Milesight VS34 Series Desk and Seat Occupancy Sensor User Guide

June 12, 2024

Milesight VS34 Series Desk and Seat Occupancy Sensor

Milesight- VS34 -Series- Desk- and -Seat -Occupancy -Sensor - product

Product Information

The Desk & Seat Occupancy Sensor (VS34x) is a device designed to detect whether desks or seats in a workspace are occupied. It allows for better management and optimization of space usage. The standard version of the sensor (VS340) uses PIR technology for detection, while the pro version (VS341) applies additional thermopile IR technology for more accurate and precise detection capabilities. The VS34x features an adjustable field of view angle for greater flexibility in different scenarios.

Key Features:

  • High accuracy rate up to 98% for pro version and 95% for standard version
  • Dual versions available: standard and pro, to accommodate different latency requirements
  • Provides different types of PIR covers for adjustable and flexible field angle and different detecting ranges
  • Supports Milesight D2D protocol for ultra-low latency and direct control without the need for a gateway
  • Equipped with NFC for one touch configuration, support card emulation mode
  • Function well with standard LoRaWAN® gateways and network servers
  • Compatible with Milesight IoT Cloud

Product Usage Instructions

Follow the steps below to install the Desk & Seat Occupancy Sensor:

  1. Ensure you have all the necessary items from the packing list.
  2. If any item is missing or damaged, contact your sales representative.
  3. Place the sensor in the desired location, ensuring it has a clear view of the desks or seats to be monitored.
  4. Connect the sensor to a power source using the provided power cable.
  5. Power on the sensor by pressing and holding the power button for more than 3 seconds. The LED indicator will turn on.
  6. If you need to reset the sensor to factory default settings, press and hold the power button for more than 10 seconds until the LED indicator blinks quickly.

PIR Cover Installation:
Take off the front cover of the device, then select the PIR cover as required and put it on the PIR sensor with groove alignment. The adjustable angle of every groove is 30°.


PIR cover reference guidance (installation height=70cm):


Fixed by 3M Tape:
Attach 3M tape to the back of sensor, then tear the other side and place it under the working desk. Please adjust the installation direction according to the detection area and ensure that the thermopile sensor should be placed toward the seat.


  1. Since the default 3M tape has a high viscosity, please tear the device down via screwdriver.
  2. If it is necessary to tear the device down easily, please divide the 3M tape as several parts and only tear one part to device.


Fixed by Mounting Kits:

  1. Take off the front cover of the device, then fix the wall plugs under the desk according to the device mounting holes, and fix the device to the wall plugs with screws. Please adjust the installation direction according to the detection area and ensure that the thermopile sensor should be pointed to the seat.
  2. Restore the front cover back to the device.


Installation Note:

  1. Ensure the detection area is not blocked by curtains or barriers.
  2. The recommended installation distance of VS340 is 0 to 50 cm away from the table edge.
  3. The recommended installation distance of VS341 is 0 to 40 cm away from the table edge. Besides, the best distance is 20 to 40 cm.

Device Payload

The Desk & Seat Occupancy Sensor provides the following device payload:
All the data is based on the following format (HEX), the Data field should follow the little-endian:

Channel1 Type1 Data1 Channel2 Type2 Data2 Channel 3
1 Byte 1 Byte N Bytes 1 Byte 1 Byte M Bytes 1 Byte

For decoder examples please find the files on IoT/SensorDecoders.

Basic Information
The basic information payload includes details about the sensor and its configuration.
VS34x sensor reports basic information about itself whenever joining the network.

Channel Type Description
ff 01(Protocol Version) 01=>V1
09 (Hardware Version) 01 40 => V1.4
0a (Software Version) 01 14 => V1.14
0b (Power On) Device is on
16 (Device SN) 16 digits
0f (Device Type) 00: Class A, 01: Class B, 02: Class C


ff0bff ff0101 ff166787d18008970013 ff090100 ff0a0101 ff0f00

Channel| Type| Value| Channel| Type| Value
ff| 0b
(Power On)| ff
(Reserved)| ff| 01
(Hardware Version)| 01
Channel| Type| Value| Channel| Type| Value
ff| 16
(Device SN)| 6787d18008970 013| ff| 09
(Hardware Version)| 0110
Channel| Type| Value| Channel| Type| Value
ff| 0a (Software
Version)| 0101 (V1.1)| ff| 0f (Device Type)| 00
(Class A)

Sensor Data
The sensor data payload includes information about the occupancy status of the desks or seats being monitored. It indicates whether they are vacant or occupied.
VS34x sensor reports data according to the reporting interval (1440 mins by default) or when occupancy status changes.

