GeoVision GV-CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System (CMS) Software User Guide

June 10, 2024

GeoVision logo GV-CMS Series V2 Professional
Central Monitoring System (CMS) Software
User GuideGeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring
System CMS Software 0


GeoVision Center Monitoring System series includes Center V2, Dispatch Server, Vital Sign Monitor, Control Center and GIS. The Quick Start Guide introduces Center V2, Dispatch Server, Vital Sign Monitor and GIS. For Control Center, please refer to GV-Control Center Quick Start Guide.
Note: To upgrade GV-Center V2, GV-Dispatch Server or GV-Vital Sign Monitor, run the Installer (setup.exe) included in the latest software downloads from our website, and select Upgrade / Reinstall to start. For details, see Note for Upgrading GV-Software in User’s Manual.

Chapter 1 Center V2

1.1 Minimum System Requirements
Before installation, make sure your computer meets the following minimum requirements:
Standard Version (Connects up to 5 subscribers & 160 channels)

OS 64-bit Windows 10 / Server 2016 / Server 2019
CPU Intel Core i3 2130, 3.4 GHz
Memory 4 GB Dual Channels
Hard Disk 1 GB
Graphic Card PCI-Express, 1024 x 768, 32-bit color
DirectX 9.0c
Software .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 and Chart Control

Note : To perform GPU decoding, refer to the GPU Decoding Specifications in the datasheet.

Professional Version (Connects up to 500 subscribers & 800 channels)

OS 64-bit Windows 10 / Server 2016 / Server 2019
CPU Intel Core i7 2600, 2.4 GHz
Memory 8 GB Dual Channels
Hard Disk 1 GB
Graphic Card PCI-Express, 1024 x 768, 32-bit color
DirectX 9.0c
Hardware Internal or External GV-USB Dongle
Software .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 and Chart Control

1. It is not recommended to install GV-Center V2 Pro and GV-Control Center on the same PC. Running GV-Center V2 (Pro) and GV-Control Center on the same PC may result in CPU overload error or system failure.
2. To perform GPU decoding, refer to the GPU Decoding Specifications in the datasheet.

Software License for Professional Version

Free License N/A
Maximum License 500 subscribers, 800 channels
Increment for each license N/A
Combination 1. Center V2 Pro

2. Center V2 Pro + Vital Sign Monitor
Note: It is recommended to use the internal GV-USB Dongle to have the Hardware Watchdog function which restarts the PC when Windows crashes or freezes.

1.2 Installing Center V2
Install from Software DVD

  1. Insert the Software DVD to your computer. It runs automatically and a window appears.
  2. Select Install GeoVision Primary Applications.
  3. Click GV-Center V2 and follow the on-screen instructions.
  4. To install .Net Framework 3.5 SP1, select Download Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.
  5. To install Microsoft Chart Controls, select Download Microsoft Chart Controls [for .Net Framework 3.5].
  6. To install the professional version, it is required to:
    A. Connect the GV-USB Dongle to the computer.
    B. Install the driver for the GV-USB Dongle. From the Software DVD, select Install or Remove GeoVision GV-Series Driver and select Install GeoVision USB Device Driver.

Download from GeoVision Website

  1. Go to
  2. Select Primary Applications from the drop-down list and click the Download icon of GV-Center V2.GeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System CMS Software - Primary Applications
  3. Download and install .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 from
  4. Download and install Microsoft Chart Controls from
  5. To install the professional version, it is required to:
    A. Connect the GV-USB Dongle to the computer.
    B. Install the driver for the dongle. On the Website, select Driver & F/W from the drop-down list and click the Download icon of GV-Series Card Driver / GV- USB Devices Driver.

