Microsemi UG0651 SmartFusion 2 FPGAs User Guide

June 9, 2024

UG0651 Smart Fusion 2 FPGAs
User GuideMicrosemi UG0651 SmartFusion 2 FPGAs -

UG0651 Scaler

Revision History

The revision history describes the changes that were implemented in the document. The changes are listed by revision, starting with the most current publication.
1.1 Revision 5.0
In revision 5.0 of this document, the Resource Utilization section and the Resource Utilization Report were updated. For more information, see Resource Utilization (see  page 15).
1.2 Revision 4.0
In revision 4.0 of this document, the Steps to simulate the core using test bench was added. For more information, see Test Bench (see page 8) .
1.3 Revision 3.0
The following is a summary of changes in revision 3.0 of this document.

  • Updated the Configuration Parameters table. For more information, see Test bench Configuration. Parameters (see page 8)
  • Updated the timing diagram. For more information, see Timing Diagram (see page 7) .
  • Added the Information about image buffer 0 and image buffer 1. For more information, see. Hardware Implementation (see page 4)
  • Updated the Information about FSM states. For more information, see FSM Implementation (see. page 6)

1.4 Revision 2.0
The following is a summary of changes in revision 2.0 of this document.
Added the Test bench Configuration Parameters table. For more information, see Test bench. Configuration Parameters (see page 8)
Updated the tables such as, Scaler Input and Output Ports and Resource Utilization Report. For more information, see Inputs and Outputs (see page 5) and Resource  Utilization Report (see page 15) .
Updated the figures such as, Scaler Block Diagram and Timing Diagram. For more information, see and Scalar Block Diagram (see page 4) Timing Diagram (see page 7).
1.5 Revision 1.0
Revision 1.0 is the first publication of this document.


Image scaling is a process of constructing a resized image from a given input image. The constructed image can be smaller, larger, or equal in size, depending on the scaling  ratio. While scaling up an image, empty spaces are introduced in the base image. The following figure shows an image at its original dimensions (2×2) and at scaled-up  dimensions (4×4). The white pixels represent empty spaces where interpolation is required, and the complete picture is the result of the nearest neighbor interpolation.
Interpolation algorithms attempt to generate continuous data from a set of discrete data samples through an interpolation function. The interpolation algorithms minimize  the visual defects arising from the inevitable resampling error and improve the quality of the resampled images. The interpolation function is performed by the convolution  operation that involves a large number of additions and multiplications. However, a trade-off is required between the computation complexity and quality of the scaled image.  Based on the content awareness of the algorithm, the image scaling algorithms are classified as adaptive image scaling and non-adaptive image scaling.
Adaptive image scaling algorithms modify their interpolation technique based on whether the image has a smooth texture or a sharp edge. The interpolation method changes  in real-time, therefore these algorithms are complex and computationally intensive. They find widespread use in image editing software, as they ensure a high quality scaled  image.
Non-adaptive image scaling algorithms such as nearest neighbor, bilinear, bicubic, and Lenclos algorithms have a fixed interpolation method irrespective of the image content.
Using the nearest neighbor algorithm, image scaling is performed by interpolating a pixel’s color and intensity values (horizontally and vertically) based on the values of  neighboring pixels. The nearest neighbor algorithm is used to find the empty spaces in the original image, and to replace them with the nearest neighboring pixel.

Microsemi UG0651 SmartFusion 2 FPGAs

Hardware Implementation

The scaler module contains two internal buffers that can store one line of the image for processing—Image_Buffer0_i and Image_Buffer1_i. Each line of input data is  written to Image_Buffer0_i and Image_Buffer1_i, alternately. The line_ready signal indicates that the scaler can start processing the next line. It must be set to high after the  input line write to the buffer is completed.
With the exception of the first line, after one line of data is input to the scaler, the next line must be input only after the Line_Done_o signal goes high. For a new frame, the  first two lines of the frame need to be input before the scaler starts processing the data.
The data stored in the image buffer is scaled to calculate the output data based on the nearest neighbor algorithm.
When downscaling the height of the image, the next input line to the scaler must begin with the pixel number mentioned in NxtLine_PixelNum_Offset_o. When upscaling,  the value of NxtLine_PixelNum_Offset_o is the first pixel of the next line in sequence.

