Somfy Sonesse 30 Zigbee Wirefree Rts Li-Ion V2 Instructions

June 12, 2024


Somfy Sonesse 30 Zigbee Wirefree Rts Li-Ion V2


These instructions apply to all SONESSE 30 ZIGBEE drives, the different versions of which are available in the current catalogue.


Safety instructions
Indicates a danger which may result in immediate death or serious injury.
Indicates a danger which may result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a danger which may result in minor or moderate injury.
Indicates a danger which may result in damage to or destruction of the product.


1.1.Field of application
The Sonesse 30 drives are designed to motorise all types of:

  • Interior vertical blinds which front rail moves solely by gravity with a mass less than 15 kg.
  • Tiltable venetian blinds which bottom lath can be lifted at least by 4 cm when an upward force of 150 N is applied to the bottom lath positioned at 16 cm from the fully extended position.

Before installing and using the drive, please read these instructions carefully.
In addition to the instructions provided in this guide, please also comply with the instructions provided in the attached Safety instructions document.
The drive must be installed by a home motorisation and automation professional, in accordance with Somfy’s instructions and the applicable regulations in the country of installation.
Any operation of the drive outside the field of application described above is prohibited. Such use, and any failure to comply with the instructions given in this guide and in the attached Safety instructions document, absolves Somfy of any liability and invalidates the warranty.
After installing the drive, the installer must inform his customers of the operating and maintenance conditions for the drive and must provide them with the operating and maintenance instructions, and the attached Safety instructions document.
Any After-Sales Service operation on the drive must be performed by a home motorisation and automation professional.
Never begin installing without first checking the compatibility of this product with the associated equipment and accessories. If in doubt when installing this product and/or to obtain additional information, contact a Somfy representative or visit the website
Using this drive with any products which are not listed in the attached «Compatibility matrix» document shall also render invalid any Somfy warranty and release Somfy from any liability.



  • These instructions are mandatory for the home motorisation and automation professional installing the drive.
  • Comply with current standards and legislation in the country of installation.


  • Never drop, knock or puncture the drive or immerse it in liquid.
  • Install an individual control point for each drive.
  • To insure optimized silent operation, the gaps between the drive, the accessories, the tube and the tube end piece must be minimized.
  • Never cut or remove the cable label.

2.1.1.Replace the head cover with a different color (Optional)
Head has interchangeable covers to fit with the fabric.

  1. Unclip the cover.
  2. Clip the new cover on the head.

2.1.2.Preparing the drive

  • SONESSE 30 ZIGBEE : interior diameter of the tube has to be Ø28,8 mm or greater.
  • The crown is mandatory.
  1. Fit the accessories required to integrate the drive into the tube:
    ⇒ Fit the crown (a) and the wheel (b) to the drive.

  2. Measure the length (L) between the inner edge of the drive head and the rim of the wheel.

2.1.3.Preparing the tube

  1. Cut the tube to the required length.
  2. Deburr the tube and remove the debris.

2.1.4.Assembling the drive-tube

  1. Slide the drive into the tube. For tubes with a smooth interior, position the cut notch on the crown.
  2. The wheel must be locked in place to prevent any movement in the tube.
  • This can be achieved by fastening the tube to the wheel using self-tapping screws, or steel pop rivets, placed between 5 mm and 15 mm from the outer edge of the wheel, regardless of the tube.
  • or by using a wheel lock, for non-smooth tubes.

The screws or pop rivets must only be fastened on the wheel and not on the drive.

2.1.5.Installing the drive-tube assembly

  • The motorised product must not be compressed between the brackets.
  • Do not use the plastic cross without the metal bracket adapter.
  • The drive can be fixed directly onto the drive bracket (the screw holes are spaced 29 mm apart). Use 2 screws (3.5 x 9 mm). A manual tightening torque of 1 Nm is recommended.
  • Drive plates are also available in the current catalogue (Select the correct drive plate adapted to the bracket and check the torque requirements in the system).
    Use the 2 screws (3 x 6  mm) delivered with the motor plate. A manual tightening torque of 0.6 Nm is recommended.
  1. Screw the bracket adapter to the drive head.
  2. Install and fix the drive-tube assembly onto the end bracket (c) and onto the drive bracket (d).


