OPUS Healthy Water Systems User Guide

August 26, 2024

Table of Contents

OPUS Healthy
Water Systems

Available at Aviva

1224 St. James St.
Winnipeg, MB
Canada R3H 0L1






A Guide to Drinking Water Treatment

Technologies for Household Use (07-03-2024)

Water: Options/Choices for Chlorinated and Fluoridated Water

Tap Water

Benefits: Tap water contains naturally occurring health promoting, alkalizing minerals, and it’s almost free.
Drawbacks: Tap water can contain many contaminants, which vary depending on where it is sourced and how it is treated. Contaminants can include various metals, MTBE, VOCs, cysts, and other harmful microbes. Further, the chlorine, chloramines (in many cities) and fluoride added “for health reasons” may actually make water less healthy and have been associated with various health problems.

Bottled Water

Benefits: Vary by company and product.
Drawbacks: There is little standardization or regulation of commercially sold bottled water, so it is often unclear whether the bottled water you are drinking is in fact better than regular tap water. Bottled water is often stored in plastic or metal containers, and harmful chemicals from these containers (including the dangerous endocrine disrupters BPA and phthalates) can leach into the water – particularly when it’s been demineralized, which can result in an acidic pH; or if it’s been stored for long periods in plastic containers; or if the plastic bottles get hot, which can accelerate the transfer of plastic chemicals and tiny plastic particles into the water.

Steam Distillation

Benefits: Steam distillation removes heavy metals, micro-organisms, toxins, bacteria, contaminants, sediment, minerals and viruses.
Drawbacks: Distillation cannot remove substances with lower boiling points than water, including oils, petroleum, gases (including chlorine) and alcohol, which is why these systems require carbon post filters. This process not only removes problematic contaminants, but also healthful minerals. The acidic pH of distilled water (as with all demineralized water) results in a greater absorption of chemicals or other materials, especially when water is stored in plastic or stainless steel containers. Distilled water is highly corrosive and super absorbent, resulting in the leaching of chemicals from plastic containers including BPA and phthalates, estrogen disrupters associated with various health problems, and metals from cookware or storage containers. The electrical costs to produce distilled water are prohibitively expensive.

Reverse Osmosis

Benefits: An effective method of removing contaminants and minerals from water.
Drawbacks: Reverse osmosis uses a semi-permeable membrane to produce demineralized water with all the associated problems just listed for steam distillation, producing acidic water that is highly corrosive. Proper maintenance and cleaning can be difficult, and if the system is not maintained properly, bacteria, fungi, and viruses may contaminate the water. The rubber or plastic lined storage tank increases the potential for higher levels of contaminants. Reverse osmosis is environmentally unfriendly, and wastes large quantities of water.

OPUS Water Purification Systems (07-03-2024)

OPUS Water Purification Systems

Benefits: Water purification based on filtration uses specially designed filters that trap and adsorb (remove) particles, odors and chemicals to improve the taste and “mouth feel” of water. Systems can be designed to remove dangerous chemicals while retaining health promoting minerals. Systems based on discrete water filtration technologies can be modified and designed to target a broad spectrum of contaminants and pathogens, including bacteria and viruses, and chemicals. Maintenance is easy, by simply replacing filters as required. Systems and system maintenance are simple and low-cost in comparison to other systems and methods. Filtration has low environmental impact compared to the material wastes produced by bottled water, the energy waste associated with steam distillation, and the ongoing water waste of reverse osmosis.

Drawbacks: Few, compared with reverse osmosis, steam distillation, and bottled water. The only advantage a reverse osmosis or distillation system has over an OPUS filtration system is in the removal of sodium, which is often recommended if a water softener is used. However OPUS recommends the Calmat system for areas that have hard water – a more natural method of softening that requires no chemicals or salt. An OPUS Water Purification System works perfectly with Calmat.

For a more comprehensive comparison of OPUS water systems and Reverse Osmosis in particular, please see pages 13 and 14 of this document.

Winnipeg Water: What needs to be filtered out?

Sediment: Usually the first step in filtering water involves filtering dirt, rust, sediment and particulate matter. This can be achieved with a 1 to 5 micron dirt/rust/sediment filter, sometimes preceded by filters with higher micron ratings (e.g. 25-30 micron) in cases of high water volume or excessively high levels of sediment, which can be found in untreated or lake water.

Fluoride: Though fluoride is ostensibly put into our drinking water for health reasons, it has been associated with a variety of health problems, including cancer, thyroid problems, and dental fluorosis. OPUS water purification systems utilize bone char filtration media to adsorb fluoride.

Contaminants: Chlorine, lead, mercury, iron, aluminum, arsenic, chromium, copper, nickel, manganese, chloroform, trichloroethane, lindane, nitrates, nitrites and hydrogen sulfide. These can be removed through a combination of KDF media (an advanced zinc-copper alloy), granulated activated carbon (GAC), and carbon block media.

MTBE (methyl-tertiary-butyl ether): MTBE is a gasoline additive VOC that replaced lead to boost octane and reduce carbon monoxide emissions. MTBE can leach into water supplies. Removal requires a 0.5 micron filter with a special carbon blend specifically formulated to adsorb MTBE.

VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds): These industrial chemicals can leach into groundwater, and have been associated with health problems, particularly in relation to pregnancy and birth defects. Removal requires a 0.5 micron filter with a special carbon blend specifically formulated to adsorb VOCs.

Lead/Mercury: Up to a 99.5% removal rate can be achieved through 0.5 micron filtration with a carbon block filter specifically designed to remove lead and mercury.

Harmful Microbes (cysts, including giardia, cryptosporidium, entamoeba, and toxoplasma): For water already treated by a municipal water supply, 0.5 micron filters are generally sufficient to remove the remainder of these. However, for untreated water, further treatment for these as well as E. coli is required; the preferred methods are UV sterilization or nanofiltration. Many choose to add a UV or nanofiltration filter as a safeguard against failures in municipal water treatment plants (inadequate chlorination, etc.) that have resulted in pathogens entering the drinking water supply.

Pharmaceutical Drugs: Nanofiltration is an option for all OPUS drinking water purification systems, and standard on “ NANO ” models. In a recent study, nanofiltration achieved a high rejection percentage for almost all of the pharmaceuticals investigated (>85%), including the rejection of drugs such as ketoprofen, diclofenac, acetaminophen and propyphenazone, beta-blockers sotalol and metoprolol, an antiepileptic drug carbamazepine, the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole, a lipid regulator gemfibrozil and a diuretic hydrochlorothiazide. In addition, nanofiltration is highly effective at blocking protozoa, bacteria and viruses.

OPUS Water Purification Systems:

State of the art systems for pure, delicious, health promoting drinking water

The following sections will review some of the main design elements of OPUS Water Purification Systems.


OPUS Water Purification Systems include 0.5 micron microfiltration in the design of most models, with models that include filtration of lead, mercury, chlorine, and a wide range of chemicals, heavy metals and contaminants, with optional (1) bioceramic natural water alkalizing/ionizing, (2) chloramine reduction, (3) nanofiltration and (4) ultraviolet sterilization.


Filtration is a physical process that occurs when liquids, gases, dissolved or suspended matter adhere to the surface of, or in the pores of, an absorbent or adsorbent medium. Filtration of an individual contaminant depends highly on the total amount of the contaminant; the size of the contaminant particle; and the charge of the contaminant particle.


All OPUS water filtration systems feature redundant filter technologies, where two or more filters have overlapping, complementary filtration. For example, most OPUS drinking water systems feature Activated Carbon (GAC), catalytic coconut carbon block, and 0.5 micron powdered carbon filtration. These filters remove chlorine, lead, mercury and a wide range of contaminants. By duplicating filter functions in two or more filters, you are assured of extremely pure, chemical and contaminant free drinking water. OPUS designs feature gradually finer micron filtration, starting with a 1 or 5 micron sediment filter, and progressing to as fine as 0.01 micron for units that include nanofiltration.


Sediment filters capture dirt, rust, silt, dust and other particulate matter from water. They are usually used at the water input to protect carbon, KDF or other filters from contamination and clogging which could affect filtration performance. Sediment filters may also be used at other stages to protect filters from becoming fouled or clogged from carbon or other fine dust particles that may be released from Granulated Activated Carbon, Carbon Block, Bone Char, or similar filters.

The longest lasting, highest capacity, and most effective sediment filters use pleated polypropylene, pleated carbon, or cellulose and polyester, while inexpensive sediment filters use a wound or spun mesh nylon. Due to their larger surface area and low water resistance, pleated designs provide higher flow rates and greater filtration capacity and last longer than spun filters.

All OPUS drinking water systems use either a 10″ carbon block sediment filter installed in the first filtration container (also called a “sump”) for their initial Stage, or a sealed inline 5 micron carbon block filter horizontally mounted with clips to the metal frame above the three containers. For the later Stages, a 1 and 0.5 micron carbon block filter are placed after the fluoride filter (if included) to ensure no small bone char dust or carbon particles (known as ‘fines’) reach your drinking glass, and to provide additional chlorine, chloramines lead, mercury, and contaminant removal.