1.3 The Center V2 Window

GeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System CMS
Software - Center V2 Window

The controls on the Center V2 window:

No. Name Description
1 Monitoring Window Displays live video.
2 Status Panel Indicates the date, time, remaining disk space,  and the

total number of online channels versus available channels.
3| Find A Subscriber| Type the desired ID in the Current Subscriber field and click this button to search.
4| Subscriber List| Displays subscribers’ ID names and online status.
Blue Icon: Indicates the subscriber is online.
Gray Icon: Indicates the subscriber is off-line.
Alarm Icon: Indicates either motion has been detected or the I/O has been triggered at the subscriber’s site.
5| Tools| Accesses Event Log, Event List, audio and microphone control, SMS Server configuration, and short message notification.
6| Host Information| Displays the connection status of subscribers.
7| Accounts| Adds, deletes or modifies subscriber accounts.
8| Preference Settings| Brings up these options: System Configure, Event Log Settings, Notification, Password Setup, E-mail Setup, Customize Alarm Report, SMS Setup, I/O Device, Automatic Failover Support and Version Information.
9| Previous Page| Displays the previous page of camera views.
10| Next Page| Displays the next page of camera views.
11| Refresh Channel| Refreshes the connection status.
12| Split Mode| Displays screens in different numbers of divisions per page.
13| Exit| Closes or minimizes the Center V2 window.
14| Flag| Flags an event for later reference.
15| Clipboard| Displays the Alarm Report dialog box.
16| Clip| Indicates an event coming with an attachment. Double-click the event to open the attached video file.
17| ID| Indicates a subscriber’s ID.
18| Event Type| Indicates the event type: Alarm, Attachment, Connection, Login/Logout, Motion, System, and Trigger.
19| Message| Indicates associated information for each event type.
20| Message Time| Indicates when Center V2 receives an event.
21| Start Time| Indicates when an event happens at the subscriber’s site.
22| Event Category| Sorts events into categories.

For details, see Chapter 1, GV-CMS User’s Manual.

1.4 Creating a Subscriber Account
Create at least one subscriber account before starting Center V2 services.

  1. On the Center V2 window, click the Accounts button . This window appears.GeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System CMS Software - Address Book
  2. Click the Add A Group button to create a group.
  3. Click the Add A Subscriber button . This dialog box appears.
  4. Type a Login ID and Password. These will be ID and password for the subscriber to log into the Center V2.
  5. Type the subscriber’s contact information in the rest of the fields (optional).
  6. Click OK to save the above settings. This dialog box appears.GeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System CMS Software - above settings
  7. Assign a Storage Group using the drop-down list. See Recording Settings, 1.15 System Configuration in the GV-CMS User’s Manual.
  8. Click OK. The subscriber account is created.

For details, see Creating a Subscriber Account, Chapter 1, GV-CMS User’s Manual.

1.5 Connecting to Center V2
You need to configure the GV-System / GV-VMS to access the Center V2 remotely. A GV-System / GV-VMS can connect up to two Center V2 servers simultaneously.

  1. Access the login dialog box on GV-System / GV-VMS:
    – On GV-System’s main screen: Click the Network button , and select Connect to Center V2. This dialog box appears.
    – On GV-VMS’ main screen: Click Home, Toolbar, Network and then select Connect to Center V2. This dialog box appears.GeoVision GV CMS Series V2
Professional Central Monitoring System CMS Software - login dialog

  2. Type the IP address, ID and password of the Center V2. Modify the default communication port if necessary. Click OK. This dialog box appears.GeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System CMS Software - Center V2

  3. To establish connection to the second Center V2, click the Add Center V2 icon and repeat steps 1 and 2.

  4. Click the Connect button to start. When the connection is established, Center V2 will start receiving live images, recordings and events from the subscriber.

1.6 Enabling Live View
Live views are popped up on the Center V2 when events and motion are detected at the subscriber. You can also enable live views to be shown constantly on the Center V2.

  1. GV-System / GV-VMS needs to grant Center V2 the privilege to allow live viewing.
    A. Follow steps 1 and 2 in 1.5 Connecting to Center V2 to access the Connect to Center V2 dialog box (Figure 1-7).
    B. Click Configure, select Advanced Settings and click the Camera tab. The Advanced Settings dialog box appears.

  2. Select Allow Center V2 to View Live Camera.GeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System CMS Software - Advance Settings

  3. To apply the settings to all the cameras, click .

  4. Connect GV-System / GV-VMS to the Center V2.

  5. On the Center V2 window, right-click the camera on the Subscriber List and select Live View.GeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System CMS Software - Live View

1.7 Recording and Playing Back
Recording upon Motion or Events
By default, the Center V2 will record any events and motion detected at the subscriber. When the video is recorded, a message labeled with [Live] appears on the Event List.

GeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System CMS
Software - Figure 1-10 Figure 1-10

Note: The default path of recorded files is :\\Center V2\Data\subscriber\Live
Recording Manually
You can also start recording manually and instantly when you see any suspicious live images.

  1. Enable live view. See 1.6 Enabling Live View.
  2. To start recording, move your cursor to the live view and click the icon on the channel heading.
  3. To stop recording, move your cursor to the live view and click the icon on the channel heading.
  4. When the video is recorded, a message labeled with [Manual] appears on the Event List.

GeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System CMS
Software - Event List

Note: The default path for recordings started manually is :\\CenterV2\Data\subscriber\Manual
Playing Back Videos
To play back the recording, double-click the message with attachment on the Event List for instant playback.

GeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System CMS
Software - Playing Back Videos

For details, see Playback, Chapter 1, GV-CMS User’s Manual.
1.8 Enabling Two-Way Audio
Two-way communications are allowed between Center V2 server and its subscribers. To enable two-way communication between the Center V2 server and the subscriber:

  1. GV-System / GV-VMS needs to grant Center V2 the privilege to allow two-way communications.
    A. Follow steps 1 and 2 in 1.5 Connecting to Center V2 to access the Connect to Center V2 dialog box (Figure 1-7).
    B. Click Configure, select Advanced Settings, and click the Other tab. The Advanced Settings dialog box appears.

  2. Under the Audio section, select Allow Audio-Out to Center V2 and Allow Audio-In from the Center V2.GeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System CMS Software - Advance Settings 2

  3. Connect the GV-System / GV-VMS to Center V2.

  4.  Move your cursor to the live view. The Microphone and Audio icons  appear at the bottom left corner.

  5. To speak to a subscriber, click the Microphone icon to turn it on. The control panel appears.GeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System CMS Software - control panel

  6. On the live view, click the Audio icon to turn it on. The control panel appears.GeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System CMS Software - control panel 2

  7. To switch to another subscriber, click the subscriber icon on the Microphone or Audio control panel, type the subscriber ID in the Search Account dialog box and click GO.GeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System CMS Software - Search Account

Chapter 2 Dispatch Server

2.1 Minimum System Requirements
Before installation, make sure that your computer meets the following minimum requirements:
Standard Requirements

OS 64-bit Windows 10 / Server 2016
CPU Intel Core i3 2130, 3.4 GHz
Memory 4 GB Dual Channels
Hard Disk 1 GB
Graphic Card PCI-Express, 800 x 600 (1280 x 1024 recommended), 32-bit

DirectX| 9.0c
Hardware| Internal or External GV-USB Dongle
Software| .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 and Chart Control
Note : To perform GPU decoding, refer to the GPU Decoding Specifications in the datasheet.

Advanced Requirements (Connects to 100 DVR subscribers or more)

OS 64-bit Windows 10 / Server 2016
CPU Intel Core i5 2500, 3.7 GHz
Memory 4 GB Dual Channels
Hard Disk 1 GB
Graphic Card PCI-Express, 800 x 600 (1280 x 1024 recommended), 32-bit

DirectX| 9.0c
Hardware| Internal or External GV-USB Dongle
Software| .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 and Chart Control
Note : To perform GPU decoding, refer to the GPU Decoding Specifications in the datasheet.

Software License

Free License N/A
Max. License 50 Center V2 servers

25000 subscribers from Center V2 servers
Increment for each license| N/A
Optional Combinations| 1. Dispatch
2. Dispatch + Vital Sign Monitor
Dongle Type| Internal or external
Note: It is recommended to use the internal GV-USB Dongle to have the Hardware Watchdog function which restarts the PC when Windows crashes or freezes.

2.2 Installing Dispatch Server
Install from Software DVD

  1. Connect the GV-USB Dongle to the computer.
  2. Insert the Software DVD to your computer. It runs automatically and a window appears.
  3. To install the USB device driver, select Install or Remove GeoVision GV-Series Driver and select Install GeoVision USB Device Drivers.
  4. To install GV-Dispatch Server, select Install GeoVision Primary Applications.
  5. Click GV-Dispatch Server and follow the on-screen instructions.
  6. To install .Net Framework 3.5 SP1, select Download Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.
  7. To install Microsoft Chart Controls, select Download Microsoft Chart Controls [for .Net Framework 3.5].

