BORETTI TONELLO Charcoal Grill User Manual

June 3, 2024



Congratulations on thepurchaseof yournewbarbecue.Weareconvincedthatyou, with your passion for barbecuing and the outdoorlifestyle,will transform an average summer eveningintoa beautiful buona sera and your gardenintoa giardino.
Squadra Boretti

Read this manual carefully and keep It safe!
This manual contains specific instructions for your safety, for the assembly, operation and the main tenance of your barbecue. Use the bar becue only as directed in this manual. Commonsense and cautionduring use arean absolute must!

Important Safety Guidelines

Read this manual carefully and keep it safe!

1. General safetyguidelines

  • Before use,first read all the information containedin this guidecarefully.
  • Never allow children and pets in the vicinity of this barbecue.
  • This barbecue may never be used by children, people with mental impairmentsor peoplewho areundertheinfluenceof mind-altering substances and/ormedication.
  • Thisbarbecuebecomesextremelyhot,extremecareandattentionis required during itsuse.
  • Always maintainas much distanceas possiblewhen lightingand operating this barbecue.
  • Alwayskeepflammableandinflammablesubstances,gasses,liquidsand materials away from the barbecue and never let them come into direct contact with thebarbecue.
  • Neglecting or incorrectly complying with the instructions, precautions, warnings and dangers contained in this manual can lead to fire or explosions,to materialdamage andultimately to seriousphysicalinjury or evendeath.


  • Assemble the barbecue accordingto the assembly drawingas contained in this manual.
  • Incorrect assembly or not following the correct order of assembly, as demonstrated in the drawing, can lead to very serious situations.
  • Always take care and be precise during assembly.
  • All parts must be assembled as shown in the assembly drawing. If a part is missing and/or you doubt the correctness of the assembly, immediately contact Boretti.
  • Never repair or replace parts of this equipment yourself unless this is expressly mentioned in thismanual.

Place of use

  • Only use the barbecue out of doors (outside) and in a well-ventilated environment.Never use the bar becuein doors orina(partly) enclosedspace. Toxic fumes will build up, and these can cause serious physical injury and possibly even death.
  • Exclusively for domestic use and exclusively intended for the preparation of food.
  • Never use the barbecue on a flammable or inflammable surface.
  • Only use the barbecue on a hard, straightand stable surface that can take the weight.
  • Maintain a distance of at least 3 metres between the barbecue and all flammable or inflammable materials (wood, plastic, foliage etc.) when the barbecue is inuse.
  • Always keep the barbecue away from petrol and/or other flammable and/or inflammable liquids, flammable gasses, flammable fumes or areas where you suspect these may be present.
  • Never use the barbecue when there is a strong wind.
  • The barbecuebecomes extremely hot, never attempt to moveit during or shortly after use.

Lighting the barbecue

* Caution!

Do not use spiritor petrolfor lighting or re-lighting.Use only firelighters complying to the EN 1860-3.

  • Use firelighters or a barbecue lighting fluid to light the fire.
  • Only use firelighters or barbecue lighting fluid that complies with the legal requirements and always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • The barbecue shall be heated up and the fuel kept red hot for at least 30 minutes prior to the first cooking on the barbecue.
  • The lid may only be closed once the charcoal/briquettes have turned to ashes/the liquid has burnt off. Closing the lid too soon can lead to smoke from the flammable liquid building up in the barbecue. When the lid is opened, this can result in a flare-up or explosion and this can lead to physical injury and/or material damage.
  • Neveraddflammable and/orinflammable liquidto warm orhot charcoal/briquettes. A flare- up may result from this, which can lead to physical injury and/or material damage.
  • Be careful when adding charcoal/briquettes to an existingfire. A flare-up can lead to physical injury and/or material damage.
  • Neveruse thebarbecueif, as well as the ash receptacle(if applicable), the grease receptacle is missing too.
  • Do not cook before the fuel has a coating of ash!

This barbecue will become very hot, do not move it during operation!

  • Do not useindoors!

  • Warning!
    Keep children and pets away!

  • Do notusethebarbecuein a confinedand/or habitable spacee.g. houses, tents, caravans, motorhomes,boats.

  • Danger of carbon monoxide poisoning fatality.