Activated carbon can be made from either coal, wood, or coconut shell. While all forms are effective, many find that coconut shell carbon produces water with a sweeter taste. Carbon is “activated” by adding a positive charge, which enhances the adsorption and reduction of contaminants which have a negative charge. The three forms of activated carbon used in OPUS water filtration systems are: Granulated Activated Carbon (GAC), activated carbon block, and activated catalytic carbon block.

Each of these forms of carbon remove impurities, chemicals and contaminants through adsorption and a process called catalytic reduction. The contaminants removed include: volatile organic compounds (VOCs), herbicides, pesticides, chlorine (which is why water tastes better when filtered with activated carbon), chloramines, radon, and most man-made chemicals, including MTBE (methylt-butyl ether) a chemical added to gasoline to boost octane and lower carbon monoxide emissions.

Activated carbon is not effective at removing heavy metals, nitrites, nitrates, dissolved inorganic contaminants or sediment, however. This is why sediment filters should precede carbon filters, and why KDF media is combined with activated carbon in some OPUS water filtration systems.

Granulated Activated Carbon (GAC) consists of granules or relatively large particles of activated carbon. A pound of GAC has a surface area of over 125 acres, and can adsorb thousands of chemicals. As some portions of these particles may break off during the manufacture, transportation, and assembly, some flushing is required (running water through the filter prior to consuming it as drinking water) prior to use. GAC filters can be more effective when combined with KDF media, as there is a synergy between them resulting in filtration superior to either used alone.

Activated Carbon Block filters can be manufactured to a smaller micron rating than GAC, providing enhanced contaminant and sediment removal with a lower risk of carbon fines clogging subsequent filters or ending up in your drinking water. The new state of the art carbon block technologies used in most OPUS Healthy Water Systems filter down to 0.5 microns, adding redundancy to the other media through additional filtration of chlorine, lead, mercury, MTBE and VOCs.

Catalytic Carbon, a new advanced activated carbon block technology, is designed to adsorb chloramines (a combination of chlorine and ammonia). Chloramines are now used as an alternative water supply treatment in many U.S. and Canadian cities (but not yet in Winnipeg), since they inhibit the formation of carcinogenic trihalomethanes (THMs) which can result when chlorine interacts with organic plant materials. All OPUS drinking water systems are designed to adsorb both chlorine and chloramines with the use of catalytic activated carbon block filters.


Used by major laboratories and manufacturers, KDF media is an ideal complement to granulated activated carbon filters. Using a process of electro-chemical oxidation known as “redox” (oxidation-reduction), KDF media is a zinc-copper alloy that removes up to 99% of free chlorine, heavy metals, nitrates, nitrites, silver, aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, copper, iron, nickel, zinc, lead, chromium, barium, hydrogen sulfide, radon, selenium, trihalomethanes, manganese, mercury, chloroform, trichloroethane, lindane, pesticides, fungicides, bad tastes and odors. KDF media significantly extends the life of granulated activated carbon, controls and inhibits the growth of micro- organisms, and outperforms silver-impregnated carbon filters.

As with many inventions, combining copper and zinc to produce an electro- chemical reaction to remove free chlorine was an accidental discovery made by Don Heskett in 1984, which led to the creation of KDF Fluid Treatment Inc. Originally, KDF was an acronym for that Kinetic Degradation Fluxion process. The discovery resulted in many patents and opened up a new era in water treatment.

In 1992, KDF 85 and KDF 55 Process Media were certified by NSF International to its Standard 61 for drinking water. In 1997, KDF Fluid Treatment became a member of the Water Quality Association, receiving ANSI/NSF Standard 42 certification for drinking water.

The zinc-copper alloy known as KDF-55 produces zinc oxide which destroys bacteria, extending the life of activated carbon while limiting the growth of bacteria in the carbon bed. This zinc-copper alloy attracts heavy metals like a magnet. Testing confirms that the level of copper in water filtered by KDF media is <0.05 mg/l, which is 20 times better than the allowable EPA levels. Zinc levels are 0.46 mg/l, over 10 times below the EPA safety level of 5.0 mg/l. There is no better technology for the removal of contaminants from microbiologically safe water than KDF media combined with GAC.

KDF media combined with GAC is used in OPUS whole house (point of entry) water systems. The KDF-55 form is typically used for municipally treated chlorinated water supplies with low levels of iron, while KDF-85 is used for wells or for water supplies that are high in iron, or for municipal water supplies that use chloramines (chlorine + ammonia).

Similarly, while other whole house systems typically use 5 pounds of KDF-55 Media, rated at 100,000 gallons, OPUS uses 7.5 pounds of KDF-55 in its original Whole House Model 55, which is 50% more than the industry standard.

As KDF media does not remove all fluoride, MTBE and VOCs, many OPUS models feature fluoride, MTBE and VOC filters. For micro-biologically unsafe water (lakes, wells, etc., with high bacteria counts), UV-C germicidal filtration or 0.01 micron nanofiltration is also recommended (the latter has the added benefit of removing over 85% of many pharmaceutical drugs).


A significant advance in fluoride filtration is the use of Bone Char to remove fluoride from fluoridated drinking water. This Certified Kosher media is 100% organic bone char, with 80% calcium phosphate, 10% carbon and 10% calcium carbonate. Bone Char has no effect on pH and is the perfect natural product for safely removing fluoride. Bone char also removes lead and arsenic. Bone char is used in several OPUS drinking water systems.


A nanofiltration filter has a pore size of approximately 0.001 micron [pore size ranges vary by filter from 0.008 micron to 0.01 micron; Molecular Weight Cut Off (MWCO) of 200 to 2000 Daltons]. Nanofiltration filters remove particles based on their size, weight, and charge. Nanofiltration has a very high effectiveness in removing:

  • Protozoa (for example, Cryptosporidium, Giardia);
  • Bacteria (for example, Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, E. coli); and,
  • Viruses (for example, Enteric, Hepatitis A, Norovirus, Rotavirus).

Nanofiltration also has excellent overall performance in removing prescription medications which may have found their way into the water supply, with high rejection percentages for almost all of the pharmaceuticals investigated (>85%) in a recent published study, including the rejection of drugs such as ketoprofen, diclofenac, acetaminophen and propyphenazone, beta-blockers sotalol and metoprolol, an antiepileptic drug carbamazepine, the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole, a lipid regulator gemfibrozil and a diuretic hydrochlorothiazide.


Ultraviolet Treatment with pre-filtration is a treatment process that uses ultraviolet light to disinfect water or reduce the amount of bacteria present. Ultraviolet Treatment was standard in the OPUS CottagePure system, and is an option for nearly all the other OPUS Water Purification Systems. Ultraviolet Treatment Systems also have a very high effectiveness in removing:

  • Protozoa (for example, Cryptosporidium, Giardia);
  • Bacteria (for example, Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, E. coli); and,
  • Viruses (for example, Enteric, Hepatitis A, Norovirus, Rotavirus).

UV treatment systems are not effective in removing chemicals or pharmaceutical drugs, however.


KANGEN, ETC.: Electric alkaline water ionizing systems like Kangen are promoted based on the unproven claim that drinking alkaline water (higher in minerals and a pH usually higher than 8) provided significant health benefits. Recent research has found that it is a byproduct of the production of alkaline water by these machines, molecular hydrogen, that may provide the health benefit, although research on drinking water with dissolved molecular hydrogen is not conclusive.

Electric water ionizers use electrolysis to convert tap water into “electrolyzed ionized water,” often called Kangen water (the most well-known water ionizers), or ionized alkaline water. With most electric ionizing water treatment systems, alkaline water is produced from one tube for drinking, while acidic water is separated out and emitted from a drain tube. Although some use the latter to wash their face and to help heal skin problems, most just discard it. Another drawback of the electric water ionizers is that the molecular hydrogen is less stable in electrically ionized water and dissipates from it quickly, compared to process used by inexpensive molecular hydrogen machines.

Multiple scientific studies have proven that drinking alkaline water from machines like Kangen is not only a waste of money, but potentially dangerous, so I do not recommend them. If you want to drink alkaline water, OPUS offers various products, and also an inexpensive unit that adds molecular hydrogen to water. An alternative is to simply add ¼ teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to a glass of water, providing similar alkalinity to that produced by alkaline water machines.

OPUS Water Alkalizing Products:

Alkalizing products are available in several different forms here at Aviva:

  • Ceramic Complex Filter: included in the OPUS AlkaPlus drinking water purification systems (which lasts up to one year, based on filtering up to 5 gallons of water per day);
  • Alkalizing sticks that can be added to water bottles ( OreKorea Balance Water Sticks , which last about six months, so the pack of 2 can last a year);
  • OPUS Bioceramic Antioxidant Tea Bags that can be added to a water jug or drinking water bottle (in sets of 3; each lasts a month, if used daily); and,
  • OPUS Bioceramic Cooking Stone , which can be placed in water jugs, coffee pots, water boilers, and cookware, to add healthful minerals while imparting other health-giving properties to cooked foods (it should be replaced after two years’ use, unbroken).

The Balance Water Sticks, Bioceramic Alkalizing Antioxidant Tea Bag, and Cooking Stone can each improve the healthful qualities of water and food, with the convenience of portability and low cost.

