check corect polarity of connection cable fiom PV modulesan PV input connectors. Then, connect positive pole (+) of conncecfion cable fo postive pole (+) of PV input connector, Comnect negative pole [ of connection cable fo negative pole () of PV input connecior.
  3. Moke sure the wies are securely connected.

5.7.Final Assembly
After connecting all wirings, please put botiom cover back by screwing two screws as shown below. 5.8.Communication connection
Please use supplied communication cable to connect to inverter and PC. Insert bundled CD info a computer ‘and follow on-screen instruction fo install fhe monitoring software. For the detaled software operation, please check user manual of software inside of CD.
5.9 Dry contact signal
There i one oy contact (3A/250VAC) availdble on fhe rear panel. It could be used to deiver signal fo extemal device when baitery vofage reaches warning level.

Unit status Condition Dry contact port:
NC & C NO & C
Power OFF Unitis off and no oufput is powered. Close
Power ON Oulput is powered from Utiity Close

Output is powered
from Batiery or Solor| Program 01 set as Utiity| Baftery vofiage <LowDC waming voltage| Open| Close
Battery vottage > Sefting value in Progiam 13 or battery chaiging reaches
floating stage:| Close| Open
Program 01 is set as SBU or solor fist| Battery vofiage < Seffing value in Program 12| Open| Close
Battery voltage > Setting yaiue in Progiam 13 or battery charging reaches
floating stage:| Close| Open


6.1 Power ON/OFF
Once the unit has been properly installed and he batteries are connected well simply press ONIOFF switch (located on the button of the case) fo fum on the unit. 6.2 Operation and Display panel
The operation and display panel, shown in below chart,is on the fiont panel of the inverier. It includes three indlicators, four function keys and a LD display, indicating the operaiing status and inputfoutput power information. LED Indicator

Led indicator



| Green| Solid ON*| Outputis powsred by utiity in Line mode.
Floshing| Outputis powered by battery o PV in battery mode.
| Green| Solid ON| Battery is fully charged.
Floshing| Batfery i charging.
| Red| Solid ON| Fault occurs in the inverter.
Floshing| Waming condifion occurs in the inverter.

Function KEVs

Function Key Description
ESC To exitseffing mode.
UP To go fo previous selection.
DOWN To go fo next sefection.
ENTER To confim the selection in seffing mode or enter seffing mode.

6.3 LCD Display Icons

Icon Function description

Input source information

| Indicates the AC input.

| Indicates the PV input.

| Indicate input voltage, input frequency, PV voltage, battery voltage and charger current.

Configuration program and fault information

| ** Indicates the setting programs.
| Indicates the warning and fault codes.
Warning: flashing with warning code.
Fault:** lighting with fault code.

Output information

| Indicate output voltage, output frequency, load percent, load in VA, load in Watt and discharging current.

Battey information

| Indicates battery level by 0-24%, 25-49%, 50-74% and 75-100% in battery mode and charging status in line mode.

In AC mode, it will present battery charging status.

Status| Battery voltage| LCD Display
Constant current mode / Constant voltage mode| <2V/cell| 4 bars will flash in turns.
2 ~ 2.083V/cell| Bottom bar will be on and the other three bars will flash in turns.
2.083 ~ 2.167V/cell| Bottom two bars will be on and the other two bars will flash in turns.
** 2.167V/cell| Bottom three bars will be on and the top bar will flash.
Floating mode. Batteries are fully charged.| 4 bars will be on.
In battery mode, it will present battery capacity.**

Load percentage| Battery voltage| LCD Display
Load>50%| <1.717V/cell|

1.717V/cell ~ 1.8V/cell|

1.8 ~ 1.883V /cell|

1.883 V /cell|

50% >Load >20%| <1.817V/cell|

1.817V/cell ~ 1.9V/cell|
1.9 ~ 1.983V/cell|

Load <20%| <1.867V /cell|

1.867V/cell ~ 1.95V/cell|
1.95 ~ 2.033V/cell|

2.033| ****
Load information


Indicates overload.


