PHILIPS SM355B Disinfection Upper Air Ceiling Mounted User Manual

June 4, 2024


PHILIPS SM355B Disinfection Upper Air Ceiling Mounted

What’s In the Box





Total UV-C output (W):

Effective irradiance in maximum in



tensity direction

Distance from| Maximum| Maximum
luminaire| irradiance value| irradiance value
(m)| (mW/m2)| (W/m2)
0.2| 1522.62| 1.52
2| 135.63| 0.14
10| 8.29| 0.01


12/2021, Signify Holding All rights reserved Printed in Poland Data subject to change without notice
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Installation Instruction



  1. UV-C basic information
  2. Applicable safeguards and installation requirements for the wall mount UV-C device
  3. Maintenance and safe use
  4. Warnings concerning reasonably foreseeable improper usage, malfunctions, and hazardous failure modes.

UV-C basic information

What is UV-C?
Ultraviolet (UV) light is invisible to human eyes. It can be subdivided into three categories:

  • UV-C from 200 to 280 nm – For disinfection purposes and germicidal application.
  • UV-B from 280 to 315 nm – For medical use (i.e. phototherapy to treat skin conditions, including psoriasis).
  • UV-A from 315 to 400 nm – For use with curing, suntanning, and insect traps.

How does UV-C work?

  • UV-C radiation can break the DNA and RNA of bacteria, viruses, and spores, meaning that they leave them harmless. There are no known microorganisms resistant to UV-C1?
  • UV-C technology has been used safely and effectively in hospitals and governmental buildings for more than 40 years 2.
  • Most UV-C solutions utilize conventional lighting, with LED now improving in efficiency.
  • The peak output of our germicidal lamps (253.7 nm) is close (80%-85%) to the maximum effectiveness of UV-C (265 nm).
  • Smaller UV-C wavelengths (222 nm) are being explored as less harmful alternatives.

Installation Requirements and Safeguards for this Product

The device described in this guide is designed to operate and provide UV-C irradiation in the open air of indoor rooms for disinfection. The disinfection happens in a germicidal zone over the height where people are occupying the room. Staying in the room where these luminaires are installed and turned on is allowed if the below instructions are followed while being present in the subject indoor room. To achieve this safe condition, the following precautions must be taken and followed, and kept during use:

Installation, electrical connection, and verification of installed products,

  1. Installation of the products referenced herein should only happen after a design of the UV-C irradiation in the application itself, which defines the exact positions for installation. (referenced commonly as lighting design).
  2. The product installation must follow the pictorial instructions provided in this document, with the below precautions to be followed:
    • Check the product after unpacking for damage. Do not install the physically damaged products.
    •  Only install into ceilings that meet the following criteria:
    • Suitable to hold luminaire weight
    • The ceiling is horizontal and suitable for the size of the fixture
    • The product must be installed in a safe height as described in the pictorial instructions
    • Attach a safety anchorage strap to the luminaire to both top connection points (behind the ceiling after installation), as an additional safety measure (safety strap not included)
  3. The product must be installed on a power circuit which meets the following criteria:
    • Can be turned on/off separately from any general lighting used in the building
    • It meets the national electric code of the actual country of use and installation
    • It is separated from any lighting system by its own circuit breaker
    • The input power switch must be lockable for safe shutdown during maintenance
  • Fluence (UV Dose) Required to Achieve Incremental Log Inactivation of Bacteria, Protozoa, Viruses and Algae Revised, updated and expanded by Adel Haji Malayeri, Madjid Mohseni, Bill Cairns, and James R. Bolton. With earlier contributions by Gabriel Chevrefils (2006) and Eric Caron (2006) With peer review by Benoit Barbeau, Harold Wright (1999), and Karl G. Linden
  • EPA Report, “Building Retrofits for Increased Protection Against Airborne Chemical and Biological Releases”

Visible marking of freely accessible height
Heights defined in this section are as below, defined by the distance to the floor.

  • Ceiling height – the height of the ceiling is measured from the floor and has a minimum value of 2,6 m.
  • Accessible height – height, which defines the level to stay below during the operation of the UV-C unit. This height has a minimum value of 2,3 m.

