OPTONICA SDM630 V2 100A Series Three Phase Multifunction Din Rail Energy Meter User Manual

June 10, 2024


OPTONICA SDM630 V2 100A Series Three Phase Multifunction Din Rail Energy


Product Information: SDM630 V2 100A Series

The SDM630 V2 100A Series is an advanced digital meter that measures energy consumption, power quality, and other electrical parameters. The meter comes with seven models that offer various communication protocols and tariff options. The meter features a clear LCD display that shows all the measured parameters, and the menu system provides easy access to configuration settings. Additionally, the meter is equipped with two pulse outputs for active and reactive energy measurement.

Key Features

  • Measures energy consumption, power quality, and other electrical parameters
  • Seven models with various communication protocols and tariff options
  • Clear LCD display and easy-to-use menu system
  • Two pulse outputs for active and reactive energy measurement
  • Dual power source measurement for some models
  • Four tariffs by RTC for some models


  • Measuring Range: 0-100A
  • Accuracy: Class 1
  • Voltage Range: 100-400V AC
  • Frequency Range: 50/60Hz
  • Pulse Output: Passive Type
  • Communication: RS485 Modbus, Mbus EN13757-3
  • Baud Rate Range for Modbus RTU: 2.4k, 4.8k, 9.6k, 19.2k, 38.4k
  • Baud Rate Range for Mbus: 0.3k, 0.6k, 2.4k, 4.8k, 9.6k

Product Usage Instructions

Before using the SDM630 V2 100A Series meter, please read the safety instructions in the user manual and observe all the warnings and precautions.

To use the meter, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that the meter is properly installed and connected according to the instructions in the user manual.
  2. Turn on the power supply to the meter.
  3. The LCD display will show the default screen with various electrical parameters.
  4. Press the “Menu” button to access the configuration menu.
  5. Use the “Up” and “Down” buttons to navigate through the menu options.
  6. Select the parameter you want to configure and press the “Enter” button.
  7. Use the “Up” and “Down” buttons to set the value of the parameter and press “Enter” again to save the setting.
  8. To exit the menu, press and hold the “Menu” button for 2 seconds.
  9. The meter will continue to measure and display the selected parameters.

If you need to configure communication protocols or tariff options, refer to the user manual for detailed instructions.

Safety Instruction

The Installation instructions do not include a complete list of all safety measures necessary for operating the device. Special operating conditions may require additional measures. The installation instructions contain notes that must be observed for your personal safety to prevent property damage. Safety instructions in this document are highlighted with a warning triangle and are presented as follows depending on the level of risk.

  • The general warning symbol calls attention to possible risks of injury.  Observe all the instructions listed under the symbol to prevent injuries or even death.
  • This additional symbol indicates any electrical danger that can result in serious injuries or death.

Warns of an imminently dangerous situation that can result in property damage or environmental damage in the event of noncompliance.


This document provides operating, maintenance and installation instructions.These units measure and display the characteristics of single phase two wire(1p2w),three phase three wire(3p3w) and three phase four wire (3p4w) networks.The measuring parameters include voltage (V), frequency (Hz),current (A),powar (kW/kVA/kVAr),import, export and total Energy (kWh/kVArh).The units can also measure maximum demand current and power, this is measured over preset periods of up to 60 minutes.
These units are Max. 100A direct connected and do not need to connecl with external current transformers (CT). The unit is built-in with pulse, RS485/Mbus outputs. Configuration is password protected.

Unit Characteristics
The SDM630 100A V2 series meters have 7 models:

| Communication|
kWh/kVArh, kW/kVAr, kVA, P, F, PF, dmd, V, A, THD, etc.| NO| NO
kWh/kVArh| RS485 Modbus| NO
kWh/kVArh, kW/kVAr, kVA, P, F, PF, dmd, V, A, THD, etc.| RS485 Modbus| NO
kWh/kVArh, kW/kVAr, kVA, P, F, PF, dmd, V, A, THD, etc.| Mbus EN13757-3| NO
kWh/kVArh, kW/kVAr, kVA, P, F, PF, dmd, V, A, THD, etc.| RS485 Modbus| 4 Tariffs (RTC)
SDM630-2T V2             kWh/kVArh, kW/kVAr, kVA, P, F, PF, dmd, V, A, THD, etc.| RS485 Modbus| 2 Tariffs (dual source)
SDM630-Mbus-2T  kWh/kVArh, kW/kVAr, kVA, P, F, PF, dmd, V, A, THD, etc.| Mbus EN13757-3| 2 Tariffs (dual source)

