Microsemi DG0624 RTG4 FPGA SERDES EPCS Protocol Design Owner’s Manual

June 9, 2024

Microsemi DG0624 RTG4 FPGA SERDES EPCS Protocol Design Owner’s Manual
Microsemi DG0624 RTG4 FPGA SERDES EPCS Protocol Design

Revision History

The revision history describes the changes that were implemented in the document.
The changes are listed by revision, starting with the most current publication.

Revision 8.0
The following is a summary of the changes made in this revision.

  • Updated “Introduction” section on page 3.
  • Updated Figure 1 on page 4.
  • Updated Appendix 4: Simulating the Design, page 18.
  • Updated Figure 17 on page 19.

Revision 7.0
The following is a summary of the changes made in this revision.

  • Updated Figure 2 on page 4.
  • Added a note in Appendix 4: Simulating the Design, page 18 after the Figure 15, page 18.

Revision 6.0
Updated “Setting Up the Board” section step 4, CDM_2.08.24_WHQL_Certified.zip web link.

Revision 5.0
The following is a summary of the changes made in this revision.

  • Added Appendix 1: Programming the Device Using Flash Pro Express, page 13.
  • Added Appendix 2: Running the TCL Script, page 16.
  • Removed the references to Libero version numbers.

Revision 4.0
Updated the document for Libero v11.8 SP1 software release.

Revision 3.0
Updated the document for Libero v11.8 SP2 software release.

Revision 2.0
Updated the document for Libero v11.7 software release.

Revision 1.0
Revision 1.0 is the first publication of this document.


The RTG4™ devices have embedded high-speed SERDES blocks that can support data rates between 1 Gbps and 3.125 Gbps.
The high-speed serial interface block supports several serial communication standards.
The RTG4 SERDES block integrates several functional blocks to support multiple high-speed serial protocols within the FPGA.
The EPCS mode exposes the SERDES lanes directly to the fabric and configures the SERDES block in physical media attachment (PMA) only mode.
In the EPCS mode, the peripheral component interconnect express (PCIe®) and ten Gigabit attachment unit interface (XAUI) PCS logic in the SERDES block is bypassed.
However, the PCS logic can be implemented in the FPGA fabric, and the EPCS interface signals of the SERDES block can be connected to the user protocol.
This allows any user-defined highspeed serial protocol to be implemented in the RTG4 device.
In conjunction with EPCS, the available Core PCS IP module supports programmable 8B10B encoding and decoding. 8B10B is commonly used in protocols that are not included in the SERDES block by the Micro semi system-on-chip (SoC) high-speed SERDES interface.
Therefore, the Core PCS IP module can be used with these protocols.
It can be configured as a transmitter only, receiver only, or both transmitter and receiver.
Word alignment support is included in the receiver.
It can also be configured to support 10- bit or 20-bit EPCS data.
For more information about this, refer to Core PCS Handbook.
The SERDES blocks are completely configurable.
Initial register settings of the SERDES blocks are required at run-time.
This demonstration design initializes the SERDES configuration registers using the SERDES block that has a built-in initialization state machine.
The state machine loads the SERDES block with the correct register settings on power up or assertion of DEVRST.

This demo describes the following:

  • EPCS interface of the RTG4 device with High-Speed Serial Interface (PCIe, EPCS, XAUI) with initialization.
  • Using Core PCS IP modules for customized applications.
Design Requirements

Table 1 lists the design requirements to run the design.

Table 1 • Design Requirements

Requirement Version

RTG4 Development Kit:

  • USB 2.0 cable
  • 12 V, 5A AC power adapter and cords

| Rev B or later
SMA Male to SMA Male Loopback Cables| 2- SMA Male-to-SMA Male Precision Cables, such as Pasternak Industries part number PE39429-12 (or equivalent)
Host PC or Laptop| 64-bit Windows 7 and 10
Libero® System-on-Chip (SoC)| Note:
Refer to the readme.txt file provided in the design files for the software versions used with this reference design.
Flash Pro Express
GUI Software
Host PC Drivers for FlashPro5| USB to UART drivers
Framework| Microsoft .NET Framework 4 client for launching demo GUI

Note: Libero Smart Design and configuration screen shots shown in this guide are for illustration purpose only.
Open the Libero design to see the latest updates.