Download from GeoVision Website

  1. Connect the GV-USB Dongle to the computer.

  2. Install the driver for the dongle.
    A. Go to Dispatch%20Server
    B. On the Website, select Driver & F/W from the drop-down list and click the Download icon of GV-Series Card Driver / GV-USB Devices Driver.

  3. Select Primary Applications from the drop-down list and click the Download icon of GV-Dispatch Server.GeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System CMS Software - Card Driver

  4. Download and install .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 from

  5. Download and install Microsoft Chart Controls from

2.3 The Dispatch Server Window

GeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System CMS
Software - Dispatch Server Window

The controls on the Dispatch Server window:

No. Name Description
1 Start Server Starts Dispatch Sever.
2 Stop Server Stops Dispatch Sever.
3 Server Setting Configures Dispatch Sever.
4 Account Adds, edits and deletes the accounts of Center V2 Servers and

5| Subscriber Notification Setting| Sets the alert conditions and methods.
6| Manual Dispatch| Enables manual distribution of subscribers.
7| Stop/Start Query Center V2 Event| Specifies an event query.
8| Real-time Center V2 Event| Views real-time events occurring on Center V2 Servers.
9| Exit| Closes the Dispatch Server window.
10| Center V2 Status| This part lists the connected Center V2 Servers and their status. Subscribers can be distributed to the ticked Center V2 Servers. Unchecking will disable the distribution service.
11| Tree View| The list displays all created group folders, servers and subscribers. You can right-click any online subscriber to call up Subscriber Address Book and Camera/Audio Control Panel. For details on Camera/Audio Control Panel for live view, see 4.6 Viewing Live Video. Blue Icon: The server / subscriber is online. Red Icon: The server / subscriber is offline.
12| Subscriber Status| Displays the subscriber information such as subscriber ID, type, last login time, last dispatch and current dispatch. Click the desired subscriber from the tree view to display this information.

2.4 Creating a Subscriber Account
Create at least one subscriber before starting the services. Dispatch Server can serve up to 50 Center V2 servers and 25,000 Center V2’s subscribers simultaneously.

  1. On the Dispatch Server Window, click the Account button . The Address Book window appears.
  2. Click the Add a Group button to create a group.
  3. Click the Add a Server button to to create a Center V2 server account. A server icon pops out. Rename the server to match the location name created for the Center V2 server.GeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System CMS Software - Center V2 server
  4. Click the Add a Subscriber button to create a subscriber account. The Subscriber Address Book dialog box appears.
  5. Create an ID and password for the subscriber. The ID and password will be used when the Center V2’s subscriber wants to log into the Dispatch Server. GeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System CMS Software - subscriber wants to log
  6. Click OK to finish.


  1. ou can create sub-groups beneath a group; every sub-group can only include one Center V2 server; every server can include up to 500 subscribers.
  2. When one Center V2 server stops running, its own subscribers will be distributed to the Center V2 servers available at the same or to a higher level of the hierarchical file system.

2.5 Starting Dispatch Server
After subscriber accounts are created, you are ready to establish connections to the Dispatch Server. Follow the steps below.

  1. On the Dispatch window, click Configure and select Setting. The Dispatch Server Setting dialog box appears.
  2. Type an Identification Code. This code will be used for connecting Center V2 Server to Dispatch Server.GeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System CMS Software - Dispatch Server2
  3. Connect Center V2 to Dispatch Server. See 2.6 Connecting Center V2 to Dispatch Server.
  4. Connect GV-System / GV-VMS to Dispatch Server. See 2.7 Connecting to Dispatch Server.
  5. Click the Start Server button on the Dispatch Server window to start the service.