  • SDM630-Pulse V2, , SDM630-MT V2, SDM630-Mbus V2,
  • SDM630-Modbus V2, SDM630-Standard V2, SDM630-2T V2,
  • SDM630-Mbus-2T.

RS485 Serla~odbus RTU
“Not for SDMl30-Pulae V2 , SDM1130Mbua V2 or SDM630Mbus-2T RS485 serial port with Modbus RTU protocol to provide a means of remotely monitoring and controlling the unit.Set-up screens are provided for salting up the RS485 port. Refers ID section4.2

“For SDM113D-Mbua V2 and SDM630Mbus-2T only This uses a MBus port with EN13757-3 protocol to provide a means of remotely monitoring and controlling the unit. Sat-up screens are provided for setting up the MBus port. Refers to section 4.2
*If the Modbus / Mbus protocol document is required, please
contact us for it.

Pulse Output
The meter provides two pulse outputs for active and reactive energy measurement. Both pulse outputs are passive type.
The constant of pulse output 2 for active energy is 400implkWh (Unconfigureble ),its width is fixed at 1 00ms.
The default constant of pulse output 1 is 400imp/kWh,dafaull pulse width is 1 ooms Both pulse constant and pulse width are  configurable through set-up menu or communication. Refers to section 4.3

Dual Power Source for SDM630-2T
The meter can measure energy from two different power supplies. For example, when public grid is power off and electric generator is on, the meter switches to tariff 2 measurement automatically.
The meter can also be used as a tariff meter. The tariff is controlled by an external time relay. Itself doesn’t measure or record time information.

4T by RTC for SDM630-MT
The internal clock circuit of this unit has time automatic switching function. Calendar, clock and rate can be set and  adjusted through RS485, at least 4 tariffs and 8 time segments which can be set within a natural day.

Start Up Screens

  • The first scent lights up all display segments and can be used as a display check.

  • Sal\welB wnion intbrmetion

  • The interface performs a self-test and Indicates the result if the test pa88Bs

*After a short delay, the screen will display active energy interface as follows:

  • Total active energy in kWh.


The buttons operate as follows:

  • Selects the Voltage and Current display sCl8Bns. In Sat-up Mode, this is the “Left” or “Back”‘ button.

  • Select the Frequency and Powerfaclor display sCl8Bns. In Sat-up Mode, this is the “Up” button.

  • Select the Power display sc1Bens. In Setup Mode, this is the “Down· button.

  • Select the Energy display scene. In Setup mode, this is the “Enter” or” Rigger button.

Voltage and Current
*Not for 8DM830 ………… V2.
Each succesive press of the bul1Dn aslaclB 11 ,_ parameter.

  • Phase to neutral voltage.

  • Current on each phase.

  • Phase to neutral voltage THD%

  • Current THD% for each phase

Frequency and Power Factor and Demand

  • Not for 8DM1130-8tandard V2

Each successive parts of the button selects new range:

  • Frequency and Power Factor (total).
  • Power Factor of each phase.
  • Maximum Cum1ntDemand.
  •  Maximum Power Demand.

“Not for SDM630-Standard V2
Each successive press of the button select a new range:

  • Instantaneous Active Power in kW.

  • Instantaneous Reactive Power in kVAr .

  • Instantaneous Volt-Amps inKVA.

  • total Kw, Kwr, Kva

Energy Measurements
Each successive press of the   button selects a new range:

  • Total active energy in kWh.

