vaillant VWZ MWT 150 Heat Pump Instruction Manual

June 9, 2024

vaillant VWZ MWT 150 Heat Pump

vaillant VWZ MWT 150 Heat Pump Instruction


This manual is also available on our web site.

Intended use

This appliance can be used by children aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge if they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand the hazards involved. Children shall not play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision.

Symbols used

The warning notes are classified in accordance with the severity of the possible danger using the following warning signs and signal words.

Warning symbol Explanation

Immediate danger to life or risk of severe personal injury.

| Danger!

Risk of death from electric shock.

| Warning!

Risk of minor personal injury.

| Caution!

Risk of material or environmental damage

Required personnel qualifi cations

Any work by a person not qualified on the appliance may result in physical damage to the installation as a whole or even bodily injury.

  • Only persons acting as approved installers are qualified to work on the appliance.
General safety advices

Danger to life by electric shock

Touching live connections can cause serious personal injury.

  • Before carrying out any work on the product, switch off the power supply.
  • Secure the power supply against being switched on again.

Danger to life due to missing or not properly working safety devices

Missing safety devices can cause life-threatening scalding and other injuries, for example by burst pipes.

The information contained in this document do not show all schemes required for a professional installation of safety devices.

  • Install the necessary safety devices in the system.
  • Inform the user about the function and location of safety devices.
  • Never deactivate any safety device.
  • Do not attempt to adjust them.
  • Observe the relevant national and international laws, standards and guidelines.

Risk of material damage by additives in the heating water

Frost and corrosion protection agents can cause changes to seals, noise during heating mode and may lead to other consequential damage.

  • Do not use any unsuitable frost or corrosion protection agents.

Risk of material damage caused by unsuitable tools

The use of unsuitable tools or improper use thereof may cause damage, such as gas or water leaks.

  • When tightening or loosening threaded connections, always use suitable opened spanners, but do not use pipe wrenches, extensions, etc.

Risk of cracks due to water leaks

A poor installation can cause water leaks.

  • Ensure that there is no stress on the hydraulic pipework.
  • Correctly position the seals.
Intended use

The product is a state-of-the-art product which has been constructed in accordance with recognised safety regulations. Nevertheless, there is still a risk of injury or death to the user or others or of damage to the product and other property in the event of improper use or use for which it is not intended.

The appliance is intended to be used for separating the heat pump glycol circuit from  the domestic central heating circuit.

Intended use includes the following:

– observing the included operating, installation and maintenance instructions for this product and any other parts and components of the system
– installing and fi tting the product in accordance with the product and system approval
– complying with all of the inspection and maintenance conditions listed in the instructions.

Any other use than the use described in the instructions at hand or any use extending the described use is not intended.

Any direct commercial or industrial use is also deemed to be improper

Rules and regulations (directives, laws, standards)


Where no British Standards exists, materials and equipment should be fi t for their purpose and of suitable quality and workmanship.

The installation of this heating appliance must be carried out by a competent person approved at the time by the Health and Safety Executive and in accordance with the rules in force in the countries of destination.

Manufacturer’s instructions must not be taken as overriding statutory requirements.

Statutory Requirements

In GB, the installation of the heating appliance must be carried out by a competent person approved at the time by the Health and Safety Executive and as described in the following regulations:
– The manufacturer’s instructions supplied.
– The appropriate Buildings Regulations either The Building Regulations, The Building Regulations (Scotland), The Building Regulations (Northern Ireland).
– The Water Supply (water fi ttings) Regulations 1999 and water byelaws 2000, Scotland.
– The Health and Safety at Work Act, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH).
– Any electrical work must conform to BS 7671 and where applicable Part P of the building regulations.

Where no specifi c instructions are given, reference should be made to the relevant British Standard Code of Practice.

In IE, the installation must be carried out by a competent person approved at the time by the Health and Safety Executive and installed in accordance with the current edition of I.S.813 “Domestic Gas Installations”, the current Building Regulations and reference should be made to the current ETCI rules for Electrical Installation.