Indicates the load level by 0-24%, 25-50%, 50-74% and 75-100%.

0%~25%| 25%~50%| 50%~75%| 75%~100%


| |

Mode operation information

| Indicates unit connects to the mains.
| Indicates unit connects to the PV panel.
| Indicates load is supplied by utility power.
| Indicates the utility charger circuit is working.
****| Indicates the DC/AC inverter circuit is working.

Mute operation

****| Indicates unit alarm is disabled.

6.4 LCD Settings
After pressing and holding ENTER button far 3 seconds, the unit will enter seffing mode. Press “UP” or “DOWN’ button to select seffing programs. And hen, press “ENTER” button fo confirm the selection or ESC bution to ext.

Setting Programs

Program| Description| Selectable option
00| Exit setting mode|
01| Output source priority: To configure load power source priority| | Solar energy provides power to the loads as first priority.
If solar energy is not sufficient to power all connected loads, battery energy will supply power the loads at the same time.
Utility provides power to the loads only when any one condition happens:
– Solar energy is not available
– Battery voltage drops to low-level warning voltage or the setting point in program 12.
| Utility will provide power to the loads as first priority.
Solar and battery energy will provide power to the loads only when utility power is not available.
| Solar energy provides power to the loads as first priority.
If solar energy is not sufficient to power all connected loads, battery energy will supply power to the loads at the same time.
Utility provides power to the loads only when battery voltage drops to either low-level warning voltage or the setting point in program 12.
02| Maximum charging current: To configure total charging current far solar and utility chargers.
(Max. charging current = utility charging current + solar charging current)| 10A (Only available far PDA1500-STATION (12V) model)|
Setting Programs

Program| Description| Selectable option
03| AC input voltage range| | If selected, acceptable AC input voltage range will be within 90-280VAC.
| If selected, acceptable AC input voltage range will be within 170-280VAC.
04| Power saving mode enable/disable| | If disabled, no matter connected load is low or high, the on/off status of inverter output will not be effected.
| If enabled, the output of inverter will be off when connected load is pretty low or not detected.
05| Battery type| |
| If “User-Defined” is selected, battery charge voltage and low DC cut-off voltage can be set up in program 26, 27 and 29.
06| Auto restart when overload occurs| |
07| Auto restart when over temperature occurs| |
09| Output frequency| |
11| Maximum utility charging current.
Note: If setting value in program 02 is smaller than that in program in 11, the inverter will apply charging current from program 02 for utility charger.| Available options in PDA1500-STATION (12V) model:
Available options in PDA1500-STATION (24V) / PDA3000-STATION model:
Setting Programs

Program| Description| Selectable option
12| Setting voltage point back to utility source when selecting “SBU priority” or “Solar first” in program 01.| Available options in PDA1500-STATION (12V) model:
Available options in PDA1500-STATION (24V) / PDA3000-STATION model:
13| Setting voltage point back to battery mode when selecting “SBU priority” or “Solar first” in program 01.| Available options in PDA1500-STATION (12V) model:
Setting Programs

Program| Description| Selectable option
13| Setting voltage point back to battery mode when selecting “SBU priority” or “Solar first” in program 01.|
Available options in PDA1500-STATION (24V) / PDA3000-STATION model:
Setting Programs

Program| Description| Selectable option
16| Charger source priority: To configure charger source priority| lf this inverter/charger is working in Line, Standby or Fault mode, charger source can be programmed as below:
| Solar energy will charge battery as first priority.
Utility will charge battery only when solar energy is not available.

Utility will charge battery as first priority.
Solar energy will charge battery only when utility power is not available.