  • Do not let the tube hanging by the head side only.
  • Ensure that the drive-tube assembly is secured onto the end bracket. This operation prevents the tube-drive assembly from coming out of the end bracket attachment.
  • Light gap reduced: Do not pinch cable or be careful they are not in contact with moving parts.

2.2.Compatible power supplies (for US only)
For USA and CANADA, use only SOMFY power supply listed in the leaflet. For other countries, see Compatibility Matrix document for appropriate power supply.

References Designations
1870196 5 motors / Somfy Control Distribution panel
1870192 10 motors / Somfy Control Distribution panel
1870197 15 motors / Somfy Control Distribution panel
1870198 20 motors / Somfy Control Distribution panel
1870259 Somfy Power Panel

To ensure electrical safety, this Class III drive must be powered by a “class 2” power source (SELV -Safety Extra Low Voltage) + LPS (Limited Power Supply).

Connect the drive to the power supply:

  • Black wire: –
  • Red wire: +


  • Cables routed through a metal wall must be protected and insulated by sleeving or sheathing.
  • Secure the cables to prevent any contact with moving parts.
  • If the drive is used outdoors and if the power supply cable is of the H05-VVF type or PVC type, run the cable in a UV-resistant duct, e.g. trunking.
  • The drive cable cannot be removed. If it is damaged, return the drive to the After-Sales department.


  • The product is intended for being supplied by Class II output of an external power supply.
  • Do not use an extension cord. If the power supply cord is too short, have a qualified electrician install an outlet near the motorised product.
  • Leave the drive power supply cable accessible: the product must be easily replaceable.
  • Always make a loop in the power supply cable to prevent water from entering the drive.

2.4.Commissioning of a Zigbee drive
In an installation with Zigbee drives, 2 solutions are available to the user: TaHoma switch solution and TaHoma ready solution.
TaHoma switch solution is the solution in connected mode, with a TaHoma switch in the installation that allows the user to control all his Zigbee products through the TaHoma application.
The other solution, without TaHoma switch, is called TaHoma ready. It allows the user to control his Zigbee drives only with control points. But this installation can be switched to connected mode afterwards by adding a TaHoma switch later.
Regarding the commissioning of a Zigbee drive, it can be done in 2 different ways :

  • Either commissioning with TaHoma pro application, which is recommended because it is easier and more complete.
  • Either commissioning with a control point.

Please refer to the corresponding section according to the selected commissioning mode.
2.5.Commissioning with TaHoma pro application (recommended)
Commissioning with TaHoma pro application is possible and recommended for both TaHoma ready solution and TaHoma switch solution.

A Somfypro account is required but TaHoma switch is not mandatory.
To set the drive, you need to access and use TaHoma pro application, you must have a compatible phone or mobile device and access to the internet.
The application is downloadable for free from Apple Store platforms and Google Play Store on Apple or Android™ compatible mobile devices. This compatibility is the one indicated in the description of the application on the corresponding Store.
The software version of the TaHoma pro application may be updated from time to time to add new features and services.

2.5.2.Setting the drive

  • Download TaHoma pro application if it is not yet installed on the smartphone.
  • Launch the TaHoma pro application before performing this step.
  1. Plug in the power supply of the drive.
    → If the drive is not set or paired, once plugged in, it goes into programming mode during 3 min, and its LED blinks orange.

  2. Open the TaHoma pro application and follow the steps to scan the drive QR code.

  3. Follow the instructions on the TaHoma pro application.

Somfy Sonesse 30 Zigbee Wirefree Rts Li-Ion V2 - Fig 5

This drive can be set with TaHoma pro and used without TaHoma switch (TaHoma switch can be added later).

