DELTA DVP04DA-H2 Analog Output Module Instruction Manual

June 10, 2024

DELTA DVP04DA-H2 Analog Output Module



  • DVP04DA-H2 is an OPEN-TYPE device. It should be installed in a control cabinet free of airborne dust, humidity, electric shock and vibration. To prevent non-maintenance staff from operating DVP04DA-H2, or to prevent an accident from damaging DVP04DA-H2, the control cabinet in which DVP04DA-H2 is installed should be equipped with a safeguard. For example, the control cabinet in which DVP04DA-H2 is installed can be unlocked with a special tool or key.
  • DO NOT connect AC power to any of I/O terminals, otherwise serious damage may occur. Please check all wiring again before DVP04DA-H2 is powered up. After DVP04DA-H2 is disconnected, Do NOT touch any terminals in a minute. Make sure that the ground terminal on DVP04DA-H2 is correctly grounded in order to prevent electromagnetic interference.


  • Model Explanation & Peripherals 
    • Thank you for choosing Delta DVP series PLC. The data in DVP04DA-H2 can be read or written FROM/TO instructions given by the program of DVP-EH2 series MPU. The analog signal output module receives 4 groups of 12-bit digital data from PLC MPU and converts the data into 4 points of analog signals for output in either voltage or current.
    • You can select voltage or current output by wiring. Range of voltage output: 0V ~ +10V DC (resolution: 2.5mV). Range of current output: 0mA ~ 20mA (resolution: 5μA).
  • Product Profile (Indicators, Terminal Block, I/O Terminals)DELTA-DVP04DA-H2-Analog-Output-Module-fig 2
  1. DIN rail (35mm)
  2. Connection port for extension modules
  3. Model name
  4. POWER, ERROR, D/A indicator
  5. DIN rail clip
  6. Terminals
  7. Mounting hole
  8. I/O terminals
  9. Mounting port for extension modules

External WiringDELTA-DVP04DA-H2-Analog-Output-Module-fig

  • Note 1: When performing analog output, please isolate other power wirings.
  • Note 2: If the ripples at the loaded input terminal are too significant that causes noise interference on the wiring, connect the wiring to 0.1 ~ 0.47μF 25V capacitor.
  • Note 3: Please connect the terminal on both the power modules and DVP04DA-H2 to the system earth point and ground the system contact or connect it to the cover of power distribution cabinet.
  • Note 4: If there is much noise, please connect the terminal FG to the ground terminal.
  • Warning: DO NOT wire empty terminals .


Digital/Analog (4D/A) module Voltage output Current output
Power supply voltage 24V DC (20.4V DC ~ 28.8V DC) (-15% ~ +20%)
Analog output channel 4 channels/module
Range of analog output 0 ~ 10V 0 ~ 20mA
Range of digital data 0 ~ 4,000 0 ~ 4,000
Resolution 12 bits (1LSB = 2.5mV) 12 bits (1LSB = 5μA)
Output impedance 0.5Ω or lower
Overall accuracy ±0.5% when in full scale (25°C, 77°F)

±1% when in full scale within the range of 0 ~ 55°C, 32 ~ 131°F

Responding time| 3ms × the number of channels
Max. output current| 10mA (1KΩ ~ 2MΩ)| –
Tolerable load impedance| –| 0 ~ 500Ω
Digital data format| 11 significant bits out of 16 bits are available; in 2’s complement.
Isolation| Internal circuit and analog output terminals are isolated by optical coupler. No isolation among analog channels.
Protection| Voltage output is protected by short circuit. Short circuit lasting for too long may cause damage on internal circuits. Current output can be open circuit.

Communication mode (RS-485)

| Supported, including ASCII/RTU mode. Default communication format: 9600, 7, E, 1, ASCII; refer to CR#32 for details on the communication format.

Note1: RS-485 cannot be used when connected to CPU series PLCs.

Note2: Use extension module wizard in ISPSoft to search or modify the control register (CR) in the modules.

When connected to DVP-PLC MPU in series| The modules are numbered from 0 to 7 automatically by their distance from MPU. No.0 is the closest to MPU and No.7 is the furthest. Maximum 8 modules are allowed to connect to MPU and will not occupy any digital I/O points.