These products are ideal for reverse osmosis or distilled water, or water that hasn’t been ionized and/or alkalized, as they will raise the pH, balance the water, add molecular hydrogen, and even improve the health-giving properties of food. These products can also be used with water that has been previously alkalized with a Ceramic Complex filter to further increase the alkalinity of the water. Their usage and current costs are detailed below.

Balance Water Sticks: A convenient way to improve the health-giving properties of water. By putting a balance water stick in your water bottle, you can benefit from antioxidant, alkaline drinking water wherever you go. Each stick last up to six months, and can alkalize and hydrogen enrich up to 750 litres of water, providing bioceramic antioxidant benefits to water that has not been treated by a bioceramic filter. Two sticks per package.

$69.99 Sale Price: $49.99

OPUS Bioceramic Cooking Stone: One of our most versatile and health promoting products, the cooking stone can be added to the pots while the foods are being cooked (for soups, stews, rice, etc.), and is ideal for alkalizing water kept in a water boiler (e.g., from Zojirushi). The cooking stone provides all the benefits of the tea bag and balance water sticks, with additional benefits due to far infrared rays. The beneficial effects will last up to two years if the stone is not broken.


  • When cooking rice, meat, soup and stews, food will taste better due to the far infrared rays, with more healthful minerals and antioxidants.
  • When boiling or heating water for tea or coffee, the alkaline water will improve the taste, and help the water extract more flavor from coffee, tea or herbs.
  • When put in the refrigerator, the cooking stone will help keep vegetables fresher.
  • If stored in a shoe box, closet or wardrobe, the cooking stone will reduce the musty smell.

OPUS Bioceramic Tea Bag, 20g: Using tourmaline, antioxidant ORP and alkaline balls, the OPUS Bioceramic Tea Bag is designed to be placed in a water bottle, kettle, or water jug. Designed to last 30 days, each tea bag can be used up to 20 times per week. The OPUS Bioceramic Tea Bag will enrich water with molecular hydrogen, alkalize (raise the pH), ionize, oxygenate, and mineralize water, while lowering the ORP, turning ordinary tap water into a powerful antioxidant.

3 for $49.99

Note: If you’re interested in supplements and food additives that can increase alkalinity at the cellular level while reducing acidity, Aviva recommends the following:

  1. ConcenTrace – The most concentrated ionic mineral product, high in magnesium.
  2. Enerex Greens – Nutrient-dense juiced greens powder, with spirulina, barley grass juice powder, kamut grass juice powder, beet juice powder, brown rice bran, and bee pollen.
  3. Ergogenics Adventure Greens – Great tasting blend of vegetables and grass juice powders, high in antioxidants, and to boost nitric oxide.
  4. Alkalife pH Booster Drops – 1.25 fluid ounces alkalizes 360 glasses of water.
  5. Homeocan Alcabase powder – with mineral citrates to assist with acid/base balance.
  6. Celtic Sea Salt Electrolyte Powder – Minerals derived from Celtic Sea Salt.
  7. Pascoe Basentabs – Tablets made from various mineral salts. Convenient and effective.

How OPUS Healthy Water Systems Can Help

OPUS features four drinking water models designed for fluoridated, chlorinated, and chloriminated water. These are the Advantage, NANO, AlkaPlus, and Integrity Triple. Each model removes up to 99% of chlorine, chloramines, fluoride, bad tastes and odors, and sediment down to 0.5 micron for Advantage and AlkaPlus, and to 0.01 micron for the NANO model.

If your water does not have added fluoride, choose one of the Freedom systems that are designed without fluoride filtration. The Freedom, Freedom NANO, and AlkaPlus Freedom adsorb chlorine and chloramines, mercury, lead, and a wide range of contaminants. The AlkaPlus Freedom increases alkalinity (raises pH) and provides additional antibacterial benefits, and the Freedom NANO filters bacteria, viruses, and 85% of tested pharmaceutical drugs.

Dozens of Canadian cities have banned the addition of toxic fluoride to municipal drinking water, including over 50 cities in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, New Brunswick and Quebec. Sadly, only Churchill and Flin Flon have banned fluoride in Manitoba. Major Canadian cities that have banned fluoride include Vancouver, Regina, Calgary and Montreal.

Why OPUS Does Not Recommend Water Fluoridation: 49 published human studies and 34 animal studies document the association of fluoride exposure and reduced IQ, learning and memory capacity. These studies provide strong and disturbing evidence that exposure to fluoride during a child or animal’s early life can damage the developing brain. To learn more, please go to this link: http://fluoridealert.org/studies/brain01/

Redundant Filtration: All OPUS systems feature redundant filtration, with at least three types of filtration media designed to remove similar contaminants. For example, the 5 micron inline carbon block sediment filter (Stage 1), the catalytic carbon/chloramine filter (usually stages 3 & 4, or stages 3 & 4) and the 0.5 micron powdered carbon microfiltration filter (usually stages 4 & 5, or stages 5 & 6) all remove up to 99% of chlorine, lead, mercury and heavy metals. With redundancy in the design, levels of chlorine and other contaminants will be at the lowest possible levels.

OPUS Point-of-Use Drinking Water Systems

Advantage-2024: A point-of-use drinking water system that includes a 5 micron carbon block sediment filter, a bone char filter for fluoride removal, a 1 micron catalytic carbon filter to adsorb chloramines, and a 0.5 micron filter for MTBE, VOCs, lead, mercury, and a variety of cysts. Includes a brushed nickel ceramic disk faucet and tubing for installation. (For untreated water supplies microbiologically unsafe to drink, we recommend the NANO.)


NANO-2024: The NANO has all the features of the Advantage-2024, with the addition of the nanofiltration filter. Nanofiltration removes viruses, protozoa, and bacteria (including E. coli). With filtration down to 0.01 microns, this remarkable filter retains the healthful minerals that make water taste great, but removes virtually all potential harmful chemicals, viruses, bacteria, and pathogens, and over 85% of pharmaceutical drugs.


AlkaPlus-2024: AlkaPlus-2024 is a point-of-use drinking water system that produces great tasting water that is free of fluoride, chlorine, chloramines, lead, heavy metals, VOCs, MTBE, and contaminants. The Ceramic Complex final filter provides increased pH, adds healthful minerals including calcium, removes heavy metals, and provides additional antibacterial properties that complement the 0.5 Micron MTBE VOC Filter. The AlkaPlus uses five advanced filtration components providing seven filtration stages, with three 10″ vertical stages and two horizontally mounted inline filters.


Freedom-2024: A point-of-use drinking water system that includes a 5 micron carbon block sediment filter, a 1 micron catalytic carbon filter to adsorb chloramines, and a 0.5 micron filter for MTBE, VOCs, lead, mercury, and a variety of cysts. Includes a brushed nickel ceramic disk faucet and tubing for installation. (For untreated water supplies microbiologically unsafe to drink, we recommend the Freedom-NANO-2024.)


AlkaPlus Freedom-2024: All the features of the Advantage, with the Ceramic Complex filter that increases alkalinity and adds healthful minerals to your water.


Freedom-NANO-2024: A point-of-use drinking water system that includes a 5 micron carbon block sediment filter, a 1 micron catalytic carbon filter to adsorb chloramines, a 0.5 micron filter for MTBE, VOCs, lead, mercury, and a variety of cysts, and the NANO Filtration final filter to filter bacteria, viruses, pharmaceutical drugs, and particulate down to 0.01 micron, while keeping healthful minerals in solution. Includes a brushed nickel ceramic disk faucet and tubing for installation. (For untreated water supplies microbiologically unsafe to drink, we recommend the Freedom-NANO-2024.)


Integrity Triple 2024: A three stage countertop model designed for residences where plumbing restrictions prevent the installation of a system connected directly to a cold water source, or where you cannot drill a hole in your sink or countertop to install the faucet included with the OPUS drinking water systems usually installed under the kitchen sink. This model is easy to connect to a faucet using a diverter valve, and includes two 5 micron sediment filters, a bone char fluoride filter, and a 1 micron filter for removal of impurities, including chlorine, chloramines, lead, mercury, VOCs. This system is superior to all available countertop systems, with very low operating costs.


Integrity Freedom Dual 2024: A two-chamber countertop filtration system that includes a 5 micron sediment filter as well as a 1 Micron filter that not only removes sediment down to 1 micron but also adsorbs chlorine and chloramines and improves the taste and odor of water. This unit does not remove fluoride, but is superior to any standard countertop water purification system.


Whole House Filtration Systems: A point-of-entry system for treating the water in your entire house. Uses 20″ tall 5 and 20 micron sediment filters and a GAC/KDF media filter, for up to 99% reduction of lead, chlorine, heavy metals, silver, aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, copper, iron, nickel, zinc, chromium, barium, hydrogen sulfide, radon, selenium, mercury, algae, trihalomethanes, manganese, chloroform, trichloroethane, lindane, pesticides, fungi, VOCs, bad tastes and odors. For water supplies microbiologically unsafe to drink (or to ensure your water is safe, if a water boil advisory might happen) an ultraviolet sterilization (UV-C) filter can be added to effectively kill all viruses, bacteria and larger pathogens, including giardia and cryptosporidium.

