OPUS_Upload Secure Web User Guide

October 31, 2023

OPUS_Upload (OU) User Guide

OPUS_Upload Secure Web

Date: 26 June 2022
Rev: 2022.6.26.2055
By: Mark Silver, ms@igage.com, +1-801-412-0011
Version Information
Itemized version information is at the end of this document.
Subscribe to the Mail List for update information
If you use OPUS_Upload for any purpose, please subscribe to this mail list:
so that I can send you notifications of changes and bug fixes. A list of previous messages can be found here [ http://ymlp.com/archive_guqjwsugjgh.php ].
Be Careful with OU!
PLEASE: Carefully read this User Manual before using OPUS Upload. OU accepts wildcards and it is possible to submit every observation file on a computer with a single, simple, errant command. For example:
OPUS_Upload +r C:\*.??o
Would submit every single observation file on the c: drive to OPUS for processing. I doubt that the NGS or the rest of the OPUS community would appreciate you for doing this.
I highly recommend that you not run the OU tool from the command line until you have tried it on single files from the Windows interface first.

OPUS Upload

OPUS Upload Secure Web - UploadOPUS_Upload (OU) is a small Win-32 application that automates the submission of GPS observation files to the online NGS processing system. OU navigates the HTTPS NGS website using SSL encryption.
OU can be run many ways:
As a command line tool with arguments
As a windows program that is open on your screen
By dragging and dropping files onto the desktop icon
OU simplifies the submission of large sets of files to NGS. With OU it is possible to automatically submit thousands of observation files with a single command.
OU has been tested with over 15,000 observation files on a single submission.
NGS Update 1 September 2018
NGS changed the minimum acceptable TLS level for accessing OPUS.
OPUS_Upload was subsequently modified to use the machine SSL layer (instead of utilizing OpenSSL). This effectively means that Windows XP machines can no longer submit jobs to NGS.
There is no work-around for this issue. Purchase a modern computer.
Distribution Limitations and Use Considerations
The OPUS programmatic interface is complicated and the slightest change on the NGS server side will require updating OU. (Thus, you should register for the mail list, see above).
Like the OPUS Accumulator, if you need OPUS Uploader, you really need it. OU has the potential to save some users lots of time.
Finally, OU is part of a much larger project. The OPUS Borg. The Borg uses OU, OA and a few other clients to orchestrate automated quality control on large CORS networks using advanced statistical quality control. OU’s development is driven by Borg functionality.
No changes to OU that interfere with the Borg can be entertained. The Borg (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borg) rules OU development. Just like in the Next Generation. The OPUS Borg was named the Borg because it has many ‘simple’ components that try to work together to process piles of GNSS observation data.
It is a complete mess, but it is too late to fix at this point. Admittedly even the simple components like OU and OA are now overly complicated.
Some of the Borg’s complexities are described in the ‘Match Exclude’ section later in this document.
Please send any changes that will make OU more useful for your application to ms@igage.com.

Installing OPUS Upload

Currently the OPUS Uploader is distributed in a ZIP file with this User Manual. All the program files are code signed by ‘iGage Mapping Corporation’.
You can install the uploader anywhere you want, there is only one file. You can then manually create a shortcut for your desktop.
Things that OPUS Upload Requires
OPUS Upload automatically determines if a RINEX file should be submitted as a Rapid-Static or Static file by the length of the RINEX file.
OPUS Upload now works with RINEX 2.xx and RINEX 3.xx files.
Observation files 118-minutes in length or longer are submitted as Static.
The Antenna Name and the HI in the RINEX file should be correct. If your RINEX files have incorrect values, then they are not compatible with OU (this requirement has been relaxed).
Note: in Build 2001 a command line switch ‘-a’ was added to allow the submission of files without antenna designators.
In January 2020 support was added to override the antenna name in the RINEX file.
In February 2022 support was added to download the current NGS Antenna Type list to simplify Antenna Type override with a valid antenna type.
Support for forcing HI (Instrument Heights) was also added in February 2022.
You might consider using TEQC to update the antenna name and HI. You might Here is a sample RINEX file header:OPUS Upload Secure Web - Upload
1I have highlighted the antenna type in yellow and the HI in green.
The antenna type must be an antenna supported by NGS.
Running OPUS Upload as a Windows Program
You can double-click on the program or a shortcut to start OU. OU will start in the upper left corner of your screen. If you move or resize the window and then close OU, the next time it starts the same position and size will be remembered.
The screen position is checked at run-time to ensure that it is on a currently available screen.
The first time you use OU you will need to enter your email address. You may want to change other options or add an OPUS-Projects ID. Your settings will be remembered.
The ‘Upload Data File’ is also remembered from the last time OU was run. You can click on the ‘…’ button to choose one or more files to upload. The files should be GPS observation files, or ZIP files that contain GPS observation files. (In other words, the Open File browser will support multiple file selections.) Here is an example of manually choosing four observation files in a folder:OPUS Upload Secure Web - Upload 2If you choose a ZIP file, the contents of the ZIP file will be assumed to be standard RINEX files and all RINEX files in the ZIP file will be processed individually.
If you include a NAV file in the ZIP file, OU will know that it is not a RINEX observation file and will automatically skip the NAV file.
Similarly, if you choose a NAV file (for example by selecting all of the files in the directory above) OU will skip the .NAV files.
Once you have set the filename(s) and options, click the Submit button and each RINEX file will automatically be submitted to OPUS.

