ELM Video Technology DMG-V7 DMG DMX Merger User Guide

October 30, 2023
ELM Video Technology

DMX 2×1/3×1/4×1 MERGER USER GUIDE V7.10

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The DMG Merger is a 2, 3, or 4 input dmx merger. With 6 merge types the DMG merges (c ombines) two or more DMX signals or universes into one universe, by a selected mode type; HTP (Highest Takes Precedence), Append, Backup, LTP (Latest Take Precedence by Universe), LTPC (Latest Take Precedence by Channel), or LoTP (Lowest Take Precedence). With additional input options, 3 or 4 inputs, enables the DMG to merge up to four universes and/or provide multiple functions.


Connect a DMX source into the input connectors and insure the respective data LED is illuminated indicating data is valid and present. The DMG will work with a single input or any combination. The merged output depends on the merge type selected. The inputs are internally terminated and the inputs should NOT be looped to other devices. The DMX Output connector will source up to 32 DMX devices (depending on the devices and configuration). As with any DMX daisy chain, each output must be terminated at the end of each daisy chain.
While connecting and disconnecting DMX inputs, the output is undetermined until stabilized (1-2 seconds).
NOTE – It is recommended to install the DMG near operators and the DMX generating devices. Because the DMG generates a DMX signal keeping the unit accessible is recommended in the event of a cable failure or unit malfunction the output may send false data which could cause erratic behavior with the receiving DMX system, could pose a risk to public safety.
To setup the merge mode(s), use a small screw driver and set the dip switch(s) as shown below. For the 3×1 model there is one dip switch for the A, B, and optional C input merge mode. For the 4×1 model, there are two dip switches. The right dip switch sets the C and D input merge mode. And the left dip switch sets the A and B merge mode as well as the merged C and D inputs, see the configuration diagram pg 4. Different merge modes can be used.
MERGE HTP The HTP mode will merge 2 universes into one universe using Highest Takes Precedence processing of the level of each channel. In this mode 2 lighting boards (or any two DMX generating devices) can control the same devices.
If only one input is connected, the input data (channels, levels, packet size, and start code) are transmitted as received. By adding a DMX signal to other input the 2 sources will be merged with HTP – the highest level will be the transmitted on a specific channel. The packet size will be largest of the three. Input A has start code priority – Input A’s start code will always be transmitted, unless there isn’t a signal in input A then input B’s start code will be transmitted. Thi s mode is useful for controlling the same DMX equipment and devices with two DMX generating devices in one universe. For example a lighting board and a computer controlled DMX controller.
HTP Examples: If the A input has a level of 25 on channel 10 and input B has a level of 200 on channel 10 the output will be 200 on channel 10. If A has a level of 5 on channel 100 and B has a level of 12 on channel 100 the output will be 12 on channel 100. If both in puts are 0 the output will be 0 on the respective channel etc.
OVERRIDE/BACKUP The Override/Backup mode will send input A only if valid and connected ignoring all other inputs etc. OVERRIDE: A overrides B, B overrides C, and C overrides D and only that respective input will be sent.
BACKUP: D backups C, C backups B, B backup A.
The override configuration is useful e.g. If a guest lighting board needs to be connecting overriding a lower priority input. By turning off or unplugging off the guest board the next input is automatically switched to.The backup configuration is useful if a backup lighting board (or any DMX generating device) is always on standby to switch over in the case of a failure, the DMG in the backup mode would AUTOMATICALLY switch over, preventing the user from physically having to switch connections. The DMG will switch over in one second of a lost signal. Note-for the 4 input versions there may be two second delay before switching to the preceding input.
LTP The LTP (Latest Takes Precedence) will re send input A or B (C, D for the 3×1 or 4×1 unit) to the output depending on the input that had the latest level change of +/- 1. If you have two lighting boards respectively connected to input A and B, the last lighting board that made any change would take precedence and would control the output until the other lighting board made a change and then it would take control. Please note that the input sources would need to be digitally controlled, otherwise unwanted switching may occur.
Note: If using LTP or LTPC mode: If any input is unplugged/disconnected it may become the “Latest” and precedent, and the output(s) will be at zero.
APPEND The Append mode will separate the DMX packet into blocks or groups, i.e. the 2×1 unit = A then B, (3×1 then C, 4×1 then D). The size of each block is set by the “Append Setup” values. In this mode two or more lighting boards (or any DMX generating devices) can control different DMX equipment and devices over one universe (or cable). Another words DMX console