The following equations are used to calculate scaling factors for horizontal and vertical resolutions.

X= x /x x 2g scaling_bitwidth scale_factor
Y= y /y x 2 g scaling_bitwidth scale_factor

The following figure shows the scaler block diagram.

Microsemi UG0651 SmartFusion 2 FPGAs - Scalar Block

3.1 Inputs and Outputs
The following table describes the input and output ports.
Table 1 • Inputs and Outputs

Signal Name Direction Width Description
nReset_I Input Active low asynchronous reset
signal to design.
SYS_CLK_I Input System clock.
DATA_In_i Input [g_DATA_BITWIDTH * g_CHANNELS – 1: 0] Input data to scaler.
DATAIn_VLD_i Input Set when input data is valid.
Start_i Input Scaler start signal. To be set to high before loading a new

InputXRes_i| Input| [g_INPUT_X_RES_BITWIDTH – 1 : 0]| Input image width resolution.
OutputXRes_i| Input| [g_OUTPUT_X_RES_BITWIDTH – 1 : 0]| Output image width resolution.
OutputYRes_i| Input| [g_OUTPUT_Y_RES_BITWIDTH – 1 : 0]| Output image height resolution.
xScaleFactor_i| Input| [g_SCALE_FACTOR_BITWIDTH – 1 : 0]| Width scale factor.
yScaleFactor_i| Input| [g_SCALE_FACTOR_BITWIDTH – 1 : 0]| Height scale factor.
Scaler_done_o| Output| –| Set to high for one clock cycle of system clock when the scaler completes scaling of one frame.
Line_Done_o| Output| –| Set to high after one line is processed.
NxtLine_PixelNum_Offset_o| Output| [(g_INPUT_Y_RES_BITWIDTH+gINPUT


| Indicates the pixel number of the source

image from which the next line is to be dumped into the scaler image buffer.
When downscaling height wise, this signal indicates the next line in sequence.

DATA_OUT_o| Output| [g_DATA_BITWIDTH * g_CHANNELS – 1 : 0]| Scaled data output.
DATAOut_VLD_o| Output| –| Sets when output data is a valid register and describes the output of the scaler.
line_ready| Input| –| Set when writing the current line to the image  buffer is complete, indicating that buffer data  is ready for processing.

3.2 Configuration Parameters
The following table describes the configuration parameters used in the hardware implementation of the scaler. These are generic parameters and can vary based on the application requirements.

Table 2 • Configuration Parameters

Signal Name Description
g_DATA_BITWIDTH Width of the data input or output
g_CHANNELS Number of data channels
g_INPUT_X_RES_BITWIDTH Input resolution X bit width
g_INPUT_Y_RES_BITWIDTH Input resolution Y bit width
g_OUTPUT_X_RES_BITWIDTH Output resolution X bit width
g_OUTPUT_Y_RES_BITWIDTH Output resolution Y bit width
g_SCALE_FACTOR_BITWIDTH Scaling factor bit width
g_SF_ROUNDING_PRECISION Scaling factor’s rounding precision bit width.

Default value is configured to 256 (28).
g_BUFF_DEPTH| Line buffer depth

3.3 FSM Implementation
The scaler finite state machine (FSM) goes through the following states during implementation.

  • IDLE: After the module is reset or frame processing is complete, the FSM goes to IDLE state and waits for the start signal to move to the RAM_FULL_CHECK state.
  • RAM_FULL_CHECK: The FSM remains in this state until the write to the image buffer is completed and line_ready signal is received. Then, it moves to the
  • INP_PIXEL_INC state.
  • INP_PIXEL_INC: The FSM moves to the NXT_PIXEL state in the next cycle.
  • NXT_PIXEL: The FSM moves to WAIT_STATE in the next cycle.
  • WAIT_STATE: The FSM moves to DATAOUT state in the next cycle.
  • DATAOUT: The output pixel is calculated based on the horizontal counter, vertical counter, and scaling factors. The horizontal and vertical counters are updated and the  read address and read enable signal (for reading from one of the two image buffers) is generated. On completion of processing of one input line, the FSM moves to  RAM_FULL_CHECK state. After the total frame data is output, the FSM moves to IDLE state.