GB: the following Codes of Practice apply: BS4814, BS6798, BS5440 Part 1 and 2,

BS5546 Part 1, BS5449, BS6891, BS6700, BS7074 Part 1 and 2, BS7593, BS7671. IE: I.S.813, BS5546, BS 5449, BS 7074, BS 7593.

NOTE: For further information, see the current issue of the Building Regulations, approved document L1 ( in the UK) and the following current issues of:

  1. Central heating system specifi cation (CheSS) and
  2. Controls for domestic central heating system and hot water. BRECSU.

Heating System

In GB, it is necessary to comply with the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999 (for Scotland, the Water Byelaws 2000, Scotland). To comply with the Water regulations your attention is drawn to: The Water Regulations guide published by the Water Regulations Advisory Service (WRAS) gives full details of the requirements.

In IE, the requirements given in the current edition of I.S.813 “Domestic Gas Installations” and the current Building Regulations must be followed.

Electrical Supply

The heating appliance MUST be earthed. All system components shall be of an approved type and all wiring to current I.E.E. wiring regulations. External wiring must be correctly earthed, polarised and in accordance with the relevant standards.

In GB, this is BS 7671. In IE, this is the current edition of ETCI rules.

The heating appliance MUST be connected to a permanent 230V ac, 50Hz supply. Connection of the whole electrical system of the heating appliance, including any heating controls, to the electrical supply MUST be through one common isolator and must be fused 30 Amp maximum.

Isolation should be by a double pole switched fused spur box, with a minimum gap of 3mm for both poles. The fused spur box should be readily accessible and preferably adjacent to the appliance. It should be identifi ed as to its use.

Alternatively connection can be made through an unswitched shuttered socket and 3A fused 3-pin plug both to the current issue of BS 1363, provided they are not used in a room containing a bath or shower. Wiring to the heating appliance must be PVC 85OC insulated cable, not less than 3 G4.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health

Under Section 6 of The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, we are required to provide information on substances hazardous to health. The adhesives and sealants used in this appliance are cured and give no known hazard in this state.

CE Mark

The CE mark indicates that the appliances described in this manual are in compliance with the following directives :

  • Directive 2006/95/EC of the Council with amendments “Directive Concerning Electrical Equipment for Use Within Specifi c Voltage Limits” (Low voltage directive)
  • Directive 2004/108/EC of the Council with amendments “Directive Concerning Electromagnetic Compatibility


Observe other applicable documents
  • Observe absolutely all operating and installation instructions enclosed with the product, for the various parts and components of the system.
Storing documents
  • Pass these instructions and all other applicable documents to the system user.

The system user should retain these instructions so that they are available when required.

Validity of the instructions

These instructions apply exclusively to:

Type overview

Product| Type designation| Article number
VWZ MWT 150| Heat exchanger module| 0020143800

Description of the product

Product structure

Heat exchanger module

Description of the product

  1. Pump
  2. Heat pump circuit air bleed valve
  3. Plate heat exchanger
  4. Heating circuit air bleed valve
  5. Safety valve
  6. Filler system

A Installation heating circuit inlet
B Installation heating circuit outlet
C Glycol water circuit outlet to heat pump
D Safety valve drain
E Glycol water circuit inlet from heat pump
F Filler/drain tap
G Filler/drain tap

Type designation and serial number

Data plate location:

Description of the product


  1. Data plate

The type designation and the serial number are shown on the data plate.

Data plate description

The data plate certifies the country where the product is intended to be installed.

The data plate contains the following data:

Abreviation/ symbol Description
Country code: “GB” Country where the product is intended to be installed
Serial-no Commercial name of the product and its serial number
Code Product code of the appliance
PMS Central heating maximum pressure
V/Hz Electrical voltage / frequency
A Current
W Maximum electrical consumption
IP Electric protection index
See chapter “CE label”
See chapter “Recycling “

Mounting and installation

Symbol All the drawings dimensions are shown in mm.

Preparing the mounting and installation

Delivery and installation on site

[product] unpack

  • Remove the product from its box.
  • Remove the protective fi lm from all parts of the product.