$699.99 (for 5 lb KDF) or $799.99 (for 7.5lb KDF)

OPUS Drinking Water Systems that Remove Fluoride

Advantage 2024


2 to 4 Litres Per Minute

| The Advantage is a 4 filter, 6 stage system, with 0.5 micron microfiltration to remove chlorine, heavy metal, fluoride, VOCs (volatile organic compounds), MTBE (methyl tertiary-butyl ether), major contaminants, and chemicals. Produces great tasting water rich in natural minerals, and free of fluoride, chlorine, chloramines, and a wide variety of chemicals and contaminants.|


NANO 2024|

2 to 4 Litres Per Minute

| Our most popular system, the NANO is a 5 filter, 7 stage system, with 0.5 micron micro-filtration to remove chlorine, chloramines, heavy metals, fluoride, VOCs (volatile organic compounds), MTBE (methyl tertiary-butyl ether), major contaminants, and chemicals. A special feature of this system is the 0.01 micron nanofiltration filter, which blocks protozoa (cryptosporidium, giardia), bacteria (campylobacter, salmonella, shigella, E. coli), and viruses (enteric, hepatitis A, norovirus, rotavirus).|


OPUS AlkaPlus Models to Increase Alkalinity



2 to 4 Litres Per Minute

| AlkaPlus is a 5 filter, 7 stage system, with 0.5 micron micro-filtration, providing chlorine, chloramines, heavy metal, fluoride, VOC, MTBE, major contaminant and chemical filtration, with the Ceramic Complex filter to give water antioxidant properties while increasing alkalinity, and adding alkalizing minerals.|


AlkaPlus Freedom 2024|

2 to 4 Litres Per Minute

| AlkaPlus Freedom is a 4 filter, 6 stage system, with 1 micron catalytic carbon chloramines filtration, 0.5 micron micro-filtration, providing chlorine, heavy metal, fluoride, VOC, MTBE, major contaminant and chemical filtration, and the Ceramic Complex antibacterial alkalizing filter to increase alkalinity and add alkalizing minerals. (Please note, this model does not remove fluoride.)|


OPUS Freedom Models That Do Not Remove Fluoride

Freedom 2024


2 to 4 Litres Per Minute

| Freedom 2024 is a 3 filter, 6 stage system, with 5 micron coconut carbon block prefiltration, 1 micron catalytic coconut carbon block filter that adsorbs chlorine and chloramines , and 0.5 micron microfiltration, providing chlorine, heavy metals, fluoride, VOC, MTBE, major contaminant and chemical filtration.|


AlkaPlus Freedom 2024|

2 to 4 Litres Per Minute

| AlkaPlus Freedom is a 4 filter, 6 stage system, with 1 micron catalytic carbon chloramines filtration, 0.5 micron micro-filtration, providing filtration of chlorine, chloramines, heavy metals, fluoride, VOCs, MTBE, major contaminant and chemical filtration, and the Ceramic Complex antibacterial alkalizing filter to increase alkalinity and add alkalizing minerals.|


OPUS Countertop Systems

Integrity Triple 2024


1 to 3 Litres Per Minute

| Countertop system that connects to a standard faucet using just a diverter valve, for kitchens where a permanent installation is not possible, or when a dedicated faucet cannot be installed into a countertop. The Integrity Triple is a 3 Filter, 4 stage countertop system, with 5 micron coconut carbon block taste, odor and sediment pre-filtration, fluoride filtration, and 1 micron catalytic carbon filtration. Filters fluoride, chlorine, chloramines, cysts, lead, mercury, heavy metals, and major contaminants.|


Integrity Dual 2024|

1 to 3 Litres Per Minute

| Countertop system that connects to a standard faucet using a diverter valve. The Integrity Dual features a two stage 5 micron carbon block filter, and a two stage 1 micron carbon block filter that adsorbs chlorine, chloramines, and a wide range of contaminants.|


OPUS Whole House Water Filtration Systems

Whole House Systems

| OPUS Whole House Filtration systems feature 20 micron and 5 micron pleated sediment filters, and a two-stage filter utilizing granulated activated carbon and KDF-55 media – a copper and zinc formulation that uses electrochemical oxidation reduction to eliminate a vast number of water contaminants. These systems ensure up to 99% reduction of lead, chlorine, heavy metals, silver, aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, copper, iron, nickel, zinc, chromium, barium, hydrogen sulfide, radon, selenium, mercury, trihalomethanes, algae, manganese, trichloroethane, lindane, chloroform, pesticides, fungi, bad tastes and odors. A UV-C sterilization option is available for microbiologically unsafe water. They process up to 8 gallons of water per minute. The model with 5 pounds of KDF media is rated for 100,000 gallons. The model with 7.5 pounds of KDF media is rated for 150,000 gallons.|

Model 55, for chlorinated water, with 5 pounds of KDF media ($799.99)


UV-C Filter

| Optional: Ultraviolet Sterilization System, an AC-powered UV-C wavelength (also known as germicidal UV) lamp kills up to 99.95% of viruses, bacteria and pathogens (including giardia and cryptosporidium) to ensure complete sterilization of water.|


OPUS Water Systems vs. Reverse Osmosis|


Produces Water on Demand|


Retains Healthful Minerals, pH is Not Affected|


Efficient and Economical, No Water is Wasted|


Water Does Not Become More Acidic|


Requires Drainage Connection|


Requires External Tank|


Produces the Best Tasting Mineral Water|


OPUS Systems have these benefits & advantages compared to Reverse


  • OPUS water purification systems provide continuous on-demand water , with no bulky pressurized storage tank (which can be difficult to fit in the space below your kitchen sink) needed. You can fill multiple 5 gallon bottles in short order (or simply let the system run continuously), without having to wait up to 24 hours for a 2.5 gallon pressurized Reverse Osmosis (RO) holding tank to fill.
  • OPUS water purification systems retain healthful minerals including magnesium and calcium in solution, while RO removes them. These minerals significantly improve the taste of drinking water – as water without minerals tastes “flat.” It’s the minerals that give water taste and “mouth feel.”
  • OPUS systems are easier to install and maintain, as they do not require a connection to drain waste water, as RO systems do.
  • There is no ongoing water waste with OPUS water purification systems. A new reverse osmosis system wastes about 2 gallons of water for every gallon purified. Over time and with continued use, the RO membrane loses efficiency, with gradually higher amounts of wasted water. This can result in up to a 19 to 1 ratio of wasted to purified water (19 gallons wasted for every one gallon purified) for systems that are older or not properly cleaned and maintained. RO systems also tend to have an annoying “dripping” noise due to their inefficient wasteful design.
  • Suspended particles, minerals and micro-organisms can foul the reverse osmosis membrane, resulting in decreased water production, poor contaminant rejection, ineffective purification and higher levels of waste water. OPUS water purification systems are simple, elegant and effective, producing great tasting, health promoting water that will make everything you make with water (i.e. coffee, tea, soups, etc.) taste better.
  • If an RO system is not cleaned and sanitized every six months there is a risk of bacterial, fungal, mold, or viral water contamination in the holding tank, on the tank lining, or on the RO membrane. A Quebec study found a significantly higher incidence of gastroenteritis among families with RO systems. People who drank RO water experienced on average 10 times the incidence of illness of those drinking unfiltered tap water.
  • There is no danger of added exposure to nickel, phthalates or bisphenols from OPUS systems, as no storage tank is required. The water produced by OPUS water purification systems is also less likely to absorb chemicals from plastic or metal storage containers, since it will be of either a neutral or a higher pH than RO treated water, as the subsequent points explain.
  • OPUS water purification systems either maintain or increase the pH of the incoming water. Water rich in naturally occurring minerals tastes better and provides a host of health benefits. Even if a percentage of the dissolved minerals that naturally occur in water are not absorbed by the body (an argument often posed by those who promote distillation or RO systems), these minerals provide an important function by maintaining the pH of the water, assisting the body in maintaining a higher pH at the cellular level, and preventing water from having a corrosive effect on metals and plastic pipes. Distilled and R/O water is highly corrosive, due to the lack of minerals.
  • Water that is acidic (pH of less than 7) is more corrosive, and absorbs more chemicals and contaminants from storage containers. While drinking highly alkaline water is not recommended while eating (since it can lower stomach acid levels and affect digestion and the absorption of minerals and protein), drinking alkaline water without food, consuming plant foods (either raw, or steamed when cooking is required), choosing natural and unprocessed whole foods, and including super green food powders rich in alkaline minerals from vegetables and microalgae, can all help increase alkalinity at the cellular level. Cancer and many diseases are associated with high levels of acidity in the body. When you drink acidic water, as is produced by RO and distillation systems, the body’s natural ability to maintain consistent blood pH levels can result in an increased risk of osteoporosis, as the body will steal calcium from our bones to ensure blood levels are at the proper pH.

Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems


OPUS Drinking Water Purification Systems

Three stage systems, whose main stage uses pressure to force water through a semi-permeable membrane that retains the dissolved minerals and impurities (on one side, to be lost as waste water) and allows pure water to pass (to the other side, for holding tank storage).| Multi-stage filtration system, which begin by removing larger particles to protect subsequent filters, progressing to advanced filters that remove chemicals, bacteria, viruses and gases at levels as low as 0.01 micron, to provide multiple layers of protection, while leaving healthful minerals in solution, with no ongoing water waste.
Holding tanks fill slowly and are limited in size and capacity, posing a problem if more than 3-4 gallons a day are needed.| Water is “on demand,” without having to wait for a holding tank to fill before using.
Removes both minerals and oxygen, which can greatly affect taste.| Health promoting minerals and oxygen remain in solution; water tastes great.
Does not remove high levels of arsenic and manganese (the latter has been linked to a higher incidence of Parkinson’s disease).| Bone char filtration removes arsenic and fluoride; KDF media removes up to 99% of manganese, free chlorine, heavy metals, nitrates, nitrites, silver, aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, copper, iron, nickel, zinc, lead, chromium, barium, hydrogen sulfide, radon, selenium, trihalomethanes, mercury, and many other substances.
Not designed to filter microbiologically unsafe water (e.g., lake or river water with high bacteria counts, which has not been treated with chlorine or chloramine as municipal water supplies are).| Optional Ultraviolet-C germicidal filtration lamp kills up to 99.95% of viruses, bacteria and pathogens, including giardia and cryptosporidium. Similarly, the optional nanofiltration filter also removes protozoa, bacteria (campylobacter, salmonella, shigella, E. coli), and viruses (enteric, hepatitis A, norovirus, rotavirus).
Features a semi-permeable membrane filter; plus a series of carbon filters (sediment, granulated or carbon block; with a pre-filter to remove chlorine and a post filter to improve taste and adsorb any remaining chlorine) to protect the membrane; plus a bulky metal storage tank lined with rubber or plastic.| Feature multiple media, providing redundant filtration, with dual or triple carbon, bone char fluoride adsorption, and catalytic carbon media filtration to ensure state of the art filtration of fluoride, chlorine, chloramines, heavy metals, MTBE, VOCs, and other contaminants, and microfiltration to 0.5 micron, with optional 0.01 micron and UV-C sterilization options.


Ceramic Complex Filtration: The Ceramic Complex natural water filtration cartridge utilizes ceramic materials to add health promoting qualities to water. Ceramic complex filtration transforms purified water into a powerful alkaline antioxidant water that adds healthful minerals, increased antibacterial properties, and improved taste and odor. Used in OPUS AlkaPlus and AlkaPlus Freedom models.

Bone Char: Brimac Bone Char removes fluoride, from fluoridated drinking water. It is a Certified Kosher media that is 100% organic, with 80% calcium phosphate, 10% carbon, and 10% calcium carbonate. Bone char has no effect on pH, and is the perfect natural product for safely removing fluoride. Bone char also removes lead and arsenic. Used in the OPUS Advantage, NANO, Integrity Advantage Countertop System, and AlkaPlus point-of-use drinking water systems, and in the Whole Home Fluoride Filtration System.

Activated Carbon: Activated carbon can remove contaminants including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), herbicides, pesticides, chlorine (which is why water tastes better when filtered with activated carbon), chloramine, radon, and most synthetic chemicals, including MTBE (methyl-t-butyl ether), a chemical used to improve the octane in gasoline. Granulated Activated Carbon (GAC) is not effective at removing heavy metals, nitrites, nitrates, dissolved inorganic contaminants or sediment; this is why sediment filters should precede carbon filters, and why KDF media is combined with activated carbon in OPUS quality filtration systems for a synergy that is better than either media used alone. Carbon block filters can be manufactured to a smaller micron rating than granulated activated carbon, providing enhanced contaminant and sediment removal without the risk of carbon “fines” clogging subsequent filters or ending up in your water.

Catalytic Carbon: An advanced activated carbon block technology, is designed to adsorb chlorine and chloramines (a combination of chlorine and ammonia). Chloramines are now used as an alternative municipal water supply treatment in many U.S. and Canadian cities (but not yet in Winnipeg), since they inhibit the formation of carcinogenic trihalomethanes (THMs) which can result when chlorine interacts with organic plant materials. All OPUS drinking water systems are designed to adsorb both chlorine and chloramines with the use of catalytic activated carbon block filters.

KDF Media: Using a process of electro-chemical oxidation known as “redox” (oxidation-reduction), KDF media is a zinc-copper alloy that removes 99.9% of free chlorine, heavy metals, nitrates, nitrites, silver, aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, copper, iron, nickel, zinc, lead, chromium, barium, hydrogen sulfide, radon, selenium, trihalomethanes, manganese, mercury, chloroform, trichloroethane, lindane, pesticides, fungicides, bad tastes and odors. KDF media significantly extends the life of granulated activated carbon, while controlling and inhibiting the growth of micro-organisms. KDF Media is used in OPUS Whole House Filtration Systems.

Nanofiltration: Nanofiltration has a pore size of approximately .001 (but can range from .008 to 0.01 micron). Nanofiltration can remove protozoa (cryptosporidium, giardia), bacteria (campylobacter, salmonella, shigella, E. coli) and viruses (enteric, hepatitis A, norovirus, rotavirus). An excellent choice for microbial purification where electricity for UV irradiation is not available or practical. Nanofiltration also removes over 85% of pharmaceutical drugs.

Water Softeners
  • Water Softeners traditionally use ion exchange technology for chemical or ion removal to reduce the amount of hardness (calcium, magnesium) in the water; they can also be designed to remove some iron and manganese, heavy metals, some radioactivity, nitrates, arsenic, chromium, selenium, and sulfate. They do not protect against protozoa, bacteria, and viruses.
    As an alternative to sodium and potassium based water softeners, new technologies (Calmat) have been developed that change the structure of minerals, to lower the sticky structure that results in mineral deposits that clog pipes and adhere to hot water tank heating elements.

  • Calmat is a unique chemical free alternative to water softeners. Calmat is an eco-friendly water treatment system that protects your piping system and appliances against scale deposits and rust. The Calmat-Impulse-Technology is based on the principle of physical water treatment. Special electronic impulses change the crystallization process of the liquid calcium. This way, the hard scale loses its adhesive power. The technology works exclusively with capacitive electric impulses: without the use of any salt or chemicals. Calmat does not change the chemical mixture of the water. Instead, it changes the physical characteristics of the scale crystals in such a way that the scale particles lose their adhesive power.
    Calmat does not need to have direct contact with the water and sits outside of the pipe. It treats the water with electric impulses which are generated in the electronic unit and are controlled by a computerized micro-chip. The signal-frequencies are transmitted via the calmat-impulse-cables that are wrapped around the pipe. The cables interact as pairs and form a frequency- field that changes the crystals in the water as it flows by.

Point-of-Entry (POE) Filtration: Point of entry systems, also called whole house systems, are usually installed where the water enters the home, right after the water meter. Most homes have the water meter located in the basement or lower level; however, in warmer climates, water meters are often in the garage or outside the house.

Water softeners are always POE systems. For the removal of chlorine and contaminants, the most popular POE systems utilize KDF media and activated carbon. For microbiologically unsafe water, ultraviolet irradiation (which can be added to any whole house system) is recommended.

Point-of-Use (POU) Filtration: The majority of drinking water systems are point-of-use (POU) systems, where purified water is delivered either to a kitchen faucet or to a dedicated auxiliary faucet installed at the kitchen sink, or through a filter that is incorporated into a drinking water bottle.

Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI): UltraViolet Germicidal Irradiation uses the UV-C wavelength (known as germicidal UV) as a sterilizer, as it kills viruses, bacteria and larger pathogens, including giardia and cryptosporidium. UV-C/UVGI is an effective method of killing micro-organisms in water. UVGI was standard on the OPUS CottagePure (point-ofuse) system, and is optional on the OPUS Whole House System (point of entry). UVGI can be added to virtually any drinking water (point of use) system (but would not be recommended for a NANO system).


6 Stage High Performance Water Filtration / Purification System

  • Stage 1: Inline 5 micron carbon block filter, adsorbs chlorine, unwanted tastes and odors, and organic chemicals, dirt/rust/sediment 5 microns and larger. Horizontally mounted on top of unit.
  • Stage 2: Bone Char to filter fluoride and arsenic (left vertical sump).
  • Stage 3 & 4 – 1 Micron Catalytic Carbon Chloramines Filter: This filter combines 1 micron filtration with a catalytic carbon filter that removes chlorine and chloramines. Middle vertical sump.
  • Stage 5 & 6: 0.5 micron microfiltration powdered carbon two stage filter that filters chlorine, mercury, lead, giardia, cryptosporidium, entamoeba and toxoplasma cysts, including filtration of MTBE and VOCs – contaminants few water filtration systems can remove. Right vertical sump.
  • Up to 99% removal of chlorine, mercury, lead, and heavy metals.
  • Maintains alkalinity with no pH change from incoming water.
  • Minerals are retained, producing a great tasting mineral water.
  • Operating costs: 2.7 cents per litre, based on up to 5 gallons of filtered water per day.
  • 5 year limited warranty if filters are purchased from Aviva, and changed annually as indicated.
Advantage-2024 Description


| Model| Height| Width| Depth| Flow Rate| Description| Price
19732| Advantage 2024| 17″| 17″| 6″|

2 – 4 litres per minute

| 4 Filter, 6 Stage system, with chlorine, lead, chloramines, VOCs, fluoride & 0.5 micron microfiltration.|


