Smart Thermostat ADC-T3000 Manual

June 8, 2024

Table of Contents

Smart Thermostat

SKU: ADC-T3000


This is a
U.S. / Canada / Mexico

Please make sure the internal battery is fully charged.

To add this device to your network execute the following action:
1.Put Z-Wave controller into Add mode.See Z-Wave controller documentation for further documentation.2.Press the Menu (-) Button3.Select SETTINGS4.Select NETWORK5.Select ADD6.Thermostat will display Network Add In Progress and the 4-digit DSK pin.The pin can be used for S2 inclusion.7.The thermostat has been added successfully when the thermostat displays Network Add Complete

Please refer to the
Manufacturers Manual
for more information.

Important safety information

Please read this manual carefully. Failure to follow the recommendations in this manual may be dangerous or may violate the law.
The manufacturer, importer, distributor and seller shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from failure to comply with the instructions in this manual or any other material.
Use this equipment only for its intended purpose. Follow the disposal instructions.

Do not dispose of electronic equipment or batteries in a fire or near open heat sources.

What is Z-Wave?

Z-Wave is the international wireless protocol for communication in the Smart Home. This
device is suited for use in the region mentioned in the Quickstart section.

Z-Wave ensures a reliable communication by reconfirming every message ( two- way
) and every mains powered node can act as a repeater for other nodes
( meshed network ) in case the receiver is not in direct wireless range of the

This device and every other certified Z-Wave device can be used together with any other
certified Z-Wave device regardless of brand and origin
as long as both are suited for the
same frequency range.

If a device supports secure communication it will communicate with other devices
secure as long as this device provides the same or a higher level of security.
Otherwise it will automatically turn into a lower level of security to maintain
backward compatibility.

For more information about Z-Wave technology, devices, white papers etc. please refer

Product Description

The Intelligent Thermostat gives you remote access and control of your thermostat.Enjoy effortless energy management, climate and ambiance control, custom automation and measurable results. Create custom smart schedules that automate your thermostat. Receive critical temperature alerts to know instantly when your thermostat reaches preset limits. Save energy by using location-based automation to have your thermostat adjust itself while you’re out.This thermostat is part of an entire ecosystem of home automation products.It was built to provide a single integrated solution to give you more from your connected home.

Prepare for Installation / Reset

Please read the user manual before installing the product.

In order to include (add) a Z-Wave device to a network it must be in factory default
Please make sure to reset the device into factory default. You can do this by
performing an Exclusion operation as described below in the manual. Every Z-Wave
controller is able to perform this operation however it is recommended to use the primary
controller of the previous network to make sure the very device is excluded properly
from this network.

Reset to factory default

This device also allows to be reset without any involvement of a Z-Wave controller. This
procedure should only be used when the primary controller is inoperable.

Please use this procedure only when the network primary controller is missing or otherwise inoperable.1.Turn the display on with any button press2.Press Menu (-) button to go to main menu3.Select SETTTINGS.4.Select CONTINUE when prompted with the warning.5.Select RESET6.Select YES when prompted with the reset confirmation question.7.Select CONTINUE when prompted with the network reset question.


On factory default the device does not belong to any Z-Wave network. The device needs
to be added to an existing wireless network to communicate with the devices of this network.
This process is called Inclusion.

Devices can also be removed from a network. This process is called Exclusion.
Both processes are initiated by the primary controller of the Z-Wave network. This
controller is turned into exclusion respective inclusion mode. Inclusion and Exclusion is
then performed doing a special manual action right on the device.


1.Put Z-Wave controller into Add mode.See Z-Wave controller documentation for further documentation.2.Press the Menu (-) Button3.Select SETTINGS4.Select NETWORK5.Select ADD6.Thermostat will display Network Add In Progress and the 4-digit DSK pin.The pin can be used for S2 inclusion.7.The thermostat has been added successfully when the thermostat displays Network Add Complete


1.Put Z-Wave controller into Remove mode.See Z-Wave controller documentation for further documentation.2.Press the Menu (-) Button3.Select SETTINGS4.Select NETWORK5.Select REMOVE6.Thermostat will display Network Remove In Progress.7.The thermostat has been removed successfully when the thermostat displays Network Remove Complete

Quick trouble shooting

Here are a few hints for network installation if things dont work as expected.