Before you start:
Download and install Libero SoC (as indicated in the website for this design) on the host PC from the following location: https://www.microsemi.com/product-directory/design-resources/1750-libero-soc

Demo Design

The demo design files are available for download from the following path in the Micro semi website:

The demo design files include the following:

  • GUI
  • Libero Project
  • Programming Job
  • TCL Scripts
  • Source files

Figure 1 • Design Files Top-Level Structure
Top Level Structure

Figure 2 shows the top-level structure of the RTG4 design files.

Figure 2 • RTG4 Demo Design Files Top-Level Structure
Top Level Structure

This example design demonstrates transmitting a pseudo-random binary sequence (PRBS) or counting pattern over the RTG4 high-speed SERDES interface.
The SERDES block is configured for 2.5 Gbps operational speed.
The PRBS pattern is sent over Lane 0, and a counting 8B10B encoded pattern is used with Lane 1 of the SERDES block.

  • Demo 1: Lane 0 traffic is sent directly from the fabric based PRBS generator to the SERDES block and off-chip to test SMA connections.
    Input SMA connectors are routed to the SERDES receiver pins to bring the data back into the device to the fabric based pattern checker.
    External SMA cables complete the TX to RX loopback circuit.

  • Demo 2: Lane 1 includes a pattern generator and checker that also utilizes the Core PCS IP module in the data path.
    The Core PCS IP module provides simple 8b/10b encoding and decoding functionality.
    The loopback is done on-chip.
    Note: Lane 2 and Lane 3 are not used.

Figure 3 • Demo Design Block Diagram
Block Diagram


The hardware design for the implementation includes a PRBS and count pattern generator, PRBS sequence and count pattern checker, error counter, RX and TX fabric interface blocks, delay line, UART and output select control and high- speed serial interface block connected to the RTG4 SERDES block.

Each of these blocks is explained in the following sections:

  • PRBS7 Generator, page 6
  • Count Generator, page 6
  • PRBS7 Checker, page 6
  • Count Checker, page 6
  • RX and TX Interface, page 6

PRBS7 Generator
The generator implements the PRBS7 polynomial (x7+x6+1) and generates a continuous sequence of PRBS7 patterns of 10 bits each.
Each 10-bit transmission from the generator occurs at a frequency of 39.3 MHz. The PRBS generator module runs at 125 MHz.

Count Generator
The count generator module implements a count pattern used to drive the Core PCS 8b10b encoder.
Packets created in the count generator are separated by a K28.5 character.
The payload of the packet is a simple counting pattern.

PRBS7 Checker
The PRBS7 checker checks for valid PRBS sequences. If the received sequence does not match with the one transmitted by the generator, the checker indicates an error.
The checker also implements an error counter, which is incremented for each error in the received PRBS sequence.

Count Checker
The count checker module checks for a valid count pattern received from the Core PCS 8b10b decoder.
The count checker checks each packet for the embedded count pattern used as the payload of the packet.

RX and TX Interface
RX and TX interface modules manage the timing relationships of the clock and data from the EPCS interface to the FPGA fabric when the global clocks are not used.

Figure 4 • TX and RX Interface RTL Blocks
RTL Blocks

Core UART, Fab UART, and Output Select Modules
The COREUART module communicates with the UART interface on the RTG4 Development Kit.
Fab UART and Output select modules are glue logic modules to connect the PRBS generator and checker control and error reporting signals to the GUI that communicates to the device over UART.
The Output Select block multiplexes status signals like Error, Error count, and Lock signals from Lane 0 and Lane 1.
Depending on the Lane selection, it feeds the corresponding status signals onto the UART.