2.5.3.Network management
To pair a control point to the drive, to add a new control point or a new drive in the installation, follow the instructions on the TaHoma pro application.
2.5.4.Advanced settings
The TaHoma pro application is the recommended tool to easily set the drive and perform re-settings such as modifying the direction of rotation of the drive, or readjusting the end limits.
On the other hand, some advanced settings such as adjusting the speed or the tilting travel can only be made via the TaHoma pro application.
Follow the instructions in the TaHoma pro application to perform these settings or re-settings.

2.6.Commissioning with a control point only (without TaHoma pro application)
This chapter describes the commissioning of the drive with a control point only, without using TaHoma pro application, in the case of TaHoma ready solution.

2.6.1.Link creation between a drive and a control point
The following steps describe how to program a drive that is not set or paired, with an unpaired control point.
Settings are not possible if the control point batteries are too low.

  1. Plug in the power supply of the drive.
    → If the drive is not set or paired, once plugged in, it goes into programming mode during 3 min, and its LED blinks orange.
    Somfy Sonesse 30 Zigbee Wirefree Rts Li-Ion V2 - Fig 6 NOTICE
    If the drive has left the programming mode, its LED is not blinking:
    • Press and hold the PROG button on the drive until the motorised product moves up and down briefly and its LED blinks orange : the drive is in programming mode during 3 min.

  2. Bring the control point close to the drive then briefly press simultaneously the Up and Down buttons on the control point: the control point looks for the closest drive in programming mode.
    → When found, the feedback LED on the control point blinks in green, the drive LED flashes in green, and the motorised product moves up and down briefly.
    → Then the feedback LED on the control point blinks in orange slowly as long as it is in setting mode.

If the control point does not find a drive nearby, the feedback LED of the control point blinks red after a few seconds, and the motorised product of the drive does not move: repeat the above procedure. (If the drive is still in programming mode, repeat only step 2).
If the control point does not find the right drive, please refer to chapter Scanning mode.

2.6.2.Scanning mode
If several drives are in programming mode, it is possible to be in setting mode with an undesired drive.

  1. Make sure the drive to be paired is still in programming mode. Otherwise, restart from the beginning of commissioning steps.
  2. If the drive to be paired is still in programming mode, bring the control point close to the drive then briefly press the Up and Down buttons on the control point simultaneously to exit the setting mode with the previous drive and scan another close Zigbee drive.
    → The motorised product of the new found drive moves up and down briefly, the drive is in setting mode.

Somfy Sonesse 30 Zigbee Wirefree Rts Li-Ion V2 - Fig 7

2.6.3.Checking the direction of rotation
Press the Up button on the control point:
a] If the motorised product rises, the direction of rotation is correct: move onto section Setting the end limits.
b] If the motorised product lowers, the direction of rotation is incorrect: move onto the next step.
b1] Press the my button on the control point until the motorised product moves up and down: The direction of rotation has been modified.
b2] Press the Up button on the control point to check the direction of rotation.

Somfy Sonesse 30 Zigbee Wirefree Rts Li-Ion V2 - Fig 8

2.6.4.Setting the end limits and pairing the control point
The end limits can be set in any order.

  1. Press and hold the Up button to move the motorised product to the desired up position. If necessary, adjust the up position using the Up or Down buttons.

  2. Press the my and Down buttons simultaneously until the motorised product briefly moves up and down.
    ⇒ The upper end limit is memorised.

  3. Press and hold the Down button to move the motorised product to the desired lower position. If necessary, adjust the lower position using the Up or Down buttons.

  4. Press the my and Up buttons simultaneously until the motorised product briefly moves up and down.
    ⇒ The lower end limit is memorised.
    ▪ To confirm and exit the setting and pair the control point: briefly press the PROG button of the control point:
    ◦ → The motorised product briefly moves up and down: the drive is now set and can be controlled using the control point.
    ▪ To confirm and exit the setting without pairing the control point: press and hold the Up and Down buttons on the control point simultaneously, until the feedback LED on the control point stops flashing.
    ◦ → The drive is now set and no control point is paired. (To pair the first control point with an already set drive, refer to the following section).

