BANNER SolutionsKit9-Vibe-MH Wireless MultiHop Vibration Solutions Kit User Guide

June 4, 2024

BANNER SolutionsKit9-Vibe-MH Wireless MultiHop Vibration Solutions Kit


The MultiHop version of the Vibration Solutions Kit provides visual status of up to 40 Banner vibration and temperature sensors that are wirelessly linked to the included DXM Wireless Controller. The added benefits of a MultiHop style Solutions Kit include longer range capabilities by using repeater radios, wiring multiple sensors to a single radio, and more vibration information available per sensor for advanced applications.The program takes a data sample every five minutes from the vibration sensors and the software uses the raw data to detect whether an asset is running, create a baseline of the four vibration characteristics (RMS Velocity 10-1000 Hz on Z and X axis and RMS High Frequency Acceleration 1000-4000 Hz on Z and X axis), and generate warning and alarm thresholds for those characteristics. Only data from an operational asset is used to create the baselines or thresholds and only that data is used to trigger warnings or alarms. Data from assets that are not running/operational appear on the graphs but are not used in the analysis.RMS Velocity identifies asset imbalance, misalignment, looseness, and other low frequency machine issues.RMS High Frequency Acceleration is used to indicate early bearing wear issues


Solutions Kit Model


Radio Frequency

| Units of Measure|


SolutionsKit9-Vibe-MH| 900 MHz| Imperial| 10″ Banner Touch Screen HMI with Ethernet connection DXM700-B1R2 or DXM700-B1R4 Wireless Controller

5-port Ethernet switch

14″ x 12″ Polycarbonate enclosure , DIN rails, and terminal blocks M12 power input connector

SolutionsKit9-Vibemetric-MH| 900 MHz| Metric
SolutionsKit2-Vibe-MH| 2.4 GHz| Imperial
SolutionsKit2-Vibemetric-MH| 2.4 GHz| Metric

This kit also requires a 24 V DC Class 2 (UL) or a Limited Power Source (LPS) (CE) power supply that is sold separately. Banner recommends model PSW-24-1 (FCC/CE) or model PSD-24-4 (FCC/CE) if you are powering additional indicator lights.

Getting Started

  1.  Connect and plug in the 24 V DC Class 2 or LPS power supply to the Solutions Kit to apply power to the radios.
  2.  Assign sensor Modbus IDs (see Assign Modbus IDs to the Sensors on page 2).
  3.  Bind the radios to the kit (see Bind a Node on page 3).
  4.  Perform a site survey to confirm your signal quality (see Perform a Site Survey on page 3).
  5. After a radio is bound with a sensor attached, the system begins sampling data to create a baseline for that sensor.

HMI Home Screen

Status icons represent groups of 10 assets for a total of 40 motors. Each icon is a color-coded indication of the status of vibration warnings (yellow) or alarms (red), temperature warnings or alarms, wireless connection status (green), or out of sync (orange) within that group.The icon acts as a touch button that brings up the 10 individual icons that represent that assets’ status and acts as a touch button to view that assets’ screen where detailed data viewing options are available (see Vibration Node Group Screens on page 3).

Press X (in the upper right hand corner of each icon) to hide that group of assets and prevent Node status alerts for any Nodes within that group. Press the icon that appears after pressing X to unhide that group for future expansion.In this MultiHop version, all but motor #1 start as hidden for program efficiency. Only unhide sensors that have been added and are in the network.Press Settings to open access to radio binding, radio site survey, asset baselining, log file downloads, and other settings (see Settings Screen on page 5).Touch each asset group label to re-label the icon.

Assign Modbus IDs to the Sensors
To begin configuring the sensors, each sensor must have a Modbus Sensor ID assigned to it. Modbus Sensor IDs must be between 11 and 50.Each Modbus Sensor ID corresponds to individual sensor icon on the HMI, with ID 11 being Motor 1 and ID 50 being Motor 40. Sensor IDs don’t have to be assigned in order and sensor IDs can be skipped if desired.To assign Modbus Sensor IDs, use either the menu system or the configuration software. To use the radio’s menu system, follow these steps. For VT1 sensors, use your M-H10 radio and for VT2 sensors, use one of many radio options, such as M-H, M-H2, etc.