Running OPUS Upload from the Command Line

OU accepts these arguments:OPUS Upload Secure Web - Upload
3OPUS Upload Secure Web - Upload 4 This command:
OPUS_Upload –p +x –e ms@igage.com C:\tmp\2001213A0.obs Will submit the single file without a project ID, requesting extended output, returning the result to the specified email address.
Once you set the email address on a computer, OU will remember it. Once you set a Project Name, it will be in use until it is cleared.
This means that after you run OU once (perhaps as a Windows application), you can just invoke OU with a filename:
OPUS_Upload C:\tmp\2001213A0.obs and the previously selected options will be used.
You might specify two or more files OPUS_Upload C:\tmp\2001213A0.obs C:\tmp\2001213A1.obs
You may also use wildcards to specify a group of files. This command:
OPUS_Upload C:\tmp\.obs
will submit every file in the folder C:\tmp\ with an .OBS extension in the \tmp folder.
You may also use stack wildcards:
OPUS_Upload C:\tmp\002\.obs C:\tmp\003\.zip
Single letter wildcards are also supported:
OPUS_Upload C:\tmp\2001213A?.obs
It should be possible submit every single observation file on the C drive of your computer with this simple command:
OPUS_Upload +r C:\
Is there really a need for this?
Submitting with Drag and Drop
If you have a shortcut on your desktop you can drag observation files (or .ZIP files containing one or more observation files) and drop them on the desktop icon.
The files will be processed just as if they were manually selected. The last email address and other options will be used.
There is no known limit to the number of files you can drop in one action.
The ‘Test Mode’
You may want to test an action before launching OU. Check the ‘Test Mode’ box to see what the effects of your action might be without actually submitting files to NGS.
The Test Mode checkbox is saved when OU closes and reopens so if you inadvertently check it, OU will appear to not work.
Automatic Submission
If you start OU by the command line, with a filename; or if you start OU by dragging and dropping files onto the shortcut then OU will automatically run and then close 5 seconds after the last file is processed.
The Cancel button can be used to hold the form and the log open for viewing.
During the 5 second end of run countdown, click on the Cancel button and OU will not automatically close. The form will also not close if Test Mode is enabled.
2022/2/9: OU will now close automatically after a 5-second delay if invocated from iGx_Download.