Somfy Sonesse 30 Zigbee Wirefree Rts Li-Ion V2 - Fig 9

2.6.5.Pairing the first control point to an already set drive
This procedure cannot be performed on multiple drives at the same time.
Keep the control point close to the drive during the whole procedure.

  1. Press and hold the PROG button on the drive until the motorised product moves up and down briefly and its LED blinks orange: the drive is in programming mode during 3 min.
  2. Briefly press the PROG button on the control point: the motorised product moves up and down briefly.
    The drive can now be controlled using the control point.

2.6.6.Creating a network with TaHoma ready: add control points and drives in the installation

  • To add a new single-channel or multichannel control point to the drive or to delete one of its paired control points: refer to the control point instruction guide.
  • To pair additional drives: follow the same procedure of commissioning with a new control point for each drive and refer to the control point instruction guide to have them share the same network.

2.6.7.Modifying the direction of rotation with a control point

  • This procedure cannot be performed on multiple drives at the same time.
  • The drive must be set and paired to the control point.

Keep the control point close to the drive during the whole procedure.

  1. Press and hold the PROG button on the control point until the motorised product moves up and down.

  2. Briefly press the Up and Down buttons simultaneously on the control point :
    ⇒ The motorised product moves up and down after a few seconds.

  3. Press the my button on the control point until the motorised product moves up and down:
    ⇒ The direction of rotation has been modified.

  4. To confirm and exit the setting, press and hold the Up and Down buttons on the control point simultaneously, until the feedback LED on the control point stops flashing.

  5. Press the Up button on the control point to check the direction of rotation.

Somfy Sonesse 30 Zigbee Wirefree Rts Li-Ion V2 - Fig

2.6.8.Readjusting the end limits with a control point

  • This procedure cannot be performed on multiple drives at the same time.
  • The drive must be set and paired to the control point.

Both end limits can be readjusted: either only one of them, or both at the same time. Readjusting the upper end limit
Keep the control point close to the drive during the whole procedure.

  1. Press and hold the PROG button on the control point until the motorised product moves up and down.

  2. Briefly press the Up and Down buttons simultaneously on the control point :
    ⇒ The motorised product moves up and down after a few seconds.

  3. Press and hold the Up or Down button on the control point to move the motorised product to the new desired position.

  4. Briefly press the my and Down buttons simultaneously on the control point :
    ⇒  The motorised product moves up and down.

  5. To confirm and exit the setting, press and hold the Up and Down buttons on the control point simultaneously, until the feedback LED on the control point stops flashing. Readjusting the lower end limit
Keep the control point close to the drive during the whole procedure.

  1. Press and hold the PROG button on the control point until the motorised product moves up and down.

  2. Briefly press the Up and Down buttons simultaneously on the control point :
    ⇒ The motorised product moves up and down after a few seconds.

  3. Press and hold the Up or Down button on the control point to move the motorised product to the new desired position.

  4. Briefly press the Up and my buttons simultaneously on the control point :
    ⇒ The motorised product moves up and down.

  5. To confirm and exit the setting, press and hold the Up and Down buttons on the control point simultaneously, until the feedback LED on the control point stops flashing.

Somfy Sonesse 30 Zigbee Wirefree Rts Li-Ion V2 - Fig
13 Readjusting the two end limits
Keep the control point close to the drive during the whole procedure.

  1. Press and hold the PROG button on the control point until the motorised product moves up and down.

  2. Briefly press the Up and Down buttons simultaneously on the control point :
    ⇒ The motorised product moves up and down after a few seconds.

  3. Press and hold the Up or Down button on the control point to move the motorised product to the new desired upper position.

  4. Briefly press the my and Down buttons simultaneously on the control point :
    ⇒ The motorised product moves up and down.
    ⇒ The upper end limit is readjusted.

  5. Press and hold the Up or Down button on the control point to move the motorised product to the new desired lower position.

  6. Briefly press the Up and my buttons simultaneously on the control point :
    ⇒ The motorised product moves up and down.
    ⇒ The lower end limit is readjusted.

  7. To confirm and exit the setting, press and hold the Up and Down buttons on the control point simultaneously, until the feedback LED on the control point stops flashing.

