BLUE JAY DCEM Multi Channel DC Energy Meter User Manual

June 10, 2024

BLUE JAY DCEM Multi Channel DC Energy Meter User Manual
BLUE JAY DCEM Multi Channel DC Energy Meter

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When you use DCEM Multi-channel DC Energy Meter, be sure to carefully read this user manual, and be able to fully understand the implications, the correct guidance of operations in accordance with user manual, which will help you make better use this DC Energy Meter, and help to solve the various problems at the scene.

  1. Before the meter turning on the power supply, be sure that the power supply within the provisions of the instrument;
  2. When installation, the current input terminal must non-open, voltage input terminals must Non-short circuit;
  3. Be sure the instrument wiring consistent with the internal system settings;
  4. When communicating with the PC, instrument communication parameters must be consistent with the PC
  • Please read this user manual carefully
  • Please save this document


BJ-DCEM meter is an advanced solution for multi-channel energy metering in DC system. It can visually display voltage, current, power data and energy cumulative data. With a panel keypad, it can set voltage display parameters and the hall CT parameters.

With RS485 communication interface, BJ-DCEM can be connected to the monitoring center. It is a high-performance automatic meter suitable for industrial and mining enterprises, civil construction, building automation.

These series can measure the power parameters in power grid:

Current 0.000 ~ 500A (Depends on the Hall CT)
Voltage 0.0 ~ 1000V
Active power 0.000 ~ 9999KW
Energy 0.00Wh ~ 999999999Wh


  1. Reference standard:
    Basic electricity: IEC 61557-12:2007 Active energy: IEC 62053-21:2003

  2. Accuracy standards
    **** Parameter| Accuracy
    Current| 0.5%fs
    Voltage| 0.5%fs
    Active power| 1%fs
    Energy| 1%fs

  3. Input
    Current: Hall Effective CT, aux +/-15VDC, 4V signal input

  4. Load
    Current: <0.5VA / phase (rated 5A)

  5. Overload
    Current: 1.2 times rated continuous; 1 seconds for 10 times the rated Voltage: 1.2 times rated continuous; 10 seconds for 2 times the rated

  6. Dielectric strength
    IEC/EN 61010-1:2010 2kV AC RMS 1 minute, between input / output / case / power supply

  7. Work environment
    Temperature: -20℃~ +60℃ Humidity: RH 20%~95%(No condensation)

  8. Protection
    Panel: IP40

  9. Storage Conditions
    Temperature: -25℃~+70℃ Humidity: RH 20%~95%

  10. Power Supply
    DC 20-60V Maximum power consumption 4VA

  11. Dimensions
    L × H × D =87.3X132X46.5mm (with wiring terminal)


The manual you hold in your hands contains information and warnings that the user should respect in order to guarantee a proper operation of all the instrument functions and keep its safety conditions. The instrument must not be powered and used until its definitive assembly is on the cabinet’s door.

Whether the instrument is not used as manufacturer’s specifications, the protection of the instrument can be damaged.

When any protection failure is suspected to exist (for example, it presents external visible damages),the instrument must be immediately powered off. In this case contact a qualified service representative.



Instrument is to be mounted on 35mm Din-rail. Keep all connections inside the cabinet.

Note that with the instrument powered on, the terminals could be dangerous to touch and cover opening actions or elements removal may allow accessing dangerous parts.

Therefore, the instrument must not be used until this is completely installed.

Auxiliary power:

DCEM meter with AUX power input, if not for a special statement, we provide the DC 20-60V power interface for standard products. Please ensure that the auxiliary power match meter access to prevent damage to the product.

Connection terminal and drawing for BJ-DCEM

Connection terminal

The current input pin need to access the Hall CT, and output signal of CT is 0-4VDC, Hall CT need +/-15V AUX power, on the meter pin 16, 17 provide the AUX.

Wiring diagram may be changed due to the special requirements of customers order, please refer the label on the rear part.

If you are or sure or signs unclear please contact:

Blue Jay Technical Support:


Key operation

for screen switch or value increase/decrease
for menu enters or exit
for enter next menu or confirm the chang

Show electric parameters

When the DCEM in monitor screen, user can use keypad switch shows the electrical parameters, when press “←” or “→” to switch another screen, screen roller logic as following:
Show electric parameters

Parameters Setting
The SETUP procedure of the BJ-DCEM is performed by means of several SETUP options. When into the SETUP, use the keyboard to select different options and enter required variables:

Press the key SET can enter the parameter setting. the screen ask access password (Default is 0001), then press can enter the menu.

