inELS RFDA-73M-RGB Dimmer for Coloured RGB LED Strips Instruction Manual

June 10, 2024

inELS RFDA-73M-RGB Dimmer for Coloured RGB LED Strips


Product Characteristics

  • Dimmer for RGB LED strips
  • 3-channels
  • Can be combined with all system components, controls, and devices of iNELS RF Control and iNELS RF Control2
  • Can be assigned an iNELS RF Control2 (RFIO2) communication protocol


The device is compatible with all system components, controls, and devices of iNELS RF Control and iNELS RF Control2. The detector can also be assigned an iNELS RF Control2 (RFIO2) communication protocol.

Usage Instructions

Before using the RFDA-73M/RGB dimmer for LED strips, please refer to the installation manual available at brochures for more information.

Control Modes

  • RF RGB Mode: enables control of color and brightness of LED RGB strips. The default colors for the RF transmitter button are fixed. Note: The RF RGB mode can be controlled only by: – RF controllers: RFWB-40, RF KEY, and RFIM-40.]
  • RF System units: RF Touch, RF Pilot, eLAN-RF-003, and eLAN-RF-Wi-003.
  • RF COLOR Mode: function CIRKUS
  • RF WHITE Mode: light scene function 1 – light scene function 2 – light scene function 3 – light scene function 4 – sunrise function – sunset function – function ON/OFF – function switch off
  • RF THERM 0-10V Mode:
  • RF THERM 1-10V Mode:

CIRCUS Function

In the RF RGB mode, it is possible to activate the CIRCUS function, which enables automatic spillover of RGB colors. To activate the CIRCUS function, start the function by simultaneous short press of the upper right and lower left buttons on the RF transmitter. The order of releasing the buttons does not matter. To terminate the CIRCUS function, press any button. This simultaneously activates the RF RGB mode.

Indicators of Memory Function

  1. On – LED blinks x 3.
  2. Off – The LED lights up once for a long time.
  3. button for less than 1s.
  4. button for more than 1s.

Setting Address and Control Mode

  1. Address number 3
  2. Setting the control mode
  3. Address number 2
  4. Manual setting of colors for control of MASTER in the RF COLOR mode
  5. Address number 1
  6. Setting the frequency of the output PWM for attaining the optimum course of dimming

Device Compatibility

The RFDA-73M/RGB device can be combined with all system components, controls and devices of iNELS RF Control and iNELS RF Control2. The detector can be assigned an iNELS RF Control2 (RFIO2) communication protocol.

Technical Specifications

  • Input voltage: +12-24 V DC
  • Operating temperature: -5°C to 45°C

Manufacturer Information

Made in Czech Republic. For more information, visit


  • The dimmer for LED strips is used for independent control of 3 single-color LED strips or one RGB LED strip.
  • The expanded selection of control modes enables it to be combined with:
    • Detectors, Controllers and System units iNELS RF Control
    • by control signal 0(1)-10V
  • The unit’s three-module design with switchboard mounting enables connection of dimmed load 3x 5A, which represents:
    • single-color LED strip 7.2 W (ELKO Lighting) – 3x 8 m
    • RGB LED strip 14.4 W (ELKO Lighting)- 10 m.
  • 6 light functions- smooth increase or decrease with time setting 25-30 min.
  • When switched off, the set level is stored in the memory, and when switched back on, it returns to the most recently set value.
  • The dimmer may be controlled by up to 32 Channels (1 channel represents 1 button on thee controller).
  • The power supply of the unit is in the range of 12-24 V DC, and is indicated by a green LED.
  • The package includes an internal antenna AN-I, in case of locating the unit in a metal switch- board, you can use the external antenna AN-E for better signal reception.
  • Memory status can be pre-set in the event of a power failure.
  • For components labelled as iNELS RF Control? (RFIO), it is possible to set the repeater function via the RFAF/USB service device.
  • Range up to 160 m (in open space), it the signal is insufficient between the controller and unit, use the signal repeater RFRP-20 or protocol component RFIO that support this feature.
  • Communication frequency with bidirectional protocol iNElLS RF ControP (RFIO).
  • You will find more on light sources and dimming options at


mounting into switchboard


Connection of an LED strip


Radio frequency signal penetration through various construction materials


For more information, see “Installation manual iNELS RF Control”:

Indication, manual control, settings


  1. Adress number 3.
  2. Setting the control mode.
  3. Adress number 2.
  4. Manual setting of colors for control of MASTER in the RF COLOR mode.
  5. Adress number 1.
  6. Setting the frequency of the output PWM for attaining the optimum course of dimming.
  • LED Un – green – Supply voltage indication.