Advanced Topics

Forced Antenna TypesOPUS Upload Secure Web - AdvancedClick on the ‘Load NGS Antenna List’ button to download the current antenna list file from the NGS server ( https://geodesy.noaa.gov/ANTCAL/LoadFile?file=ngs14.atx ). The list is parsed and every antenna, including the satellite definitions, are loaded into the drop-down box in sorted order.
You can then type in the first few characters of the antenna type to quickly find a particular antenna.
The list is stored in a temp folder:
and reused when OU is started again.
Important Antenna Type Note: You must include the proper number of spaces between the antenna name and the dome designation. So, either pick the antenna from the drop-down list, or copy and paste the antenna name from an authoritative source. A missing or extra space or any modified character will result in the antenna type failure when submitted to OPUS.
Extended Output Format
Command Line:
-x Standard Solution Output
+x Extended Solution Output (recommended)
Checking this box: Will effectively make this selection on the NGS submission page:OPUS Upload Secure Web - Checking 1 Base Station Use and Exclude
Enter base stations to Use and Exclude separated by commas:OPUS Upload
Secure Web - Checking 2Entered stations are NOT checked for accuracy.
This setting is equivalent to:OPUS Upload Secure Web - Checking
3 should be empty unless you are submitting the observation to a valid OPUS Project. The Project Identifier is NOT checked for validity.
This setting is equivalent to:OPUS Upload Secure Web -
equivalentDo NOT enter your personal project name in this box, only enter valid OPUS-Project ID’s. You must have OPUS Manager training to create and use OPUS-Projects.
Sequence NumberOPUS Upload Secure Web - Sequence
Number There is no official NGS description of this value, however it is VERY useful for tracking submissions. The OPUS Borg relies on every email return from the OPUS system having a unique sequence number in a successful or unsuccessful returned email subject: OPUS Upload Secure Web -
Sequence Number 1When you load the NGS OPUS submission webpage, a unique number is assigned by NGS. If you check the ‘iGage Random Sequence’ checkbox, then a unique 13character number with the ‘IG’ prefix is generated. If you don’t check the box, then whatever value you enter is used.
The IG number is the fractional number of days since January 1, 2020; in the local machine time zone, multiplied by 86,400,000 and rounded to the nearest integer. This seems to be adequate for uniqueness, is decipherable and increases with time. It is not random.
Minimum File Size and Maximum LengthOPUS Upload Secure Web -
If you attempt to submit a file less than the minimum (in Bytes) the file will be skipped. A common occurrence is anti-virus tools forcing other tools to create zero length files. This traps these nuisance files from submission to NGS. The 2,500 byte minimum should be adequate and reasonable.
OU will check the first and last epoch of observation data and skip files that are longer than the maximum length in hours. There is a hard limit in OPUS that you can’t cross midnight (GPS time) twice. If you have files that are longer than 25hours, you should consider using the -tbin option of TEQC ( https://www.unavco.org/software/data-processing/teqc/tutorial/tutorial.html ) to break them into 24-hour files and submit them individually. Then you could use the OPUS Accumulator tool to statistically look at the individual solutions.
Save Log FilesOPUS Upload Secure Web - Save
Clicking this box will save the return value from the NGS submission to a .HTMLfile with the same name as each submitted file, in the same folder as the submitted file.
If you open the file in a browser, it will look ‘similar’ to what you would have received by manually submitting the file:OPUS Upload Secure Web - Save
1However, the formatting will probably not be as expected.
This option is useful for debugging errant files that fail when submitted.
Extended Debug LoggingOPUS Upload Secure Web -
Logging Checking this box will result in extra logging information being displayed in the log dialog. This option is best left unchecked.
Each individual HTML submission field will be enumerated:OPUS Upload Secure
Web - Logging 1OPUS Upload Secure Web - Logging
3 Inter-File DelayOPUS Upload Secure Web -
Delay The NGS OPUS servers have a security feature that prevents denial- of-service attacks.
If you submit more than a few (perhaps 5) occupations in rapid succession, it appears that your IP address will be flagged as a pain-in-the-NGS’s-butt and your submissions will be ignored.
Setting this delay to 15-seconds or higher is advisable. I use 31-seconds.
Test ModeOPUS Upload Secure Web - Mode Checking the Test Mode button allows OU to run submissions and log actions, right up to the point of submissions. The log files will contain all normal and extended logging, but the file will not be sent to the NGS for processing.
This allows you to test a wildcard action without flooding the NGS servers.
A single logged line will be added to the log:OPUS Upload Secure Web - Mode
1Currently (in Version 2022.2.8.2041) OPUS-Static observations, files longer than 110 minutes, are submitted with this URL: ‘https://www.ngs.noaa.gov/OPUS-cgi/OPUS/Upload/Opusup.prl
OPUS-RS files are submitted with this URL: ‘https://www.ngs.noaa.gov/OPUS- cgi/OPUS/Upload/Opus-rsup.prl’
You could use the ‘Submission URL’ to override the default to submit files to a NGS BETA server. However, you will need to ensure that the correct server address (Static or RS) is selected for the submitted file.