Solar energy and utility will charge battery at the same time.
Solar energy will be the only charger source no matter utility is available or not.
lf this inverter/charger is working in Battery mode or Power saving mode, only solar energy can charge battery. Solar energy will charge battery if it’s available and sufficient.
18| Alarm control|
19| Auto return to default display screen
20| Backlight control
22| Beeps while primary source is i nterrupted
Setting Programs

Program| Description| Selectable option
23| Overload bypass:
When enabled, the unit will transfer to line mode if overload occurs in battery mode.|
25| Record fault code


| Buk charging voliage (CV votage)|
If self-defined is selected in program 5, this program can be set up. Setting range is from 12.0V to 14.6V for PDA1500-STATION (12V) model, 24.0V to 29.2V for PDA3000-STATION model. Increment of each click is 0.1V.
27| Floating charging voltage|
If self-defined is selected in program 5, this program can be set up. Setting range is from 12.0V to 14.6V for PDA1500-STATION (12V)
model: 24.0V to 29.2V for PDA1500-STATION (24V) / PDA3000-STATION
model Increment of each click is 0.1V.
29| Low DC cut-off voltage|
If self-defined is selected in program 5, this program can be
set up. Setting range is from 10.0V to 12.0V for PDA1500-STATION (12V) model, 20.0V to 24.0V for PDA1500-STATION (24V) / PDA3000-STATION model. Increment of each click is 0.1V. Low DC cut-off voltage will be fixed to setting value no matter what percentage of load is connected.
Setting Programs

Program| Description| Selectable option
33| Battery equalization|
If “Flooded” or “User-Defined” is selected in program 05, this program can be set up.
34| Battery equalization voltage|
Setting range is from 12.5V to 15V. Increment of each click is 0.1V.
Setting range is from 25.0V to 30V. Increment of each click is 0.1V.
35| Battery equalized time| |

Setting range is from 5min to 900min. Increment of each click is 5min.

36| Battery equalized timeout| Setting range is from 5min to 900 min. Increment of each click is 5 min.
37| Equalization interval| Setting range is from 0 to 90 days. Increment of each click is 1 day


| Equalization activated immediately|
If equalization function is enabled in program 30, this program can be set up. If “Enable” is selected in this program, it’s to actívate battery equalization immediately and LCD main page will shows . If”Disable” is selected, it will cancel equalization function until next activated equalization time arrives based on program 35 setting. At this time,   will not be shown in LCD main page.

6.5 Display Seftings
The LCD display informion will be switched in fums by pressing “UP* or DOWN” key. The seleciable information is swiiched as below order: input voliage, input frequency. PV voliage, charging current, battery voltage, output vattage, output frequency, load percentage load in Watl, load in VA load in Wat, DC discharging curren, main CPU Version and second CPU Version.

Selectable information LCD display
Input voltage/Output voltage (Default Display Screen)

Input frequency
PV voltage
Charging current
Battery voltage/DC discharging current
Output frequency
Selectable information| LCD display
Load percentage|
Load in VA
Load in Watt
Main CPU version checking

6.6 Operating mode descritption

Operation mode Description LCD display

**Standby mode / Power saving mode
* Standby mode:** The inverter is not turned on yet but at this time, the inverter can charge battery without AC output.

  • Power saving mode: If enabled, the output of inverter will be off when connected load is pretty low or not detected.

| No output is supplied by the unit but it still can charge batteries.| **
Fault mode Note:
Fault mode: Errors are caused by inside circuit error or external reasons such as over temperature, output short circuited and so on.| PV energy and utility can charge batteries.
Operation mode| Description| LCD display
Fault mode Note:
Fault mode: Errors are caused by inside circuit error or external reasons such as over temperature, output short circuited and so on.| PV energy and utility can charge batteries.| **
Utility can power loads when the unit starts up without battery.
Line Mode| The unit will provide output power from the mains. It will also charge the battery at line mode.
Battery mode| ****

The unit will provide output power from battery and PV power.