  • LED STATUS – red – indication of the device status. Indicators of memory function:

    • On – LED blinks x 3.
    • Off – The LED lights up once for a long time.
  • Manual control is performed by pressing the PROG button for less than 1s.

  • Programming is performed by pressing the PROG button for more than 1s.
    In the programming and operating mode, the LED on the component lights up at the same time each time the button is pressed – this indicates the incoming command.

  • Mode RF RGB

    • function CIRKUS
  • Mode RF COLOR

    • function CIRKUS
  • Mode RF WHITE

    • light scene function 1
    • light scene function 2
    • light scene function 3
    • light scene function 4
    • sunrise function
    •  sunset function
    • function ON/OFF
    •  function switch off
  • Mode RF THERM 0-10V

  • Mode RF THERM 1-10V


  • The device can be combined with all system components, controls and devices of iNELS RF Control and iNELS RF Control2.
  • The detector can be assigned an iNELS RF Control2 (RFIO2) communication protocol.

Modes, programming and control


Description of mode RF RGB

  • This mode enables control of color and brightness of LED RGB strips.

  • The default colors for the RF transmitter button are fi xed.
    Note: The RF RGB mode can be controlled only by:

    • RF controllers: RFWB-40, RF KEY and RFIM-40.
    • RF System units: RF Touch, RF Pilot, eLAN-RF-003 and eLAN-RF-Wi-003.




  • Setting the brightness of output R, G, B is performed by a long press of the required button on the RF transmitter.
  • By a short press of the button on the RF transmitter, the applicable output to the set brightness switches on/off .
  • A long press of button 4 – MASTER starts the brightness settings of all outputs simultaneously. A short press switches on/off all outputs simultaneously to the set brightness.
  • Underlined RF address no. 1 listed on the front panel is used to control the actuator RFDA-73M/RGB with RF control units in the RF RGB mode.
Function programmable in the RF RGB mode

Function CIRCUS

  • Description of CIRCUS
    In the RF RGB mode, it is possible to activate the CIRCUS function, which enables automatic spillover of RGB colors

  • Activating the function

    • RF controllers: start the function by simultaneous short press of the upper right and lower left buttons on the RF transmitter. The order of releasing the buttons does not matter. Terminate the CIRCUS function by pressing any button. This simultaneously activates the RF RGB mode.
    • System units: starting the function is specifi ed in the instruction manual of the given RF control unit

Description of RF COLOR mode

  • This mode enables control of color and brightness of LED RGB strips.

  • The colors for the RF controller buttons are not fi xed.
    Note: The RF COLOR mode can be controlled only by:

    • RF controllers: RFWB-40, RF KEY and RFIM-40.
    • System units: RF Touch, RF Pilot, eLAN-RF-003 and eLAN-RF-Wi-003




  • Searching for a color – a long press of the required button of the RF transmitter starts “spillover of colors”. Releasing the button stores the set color.
  • Switching on / off of the set color – a short press of the required button on the RF transmitter.
  • A short press of button 4 – MASTER switches on/off the color that is set by potentiometers RED, GREEN and BLUE on the front panel of the actuator.
  • A short press of a single button (1, 2 or 3) and consequent long press of button 4 – MASTER set the brightness of the selected color.
  • Underlined RF address no. 1 listed on the front panel is used to control the actuator RFDA-73M/RGB with RF control units in the RF COLOR mode.
Function programmable in the RF COLOR mode

Function CIRCUS

  • Description of CIRCUS
    In the RF COLOR mode, it is possible to activate the CIRCUS function, which enables automatic spillover of RGB colors.