Somfy Sonesse 30 Zigbee Wirefree Rts Li-Ion V2 - Fig

2.6.9.Advanced settings
Some advanced settings such as adjusting the speed or the tilting travel cannot be made with a control point.
These advanced settings can only be made via the TaHoma pro application, please refer to chapter Commissionning with TaHoma pro application (recommended).

2.7.Tips and advice on installation
2.7.1.Questions about the product?

Observations Possible causes Solutions
The motorised product is noisy. The wheel and the crown are not adapted to
the used tube. Change the wheel and the crown.

The mechanical plays between drive, accessories, tube and end of tube are too high.| The mechanical plays between drive, accessories, tube and end of tube must be decreased to the minimum.
The wheel is not properly fixed to the tube.| Fix the wheel properly to the tube.
The equipment is constrained between the brackets.| Decrease the constraint between the brackets.
The length of the notch is not adapted to the drive hook or to the used crown.| Adapt the length of the notch to the drive hook or to the used crown.
Debris, screws or other are in the tube.| Empty the tube.
The temperature of the environment is not in conformity with the operating temperature.| Change the environment temperature.
The motorised product stops too soon
or too late.| The end limits of the motorised product slip.| Readjust the end limits referring to Commissioning of a Zigbee drive
End-limits are not properly adjusted.| Readjust the end limits referring to Commissioning of a Zigbee drive
The motorised product is not within the recommended weight limits.| Check the compatibility of the motorised product. Consult a Somfy contact or visit
The motorised product does not work.| Wiring is incorrect.| Check the wiring and modify it if necessary.
The drive is neither set nor paired.| Proceed to Commissioning of a Zigbee drive
The drive is paired but not set.| Proceed to Commissioning of a Zigbee drive
The drive is set but not paired| Proceed to Commissioning of a Zigbee drive
The drive is in thermal protection mode.
Red LED = ON then lights OFF.| Wait for the drive to cool down.
An obstacle hinders the movement of the motorised product. The red LED blinks.| Remove the obstacle.
Drive position is out of the end limits. Red LED blinks 2 times intermittently and continually.| Readjust the end limits referring to Commissioning of a Zigbee drive
The control point battery is low. LED doesn’t light when any button of a paired control point is pressed.| Check the battery of the control point and replace it as required.
The control point is not compatible or not programmed.| Check the compatibility or pair the control point as required referring to Commissioning of a Zigbee drive

2.7.2.Upgrading a TaHoma ready installation into a TaHoma switch installation
To add TaHoma switch into a TaHoma ready installation, and then upgrade the installation into a TaHoma switch installation, follow the instructions on the TaHoma pro application.
2.7.3.Erasing the memory of the drive (reset to original configuration)

This reset deletes all paired control points, end limit settings, advanced settings and resets the drive’s favourite position (my).

Press and hold the PROG button on the drive until its LED blinks orange and the motorised product briefly moves up and down 3 times.
➔ All the settings are erased. The drive is reset to its original configuration.
➔ The drive is in programming mode during 3 min, and its LED blinks orange.
Resume the commissioning procedure (Refer to Commissioning of a Zigbee drive).


This drive does not require any maintenance operations.
The way to control a Zigbee motorised product is different depending on the solution present in the installation: TaHoma switch solution or TaHoma ready solution.
Please refer to the corresponding section according to the solution.

3.1.Use with TaHoma switch solution
3.1.1.Use with TaHoma application
To control the motorised product in connected mode, you need to access and use TaHoma application, you must have a compatible phone or mobile device and access to the internet.
The application is downloadable for free from Apple Store platforms and Google Play Store on Apple or Android™ compatible mobile devices. This compatibility is the one indicated in the description of the application on the corresponding Store.

The software version of the TaHoma application may be updated from time to time to add new features and services.

  1. Download TaHoma application if it is not yet installed on the smartphone.
  2. Launch the application and follow the instructions to control the motorised product.