OPUS-BORG Settings

Command Line:
-m clear excluded path
+m path set the excluded pathOPUS Upload Secure Web - Mode
2 Auto-Run
Checking the ‘Auto Run at 23:00’ box results in the ‘Submit’ button being pressed at 23:00 UTC every evening. OU uses the machine’s time-zone settings to compute the UTC time offset.
Match Exclude
This is not going to be a simple explanation.
Consider a scenario where there is a large set of folders, each containing many observation files. Each folder represents one GNSS CORS station. Each observation file is a 24-hour (GPS time-frame) ‘Daily’ observation file for a station. A station’s Daily folder might contain 24-hour observation files for the previous 5 to 10 years, so thousands of RINEX files.
OU is used to submit these Daily files to OPUS. But we only want to submit each file twice:
once immediately after the file is collected to get a solution with rapid/broadcast ephemeris again 14-days later to get a solution with precise/final orbits NGS returns OPUS solution files by email and the solution files are kept in a matching set of station result folders: each CORS station has a unique OPUS solution folder.
If ‘Match Exclude’ contains a path, OU will search the relative path that matches the location of the source observation file for an existing-matching OPUS solution file.
This is complicated because the observation file will have a name like:
and the matching OPUS solution will have a name like: slci001022o IG0064714690360.msg (Notice the magic IG Sequence Number from above!)
If OU finds a matching solution file, it will skip submitting the observation file because a valid OPUS solution already exists.
However, if you check this box: AND the OPUS solution is older than 14-days then OU will inspect the solution .msg file to determine which ephemeris type was used for the solution.
If the solution is NOT Precise or Final, then OU will delete the existing solution file and resubmit the observation file, hoping to get a solution file from the OPUS processing engine using Precise or Final ephemeris.
Later, early the next day OA (the OPUS Accumulator) processes the solution folders and generates trend plots for each of the monitored CORS stations:OPUS Upload Secure Web - Mode 4OA also builds a summary XLS spreadsheet for each of the monitored stations:OPUS Upload
Secure Web - Mode 5This summary includes an average position for the CORS station along with the Min/Max/Range/StandardDeviation for each of the values found on an NGS OPUS solution.
The station velocity is also computed, both in the NAD83 fixed frame and in the ITRF daily epoch frame for the ECEF XYZ, Lat/Lon/Height, State Plane projected and UTM projected frames.
In addition, OA produces a summary of summaries file:![OPUS Upload Secure Web

  • summaries](https://manuals.plus/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/OPUS-Upload- Secure-Web-summaries.png)which contains the site name, the average antenna position with ellipsoid height, and some additional information which is useful for private CORS station administration.
    Other Borg processes run SQC analysis on the OA output data sets and determine if the station is ‘statistically’ running in-or-out of expectations and send text messages if there is an issue.
    Believe it or not, this Rube-Goldberg (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rube_Goldberg) process works!

Using Auto-Resubmit in OU

Here is a sample folder structure for the files to submit (I call the containing folder ‘dailys’) and the folder containing returned opus solutions (called ‘opus’).OPUS Upload Secure Web - summaries 1Each station could/should be in a unique 4-character folder if you want to later use OA (OPUS_Accumulator).
The ./dailys/sgu2 folder might look like this:OPUS Upload Secure Web -
summaries 2The ./opus/sgu2 folder might look like this:OPUS
Upload Secure Web - summaries 3If an OPUS solution is returned that is unreadable, or is superseded by a solution that is newer, better ephemeris then the old solution will be moved to the _invalid or duplicates folder.
Important Hint: All of the BORG tools purposefully ignore any folder or file that begins with an underscore character (‘
’) so you cannot have a station name that begins with an underscore.
This is the main screen for OU (OPUS_Upload):OPUS Upload Secure Web -
summaries 4Notice that the ‘Upload Data File’ points to the dailys folder and ‘Recurse Subfolders’ is checked.
This is the ‘Advanced’ tab of OU:OPUS Upload Secure Web - summaries
5Notice that the ‘Match Exclude’ is looking at the opus folder for files that match the input files in the dailys folder.
Where do the daily files come from?
Another piece of the Borg (iBase) generates hourly files with standard filenames using a different DIPCap process for each station.
This is what the DIPCap process that collects RT27 streams for SGU2 looks like:OPUS Upload Secure Web - filesDIPCap is a replacement for RCAPTURE. RCAPTURE fails after a few days or weeks and only supports TCPIP ‘Client’ connections, DIPCap is very robust and will run forever. It has better logging and also supports TCPIP ‘Server’ connections.
DIPCap just free runs .CAP files into the selected ‘Output Folder’ generating standard RINEX filenames using the ‘Station Name’.
The iBase program collects the .CAP files hourly and converts them from .CAP files (which are RT27 streams) into standard RINEX file sets in the standard RINEX folder hierarchy (rinex/yyyy/jjj/sss):OPUS Upload Secure Web - files