Included Installation Components
  1. Brushed Nickel Lead-free Ceramic Disk Designer Faucet, with John Guest Quick Connect for ¼” LLDPE tubing.
  2. Two 5 Foot Lengths LLDPE BPA-Free Tubing, Red (for cold water input) & Blue (connects output to faucet).
  3. For homes with limited under sink space, basement installation is available.
  4. Filter wrench for easy removal of sumps for filter changes.
  5. John Guest Ball Valve, to connect to 5 micron input filter, to allow easy water turnoff for filter changes.
  6. Your plumber will be required to connect the supplied tubing to your cold water pipe, install the supplied faucet and flush all filters as described in the installation manual, prior to use.
Filters to be Changed Annually


| Model| Stage| Location| Function| Change Freq.| Price
23788| Inline 5 Micron Carbon| 1| Horizontal| 5 Micron Sediment Filtration| 6-12 months|



| Bone Char Fluoride Filter| 2| Left Vertical| Fluoride, Arsenic Filtration| 1 Year| $80.00
10616| 1 Micron Catalytic Carbon| 3&4| Middle Vertical| Chlorine, Chloramines| 1 Year|



| 0.5 Micron Carbon| 5&6| Right Vertical| Chlorine, Lead, Mercury, MTBE, VOC| 1 Year| $50.00
17560| Annual Filter Change| All| All| Annual Kit with all 4 Filters| 1 Year|


Winnipeg Installation Options (For All Systems)

19759| Standard Drinking Water System, Under Counter Installation, with included faucet, in Winnipeg City Limits.|


17549| Minimum Additional Charge for Basement Install, one floor below kitchen sink. Up to 40 feet of tubing included.|


18827| Additional Charge to connect a refrigerator using a “T” connection (faucet and fridge connection) – Under Sink.|


19760| Annual Filter Change, on-site (not including filters, which are priced above) including filter flushing as required.|


18828| Additional Charge to connect a refrigerator using a “T” connection (faucet and fridge connection) – Basement.|


96xx| ¼” Linear Low Density Polyethylene John Guest Tubing, per foot. White (9678), Blue (9679), or Red (9680).|



Permanently Installed Under-Sink System with Faucet

5 Filter, 7 Stage Water Filtration / Purification System with 0.01 Micron Nanofiltration

  • Stage 1: Inline 5 micron carbon block filter, adsorbs chlorine, unwanted tastes and odors, and organic chemicals, dirt/rust/sediment 5 microns and larger. Horizontally mounted on top of unit.
  • Stage 2: Bone Char to filter fluoride and arsenic (left vertical sump).
  • Stage 3 & 4 – 1 Micron Catalytic Carbon Chloramines Filter: This filter combines 1 micron filtration with a catalytic carbon filter that removes chlorine and chloramines. Middle vertical sump.
  • Stage 5 & 6: 0.5 micron microfiltration carbon block two stage filter that filters chlorine, mercury, lead, giardia, cryptosporidium, entamoeba and toxoplasma cysts, including filtration of MTBE and VOCs – contaminants few water filtration systems can remove.
  • Stage 7: 0.01 micron Nanofiltration removes viruses, bacteria, pathogens, and over 85% of pharmaceutical drugs. Horizontally mounted, clipped to 5 micron inline sediment filter on top of unit.
  • Up to 99% removal of chlorine, mercury, lead, and heavy metals.
  • Operating costs: 3.9 cents per litre, based on up to 5 gallons of water filtered per day.
  • 5 year limited warranty if filters are changed annually as indicated below.
NANO-2024 Description


| Model| Height| Width| Depth| Flow Rate| Description| Price
19791| NANO 2024| 17″| 17″| 6″|

2-4 Litres Per Minute

| 5 Filter, 7 stage system, with chlorine, lead, chloramines, VOCs, 0.5 micron microfiltration, & 0.01 micron nanofiltration.|


Included Installation Components
  1. Brushed Nickel Lead-Free Designer Ceramic Disk Faucet, with John Guest Quick Connect for ¼” LLDPE tubing.
  2. Two 5 Foot Lengths LLDPE BPA-Free Tubing, Red (for cold water input) & Blue (connects output to faucet).
  3. For homes with limited under sink space, basement installation is available.
  4. Filter wrench for easy removal of sumps for filter changes.
  5. John Guest Ball Valve, to connect to 5 micron input filter, to allow easy water turnoff for filter changes.
  6. Your plumber will be required to connect the supplied tubing to your cold water pipe, install the supplied faucet, and flush all filters as described in the installation manual, prior to use.
Filters to be Changed Annually


| Model| Stage| Location| Function| Change Frequency| Price
23788| Inline Carbon Block Sediment| 1| Top Horizontal| 5 Micron Sediment Filtration|

6-12 Months




| Bone Char Fluoride filter| 2| Left Vertical| Fluoride, Arsenic Filtration|

1 Year




| 1 Micron Catalytic Carbon| 3 & 4| Middle Vertical| Chlorine, Chloramines|

1 Year




| 0.5 Micron Carbon| 5 & 6| Right Vertical| Chlorine, Lead, Mercury, MTBE, VOC|

1 Year




| 0.01 Micron Nanofiltration| 7| Top Horizontal| Removes bacteria, viruses, drugs|

1 Year




| Annual Filter Change| 1-7| All| Annual Kit with 5 Filters|

1 Year




7 Stage Alkaline Antioxidant Water Filtration / Purification System

  • Stage 1: Inline 5 micron carbon block filter, adsorbs chlorine, unwanted tastes and odors, and organic chemicals, dirt/rust/sediment 5 microns and larger. Horizontally mounted on top of unit.
  • Stage 2: Bone Char to filter fluoride and arsenic (left vertical sump).
  • Stage 2 & 3: 1 micron activated catalytic coconut carbon block two stage filter for chlorine and chloramines, and for any sediment/dirt/rust the first filter may have missed, down to 1 micron.
  • Stage 5 & 6: 0.5 micron microfiltration powdered carbon two stage filter that filters chlorine, mercury, lead, giardia, cryptosporidium, entamoeba and toxoplasma cysts, including filtration of MTBE and VOCs – contaminants few water filtration systems can remove.
  • Stage 7: Ceramic Complex Filter adds alkalizing minerals, and boosts pH to between 8 and 9.5, adding calcium, with antibacterial properties.
  • Up to 99% removal of chlorine, mercury, lead, and heavy metals.
  • Operating costs: 3.9 cents per litre, based on up to 5 gallons of water filtered per day.
  • 5 year limited warranty if filters are changed annually as indicated below.
AlkaPlus-2024 Description


| Model| Height| Width| Depth| Flow Rate| Description| Price
19758| AlkaPlus 2024| 17″| 17″| 6″|

2 to 4 Litres Per Minute

| 5 Filter, 7 stage system, with chlorine, lead, heavy metal, VOC, fluoride & 0.5 micron microfiltration, and bioceramic water ionizing molecular hydrogen boosting filter.|


Included Installation Components
  1. Brushed Nickel Lead-Free Designer Ceramic Disk Faucet, with John Guest Quick Connect for ¼”LLDPE tubing.
  2. Two 5 Foot Lengths LLDPE BPA-Free Tubing, Red (for cold water input) & Blue (connects output to faucet).
  3. For homes with limited under sink space, basement installation is available.
  4. Filter wrench for easy removal of sumps for filter changes.
  5. John Guest Ball Valve, to connect to 5 micron input filter, to allow easy water turnoff for filter changes.
  6. Your plumber will be required to connect the supplied tubing to your cold water pipe, install the supplied faucet, and flush all filters as described in the installation manual, prior to use.
Filters to be Changed Annually


| Model| Stage| Location| Function| Change Freq.| Price
23788| Inline Carbon Sediment| 1| Top Horizontal| 5 Micron Sediment Filtration|

6-12 Months




| Bone Char Fluoride filter| 2| Left Vertical| Fluoride, Arsenic Filtration|

1 Year




| 1 Micron Catalytic Carbon| 3 & 4| Middle Vertical| Chlorine, Chloramines, Taste, Odor, Sediment to 1 Micron|

1 Year




| 0.5 Micron Carbon| 5 & 6| Right Vertical| Chlorine, Lead, Mercury, MTBE, VOC|

1 Year




| Ceramic Complex Filter| 7| Top Horizontal| Increase alkalinity (pH), antibacterial, improved taste/odor.|

1 Year




| Annual Filter Change| 1-7| All| Annual Kit with 5 Filters|

1 Year



Winnipeg Installation Options

19759| Standard Drinking Water System, Under Counter Installation, with included faucet, in Winnipeg City Limits.| $150.00
17549| Minimum Additional Charge for Basement Install, one floor below kitchen sink. Up to 40 feet of tubing included.|


19760| On Site Annual Filter Change (At Aviva location), not including filters, with filter flushing, cleaning, etc.|


18827| Additional Charge to connect a refrigerator using a “T” connection (faucet and fridge connection) – Under Sink.|


18828| Additional Charge to connect a refrigerator using a “T” connection (faucet and fridge connection) – Basement.|


19760| Annual Filter Change, on-site (not including filters, which are priced above) including filter flushing.|



Permanently Installed Under-Sink System with Faucet

3 Filter, 6 Stage Drinking Water Filtration / Purification System with removal of chlorine, chloramines, lead, mercury, MTBE, VOCs.