  1. Make sure a device is in factory reset state before including. In doubt exclude before include.
  2. If inclusion still fails, check if both devices use the same frequency.
  3. Remove all dead devices from associations. Otherwise you will see severe delays.
  4. Never use sleeping battery devices without a central controller.
  5. Dont poll FLIRS devices.
  6. Make sure to have enough mains powered device to benefit from the meshing

Association – one device controls an other device

Z-Wave devices control other Z-Wave devices. The relationship between one device
controlling another device is called association. In order to control a different
device, the controlling device needs to maintain a list of devices that will receive
controlling commands. These lists are called association groups and they are always
related to certain events (e.g. button pressed, sensor triggers, …). In case
the event happens all devices stored in the respective association group will
receive the same wireless command wireless command, typically a ‘Basic Set’ Command.

Association Groups:

Group NumberMaximum NodesDescription

1 4 Z-Wave Plus Lifeline

Configuration Parameters

Z-Wave products are supposed to work out of the box after inclusion, however
certain configuration can adapt the function better to user needs or unlock further
enhanced features.

IMPORTANT: Controllers may only allow configuring
signed values. In order to set values in the range 128 … 255 the value sent in
the application shall be the desired value minus 256. For example: To set a
parameter to 200 it may be needed to set a value of 200 minus 256 = minus 56.
In case of a two byte value the same logic applies: Values greater than 32768 may
needed to be given as negative values too.

Parameter 1: HVAC Type

HVAC System Type
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0


0 Normal
1 Heat Pump

Parameter 10: Balance Setpoint

If the outside temperature falls below the balance setpoint, the thermostat will only use Auxiliary heating to heat and will not use the heat pump.NOTE: Temperature parameters take the form of 4-byte Z-Wave temperature commands where byte 1 is the (precision|scale|size) and bytes 2 and 3 are the 16-bit signed temperature value.Byte 4 is unused.
Size: 4 Byte, Default Value: 30


0 – 95 Balance Setpoint

Parameter 12: Fan Circulation Period

Size: 2 Byte, Default Value: 60


1 – 1440 Fan Circulation Period

Parameter 13: Fan Circulation Duty Cycle

The percentage of the circulation period the fan is on.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 25


0 – 100 Duty Cycle

Parameter 14: Fan Purge Time

The number of seconds the thermostat keeps the fan running after turning the system off.
Size: 2 Byte, Default Value: 60


1 – 3600 Fan purge time

Parameter 15: Maximum Heat Setpoint

NOTE: Temperature parameters take the form of 4-byte Z-Wave temperature commands where byte 1 is the (precision|scale|size) and bytes 2 and 3 are the 16-bit signed temperature value.Byte 4 is unused.
Size: 4 Byte, Default Value: 95


35 – 95 Maximum Heat Setpoint

Parameter 16: Minimum Heat Setpoint

NOTE: Temperature parameters take the form of 4-byte Z-Wave temperature commands where byte 1 is the (precision|scale|size) and bytes 2 and 3 are the 16-bit signed temperature value.Byte 4 is unused.
Size: 4 Byte, Default Value: 35


35 – 95 Minimum Cool Setpoint

Parameter 17: Maximum Cool Setpoint

NOTE: Temperature parameters take the form of 4-byte Z-Wave temperature commands where byte 1 is the (precision|scale|size) and bytes 2 and 3 are the 16-bit signed temperature value.Byte 4 is unused.
Size: 4 Byte, Default Value: 95


50 – 95 Maximum Cool Setpoint

Parameter 18: Minimum Cool Setpoint

NOTE: Temperature parameters take the form of 4-byte Z-Wave temperature commands where byte 1 is the (precision|scale|size) and bytes 2 and 3 are the 16-bit signed temperature value.Byte 4 is unused.
Size: 4 Byte, Default Value: 50


