BLUE JAY BJ195-X Series DC Panel Meter User Manual

June 12, 2024

BLUE JAY BJ195-X Series DC Panel Meter

Product Information

The BJ195PUI DC Panel Meter is a digital meter used for power quality monitoring, factory automation, and building automation. Itcan measure various power parameters in the power grid such as current, voltage, RMS power load, and energy consumption. This meter can replace traditional analog measurement instruments, improving system accuracy and reliability.


  • Measure all power parameters
  • Monitor and control energy measurement and electrical fire
  • Replace three-phase power meters and three-phase electricity transmitters
  • Detect transformers, generators, capacitors, and electric motors
  • Used in medium and low-pressure systems
  • Integrates with SCADA, EMS, and DCS systems

Product Usage Instructions

  1. Before turning on the power supply, ensure that the power supply is within the instrument’s specifications.
  2. During installation, ensure that the current input terminal is non-open and the voltage input terminals are non-shortcircuit.
  3. Do not impose high pressure on the communication terminal (RS485 or Ethernet).
  4. Make sure the instrument wiring is consistent with the internal system settings.
  5. When communicating with a PC, ensure that the instrument communication parameters are consistent with the PC.

Read me
When you use BJ195-X Series Digital Meter, be sure to carefully read this user manual, and be able to fully understand the implications, the correct guidance of operations in accordance with user manual, which will help you make better use BJ193 series Digital Meter, and help to solve the various problems at the scene.

  1. Before the meter turning on the power supply, be sure that the power supply within the provisions of the instrument;
  2. When installation, the current input terminal must non-open, voltage input terminals must Non-short circuit;
  3. Communication terminal (RS485 or Ethernet) is strictly prohibited to impose high pressure;
  4. Be sure the instrument wiring consistent with the internal system settings;
  5. When communicating with the PC, instrument communication parameters must be consistent with the PC.
    • Please read carefully before using this user manual
    • Please save this document


BJ195-X Series Digital Meter is used for power quality monitoring, factory automation and building automation.
These series can measure the power parameters in power grid:
Current, Voltage, RMS power load, Energy consumption.
It can replace many of a traditional analog measurement instruments, improve system accuracy and reliability.


  • Measure all power parameters;
  • Monitor and control, energy measurement and electrical fire;
  • Replace the three-phase power meter, three phase electricity transmitter;
  • Transformers, generators, capacitors and electric motors distributed detection;
  • Medium and low pressure systems;
  • SCADA, EMS, DCS integrators.


  1. Reference standard

    • Basic electricity
      GB/T13850-1998 (IEC688-1992)

    • Active power
      GB/T17215-2002 (IEC61036:2000)

    • Reactive power
      GB/T17882-1999 (IEC61268:1995)

  2. Accuracy standards

    • Parameter Accuracy
    • Voltage 0.2 %fs
    • Current 0.2%fs (depends on Shunt)
    • Power 0.5%fs
    • Energy 1.0%fs
  3. Input

    • Voltage: Rated 300/ 600/ 1000V
    • Current: Rated 75mVA (optional 50mV / 100mV or customized)
  4. Load

    • Voltage: <0.5VA / phase (rated 300V)
    • Current: <0.5VA / phase (rated 5A)
  5. Overload

    • Current: 1.2 times rated continuous; 10 seconds for 10 times the rated.
    • Voltage: 1.2 times the rated continuous; 10 seconds for 2 times.
  6. Dielectric strength

    • IEC 688 / IEC 255-3 (1989)
    • 2kV AC RMS 1 minute, between input / output / case / power supply.
  7. EMC Test
    **  | Standard| Test voltage**

Electrostatic discharge immunity test:

| ****

IEC-61000-4-2 level 4

| ****


Electrical fast transient burst immunity test| IEC61000-4-4 level 3| Input 1kV;

Power supply 2kV

Surge (Shock) immunity test

| ****

IEC61000-4-5 level 4

| common mode test voltage 4kV
8. Work environment

  • Temperature: -20℃℃~ +60
  • Humidity: RH No condensation
  1. Protection
    • Panel: IP40
  2. Storage conditions
    • Temperature:: -25℃℃~+70
    • Humidity: RH 95%
  3. Power supply
    • AC /DC 85-265V
    • Maximum power consumption 3W


The manual you hold in your hands contains information and warnings that the user should respect in order to guarantee a proper operation of all the instrument functions and keep its safety conditions. The instrument must not be powered and used until its definitive assembly on the cabinet’s door.
Whether the instrument is not used as manufacturer’s specifications, the protection of the instrument can be damaged.
When any protection failure is suspected to exist (for example, it presents external visible damages), the instrument must be immediately powered off. In this case contact a qualified service representative.

