DELTA AC MAX EU-Basic Version Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger User Manual

June 9, 2024

DELTA AC MAX EU-Basic Version Electric Vehicle (EV) Charger



The ownership and all intellectual property rights of this Installation and Operation Manual (this “Manual”), including but not limited to the content, data and figures contained herein are vested by Delta Electronics, Inc. (“DELTA”). The Manual can only be applied to operation or use of the device. Any disposition, duplication, dissemination, reproduction, modification, translation, extraction or any other usage to the Manual is prohibited without obtaining DELTA’s prior written permission. As the product will be developed and improved continuously, DELTA may modify or update the Manual from time to time without any notice. DELTA disclaims any kinds or forms of warranty, guarantee or undertaking, either expressly or implicitly, including but not limited to the completeness, accuracy, non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for particular purpose or usage. Copyright © 2021 Delta Electronics, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Intended use
The device is developed, manufactured, tested and documented according to the safety standards. If you comply with the instructions and safety instructions described for its intended use, the product normally will not pose any danger in terms of property damage or to the health of people. The instructions contained in this manual shall follow to the letter. Otherwise, sources of danger may be produced or safety equipment may be rendered inoperable.
This device may only be used to charge Battery Electric Vehicle or Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle in accordance with the following regulations:

  • Mode 3 charging according to IEC 61851-1 for electric vehicles with non-gas discharged batteries.
  • Use with plugs and sockets according to IEC 62196.

In addition, the following conditions apply for intended use:

  • The device is exclusively for stationary installation.

  • The device is designed for installation on a wall or pedestal.

  • The device can be used for indoors and outdoors.
    The following uses are considered as not intended:

  • The charging of electric vehicles with gassing batteries is not permitted.

Safety instructions

Before installing, commissioning, and operating of the EVSE, review this manual carefully and consult with licensed contractors, licensed electricians and installation experts to ensure compliance with local building practices, climate conditions, safety standards, and state and local codes. DELTA is not responsible for damage caused by failure to follow the safety instructions and work instructions in this manual.


Risk of electric shock
Dangerous voltages and currents can occur during operation of the EVSE. Therefore, before carrying out any work on the EVSE, take the following protective measures:

  • Disconnect all electrical power prior to installing the EVSE. Failure to do so may result in electric shock, physical injury or damage to the electrical system and charging unit.
  • Do not remove circuit protective devices or any other component until all electrical power is disconnected.
  • Secure the working area against access by unauthorized persons.
  • The EVSE must be connected to a grounded, metal, permanent wiring system or an equipment grounding conductor must be run with the circuit conductors and connected to the equipment grounding terminal or lead on the EVSE.
  • Use a measuring instrument to check that there is no voltage.
  • Use appropriate protection when connecting to the main power distribution cable.

Risk of electric shock
Dangerous voltages and currents can occur when operating the EVSE.

  • Do not use the device to charge or supply other devices.
  • Do not touch the contact pins of the charging plug when operating.
  • Do not use adapters, conversion adapters or cord extension sets with the EVSE.
  • Do not use this EVSE if the flexible power cord or charging cable is frayed, the insulation is broken, or the device shows signs of damage.


  • Close the charging plug with the protective cap when not in use.
  • Damaged cables may only be replaced by electricians.
  • Do not use this EVSE if the enclosure or the vehicle connector is broken, cracked, open, or shows any signs of damage.
  • Only pull the charging cable out of the charging socket by the charging plug.


Risk of tripping
People can trip over cables lying around.

Always hang the charging cable in the holder supplied with the EVSE after use.

  • A device using pressure connectors for field wiring connections must be supplied with instructions that specify a range or nominal value of the tightening torque to be applied to the terminal screws of the connectors.
  • Any repair work as well as the replacement of components on the EVSE may only be carried out by DELTA. Otherwise the warranty will become void.
  • Damaged or illegible safety labels must be replaced.
  • The EVSE can only be installed by licensed contractors, or licensed electricians in accordance with all applicable state, local and national electrical codes and standards in a location with non-restricted access.
  • To ensure the ingress protection degree IP55, seal all external connections adequately. Seal unused connections with the caps provided.
  • Warning notices, warning symbols and other markings attached to the EVSE by DELTA must not be removed.