2.6 Connecting Center V2 to Dispatch Server
You need to configure the Center V2 to connect to the Dispatch Server.

  1. On the Center V2 window, click the Preference Settings button , select System Configure, and click the Dispatch Server tab. The Preference dialog box appears.
  2. Click the Dispatch Server tab. Type the Identification Code, IP address, and the port of the Dispatch Server.GeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System CMS Software - Dispatch Server 2
  3. Click OK.
  4. Restart the Center V2. Without this step, the Center V2 will not connect to the Dispatch Server.
  5. When the Center V2 connects successfully to the Dispatch Server,
    – Center V2 Server icon turns blue, and
    – Center V2 status information appears on the Dispatch window.GeoVision GV
CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System CMS Software - Center V2
Server 2

2.7 Connecting to Dispatch Server
Follow the steps below to configure and connect GV-System / GV-VMS to Dispatch Server.

  1. Access the Center V2 login dialog box on GV-System / GV-VMS.
    – On GV-System’s main screen: Click the Network button , and then select Connect to Center V2.
    – On GV-VMS’s main screen: Click Home, Toolbar, Network, and then select Connect to Center V2.

  2. Type the IP address of the Dispatch Server, and the user ID and password created on the Dispatch Server. See Figure 2-4 in 2.4 Creating a Subscriber Account.

  3. Change the port number from 5547 (Center V2 port) to 21112 (Dispatch Server port).

  4. Click the OK button. This dialog box appears.

  5. lick the Connect button to connect to the Dispatch Server.

  6. When the GV-System / GV-VMS connects successfully to the Dispatch Server,
    – the subscriber icon turns blue,
    – client count increases, and
    – subscriber information is accessible by clicking the subscriber on the device tree.GeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring
System CMS Software - subscriber information

Chapter 3 Vital Sign Monitor

3.1 Minimum System Requirements
Before installation, make sure your computer meets the following minimum requirements:
Standard Requirements

OS 64-bit Windows 10 / Server 2016 / Server 2019
CPU Intel Core i3 2130, 3.4 GHz
Memory 4 GB Dual Channels
Hark Disk 1 GB
Graphic Card PCI-Express, 800 x 600 (1280 x 1024 recommended), 32-bit

DirectX| 9.0c
Hardware| Internal or External GV-USB Dongle
Note : To perform GPU decoding for playback, refer to the GPU Decoding Specifications in the datasheet.

Advanced Requirements (Connects to 1000 DVR subscribers or more)

OS 64-bit Windows 10 / Server 2016 / Server 2019
CPU Intel Core i5 2500, 3.7 GHz
Memory 4 GB Dual Channels
Hark Disk 1 GB
Graphic Card PCI-Express, 800 x 600 (1280 x 1024 recommended), 32-bit

DirectX| 9.0c
Hardware| Internal or External GV-USB Dongle
Note : To perform GPU decoding for playback, refer to the GPU Decoding Specifications in the datasheet.

Software License

Free License N/A
Max. License 1000 subscribers
Increment for each license N/A
Optional Combination 1. Vital Sign Monitor

2. Vital Sign Monitor + Control Center
3. Vital Sign Monitor + Control Center + Video Wall
4. Vital Sign Monitor + Center V2
5. Vital Sign Monitor + Dispatch Server
Dongle Type| Internal or external
Note: It is recommended to use the internal GV-USB Dongle to have the Hardware Watchdog function which restarts the PC when Windows crashes or freezes.

To ensure the quality of downloading when multiple GV-Systems / GV-VMS connect to the Vital Sign Monitor, see the list below for the recommended bandwidth:

Number of Subscribers Recommended Bandwidth
100 512 Kbps
500 2 Mbps
1000 4 Mbps

3.2 Installing Vital Sign Monitor
Install from Software DVD

  1. Connect the GV-USB Dongle to the computer.
  2. Insert the Software DVD to your computer. It runs automatically and a window appears.
  3. To install the USB device driver, select Install or Remove GeoVision GV-Series Driver and select Install GeoVision USB Device Drivers.
  4. To install the Vital Sign Monitor, select Install GeoVision Primary Applications.
  5. Click GV-Vital Sign Monitor and follow the on-screen instructions.

Download from GeoVision Website

  1. Connect the GV-USB Dongle to the computer.

  2. Install the driver for the dongle. A. Go to
    B. On the Website, select Driver & F/W from the drop-down list and click the Download icon of GV-Series Card Driver / GV-USB Devices Driver.