Battery equalization description
Equalizaion funciion is added info charge controller.f reverses fhe buidup of negaive cherical effects like shaification, a condifion where acid concentration is redter at he botiom of the battery than af the fop.
Equalizaiion also helps fo remove sulfate crystals that might have bt up on the plates. If eft unchecked, this condifion, called sufiation, will reduce the overall capacily of the bttery. Therefore, ifs recommended fo equalze battery perodicaly.”
How to apply equalization funcfion
You must enable battery equalization funcfion in monitoring LCD seting program 30 fis. Then, you may apply his funclion in device by either one of following methods:

  1. Sefiing equaiization inferval in program 35.
  2. Aciive equaization immediately in program 36.

When fo equalizer
In float siage, when e sefiing equaization interval (oattery equaiization cyce) is anived. or equalization is active inmediately, ihe controller il start fo enter Equalize stage. Equalize charging fime and fimeout
In Equaiize siage, the controller wil supply power fo charge battery as much as possible unii battery volfage taises to batiery equalization voliage. Then, constantvottage regulafion is applied fo maintain battery volfage atthe battery equalzaion votiage. The bttery willemain in the Equalize stage uniilsetiing batery equalized time is arived.
However, in Equaiize stage, when batiery equaized fime is expired and batiery voliage doesnt ise fo batery equalization voliage point, ihe charge conrallerwill xtend the batiery equaized fime unfil battery voliage achieves battery equalization vofiage. If batiery voltage i sfl lower than battery equalizaion vofiage when battery equalized fimeout sefiing is over, the charge controller wil stop equalization and return fo float stage. 6.7 Fault reference code

Fault code Fault Event Icon on
**01** Fan is locked when inverter is OFF. ****
**02** Over temperature.
**03** Battery voltage is tooo high.
**04** Battery voltage is too low.
**05** Output short circuited ar over temperature is detected by

internal converter components.
**06| ** Output voltage is abnormal.
**07| Overload time out.
08| ** Bus voltage is tooo high.
**09| Bus soft start failed.
11| ** Main relay failed.

6.8 Warning indicator flashing

Warning code Warning event Audible alarm Icon flashing
**01** Fan is locked when inverter is ON. Beep three times every
second. ****
**03** **** Battery is over-charged. **** Beep once every second.
**04** Low battery. Beep once every second.
**07** **** Overload. Beep once every 0.5 second.
**10** **** Output power derating. **** Beep twice every 3 seconds.
**12** Solar charger stops due to low battery.
**13** Solar charger stops due to high PV voltage.
**14** Solar charger stops due to overload.
**** **** Battery equalization


Table 1- Line mode specifications

Inverter model PDA1500-STATION PDA3000-STATION
Input voltage 12V 24V
Input voltage waveform Sinusoidal (utility or generator)
Nominal input voltage 230Vac
**** Low loss voltage 170Vac±7V (UPS); 90Vac±7V (Appliances)
**** Low loss return voltage 180Vac±7V (UPS); 100Vac±7V (Appliances)
High loss voltage 280Vac±7V
High loss return voltage 270Vac±7V
Max AC input voltage 300Vac
Nominal input frequency 50Hz / 60Hz (Auto detection)
Low loss frequency 40±1Hz
Low loss return frequency 42±1Hz
High loss frequency 65±1Hz
High loss return frequency 63±1Hz
Output short circuit protection Circuit Breaker
Efficiency (Line mode) 95% (Rated R load, battery full charged)
**** Transfer time 10ms typical (UPS); 20ms typical (Appliances)

Output power derating:
When AC input voltage drops to 170V, the output power will be derated.|

Table 2 – Inverter mode specifications

Inverter model PDA1500-STATION PDA3000-STATION
Nominal DC input voltage 12V 24V
Rated output power 1200W 2400W
Output voltage waveform Pure sine wave
Output voltage regulation 230Vac±5%
Output frequency 50Hz
Peak efficiency 95%
Overload protection 5s@≥c150% load; 10s@110%~150% load
Surge capacity 2*rated power for 5 seconds
Cold start voltage 11.5Vdc 23.0Vdc

Low DC Warning voltage
@load<20%| 11.0Vdc| 22.0Vdc
@20%≤load<50%| 10.7Vdc| 21.4Vdc
@load≥50%| 10.1Vdc| 20.2Vdc
Low DC Warning return voltage
@load<20%| 10.5Vdc| 21.0Vdc
@20%≤load<50%| 10.2Vdc| 20.4Vdc
@load≥50%| 9.6Vdc| 19.2Vdc
High DC cut-off voltage| 15.5Vdc| 31.0Vdc
No load power consumption| <15W| <20W
Saving mode power consumption| <5W| <10W

