ACP Omnistim FX2 Portable Pens User Manual

June 3, 2024

ACP Omnistim FX2 Portable Pens

This manual and all content therein is owned exclusively by Accelerated Care Plus (“ACP”) and is protected by copyright. This manual or any portion thereof may not be photocopied, reproduced or translated to another language without the express prior written consent of ACP. This manual may only be used by entities that have purchased the equipment or have implemented the ACP program and are covered by an executed lease agreement. This manual may not be used for any other purpose.

Any additional copies of the Manual shall be ordered from ACP. No changes or modifications shall be made to the Manual without prior review and written authorization from ACP. No authorization is given to market, sell, disclose, or exploit this Manual except for purposes of using the Equipment as contemplated by the Lease Agreement.

ACCELERATED CARE PLUS MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THIS MANUAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Accelerated Care Plus shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this Manual. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.

ACP manufactures a premier line of rehabilitation technologies to assist healthcare professionals with improved outcomes and quality of life for Patients. The ACP product line includes Pain Control Systems, Muscle Stimulators, Interferential Therapy, Therapeutic Ultrasound, Pulsed Shortwave Diathermy devices, and advanced Therapeutic Exercise Systems. Our OMNISTIM®, OMNICYCLE®, OMNIVR®, OMNISTAND®, OMNIVERSA®, OMNISWD® and SYNCHRONY represent the most recent worldwide advances available for therapeutic application of electromedical devices and other rehabilitation technology.

ACP is internationally recognized for its contribution to research in the development of medical applications for therapeutic rehabilitation. The Company sponsors and conducts research at leading healthcare institutions and major universities throughout the world.


Federal law restricts this device for sale or use by, or on the order of, a Practitioner licensed by the laws of the state in which he/she practices to use or order the use of the device.

Please note that Accelerated Care Plus cannot provide medical advice. If you have specific medical questions, please contact your healthcare professional.


The Omnistim® FX2 Portable PENS is indicated for:

  1. Relaxation of muscle spasms.
  2. Re-education of muscle action.
  3. Prevention or retardation of disuse atrophy.
  4. Immediate post-surgical stimulation of calf muscles to prevent venous thrombosis.
  5. Increased local blood circulation.
  6. Maintaining or increasing range of motion.
  7. Symptomatic relief and management of chronic intractable pain and as an adjunctive treatment in the management of acute pain, post-surgical pain and pain associated with post-traumatic injury.

Electrical muscle stimulator devices should be used under medical supervision for adjunctive therapy for the treatment of medical diseases and conditions.

  1. Do not use this device on patients who have a cardiac pacemaker, implanted defibrillator, or other implanted metallic or electronic device because this may cause electric shock, Never connect lead wires to the power line or electro-surgery equipment. Use only the lead wires recommended or approved by the manufacturer
  2. Never connect lead wires to the power line or electro-surgery equipment. Use only the lead wires recommended or approved by the manufacturer

There is no contraindication to the application of Transcutaneous Electrical Stimulation or Powered Muscle Stimulation over metal implants.

Adverse Reactions
Skin irritation and burns, beneath the electrodes, have been reported with the use of powered muscle stimulators. Patients may experience skin irritation and burns beneath the stimulation electrodes applied to the skin.

Patients may experience headaches and other painful sensations during or following the application of electrical stimulation near the eyes and to the head and face. Patients should stop using the device and should consult with their physicians if they experience adverse reactions from the device.