Other Specifications

Power supply

Max. rated power consumption| 24V DC (20.4V DC ~ 28.8V DC) (-15% ~ +20%), 4.5W, supplied by external power.


Vibration/shock immunity

| Operation: 0°C ~ 55°C (temperature); 5 ~ 95% (humidity); pollution degree 2 Storage: -25°C ~ 70°C (temperature); 5 ~ 95% (humidity)
International standards: IEC 61131-2, IEC 68-2-6 (TEST Fc)/IEC 61131-2 & IEC 68-2-27 (TEST Ea)

Control Registers

CR    RS-485

    parameter Latched


Register content









































Model name

| Set up by the system. DVP04DA-H2 model code = H’6401.

The user can read the model name from the program and see if the extension module exists.








Output mode setting

| Reserved| CH4| CH3| CH2| CH1
Output mode: Default = H’0000 Mode 0: Voltage output (0V ~ 10V) Mode 1: Voltage output (2V ~ 10V)

Mode 2: Current output (4mA ~ 20mA)

Mode 3: Current output (0mA ~ 20mA)

CR#1: The working mode of the four channels in the analog input module. There are 4 modes for each channel which can be set up separately. For example, if the user needs to set up CH1: mode 0 (b2 ~ b0 = 000); CH2: mode 1 (b5 ~ b3 = 001), CH3: mode 2 (b8 ~ b6 = 010) and CH4: mode 3 (b11 ~ b9 = 011), CR#1 has to be set as H’000A and the higher bits (b12 ~

b15) have to be reserved. Default value = H’0000.

6| H’4038| ╳| R/W| CH1 output value|

Range of output value at CH1 ~ CH4: K0 ~ K4,000 Default = K0 (unit: LSB)

7| H’4039| ╳| R/W| CH2 output value

8| H’403A| ╳| R/W| CH3 output value

9| H’403B| ╳| R/W| CH4 output value

18| H’4044| ○| R/W| Adjusted OFFSET value of CH1| Range of OFFSET at CH1 ~

CH4: K-2,000 ~ K2,000

Default = K0 (unit: LSB)

Adjustable voltage-range: -2,000 LSB ~ +2,000 LSB

Adjustable current-range: -2,000 LSB  ~ +2,000 LSB

Note: When modifying CR#1, adjusted OFFSET is changed to default.

19| H’4045| ○| R/W| Adjusted OFFSET value of CH2

20| H’4046| ○| R/W| Adjusted OFFSET value of CH3







| Adjusted OFFSET value of CH4

24| H’404A| ○| R/W| Adjusted GAIN value of CH1| Range of GAIN at CH1 ~ CH4:

K0 ~ K4,000 Default = K2,000 (unit: LSB)

Adjustable voltage-range: 0 LSB ~ +4,000 LSB

Adjustable current-range: 0 LSB ~ +4,000 LSB

Note: When modifying CR#1, adjusted GAIN is changed to default.

25| H’404B| ○| R/W| Adjusted GAIN value of CH2

26| H’404C| ○| R/W| Adjusted GAIN value of CH3







| Adjusted GAIN value of CH4
CR#18 ~ CR#27: Please note that: GAIN value – OFFSET value = +400LSB ~ +6,000 LSB (voltage or current). When GAIN – OFFSET is small (steep oblique), the resolution of output signal will be finer and variation on the digital value will be greater. When GAIN – OFFSET is big (gradual oblique), the resolution of output signal will be rougher and variation on the

digital value will be smaller.








Error status

| Register for storing all error status.

See the table of error status for more information.

CR#30: Error status value (See the table below)

Note: Each error status is determined by the corresponding bit (b0 ~ b7) and there may be more than 2 errors occurring at the same time. 0 = normal; 1 = error.

Example: If the digital input exceeds 4,000, error (K2) will occur. If the analog output exceeds 10V, both analog input value error K2 and K32 will occur.








Communication address

| For setting up RS-485 communication address.