Table 3 – Inverter mode specifications

Inverter model

Nominal DC input voltage| 12V| 24V| 24V
Charging algorithm| 3-step
AC Charging current| 10/20Amp| 20/30Amp (@VI/P=230Vac)

**** Bulk charging voltage

| Flooded battery| 14.6| 29.2
AGM / Gel battery| 14.1| 28.2
Floating charging voltage| 13.5Vdc| 27Vdc
Charging curve|

Table 4 – General specifications

Inverter model PDA1500-STATION PDA3000-STATION
Rated out power 12V 24V
Max. current 40A max.
Max. PV array open circuit voltage **** 102V
MPPT operating voltage range 17-80V 30-80V
Max. charging current (utility charging + solar charging) 60A 70A


Problem| LCD / LED / Buzzer| Explanation / Possible cause| What to do
Unit shuts down automatically during startup process.| LCD/LEDs and buzzer will be active for 3 seconds and then complete off.| The battery voltage is too low (<1.91V/Cell) .| 1. Re-charge battery.
2. Replace battery.
No response after power on.| No indication.| 1. The battery voltage is far too low.
2. Battery polarity is connected reversed.| 1. Check if batteries and the wiring are connected well.
2. Re-charge battery.
3. Replace battery.
Mains exist but the unit works in battery mode.| Input voltage is displayed as 0 on the LCD and green LED is flashing.| Input protector is tripped.| Check if AC breaker is tripped and AC wiring is connected well.
Green LED is flashing.| Insufficient quality of AC power. (Shore or Generator).| 1. Check if AC wires are too thin and/or too long.
2 Check if generator (if applied) is working well or if input voltage range setting is correct.
(UPS Appliance)
Green LED is flashing.| Set “Solar First” as the priority of outout source.| Change output source priority to Utility first.
When the unit is turned on, internal relay is switched on and off repeatedly.| LCD display and LEDs are flashing.| Battery is disconnected.| Check if battery wires are connected well.
Buzzer beeps continuously and red LED is on.| Fault code 07.| Overload error. The inverter is overload 110% and time is up.| Reduce the connected load by switching off some equipment.
Fault code 05.| Output short circuited.| Check if wiring is connected well an remove abnormal load.
Temperature of internal converter component is over 120ºC.| Check whether the air flow of the unit is blocked or whether the ambient temperature is too high.
Fault code 02.| Internal temperature of inverter component is over 100ºC.
Fault code 03.| Battery is over-charged.| Return to repair center.
The battery voltage is too high.| Check if spec and quantity of batteries are meet requirements.
Fault code 01.| Fan fault.| Replace the fan.
Fault code 06.| Output abnormal (inverter voltage below than 190Vac or is higher than 260VAC).| 1. Reduce the connected load.
2. Return to reoair center.
Fault code 08/09.| Internal components failed.| Return to repair center.

APPENDIX: Approximate Back-up Time Table

Model| Load (VA)| Backup Time @ 12Vdc 100Ah (min)| Backup Time @ 12Vdc 200Ah (min)
PDA1500-STATION (12V)| 100| 766| 1610
200| 335| 766
300| 198| 503
400| 139| 339
500| 1112| 269
600| 95| 227
700| 81| 176
800| 62| 140
900| 55| 125
1000| 50| 112
PDA1500-STATION (24V) PDA3000-STATION| 300| 449| 1100
600| 222| 525
900| 124| 303
1200| 95| 227
1500| 68| 164
1800| 56| 126
2100| 48| 108
2400| 35| 94
2700| 31| 74
3000| 28| 67

Note: Backup fime depends on the qualify of the battery, age of battery and fype of battery.
Specifications of batteries may vary depending on different monufacturers.

Agente importador
Ribera de Elorrieta, 7C
48015 – Bilbao- SPAIN
Designed in EU – Made in PRC


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