  • Activating the function

    • RF controllers: start the function by simultaneous short press of the upper right and lower left buttons on the RF transmitter. The order of releasing the buttons does not matter. Terminate the CIRCUS function by pressing any button. This simultaneously activates the RF COLOR mode.
    • System units: starting the function is specifi ed in the instruction manual of the given RF control unit

Description of mode RF WHITE

  • This mode enables use of 3 output channels for connecting 3 independent circuits of singlecolor LED strips. RFDA-73M/RGB can be controlled as 3 independent actuators RFDA-71B.
    Note: The RF WHITE mode can be controlled only by:

    • RF controllers: RFWB-20, RFWB-40, RF KEY, RFIM-20 and RFIM-40.
    • System units: RF Touch, RF Pilot, eLAN-RF-003 and eLAN-RF-Wi-003.

Setting the channel


Function programmable in the RF WHITE mode

Light scene function 1

  • Description of light scene 1

    •  By pressing the programmed button for less than 0.5 s, the light illuminates; it goes out by pressing again.
    • By pressing the programmed button for more than 0.5 s, fl uid brightness regulation will occur. After releasing the button, the brightness level is saved in the memory, and pressing the button shortly later will switch the light on /off to this intensity.
    • It is possible to readjust the change in intensity at any time by a long press of the programmed button. The actuator remembers the adjusted value even after disconnecting from the power supply
  • **Programming


Light scene function 2

Description of light scene 2

  • By pressing the programmed button for less than 3 s, the light illuminates; it goes out by pressing again.
  • In order to limit undesirable control of brightness, fl uid brightness control occurs only by pressing a programmed button for over 3 s. After releasing the button, the brightness level is saved in the memory, and pressing the button shortly later will switch the light on/off to this intensity.
  • It is possible to readjust the change in intensity at any time by pressing the programmed button for over 3 s.
    The actuator remembers the adjusted value even after disconnecting from the power supply



Light scene function 3

Description of light scene 3

  • By pressing the programmed button for less than 0.5 s, the light fl uidly illuminates for a period of 3 s (at 100% brightness). By pressing the button shortly again, the light will continuously switch off for 3 seconds.
  • By pressing the programmed button for more than 0.5 s, fl uid brightness regulation will occur. After releasing the button, the brightness level is saved in the memory, and pressing the button shortly later will switch the light on /off to this intensity.
  • It is possible to readjust the change in intensity at any time by a long press of the programmed button.
    The actuator remembers the adjusted value even after disconnecting from the power supply



Light scene function 4

Description of light scene 4

  • By pressing the programmed button for less than 0.5 s, the light illuminates. By pressing the button shortly again, the light will continuously switch off for 3 seconds (at 100% brightness).
  • By pressing the programmed button for more than 0.5 s, fl uid brightness regulation will occur. After releasing the button, the brightness level is saved in the memory, and pressing the button shortly later will switch the light on /off to this intensity.
  • It is possible to readjust the change in intensity at any time by a long press of the programmed button.
    The actuator remembers the adjusted value even after disconnecting from the power supply.



Function sunrise

Description of sunrise function
After pressing the programmed button, the light begins to illuminate in the programmed time interval in a range of 2 seconds to 30 minutes.



Function sunset

Description of sunset function
After pressing the programmed button, the light begins to dim in the programmed time interval in a range of 2 seconds to 30 minutes.



Function ON/OFF

Description of ON/OFF
If the light is switched off , pressing the programmed button will switch it on. If the light is switched on, pressing the programmed button will switch it off .




Description of mode THERM 0-10V
The mode is used to control the actuator by analog inputs 0 – 10 V by using the DAC3-04M or DAC3-04B. It is therefore possible to combine and control LED strips via iNELS.

Using a screwdriver on the MODE potentiometer, set the THERM 0 – 10 V mode.


Description of mode THERM 1-10V
The mode is used to control the actuator by analog inputs 1 – 10 V by using the DAC3- 04M or DAC3-04B. It is therefore possible to combine and control LED strips via iNELS.

Using a screwdriver on the MODE potentiometer, set the THERM 1 – 10 V mode.

Programming with RF control units

  • Underlined address no. 1 listed on the front of the actuator is used for programming and controlling actuators by RF control units in the modes RF RBG and RF COLOR.
  • RF addresses 1, 2 and 3 listed on the front panel of the actuator are used for programming and control in the mode RF WHITE for individual channels 1, 2 and 3.