  3. Select Primary Applications from the drop-down list and click the Download icon of GV-Vital Sign Monitor.GeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System CMS Software - GV-Vital Sign Monitor

3.3 The Vital Sign Monitor Window

GeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System CMS
Software - Vital Sign Monitor

The controls on the Vital Sign Monitor window:

No. Name Description
1 Start / Stop Service Starts or stops the Vital Sign Monitor service.
2 Account Adds, deletes or modifies subscribers.
3 Show / Hide Subscriber List Shows and hides the Subscriber List.
4 View Event Log Launches Event Log Browser.
5 Force Output Activates manually output devices to alert the Vital Sign

Monitor operator.
6| View Subscriber Information| Accesses the subscriber’s storage and monitoring information.
7| ID| Enter an ID for further search.
8| View Subscriber Address Book| Enter an ID, and then click this button to view the subscriber’s address book.
9| View Subscriber Status| Enter an ID, and then click this button to see the subscriber’s status.
10| Send E-Mail| Sends e-mails to subscribers.
11| Send Short Message| Sends SMS to subscribers.
12| Flag| Flags an event for later reference.
13| Clipboard| Displays the Alarm Report dialog box.
14| ID| Indicates the subscriber’s ID.
15| Type| Indicates the event types, including System, Connection, Login/Logout, Motion, Trigger, and Alarm.
16| Message| Indicates associated information for each event type.
17| Message Time| Indicates the time of receiving event messages.
18| Start Time| Indicates the subscriber’s time when sending out the event message.
19| Subscriber List| Indicates the number of online subscribers and displays the ID and status.
Blue Icon: Indicates the subscriber is online.
Gray Icon: Indicates the subscriber is offline.
Alarm Icon: Indicates either motion has been detected or the I/O has been triggered at the subscriber’s site.
20| Event Categories| Events can be sorted into these categories: System, Motion, Trigger, Connection, Alarm, Login/Logout, Wiegand Data, Device Lost and Offline Event. To sort the events, click View from the menu bar and select My Favorite Events.
21| Event List| Displays a list of events occurred.

3.4 Creating a Subscriber Account
The Vital Sign Monitor can serve up to 1,000 subscribers at a time. Create at least one subscriber before starting the Vital Sign Monitor services.

  1. On the Vital Sign Monitor widow, click the Account button . This window appears.GeoVision GV CMS Series V2 Professional Central Monitoring System CMS Software - Address book 2
  2. Click the Add A Group button to create a group folder.
  3. Click the Add A Subscriber button . The Subscriber Address Book dialog box appears.
  4. Type a login ID and a password. These will be the ID and Password for the subscriber to log into the Vital Sign Monitor.
  5. Type the subscriber’s contact information in the rest of fields (optional).
  6. Click OK. The subscriber account is created.

3.5 Starting Vital Sign Monitor
After subscriber accounts are created, you are ready to establish connections to the Vital Sign Monitor. Follow the steps below.

  1. Click the Start/Stop Service button on the Vital Sign Monitor window.
  2. Connect GV-System / GV-VMS to Vital Sign Monitor. See 3.6 Connecting to Vital Sign Monitor.

3.6 Connecting to Vital Sign Monitor
You need to configure the GV-System / GV-VMS to access the Vital Sign Monitor remotely. A GV-System can connect up to five Vital Sign Monitor servers simultaneously.

  1. On the main screen of GV-System, click the Network button , and select Connect to Vital Sign Monitor. This dialog box appears.

  2. Access the Vital Sign Monitor connection dialog box on GV-System / GV-VMS.
    – On GV-System’s main screen: Click the Network button, and select Connect to Vital Sign Monitor. This dialog box appears.
    – On GV-VMS’ main screen: Click Home, Toolbar, Network and then select Connect to Vital Sign Monitor. This dialog box appears,

  3. Type the IP address, User ID and Password of Vital Sign Monitor. Modify the default communication port if necessary. Click OK. This dialog box appears.

  4. To connect the GV-Systems / GV-VMS to more Vital Sign Monitor, click the Add Vital Sign Monitor button and repeat steps 1 and 2.

  5. Click the Connect button to start. When the connection is established, Vital Sign Monitor can start receiving alert messages, computer alarms and output alarms.

© 2022 GeoVision, Inc. All rights reserved.
Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of GeoVision.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate. GeoVision, Inc. makes no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of the information or products contained herein. Features and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks used in this manual: GeoVision, the GeoVision logo and GV series products are trademarks of GeoVision, Inc.
July 2022
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