Item Channel Type Description
Battery Level 01 75 UINT8, Unit: %
Occupancy Status 03 00 00: Vacant; 01: Occupied


017564 030001

Channel| Type| Value| Channel| Type| Value
01| 75
(Battery Level)| 64=>100%| 03| 00
(Occupancy Status)| 01=Occupied

Downlink Commands

The downlink commands payload allows for remote control of the sensor. It enables actions such as changing the configuration or requesting specific information from the sensor.
VS34x sensor supports downlink commands to configure the device. The application port is 85 by default.

Channel Type Description
ff 10 (Reboot) 1 Byte, ff
2f (LED Indicator) 1 Byte, 00: disable; 01: enable
8e (Reporting Interval) 3 Bytes, Byte 1: 00

Byte 2-3: interval time, unit: min
95 (Time to report vacancy)| 2 Bytes, unit: s
84 (D2D Feature)| 1 Byte, 00: disable; 01: enable
35 (D2D Key)| 8 Bytes
96 (D2D Settings)| 8 Byte, Byte 1: 00-occupied, 01-vacant Byte 2: 00-disable, 01-enable
Byte 3: 00-disable LoRa Uplink, 01-enable LoRa Uplink
Byte 4-5: D2D control command Byte 6-7: control time, unit: min
Byte 8: 00-disable control time, 01-enable  control time


  1. Set reporting interval as 2 minutes.
    ff8e 00 0200

    Channel| Type| Value
    ff| 8e (Reporting Interval)| 02 00=>00 02=2 minutes

  2.  Reboot the device.

    Channel| Type| Value
    ff| 10 (Reboot)| ff (Reserved)

  3.  Set time to report vacancy.

    Channel| Type| Value
    ff| 95 (Time to report vacancy)| 78 00=>00 78=>120s

  4. Enable D2D feature.
    Milesight- VS34 -Series- Desk- and -Seat -Occupancy -Sensor
-22Channel| Type| Value
    ff| 84 (D2D Feature)| 01=Enable
  5. Set D2D Key.

    Channel| Type| Value
    ff| 35 (Set D2D Key)| 5572404C696E6B4C

  6. Set D2D settings.
    ff96 00 01 01 04e0 0500 01

    Channel| Type| Value
    ff| 96 (Set D2D Settings)| 00=>Occupied; 01=>Enable; 01=>Enable LoRa Uplink;
    04 e0=> e0 04, Control Command is e0 04; 05 00 => 00 05, Control time is 5 mins; 01=>Enable Control Time

For further assistance or technical support, please contact Milesight technical support:

Safety Precautions

Milesight will not shoulder responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from not following the instructions of this operating guide.

  • The device must not be disassembled or remodeled in any way.
  • Do not expose the PIR lens to direct sunlight.
  • Do not paint or clean the PIR lens, or it will affect the detection of the device.
  • Do not place the device where the temperature is below/above the operating range.
  • Do not place the device close to objects with naked flames, heat source (oven or sunlight), cold source, liquid, and extreme temperature changes.
  • When installing the battery, please install it accurately, and do not install the reverse or wrong model.
  • The device must never be subjected to shocks or impacts.

Declaration of Conformity

VS34x is in conformity with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of the CE, FCC, and RoHS.

