AVIGILON CCURE 9000 Control Center System User Guide

June 12, 2024

AVIGILON CCURE 9000 Control Center System

Product Information

The Avigilon Control CenterTM System Integration Guide provides instructions on how to integrate the CCURE system with the Avigilon Control Center (ACC) system. This integration allows events triggered in the CCURE system to be monitored and recorded through the ACC system.

The requirements for this integration include:

  • ACC Server software and later
  • ACC Client software and later
  • Web Endpoint software and later
  • CCURE integration NVR license: ACC-CCURE-ALARM-2.90
  • Avigilon integration executable file: CcureAlarmGateway-1.0.0.exe
  • CCURE Software House version 2.9

For more information about the procedures outlined in the guide, users can refer to the Avigilon Control Center Client User Guide and Avigilon Control Center Server User Guide.

Product Usage Instructions

New Installations:

  1. Install the CCURE Integration NVR license (ACC-CCURE-ALARM-2.90) from Avigilon on one of the servers in your Site.
  2. Connect directly to this Avigilon server to use the CCURE to ACC Alarm Gateway.
  3. Ensure that Web Endpoint is running on the ACC Server.
  4. Add “enableAllRoutes: true” to the “WebEndpoint.config.yaml” file located at “C: ProgramDataAvigilonWebEndpoint ConfigWebEndpoint.config.yaml” and then restart Web Endpoint.
  5. Install the CCURE to ACC Alarm Gateway executable (CcureAlarmGateway-1.0.0.exe) on the same server as the CCURE Server software.
  6. Install the Avigilon Control Center Client software on every workstation that requires access to the integration.

Checking the Avigilon License:

  1. Open the Avigilon Control Center Client.
  2. Click the designated icon and select “Site Setup”.
  3. Click “License Management”. The License Management dialog box will appear.
  4. Ensure that the dialog box shows “Integration Support > Yes” to confirm that the software was properly licensed.

Configuration: Adding an Integration User in the Avigilon Control Center Software: To protect the security of the Avigilon Control Center software, add a user in the ACC Client software specifically for connecting the integration. This user will be used to connect the ACC system to the Avigilon integration software. Refer to the Avigilon Control Center Client User Guide for detailed instructions.


The CURE to ACC Alarm Gateway integration allows events triggered in the CCURE system to be monitored and recorded through the Avigilon Control Center (ACC) system.


For More Information

For more information about the procedures outlined in this guide, refer to the following specific software documentation:

  • Avigilon Control Center Client User Guide
  • Avigilon Control Center Server User Guide
  • C•CURE Help
  • C•CURE Server Management Application User Guide
  • C•CURE Licensing User Guide


New Installations

  • Servers
    • Install the CCURE Integration NVR license (ACC-CCURE-ALARM-2.90) from Avigilon on one of the servers in your Site.
    • Be aware that you must connect directly to this Avigilon server to use the CCURE to ACC Alarm Gateway.
    • Web Endpoint should be running on the ACC Server. Before adding the integration, configuration needs to be enabled by adding enableAllRoutes: true to the following file and then restarting Web Endpoint: C:\ProgramData\Avigilon\WebEndpoint Config\WebEndpoint.config.yaml
    • Important: Configuration settings added to the WebEndpoint.config.yaml file are sensitive to indentation and spacing. Ensure that configuration settings are added to the far left in the file with no extra spacing or indentation before, after, or between the key and the value of a setting. There should only be one space between the key and the value. enableAllRoutes: true
    • Install the CCURE to ACC Alarm Gateway executable (CcureAlarmGateway-1.0.0.exe) on the same server as the CCURE Server software.
  • Client
    • Install the Avigilon Control Center Client software on every workstation that requires access to the integration.

Checking the Avigilon License
After you have installed all the required software, check that the Avigilon license was applied correctly.

  1. Open the Avigilon Control Center Client.
  2. Click and select Site Setup.
  3. Click License Management. The License Management dialog box appears. The dialog box must show Integration Support > Yes or the software was not properly licensed.

Adding an Integration User in the Avigilon Control Center Software To protect the security of the Avigilon Control Center software, add a user in the ACC Client software specifically for connecting the integration. The user you add will be used to connect the ACC system to the Avigilon integration software. See the Avigilon Control Center Client User Guide for more details. The integration user does not need to have any access permissions, just a username and password for connecting the Avigilon Control Center to the Gateway integration.  Be aware that the integration user must be added to all Avigilon alarms as an Alarm Recipient to map alarmsfor the integration. In the Avigilon Control Center Client software, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Site Setup tab, select the Site then click Users and Groups.
  2. Click Add User.
  3. Select the Member Of tab to assign the user to a group. The group must have the View Site Health permission.
  4. In the General tab, enter a Username:.
  5. In the Password area, complete the following fields:
    • Password: enter a password for the user.
    • Confirm Password: re-enter the password.
    • Password never expires: you may want to select this check box so that you do not need to update the Avigilon Control Center password for the integration.
  6. Click OK.