  • Stage 1 & 2: 5 micron coconut carbon block sediment filter, to filter dirt/rust/sediment 5 microns and larger (Stage 1), adsorb chlorine, and improve taste and odor (Stage 2).
  • Stage 3 & 4: 1 micron activated catalytic coconut carbon block two stage filter for chlorine and chloramines, and for any sediment/dirt/rust the first filter may have missed, down to 1 micron.
  • Stage 5 & 6: 0.5 micron microfiltration carbon two stage filter that filters particulates 0.5 microns and larger (Stage 5) , and chlorine, mercury, lead, giardia, cryptosporidium, entamoeba and toxoplasma cysts, including filtration of MTBE and VOCs – contaminants few water filtration systems can remove (Stage 6).
  • Up to 99% removal of chlorine, mercury, lead, pathogens, pharmaceuticals, and heavy metals.
  • Operating costs: 1.8 cents per litre, based on up to 5 gallons of water filtered per day.
  • 5 year limited warranty if filters are changed annually as indicated below.
Freedom-2024 Description


| Model| Height| Width| Depth| Flow Rate| Description| Price
22709| Freedom 2024| 17″| 17″| 6″|

2-4 Litres Per Minute

| A 3 Filter, 6 stage drinking water system designed to remove chlorine, chloramines, lead, VOCs, and more.|


Included Installation Components
  1. Brushed Nickel Lead-Free Designer Ceramic Disk Faucet, with John Guest Quick Connect for ¼” LLDPE tubing.
  2. Two 5 Foot Lengths LLDPE BPA-Free Tubing, Red (for cold water input) & Blue (connects output to faucet).
  3. For homes with limited under sink space, basement installation is available.
  4. Filter wrench for easy removal of sumps for filter changes.
  5. John Guest Ball Valve, to connect to left side (input) of system.
  6. Your plumber will be required to connect the supplied tubing to your cold water pipe, install the supplied faucet, and flush all filters as described in the installation manual, prior to use.
Filters to be Changed Annually


| Model| Stage| Location| Function| Change Frequency| Price
22461| 5 Micron 10″ Carbon Block Chlorine, Sediment/Dirt/Rust| 1 & 2| Left Vertical| 5 Micron Carbon Block Sediment, chlorine, taste and odor filter.| 6 – 12 Months|



| 1 Micron Catalytic Carbon Block, for Chlorine and Chloramines| 3 & 4| Middle Vertical| Chlorine, Chloramines, Taste, Odor, Sediment to 1 Micron| 1 Year| 50.00
14256| 0.5 Micron Carbon Block Microfiltration| 5 & 6| Right Vertical| Chlorine, Lead, Mercury, MTBE, VOC, sediment to 0.5 microns| 1 Year|



| Annual Filter Change| 1-6| All| Annual Kit with 3 Filters| 1 Year|


Freedom NANO-2024

Permanently Installed Under-Sink System with Faucet

4 Filter, 7 Stage Drinking Water Filtration / Purification System with removal of chlorine, chloramines, lead, mercury, MTBE, VOCs, including 0.01 Micron Nanofiltration

  • Stage 1 & 2: 5 micron carbon block sediment filter, to filter dirt/rust/sediment 1 microns and larger (Stage 1), and adsorb chlorine, and improve taste and odor (Stage 2).
  • Stage 2 & 3: 1 micron activated catalytic coconut carbon block two stage filter for chlorine and chloramines, and for any sediment/dirt/rust the first filter may have missed, down to 1 micron.
  • Stage 4 & 5: 0.5 micron microfiltration carbon block two stage filter that filters particulates 0.5 microns and larger, chlorine, mercury, lead, giardia, cryptosporidium, entamoeba and toxoplasma cysts, including filtration of MTBE and VOCs – contaminants few water filtration systems can remove.
  • Stage 7: 0.01 micron Nanofiltration removes viruses, bacteria, pathogens, and over 85% of pharmaceutical drugs. Horizontally mounted on top of unit.
  • Up to 99% removal of chlorine, mercury, lead, pathogens, pharmaceuticals and heavy metals.
  • Operating costs: 3 cents per litre, based on up to 5 gallons of water filtered per day.
  • 5 year limited warranty if filters are changed annually as indicated below.
Freedom NANO-2024


| Model| Height| Width| Depth| Flow Rate| Description| Price
24374| Freedom
NANO 2024| 17″| 17″| 6″|

2-4 Litres Per Minute

| A 4 Filter, 7 stage drinking water system designed to remove chlorine, chloramines, lead, VOC, and more.|


Included Installation Components

7. Brushed Nickel Lead-Free Designer Ceramic Disk Faucet, with John Guest Quick Connect for ¼” LLDPE tubing.
8. Two 5 Foot Lengths LLDPE BPA-Free Tubing, Red (for cold water input) & Blue (connects output to faucet).
9. For homes with limited under sink space, basement installation is available.
10. Filter wrench for easy removal of sumps for filter changes.
11. John Guest Ball Valve, to connect to left side (input) of system.
12. Your plumber will be required to connect the supplied tubing to your cold water pipe, install the supplied faucet, and flush all filters as described in the installation manual, prior to use.

Filters to be Changed Annually


| Model| Stage| Location| Function| Change Frequency| Price
22461| 5 Micron 10″ Carbon Block Chlorine, Sediment/Dirt/Rust| 1 & 2| Left Vertical| 5 Micron Carbon Block Sediment, chlorine, taste and odor filter.| 6 – 12 Months|



| 1 Micron Catalytic Carbon Block, for Chlorine and Chloramines| 3 & 4| Middle Vertical| Chlorine, Chloramines, Taste, Odor, Sediment to 1 Micron|

1 Year




| 0.5 Micron Carbon Block Microfiltration| 5 & 6| Right Vertical| Chlorine, Lead, Mercury, MTBE, VOC, sediment to 0.5 microns|

1 Year




| 0.01 Micron Nanofiltration| 7| Top Horizontal| Filters bacteria, viruses, drugs|

1 Year




| Annual Filter Change| 1-7| All| Annual Kit with 4 Filters|

1 Year



Integrity Triple-2024

Three Stage Countertop Water Filtration System

3 Filter, 4 Stage High Performance Countertop Water Purification System Adsorbs chlorine, chloramines, fluoride, lead, mercury, and more

  • Connects to your faucet with a diverter valve. Ideal when a plumbed installation (e.g. rental homes or apartments) is not possible.
  • Integrated Chrome Lead-Free Faucet.
  • Maintains minerals and alkalinity with no pH change from incoming water.
  • Minerals are retained, producing great tasting mineral water.
  • Fluoride filtration using bone char.
  • Up to 99.5% removal of chlorine, mercury VOCs and contaminants down to 1 micron.
  • Activated catalytic coconut carbon block to adsorb chlorine and chloramines.
  • More effective at reducing levels of chlorine and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) than granular activated carbon (GAC) cartridges or Brita type filters.
  • Stage 1: 5 micron coconut carbon block dirt/rust/sediment/chlorine pre-filter. Ensures long life for the 1 micron carbon and fluoride filters, and makes water taste sweeter.
  • Stage 2: Bone Char filter for the removal of fluoride, lead and arsenic.
  • Stage 3 & 4: 1 micron catalytic coconut carbon block filter to adsorb chlorine, chloramines, sediment down to 1 micron, and improve taste and odor of drinking water.
  • Operating costs: 2.8 cents per litre – based on processing up to 5 gallons per day.
  • Annual filter replacement is $230.00.
  • 3 year limited warranty if all filters are changed annually. Due to differences in sediment levels for some water sources, the 5 micron filter may need to be changed more often than that; replace it if the flow rate for the filtered water drops to an unacceptable level.
  • Price: $349.99
Integrity Triple-2024 Countertop Description


| Model| Height| Width| Depth| Flow Rate| Description| Price
19772| Integrity Triple 2024| 12″| 16″| 5″| 1 to 3 Litres Per Minute| 3 Filter, 5 stage countertop water filtration System, with 5 micron coconut carbon block taste, odor and sediment pre-filtration, fluoride filtration, and 1 micron catalytic carbon filtration. Filters fluoride, chlorine, chloramines, cysts, lead, mercury, heavy metals, and major contaminants| $349.99

Filters Required


| Model| Stage| Location| Function| Change Frequency| Price
22461| 5 Micron Carbon| 1 & 2| Left| Sediment, particle reduction, chlorine| 6 to 12 months|

$50 x 2


| Fluoride Filter| 3| Center| Removes fluoride with Bone Char| 12 months| $80.00
10616| 1 Micron Carbon| 4 & 5| Right| Chlorine, Lead, Mercury, chloramines| 12 months|



| Annual Filter Change| 1 to 5| All| Two 5 Micron Coconut Carbon Block Sediment Filters, fluoride filter, and a 1 Micron Catalytic Carbon filter for 1 year of use.| 12 months|


Integrity Dual-2024

Two Stage Countertop Water Filtration System

2 Filter, 3 Stage High Performance Countertop Water Purification System Provides ultra-pure chloramine and chloramine free water with great taste.