Once per day, just after midnight UTC, the iB_Daily tool runs and looks at EVERY-SINGLE file in the RINEX folder structure. iB_Daily makes sure that the hourly files are concatenated into daily files (instead of having a lower case letter from a to x as the last character before the extension, a daily file has a zerocharacter ‘0’.
The daily files are decimated to 30-second intervals and all constellations except for GPS are stripped out.
iB_Daily also puts an uncompressed file in the correct slot under dailys. The obs files in dailys are not broken into sub-folders. All dailies are just in the station folder.
23-hours after iB_Daily runs, OU (OPUS_Uploader) submits all of the new daily files to OPUS. We wait 23 hours to allow the NGS CORS system to populate all of the CORS data, this makes it more likely that OPUS will produce a solution.
If you click the ‘Check/force Precise-Final ephemeris after 14-days’ checkbox, then OU will wait 14-days after an observation is observed and then resubmit every file, every day, until every file has precise/final ephemeris.
After OPUS_Upload sends the observation files to OPUS, OPUS returns the solutions to a special email address which the iBase_Mailer services.
This is the iBase_Mailer configuration that I use:OPUS Upload Secure Web -
files 2Each solution is placed in the correct OPUS/ssss folder.
Finally, the OPUS_Accumulator summarizes all of the OPUS solutions. If it finds duplicate solutions for a day, it keeps the best solution. (This decision is detailed in the OA User Manual.

Some other hints

The OPUS Borg processes used to run without incident on a Windows XP computer. Later the computer was upgraded to Win8, then Win10.
It is impossible to have a Win10 computer run for more than a few weeks without human intervention. Primarily Windows Updates are forced out and can’t be ignored.
Since the computer that runs OPUS has an FTP server and a pile of ports open (for remote CORS stations to push data into), getting updates is probably a reasonable thing.
I have played around with running the BORG on an AWS server, it works but has no increase in availability. And because of the large number of files and data, the S3 instance is expensive. Specifically, every single file in the S3 repository is inspected every single day. So, inexpensive glacier storage is not appropriate.
I run the BORG on a fast computer with all the BORG files and folders stored on an 8-TB external USB 3 drive.
The iBase process automatically keeps a backup copy of the compressed .CAP files on a separate 4-GB drive. iBase has a single button function to rebuild the decompressed RINEX structure from the backups. I suspect that a rebuild might take several days to complete. I have not needed to rebuild the data set; however, it did take several days to migrate it from a 4-GB drive to an 8-GB drive.
OU Version Notes
Build 2000:
Added several command-line switchesOPUS Upload Secure Web -
VersionHowever included and excluded stations don’t appear to work quite yet.
Build 2004: 25 May 2017
Added an error log instead of a message box for unattended operation. Note that you won’t be able save the log for command line jobs because the program will exit when complete.
Added a test for valid file when adding from the command line. Modified the handling of files from the command line to include a test for valid-existing files.
Warning: there may some limit to the number of files you can specify on the command line. There should not be a limit to the number of files that you can include with wildcards, string space for filenames should extend to available memory.
When specifying multiple files from the command line, the filename box is only loaded with the first file from the list.
Build 2005: 5 September 2018
Added the ‘Save Log Files’ checkbox. After submitting an observation file, all of the returned HTML code from the server can be stored in a like-named file in the same folder as the input observation file. The file extension is always .html and the location is always the same as the input file.
Support for TLS1 was suspended at the NGS. OPUS_Upload now uses the SSL layer from the client machine and OpenSSL is no longer required. This effectively means that Windows XP machines are no longer viable for use with OPUS.
Build 2016: 4 January 2020
Some major enhancements and changes were made to make OU work within the OPUS- Borg framework.