  1.  Apply power to the radio and connect one sensor at a time.
  2.  Push button 1 until *DVCFG appears, then push button 2.
  3.  Push button 1 until -S ADR appears and push button 2.
  4.  Push button 1 and wait for the radio to read the current sensor ID.
  5. A three-digit value appears with the current sensor ID with a blinking cursor.
  6.  Assign a unique Modbus Sensor ID value from 11 to 50. Use the left button to cycle the value from 0 to 9 and the right button to accept the value and move the cursor to the next digit right.
  7.  Push and hold button 2.The screen says SAVING.
  8.  To repeat for more sensors, unplug the sensor and plug in the next sensor and repeat steps 3 through 6 with a new device ID.
  9.  After you have finished, double-click button 2 to return to the main menu.
  10.  Connect all sensors to be attached to that radio.

To assign the Modbus Sensor IDs using the configuration software, use the Sensor Configuration Software with a computer and either the BWA-USB1WIRE-001 cable accessory for the VT1 sensor or the BWA-UCT-900 cable accessory for the VT2 sensor to connect the sensor to the computer.Follow the instructions in the Sensor Configuration Software Instruction Manual (p/n 170002) to assign the sensor’s Modbus ID to a value between 11 and 50.

Site Survey and Binding Screen
Banner Wireless radios, such as the battery-powered H10 radio paired with VT1 Vibration and Temperature Sensors or any Banner MultiHop Radio with RS485 connected to VT2 Vibration and Temperature Sensors, must be bound to the DXM Wireless Controller inside the Solutions Kit to begin communicating.Following the instructions below, the radios are assigned a Modbus ID and begin communicating with the DXM wirelessly. Radios and sensors are purchased separately and after they are combined, must be bound individually. A new radio and sensor can be added to the network at any time by using the binding procedure. Radios must be bound to IDs 51 through 110.Use the site survey function to measure the signal strength of radios after the solutions kit and radios are installed. Line-powered radios can be used as repeaters to improve signal connection between other nearby radios and the master radio inside the solutions kit. Battery-powered H10 radios should be configured to run only as slave radios in transparent mode (DIP switches 6 and 7 ON).

Bind a Node
Follow these instructions to bind each of your radios to the DXM Controller master radio.

  1.  On the HMI screen, go to the Settings > Site Survey & Binding screen.

  2.  Enter in the Modbus ID next to the Binding rocker switch and tap that switch to turn it ON.

  3.  Enter binding mode on the radio.

  4. If your radio has rotary dials, set the rotary dials to the same Modbus ID value entered on the HMI, then triple-click button 2 to enter binding mode.

  5.  If your radio does not have rotary dials, triple-click button 2.The Node enters binding mode. After the Node is bound, the LEDs stay solid momentarily, then they flash together four times. The radio automatically exits binding mode.

  6. On the HMI, touch the same ON/OFF rocker switch to turn the switch to OFF.
    The DXM exits binding mode. After the DXM is out of binding mode, the radio’s indicator LED flickers green when the Node is in sync with the DXM.

  7. Repeat steps 1–4 for as many radios as are needed for the system.Note that entering binding mode causes all radios to go out of sync with the DXM until after the DXM exits binding mode. The radios will resume communicating with the DXM within a few seconds.

Network Reformation
Use the Network Reformation rocker switch any time a sensor is moved from one radio to another to help the network reform without requiring a reboot. The switch will turn OFF when the reformation is complete.

Perform a Site Survey
Follow these steps to perform a radio signal quality check.

  1.  On the HMI screen, enter in the Modbus ID of the radio (51-110) next to the Site Survey rocker switch and tap that switch to turn it ON.A 15-second timer appears next to the switch and counts to 15. After the timer is complete (it may take longer depending on signal quality or if the radios are going through repeaters), the results of the site survey appear in the Green, Yellow, Red, and Missed boxes. The results are shown as a percentage and add up to a total of 100.
  2.  Follow the interpreting section of the Conducting a Site Survey and Interpreting the Results technical note on to determine what your results mean for your application.

Vibration Node Group Screens

Each asset group on the main page has a screen of icons, one for each sensor/radio pair. These icons represent the status of the motor with colored icons.