1 (or A) could control the 1st 100 DMX channels, DMX console #2 (or B) could

control DMX channels 101 through 200 etc. For example, if the ‘A’ packet or block size is stored as 100 (channels) then input B channel 1 will be appended and will start at channel 101. And if the DMG is equipped with 3 inputs then the 2nd DMG PCB could be set to start at channel 201, and a 4th input could be set to start at 301 through 512. See the Append Packet Size Setup section for instructions on setting transmit packet size (or channel block size). NOTE – By APPENDING or changing the DMX channels, each receiving device will need to be set to the new DMX channel. Plan any changes carefully and test each device after any configuration changes.
The LTPC mode (Latest Takes Precedence by channel) will change an individual channels output to the latest level change (+/- 1) on a channel on A, B, C or D’s input. For example, if the current level on input A channel 10 is 128 and input B channel 10 changes from 100 to 101 the output on channel 10 will now be 101, and all other channels are unchanged. Please note that the input sources would need to be stable or digitally controlled, otherwise unwanted switching may occur as any change of +/- 1 would initiate a switch.
Note: If using LTP or LTPC mode: If any input is unplugged/disconnected it may become the “Latest” and precedent, and the output(s) will be at zero.
LoTP The LoTP (Lowest Takes Precedence) responds the same way as the HTP mode described above, except the lowest of the two inputs per channel is sent to the output.
*A valid DMX signal – an active signal present with consistent start code, consistent packet size, and meets the DMX standard. Act ivating an input is considered valid when four continuous packets are received with the same start code and the same size packet. An invali d DMX signal – if a signal is not present for more than 1 second, or if the start code or packet size change. (If this happens and four continuous p ackets are received with the same start code within 1 second of the change the signal is still considered valid. ) Plan all DMX changes carefully, understand how each mode will react, and thoroughly test each device after any configuration changes


The packet (or channel block) size is set by one of two ways:

  • AUTO DETECT: The packet size of a *valid DMX signal on the A and B will auto detect and set the size
  • MANUAL BLOCK: Manually program the packet size in 16 channel block increments


  1. Set the dip switches to the APPEND SETUP mode shown above
  2. Connect a DMX generating device into input A (e.g. lighting board) with a known and preset DMX packet size (output channel count).
  3. Reset the power – The unit will auto detect the packet size for input A (LED A will stop flashing). For a 3×1 unit connect a known and preset DMX packet size desired into input B (LED B will stop flashing). The remainder of the units output packet size will be the C input size up to 512. For a 4×1 unit repeat step 3 using the right most PCB’s dip switches and inputs C (and D if desired).
  4. The packet size(s) are stored in permanent memory. The respective LED’s will alternately blink indicating completion.
  5. Set the dip switches to the APPEND mode shown above
  6. Reset the power
  7. Test for accuracy


  1. Unplug any DMX inputs (otherwise auto detect will store the packet sizes)
  2. Select the APPEND SETUP by placing switches as shown
  3. Reset the power – The unit enters the setup mode, for the 2×1 and 3×1 units (single PCB) indicated by LEDs A and B blinking
  4. Slide switch 4 on and off for each block to be added and assigned (see table below). Input A LED will turn on and off with each on/off cycle indicating each block of 16 additional channels. For the 2×1 unit the A input size will be set, for the 3×1 inputs A and B will be set equally (i.e. Switched 2 times = both inputs A and B will be 32 in size). For the 4×1 unit repeat for inputs C (and D if desired).
  5. Set the dip switches to the APPEND mode (off | on | on | off ) as shown above
  6. Reset the power
  7. Test for accuracy.

Channel Block Size Table

of Taps| Block Size| # of Taps| Block Size| # of Taps| Block Size| # of

Taps| Block Size| # of Taps| Block Size| # of Taps| Block Size| # of Taps| Block Size| # of Taps| Block Size
1| 16| 5| 80| 9| 144| 13| 208| 17| 272| 21| 336| 25| 400| 29| 464
2| 32| 6| 96| 10| 160| 14| 224| 18| 288| 22| 352| 26| 416| 30| 480
3| 48| 7| 112| 11| 176| 15| 240| 19| 304| 23| 368| 27| 432| 31| 496
4| 64| 8| 128| 12| 192| 16| 256| 20| 320| 24| 384| 28| 448| _ 32| 512


The inputs merge together in the selected mode. If the DMG is a 4×1 unit the C and D inputs are merged and the output is then merged with inputs A and B. C and D will merge with the respective PCB merge mode setting. And then merged with A and B inputs with the respective PCB merge mode settings.ELM Video
Technology DMG-V7 DMG DMX Merger - MERGE


Chassis: Anodized Aluminum .093″ thick RoHS compliant.
External Power Supply: +5VDC wall mount
   Voltage Input: 100 ~ 132 (or 240) VAC
   Current Output: 1 Amps (typical)
   Power: 5 Watts (typical)
   Polarization: Positive Center
   Output Connector: Locking Barrel Plug, 2.5mm I.D. x 5.5mm O.D. x 9.5mm
Internal FUSE: 500mA SMT PCB Mount (through hole option)
Power Consumption: 2×1: Apx 160mA (output full source)

4×1: Apx 320mA (output full source)
Data Type:| DMX-512 (250Khz)
Data Input:| DMX – 5 (or 3) pin male XLR,
Pin 1 – (Shield) Not connected, Pin 2 Data – , Pin 3 Data +
Data Output:| DMX outputs – 5 (or 3) pin female XLR’s,
Pin 1 – Power supply common, Pin 2 Data -, Pin 3 Data +
Dimensions:| 3.7 x 6.7 x 2.1 inches
Weight:| 1.5 pounds

copyright © 2009 – Present
ELM Video Technology, Inc.


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