  • The long-term effects of electrical stimulation are unknown;
  • Do not apply stimulation over the patient’s neck because this could cause severe muscle spasms resulting in closure of the airway, difficulty in breathing, or adverse effects on heart rhythm or blood pressure
  • Do not apply stimulation across the patient’s chest because the introduction of electrical current into the chest may cause rhythm disturbances to the patient’s heart, which could be lethal. Stimulation should not be applied transthoracically in the vicinity of the heart, as the introduction of electrical current into the heart may cause cardiac arrhythmias.
  • Do not apply stimulation when the patient is in the bath or shower
  • Do not apply stimulation while the patient is sleeping; and
  • Do not apply stimulation while the patient is driving, operating machinery, or during any activity in which electrical stimulation can put the patient at risk of injury.
  • Consult with the patient’s physician before using this device because the device may cause lethal rhythm disturbances to the heart in susceptible individuals
  • Apply stimulation only to normal, intact, clean, healthy skin.
  • Do not operate this device until the User Manual, including all Indications for Use, Contraindications, Warnings and Precautions, have been carefully read and understood.
  • Operation of this device or placement of lead wires, probes, pads, and electrodes in close proximity (less than 5 feet) to an operating shortwave or microwave diathermy unit may produce instability in the device output or burns at the treatment site. Lead wires and devices can pick up the magnetic field output of the diathermy and through induction convert it into an electrical field, transmit the energy to the patient and increase the current density at the electrodes of applicators. Since the patient may not feel the 27 MHz frequency, they lack the protective sensation and tissue burns could result. A Short-wave field could potentially damage or reset medical devices in close proximity to the drum applicator.
  • Treatment should not be applied over the carotid sinus nerves, (located in the anterior neck triangle), including, stellate ganglion, vagus nerve, or laryngeal or pharyngeal muscle. Particular care should be taken for patients with a known sensitivity to the carotid sinus reflex, as carotid sinus stimulation may alter blood pressure and cardiac contractility.
  • Do not apply treatment over testes, heart or eyes. Electrical stimulation may affect organ function.
  • Do not apply over or in close proximity to active cancer (except in terminal/palliative/hospice care), as therapy may increase blood flow to the tumor.
  •  Treatment should not be applied when high fever is present over swollen, severe infection (osteomyelitis, sepsis, tuberculosis, etc.) or inflamed areas/skin eruptions (phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, etc.).
  • Do not apply over the lumbar or abdominal region, or over the uterus during pregnancy (to prevent uterine contraction), or during menstruation as therapy may temporarily increase menstrual flow.
  • Treatment should not be applied transcranially. Since the effects of stimulation of the brain are unknown, stimulation should not be applied across the head, and electrodes should not be placed on opposite sides of the head;
  • Stimulation should not be applied to patients connected to patient monitoring equipment, as the stimulation may have an effect on the proper operation of the monitoring equipment.
  • Stimulation should not be applied directly over external stimulator systems with lead wires
  • Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) should not be applied directly over or in close proximity to Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), as it activates the muscle and causes muscle contractions. This should be avoided in tissue following an acute DVT when the thrombosis is not completely resolved. Therapists should follow the guidelines provided by the referring physician on recommended activity level and modality use. If the patient is not permitted to exercise, NMES therapy should be avoided. Generally, NMES over a DVT of six weeks or less should be avoided altogether.
  • The safety of electrical stimulation during pregnancy has not been established;
  • Some patients may experience skin irritation or hypersensitivity due to the electrical stimulation or electrical conductive medium. The irritation can usually be reduced by using an alternate conductive medium, or alternate electrode placement.
  • Application site and settings should be based on the guidance of the prescribing practitioner.
  • All equipment and accessories should be kept out of the reach of children or unqualified persons.