  • Import active energy lnkWh. *not shown on SDM630-2T

  • Export active energy in kWh.
    *not shown on SDM630-2T

  • Tariff 1~4 active energy “For SDM630-MT V2 only
    Tariff 1~2 active energy *For SDM630-2T V2 and SDM630Mbus-2T

  • Total reactive energy

  • Import 1Bactive energy *not shown on SDM630-2T

  • Export raactive energy
    *not shown on SDM630-2T

  • Tariff 1~4 reactive energy “For SDM830-MT V2 only
    For SDM630-2T V2 and SDM630Mbus-2T

  • Date
    Year/month/day. 1 st,Jan,2000 (default) “For SDM630-MT V2 only

  • “Time
    Hour/minute/second Exampla:00:02:16 “For SDM630-MT V2 only

‘The pararnaters of dale and time can only be HI via R8415 communication.


To enter set-up mode, press the button for 3 seconds unit the password screen appears.

  • Setting up is password protected. The user must enter the connect password (default ‘1000’) before processing.

  • If an incorrect password Is entered, the display will show: PASS Err

To exit setting-up mode, press repeatedly until the measurement screen is restored.

Set-up Entry Methods
Soma menu items, such as password. require a four-digits
number entry while others, such as supply system,
require selection from a number of menu options.

Menu Option Selection

  1. Use the  and buttons to scroll through the different options of the set up menu.
  2. Press to confirm your selection
  3. If an item flashes, then it can be adjusted by the  and the buttons.
  4. Having selected an option from the current layer. press to confirm your selection.
  5. Having completed a parameter setting, press to return to a higher menu level. and you will be able to use and · buttons for further menu selection.
  6. On completion of all setting-up, press repeatedly until the measurement screen Is restored.

Number Entry Procedul8
When setting up the unit, some sCl8Bns requirable the entering of a number. In particular, on entry to the setting up section, a password must be entered. Digits are set individually, from left to right. The procedure Is as follows:

  1. The cement digit to be set flashes and is set using the and buttons
  2. Press to confirm each digit setting.
  3. After setting the last digit, press   to exit the number setting routine.

RS485/Mbus Primary Address Not for SDM630-Pulse V2

(The range is from 001 to 247 for Modbus and 001 to 250 for Mbus)

  • From the sat-up menu. press  and buttons to select the address ID.

  • Press button to enter the selection routine. The current setting will flash.

  • Use  and buttons to choose Modbus or Mbus primary address

Press to confirm the setting and press   to return lo the main set up menu.

Mbus Secondary Address
For SDMll3o-Mbua V2 and 8DM1530Mbua-ZT

  • Secondary address: 00 00 00 01 to 99 99 99 99 From the set-up menu, use and buttons to find the setting page.

  • Press to enter the selection routine. The currant setting will flash.

  • Use  and buttons to sat the secondary address

Press to confirm the salting and press to return to the main sat up menu.

Baud Rate
Baud rate range for Modbus RTU: 2.4k, 4.8k, 9.6k, 19.2k, 38.4k.
For Mbus: 0.3k, 0.6k, 2.4k, 4.8k, 9.6k.

  • From the set-Up menu, use  and buttons to select the baud rate option.

  • Press enter the selection routine. The current setting will flash

  • Use  and to choose baud rate.

Press to confirm the setting and press to rate lo the main sat up menu


  • From the sat-up menu, use  and buttons to select the parity option

  • Press to enter the selection role. The current setting will flash.

  • Use   and buttons to choose parity (EVEN/ ODD / NONE).

Press to confirm the setting and press to return lo the main sat up menu.

Stop bits

  • From the eat-up menu, use  and buttons to select the stop bit option

  • Press to antra the selection routine. the current setting will flash.

  • Use  and buttons to choose stop bit (2 or 1)

  • N ote: Default is 1, and only when the parity is NONE that the stop bit can be changed to 2.

Press to confirm the setting and press to return to the main set up menu.

Pulse Output
This option allows you to configure the pulse output 1.The output can be set to provide a pulse for a defined amount of energy active or reactive. Use this section to set up the pulse output for:
Toal kWh/Total kVArh
Import kWh/Export kWh
Import KVArh/Export KVArh

  • From the set-up menu, use   and buttons to select the pulse output option.