The operation menu logic as following:
Show electric parameters

Menu Structure

Time settingYear SOEPower OFF

level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Description
Input Setting Rated volt 48 / Voltage metering range
CH_1~4 Amp 100 / Current metering range
CH_1~4 Dec / / Decimal point position

Comm Setting

| Address| 1~247| /| Default 0001
Baud Rate| 2400 / 4800 /


| /| Default is 9600
Check format| n.8.1 / o.8.1 /


| /| Factory default ( n.8.1 )

Alarm Setting

| ****


| Mode| OFF / Upper Limit / Lower Limit| Total three mode
Delay| /| Alarm triggered time delay,

Default 001.0s

Parameter| U / I / P / …| Alarm triggered parameters
Value| 0~9999| Default is 5500
hysteresis| 0~9999| Default is 0050

Digital Output

| ****


| ****


| Remote

Alarm_1~5 ON / OFF

| ****

Total 8 mode


| ****


| Alarm triggered time delay.

In remote mode is pulse width. Default 000.1s.

System Settings

| Password| 0~9999| /| Reset user password



Number 1~9

| ****


| Manual switching, or automatic switching in


Backlight| 1~5| /| LCD backlight duration,
**|  |  | unit is min, default is 5
Clear| All / Energy / SOE| /| Clear the record in meter
Contrast**| 1~9| /| LCD display contrast,

default is 5

00-99| /|

Clock setting

Month| 1~12| /|
Date| 1~31| /|
Hour| 00~23| /|
Minute| 00~59| /|
Second| 00~59| /|
Week day| 1~7| /|
0-99999| /| Record the meter power off


Meter fault| /| /| See screen description


DCEM provides 1 channel pulse output for the total active energy and total reactive energy.

The host/PLC/DI module can cumulative the data of both the active and reactive power energy sent by the pulse from optocoupler relay.

  1. Electrical specification: voltage VCC ≤ 48V, Iz ≤ 50mA.
  2. Pulse: example in 5000 imp / kWh, pulse upto 80ms.

This means: When the meter detect 1 kWh, the meter output 5000 pulse

Note: 1 kWh energy is for secondary side energy data, if there have PT and CT accessed; primary side energy data is “1 kWh ×PT ratio× CT ratio”.

For example : In measure time “T”, the received total pulse is “N”, Primary side input of voltage is 10Kv Primary side input of current is 400A. Secondary side measurement range is 100V and 5A.

In the time “T”, energy accumulated is : N/5000 × 100 × 80


Connection for the RS485 BUS

The composition of the RS-485 cabling must be carried out with a meshed screen cable (minimum 3 wire), diameter of not less than 0.5mm2 , with a maximum distance of 1,200 m between the BJ194… and the master unit. This Bus may connect a maximum of 32 BJ194


  1. For communication with the master unit, customers can choose the RS-232 to RS-485 converter to use
  2. Full range of BJ-194… meter RS485 PIN number is 58,59,60
  3. Due to product modifications or custom requirements, the interface pin place may be changed. For details, please refer to product label on the rear board

MODBUS © protocol

Address code 1 BYTE Slave device address 1-247
**Function code** **1 BYTE** Indicates the function codes like

read coils / inputs
**Data code| ****4 BYTE| Starting address, high byte Starting address, low byte Number of registers, high byte Number of registers, low byte
Error Check code| ****2 BYTE| Cyclical Redundancy Check ( CRC )**


Code: Meaning: Description:
**FUNCTION 03/04** Reading of n Words **** This function permits to

read all the electrical parameters of the BJ194…series.
FUNCTION 08| Clear energy counters| * Cleared energy data by the PC (User also can clear energy counter on meter operation, refer the User Manual related section)
FUNCTION 16| ** Preset Multiple Registers| **** Write value in to the relevant register

Register Address Table

Basic Power Data—Primary Side

Address Data Byte mode Instruction
0x00 U float 2
0x02 I1 float 2
0x04 P1 float 2
0x06 Epz1 float 2
0x08 EP1+ float 2
0x0a EP1- float 2
0x0c I2 float 2
0x0e P2 float 2
0x10 Epz2 float 2
0x12 EP2+ float 2
0x14 EP2- float 2
0x16 I3 float 2
0x18 P3 float 2
0x1a Epz3 float 2
0x1c EP3+ float 2
0x1e EP3- float 2
0x20 I4 float 2
0x22 P4 float 2
0x24 Epz4 float 2
0x26 EP4+ float 2
0x28 EP4- float 2

Float data follow IEEE754, float low bit first, high bit next. (CD AB)

Meter status data

Address Data Byte mode Instruction
**** 0x200 **** DO **** int **** 1

1and channel 2 status 0 for open, 1 for closed
0x201| DI| int| 1| Digital input:Bit 0~3 show channel 1 to channel 4 status 0 for open, 1 for closed
0x203| DZ| int| 1| Alarm conditionBit0~4 show channel 1 to channel 5 status
0x20A| TIME.year| int| 1| **** Internal RTC clock:year-month-day-hour- minutes-second-week (Integer, the last char unused)
0x20B| TIME.month| int| 1
0x20C|| int| 1
0x20D| TIME.hour| int| 1
0x20E| TIME.minute| int| 1
0x20F| TIME.secon


| int| 1
0x210|| int| 1

Energy Record Data (max 31 days)