Touch any icon to bring up the individual sensor’s screen that includes graphs, raw data, and alert descriptions (see Individual Radio (Asset) Status Screen on page 4).Touch X (upper right hand corner of each icon) to hide that asset and prevent connection status alerts from that senspr/radio from appearing on the main HMI screen. Use the button that appears after pressing X to unhide that group for future expansion. For example, asset #8 is hidden in the sample screen.Touch each asset label to re-label the icon. That label remains in non-volatile memory and appears on the Node’s status screen, binding screen, site survey screen, and baselining screens.
A small green lamp in the bottom right corner of a Node’s icon indicates when that Node is baselining. Only temperature warnings and alarms appear during the baselining phase. After baselining is complete, the threshold levels are established and vibration alerts may begin to appear.If a sensor appears out of sync (orange), that means the radio it is attached to is no longer in sync with the main controller. This may indicate you need to replace the battery in the radio or interference is preventing the radio from remaining in sync. After replacing the battery or improving the radio’s site survey results, use the network reformation button (see Network Reformation on page 3).

Individual Radio (Asset) Status Screen
Select a sensor/radio icon to open that sensor/radio’s status screen. Use the Back button to return to the previous screen.

Select Vibration Characteristic (1)
Use Select Vibration Characteristic to graph raw data.Options include: Z-Axis Velocity, Z-Axis High Frequency Acceleration, X-Axis Velocity, and X-Axis High Frequency Acceleration. The bottom left of the screen shows a real-time readout of the selected characteristic. Velocity is displayed in in/s (mm/s for Vibemetric versions) and acceleration is displayed in g. Note: Velocity values of 6.5535 and/or acceleration values of 5.355 indicate a sensor error. The system ignores these data points to avoid affecting the saved baseline or trended data. The system will not baseline when the raw data values appear as those values. Contact Banner support for troubleshooting.

Time Scale (2)
Select the Time Scale of the graph from 1 to 168 total hours.Use the arrow keys to scroll right or left to see different periods of the collected data. The maximum viewable data on the HMI is 168 hours or 7 days. The graphing data loggers have a fixed number of data points. If you are using the DEMO MODE button on the Settings page, the increased sample rate reduces the number of data points available for viewing until those data points have rolled off the end of the timeline.

Scale Maximum (3)
Select the data Scale Maximum. For acceleration, the range is 0.25 g to 5 g (g-force). For velocity, the range is 0.5 in/s to 5 in/s (10 mm/s to 60 mm/s for metric versions).

Current Alerts (4)
The Current Alerts section shows any warnings or alarms based on the Axis, Vibration Characteristic, and type (Chronic or Acute) that the system is detecting.Acute alerts are those crossing the threshold for five samples in a row (or the user setting on the Settings screen) and Chronic alerts are when a 100 point moving average crosses the thresholds. Only data from an operational asset is used to calculate averages and alerts.

Select Temperature (5)
Use Select Temperature to view the temperature graph over the selected time period.Directly above the button is the current temperature in degrees Fahrenheit of the selected Node. The readout color is white if it’s nominal, yellow if it’s in a warning state, and red if it’s in an alarm state. The warning and alarm temperature settings are 158 °F and 176 °F respectively. A raw temperature value of 327.67 indicates a sensor error. Contact Banner’s technical support for troubleshooting.

Select Current (6)
Use Select Current to view the current graph over the selected time period.Directly to the right of the button is the raw current reading in Amps of the selected Node. The readout color is white if it’s normal, yellow if it’s in a warning state, and red if it’s in an alarm state. Requires the use of the Banner CM1L Condition Monitoring VT/CT node. This option only appears if Enable Current Measurements is turned on within the Settings screen. Warning and alarm settings are set on the Current Alarm Settings screen within the Settings page.n the upper right corner of the screen is the Sensor’s Modbus ID and the radio ID to which the sensor is attached. This can be useful in finding which radio a sensor is connected to if the orange Out of Sync status icon appears. Signal quality or battery replacement may be necessary for a radio that loses connection status.