  • Connects to your faucet with a diverter valve. Ideal when a plumbed installation (e.g., in rental homes or apartments) is not possible.
  • Integrated Chrome Lead-Free Faucet.
  • Maintains minerals and alkalinity with no pH change from incoming water.
  • Minerals are retained, producing great tasting mineral water.
  • Up to 99.5% removal of chlorine, chloramines, mercury and lead, trihalomethanes and disinfection byproducts, including filtration down to 1 micron.
  • Coconut shell catalytic carbon to adsorb chlorine and chloramines.
  • More effective at reducing levels of chlorine and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) than granular activated carbon (GAC) cartridges or Brita type filters.
  • Stage 1 & 2: 5 micron coconut shell activated carbon block dirt/rust/sediment/chlorine pre-filter. Ensures long life for the 1 micron coconut catalytic carbon filter. Two filters are included. Change this filter every six months. It’s important to remove the Stage 3 & 4 filter when changing this filter, and flush the Stage 1 & 2 filter for at least 10 minutes.
  • Stage 3 & 4: 1 micron coconut shell catalytic carbon block filter to adsorb chlorine, chloramines, bacteria, viruses, parasites, and PFAS, including Cryptosporidium, Giardia, E. coli, salmonella typhimurium, Shigella dysenteriae, and Hepatitis A. Removes sediment down to 1 micron, and improves the taste and odor of drinking water.
  • Operating costs: 1.8 cents per litre – based on processing up to 5 gallons per day.
  • 3 year limited warranty if the Stage 1 & 2 filter is changed every six months, and the Stage 3 & 4 filter is changed annually. Due to differences in sediment levels for municipal water sources, and the amount of water purified, the 5 micron filter may need to be changed more often.
Integrity Dual-2024 Countertop Description


| Model| Height| Width| Depth| Flow Rate| Description| Price
19773| Integrity Dual 2024| 12″| 16″| 5″| 1 to 3 Litres Per Minute| 2 Filter, 3 stage countertop water filtration System, with 5 micron carbon block sediment pre-filtration, and 1 micron catalytic coconut block to adsorb chlorine, chloramines, cysts, heavy metals, VOCs, major contaminants and to improve taste and odor of drinking water.| $249.99

Filters Required


| Model| Stage| Location| Function| Change Frequency| Price
22461| 5 Micron Carbon| 1 & 2| Left| Sediment, particle reduction, Chlorine| 6 to 12 months|

$100.00, for 2


| 1 Micron Carbon| 3 & 4| Right| Chlorine, Lead, Mercury, chloramines| 12 months| $50.00
17521| Annual Filter Change| All| All| Two 5 Micron Coconut Carbon Block Stage 1 Filters, and one 1 Micron Catalytic Carbon filter for one full year of use.| 12 months|


OPUS Whole House Water Filtration Systems

Four Stage Point of Entry Whole House Water Purification System With Optional Germicidal Ultraviolet Sterilization

Designed to be a state of the art whole house drinking water system with low operating costs, the OPUS Whole House System is normally installed right after the water meter as the water enters your home, to filter water for the entire home or building and provide clean water to every tap. Other than filter changes, the system requires no back washing or electrical power, unless the germicidal ultraviolet sterilization option is added. This system does not remove fluoride.

The Whole House System features two pleated sediment filters (20 micron and 5 micron), and a final two-stage filter utilizing granulated activated carbon and KDF-55 media, a copper and zinc formulation that uses the principle of electrochemical oxidation reduction (commonly known as the redox process or redox reaction) to eliminate a vast number of water contaminants. The system ensures up to 99% reduction of lead, chlorine, heavy metals, silver, aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, copper, iron, nickel, zinc, chromium, barium, hydrogen sulfide, radon, selenium, mercury, algae, trihalomethanes, manganese, chloroform, trichloroethane, lindane, pesticides, fungi, and bad tastes and odors.

KDF media and granulated activated carbon have a synergistic effect when combined, making them more powerful than when either media is used alone, as the KDF media regenerates the adsorption capacity of the activated carbon. Replace this filter annually or after 100,000 gallons. The 20″ filter design minimizes the water pressure drop that is common with many whole house filtration systems.

KDF-55 media is designed for chlorinated water supplies that do not have especially high levels of iron. [For water with high iron levels (a common problem with well or lake water) or municipally treated water supplies that use chloramines, KDF-85 media would be a more appropriate choice. KDF-85 is a special formulation that is more effective at removing iron and chloramines (a combination of chlorine and ammonia).]

The Whole House System inhibits the growth of bacteria within the KDF media, but does not kill waterborne bacteria or pathogens unless a germicidal ultraviolet unit is added. To treat water that is microbiologically unsafe to drink (i.e., contains E. coli or other bacteria), the 12 gallon per minute germicidal ultraviolet filtration unit is recommended to sterilize the water.

Alternatively, if starting with water that is microbiologically unsafe to drink, you can choose an OPUS drinking water system with either UV-C Sterilization or the Nanofiltration filter.

Design: The whole house system consists of a three stage, 20″ filter housing with three pressure gauges to assist in evaluating when pressure drops require sediment filter changes.

Included Components: Triple filter 20″ housing with three pressure gauges, designed to be installed where water enters the building, usually just after the water meter.

  • Stage 1 – 20″ 20 Micron Pleated Filter: This filter is designed to remove dirt, rust, sediment, and particulate matter 20 microns and larger, and also to lengthen the life of the 5 micron pleated filter in Stage 2.
  • Stage 2 – 20″ 5 Micron Pleated Filter: This filter is designed to remove dirt, rust, sediment and particulate matter 5 microns and larger, and to ensure the final KDF/GAC filter works optimally for 100,000 gallons.
  • Stage 3 & 4 – 20″ KDF Media combined with Granulated Activated Charcoal: KDF Media is a zinc/copper formulation that utilizes the principle of electrochemical oxidation reduction (more commonly known as the redox process or redox reaction) to eliminate bad tastes and odors, and water contaminants including lead, chlorine, heavy metals, silver, aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, copper, iron, nickel, zinc, chromium, barium, hydrogen sulfide, radon, selenium, mercury, trihalomethanes, algae, manganese, chloroform, trichloroethane, lindane, pesticides, fungi. For water supplies with normal to only slightly elevated levels of iron, the KDF-55 is the appropriate choice.
  • A filter wrench is included for easy removal of housing for filter changes.

Warranty: The OPUS Whole House Water System includes a limited five year parts warranty to the original owner, with a one year warranty on the pressure gauges and O-Rings, conditional on reasonable maintenance (changing filters at minimum annually, and O-rings if required).


Model 55, w/7.5 pounds of KDF-55 Media: $799.99 (PLU: 26501)


12 Gallon Per Minute Germicidal Ultraviolet Sterilization System:  $799.00 (PLU: 19223)
Calmat Electronic Water Softening System: $369.99 (PLU: 18846)

Calmat for Hard Water: If you have hard water, we recommend Calmat, an eco-friendly water softening device that eliminates the need for a traditional water softener. Calmat uses innovative impulse technology to change the structure of the minerals in water so they no longer stick to surfaces. Calmat requires no maintenance and is easily attached to the incoming water pipe. Calmat has a 5 year warranty. Many Winnipeg customers install the Calmat to reduce scaling and to extend the life of hot water tank heating elements, and to reduce mineral deposits on kettles, etc.


  • 20″ 20 Micron:                                    $49.99 (PLU: 4786)
  • 20″ 5 Micron:                                      $49.99 (PLU: 4785)
  • 20″ KDF (55) GAC: w/5 lbs KDF:     $249.99 (PLU: 26500)
  • 20″ KDF (55) GAC w/7.5 lbs KDF:   $349.99 (PLU: 2071)
  • 12 GPM UV-C Lamp:                          $119.99 (PLU 19224) (replace annually)

** Please note that due to the heavy weight of the Whole House System free shipping is not included.

Rejection of pharmaceuticals in nanofiltration membrane drinking water


Radjenovi J, Petrovi M, Ventura F, Barceló D.


This paper investigates the removal of a broad range of pharmaceuticals using nanofiltration (NF) applied in a full-scale drinking water treatment plant (DWTP) using groundwater.

Pharmaceutical residues detected in groundwater used as feed water in all five sampling campaigns were analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs such as ketoprofen, diclofenac, acetaminophen and propyphenazone, beta-blockers sotalol and metoprolol, an antiepileptic drug carbamazepine, the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole, a lipid regulator gemfibrozil and a diuretic hydrochlorothiazide.

The highest concentrations in groundwater were recorded for hydrochlorothiazide (58.62548ngL(-1)), ketoprofen (<MQL-314ngL(-1)), diclofenac (60.2-219.4ngL(-1)), propyphenazone (51.5-295.8ngL(-1)) and carbamazepine (8.7-166.5ngL(-1)).

Excellent overall performance of NF was noted, with high rejection percentages for almost all of the pharmaceuticals investigated (>85%). Deteriorations in retentions on NF membrane was observed for acetaminophen (44.8-73 %), gemfibrozil (50-70 %) and mefenamic acid (30-50%). PMID: 18656225 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

OPUS water purification and filtration systems are available at:

Aviva Natural Health Solutions
1224 St. James Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H 0L1
Phone: 204-947-6789
Email: water@avivahealth.com
URL: www.avivahealth.com/collections/opus


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