Check scope of delivery

  • Please check the scope of delivery for completeness.
    – 1 Hydraulic module
    – 1 bag of accessories
    – Attachment bracket (x1)

    • Flat gasket 1″ (x6)
    • Flat gasket 1″1/4 (x2)
      – 1 bag of documents (1 operating and installation)

Observing distances and mounting clearances

Product and connection dimensions

Mounting and installation
Mounting and installation

Distance to inflammable parts

  • Make sure that no item that can easily catch fi re is in direct contact with the components, which may reach a temperature greater than 80°C.
  • Make sure that there is a minimum distance of 200 mm between items that can easily catch fi re and the hot surfaces.

Mounting clearances

  • Ensure the distances indicated on the diagram.

This will ensure that the connections to the water can be accessed and inspected.

Additional clearances around the appliance may be advantageous for its installation and maintenance.

Mounting and installation

Clearance necessary for the installation or maintenance of the appliance. **

Considering the product location

Surrounding conditions

  • Do not install the product above another product that could damage it (for example, above a cooker that might emit steam or grease) or in a room, which has a lot of dust in the atmosphere which is corrosive..
  • Do not install the product under another product that might leak.
  • Make sure that the room where you want to fi t the product is sufficiently protected against frost.

Properties of the mounting surface

  • Before choosing a site for the product, carefully read the safety warnings and instructions in the operating instructions and installation instructions.
  • Ensure that the wall to which the product will be mounted on is structurally safe in order to support the weight of the product.

Mounting the product

Removing the casing

Mounting and installation


  1. Front casing
    ∙ Remove the front casing (1).

Wall-mounting of the product

Danger to life if the load-bearing capacity of the fixing elements used is insufficient!

If the fixing elements do not have sufficient load-bearing capacity, the product can come loose and fall down.

  • When fitting the product, ensure that the fixing elements have a sufficient loadbearing capacity
  • Determine the assembly location.
  • Drill the holes to receive the fastenings.
  • Fix the hanging bracket on the wall

Mounting and installation


  1. Hanging bracket
    ∙ Lifting the product into position, lean the top of the product slightly to the wall and position just above the hanging bracket.
    ∙ Lower the product slowly and engage onto the hanging bracket.

This product is for internal installation only

Risk of damage caused by contaminated lines!

Foreign bodies such as welding remnants, sealing residue or dirt in the supply lines  can cause damage to the product.

  • Flush the supply lines thoroughly before installation.

Risk of damage caused by heat transfer when soldering.

Heat that is transferred during soldering can cause damage (expanded) polypropylene around electrical modul and to the seals in the service valvest.

  • Protect (expanded) polypropylene of electrical modul
  • Do not solder the connection pieces if the connection pieces are screwed to the service valves.

Risk of damage due to corrosion.

If plastic pipes that pass oxygen are used in the heating installation, this may corrode or sludge up the appliance’s heating circuit or the appliance itself.

  • If you use plastic pipes that pass oxygen in the heating installation, add a corrosion inhibitor to the circuit water.

Mounting and installation
Mounting and installation


  1. Installation heating circuit inlet 1”
  2. Installation heating circuit outlet 1”
  3. Glycol water circuit outlet to heat pump 1”
  4. Safety valve drain
  5. Glycol water circuit inlet from heat pump 1”
    • Only use the original seals supplied with the appliance.
    • Connect the heating circuit as specified
    • Connect the circuit to the heat pump as shown.
Electrical Installation

Risk of electric shock due to an improper electrical connection!

Improper electrical connection can cause electric shock or might negatively affect the operational safety of the product and might cause material damage.

  • The electrical connection of the product must be carried out only by a suitably qualified person.

Mounting and installation


  1. Electrical wires
  2. Insulation

Connection of the pump to the control box

The external wiring to be grounded. The polarity must be correct and consistent with the standards.

  • Connect the appliance in accordance with the live and neutral connections.

The connecting cables between the electrical panel and the appliance must be :
– adapted to a fi xed installation,
– Electrical wires with adapated section linked to the power of the appliance.

Component Supply voltage (mini section of cable)
Temperature probe cable passage 230 V (3G0.5)
Cableway and passage

Symbol The cables must pass through the openings  provided for this purpose. 