35 – 95 Minimum Cool Setpoint

Parameter 19: Thermostat Lock

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0


0 Disabled
1 Full Lock
2 Partial Lock

Parameter 2: Number of Heat Stages

Number of heat stages if normal or the number of auxiliary heat stages if heat pump
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 2


0 – 3 Number of Heat Stages

Parameter 20: Compressor Delay

Minimum interval in minutes the thermostat will keep the thermostat off after compressor cycle has finished
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 5


0 – 60 Minutes

Parameter 23: Temperature Display Units

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 1


0 Celsius
1 Fahrenheit

Parameter 24: HVAC Modes Enabled

Control which HVAC modes are enabled.Bitmask – Bit 0 – Off – Bit 1 – Heat – Bit 2 – Cool – Bit 3 – Auto – Bit 4 – Emergency Heat
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 15


3 Off, Heat
5 Off, Cool
7 Off, Heat, Cool
15 Off, Heat, Cool, Auto
31 Off, Heat, Cool, Auto, Emergency Heat
23 Off, Heat, Cool, Emergency Heat
19 Off, Heat, Emergency Heat

Parameter 25: Configurable Terminal Settings

Control the function of the configurable terminals, Z1 and Z2.Z1 is the first byte.Z2 is the second byte.
Size: 2 Byte, Default Value: 0


0 None
1 W3
2 Humidifier
3 Dehumidifier

Parameter 26: Power Source

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0


-128 – 127 No Change – Read-Only Parameter

Parameter 27: Low Battery Alert Threshold

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 30


0 – 100 Low Battery Alert Threshold

Parameter 28: Very Low Battery Alert Threshold

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 15


0 – 100 Very Low Battery Alert Threshold

Parameter 29: Relay State

READ ONLYBitmask of current relay state.
Size: 4 Byte, Default Value: 0


0 – 65535 Relay State

Parameter 3: Number of Cool Stages

Number of cool stages if normal or the number of heat pump stages if heat pump
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 2


0 – 2 Number of Cool Stages

Parameter 30: Remote temperature enable

Size: 2 Byte, Default Value: 0


0 Disabled
1 Enabled

Parameter 31: Heat Differential

NOTE: Temperature parameters take the form of 4-byte Z-Wave temperature commands where byte 1 is the (precision|scale|size) and bytes 2 and 3 are the 16-bit signed temperature value.Byte 4 is unused.
Size: 4 Byte, Default Value: 30


10 – 100 Heat Differential

Parameter 32: Cool Differential

NOTE: Temperature parameters take the form of 4-byte Z-Wave temperature commands where byte 1 is the (precision|scale|size) and bytes 2 and 3 are the 16-bit signed temperature value.Byte 4 is unused.
Size: 4 Byte, Default Value: 30


10 – 100 Cool Differential

Parameter 33: Temperature Reporting Threshold

NOTE: Temperature parameters take the form of 4-byte Z-Wave temperature commands where byte 1 is the (precision|scale|size) and bytes 2 and 3 are the 16-bit signed temperature value.Byte 4 is unused.
Size: 4 Byte, Default Value: 10


5 – 20 Temperature Reporting Threshold

Parameter 35: Z-Wave Echo Association Reports

If enabled, thermostat will send reports for parameters changed from Z-Wave (e.g. thermostat setpoint).
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0


0 Disabled
1 Enabled

Parameter 36: C-Wire Power Thermostat Offset

Parameter to offset the local temperature measurement to account for internal self-heating from the C-Wire power supply.Only used when the thermostat detects C-Wire power is present.
Size: 4 Byte, Default Value: 2


0 – 10 Fahrenheit

Parameter 37: Run Fan with Auxiliary Heat

If thermostat is configured as a heat pump at least one auxiliary heat source, this parameter determines if the thermostat will run the fan relay when auxiliary heating.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0