Operator‘s duty of supervision

  • As the operator of the EVSE, you are responsible for the safety of the users and its proper use.
  • As the operator of the EVSE, you are responsible for the safety of particularly vulnerable persons, especially children. Ensure that such persons maintain a sufficient safety distance from the EVSE and the charging cable.
  • Consider the emergency routes at the installation site.
  • Do not install the device at potentially explosive atmosphere areas (Ex areas).
  • In case of risk of electric shock, fire or explosion, please press the emergency button immediately, which will turn off all input and output to ensure safety. Once the emergency button is pressed, the operator shall be informed and the EVSE shall not restart until the technician reset the EVSE.

Model series
The following describes the segmentation used to describe the basic features of each available model:


Product overview

Scope of delivery


Depends on model configuration

Recommended tools

The following tools are recommended for the installation of product:


Installer-supplied components

Installers may prepare the following parts:

  1. Conduit of appropriate size or cable gland (M32) for input power wires to ensure the water resistance.

  2. DIN 46228-4 Cord end terminal:
    Please use the cord end terminal for split conductors while installation.

  3. Upstream breakers:
    To reduce the risk of fire, only connect to a circuit with circuit breaker conforming to IEC 60898-1.

Current| 16 A| 32 A|
Pin length| 18 mm| 18 mm|
Wire range| 4 mm2| 10 mm2|

Upstream breakers:
To reduce the risk of fire, only connect to a circuit with circuit breaker conforming to IEC 60898-1.

Model                 Circuit breaker specification
EIAW-E7K          40A min., 230V min., 2 poles, Type B
EIAW-E11K        20A min., 400V min., 4 poles, Type B
EIAW-E22K        40A min., 400V min., 4 poles, Type B

Overview of components

  1. Mounting bracket

  2. Key switch

  3. Body

  4. LED bar

  5. Cable gland

  6. Middle cover

  7. A. Vehicle connector
    7-B. Socket/ socket with shutter

  8. Front cover

  9. Water proof cap


Before you start, please read the following instructions.

Prepartion before start

Installation site selection
AC MAX can be installed in both indoor and outdoor environments. It is necessary to consider the installation conditions and protection at the site:

  • Follow local electrical regulation and installation standards.
  • Consider the emergency routes at the installation site.
  • Do not install the device at potentially explosive atmosphere areas (Ex areas).

Recommended installation positions
When considering installation positions, make sure EV can be easily connected with EVSE and have enough space for maintenance.


Recommended installation space
Installers shall follow applicable accessibility requirements for the mounting position. The EVSE shall be mounted at a height between 800 mm (31.5 inches) and 1200 mm (47.2 inches) above ground.


(Optional) emergency button
Installers shall install a waterproof box (at least IP 44) and an isolator switch that both complies with local codes. Installers assemble the MCB and Type A RCD in the waterproof box, then install the Isolator switch at front end of the box, as shown in below circuit wiring diagram.


Installation steps

Remove front cover and middle cover

  1. Remove the screw located at the bottom of front cover by using a Torx T20 screwdriver.
  2. Pull the front cover upward to separate from the EVSE.
  3. Remove the screw located at the middle cover by using a Torx T20 screwdriver.
  4. Remove the middle cover.

Mark drill holes
The EVSE is a stationary wall-mounted equipment. Using the template to mark the screw locations for the mounting bracket and cable holder (optional).


Secure mounting bracket

  1. The cable holder is optional and depicted in the figure for demonstration purposes. The following are recommended bolt types:
  2. Masonry walls: 1/4″ expansion bolts. Torque: 8.8 N·m (78 lb·in)
  3. Finished walls supported by wood studs: #8 wood screws of 2″ or above screw length. Torque: 3 N·m (26 lb·in)
  4. Align the EVSE with the screw holes on the mounting bracket.
  5. Secure the EVSE on the mounting bracket with the supplied Torx T30 screws.
    Torque: 1.5 N·m (13 lb·in)

Configure dip switches
Configure the dip switches with following steps

Phase unbalance protection
Choose the pin 1 to enable or disable the phase unbalance protection. When the function is enabled, the protection will limit the phase unbalance to 15 A.


Note: The unbalance current rating can be changed via Bluetooth with the AC MAX App. The configured unbalance must comply with the specifications of the grid code in force at your installation site.
The password to reach this setting in the AC MAX App is: 0000

Authorization mode
Choose the pin 2 to configure the authorization mode for Bluetooth availability.


If the pin 2 is set to OFF (left), the key switch has to be turned ON to start a charging session. The Bluetooth authentication is deactivated in this configuration but the app can still connect and be used to configure, monitor and update the wallbox.
If the pin 2 is set to ON (right), the charging session can only be started from the Delta AC MAX App. The key switch authentication is deactivated in this configuration.

Grounding system
Choose the pin 3 to configure the grounding system for TT/TN or IT system.