  • The configuration values are now stored in the iBase.ini file with all other Bord member’s configuration. You will lose any previous settings when running this version.

  • An option to recurse directories is added to the form-based invocation. Previously this was only available to command line runs.

  • There are now two tabs, one for common Configuration settings and a new tab for Advanced settings. This cleans up the tool’s primary screen.

  • It is now possible to set multiple paths with wildcards from the form-based tool. For example:
    C:\ftp\rinex\2017\.??o; C:\ftp\rinex\2020\.??o
    Will recurse both the 2017 and 2020 folders for files matching the .??o file extension.

  • It is now possible to either set the NGS submission sequence number manually, or have OU build a unique sequence number in the form ‘IG8888888888888’: ‘IG’ followed by a 13-digit integer representing the number of milliseconds since January 1 st , 2020.

  • A minimum file size to process has been added. This option only applies to files selected by wildcard. Set the value to blank, zero or negative to process all source files, regardless of size. A value of 2,500,000 is reasonable if you are expecting mostly 24-hour daily files.

  • OU will now optionally check for existing OPUS solutions when recursing folders (using wildcards) for observation files. Solutions must start with the base filename of the OBS file; be in like named folders, under the ‘Match Exclude’ base folder; the solution file must have a file date greater than or equal to the observation file and have a .eml, .msg or .txt file extension. If a solution is found, the corresponding observation file is skipped. Set the ‘Match Exclude’ to the empty string to disable this function.

  • It is now possible to force an antenna type effectively overriding the antenna type posted in the RINEX file. (I know this seems crazy; I needed this function for a video demonstration.)

  • OU is now high DPI screen resolution compliant.

Build 2019: April 30, 2002
The -9dl (passing from iGx) command line switch now has these actions:

  • Test mode = off
  • InterFileDelay = 0.0
  • Process Subfolders = off
  • Match Exclude Existing Solutions = off
  • Save Log File = off