0 Disabled
1 Enabled

Parameter 38: Z-Wave Association Report Bitmask

Bitmask to selectively enable non-required Z-Wave association reports.The report is enabled if the bit is set to one (1).Logically OR the values to together.oBit 0Thermostat ModeoBit 1ReservedoBit 2ReservedoBit 3Thermostat Operating StateoBit 4Thermostat Fan ModeoBit 5Thermostat Fan StateoBit 6Ambient TemperatureoBit 7Relative HumidityoBit 8ReservedoBit 9Battery Low NotificationoBit 10Battery Very Low NotificationoBit 11- Thermostat Supported ModesoBit 12Remote Enable ReportoBit 13Humidity Control Operating State ReportoBit 14HVAC TypeoBit 15Number of Cool/Pump StagesoBit 16Number of Heat/Aux StagesoBit 17Relay StatusoBit 18Power Source (C-Wire or Battery)oBit 19Notification Report Power AppliedoBit 20Notification Report Mains DisconnectedoBit 21Notification Report Mains ReconnectedoBit 22Notification Report Replace Battery SoonoBit 23Notification Report Replace Battery NowoBit 24Notification Report System Hardware FailureoBit 25Notification Report System Software FailureoBit 26Notification Report System Hardware Failure with CodeoBit 27Notification Report System Software Failure with CodeoBit 28Display units (C/F)oBit 29Heat Fuel TypeoBit 30Humidity Control ModeoBit 31Humidity Control Setpoints
Size: 4 Byte, Default Value: -1


1 Thermostat Mode bitmask
8 Thermostat Operating State bitmask
16 Thermostat Fan Mode bitmask
32 Thermostat Fan State bitmask
64 Ambient Temperature bitmask
128 Relative Humidity bitmask
512 Battery Low Notification bitmask
1024 Battery Very Low Notification bitmask
2048 Thermostat Supported Modes bitmask
4096 Remote Enable Report bitmask
8192 Humidity Control Operating State bitmask
16384 HVAC Type bitmask
32768 Number of Cool/Pump Stages
65536 Number of Heat/Aux Stages bitmask
131072 Relay Status bitmask
262144 Power Source bitmask
524288 Notification Report Power Applied bitmask
1048576 Notification Report Mains Disconnected bitmask
2097152 Notification Report Mains Reconnected bitmask
4194394 Notification Report Replace Battery Soon bitmask
8388608 Notification Report Replace Battery Now bitmask
16777216 Notification Report System Hardware Failure bitmask
33554432 Notification Report System Software Failure bitmask
67108864 Notification Report System Hardware Failure with code bitmask
134217728 Notification Report System Software Failure with Code bitmask
268435456 Display Units bitmask
536870912 Heat Fuel Type bitmask
1073741824 Humidity Control Mode bitmask
-2147483648 Humidity Control Setpoint bitmask

Parameter 39: Remote Temperature Timeout

Number of minutes before remote temperature is considered timed out and the thermostat will revert the local thermistor.
Size: 2 Byte, Default Value: 130


0 – 32767 minutes

Parameter 4: Heat Fuel Type

Fuel type of heat source.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 1


0 Fossil
1 Electric

Parameter 40: Remote Temperature Differential

If difference between local thermistor and remote temperature exceeds this value, the thermostat will revert to the local thermistor.
Size: 4 Byte, Default Value: 25


0 – 99 Farhenheit

Parameter 41: Remote Temperature ACK Failure Limit

If the thermostat fails to get an acknowledges for the specified value, it will revert to the local thermistor.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 3


0 – 127 Retries

Parameter 42: Remote Temperature Display Enable

If enabled thermostat will show remote temperature on the UI.If disabled the thermostat will show the local temperature on the UI.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 1


0 Disabled
1 Enabled

Parameter 43: Outdoor Temperature Timeout

Number of minutes before the outdoor timeout is considered timed out.This parameter is used for balance point.
Size: 2 Byte, Default Value: 1440


0 – 32767 Minutes

Parameter 45: Heat Pump Expire

Number of minutes of running heat pump before the thermostat turns off the heat pump and only uses auxiliary heat.Setting this value to zero will disable the expiry.
Size: 2 Byte, Default Value: 0