  • Do not connect this device to any wall outlet that has not been properly grounded, or to any electrically non-isolated medical device Powered muscle stimulators should be used only with the leads and electrodes recommended for use by the manufacturer. Use this device only with the leads, electrodes, and accessories recommended by the manufacturer. Use only ACP-specified accessories and/or supplies with ACP devices. Do not use any power cords, or power supplies, other than the ones provided or specified for this device. Use of any other power supply could seriously damage the device and will void the warranty.
  • The use of conductive mediums other than specifically approved pre-gelled or self-adhering electrodes such as ultrasound gel or lotion, hand or body lotion, electrolyte spray mist, paper towels, non-approved reusable or disposable pre-gelled or self-adhering electrodes— are not advised for use with Omnistim Systems.
  • When cleaning the device, never immerse them or wash them with water. See the infection control section in this manual for cleaning instructions. Devices should not be submerged in water or other liquids.
  • Failure to follow the manufacturer’s prescribed maintenance for this device may lead to devise failure and transient or unreliable performance. State and federal survey and JCAHO require all equipment to be maintained and calibrated according to the manufacturer’s recommended schedules.
  • A potential electric shock hazard exists once the device’s outer casing has been in part, or fully, removed. Only qualified service personnel should perform Service and repairs. The warranty will be voided if the outer casing has been removed or tampered with.
  • Use caution when the patient has a tendency to bleed internally, such as following an injury or fracture. Do not apply over areas of hemorrhage or active bleeding.
  • Inspect and cleanse the skin prior to application. Following treatment check the skin for evidence of irritation or burns, and if present, treat as appropriate. If the patient has or complains of, skin irritation following treatment; shorten the treatment time on the next treatment session, or use an alternative type of therapy or electrode placement.
  • Gradually increase the output intensity/power to the required dose or patient tolerance while monitoring the device display.
  • Caution should be taken with patients exhibiting psychological or physical hypersensitivity to the therapeutic treatment. Several attempts should be made to place them at ease so that their confidence and cooperation can be gained during the treatment.
  • The treatment area should be checked from time to time, and if there is evidence of, or if the patient complains of, pain during treatment, adjust the output downward until it is tolerated by the patient. If the patient continues to complain of pain, discontinue the treatment and shorten the treatment time on the next treatment session, or use an alternative type of therapy or electrode placement.
  • Do not apply the treatment directly over/under hot or cold packs. Caution is recommended when treatment follows the application of hot or cold therapy, which may alter the patient’s sensation. Application of thermal agents over areas of impaired circulation should be performed with caution as the circulation may be insufficient to heat or cool the tissue, altering the patient’s perception of warmth and pain, and burns or tissue necrosis may result from subsequent treatment.
  • Caution is recommended when treatment follows the application of medicated patches, salves, or creams which may alter the patient’s sensation. If there is a medical necessity to perform such treatments, these patients should be monitored diligently during application. The effect of electrical stimulation may be altered by the presence of these materials on the patient’s skin.
  • Caution should be used over areas of the body where circulation is impaired, or which lack normal sensation. The absent or diminished sensation should be avoided or, if unavoidable, treated with caution. The establishment of acceptable intensity levels for desensitized areas may be related to the intensity levels tolerated on normal skin in opposite or related body parts.
  • Caution should be used in the presence of recent surgical procedures, fractures or healing bone and soft tissue when muscle contraction may disrupt the healing process.
  • Caution should be used for patients with suspected or diagnosed epilepsy. Patients with suspected or diagnosed epilepsy should follow precautions recommended by their physicians.
  • Electrodes should not be placed in direct contact or in close proximity (one inch or less) of each other during treatment. Electrodes placed in contact or in close proximity can lead to high energy density and skin burns under or between the electrodes.
  • Care should be used when removing electrodes after treatment, in order to minimize the potential for skin tearing. Skin should be inspected after the removal of electrodes for any signs of tearing or irritation.
  • Do not connect the stimulator to any electrical equipment for combination therapy except the Omnisound® family of ultrasounds.