The RTG4 high-speed SERDES is a hard IP block on-chip that supports rates up to 3.125 Gbps.
The SERDES block offers embedded protocol support for PCIe and XAUI.
The SERDES block also supports the EPCS interface, which can be used for custom protocols.
This Demo uses the SERDES block in the EPCS protocol.
For more information about the SERDES block, refer to UG0567: RTG4 FPGA High Speed Serial Interfaces User Guide.
In this design, the SERDESIF block is configured to be 20-bit wide, 125 MHz REFCLK, and 2.5 Gbps.

The two different types of clock domains in the EPCS demo design are:

  • Control Plane Clock: Used for initialization of the SERDES block, UART, and Output Select.
    The control plane clock is sourced by the Fabric PLL and is passed to the control blocks at a 50 MHz rate.

  • EPCS interface output Clock: Each SERDES lane provides an output clock for the transmitter and the receiver.
    The transmit clock is used to clock epcs tx intf and reminder of the transmit data path.
    The receive clock is used to clock epcs rx intf and the remainder of the receive path.

Setting Up the Demo Design

Setting Up the Board
The following steps describe how to set up the hardware demo for the RTG4 Development Kit:

  1. Connect the jumpers on the board, as shown in Table 2.
    The following table lists the jumper settings.
    Table 2 • Jumper Settings
    ** Jumper| Pin (From)| Pin (To)| Comments**
    J11, J17, J19, J23, J26, J21, J32, J27, J28| 1| 2| Default
    J16| 2| 3| Default
    J33| 1| 2| Default
    | 3| 4|

Note: Ensure that the power supply switch, SW6 is switched OFF while connecting the jumpers on the RTG4 Development Kit.

  1. Connect the host PC or Laptop to the J47 connector using the USB min-B cable.
    This serves as both the FlashPro5 programmer interface and the UART control interface for the demo GUI.

  2. Connect 12 V 6 A-power jack to the J9 power connector.

  3. Ensure that the USB to UART bridge drivers are automatically detected.
    If USB to UART bridge drivers are not installed, download and install the drivers from: www.microsemi.com/soc/documents/CDM_2.08.24_WHQL_Certified.zip

  4. Install the SMA Male to SMA Male connectors (J49 to J50 and J58 to J59)

Figure 5 shows the RTG4 Development Kit board
Figure 5  RTG4 Development Kit Board
Kit Board

Programming the Demo Design
To program the RTG4 Development Kit with the job file provided as part of the design files using Flash Pro Express software, refer to Appendix 1: Programming the Device Using Flash Pro Express, page 13.

Installing the Demo GUI

The following steps describe how to run the installer if the GUI is used for the first time:

  1. Download the design files from:

  2. Open GUI Installer > Volume > setup.exe.

  3. Click Yes for any message from User Account Control.
    The Destination Directory window is displayed with the default locations, as shown in Figure 6.

  4. Click Next.
    Figure 6 • GUI Set Up Window
    Installing The Demo

  5. Follow the instructions in the GUI to start the installation the installation.
    Note: Accept the license agreement and click Next in the Summary dialog box.
    A progress bar shows the progress of installation, as shown in Figure 7.
    Figure 7 • GUI Setup Progress Bar
    Progress Bar

  6. Wait for the installation to complete. After successful installation, Installation Complete message is displayed.

  7. Click Finish.

  8.  Restart the computer before using the installed GUI.

Running the Demo Design

The following steps describe how to run the demo design:

  1. Open Programs > EPCS_RTG4.
    Figure 8 shows the GUI window.
    Figure 8  EPCS Demo GUI Window
    Demo Design
    The drop-down list for ports has the list of serial ports available on the Host PC.
    The working ports are enabled and the unavailable ports are grayed out.

  2. Click Connect to connect the Host PC to the hardware through the selected port.
    The status signals indicate the status of the complete system operation.

  3. Select the desired lane. Either Lane 0 or Lane 1 can be individually tested.

  4. Click Start to start the EPCS Demo. The PRBS7 data (or Count data) is sent over the serial transmit link.
    It is then received by the receiver and checked for any errors.
    The status can be monitored using the status signals in the GUI at any time. For more information about the status signals, refer to Appendix 6: GUI Status Signal, page 21.