3.1.2.Use with a control point
Up and Down buttons

  1. For tiltable motorised products:
    ▪ Briefly press the Up or Down button on the control point to raise or lower the motorised product fully.
    ▪ Press and hold the Up or Down button on the control point until the motorised product reaches the desired position. The movement stops when the button is released.

  2. For other motorised products:
    ▪ Briefly press the Up or Down button on the control point to raise or lower the motorised product fully.

Stop function

  • Briefly press the my button on the control point to stop the motorised product.

Favourite position (my)
An intermediate stop, which is called the “favourite position (my)”, is different from the upper and lower positions.
Programming or modifying the favourite position (my)
Only one favourite position (my) is permitted.

  1. Move the motorised product to the desired favourite position using the Up or Down button.
  2. Briefly press the my button to stop the motorised product.
  3. Press and hold the my button until the motorised product briefly moves up and down:
    The desired favourite position (my) is programmed and green LED blinks 5 times.

Using the favourite position (my)

  • If a favourite position (my) is programmed, briefly press the my button on the control point twice in succession to move the motorised product to the favourite position (my).

3.2.Use with TaHoma ready solution
Up and Down buttons

  • Briefly press the Up or Down button on the control point to raise or lower the motorised product fully.
  • Press and hold the Up or Down button on the control point until the motorised product reaches the desired position. The movement stops when the button is released.

Stop function

  • Briefly press the my button on the control point to stop the motorised product.

Favourite position (my)
An intermediate stop, which is called the “favourite position (my)”, is different from the upper and lower positions.

Programming or modifying the favourite position (my)
Only one favourite position (my) is permitted.

  1. Move the motorised product to the desired favourite position using the Up or Down button.
  2. Briefly press the my button to stop the motorised product.
  3. Press and hold the my button until the motorised product briefly moves up and down:
    The desired favourite position (my) is programmed and green LED blinks 5 times.

Using the favourite position (my)

  • If a favourite position (my) is programmed, briefly press the my button on the control point twice in succession to move the motorised product to the favourite position (my).

3.3.Tips and advice on operation
3.3.1.Questions about the product?

Observations Possible causes Solutions
The motorised product does not operate. The control point battery is low.

Check the battery and replace it as required.
Thermal protection of the drive is on.| Wait for the drive to cool down.

If the motorised product still does not work, contact a drive and home automation professional.

3.3.2.Upgrading a TaHoma ready installation into a TaHoma switch installation
To add a TaHoma switch into a TaHoma ready installation, and then upgrade the installation into a TaHoma switch installation, follow the instructions on the TaHoma application.


Frequency bands and maximum power used| 2.4 GHz – 2.4835 GHz e.r.p <63mW [USA, Australia, Canada]
 Power supply| 24 V
Operating temperature| 0°C – 60°C
Operating time| 4 min
Input current| 0.7 A
Index protection rating| IP30 (For indoor use only)
Safety level| Class III
Torque| 2 N·m
Adjustable speed| 10 – 28 rpm
Roller speed (by default)| 25 rpm
Maximum number of associated controls| 12

For additional information on the technical data for this drive contact your Somfy representative.
Please separate storage cells and batteries from other types of waste and recycle them via the local collection facility.
We care about our environment. Do not dispose of the appliance with usual household waste. Give it to an approved collection point for recycling.
**** The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by SOMFY ACTIVITIES SA is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners.

Reference Designation

This device complies with Industry Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause interference; and (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

****FCC warning statement:
– This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
– This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. End users must follow the specific operating instructions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
– Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
FCC RF RADIATION EXPOSURE STATEMENT: This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 cm between the radiator and any part of your body.
ISED WARNING STATEMENTS: This equipment complies with IC RSS-102 radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 cm between the radiator and any part of your body.
Apple and Apple logos are trademarks of Apple, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
iPad® and iPhone® are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.
Android is a trademark of Google LLC.

US Patents US6979962, US10770950, patent pending.
50 avenue du Nouveau Monde

100% recycled paper SOMFY ACTIVITES SA, Société Anonyme, capital 35.000.000 Euros, RCS Annecy, 303.970.230 – 06/2023
– Images not contractually binding


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