Adding Avigilon Control Center Alarms
Alarms are manually created in the Avigilon Control Center Client software. Create the Avigilon alarms you want mapping to events in the CCURE software, then assign the required cameras and settings for the alarm.

  1. In the ACC Client software, open the site Setup tab and click .
  2. In the Alarms dialog box, click Add.
  3. On the Select Alarm Trigger Source page, select External Software Event from the Alarm Trigger Source: drop-down list. Click after you complete each page.
  4. On the Select Linked Devices page, select the cameras to link to this alarm, and set the Pre-Alarm Record Time: and Recording Duration:.
  5. On the Select Alarm Recipients page, select the ACC software user that was added for the integration. You can also add any other groups or users that need to be notified when this alarm is triggered.
  6. (Optional) If you would like to trigger an action when an alarm is acknowledged, select Activate selected digital output(s) on alarm acknowledgment check box.
    • a. Select the digital outputs to be activated and specify the duration.
    • b. Select Require user confirmation before activating digital output(s) check box if the user needs to confirm the alarm before the digital output action is initiated.
  7. Enter a name for the alarm and set the alarm priority. The alarm name is used to identify the alarm during the integration.
  8. Ensure Enable alarm check box is selected then click .

Configuring the Alarm Gateway Component
The Alarm Gateway is composed of two parts: a Windows service that runs automatically in the background, and a Configuration Tool software that is used to map alarms between the two systems. Configuring the Server Settings Configure the Alarm Gateway to access the two applications. The Configuration Tool remembers the server configurations, so you do not need to repeat this procedure if the settings remain the same.

  1. Open the configuration application. All Programs or All Apps > Avigilon > Avigilon Ccure Alarm Integration.
  2. The Configure Connections window opens when connecting for the first time. If it doesn’t, click Configure Connections on the Configuration Tool window.
  3. Click Add to add the Avigilon Server.
    • In the following dialog box, enter the Avigilon server Hostname, Port, User Name and Password, then click OK. The Port should be 8443.
    • Use the username and password created in the Avigilon configuration. See Adding an Integration User in the Avigilon Control Center Software on page 3. If your server is part of a Site, the alarms from the entire Site will be added to the integration.
  4. In the CCURE area:
    • The CCURE alarm integration will automatically use your default credentials to connect.
    • Tip: The default credentials are the current user’s Windows credentials.
    • If you want to use different credentials, uncheck the Use Default Credentials checkbox and enter the CCure User and CCure Password that you prefer to use.
  5. Click Connect to test the connection.
  6. Click Done to close the Configure Connections window.

Once the Alarm Gateway is linked to the Avigilon system, alarms created in the Avigilon Control Center are automatically populated in the Configuration Tool.

Adding CrossFire Events

When adding CrossFire events to CCURE, follow the instructions in CCURE’s documentation for creating the events, and make sure that the following Acknowledgement options are selected so they can be properly mapped to ACC alarms:

  • Send state changes to Journal
  • Send state changes to Monitoring Station
  • This event requires acknowledgement
  • Allow acknowledgement while causes are active
  • This event requires clearing
  • Allow event to be cleared while causes are active
  • Log subsequent causes to Journal

Mapping Alarms

In the Configuration Tool is a list of all the current alarm mappings, and all the available alarms from the Avigilon Control Center software and the CCURE software. If the Configuration Tool is not already open, select All Programs or All Apps > Avigilon > Avigilon Ccure Alarm Integration.

To map alarms together, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Avigilon area, select an Avigilon Control Center alarm from the list.
    • Tip:
    • Click Refresh Alarms to refresh the list of ACC alarms.
    • Use the Search bar at the top of the list to find specific alarms.
  2. In the CCURE area, select the related Event Name that will trigger an alarm for the integration.
  3. Click >> to map the alarms together.To modify an alarm mapping, highlight the alarm mapping in the Alarm Mappings list and click << to unmap the alarm. Make the required changes then click >> to map the changes.
  4. Repeat the previous steps until all the required alarms have been mapped.
  5. Click Save and Apply. The integration alarm gateway is updated with all the new or changed mappings.

Backing Up Mapped Alarms

After you finish mapping all the alarms in the Configuration Tool, you can choose to back up a copy of the mappings.