During normal use of this product, it is strictly forbidden to climb, reach and/or enter by any means into the zone which is above the Accessible height. Above the accessible height, UV-C irradiance is high enough to cause injury and/or pose risk to human 2.2 health. The below marking needs to be placed into the room where the product is installed to distinguish and mark the accessible height. The markings must not blend into the surroundings. The height of installation of these marks is 1,83 m from the floor for all locations where markings must be installed. It is not allowed to remove or cover the marks after installation by any means (examples of not allowed covering: overpainting, covering by furniture, temporary removal). If the actual position of installation requires, use additional fixation to prevent the markings from being removed from their position after installation (example: fixing with additional pins to avoid peeling off).

The marks must be placed in the following locations in the rooms where the product is installed.

  • Any entry point to the room where the product is installed (example: outside of the door(s) o entry).
  • Under the product itself or on the closest wall where free access in the room is available. If multiple fixtures are installed in the same room, at least 1 mark per unit must be placed on the wall.

Commissioning (Verification of the mounted products)

Installation of the products referenced herein should only happen after a design of the UV-C irradiation in the application itself (referenced generally as lighting design). In any case the installation cannot be handed over to the final customer without the final commissioning of the products in the actual installation. Steps of verification of the installed products are as below:

  • Install luminaire to the pre-designed positions according to this document following all instructions.
  • Stay on the ground level and make sure no one is staying above 2 m.
  • Use personal protective equipment that protects against UV-C irradiation and/or accidental exposure.
  • Turn on power to the luminaires.
  • Survey the room with a sensitive UV-C meter at 1,83 m height for UV-C levels. Ensure that the used UV-C meter is capable to measure within the range of 0.2 uW/cm2 irradiance.
  • UV-C levels are acceptable if they are at 0.2 HW/cm for an 8-hour exposure time, or an equivalent dose as per ISO 15858.
  • If the intensity level is not according to the usage of the room (Exposure time and/or irradiance) the position and number of units should be reconsidered and adjusted to reach the required level of irradiance in the actual installation.


The unit is designed for minimum maintenance needs and time. Possible maintenance for the unit by a qualified person is limited to changing lamps in the unit. Occasional UV-C measurements must be made to ensure that the UV-C levels in the treated areas remain within the allowable exposure limits. A regular cycle of cleaning the lamp and interior reflector must be established based on visual inspection and experience. The frequency of cleaning will vary with the conditions surrounding each installation. It is recommended that the lamp and reflector be cleaned at least every 6 months. Lamp exchange needs can be identified by the lamp operating hours, or by doing periodic irradiance measurements at predefined positions of the actual installation in the final environment. Lamp exchange and/or cleaning procedure must be executed in this order:

  1. identify the unit that needs cleaning or maintenance.
  2. Use personal protective equipment that protects against UV-C irradiation and/or accidental exposure.
  3. Make sure that power is turned off at the switch that is switching the UV-C devices centrally.
  4. Lock out and tag out the lockable switch which in off state. This ensures safety during maintenance against accidental turn-on.
  5. Remove the 4 capped nuts from the bottom and remove the white bottom plate.
  6. Take out the 4 lamps by pulling it forward from the holder.
  7. Clean the lamps with a soft, lint-free cloth.
  8. Clean the reflectors with a soft, lint-free cloth. For reflectors, the cloth may be moistened with pure alcohol.
  9. Place the lamp back into the lamp holders. If replacing the lamp, place the new lamp into position. Lamps contain mercury.
  10. Replaced old lamps should be disposed of properly!
  11. Re-position the white plate and place the capped nuts back into position. Tighten the capped nuts.
  12. Leave the area of the UV-C beam and stay in the freely accessible zone as defined by the visible marking safeguard.
  13. Remove the lockout tagout from the switch at the central switch location.
  14. Turn on the power.
  15. Repeat the commissioning process to make sure that after lamp replacement, the irradiance levels are still acceptable.

In case of lamp breakage follow the below instruction:
Before cleanup:

  • Have people and pets leave the room and avoid the breakage area on the way out.
  • Open a window or door to the outdoors and leave the room for 5-10 minutes.
  • Shut off the central forced-air heating/air conditioning (HVAC) system if you have one.
  • Collect materials you will need to clean up the broken bulb:
    • Stiff paper or cardboard.
    • Sticky tape (e.g., duct tape).
    • Damp paper towels or disposable wet wipes (for hard surfaces).
    • Glass jar with a metal lid (such as a canning jar) or a sealable plastic bag(s).