Copyright © 2011-2023 Milesight. All rights reserved.
All information in this guide is protected by copyright law. Whereby, no organization or individual shall copy or reproduce the whole or part of this user guide by any means without written authorization from Xiamen Milesight IoT Co., Ltd.
For assistance, please contact
Milesight technical support:
Email: [email protected]
Support Portal:
Tel: 86-592-5085280
Fax: 86-592-5023065
Address: Building C09, Software Park Phase III, Xiamen 361024, China

Revision History

Date Doc Version Description
July 20, 2023 V 1.0 Initial version

Product Introduction

The VS34x is an occupancy sensor designed to detect whether desks or seats in a workspace are occupied, allowing for better management and optimization of space usage. The standard version of the sensor VS340 uses PIR technology for detection. The pro version VS341 applies additional thermopile IR technology to provide more accurate and precise detection capabilities. VS34x features an adjustable field of view angle for greater flexibility in different scenarios. With wireless detection and easy configuration, the VS34x offers reliable and convenient desk or seat arrangement optimization. It is compatible with Milesight LoRaWAN® gateway and IoT Cloud solution, enabling real-time monitoring of desks and seats’ status for effective remote management.

Hardware Introduction

Packing List

  • 1 × VS34x Sensor
  • 4 × PIR Covers
  • 1 × 3M Tape
  • 2 × Mounting Kits
  • 1 × Quick Start Guide
  • 1 × Warranty Card
  • If any of the above items is missing or damaged, please contact your sales representative.

Hardware Overview


Power Button and LED Indicator

Function Action LED Indicator
Power On Press and hold the power button for more than 3 seconds. Off → On
Power Off On → Off
Check On/Off Status Quick press the power button once. Light On: Device is

Light Off: Device is off.
Reset to Factory Default| Press and hold the power button for more than 10 seconds.| Blink quickly
Occupancy Status| Vacant → Occupied| Blinks twice
Occupied → Vacant| Blinks twice

Dimensions (mm)


Operation Guide

NFC Configuration
VS34x sensor can be monitored and configured via NFC. Please refer to the following configuration steps.

  1. Download and install the “Milesight Tool Box” App from Google Play or Apple App Store.
  2. Enable NFC on the a smartphone and launch Milesight Tool Box.
  3. Attach the NFC area of smartphone to the device, and click “NFC Read” to read device information. The basic information and settings of the device will be shown on Tool Box App if it’s recognized successfully. You can read and configure the device by tapping the Read/Write device on the App. In order to protect the security of the device, please change the password when first configuring. The default password is 123456.



  1. Ensure the location of NFC area of the smartphone and it’s recommended to take off phone case.
  2. If the smartphone fails to read/write configurations via NFC, remove the phone and try again.
  3. VS34x sensor can also be configured by dedicated NFC reader provided by Milesight IoT.

LoRaWAN® Settings
Go to Device > Settings > LoRaWAN® Settings of Tool Box App to configure AppEUI, Join Type, Application Key and other information. You can also keep all settings by default.


Parameters Description
Device EUI Unique ID of the device which can also be found on the label.
App EUI Default App EUI is 24E124C0002A0001.
Application Port The port is used for sending and receiving data, default

port is 85.
Join Type| OTAA and ABP mode are available.
Application Key| Appkey for OTAA mode, the default is 5572404C696E6B4C6F52613230313823.
Network Session Key| Nwkskey for ABP mode, the default is 5572404C696E6B4C6F52613230313823.
Application Session Key| Appskey for ABP mode, the default is 5572404C696E6B4C6F52613230313823.
Device Address| DevAddr for ABP mode, the default is the 5th to 12th digits of the SN.
LoRaWAN® Version| V1.0.2 and V1.0.3 are available.
Work Mode| It’s fixed as Class A.
RX2 Data Rate| RX2 data rate to receive downlinks.
RX2 Frequency| RX2 frequency to receive downlinks. Unit: Hz
Channel Mode| Select Standard-Channel mode or Single-Channel mode. When Single-Channel mode is enabled, only one channel can be selected to send uplinks. Please enable Single-Channel mode if connected to DS7610.
Channel| Enable or disable the frequency to send uplinks. Examples:
1, 40: Enabling Channel 1 and Channel 40
1-40: Enabling Channel 1 to Channel 40
1-40, 60: Enabling Channel 1 to Channel 40 and Channel 60 All: Enabling all channels
Null: Indicate that all channels are disabledMilesight-VS34-Series-Desk-and-
Seat-Occupancy-Sensor-FIG \(11\)
Confirmed Mode| If the device does not receive ACK packet from network server, it will resendndata once.
Rejoin Mode| Reporting interval ≤ 35 mins: the device will send a specific number of LinkCheckReq MAC packets to the network server every reporting interval or every double reporting interval to validate connectivity; If there is no response, the device will re-join the network. Reporting interval > 35 mins: the device will send a specific number of LinkCheckReq MAC packets to the network server every reporting interval to validate connectivity; If there is no response, the device will re-join the network.
Set the number of packets sent| When rejoin mode is enabled, set the number of LinkCheckReq packets sending..
Note: the actual sending number is Set the number of packet sent + 1.
ADR Mode| Allow network server to adjust data rate of the device.
Spread Factor| If ADR is disabled, the device will send data via this spread factor.
Tx Power| Transmit power of the device.