If the pin 3 is set to OFF, the wallbox is configured for TN/TT grids. In this configuration, the wallbox continuously monitors the availability of the protective earth conductor. If the impedance of this measurement is too high, the wallbox will indicate the problem by the status LED.

If the pin 3 is set to ON, the wallbox is configured for IT grids. In this configuration, the wallbox monitors that no protective earth conductor is connected. If the wallbox recognizes the availability of the protective earth conductor, it will indicate the problem by the status LED.

Maximum current setting
Choose the pin 4-6 to configure the maximum output current ratings.


  • Depends on model configuration
    For AC MAX models with a maximum current of 16 A, the configurations 20 A, 24 A and 32 A limit the maximum output current to 6 A.
    Note: There are cars that do not start the charging session at 6 A.

Connect input wire

  1. Install the copper wire as described. The section of copper wire connected to terminal shall be reserved enough tolerance to prevent any tension or stress from the external force.
    Note: Copper wire type: 10 mm, 70ºC.

  2. Insert the input wire into the terminal accordingly. The cord end terminal shall be inserted to the end without any deviation.
    Note: Bottom-fed/rear-fed is available for indoor/outdoor installation with cable gland.

  3. Make sure the terminal block is secured correctly.

Dry contact
Use appropriate wires (0.75 mm) and connect each of them to the correct terminal connector for dry contact connections shown on wiring schemes (Left 1: NO, Left 2: COM).
Note: The product provides a closing signal when unable to close the output. There are breaker types that trip to stop output when a closing signal is accepted. It is mandatory requirement for Netherland and Italy.

Wiring diagram


Note: To fulfill requirements for electrical installations in UK, the following shall be observed.

  1. When installed in a TN systems, the supplying circuit shall not include a PEN conductor(combined protective and neutral) .
  2. If the power grid belongs to TN-C-S system, the charger needs to be grounded separately to TT system. A PME earthing facility shall not be used as the means for the protective conductor contact of a charging point located outdoors.

(Optional) active power control
Users can control the EVSE with external components (e.g. a ripple control receiver from the power supplier, a domestic controller, a time switch, a combination lock, a photovoltaic system, etc.).


  1. Ensure that hazardous voltages are isolated safely.

  2. The application is taken into consideration for that charging station with a rated power > 12 kVA shall be equipped with control equipment for network integration via an interruptibility by the network operator in Germany.

  3. Based on the bottom line, attach the control board to the inner surface of EVSE.

  4. Remove the water proof cap and pass through the signal cable with appropriate conduit or cable gland.

  5. Connect the signal cable according to pin definition ( and must connect to the Pin 1 (+5V). Note: suggested wire of signal cable: 1.5 mm2.

  6. Assemble the connector

  7. Connect the control board

Pin definition
User can connect the external component with signal cable based on following configuration. The output power will be adjusted by the following pin definition once the grid power is limited by network operator. The power limitation is based on rated output power configured by dip switches (

Configuration A
Connect the signal cable with Pin 1 and Pin 5 as below:

Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 4 Pin 5 Power limitation
Low Low Low Low Output 100% power
Low Low Low High Stop charging

Configuration B
Connect the signal cable with Pin 1 to Pin 5 as below:

Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 4 Pin 5 Power limitation
Low Low Low Low Output 100% power
High Low Low Low Output 87.5% power
Low High Low Low Output 75% power
High High Low Low Output 62.5% power
Low Low High Low Output 50% power
High Low High Low Output 37.5% power
Low High High Low Output 25% power
High High High Low Output 12.5% power
Low Low Low High Stop charging

(Optional) ModBus RTU via RS485
To connect the wallbox with an external (Home) Energy Management System (H)EMS, connect two communication wires to the RS485 terminal.

The default RS485 settings are 8N1

  • Data bits: 8
  • Parity bit: None
  • Stop bit: 1
  • Baud rate: 19200 Baud

Note: The Modbus settings can be changed via Bluetooth with the AC MAX App. The password to reach this setting in the AC MAX App is: 0000

Secure middle cover and front cover

  1. Recover the middle cover on the EVSE and secure the middle cover by using Torx T20 screwdriver.
    Torque: 1.2 N·m (10.5 lb·in)
    Note: rubber sealing shall be put on the appropriate position before recovery.

  2. Recover the front cover on the EVSE.

  3. Secure the screw located at the bottom of front cover by using a Torx T20 screwdriver.
    Torque: 0.5 N·m (4.4 lb·in)

Enabling the Charging Function
The key switch is located on the side of the product. The EVSE is authorized to charge when the key switch is in the “On” position.
Note: This applies only, if the Authorization mode is set to Key switch.