Mounting and installation

  1. Passage for power cables and relay command cables
  2. Pump cable

Start up

  • Check the electrical and water installation.
  • Check all connections for leaks.
  • Drain the appliance.
  • Replace the power.
Filling the heat pump circuit

Start up

  • Connect the fi ller pump to tap (B).
  • Connect the end of a pipe to tap (C).
  • Insert the other end of the pipe into a suitable container to capture any glycol discharged while bleeding the circuit.
  • Close the main tap (A).
  • Open taps (B et C).
  • Fill the heat pump circuit.
  • Close taps (B) and (C) when the circuit is full and bled.
  • Open the main tap (A).
Draining the product

Start up


  1. Heat pump circuit air bleed valve
  2. Heating circuit air bleed valve
    •  Open the air bleed valve (1) while fi lling the heat pump circuit.
    •  Open the air bleed valve (2) while fi lling the heating circuit with water.
    •  Close the vent as soon as water fl ows (repeat the operation several times if necessary).

Risk of damage in case of bad purge!

If air purging is not done properly, this may cause damage to the appliance.

  • Make sure the system is properly purged air.
Installing the casing

Start up


  1. Front casing
    • Put the front casing back on.
Available head for heat pump circuit

Start up

A Installation heating circuit inlet
B Installation heating circuit outlet

Start up

A Pressure (mbar)
B Flow rate (l/hour)

  1. Position “III”
  2. Position “II”
  3. Position “I”
Handing over the product to the user

After completing the installation:

  • Answer any questions the user may have.
  • Draw special attention to the safety instructions which the user must follow.

Repair work

Spare parts
  • In case you need spare parts during maintenance or repair, exclusively use genuine spare parts.

The genuine component parts of the product have been certifi ed together with the product in the course of the CE conformity check. If you do NOT use certifi ed genuine spare parts during maintenance or repair, the CE conformity of the product will expire. That is why we imperatively recommend to install genuine spare parts.

Draining the heat pump circuit

Repair work

  • Connect the drain pipe to tap (C).
  • Insert the other end of the pipe into a suitable container to collect the glycol.
  • Open the tap (B).
  • Open the heat pump circuit air bleed valve.
Checking tightness
  • Check the water-tightness of the system.
Checking the electrical installation
  • Check the electrical installation observing all relevant regulations.

Checking the cables

  • If the power cable of this product is damaged, then to prevent danger, only the manufacturer, the after-sales service or similarly qualified persons shall replace the power cable.


  • Isolate the product from the power mains.
  • Drain the appliance (see chapter 6.2).
  • De-install the product.
  • Recycle or dispose the product and its components (see chapter 8)


  • Sort the waste to separate those which can be recycled (cartons, plastics…) from those that cannot (strapping …).
  • Recycle the product packaging according to all relevant regulations.
Recycle or dispose the product and its components

The product must be recycled under the WEEE Directive (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment), which specifi es:
– the selective collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment.
– the selective systematic treatment of certain components and substances considered as dangerous,,

  • the reuse, recycling and recovery of the collected WEEE.
  • Do not dispose of your product or any of its accessories in the household waste.
  • Make sure the old unit and any accessories are disposed of properly.
  • Deposit the product at an appropriate collection point for the treatment, evaluation and recycling of WEEE.
  • Observe all relevant regulations.

Symbol By adhering to this directive, you are helping the environment and contributing to the preservation of natural resources and the protection of human health.

Technical data

Description| Unit|
Net Weight| kg| 12
Maximum admissible water pressure| bar| 3.0
Mpa| 0.3
Minimum admissible water pressure| bar| 0.5
Mpa| 0.05
Voltage / frequency| V~/Hz| 230/50
Maximum electrical consumption (pump)| W| 45
Index of electrical protection| | IP X4


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Vaillant Saunier Duval Italia S.p.A. unipersonale I Societa soggetta all’attivita di direzione e coordinamento della Vaillant GmbH
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Vaillant S. L.
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Telefono 902 11 68 19 I Fax 916 61 51 97 I

Vaillant GmbH
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Telefax 0 21 91/18-28 10 I I
© Vaillant GmbH 2013
These instructions, or parts thereof, are protected by copyright and may be reproduced or distributed only with
the manufacturer’s written consent.

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