The interfile delay value is now stored to the INI file and recalled when the program starts.
Build 2020.7.17.2020
Delay between file submission was taking 20% of machine resources because of an errant system semaphore. (ugghhh!) Cancel button was not displayed correctly during waits. Added the number of files left to submit in a batch to the status bar.
Build 2020.9.8.2021
If recursing folders, any folder with a name that starts with an underscore ‘_’ will be skipped. Folders under said folder also skipped. This was added for use with iBase which puts incomplete (files with less than 90% of expected coverage) in a ‘_invalid’ folder.
Build 2020.12.5.2024
Added URL editing to change submission URL. New command line ‘-U’ returns to default submission address, ‘+U “full url”’ sets override URL. The default URL currently is:
The beta site can be reached with this address:
Build 2020.12.21.2027
Bug: When submitting files to NGS, the number of remaining files displayed was incorrect.
Bug: When looking for unsubmitted files, using the ‘Match Exclude’ function if a OPUS solution predates the observation file, it is now deleted. Previously it was left in place and the file was resubmitted. This resulted in multiple OPUS solutions for a single observation file (since the OPUS results have a unique iG sequence number identifier.)
Build 2021.11.7.2040
OU now uses new server side scripts for submission of RS vs. S OBS files:OPUS Upload Secure Web - Version 1The size of the log memo is extended to 4 million characters.
Added some hints to added a bunch of needless debugging (which I am not goingto remove as it only shows up as you do extend-logging).
Added a hint that the submission url’s are different for static vs. rapid in the override box.
Build 2022.2.9.2041
Based on feedback from people who are not using OU in a production environment, OU has been rearranged to look more like the NGS submission form.
It is now possible to select the forced antenna type from a drop-down box. Click the ‘Load NGS Antenna List’ button to download and parse the current NGS antenna list. The drop-down box is loaded with an alphabetical listing of types.
It is now possible to override the Instrument Height contained in the RINEX file and enter the height directly.
These command line switches have been added:OPUS Upload Secure Web - Version
2This User Manual has been extensively updated.
Build 2022.2.9.2042
Extensive additions to hover-hints. (This version is packaged with the iGx_Download tool after 2/11/2022.)
Build 2022.3.17.2043
Added two command line switches:OPUS Upload Secure Web - Version
3Added ‘Maximum Observation Age’. If non-zero, observations that ended more than the entered amount will be skipped. This is useful to just ‘give up’ attempted processing of files after 45 days. If NGS can’t successfully process a file after 45 (programable) days, waiting another day- week-month-year is not going to make any difference.
There are days and locations where no matter what you do, NGS OPUS will not be able to process a job. Primarily seen with OPUS-Static jobs. Sometimes truncating an hour from the beginning or end of a file will result in success, but full 24-hour files will not process. This new switch allows the files to just be skipped. If extended debug is enabled, a note is made in the log.
Build 2022.3.21.2044
Updated to the Embarcadero® Delphi 11 Version 28.0.44500.8973 compiler on a new PC.
Updated UPX Packer to Version 3.96w.
Updated Component Ace ZipForge to version 6.94.
When files with the following attributes are skipped:
Missing or non-forced antenna type skipped
Input file is missing (? How does this happen)
Too long of file is skipped
Too old of file is skipped
and there are additional files to process, the delay is skipped. The prevents long delays when file-after-file are skipped. In other words, an inter-file delay is performed only when an actual file is submitted.
When downloading the antenna list from the NGS, OU now detects duplicate antenna names (caused by satellite revisioning) and forces each entry to be unique.
Build 2022.3.27.2045
MaxAge = 0 was not treated as infinite.
Updated the interfile delay to try to reduce overhead during wait.
Build 2022.4.1.2050
Critical rewrite of observation vs. solution matching.
Added ‘Log to file’ checkbox. If checked the log is replicated in the same folder as the executable with millisecond timestamps. When OU starts, if an existing file larger than 9 Megabytes exists, it is deleted. (You need to grab log files immediately after OU completes to insure they are not deleted on program invocation.)
Added and cleaned up logging information.
Added file counter to track progress looking for files to process.
Fixed an error where an OPUS solution date was truncated without the solution time. This resulted in ‘some’ files being repeatedly submitted because the solution time (truncated to 00:00:00) appeared to be prior to the end of the occupation (00:00:03). This check now has a full day of grace period before being flagged as earlier.
Build 2022.4.10.2053
Fixed MaxAge bug where MaxAge setting was ignored for some files.
Added skipping message:
04/10/2022 18:35:38.612 ! File ‘F:\iBase\ftp\dailys\cotx\cotx2970.21o skipped, too old; observation age is 167.8 days, the limit is 45.0 days.
Fixed ‘SemiAppend2’ issue where blank filenames were appended to the list of files to process ‘;;;’.
Added 80-characters of next file to process logging information to the ‘…processing x more files:’ log entry.
Build 2022.6.26.2055
Implicit RINEX 3 Support Added RINEX3 may have worked previously, in most cases.
Added a blank antenna to the top of the ‘Force Antenna’ drop-down list to make selecting no forced antenna easier.
Added +X dd and -X options to set and clear the ‘Maximum age’ tolerance.
(Setting this to 0 days or to an empty string will process all files.)
Win10/11 style open file selection dialog.
Tightened up spacing on form design.
Added ‘Defaults’ button to return all settings except filename and email address; to the known starting defaults.
Added +D option to click the ‘Defaults’ button from the command line.
The RINEX file decoder now supports RINEX2 and RINEX3. OBS EPOCH records with non-zero flags are handled better. (A future enhancement might be to strip out special event (moving, new monument, start static) records?) Additional RINEX methods are now shared between OPUS_Upload and the
iGx_Download tool.
Improved hints for EVERY option and control.
The -9dl option has been depreciated and does nothing. If you previously used this option, consider putting a -D as the first option on the line. This will put OU in a known, default state. Then you need only add the options that you need for processing, typically -e email followed by a filename to submit will be sufficient.

iGage Mapping Corporation
1545 South 1100 East STE 1
Salt Lake City UT 84015
+1 801 412-0011
f +1-801-412-0022


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