Range: 01 ~ 254. Default = K1








Communication format

| 6 communication speeds: 4,800 bps /9,600 bps /19,200 bps / 38,400 bps /57,600 bps /115,200 bps. Data formats include:

ASCII: 7, E, 1/ 7,O,1 / 8,E,1 / 8,O,1 / 8,N,1 / 7,E,2 / 7,O,2 / 7,N,2 / 8,E,2 / 8,O,2 / 8,N,2

RTU: 8, E, 1 / 8,O,1 / 8,N,1 / 8,E,2 / 8,O,2 / 8,N,2 Default: ASCII,9600,7,E,1(CR#32=H‘0002)

Please refer to✽CR#32 at the bottom of the page for more details.








Return to default; OFFSET/GAIN tuning authorization

| Reserved| CH4| CH3| CH2| CH1
Default = H’0000. Take the setting of CH1 for example:

1.  When b0 = 0, the user is allowed to tune CR#18 (OFFSET) and CR#24 (GAIN) of CH1. When b0 = 1, the user is not allowed to tune CR#18 (OFFSET) and CR#24 (GAIN) of CH1.

2.  b1 represents whether the OFFSET/GAIN tuning registers are latched. b1 = 0 (default, latched); b1 = 1 (non-latched).

3.  When b2 = 1, all settings will return to default values. (except CR#31, CR#32)

CR#33: For authorizations on some internal functions, e.g. OFFSET/GAIN tuning. The latched function will store the

output setting in the internal memory before the power is cut off.








Firmware version

| Displaying the current firmware version In hex; e.g. version 1.0A is indicated as H’010A.

35 ~ #48| For system use.


○ : Latched (when written in through RS-485 communication);

╳: Non-latched;

R: Able to read data by FROM instruction or RS-485 communication; W: Able to write data by TO instruction or RS-485 communication.

LSB (Least Significant Bit):

For voltage output: 1LSB = 10V/4,000 = 2.5mV.    For current output: 1LSB = 20mA/4,000 = 5μA.

  • Reset Module (Firmware V4.06 or above): Having connected the external power 24V, write the reset code H’4352 in CR#0, then disconnect and reboot to complete the setup.
  • CR#32 Communication Format Setting:
    • Firmware V4.04 (and lower): Data format (b11~b8) is not available, ASCII format is 7, E, 1 (code H’00xx), RTU format is 8, E, 1 (code H’C0xx/H’80xx).
    • Firmware V4.05 (and higher): Refer to the following table for setup. For new communication format, please take note that modules in the original setting code H’C0xx/H’80xx is to 8E1 for RTU.

                     b15 ~ b12|                        b11 ~ b8| b7 ~ b0

& High/Low Bit Exchange of CRC

| Data Format| Communication Speed
H’0| ASCII| H’0| 7,E,11| H’6| 7,E,21| H’01| 4800 bps


| RTU,

No High/Low Bit Exchange of CRC

| H’1| 8,E,1| H’7| 8,E,2| H’02| 9600 bps
H’2| –| H’8| 7,N,2*1| H’04| 19200 bps


| RTU,

High/Low Bit Exchange of CRC

| H’3| 8,N,1| H’9| 8,N,2| H’08| 38400 bps
H’4| 7,O,11| H’A| 7,O,21| H’10| 57600 bps
H’5| 8.O,1| H’B| 8,O,2| H’20| 115200 bps

Ex: To setup 8N1 for RTU (High/Low Bit Exchange of CRC), communication speed is 57600 bps, write H’C310 in CR #32.
*Note 1. Supports ASCII mode ONLY.
CR#0 ~ CR#34:** The corresponding parameter addresses H’4032 ~ H’4054 are for users to read/write data by RS-485 communication. When using RS-485, the user has to separate the module with MPU first.

  1. Function: H’03 (read register data); H’06 (write 1 word datum to register); H’10 (write many word data to register).
  2. Latched CR should be written by RS-485 communication to stay latched. CR will not be latched if written by MPU through TO/DTO instruction.

Adjusting D/A Conversion Curve

Voltage output modeDELTA-DVP04DA-H2-Analog-Output-Module-fig

Current output modeDELTA-DVP04DA-H2-Analog-Output-Module-fig

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| DELTA DVP04DA-H2 Analog Output Module [pdf] Instruction Manual
DVP04DA-H2, DVP04DA-H2 Analog Output Module, Analog Output Module, Output Module

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