The following figure shows the scaler FSM implementation.

Microsemi UG0651 SmartFusion 2 FPGAs - Scaler FSM

3.4 Timing Diagrams
The following figure shows the timing diagram of the scaler.Microsemi UG0651
SmartFusion 2 FPGAs - Timing Diagram

3.5 Test bench
A test bench is provided to check the functionality of the scaler core. The following table lists the parameters that can be configured according to the application.
Table 3 • Test bench Configuration Parameters

Name Description
CLKPERIOD Clock Period
IN_HEIGHT Height of the input image
IN_WIDTH Width of the input image
OUT_HEIGHT Height of the output frame
OUT_WIDTH Width of the output frame
IMAGE_FILE_NAME Input file name

The following steps describe how to simulate the core using the test bench.

  1. In the Design Flow window, expand Create Design . Right-click Create Smart Design Test bench and click Run as shown in the following figure.Microsemi UG0651 SmartFusion 2 FPGAs - Creating Smart

  2. In the Create New Smart Design Test bench dialog box, enter a name and click OK .Microsemi UG0651 SmartFusion 2 FPGAs - SmartDesignSmart Design test bench is created, and a canvas appears to the right of the Design Flow pane.

  3. In the Libero SoC Catalog  window, expand Solutions-Video , and drag the Scaler core onto the Smart Design test bench canvas.Microsemi UG0651 SmartFusion 2 FPGAs - ScalerThe core appears on the canvases shown in the following figure.Microsemi UG0651 SmartFusion 2 FPGAs - Scaler Core

  4. Select all the ports of the core, right-click and select Promote to Top Level as shown in the following figure.Microsemi UG0651 SmartFusion 2 FPGAs - PromoteThe ports are promoted to the top level as shown in the following figure.Microsemi UG0651 SmartFusion 2 FPGAs - Scaler Ports

  5. On the Smart Design toolbar, click Generate Component highlighted in the following figure. The Smart Design component is generated.Microsemi UG0651 SmartFusion 2 FPGAs - Generate Component

  6. In the Files window, right-click simulation and click Import Files… as shown in the following figure.Microsemi UG0651 SmartFusion 2 FPGAs - Import Files

  7. Do one of the following:
    • To import the sample test bench input file, browse to sample test bench input file to the stimulus directory and click Open as shown in the following figure. A sample RGB_in.txt file is provided with the test bench at the following path: ..\Project_name\component\Microsemi\SolutionCore\Scaler\2.0.0 \Stimulus
    • To import a different file, browse to the folder containing the image file and click Open .Microsemi UG0651 SmartFusion 2 FPGAs - Input
FileThe imported file is listed under simulation as shown in the following figure.Microsemi UG0651 SmartFusion 2
FPGAs - Simulation

  8. From Stimulus Hierarchy window expand Work , right-click ( ) and select Scaler_test Scaler_tb.v Simulate Pre-Synth Design  and then click Open Interactively. The core is simulated for one frame.Microsemi UG0651 SmartFusion 2 FPGAs - SimulatingThe Modalism tool appears with the test bench file loaded into its shown in the following figure.Microsemi UG0651 SmartFusion 2 FPGAs - ModelSimIf the simulation is interrupted because of the runtime limit specified in the file, use the DO run – command to complete the simulation. After the simulation is completed, the test bench output all image file appears in the simulation folder.

3.6 Resource Utilization
The scaler is implemented in the SmartFusion®2 system-on-chip (SoC) FPGA (M2S150T-1FC1152 package) and Polar Fire FPGA (MPF300TS_ES-1FCG1152E package). The following table lists the resources used by the FPGA.
Table 4 • Resource Utilization Report

Resource Usage
DFFs 328
4-Input LUTs 510
RAM1Kx18 2
RAM64x18 0

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UG0651 User Guide Revision 5.0


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