Cleanup Steps for Hard Surfaces

  1. Carefully scoop up glass fragments and powder using stiff paper or cardboard and place debris and paper/cardboard in a glass jar with a metal lid. Ifa glass jar is not available, use a sealable plastic bag. (NOTE: Since a plastic bag will not prevent the mercury vapor from escaping, remove the plastic bag(s) from the home after cleanup).
  2. Use sticky tape, such as duct tape, to pick up any remaining small glass fragments and powder. Place the used tape in the glass jar or plastic bag.
  3. Wipe the area clean with damp paper towels or disposable wet wipes. Place the towels in the glass jar or plastic bag.
  4. Vacuuming of hard surfaces during cleanup is not recommended unless broken glass remains after all other cleanup steps have been taken. [NOTE: It is possible that vacuuming could spread mercury-containing powder or mercury vapor, although available information on this problem is limited.] If vacuuming is needed to ensure the removal of all broken glass, keep the following tips in mind:
    • Keep a window or door to the outdoors open.
    • Vacuum the area where the bulb was broken using the vacuum hose, if available; and
    • Remove the vacuum bag (or empty and wipe the canister) and seal the bag/vacuum debris, and any materials used to clean the vacuum, in a plastic bag
  5. Promptly place all bulb debris and cleanup materials, including vacuum cleaner bags, outdoors in a trash container or protected area until materials can be disposed of.  Avoid leaving any bulb fragments or cleanup materials indoors.
  6. Next, check with your local government about disposal requirements in your area, because some localities require fluorescent bulbs (broken or unbroken) to be taken to a  local recycling center. If there is no such requirement in your area, you can dispose of the materials with your household trash.
  7. Wash your hands with soap and water after disposing of the jars or plastic bags containing bulb debris and cleanup materials.
  8. Continue to air out the room where the bulb was broken and leave the HVAC system shut off, as practical, for several hours.

Cleanup Steps for Carpeting or Rugs

  1. Carefully scoop up glass fragments and powder using stiff paper or cardboard and place debris and paper/cardboard in a glass jar with a metal lid. If a glass jar is not available, use a sealable plastic bag. (NOTE: Since a plastic bag will not prevent the mercury vapor from escaping, remove the plastic bag(s) from the home after cleanup).

  2. Use sticky tape, such as duct tape, to pick up any remaining small glass fragments and powder. Place the used tape in the glass jar or plastic bag.

  3. Vacuuming carpeting or rugs during cleanup is not recommended unless broken glass remains after all other cleanup steps have been taken. [NOTE: It is possible that vacuuming could spread mercury-containing powder or mercury vapor, although available information on this problem is limited.] If vacuuming is needed to ensure the removal of all broken glass, keep the following tips in mind:

    • Keep a window or door to the outdoors open.
    • Vacuum the area where the bulb was broken using the vacuum hose, if available, and
    • Remove the vacuum bag (or empty and wipe the canister) and seal the bag/vacuum debris, and any materials used to clean the vacuum, in a plastic bag.
  4. Promptly place all bulb debris and cleanup materials, including vacuum cleaner bags, outdoors in a trash container or
    protected area until materials can be disposed of. Avoid leaving any bulb fragments or cleanup materials indoors.

  5. Next, check with your local government about disposal requirements in your area, because some localities require fluorescent bulbs (broken or unbroken) be taken to a local recycling center. If there is no such requirement in your area, you can dispose of the materials with your household trash.

  6. Wash your hands with soap and water after disposing of the jars or plastic bags containing bulb debris and cleanup materials.

  7. Continue to air out the room where the bulb was broken and leave the HVAC system shut off, as practical, for several hours.

Future Cleaning of Carpeting or Rugs:

  1. Air Out the Room During and After Vacuuming
  2. The next several times you vacuum the rug or carpet, shut off the HVAC system if you have one, close the doors to other rooms, and open a window or door to the outside before vacuuming. Change the vacuum bag after each use in this area.
  3. After vacuuming is completed, keep the HVAC system shut off and the window or door to the outside open, as practical, for several hours

To secure safe use:

  1. Any change to the layout of the place where the UVC upper air luminaire is installed requires running again the commissioning procedure; see point 2.2 of this manual Commissioning (Verification of the mounted products).
  2. Any modernization in terms of painting walls or ceilings or changing artificial ceilings (e.g tails exchange) requires running a gain commissioning procedure; see point 2.2 of this manual – Commissioning (Verification of the mounted products).
  3. Customer/User of UVC upper air luminaire is obliged to inform about risks related to UV-C devices, all parties working on his premises on product maintenance and/or cleaning, especially and including risk for health in case of being exposed to UV-C radiation and ways to prevent it.