  5. Click Stop to stop the EPCS demo.

  6. Click Exit to exit the GUI.

Figure 9 shows a sample GUI window during an error free operation of the SERDES EPCS demo.

Figure 9 • Sample GUI Window
Sample Window


This demo describes the EPCS interface of the RTG4 device, the use of the self-initializing SERDES block and Core PCS IP modules, and how to use them for customized applications.
This demonstration design allows users to see an actual implementation of the RTG4 SERDES block on the development kit.
The design shows data traffic into and out of the block. It can be used for signal quality analysis of the SERDES transmitters as well as demonstrate error free data looped between the RTG4 transmitter and receiver of the SERDES block.

Appendix 1: Programming the Device Using Flash Pro Express

This section describes how to program the RTG4 device with the programming job file using Flash Pro Express.

To program the device, perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure that the jumper settings on the board are the same as those listed in Table 3 of UG0617:
    RTG4 Development Kit User Guide.

  2. Optionally, jumper J32 can be set to connect pins 2-3 when using an external Flash Pro4, Flash Pro5, or Flash Pro6 programmer instead of the default jumper setting to use the embedded FlashPro5.
    Note: The power supply switch, SW6 must be switched OFF while making the jumper connections.

  3. Connect the power supply cable to the J9 connector on the board.

  4. Power ON the power supply switch SW6.

  5. If using the embedded FlashPro5, connect the USB cable to connector J47 and the host PC.
    Alternatively, if using an external programmer, connect the ribbon cable to the JTAG header J22 and connect the programmer to the host PC.

  6. On the host PC, launch the Flash Pro Express software.

  7. Click New or select New Job Project from Flash Pro Express Job from Project menu to create a new job project, as shown in Figure 10.
    Figure 10 • FlashPro Express Job Project
    Job Project

  8. Enter the following in the New Job Project from Flash Pro Express Job dialog box:

    • Programming job file: Click Browse, and navigate to the location where the .job file is located and select the file.
      The default location is: \rtg4_dg0624_df\Programming_Job

    • Flash Pro Express job project location: Click Browse and navigate to the desired Flash Pro Express project location.
      Figure 11 • New Job Project from FlashPro Express Job
      Express Job

  9. Click OK. The required programming file is selected and ready to be programmed in the device.

  10. The Flash Pro Express window appears as shown in Figure 12.
    Confirm that a programmer number appears in the Programmer field.
    If it does not, confirm the board connections and click Refresh/Rescan Programmers.
    Figure 12 • Programming the Device
    Programming The Device

  11. Click RUN. When the device is programmed successfully, a RUN PASSED status is displayed as shown in Figure 13.
    Figure 13 • Flash Pro Express—RUN PASSED
    Run Passed

  12. Close Flash Pro Express or click Exit in the Project tab.

Appendix 2: Running the TCL Script

TCL scripts are provided in the design files folder under directory TCL Scripts.
If required, the design flow can be reproduced from Design Implementation till generation of job file.

To run the TCL, follow the steps below:

  1. Launch the Libero software
  2. Select Project > Execute Script….
  3. Click Browse and select script.tcl from the downloaded TCL_Scripts directory.
  4. Click Run.

After successful execution of TCL script, Libero project is created within TCL Scripts directory.
For more information about TCL scripts, refer to rtg4_dg0624_df/TCL Scripts/readme.txt.
Refer to Libero® SoC TCL Command Reference Guide for more details on TCL commands.
Contact Technical Support for any queries encountered when running the TCL script.

Appendix 3: Using RTG4 for Customer Design

Transmitter Section
The PRBS7 generator in the transmitter section can be replaced with the customer data generator.
The data generator is interfaced with the TX Interface block as shown in Figure 14.