Delivery of the Omnistim® FX2 Portable PENS

Upon receipt of your Omnistim® FX2 Portable PENS, inspect the shipping container and contents for any obvious or concealed damage. All ACP products are packaged carefully for rapid, safe delivery. We guarantee delivery in perfect condition to the postal or delivery services. However, any damage or loss incurred during transportation or delivery is the postal or delivery company’s responsibility. If damage or loss to the product and/or container is obvious or suspected, an appropriate notation must be made on the signed freight bill at the time of delivery. All damage claims should be promptly filed with the delivering carrier and must be initiated by the addressee where the package was to be delivered. Retain the original shipping container and inserts for validation of damage claim or use at a later date.


The Omnistim® FX2 Portable PENS provides Patterned Electrical Neuromuscular Stimulation (PENS), which is a form of stimulation that replicates the correct firing patterns of muscles (agonist and antagonist or reciprocal muscle pairs) in Upper and Lower Extremity Triphasic (ballistic), or Upper Extremity Biphasic (reciprocal) patterns. This approach to neuro re-ed provides a comfortable, precisely timed sensory input, which duplicates the firing activity of sensory nerves and muscles during voluntary activity.

The Omnistim® FX2 Portable PENS also provides Medium Frequency Alternating Currents (MFAC) for pain management applications. Its generator produces medium frequency 5000 Hz current. Two output circuits with independent intensity controls are provided. The output of each circuit is easily determined in milliamps through the display screen. The digital timer allows the operator to select the length of the total treatment time in minutes.

Controls and Functions


  1. Main Power Switch – is used to turn the device on and/or off.
  2. Program Button A – is used to select the first program prescribed.
  3. Program Button B – is used to select the second program prescribed.
  4. Output Adjustment Channel A – is used to adjust the intensity level of channel A.
  5. Output Adjustment Channel B – is used to adjust the intensity level of channel B.
  6. Channel A Connection – plug the green marked lead into the green channel, which corresponds to the Program Button A being used.
  7. Channel B Connections – plug the blue marked lead into the blue channel, which corresponds, to the Program Button B being used.
  8. Display – displays program information and intensity readings. The A and B at the top of the display mark the channels.
  9. Battery Compartment – this is where the 9-volt battery is located.

Patient Operational Sequence
Follow the sequence below. The number in parenthesis references the location of the button.

  1. Install the battery in a compartment located on the back of the unit (9).

  2.  Connect lead wires to the corresponding bar code under the display window (green lead wire in the left input (6), blue lead in the right input (7).

  3.  Wash the skin with water, (use soap if dirty).

  4. Connect black unit lead wires to white electrode wires.

  5. Press the power on/off button (1) to power on the device.

  6. At power on, the display (8) will default to the pre-set program selected for your condition.

    • If a second program has been ordered by your physician, press Program Button B (3) to access the additional program.
    • To return to the first program, press Program Button A (2).
  7. Apply electrodes to the treatment area prescribed by your physician or therapist.

  8. Adjust stimulation intensity to the level prescribed by your physician or therapist.

    • Increase/decrease (4) Output A. Press the (+) button to increase intensity in channel A. Press the (-) button to decrease intensity in channel A. NOTE: If the channel indicator flashes or you see this symbol you must reset the output level. (See troubleshooting section).
    • Increase/decrease (5) Output B. Press the (+) button to increase the intensity in channel B. Press the to decrease intensity in channel B. See note above.
      NOTE: Shortly after reaching the desired intensity setting, the unit will lock the setting preventing an accidental increase in the intensity. A lock icon will be indicated on the display. To unlock, you must first press the (-) button to decrease the intensity, and then press the (+) button to increase the intensity to the new desired level. If you see the reset output symbol you must press the (-) button to decrease the intensity, and then press the (+) button to increase the intensity to the new desired level.
  9. The treatment timer will automatically end the treatment in the time prescribed. The treatment ends when bars show up on the display (8).

  10. Turn the unit off by pressing the Power Button (1).

  11. Remove the stimulation electrodes. Repack the re-useable electrodes into their foil pouch electrodes and follow the directions on the label for electrode care and storage.
    NOTE: If you are using single-use electrodes, discard them after each use.

  12. Clean the unit with ACP Germicidal Wipes.

  13. Store the unit in a carrying case.

  14. Record treatment activity and setting on a form provided.

  15. Install the battery in a compartment located on the back of the unit.

  16. Connect lead wires to the corresponding bar code under the display window (green lead wire in the left input, blue lead in the right input.