Settings Screen

Baseline a Sensor/Radio (Asset)

After the sensor/radio is installed and the system is powered on, the software automatically begins collecting data and determines if the asset is running.The software generates a baseline and thresholds based on the first 300 data samples or about 24 hours of asset running time(unless modified on the Settings page).When an asset is replaced, repaired, or has heavy maintenance done, create a new baseline. If the sensor is moved after the initial baseline is calculate, generate a new baseline.Vibration Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance Solutions Kit Quick Start Guide (MultiHop)

  1.  Turn on baselining for the appropriate Nodes if a new baseline needs to be generated.The initial baseline is generated any time a new sensor is connected to the system (or bound to the controller radio) and begins sending data without the need to trigger these switches. The number of baseline samples remaining displays next to the ON/OFF switch. The baseline switch remains on during baselining and resets to off after the baseline is complete.
  2.  Use the tabs Assets #1-10, Assets #11-20, Assets #21-30, and Assets #31-40 to access the baseline switches for the sensors/radios.
  3.  Use the corresponding Manual Warning & Alarm Adjustments button for each sensor/radio to open an individual windowed screen where current baseline threshold settings are visible.
  4.  Touch the numeric entry box in any of the New Settings rows to manually enter a new value for any or all the warning or alarm thresholds, including temperature.
  5.  Set vibration settings back to zero to use the original baseline setting.
  6. . Manually set the temperature back to the baseline setting by entering 158 °F (70 °C) for warning or 176 °F (80 °C) for alarm. Temperature is not a baselined value. Although it displays a baseline value, the value is for reference if the new setting is changed.

HMI Options Menu Screen
The HMI Options screen provides some added HMI functionality along with icon and graph legends.The HMI provides data logging of all the raw data, baselines, and thresholds. This data is saved to a file every 30 minutes and a new file is generated every day and stored in monthly folders. The HMI has storage for about 45 days of log files.

Auto Delete Files Older than ‘X’ Days The HMI auto deletes files older than the selected number of days.Default is 30 days with a maximum of 45 days for MulitHop radio kits and 60 days for Performance radio kits.

Copy Log Files to USB Drive
Plug a USB drive into the back of the HMI and click here to select the log files or folders to copy.

HMI System Setup

  • Enters HMI Panel Setup.
  • Use for setting Time, Date, and Advanced Options.
  • Entering this screen will clear any logged data from the graphs but will not clear any data saved to files.

Re-Initialize HMI Non Volatile on Restart
Flip the switch to ON before restarting the HMI to reinitialize default settings and labels.

Restart HMI Application
Restarts the HMI application, which clears all graphed data but retains the saved logs.

Stop Operation Safely
Stops HMI operation safely without data corruption before you power off the HMI.Always use this button before powering down to avoid data file corruption. If a Failed to write logged data to file or Failed to save message appears, this is because of a power loss during the saving process. You must delete this file (from the day of the power loss) by using the HMI System Setup menu.

Advanced Options

Install a Warning or Alarm Light
Add a tower light or indicator light (such as a K70, TL50, TL70, etc.) to the solution box for added local indications of all clear, warnings, or alarms.DXM Controller uses PNP outputs with a maximum of 100 mA per output. An interposing relay may need to be added to accommodate higher amperage lights.

  1. Cut a hole in the box and mount the light accordingly.
  2.  Wire the DC ground to the light or an interposing relay from the bottom row of the gray two-row terminal blocks inside the Solutions Kit on the DIN rail adjacent to the DXM Controller.
  3.  Wire the input of the light or interposing relay to the DXM.
    • O1 – Pin 5 – indicates a radio/asset in an Alarm condition
    •  O2 – Pin 6 – indicates a radio/asset in a Warning condition
    •  O3 – Pin 7 – indicates a radio/asset in either a Warning or an Alarm condition
    • O4 – Pin 8 – indicates no Warning or Alarm conditions exist

Additional Vibration Information
The vibration solutions kit provides machine learning for baseline and alerting on RMS Velocity and High-Frequency Acceleration for both the X and Z Axis. For each of these register tables, S is the sensor ID number (between 1 and 40).However, the vibration sensor contains many additional registers of vibration information that are stored in the local registers and can be polled by any host connected to the same network or the data can be sent to the cloud.