  • Press to enter the selection routine. The unit symbol will flash

  • Use   and buttons to choose the selection

Pulse Rate
Use this to set the energy represented by each pulse. Rate can be set to 1 pulse per

(It shows 1 pulse = 10kWh/kVArh)

  • From the set-up menu, use  and buttons to select the pulse rate option.
  • Press to enter the selection routine. The current setting will flash. When it’s dFt (default).it means 2.5Wh/VArh

Use and buttons to choose pulse rate, then press B # to confirm the setting and press W/I to return to the main set up menu.

Pulse Duration
The pulse width can be selected as 200, 100 (default) or 60ms.

(It shows pulse width of 100ms)

  • From the set-up menu, use  and buttons to select the pulse width option.
  • Press to enter the selection routine. The current setting will flash.

Use and P buttons to choose pulse rate, then press B # to confirm the setting and press WI. to return to the main set up menu.

DIT Demand Integration Time
*Not for SDM630-Standard V2 This sets the period in minutes over which the current and power readings are integrated for maximum demand measurement. The options are: 0, 5, 8, 10, 15,20,30,60 minutes

  • From the set-up menu, use  and buttons to select the DIT option. The screen will show the currently selected integration time.

  • Press to enter the selection routine. The current time interval will flash.

  • Use   and buttons to select the time required. Press B to confirm the selection.

Press U/I to exit the DIT selection routine and return to the menu.

Backlit Set-up
Backlit lasting time is settable, default lasting time is 60minutes

  • it is set as 5,the backlit will be off in 5 minutes if there is no more further operation.

  • Press to enter the selection routine. The current time interval will flash The options are: (always on)/5/10/30/60/120

Press   and to select the time interval. Then press B & to confirm the set-up.

Supply System
The unit has a default setting of 3 phase 4 wire (3P4W) Use this section to set the type of electrical system.

  • From the set-up menu,  and buttons to select the system option. The screen will show the currently selected system type.

  • Press to enter the selection routine. The current selection will flash.

  • Use  and buttons to select the required system option: 1P2 (W), 3P3 (W), 3P4 (W). Press p , to confirm the selection.

Press to exit the system selection routine and return to the menu.

*Not for SDM630-Standard V2 The meter provides a function to reset the maximum demand value of current and power.

  • From the set-up menu, use My  and buttons to select the reset option.

  • Press to enter the selection routine. The MD will flash.

Press to confirm the reset and press to return to the main set up menu.

Change Password

  • Use the  and to choose the change password option.

  • Press the to enter the change password routine. The new password screen will appear with the first digit flashing.

  • Use  and to set the first digit and press B & to confirm your selection. The next digit will flash.

  • Repeat the procedure for the remaining three digits.

Press to exit the number setting routine and return to the Set-up menu .


Measured Parameters
The unit can monitor and display the following parameters of a single phase two wire (1p2w), three phase three wire (3p3w) or three phase four wire (3p4w) system.

Voltage and Current
*Not for SDM630-Standard V2

  • Phase to neutral voltages 176 to 276V a.c. (not for 3p3w supplies).
  • Voltages between phases 304 to 480V a.c. (3p supplies only).
  • Percentage total voltage harmonic distortion (THD%) for each phase to N ( not for 3p3w supplies).
  • Percentage voltage THD% between phases (three phase supplies only).

Voltage and Current
*Not for SDM630-Standard V2

  • Phase to neutral voltages 176 to 276V a.c. (not for 3p3w supplies).
  • Voltages between phases 304 to 480V a.c. (3p supplies only).
  • Percentage total voltage harmonic distortion (THD%) for each phase to N ( not for 3p3w supplies).
  • Percentage voltage THD% between phases (three phase supplies only).
  • Current THD% for each phase

Power factor and Frequency and Max. Demand
*Not for SDM630-Standard V2

  • Frequency in Hz
  • Power factor
  • Instantaneous power:
  • Power 0 to 99999 W
  • Reactive power 0 to 99999 VAr
  • Volt-amps 0 to 99999 VA
  • Maximum demanded power since last Demand reset
  • Maximum neutral demand current, since the last Demand reset (for three phase supplies only)