  17. Wash the skin with water (use soap if dirty).

  18. Connect black unit lead wires to white electrode wires.ACP-Omnistim-FX2-Portable-Pens-fig-10

  19. Press the power on/off button to power on the device.

  20. Select Program Button A or Program Button B as directed by your physician or therapist.

  21. Apply electrodes to the treatment area prescribed by your physician or therapist.

  22. Adjust stimulation intensity to level prescribed by your physician or therapist.ACP-Omnistim-FX2-Portable-Pens-fig-14
    NOTE: To readjust stimulation intensity, remove the lock by pressing the (-) Button and then the (+) Button to the preferred level.ACP-Omnistim-FX2

  23. Treatment is completed when bars appear in the Display Window.

  24. Remove the stimulation electrodes. Repack the re-useable electrodes into their foil pouch electrodes and follow the directions on the label for electrode care and storage.
    NOTE: If you are using single-use electrodes, discard after each use.

  25. Turn the unit off by pressing the Power Button.

  26. Clean unit with ACP Germicidal Wipes.

  27. Store the device in carry case.

  28. Record treatment activity and setting on a form provided.

Treatment Preparation

Treatment Site/Skin Inspection
Thoroughly cleanse the treated area with soap and water to remove oils, creams, dirt, and sweat; this will ensure uniform current conduction across the skin. After cleansing, inspect and evaluate the skin’s integrity and sensation prior to treatment. Avoid absent or diminished sensation; if unavoidable, treat with caution. The establishment of acceptable intensity levels for desensitized areas may be related to the intensity levels tolerated on normal skin in opposite or related body parts. Frequently monitor the intensity level and skin response during all treatments.

Stinging, burning or other painful sensations under the electrodes on normal or desensitized areas is an indication of increased current density under part or the entire electrode surface. In this case, slowly but immediately reduce the current intensity to zero; remove the electrodes to inspect the surface skin. Recheck your application techniques.

Immediately after treatment, clean and thoroughly inspect the skin under the electrode. Peripheral vasodilatation along with systemic vasomotor responses can lead to redness (hyperemia) directly under both electrodes. Inform the patient of this normal after effect and that the redness will disappear within an hour or two. Apply topical agents to the reddened area under the electrodes if needed to decrease post-treatment irritation. Persistent skin irritation could be due to repeated stimulation of the same electrode site or a possible allergic reaction to the conductive mediums, tapes, elastic wraps, and/or cleaning and disinfectant solutions. Therefore, use additional electrode stimulation sites to decrease or eliminate skin irritation on electrically sensitive patients. If skin irritation persists with alternate site applications, decrease the treatment times and lower the intensities; if necessary, discontinue treatment. If an allergic reaction is suspected, attempt to identify and change the allergic substance(s). If skin irritation persists, discontinue treatment until the source of irritation is determined.

By far the most common error with reported faulty machines is inadequate or improper conductive medium interface or lead wire breakage. Because of the increased current density available with pulsed or continuous medium frequency currents, a proportionally greater degree of conductive medium interface problems exists and should be monitored by the clinician.

ACP Reusable Pre-gelled Surface Electrodes
Remove the electrodes from their foil packaging. Connect the electrodes to the device. Cleanse the skin, and then apply the electrodes over the treatment site points according to the electrode placement techniques described in this manual. Various sizes of electrodes are available dependent on the muscle size of the area to be treated. Follow the enclosed infection control procedures. Review the warnings and application directions on the electrode packaging.

Lead Wires
Inspect the full length of the lead wires for signs of frayed or cut wires and loose connections where the lead wires join the jack plug and tip pins. Insert the plug completely. Allow the lead wires to hang freely with no excessive strain on the connector.

The use of conductive mediums other than specifically approved pre-gelled or self-adhering electrodes such as ultrasound gel or lotion, hand or body lotion, electrolyte spray mist, paper towels, non-approved reusable or disposable pre-gelled or self-adhering electrodes—are contraindicated for use with Omnistim® Systems.