Register Number Description
6141 + S × 10 Z Axis Peak Acceleration
6142 + S × 10 X Axis Peak Acceleration
6143 + S × 10 Z Axis Peak Velocity Frequency
6144 + S × 10 X Axis Peak Velocity Frequency
6145 + S × 10 Z Axis RMS Low Frequency Acceleration
6146 + S × 10 X Axis RMS Low Frequency Acceleration
6147 + S × 10 Z Axis Kurtosis
6148 + S × 10 X Axis Kurtosis
6149 + S × 10 Z Axis Crest Factor
6150 + S × 10 X Axis Crest Factor

Spectral banding information for three bands of each axis at 1x, 2x, and 3x–10x the rotational speed of the motor is available based on a dynamic speed input. To use this feature, have a host system or read rule from a MultiHop radio with speed input place the speed in Hz into registers 6581–6620 (sensor IDs 1–40) at a rate of no more than once per hour.
The following spectral band information are available in floating point registers 1001–1960. For more information, please read the Spectral Banding Technical Note (p/n b_4510565) on the Vibration and Temperature sensor Web page. Only the default configuration of 1x, 2x, 3–10x is available on the Solutions Kit.
Table 2: Spectral band floating point registers 1001–1960

Register Number Description
1001 + S × 36 Z Axis Velocity 1x Band
1003 + S x 36 Z Axis Peak Velocity 1x Band
1005 + S × 36 Z Axis Velocity Peak Frequency 1x Band
1007 + S × 36 Z Axis Velocity 2x Band
1009 + S x 36 Z Axis Peak Velocity 2x Band
1011 + S × 36 Z Axis Velocity Peak Frequency 2x Band
1013 + S × 36 Z Axis Velocity 3x-10x Band
1015 + S x 36 Z Axis Peak Velocity 3x-10x Band
1017 + S × 36 Z Axis Velocity Peak Frequency 3x–10x Band
1019 + S × 36 X Axis Velocity 1x Band
1021 + S x 36 X Axis Peak Velocity 1x Band
1023 + S × 36 X Axis Velocity Peak Frequency 1x Band
1025 + S × 36 X Axis Velocity 2x Band
1027 + S x 36 X Axis Peak Velocity 2x Band
1029 + S × 36 X Axis Velocity Peak Frequency 2x Band
1031 + S × 36 X Axis Velocity 3x–10x Band
1033 + S x 36 X Axis Peak Velocity 3x–10x Band
1035 + S × 36 X Axis Velocity Peak Frequency 3x–10x Band

Connect the DXM and HMI to a Wide Area Network (WAN)
By default, the HMI and DXM Controller are configured to communicate using static IP addresses. To connect to a WAN, configure the two devices to have a new static IP address on the new network or to acquire their own IP address via DHCP.
Connecting to a WAN allows the devices to be configured by any computer on the network and allows the DXM to be configured to push data to a cloud webserver for remote monitoring.

  1.  Open the Solution Kit’s enclosure and connect an ethernet cable from the WAN to the ethernet switch inside the enclosure.
  2.  On the DXM: With power applied to the DXM, use the arrow keys to select System Config. Press Enter.
  3.  Use the arrow keys to select Ethernet.
  4.  Set the IP address.If you are using a static IP address, select the IP address shown and press Enter. Then use the arrow and Enter keys to set the new static IP address.If you are using DHCP, press Enter on DHCP. Use the arrow keys to select DHCP ON and press Enter.A device reboot is requested if any changes are made to these settings.
  5. . If you are using DHCP, navigate to the System Info > Ethernet and write down the IP address to enter into the HMI. The subnet mask can be adjusted here as well if needed.
  6.  On the HMI: From the main screen, go to the HMI Options screen and choose HMI System Setup.
  7.  In the Panel Setup screen, select General.
  8.  On the pop-up screen that appears, set up DHCP in one of two ways:Type in the IP address and network information for a static IP address by selecting the appropriate fields.Toggle from false to true in the field next to Get an IP address automatically, then press OK.
  9.  Press Link 1 and select the IP address field.
  10. Enter in the IP address of the DXM from earlier and press OK.
  11.  Press Run.