Delete actuator

Deleting one position of the transmitter

  • By pressing the programming button on the actuator for 5 seconds, deletion of one transmitter activates. LED fl ashs 4x in each 1s interval.
  • Pressing the required button on the transmitter deletes it from the actuator’s memory.
  • To confirm deletion, the LED will confirm with a fl ash long and the component returns to the operating mode. The memory status is not indicated.
  • Deletion does not affect the pre-set memory function.

Deleting the entire memory

  • By pressing the programming button on the actuator for 8 seconds, deletion occurs of the actuator’s entire memory. LED flashs 4x in each 1s interval. The actuator goes into the programming mode, the LED fl ashes in 0.5s intervals (max. 4 min.).
  • You can return to the operating mode by pressing the Prog button for less than 1s. The LED lights up according to the pre-set memory function and the component returns to the operating mode.
  • Deletion does not affect the pre-set memory function.

Memory function on:

  • For functions 1-4, 7, 8, used to store the last state of the relay output before a power supply failure, changing the state of the output relay is written to the memory 15s after the change is made.
  • For function 5, 6, the target state of the output relay is instantly written to the memory after the timing of the delay had been entered, after the power supply is reconnected, the output relay is set to the target state.

Memory function off:
When the power supply is reconnected, the output remains off.

Technical parameters

Supply terminals: Un+, GND
Supply voltage: 12-24 V DC stabilized / stabilizované
Maximum power without load: 0.8 W
Dimmed load: LED strip / pásek 12V, 24V with common anode / se spol. anodou;

RGB LED strip / pásek 12V, 24V with common anode / se spol. anodou

Number of channels:| 3
Rated current:| 3×5 A
Peak current:| 3×10 A
Switching voltage:| Un
Contro l|
RF by command from the transmitter:| 866 MHz, 868 MHz, 916 MHz
Ext. signal:| 0-10 V, 1-10 V
Range in open space:| up to / až 160 m
Output for RF antenna:| SMA connector / konektor *
Load capacity of output +10V:| 10 mA
Other data|
Operating temperature:| -20 … + 50 °C
Storage temperature:| -30 … + 70 °C
Working position:| any / libovolná
Mounting:| DIN rail / lišta EN 60715
Protection:| IP 20 from front panel / z čelního panelu
Contamination degree:| 2
Cross-section of connecting wires (mm2):| max 1×2.5, max 2×1.5 / with a hollow / s dutinkou max. 1×2.5
Dimensions:| 90 x 52 x 65 mm
Weight:| 130 g
Related standards:| EN 60730-1; EN 60730-2-11

Max Tightening Torque for antenna connector is 0.56 Nm.


  • When you instal iNELS RF Control system, you have to keep minimal distance 1 cm between each units.
  • Between the individual commands must be an interval of at least 1s.

Instruction manual is designated for mounting and also for user of the device. It is always a part of its packing. Installation and connection can be carried out only by a person with adequate professional qualifi cation upon understanding this instruction manual and functions of the device, and while observing all valid regulations. Trouble-free function of the device also depends on transportation, storing and handling. In case you notice any sign of damage, deformation, malfunction or missing part, do not install this device and return it to its seller. It is necessary to treat this product and its parts as electronic waste after its lifetime is terminated. Before starting installation, make sure that all wires, connected parts or terminals are de-energized. While mounting and servicing observe safety regulations, norms, directives and professional, and export regulations for working with electrical devices. Do not touch parts of the device that are energized – life threat. Due to transmissivity of RF signal, observe correct location of RF components in a building where the installation is taking place. RF Control is designated only for mounting in interiors. Devices are not designated for installation into exteriors and humid spaces. The must not be installed into metal switchboards and into plastic switchboards with metal door – transmissivity of RF signal is then impossible. RF Control is not recommended for pulleys etc. – radiofrequency signal can be shielded by an obstruction, interfered, battery of the transceiver can get fl at etc. and thus disable remote control.


  • ELKO EP, s.r.o.
  • Palackého 493
  • 769 01 Holešov, Všetuly
  • Česká republika
  • e-mail:
  • EN Support: +420 778 427 366
  • CZ Technická podpora: +420 775 444 609


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