Instrument is to be mounted on panel. All connections keep inside the cabinet.
Note that with the instrument powered on, the terminals could be dangerous to touching and cover opening actions or elements removal may allow accessing dangerous parts.
Therefore, the instrument must not be used until this is completely installed.

Input signal: BJ195-X Series using a separate acquisition calculate for each measurement channel, to ensure consistent in use, for different load forms, it’s a variety of connection mode. Access wire shall be met 2.5 square mm.

  • A. Voltage input
    Input voltage should not exceed the rated input voltage products 450V, Otherwise, you should use external VT. Suggest 1A fuse be installed in the voltage input side.

  • B. Current Input
    Standard input current is 5A or 1A, if greater than 5A/1A should use external CT.
    When the CT is connected with other meters, make sure wiring methods be used in series.
    Warming: Forbid to install a CT on the live feeder wire with open secondary leads. This can be extremely dangerous!
    Before remove the current input connection, must be sure to disconnect the primary circuit or shorted secondary circuit of CT.

  • C. Sequence of wire
    Warming: Please make sure that the input voltage and current corresponding to the same phase, sequence, and the same direction; Otherwise, the Values and symbols will be wrong! (Power and Energy)
    Always observe the physical orientation of CT (P1 – P2) when installing on the feeder wire. Always pay attention to wiring polarity and phasing when terminating the CT leads to the BJ195-X Series. S1 connect to Ix*, S2 connect to Ix.
    The input network configuration of instrument depends on the CT number of the system: in the condition of 2 CT, select the three-phase, three-lines two components; in the condition of 3 CT, select the three-phase, four-lines three component mode.
    Instrument connection mode, set of the instrument (programming input network NET) should be the same load wiring as measured wiring. Otherwise, the measurement instrument will lead to incorrect voltage or power.
    In three-phase 3 wire mode, measurement and shows the line voltage;
    In three-phase 4 wire mode, measurement and shows phase voltage and line voltage both.

  • D. Auxiliary power
    BJ195-X Series with universal (AC / DC) power input, if not for a special statement, we provide the 90-240AC/DC power interface for standard products, please ensure that the auxiliary power can match with meter to prevent unexpected damage.

    • A. Suggest install 1A fuse in the fire line side.
    • B. For the areas with poor power quality, suggest install lightning surge suppressor and rapid burst suppressor to prevent lightning strikes.
      Connection terminal and drawing (details please see label on the rear part)

Terminal description

  • 11. Positive of Voltage phase input
  • 14. Negative of Voltage input

Terminal description

  • 4. Shunt negative terminal
  • 5. Shunt positive terminal

Other terminals (optional function)BLUE-JAY-BJ195--X-Series-DC-Panel-
Meter-FIG 4

Note: This connection drawing is for reference only; the actual connecting terminal please refer to the label on the rear part.


The instrument has three line displays. Every led will be on according to the parameter presently shown in screen.
When the 195-X is powered up, all the LED indicator will on, and meter start self- test, after some seconds, the meter is ready for operation and shows one of the available screens.

Parameters on display can be switched by pressing key on screen at any moment
When the key is pressed, the screen CURRENT values of each phase are now showing.
In setting menu, pressing key can move the setting cursor to left;
Pressing can enter the number 0 ~ 9.

Pressing it can open the setting menu and return to previous menu.
In setting menu for change number 0~9 (only for 48*48 size meter)

Pressing this key, you can exit it with saving any modification that you might have done, in menu operation press “Enter” key, and user can go to the next menu.
Press in normal standby status, and the meter will show different data in main screen:
In the menu set mode, when changes the parameter and exit setting, the meter will ask to “SAVE”, press exit without saving press save and exit.


The SETUP procedure of the BJ195-X is performed by means of several SETUP options.
Once into the SETUP, use the keyboard to select different options and enter required variables:BLUE-JAY-BJ195--X-Series-DC-Panel-Meter-FIG

If meter have Ethernet port, that configuration under “Bus” menu will change to following:BLUE-JAY-BJ195--X-Series-DC-Panel-Meter-FIG

The procedure above is for reference, not all series have the step 3 (communication preference), AO menu for D series have this function, bUS menu for K series, please contact the Technical Service.