Push Information to BannerCDS
The DXM Wireless Controller can connect to the Web via Ethernet or an internal cell module. The controller pushes data from the DXM to be stored and displayed on a website.The Banner platform for storing and monitoring the system’s data is The Banner Cloud Data Services website automatically generates dashboard icons and graphs for the application that is populated onto the Dashboard. Email alerts can be configured using the Alarms screen.For more information on creating accounts on and using the Banner Cloud Data Services (CDS) system, please refer to the Banner CDS Quick Start Guide (p/n 201126) or the Instruction Manual (p/n 178337).

Logging into the Web Service
The web server captures data from the DXM Controller using either a cellular connection or an Ethernet connection. Users collect and view the data or update and manage the DXM Controller using a web browser.Within a few minutes of your purchase, you will receive an email with your authorization code and details regarding the data subscription service. If the authorization code is not received within 10 minutes, please check your spam folder or contact Banner Engineering at 1-888-373-6767 to obtain the code.
Use both the website and the DXM Configuration Software to set up and configure your data collection. Use the latest version of your browser (Google Chrome is recommended) and enter the URL: The login page appears.Vibration Monitoring and Predictive Maintenance Solutions Kit Quick Start Guide (MultiHop)

Create a New Gateway
After you log into the Banner Cloud Data Services website, the Gateway screen displays. Follow these steps to create a new monitoring site.

  1. Click on +New Gateway. Create a new Gateway/site for each device that will be sending data to the web server.
  2.  Verify Traditional is selected for the Configuration.
  3.  Enter a site name.
  4.  Click Create.The Gateway/Site appears in the listing of devices on the Gateways screen
  5.  Click Edit Gateway (pencil icon) next to your Gateway/Site name.The Gateway detail window appears.
  6. 6. Copy the Site ID number located at the top of this window.The Site ID number created by the web server is a required parameter in the configuration of the DXM. The Site ID is the address the webserver uses to store the data pushed from the DXM.
  7. Click Save.

Connect to the Software and Download the Existing Configurati on
Follow these steps to connect your DXM to the configuration software and download the existing configuration file from your DXM to your hard drive.

  1.  On the computer, download the DXM Configuration Software v4 from the Banner Engineering website and install it.
  2.  On the DXM: Apply power to the DXM.
  3.  Connect the DXM Controller to the computer with a USB cable or skip if the DXM is connected to the same network as the computer.
  4.  On the computer: Launch the DXM Configuration Software.
  5.  From the DXM Model drop-down list, select DXM700.
  6.  On the menu bar, go to Device > Connection Settings.
  7.  If you are using the USB cable, select Serial, then select the COM port that the USB cable is plugged into. Click Connect. If you are unsure which COM port and multiple appear, attempt to connect to each one of them until successful.
  8.  If you are connected to the same network as the DXM, select TCP/IP and enter the DXM IP address. Click Connect.
  9.  After the DXM is connected to the software, click Device > Get XML configuration from DXM to download the current XML file.
  10.  Name and save the file to the computer.

Configure the DXM to Push Information to the Cloud

  1.  Within the DXM Configuration Software, go to the Settings > Cloud Services screen.
  2.  Set the Server name/IP to
  3.  Select the appropriate Push interface to either Cellular or Ethernet.
  4. To set up Ethernet, use the Settings > Network screen.
  5.  To set up cellular, refer to the Activating a Cellular Modem (p/n 205026) technical note.
  6.  Leave the Cloud push interval and Sample count unchanged. The DXM script controls this to push every 5 minutes.
  7.  Modify the Cloud Permissions for the registers.Registers are preselected to push to the cloud. Some registers can be removed if you are not using all 40 Nodes. Additional registers can be added by going to the Local Registers tab on the left. The preselected READ registers are 1-200 for the raw Node data, 201-240 for vibration failure mask info, 281-320 for Node connection status, and 5181-5660 for baseline/threshold data. The preselected READ/WRITE registers are 321-360, which are the re-baselining registers. READ/WRITE is used so the Baseline registers can be updated from the website from a 0 to a 1 to trigger a new baseline remotely.
  8. Click on each register and edit the Cloud Permissions at the bottom of the screen; or
  9. Choose the Modify Multiple Registers tab at the bottom of the Local Register screen to edit the Cloud Permissions for a block of registers
  10.  In the Web Server section, keep the Site ID is drop-down selection as GUID and paste the copied ID from the webpage into the Site ID field.