Turn on the upstream breaker. The indicator flashes in yellow during a system self-test. After the self-test completed, the indicator illuminates in blue and the EVSE is ready to charge.

(Optional) Connect the AC MAX App

  1. Search on the Apple App Store or Google Play for Delta AC MAX App and install the app on your smartphone.

  2. Open the app and follow the instructions on the connect screen.
    Note: If there is no QR code on the back of your quick installation guide, your AC MAX was produced before the compatibility with the AC MAX App. In this case, open the firmware update manual in the AC MAX App and follow the instructions to upgrade your wallbox.

  3. The required password to enter the advanced settings is 0000.

Start charging

  1. Connect the vehicle connector to vehicle inlet.
    Note: for socket or socket with shutter model, please connect the plug to EVSE first.

  2. Authorize the charging session either be setting the key switch to ON or via the AC MAX App, dependent on the DIP switch number 2 ( Authorization mode) configuration.

  3. The indicator flashes blue to indicate the charging is initiated.

Stop charging

1. Stop charging session at the vehicle.
2. Disconnect the vehicle connector from the vehicle inlet.
Note: the plug would be locked by the EV and please unlock the plug if needed.
3. Recover the vehicle connector to vehicle connector inlet.

LED Indicator



Fault events


Symbol description


3 or more Flashes refer to previous figures of time duration.


Contact Customer Support if the EVSE appears to malfunction or if the LED indicators display a fault event. DO NOT open the EVSE, touch or remove the circuit protective devices or any other component.



Model AC MAX Basic
Input 3.7 kW / 11 kW
Nominal Current 16 A
Grid Connection Single-phase electric power (L1, N, PE)

Three-phase electric power (L1, L2, L3, N, PE)

All AC MAX BASIC models support both, single phase and three phase installations

AC Voltage| 230 V / 400 V
Frequency| 50 Hz / 60 Hz
Grounding systems| TN, TT, IT
Terminal| PCB terminal block
Protection| Over current, Under voltage, Over voltage, Over temperature, Surge protection, Short circuit, Ground fault
Standby Power| 3.6 W
Charging Output
Nominal Power| Single-phase: 3.7 kW

Three-phase: 11 kW

| Single-phase: 7.4 kW

Three-phase: 22 kW

Nominal Current| 16 A per phase| 32 A per phase
Connector Type| AC Type 2 Plug| AC Type 2 Plug AC Type 2 Socket

AC Type 2S Socket

Charging Voltage| 230 V / 400 V
Cable Length| 5 m (models with AC Type 2 Plug charging interface)
Protection| RCD Type A (AC 30 mA) RDC-DD (DC 6 mA)
Compliance| IEC 61851-1, IEC 62196-2, IEC61008-1, IEC 62955
User Interface
Display| Status LED, 4 colors
Authentication| Key switch
Charger Configuration| Maximum charging current selectable by 8-step hardware DIP switch
Network Interface
Protocols and Applications| Configuration, control, monitoring and firmware update
Protocols and Applications| ModBus RTU for energy management
Mechanical Properties
Ingress Protection (IEC 60529)| IP55
Impact Protection (IEC 62262)| IK09
Cooling| Natural convection
Dimensions (W x H x D)| 218 x 371 x 167 mm ( 8.6 x 14.6 x 6.6 inch)
| 6.0 kg (13.3 lbs), including charging cable
Environmental Conditions
Operating Temperature Range| – 30 ºC to + 50 ºC (- 22 ºF to + 122 ºF)
Storage Temperature Range| – 40 ºC to + 80 ºC (- 40 ºF to + 176 ºF)
Humidity| < 95 % relative humidity, non-condensing
Altitude| Up to 2,000 m (6,500 ft.)
EU Low Voltage Directive| IEC 61851-1, IEC 62479
EU EMI Directive| EN 61000-3-11 / -12, IEC 61851-21-2

Regular cleaning of EVSE is required while standby state. Using a soft damp cloth with clear water is highly recommended and make sure no water enters the vehicle connector.


Customer service can provide more information on the terms of warranty. However, the following cases are not covered by the warranty.

  • Defects or damage caused by not using the product as specified in the Installation and Operation Manual.
  • Costs and damage caused by repair work which is not provided by DELTA approved authorized specialist or electrician.

The EVSE is an electronic device and must be disposed of separately from normal house wastes. Please have it disposed in compliance with the waste disposal and recycle local regulation.

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