0 – 2880 Minutes

Parameter 46: Dehumidify by AC Offset

The thermostat can use the AC to dehumidify.If the ambient temperature is within the offset and the relative humidity is above the dehumidify setpoint, the thermostat will use the AC to dehumidify.
Size: 4 Byte, Default Value: 3


0 – 10 Farhenheit

Parameter 48: PIR Enable

If enabled, the thermostat will wake up the screen when motion is detected.This feature is only available when the thermostat is powered by C-Wire.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 1


0 Disabled
1 Enabled

Parameter 49: Display Options

Bitmask to control various display features. – Bit 0 – Display humidity along with setpoint when not in off mode.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0


0 Do not show Humidity
1 Show Humidity

Parameter 5: Calibration Temp

Used to adjust the ambient room temperature reading up or down to a more accurate value. NOTE: Temperature parameters take the form of 4-byte Z-Wave temperature commands where byte 1 is the (precision|scale|size) and bytes 2 and 3 are the 16-bit signed temperature value.Byte 4 is unused.
Size: 4 Byte, Default Value: 0


-10 – 10 Calibration Temperature

Parameter 50: System Configuration

Read Only System Configuration
Size: 4 Byte, Default Value: 0


-2147483648 – 2147483647 No Change – Read-Only Parameter

Parameter 51: Thermostat Reset

Remote reset of the thermostat.Must write the magic value (0x03B6).This is the same as power cycling the thermostat. It does not reset any parameters.
Size: 2 Byte, Default Value: 2870


2870 Magic Value

Parameter 52: Vent Options

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 4


0 Disabled
1 Always activate regardless of thermostat operating state
2 Only activate vent when the thermostat operating state is heating.
3 Only activate vent when the thermostat operating state is cooling
4 Only activate vent when the thermostat operating state is heating or


Parameter 53: Vent Circulation Period

Size: 2 Byte, Default Value: 60


10 – 1440 Minutes
0 Disabled

Parameter 54: Vent Circulation Duty Cycle

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 25


0 – 100 Duty Cycle

Parameter 55: Vent Maximum Outdoor Temperature

Vent is disabled if outdoor temperature exceeds this value. Setting this value to -1 disables the limit.
Size: 4 Byte, Default Value: -1


-1 Disabled
0 – 99 Fahrenheit

Parameter 56: Vent Minimum Outdoor Temperature

Vent is disabled if outdoor temperature exceeds this value. Setting this value to -1 disables the limit.
Size: 4 Byte, Default Value: -1


-1 Disabled
0 – 99 Fahrenheit

Parameter 57: Relay Harvest Level

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 12


0 Off
9 8 Pulses
10 16 Pulses
11 32 Pulses
12 64 pulses

Parameter 58: Relay Harvest Interval

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 4


0 Off
2 4 Milliseconds
3 8 Milliseconds
4 16 Milliseconds
5 32 Milliseconds

Parameter 59: Minimum Battery Reporting Interval

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 6


0 – 127 Hours

Parameter 6: Swing

The number of degrees the thermostat will add (for COOL) or remove (for HEAT) to the target before turning the HVAC system on.The default resolution is 0.1F.NOTE: Temperature parameters take the form of 4-byte Z-Wave temperature commands where byte 1 is the (precision|scale|size) and bytes 2 and 3 are the 16-bit signed temperature value.Byte 4 is unused.
Size: 4 Byte, Default Value: 5


0 – 30 Swing

Parameter 60: Humidity Control Swing

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 5


1 – 100 Percent Relative Humidity

Parameter 61: Minimum Humidity Reporting Threshold

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 5


0 – 100 Percent Relative Humidity

Parameter 62: Z-Wave Send Fail Limit

If thermostat experiences successive Z-Wave Transmit ACK failures exceeding the limit, the thermostat will not attempt any more unsolicited association reports until it receives a successful acknowledge for an association report.If this value is zero, the ACK failure limit is disabled.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 10