Connection for the RS485 BUS
The composition of the RS-485 cabling must be carried out with a meshed screen cable (minimum 3 wire), diameter of not less than 0.5mm2, with a maximum distance of 1,200 m between the BJ-19… and the master unit. This Bus may connect a maximum of 32pcs BJ-19…


  • For communication with the master unit, user can choose RS-485 to RS-232 converter or RS485 to USB adapter to use.
  • For expand the number of devices in the communication network, a signal repeater can be used.
  • Full range of BJ-19… meter RS485 PIN number is 58,59,60
  • Due to product modifications or special requirements, the interface pin place may be change. For details, please refer to product label on the rear side

MODBUS © Protocol
Modbus RTU Frame Format:

Address code

| ****


| ****

Slave device address 1-247


Function code

| ****


| Indicates the function codes like read coils

/ inputs

Data code

| ****


| Starting address, high byte Starting address, low byte Number of registers, high byte Number of registers, low byte
Error Check code| 2 BYTE| Cyclical Redundancy Check ( CRC )


Code Meaning Description


| ****

Read Coil Status

| Only valid when equipped DO port
FUNCTION 02| Read Input Status| Only valid when equipped DI port


| ****

Reading of n Words

| This function permits to read all the electrical parameters of the BJ194…series.


| ****

Force Single coil

| Details see chart 6.4

When DO in remote control mode can work


| ****

Preset Single register

| Disable in default

If need valid this code, please contact Blue Jay Sales Team before your order!

Note: Float data follow IEEE754, float low bit first, high bit next. (CD AB)
Only read parameter, can be read with “03” command

Address Data Word byte Description

32bit int value
0,1| U| Voltage| 0,1,2,3| Unit 0.01V
2,3| I| Current| 4,5,6,7| Unit 0.1A
4,5| P| Power| 8,9,10,11| Unit 0.01W
6,7| E| Energy| 12,13,14,15| Unit 0.001KWh
8,9| R| Resistance|  | Unit 0.01Ω



| ****


|  |  | Unit 0.001Ah

If Current range= 1A, minimum step = 0.001Ah; If current range = 100A,

minimum step = 0.1Ah

16,17| AH-|  |  | Unit 0.001Ah
18,19| AH_SUM|  |  | Unit 0.001Ah
20,21| RIN| Internal


|  | Unit 0.01Ω
22,23| E+| Positive


|  | Unit 0.001KWh
24,25| E-| Negative


|  | Unit 0.001KWh
Address| Data| Word byte| Description
32bit float value
30,31| U float| Voltage|  | Unit V
32,33| I float| Current|  | Unit A
34,35| P float| Power|  | Unit W
36,37| E float| Energy|  | Unit KWh
38,39| R| Resistance|  | Unit Ω



| ****


|  |  | Unit Ah Current range= 1A,

minimum step = 0.001Ah;

Current range = 100A,

minimum step = 0.1Ah

46,47| AH-|  |  | Unit Ah
48,49| Ah_Total|  |  | Unit Ah
50,51| RIN| Internal resistor|  | Unit Ω
52,53| E+| Positive energy|  | Unit KWh
54,55| E-| Negative energy|  | Unit KWh


| ****


| ****

DO/DO status

| ****


| BIT8-BIT14 for DI status BIT0-BIT7 for DO status 0 for opened,

1 for closed.

Read and write parameters, can be read with “03” command, and modified with “06” command

Address Data Type Byte Description
1000 Voltage range Int 1 1-9999V
1001 Current range Int 1 1-9999A
1002 Decimal point position Int 1 0-3
1003 MODBUS Id Int 1 1-247


| ****

Baud rate

| ****


| ****


| 0:1200






| ****

Data format

| ****


| ****


| 0:n.8.1




1006| Password| Int| 1| 0-9999


| ****

Screen display mode

| ****


| ****


| 0-9999:

0 manual switching,

Other numbers for seconds of automatic switching

1008| Backlight display time| Int| 1| 0-9999min
1009| Reserved| /| /| /


| DO1 Pickup time unit DO1_UTD.p| ****


| ****


| 0: sec

1: min

2: hour

1011| DO1 Pickup time| Int| 1| 0-999.9


| DO1 Drop out time unit


| ****


| ****


| 0: sec

1: min

2: hour

1013| DO1 Drop out time| Int| 1| 0-999.9


| ****

DO1 Action logic selection

| ****


| ****


| 1: A and B and C 2: A or B or C

3: A and B or C

4: A xor B xor C

1015| DO1 Element_A


| Int| 1| Range: 0-9999, Unit 1V, 1A,

0.1kW, 0.1AH, 0.1Ω

 |  | Int| 1|  | 23: U

lowe r limit 24: I

lowe r limit 25: P

lowe r limit 26: AH+

lowe r limit 27:


lowe r limit 28:


lowe r limit 29: R


r limit


Res erve d 31: DI1

Ope ned 32: DI2

Ope ned 33: DI3

Ope ned 34: DI4

Ope ned 35: DI5

Ope ned 36: DI6

Ope ned 37: DI7

Ope ned 38: DO1

Ope ned 39: DO2

Ope ned 40:


 |  |  |  | ****

0: U upper limit

 |  |  |  | 1: I upper limit
 |  |  |  | 2: P upper limit
 |  |  |  | 3: AH+ upper limit
 |  |  |  | 4: AH- upper limit
 |  |  |  | 5: AH_SUM upper limit
 |  |  |  | 6: R upper limit
 |  |  |  | 7: Reserved
 |  |  |  | 8: DI1 closed
 |  |  |  | 9: DI2 closed


| DO1 Element_A Alarm parameter|  |  | 10: DI3 closed

11: DI4 closed

12: DI5 closed

 |  |  |  | 13: DI6 closed
 |  |  |  | 14: DI7 closed
 |  |  |  | 15: DO1 closed
 |  |  |  | 16: DO2 closed
 |  |  |  | 17: DO3 closed
 |  |  |  | 18: DO4 closed
 |  |  |  | 19: DO5 closed
 |  |  |  | 20: DO6 closed
 |  |  |  | 21: DO7 closed
 |  |  |  | 22: DO8 closed
 |  |  |  | Ope ned 41: DO4

Ope ned 42: DO5

Ope ned 43: DO6

Ope ned 44: DO7

Ope ned 45: DO8

Ope ned

46: Always Closed

47: Always Opened

1017| DO1 Element_A

Alarm value

| Int| 1| Range: 0-9999,

Unit 1V, 1A, 0.1kW, 0.1AH

1018| DO1 Element_B


| Int| 1| Range: 0-9999,

Unit 1V, 1A, 0.1kW, 0.1AH

1019| DO1 Element_B

Alarm parameter

| Int| 1| Refer to < DO1 Element_A Alarm


1020| DO1 Element_B

Alarm value

| Int| 1| Range: 0-9999,

Unit 1V, 1A, 0.1kW, 0.1AH

1021| DO1 Element_C


| Int| 1| Range: 0-9999,

Unit 1V, 1A, 0.1kW, 0.1AH

1022| DO1 Element_C

Alarm parameter

| Int| 1| Refer to < DO1 Element_A Alarm

parameter >

1023| DO1 Element_C

Alarm value

| Int| 1| Range: 0-9999,

Unit 1V, 1A, 0.1kW, 0.1AH


| DO1 Mode| ****


| ****


| 0: OFF

1: Remote control pulse

2: Remote control Latching

1025 DO1 Pulse width Int 1 Range: 0.1-999.9 sec



| DO2 Setting| Int| 1| Refer to DO-1 setting, reg[1010-




| DO3 Setting| Int| 1| Refer to DO-1 setting, reg[1010-




| DO4 Setting| Int| 1| Refer to DO-1 setting, reg[1010-


 |  |  |  |
 |  |  |  |
2000| Reset energy counter


| Int| 1| Write 0x0A0A,(2570 in Dec)
3000| Reset    AH    counter


| Int| 1| Write 0x0A0A,(2570 in Dec)


All installation specification described at the previous chapters named:
Note that with the instrument powered on, the terminals could be dangerous to touching and cover opening actions or elements removal may allow accessing dangerous parts. This instrument is factory-shipped at proper operation condition.


The 195-X does not require any special maintenance. No adjustment, maintenance or repairing action should be done when the instrument open and powered on, should those actions are essential, high-qualified operators must perform them.
Before any adjustment, replacement, maintenance or repairing operation is carried out, the instrument must be disconnected from any power supply source.
When any protection failure is suspected to exist, the instrument must be immediately put out of service. The instrument’s design allows a quick replacement in case of any failure.


For any inquiry about the instrument performance or any failure, contact to Blue Jay’s technical service.
Blue Jay – After-sales service
Tel: +0086-023-67628702
Add: 1802,Building 2,No.88,Jianxin East Road,Chongqing,400020,China


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