Energy Measurements

  • Import active energy 0 to 999999.99  kWh
  • Export reactive energy 0 to 999999.99  kVArh
  • Import active energy 0 to 999999.99 kWh
  • Export reactive energy 0 to 999999 99 kVArh
  • Total active energy  999999.99 kWh
  • Total reactive energy  O to0 to 999999.99 kVArh

Measured Inputs
Voltage inputs through 4-way fixed connector with 25mm? stranded wire capacity. single phase two wire (1p2w), three phase three wire (3p3w) or three phase four wire (3p4w) unbalanced. Line frequency measured from L1 voltage or L3 voltage.

  • Voltage AC (Un) 3×230(400)V
  • Voltage Range 80~120% Un
  • Base Current (Ib) 10A AC
  • Max. Current (Imax) 100A AC
  • Min. Current (Imin) 0.5A
  • Starting current 0.4% of lb
  • Power consumption  ≤ 2W/10VA for the voltage measuring circuit ≤ 4VA for the current measuring circuit

Interfaces for External Monitoring
Three interfaces are provided:

  • RS485/Mbus communication channel that can be programmed for Modbus RTU/ Mbus protocol ( not for SDM630-Pulse V2)
  • Pulse output (pulse 1) indicating real-time measured energy. (configurable)
  • Pulse output (pulse2) 400imp/kWh (non-configurable)


  • Voltage  0.5% of range maximum
  • Current 0.5% of nominal
  • Frequency  0.2% of mid-frequency
  • Power factor  1% of unity (0.01)
  • Active power (W) ‡1% of range maximum
  • Reactive power (VAr) ‡1% of range maximum
  • Apparent power (VA) ‡1% of range maximum
  • Active energy (Wh) Class 1 IC 62053-21
  • Reactive energy (VArh)  Class B EN50470-1/3
  • Response time to step input  Class 2 IEC 62053-23 1s, typical, to >99% of final reading, at 50 Hz

Reference Conditions of Influence Quantities
Influence Quantities are variables that affect measurement errors to a minor degree. Accuracy is verified under nominal value (within the specified tolerance) of these conditions

  • Ambient temperature 23°C ‡ 2°C
  • Input frequency 50 Hz(MID) 50 or 60Hz ‡2%(non-MID)
  • Input waveform Sinusoidal (distortion factor < 0.005)
  • Magnetic field of external origin Terrestrial flux


  • Operating temperature -25°C to ÷55°C*

  • Storage temperature  -40°C to +70°C*

  • Relative humidity 0 to 95%, non-condensing

  • Altitude Up to 2000m

  • Warm up time    5s

  • Vibration 10Hz to 50Hz,

  • Shock     IEC 60068-2-6, 2g 30g in 3 planes

  • Maximum operating and storage temperatures are in the context of tvoical dailv and seasonal variation.


  • DIN rail dimensions 72 × 100 mm per DIN 43880
  • Mounting DIN rail (DIN35mm)
  • Ingress protection IP51
  • Material (WxH) (indoor)  Self-extinguishing UL94 V-0

Declaration of Conformity(for the MID approved version meter only)

  • We Zhejiang Easton Electronic Co. Ltd. Declare under our sole responsibility as the manufacturer that the poly phase multifuntion electrical meter “SDM630 100A series” correspond to the production model described in the EU-type examination certificate and to the requirements of the Directive 2014/32/EU EU type examination certificate number 0120/SGS0151. Identification number of the NB0598



Wiring  diagram

single phase two wire

three phase three wire

three phase four wire

Definitions of Other Terminals

Terminals Capacity and Screw Torque

Terminals __
COMM/Pulse/2T 0.5~1.5mm² 0.2Nm
Load 4~25mm² 2.5Nm

IMPORTER: Prima Group 2004 LTD,
Bulgaria, 1784 Sofia, Mladost 1, bl. 144,
Ground Floor; Phone: +359 2 988 45 72;

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