Parts list


Assembly drawings


Use of your barbecue

Lighting the fire
Openthelidof thebarbecueandopenallairventilationgrilles.Removethegrill racks.Placecharcoal/briquettesin theappropriatecharcoaltray.Neverusemore than 1 kgcharcoal/briquettes. Chimney starters, electric starters or other items suitable for the lighting of charcoal may be usedto lightthe barbecueinstead of firelighters or barbecuelightingfluid. Always use these according to the instructions from the manufacturer. Never use a chimney starter in combination with barbecue lighting fluid. For the best tasting dishes, allow sufficient time for the charcoal/briquettes to get warmed through and wait until any firelighters that have been used are burntup completely.Once the charcoal/briquettes areproperly alight, spread them out into an even layer in the charcoal tray with the help of barbecue tongs which are fitted with long and heat resistant handles. Wear heat resistant gloves when carrying out this task. For your safety and your barbecue comfort, special barbecue utensils are recommended. For more tips about recommended barbecue utensils,

Controlling the fire
Building up a good fire takes both time and attention. A carefully built-up fire will resultin thebestreturn.Yourbarbecuewillremainat temperaturefor longerand the use of charcoal/briquettes will be kept to a minimum. Afteryou havelit thebarbecueand it has attainedthe correcttemperature,you can controlthe temperatureby makinguseof the air ventilationgrilles.Whenyou (partly) opentheairventilationgrilles,highertemperatureswillbeachieved,whilethe(partly) closing of the air ventilation grilles will result in a lower temperature.This mean youcandecideon thecorrecttemperature.Use the thermometerfor an accurate reading of thetemperature.

The air ventilation grilles can get very hot, use heat resistantgloveswhen operating them.

Do not use aluminium or tin foil on the charcoal tray.This blocks the supply of air and has an immediate negative effect on the temperature. This can damage the coating.

Leaving the air ventilation grilles open for too long can result in the barbecue getting too hot. This can damage the coating.

If required,youcanaddextracharcoal/briquettesduringbarbecuingwith theuse of barbecuetongs.Neverusefirelightersor a barbecuelightingfluidwhendoing so.This couldresult in a flare-up whichcan leadto physicalinjury and/ormaterial damage.

Extinguishing the fire

  • Allow all the charcoal/briquettes to burn up completely. By spreading them out properly in the charcoal tray,the fire will be extinguished more quickly.
  • Closeall theairventilationgrilled ofthe charcoalbarbecue. By blockingthe supply of oxygen, the fire will be extinguished more quickly.
  • Never use water to extinguish the fire. Use of water may lead to physical injury and/or material damage.
  • Do not empty the ash receptacle until all charcoal/briquettes and ash have been completely extinguished and the barbecue has cooled down fully.

Maintenance of yourbarbecue

Aftertheuse of the barbecuewe recommend thatyou storeit undera barbecue cover or in the garage/shed.
Only store the barbecue after it has fully cooled down. Never store it in a damp space,andneverstoreit in a spacewhereflammableor inflammablesubstances are beingstored.

5.1 Cleaning your charcoal barbecue
It is recommended to clean the grill racks immediately after use when the grills are still a bit warm. You can use a barbecue brush to do this (available through To keep the cast iron grills in the best condition we also advice to occasionally apply a thin layer of (sunflower) oil. This will also help to keep food residue from sticking onto the grills. We also recommend to clean the charcoal tray after every use. If needed use lukewarm water and a mild soap. Make sure to dry thoroughly after cleaning. In case it is needed we recommend to clean the outer body of the charcoal barbecue with lukewarm water and a sponge or cloth. DO NOT USE any abrasive cleaning detergents or soaps as this can damage the paint or finishing of your barbecue.

Environmental guide. Conditions of warranty & Contactinfo

If, for whateverreason,you want to disposeof yourcharcoal barbecue,pleasetakethefollowingguidelinesintoaccount:

  • Deliver the barbecue to the authorized local company for the collection of surplus household equipment. Contact your local council to find out where these collection points are located.
  • This barbecue features the mark that complies with the Europeanguidelines 2002/96EG relating to disposal of equipment. This guideline decides the standard for the collection and recycling of disposed equipment which apply to the whole European Union territory.

Forbarbecueaccessorieswarrantyserviceconditionsand otherquestionswe refer youto
You can also send questions and suggestions to
Boretti BV
Abberdaan 114
1046 AA Amsterdam

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