  1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Avigilon\Avigilon Ccure Alarm Integration\
    • Note: The file path may be different depending on how your system is configured.
  2. Copy and paste the CcureAlarmConfig.xml file to a backup location.

Restoring Mapped Alarms
When you have a backup copy of the mapped alarms, you can restore the mapped alarms any time.

  1. Locate your backup copy of the CcureAlarmConfig.xml file.
  2. Copy and paste the backup CcureAlarmConfig.xml file into C:\Program Files\Avigilon\Avigilon Ccure Alarm Integration\
  3. Open the integration Configuration Tool. The restored mappings should be displayed in the Alarm Mappings list.
  4. Click Save and Apply to update the integration alarm gateway and apply the alarm mapping changes.

Monitoring Alarms

Once devices and events from the CCURE system have been mapped to the Avigilon Control Center system, you can begin to use the integration. To monitor alarms in the Avigilon Control Center Client software, the user must have permission to see live video. For other details about monitoring alarms, see the Avigilon Control Center Client User Guide.


If the following troubleshooting solutions do not resolve the issue, contact Avigilon Technical Support: avigilon.com/support.

Configuration Tool Does Not Show CCURE XFEvents
After you login to the CCURE system in the Configuration Tool, the CCURE events lists remain empty. Check the following:

  • Check that you logged in with the correct CCURE username and password. The Gateway accesses the CCURE system through the internal CCURE account, so you must login using your CCURE credentials.

ACC Alarms Are Not Triggered

When access control events are activated in the CCURE system, the mapped Avigilon Control Center alarm is not triggered. There may be a connection issue between the Avigilon system and the CCURE software, check the following:

  • Check that the Avigilon server is turned on.
  • Check that the Avigilon server is on the same network as the CCURE server.
  • Check that the Avigilon server hostname, port, username and password were entered correctly in the Configuration Tool.
  • Check that the Avigilon service is running, and the additional configuration has been made. For more information, see New Installations on page 2.
  • Check that the Avigilon username is listed as an Alarm Recipient in all the alarms needed for the integration. For more information, see Adding Avigilon Control Center Alarms on page 3.
  • Check that the CrossFire Framework service is running.
  • Check that the CrossFire Server Component Framework service is running.
  • Check that the Configuration Tool has a username and password entered for connecting to the CCURE system.

Mapped ACC Alarms Displayed as Unknown
Mapped alarms in the Configuration Tool are labeled in red as Unknown. The ACC Server that the integration is connected to displays an Error status in the Configure Connections dialog box. This issue occurs if the ACC Server has rebooted or is offline. Perform the following steps to ensure the integration functions correctly:

  1. Check that the ACC Server is online and connected to the local network.
  2. When the ACC Server is back online, open the Configuration Tool and click Configure Connections.
  3. If the ACC Server is online, the server status is Ready. If it is not, check the server connectivity again.
  4. Close the Configure Connections dialog box. The Configuration Tool should now display the correct alarm names.
  5. Click Save and Apply to ensure the alarm mappings are active. If the mapped alarms are still not displayed, restart the CrossFire Framework service and CrossFire Server Component Framework service.

Limited Number of Connections

Depending on your CCURE license, you may receive an error message about a limited the number ofconnections. Some CCURE licenses contain a limited number of client connections. The Alarm Gateway integration works optimally with 2 available client connections. If you only have 1 CCURE connection available, you will not be able to run the Alarm Gateway and Admin Tool at the same time, but you will be able to run one of the tools if the other is closed. To solve this, you can either use 1 tool at a time, free up connections to use for the integration, or upgrade your CCURE license with additional connections. Limited Number of Connections © 2022, Avigilon Corporation. All rights reserved. AVIGILON, the AVIGILON logo, AVIGILON CONTROL CENTER and ACC are trademarks of Avigilon Corporation. Software House and C•CURE are trademarks of Sensormatic Electronics, LLC. Other names or logos mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. The absence of the symbols ™ and ® in proximity to each trademark in this document or at all is not a disclaimer of ownership of the related trademark. This document has been compiled and published using product descriptions and specifications available at the time of publication. The contents of this document and the specifications of the products discussed herein are subject to change without notice. Avigilon Corporation reserves the right to make any such changes without notice. Neither Avigilon Corporation nor any of its affiliated companies:

  1. guarantees the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in this document; or
  2. is responsible for your use of,  or reliance on, the information.

Avigilon Corporation shall not be responsible for any losses or damages(including consequential damages) caused by reliance on the information presented herein. Avigilon Corporation avigilon.com. INT-CCURE-ALARM-A Revision: 2 – EN 20220422


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