Reasonably foreseeable improper usage, malfunctions, and hazardous failure modes.

Issue / Failure mode| Potential effect (s of failure)| Potential cause(s) / Mechanism(s) of failure| Prevention

Irradiance too low in the germicidal zone

| dose too low leading to a reduced disinfection rate which may cause

airborne pathogens remaining inactivated

| ****

T ambient of application

| Temperature monitoring, keep the temperature within limits described in the product specification
dose too low leading to a reduced disinfection rate which may cause

airborne pathogens remaining inactivated

| ****

shadowed area of UV-C

| ****

Make sure the treated area will not be shadowed by other objects

dose too low leading to a reduced disinfection rate which may cause

airborne pathogens remaining inactivated

| ****

dust on UV-C source

| ****

Make sure the lamp (UV-C source) is clean and free of dust

No dose at all – thus no disinfection function

| Luminaire is not on| luminaire is not connected| Connect luminaire according to the manual instruction
driver not working| luminaire is not switched on| Switch on luminaire with all safety

measure described in the user manual

Lamp not working| end of life or failure of the driver| Replace the driver with an authorized provider

Exposure to a higher dose than allowed for 8 hours stay

| Unintended human exposure to UV-C, sunburn-like reaction to the skin, and serious damage to

the cornea

| ****

Too high reflections from walls

| ****

Do not allow changes to room layout after installation.

Exposure to a higher dose than allowed for 8 hours stay

| Unintended human exposure to UV-C, sunburn-like reaction to

the skin and serious damage to the cornea

| ****

Too high reflections from walls

| In case of rooms that have movable walls, commission for the smallest room size layout.

Accidental exposure in the main beam

| Unintended human exposure to UV-C, sunburn-like reaction to the

skin and serious damage to the cornea

| ****

Visible marking safeguard is not followed

| Check training materials and user manual. Reinforce the use of visible marking safeguard

Accidental exposure in the main beam

| Unintended human exposure to UV-C, sunburn-like reaction to the

skin and serious damage to the cornea

| ****

A visible marking safeguard is not installed


The lamp is broken during the replacement

| ****

Hg from the lamp may contaminate the surface and room

| ****

Accidental fall of the lamp while relamping

| Be careful and focused while relamping. Follow replacement instructions. In case of breakage

follow instructions on how to clean Hg contamination.

Goods and surroundings damaged due to UV-C

| ****

Material degradation, painting fade away due to UV-C

| Precious goods and non-UV-C resistant materials around luminaire in germicidal zone

are not secured while lamp operating

| Make sure all precious goods/objects/ signs are removed or hidden/protected from direct UV-C application

Safety Precautions

  • This product is UV-C Risk Group 3 rated, according to IEC
  • Warning : UV-C emitted from this Avoid eye and skin exposure to unshielded product. Follow installation instructions and user manual.
  • Warning : Our UV-C Products are not meant to be used in applications or activities which may cause and/or lead to death, personal injury and/or damage to the
  • Warning : Products not designed and/or intended to be used to disinfect medical devices or for medical purposes; Signify excludes any and all liability for any such improper
  • Warning : Products are not provided with safeguards and may only be installed and used in connection with the appropriate Customer is responsible for procuring and installing said safeguards prior to using the Product.
  • Warning : Products are designed and intended to be used in professional applications. Products are not meant for use in consumer or household
  • Warning: Plants can be affected by UV-C radiation, whereby some plants are more sensitive than In tests Ficus Benjamina, Ficus Elastica “Robusta”, Sansiferia Laurentii, and Peperomia Obtusifolia showed good resistance to UV-C. Switch off luminaires when no disinfection is required.
  • Lamps include Mercury. If a lamp breaks, ventilate the room for 30 minutes and remove the parts, preferably with gloves. Put them in a sealed plastic bag and take it to your local waste facilities for recycling. Do not use a vacuum cleaner. Please follow User
  • The luminaire shall be installed by a qualified electrician and wired in accordance with the latest IEE electrical regulations or the national
  • During installation or when maintaining the luminaire use static-free gloves to avoid marks on the
  • To remove dirt and spots use the following:
    • Dust: only use microfiber
    • Fingerprints, etc.: use a cleaner for synthetic materials with antistatic

© 2021 Signify Holding
All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information presented in this document does not form part of any quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable, and may be changed without notice. No liability will be accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent- or other industrial or intellectual property rights. Signify Holding The Netherlands

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