1 – 127 Send Failures
0 Disabled

Parameter 63: Z-Wave Listen Before Talk Threshold

Set the listen before talk threshold on the thermostat.The threshold controls at what RSSI level the Z-Wave radio will refuse to transmit because of noise.Each step corresponds to a 1.5dB power step.Byte 0 is the LBT threshold for channel 0 and Byte 1 is the LBT threshold for channel 1.
Size: 2 Byte, Default Value: 2046


0 – 32767 Listen before talk threshold

Parameter 64: Vent Override Lockout

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 12


0 – 127 Hours

Parameter 65: Humidify Options

Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 1


0 Always humidify regardless of thermostat operating state
1 Only humidify when the thermostat operating state is heating, when in heat

mode, or when heating in auto mode.When the thermostat is in any other mode, the thermostat will humidify whenever it is necessary.

Parameter 7: Overshoot

The number of degrees the thermostat will keep the system on after meeting the system target.The default resolution 0.1F.NOTE: Temperature parameters take the form of 4-byte Z-Wave temperature commands where byte 1 is the (precision|scale|size) and bytes 2 and 3 are the 16-bit signed temperature value.Byte 4 is unused.
Size: 4 Byte, Default Value: 0


0 – 30 Overshoot

Parameter 8: Heat Staging Delay

In a multistage system, the number of minutes the thermostat will wait before turning on the next heating stage.
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 30


1 – 60 Heat Staging Delay

Parameter 9: Cool Staging Delay

In a multistage system, the number of minutes the thermostat will wait before turning on the next cooling stage
Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 30


1 – 60 Cool Staging Delay

Technical Data

Hardware Platform ZM5202
Device Type Thermostat – HVAC
Network Operation Listening Sleeping Slave
Firmware Version HW: 8 FW: 1.20:01.20:01.20
Z-Wave Version 6.81.03
Certification ID ZC10-19076575
Z-Wave Product Id 0x0190.0x0006.0x0001
Gateway Has Preferred Partners ok
Thermostat Modes AutoAuxiliary/Emergency HeatCoolHeat
Thermostat HVAC Systems Supported Cool OnlyDual FuelHeat OnlyHeat

PumpHumidity ControlMulti StageSimple RelaySingle StageUniversalVentilation Control
Color| White
Firmware Updatable| Updatable by Professional/Technician
Supported Notification Types| Power ManagementSystem
Sensors| Air TemperatureHumidity
Thermostat Power Source| BatteryExternal TransformerPower Stealing (hard-wired 24V)
Frequency| XXfrequency
Maximum transmission power| XXantenna

Supported Command Classes

  • Association Grp Info
  • Association V2
  • Basic
  • Battery
  • Clock
  • Configuration
  • Device Reset Locally
  • Firmware Update Md V3
  • Humidity Control Mode V2
  • Humidity Control Operating State
  • Humidity Control Setpoint V2
  • Manufacturer Specific V2
  • Notification V7
  • Powerlevel
  • Security 2
  • Sensor Multilevel V11
  • Supervision
  • Thermostat Fan Mode V3
  • Thermostat Fan State
  • Thermostat Mode V2
  • Thermostat Operating State V2
  • Thermostat Setpoint V3
  • Transport Service V2
  • Version V2
  • Zwaveplus Info V2

Explanation of Z-Wave specific terms

  • Controller — is a Z-Wave device with capabilities to manage the network.
    Controllers are typically Gateways,Remote Controls or battery operated wall controllers.

  • Slave — is a Z-Wave device without capabilities to manage the network.
    Slaves can be sensors, actuators and even remote controls.

  • Primary Controller — is the central organizer of the network. It must be
    a controller. There can be only one primary controller in a Z-Wave network.

  • Inclusion — is the process of adding new Z-Wave devices into a network.

  • Exclusion — is the process of removing Z-Wave devices from the network.

  • Association — is a control relationship between a controlling device and
    a controlled device.

  • Wakeup Notification — is a special wireless message issued by a Z-Wave
    device to announces that is able to communicate.

  • Node Information Frame — is a special wireless message issued by a
    Z-Wave device to announce its capabilities and functions.

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