Cleaning/Disinfecting of the OMNISTIM® FX2 PORTABLE PENS
It is recommended to clean the device and lead wire attachments after each use to control the spread of infection.

  • Clean the Omnistim® FX2 Portable PENS after each use with ACP germicidal wipes. Wipe common contact surfaces, such as control panels, lead wires, and probe tips with germicidal disposable wipes and allow them to air dry. This technique will inactivate most bacteria and viruses. This will also facilitate the removal of contaminants from the equipment and accessories.
  • Disposable/reusable electrodes are for individual patient use only and should not be shared with others.
  • All disposable electrodes should be discarded after each use. Do not attempt to clean and reuse disposable electrodes.


The following table lists machine problem symptoms and possible areas to check for the problem causes. If these suggested measures do not correct the machine malfunction, call your physician for assistance.


Unit will not power on


·   No batteries

·   Low batteries

| ·    Install batteries

·    Replace batteries

·    Verify type of batteries

·    Inspect battery contacts

Display shows low

battery symbol

| ·   Battery voltage is too low| ·    Replace batteries for future use

Channel indicator flashing and caution symbol is displayed

| ·   Batteries are too low to perform treatment

·   Lead wires not properly connected

·   Lead wire to electrode not connected

·   Improper skin preparation

| ·   Replace batteries

·    Replace lead wire(s) if defective

·    Properly connect leads as needed

·    Properly prepare skin prior to treatment

Patient feels surging or spiking sensation

| ·   Lead wire(s) breakage

·   Electrode(s) lead wire breakage

| ·    Replace lead wire(s) if defective

·    Replace electrode(s)

Patient cannot detect output

| ·   Failure of lead wire(s)

·   Electrode(s) failure, or electrode gel dried out

·   Device failure

| ·    Replace lead wire(s) if defective

·    Remove electrode(s) and replace if necessary

·    Contact ACP customer service


  • Caution or Attention. There is a problem. No patient was detected.
  • Output locked. Decrease output to unlock then increase output.
  • Reduce output before increasing the channel to the desired level.



Dimensions:| 1.5″ (38mm) D x 2.5″ (65mm) W x 5.4″ (137mm) H
Weight (Including batteries):| 0.35lbs. (0.16kgs)
Operating Power:| 9V alkaline

Battery Life:

| New alkaline batteries operate the system for 40 hours at full output and over 100 hours at normal settings. Battery voltage emblem is displayed when battery low

voltage is indicated.

Display System:| LCD Display
Push Buttons:| Polyester embossed overlay for tactile feel and infection control.
System Memory:| The system remembers all prior custom settings from treatment to treatment-in non-volatile memory.
System Architecture:| CMOS integrated micro-controller with on board memory and instruction set.
Output:| Constant current up to maximum preset current limit of 60mA into a 500 ohm load.
Waveform:| Asymmetric Biphasic Pulsed Current 0-60mA average single

pulse current into a 500 ohm load.

Phase Duration:| Set at 70µs; Variable from 50µs to 120µs
Pulse Rate:| Set at 50 Hz burst pattern
Carrier Frequency:| Output channel A, or B fixed at 5.0 KHz. Modulated at Burst Rate.
Burst Rate:| Three programs, Sensory 80-120 BPS, Motor 2-15 BPS, Sensory Motor 15-2-100 BPS
Rate Scan:| 0-20 seconds for rate sweep
Treatment Timer:| Set to 20 minutes by default; Adjustable for 1-30 minutes in one-minute increments.

Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician (or other health practitioner licensed by their State).

ACP reserves the right to change technical specifications and product availability without notice.