Address Data Byte mode Instruction
0x3000 MMDD/1 int 1
0x3001 Epz1/1 long 2

0x3003| EP1+/1| long| 2| Positive energy record for Channel_1 in Date(1)

unit 0.01KWh

0x3005| EP1-/1| long| 2| Negative energy record for Channel_1 in Date(1)

unit 0.01KWh

0x3007| Epz2/1| long| 2| Total energy record for Channel_2 in Date(1)

unit 0.01KWh

0x3009| EP2+/1| long| 2| Positive energy record for Channel_2 in Date(1)

unit 0.01KWh

0x300B| EP2-/1| long| 2| Negative energy record for Channel_2 in Date(1) unit 0.01KWh
0x300D| Epz3/1| long| 2| Total energy record for Channel_3 in Date(1)

unit 0.01KWh

0x300F| EP3+/1| long| 2| Positive energy record for Channel_3 in Date(1) unit 0.01KWh
0x3011| EP3-/1| long| 2| Negative energy record for Channel_3 in Date(1)

unit 0.01KWh

0x3013| Epz4/1| long| 2| Total energy record for Channel_4 in Date(1)

unit 0.01KWh

0x3015| EP4+/1| long| 2| Positive energy record for Channel_4 in Date(1) unit 0.01KWh
0x3017| EP4-/1| long| 2| Negative energy record for Channel_4 in Date(1)

unit 0.01KWh

0x3019| MMDD/2| int| 1| Record Date(2), BCD code, unit: Month/Day
0x301A| Epz1/2| long| 2| Total energy record for Channel_1 in Date(2) unit 0.01KWh
0x301C| EP1+/2| long| 2| Positive energy record for Channel_1 in Date(2)

unit 0.01KWh

0x301E| EP1-/2| long| 2| Negative energy record for Channel_1 in Date(2) unit 0.01KWh
0x3020| Epz2/2| long| 2| Total energy record for Channel_2 in Date(2)

unit 0.01KWh

0x3022| EP2+/2| long| 2| Positive energy record for Channel_2 in Date(2)

unit 0.01KWh

0x3024| EP2-/2| long| 2| Negative energy record for Channel_2 in Date(2)

unit 0.01KWh

0x3026| Epz3/2| long| 2| Total energy record for Channel_3 in Date(2)

unit 0.01KWh

0x3028| EP3+/2| long| 2| Positive energy record for Channel_3 in Date(2) unit 0.01KWh
0x302A| EP3-/2| long| 2| Negative energy record for Channel_3 in Date(2)
 |  |  |  | unit 0.01KWh
0x302C| Epz4/2| long| 2| Total energy record for Channel_4 in Date(2)

unit 0.01KWh

0x302E| EP4+/2| long| 2| Positive energy record for Channel_4 in Date(2)

unit 0.01KWh

0x3030| EP4-/2| long| 2| Negative energy record for Channel_4 in Date(2) unit 0.01KWh


| Date(3) data block, format same as above


| Date(4) data block, format same as above


| Date(5) data block, format same as above



| …………





| Date(31) data block, format same as above

Notes : Date (1) mean the last day before current time, Date(31) for the oldest record time point, DCEM will automatic cycle record the data, mean the oldest data will loss one by one

Energy record Data max 31 days

Address Data Byte mode Instruction
0x5000   int 1
0x5001   int 1

Notes: in address 0x5001, following chart show the related alarm condition

Bit Meter Fault Abnormal Normal
D0 Metering IC error 1 0
D1 reversed  
D2 reversed  
D3 reversed  
D4 Setting config. area error 1 0
D5 Logger record area error 1 0
D6 Real-time data area error 1 0
D7 reversed  
D8 reversed  
D9 reversed  
D10 reversed  
D11 reversed  
D12 reversed  
D13 reversed  
D14 reversed  
D15 reversed  


All installation specification described at the previous chapters named:

Note that with the instrument powered on, the terminals could be dangerous to touching and cover opening actions or elements removal may allow accessing dangerous parts. This instrument is factory-shipped at proper operation condition


The DCEM does not require any special maintenance. No adjustment, maintenance or repairing action should be done when the instrument open and powered on, should those actions are essential, high-qualified operators must perform them.

Before any adjustment, replacement, maintenance or repairing operation is carried out; the instrument must be disconnected from any power supply source.

When any protection failure is suspected to exist, the instrument must be immediately put out of service. The instrument’s design allows a quick replacement in case of any failure.


For any inquiry about the instrument performance or any failure Contact to Blue Jay’s technical service.

Blue Jay – After-sales service

E-mail :

Tel: +0086-023-67628702
Add: 1802,Building 2,No.88,Jianxin East Road,Chongqing,400020,China


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