  1. Please contact sales for device EUI list if there are many units.
  2. Please contact sales if you need random App keys before purchase.
  3. Select OTAA mode if you use Milesight IoT cloud to manage devices.
  4. Only OTAA mode supports rejoin mode.

General Settings
Go to Device > Setting > General Settings of ToolBox App to set the reporting interval, etc.


Parameters Description
Reporting Interval The interval of reporting PIR status and battery level to

network server. Default: 1440 mins, Range: 1 – 1440 mins
Note: VS34x will also report “Occupied” status immediately when it detects motions.
Time to Report Vacancy /s| A “Vacant” status will be reported if the device does not detect motion within a certain period of time.
VS340: Default: 5 min, Range: 1 – 30 min
VS341: Default: 60 s, Range: 15 – 600 s
LED Indicator| Enable or disable the LED to indicate occupancy status.
Change Password| Change the password for ToolBox App to write this device.

Milesight D2D Settings
Milesight D2D protocol is developed by Milesight and used for setting up transmission among Milesight devices without gateway. When the Milesight D2D setting is enabled, VS34x can work as a Milesight D2D controller to send control commands to trigger Milesight D2D agent devices.

  1. Configure RX2 data rate and RX2 frequency in LoRaWAN® settings, it is suggested to change the default value if there are many LoRaWAN® devices around.
  2. Go to Device > Settings > D2D Settings to enable D2D function and configure the D2D settings.


Parameters Description
Enable Enable or disable Milesight D2D feature.
D2D Key Define a unique D2D key which is the same as the setting in D2D agent

device. Default value: 5572404C696E6B4C6F52613230313823
Occupied/Vacant| Enable one of the status modes. When VS34x detects this status, it will send the control command to corresponding Milesight D2D agent devices.
Control command| Define a 2-byte hexadecimal control command (0x0000 to 0xffff).
LoRa Uplink| If enabled, a LoRaWAN® uplink packet that contains the occupancy status will be sent to gateway after the Milesight D2D control command is sent.
Control Time /min1| After receiving commands from VS34x, Milesight D2D agent devices will take corresponding actions for this duration.
Default: 5 mins, Range: 1 – 1440 mins

  • This feature is under development on Milesight D2D agent devices.



  1. Download firmware from Milesight website to your smartphone.
  2. Go to Device > Maintenance of ToolBox App, tap Browse to import firmware and upgrade the device.


  1. Operation on ToolBox is not supported during upgrade.
  2. Only Android version ToolBox supports the upgrade feature.


VS34x supports backup templates for easy and quick device configuration in bulk. Backup is only for devices with the same model and LoRaWAN® frequency band.

  1. Go to Template page on the App and save current settings as a template. The saved templates are also editable.
  2. Select one saved template and click Write, then attach the smartphone to another device via NFC to reuse the configuration template.


Note: Slide the template item to the left to edit or delete the template. Click the template to edit the configurations.


Reset to Factory Default
Please select one of the following methods to reset device:
Via Hardware: Press and hold the power button for more than 10s until the indicator blinks quickly, then the device starts resetting.
Via ToolBox App: Go to Device > Maintenance to tap Reset, then attach a smartphone to the device via NFC to complete the reset.



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