Offers 2 channels of programmable stimulation with PENS and TENS programs.



| ****


Hard Carry Case

| 74747| 9V Alkaline battery
| **38155| 2×2     Reusable     E-stim Electrodes (4 ea/pkg, 10 pkg/bx)
61227**| 2×4     Reusable     E-stim Electrodes (4 ea/pkg, 10 pkg/bx)

| technology-user- manuals| OMNISTIM ® FX2 PORTABLE PENS

Professional User Manual technology-user-



Patient User Manual

Infection Control Supplies

55536 Super Sani-Cloth® Wipes, Single Use Packets (50 pkt/bx)
44425 Super Sani-Cloth® Wipes, Tub (160 wipes/tub)


| Sani-Cloth® Wipes w/ Bleach, Tub (75 wipes/tub)
| ****


| Barrier Tubing 3″ x 1200’/roll


Mark the prescribed program, button, and intensity prescribed. Place date and time in the column provided, and comment on the intensity level.




(PENS 1, 2, 3,

TENS 1, 2, 3)


( A / B )


( 1 to 100 )



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Provide the patient with the Patient Electrode Placement Guide and indicate the electrode placement for each treatment prescribed. Mark each electrode location with (+) or (–) sign to indicate the polarity of the electrodes, or use red and black marker to identify the color code for each wire. Red represents (+) and Black represents (-). Mark the blue (B) and Green (A) channels.ACP-Omnistim-FX2-Portable-Pens-fig-28


The warranty information provided in this section is applicable only to products purchased from ACP, directly or through an authorized dealer. This section does not apply to leased products. The terms of maintenance and repair of any leased products are detailed in the separately executed agreement between the parties.

Warranty Coverage
This warranty provides coverage, for Equipment purchased, against the manufacturer’s defects in material and workmanship, and extends to the original owner of the product during the warranty period for that product. Only those items returned to the ACP Service Center within the warranty period, and also within thirty (30) days after notification to ACP of the defect, shall be eligible for repair under the Standard Limited Product Warranty. Buyer is responsible for shipping cost associated with sending the Equipment to the ACP Service Center. ACP shall ship Equipment to Buyer after repair at no cost to the Buyer provided repair is deemed to be under warranty. ACP may, at its discretion and only for valid warranty claim, repair or replace any part(s) that prove to be defective during the warranty period.

Warranty Exclusion
Any and all warranty coverage will be void if any of the following have occurred:

  1. The product contains repairs or replacement parts not furnished by ACP.
  2. The product is damaged resulting from misuse or negligence.
  3. The product has been tampered with and/or altered, including serial number alteration.

Use of the Equipment with accessories and/or supplies not approved by ACPL for use with the Equipment may void the warranty if such accessory or supply item caused damage to the Equipment.

Warranty Period
The following coverage is provided at no additional cost to the Buyer:

New Equipment/Product
Products purchased as new from ACP are warranted against the manufacturer’s defects in material and workmanship for a period of two (2) years from the date of purchase.
Refurbished Equipment / Product. Products purchased specifically as Refurbished Equipment are warranted against the manufacturer’s defects in material and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase.

Accessories. All accessories for ACP equipment/products are warranted against the manufacturer’s defects in material and workmanship for a period of three (3) months from the date of purchase.

Warranty Validation

The following information needs to be provided to the ACP Customer Support representative prior to the product being returned under warranty coverage:

  1. Buyer name or account number as it appears under the “Bill TO” on the ACP or recognized ACP Dealer invoice.
  2. Invoice Date and Number
  3. Model number, description, and serial number of equipment
  4. A detailed description of the problem
Return of Defective Equipment

Any Equipment returned to the ACP Service Center under warranty coverage must have the Warranty coverage validated and must receive authorization from ACP Customer Support prior to being received at the Service Center. Shipping charges, insurance, and any other costs incurred in sending the product to ACP Service Center is the responsibility of the customer and will not be refunded. ACP shall cover the shipping charges and related costs to return the unit to the customer, provided repair is deemed to be under warranty.

ACP is not responsible for any loss or damage to the Equipment prior to receipt at the ACP Service Center. Equipment returned for warranty service must be shipped complete with all accessories (except for manuals), in its original packing or equivalent so as not to be damaged while in transit.

Any Equipment sent to the ACP Service Center that is not covered by the ACP Limited Product Warranty is subject to a minimum service and handling fee.



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