Save and Upload the Configuration File
After making any changes to the configuration, you must save the configuration files to your computer, then upload it to the device.Changes to the XML file are not automatically saved. Save your configuration file before exiting the tool and before sending the XML file to the device to avoid losing data. If you select DXM > Send XML Configuration to DXM before saving the configuration file, the software will prompt you to choose between saving the file or continuing without saving the file.

  1.  Save the XML configuration file to your hard drive by going to the File > Save As menu.
  2.  Go to the DXM > Send XML Configuration to DXM menu.
    • If the Application Status indicator is red, close and restart the DXM Configuration Tool, unplug and re-plug in the cable and reconnect the DXM to the software.
    •  If the Application Status indicator is green, the file upload is complete.
    •  If the Application Status indicator is gray and the green status bar is in motion, the file transfer is in progress.
    • After the file transfer is complete, the device reboots and begins running the new configuration.

Upload the XML Configuration File to the Website
To upload an XML configuration file to the website, follow these instructions.

  1. At the web server, select the Home screen.
  2.  On the row displaying your new site, click the Edit Gateway (pencil) icon.
  3.  Select Update XML.
  4.  Click Choose File and select the file that was just updated to the DXM and click Save.
  5. Click on the Site Name link to go to the configured registers to see the values uploaded by the DXM.The same XML configuration files is now loaded on both the DXM and the Website. After some time, the data should be seen on the website.
  6. Completing these steps creates continuity between the site created on the website with the DXM used in the field. The DXM pushes data to the website, which can be viewed at any time.Refer to the Banner Cloud Data Services Instruction Manual (p/n 178337) to review all the features available for monitoring, comparing data, and establishing warnings/alarms on the website.

VNC Viewing on Laptop and Mobile Devices
The Solutions Kit HMI can be viewed and controlled through a VNC application on either a mobile phone, tablet, or laptop connected to the same network as the Solutions Kit. Follow the steps in the Tech Note to set up VNC remote viewing and control: View Solutions Kit Data on a Mobile Device or PC (b_4492805)This creates continuity between the site created on the website with the DXM. If the DXM has network connection, it will upload data on its next cloud push interval. Refer to the Banner CDS Web Services Instruction Manual to review all the features available for monitoring, comparing data, and establishing warnings/alarms on the website.

To access a Demo version of the website, contact your local Banner distributor and follow the instructions in the technical note Connecting DXM Wireless Controller to Banner Web Services Demo Site for modified instructions on how to send data to the Demo site.For additional advanced options using the DXM, such as sending email or SMS/text alerts, refer to the Vibration & Predictive Maintenance Solution Guide on the Banner Engineering website. NOTE: The files used in the Solutions Kit are slightly different than those used with the Solutions Guide and should NOT be installed on the DXM being used with the HMI. Use the DXM Configuration Software and perform a Device > Get XML configuration from DXM to make modifications to the file pre-loaded to the DXM in the Solutions Kit.For additional information on any products, visit

Banner Engineering Corp Limited Warranty

Banner Engineering Corp. warrants its products to be free from defects in material and workmanship for one year following the date of shipment. Banner Engineering Corp. will repair or replace, free of charge, any product of its manufacture which, at the time it is returned to the factory, is found to have been defective during the warranty period. This warranty does not cover damage or liability for misuse, abuse, or the improper application or installation of the Banner product.
Banner Engineering Corp. reserves the right to change, modify or improve the design of the product without assuming any obligations or liabilities relating to any product previously manufactured by Banner Engineering Corp. Any misuse, abuse, or improper application or installation of this product or use of the product for personal protection applications when the product is identified as not intended for such purposes will void the product warranty. Any modifications to this product without prior express
1 Radio range is with the 2 dB antenna that ships with the product. High-gain antennas are available, but the range depends on the environment and line of sight. Always verify your wireless approval by Banner Engineering Corp will void the product warranties. All specifications published in this document are subject to change; Banner reserves the right to modify product specifications or update documentation at any time. Specifications and product information in English supersede that which is provided in any other language. For the most recent version of any documentation, refer to: patent information, see

FCC Part 15 Class A

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
Industry Canada
This device contains licence-exempt transmitters(s)/receiver(s) that comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada’s licence-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1.  This device may not cause interference.
  2.  This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.


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