Receiver Section
The PRBS7 checker in the receiver section can be replaced with the data receiver in the customer design.
The data receiver takes input from the RX Interface, as shown in Figure 14.
Figure 14 • Replacing Demo Design with Customer Design
Receiver Section

This demo is targeted for RTG4150. It is recommended to use a clock resource to reduce the clock injection time into the fabric.
This is done by instantiating an RCLKINT library element on the clock outputs of SERDESIF EPCS TX_CLK and RX_CLK.
The interface blocks for the transmitter and receiver are also recommended to achieve timing closure.
These blocks employ a scheme specifically designed for the RTG4 family and optimize the interface for both setups and hold when not using the global clocks.
These blocks must be used exactly from this demo design in all EPCS designs.
Verilog HDL is used in this tutorial. VHDL modules are available in the SOURCE Directory

Appendix 4: Simulating the Design

Figure 15 • Organizing Simulation Test bench in Project
Simulating The Design

The following steps describe how to simulate the design:

  1. Import the EPCS TOP TB. v file to the Libero project.

  2. Right-click Simulate and select Organize Input files > Organize Stimulus Files to setup the EPCS TOP TB. v file for simulation, as shown in Figure 15.

  3. Import the wave.do file to the Simulation folder of the Libero project.
    Note: wave.do and EPCS_TOP_TB.v files are available in the Source_files folder of rtg4_dg0624_df.

  4. Go to Project > Project Settings > waveforms and select Include DO file check box.

  5. Change the Simulation runtime to 2 us using the Do File option under Project Settings.
    In the Simulation options > DO file window, ensure the Test bench module name and Top level instance name are proper, according to the test bench file.

  6.  Select vsim command under Project Settings and change the resolution to 1 ps.

  7. Click Save to save the settings.

  8. Right-click Simulate in the Libero Design Flow and select Open Interactively.
    The design is simulated through a test bench.
    The test bench simulates the high-speed serial interface block in the EPCS mode.
    To run the simulation, double-click Simulate under Verify Pre- Synthesized Design in the Design Flow tab of the Libero project, as shown in Figure 16.
    Figure 16 • Simulating the Design
    Simulating The Design

Observe the simulation results for Lane0 and Lane1.
The simulation automatically runs from the test bench and shows data on the lanes, generates and checks the results.
The simulation posts messages to the log indicating the various steps of the SERDES initialization and operation.
Once the simulation moves to the operational phase, use Run -all to continue with the test bench.
After the simulation, the Simulation Waveform window is displayed, as shown in Figure 17.
Figure 17 • Simulation Waveform Window
Waveform Window

Appendix 5: Verifying Timing using Smart Time

Smart Time is a gate-level static timing analysis tool.
Using Smart Time, user can perform the following steps to complete a timing analysis of the design and ensure that all timing constraints are met.
The design operates at the desired speed with the right amount of margin across all operating conditions.
For more information, refer to Smart Time for Libero SoC User’s Guide.

  1. Double-click Verify Timing. The Libero software will perform a timing check and report any timing violations.
    Figure 18 • Verify Timing
    Timing Using
    Smart Time is an interactive tool that can be invoked from the Design Flow pane.

  2. Double-click Open Smart Time.
    Figure 19 • Smart Time
    Timing Using

Smart Time window is displayed in Max Delay Analysis View, as shown in Figure 20, page 20.
It shows the setup or hold time violations that cause design issues in the hardware.
Figure 20 • SmartTime Session
Smart Time Session

Appendix 6: GUI Status Signal

Table 3 shows the various status signals.

Table 3 • GUI Status Signals

Status Signal Description
Host Connection Indicator of COM port connection on the host PC.

GREEN: COM port is connected.
RED: COM port is disconnected.
Serial Link| Indicator of transmission link for serial data.
GREEN: Link is up and running.
RED: Link is down.
Rx Lock| Receiver lock.
GREEN: The receiver receives a valid and error-free data.
The receiver is locked to the PRBS7 or count sequences and the subsequently transmitted sequences can be successfully received.
RED: The receiver receives an invalid data.
Rx Error| Indicates the status of the packets received.
GREEN: Received packets are error-free.
RED: A corrupted packet or any error is detected in the received PRBS7 or count sequences.
Error Count| Gives the count of errors detected in the received PRBS sequences.
Generate Error| Introduces errors in the transmission for debug purposes. Introduces error in the transmitted PRBS sequence, which increments the Error Count display
Clear Error| Sets error count to zero.

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