NXP S32K396 MBDT Motor Control Demo User Guide

August 25, 2024

NXP S32K396 MBDT Motor Control Demo


Product Information


  • Product Name: S32K396 MBDT Motor Control Demo
  • Manufacturer: NXP Semiconductors
  • Revision: 1.0
  • Date: 23 May 2024

Product Usage Instructions

  1. Introduction
    The S32K396 MBDT Motor Control Demo utilizes the Model-Based Design Toolbox (MBDT) to enable model-based design workflows targeting NXP processors through MATLAB and Simulink environments.

  2. Hardware, Software, and Tools Required
    Hardware and Tools:

    • S32K396 Evaluation Boards (EVB)
    • Mother Board (MB)
    • 3phase LV PWR board
    • Software and Tools:
      List of software and tools required is not provided in the extract.
  3. Build Demo
    If you wish to run the demo without modifications, you can skip the build process as the built binary is included in the release package.

Open Model and Setup Configuration

  1. Add folders ‘data_dictionary’ and ‘modules’ to the MATLAB path.
  2. Change the workspace to the project folder ‘s32k396_pmsm_mc_mbdt/mbd’.
  3. Open the project model ‘mbd_ebt.slx’ in MATLAB.
  4. In the model, click ‘Hardware Settings’ to access Configuration Parameters options.
  5. Under Hardware implementation -> Hardware board settings > Hardware, configure the Configuration Template as ‘mbd_TresosProject’ located in ‘s32k396_pmsm_mc_mbdt/ebt_default_project_config’.
  6. Select ‘Overwrite the existing folder’ in the dialog box and click ‘Apply’ to save the configuration.


  • Q: What hardware is compatible with the S32K396 MBDT Motor Control Demo?
    A: The software is validated on S32K396 Evaluation Boards (EVB), Mother Board (MB), and two of the 3phase LV PWR boards.

  • Q: Is it necessary to build the project to run the demo?
    A: If you do not intend to make any modifications, you can run the demo without building the project as the built binary is provided in the release package.

Getting Started with the S32K396 MBDT Motor Control DemoUG10136
Getting Started with the S32K396 MBDT Motor Control Demo
User guide

Document information

Information Content
Abstract This documentation describes how to run the demo project. It

includes the compilation of the project and the connection between the hardware and the operation of the FreeMASTER, also introduced the PIL simulation process.


  • The Model-Based Design Toolbox (MBDT) enables the model-based design workflow targeting NXP processors via the MATLAB and Simulink environments.
  • NXP MBDT integrated the system and peripheral devices interface blocks and their real-time Drivers(RTD), Automotive Mathac and Motor Control Library(AMMCLIB), Compilers and Toolchain. It is a Simulink-embedded target supporting NXP MCUs for direct rapid prototyping and built-in support for software-in-the-loop and processor-in-the-loop (SIL and PIL) development workflows. It also generates and deploys code automatically to start up the MCU and run complex applications, which enable control engineers and embedded developers to shorten project life cycles.
  • This documentation describes how to run the demo project. It includes the compilation of the project and the connection between the hardware and the operation of the FreeMASTER. The details about the demo design and migration are not included. See the related documents on www.nxp.com for more information.
  • This software is validated on the S32K396 Evaluation Boards (EVB), Mother Board (MB), and two of the 3-phase LV PWR board.

Hardware, Software, and Tools

The following is a list of hardware and tools required:

  • Boards: S32K396 EVB and 3-phase LV PWR board
  • Debugger: Lauterbach for Cortex-M7/Multilink PE micro debugger
  • PCIE Cable
  • USB Cable

The following is a list of software and tools required:

  • AUTOSAR Tool: EB Tresos 29.0.0
  • MCAL: SW32K3_RTD_4.4_R21-11_3.0.0_P01_HF01
  • IDE: S32 Design Studio for S32 Platform 3.5
  • MATLAB R2023a
  • Embedded Coder Support Package for ARM Cortex-M Processor version 23.1.0
  • NXP_Support_Package_S32K3xx version 1.4.0
  • NXP_MBDToolbox_S32K3xx version 1.4.0

Note : MCAL SW32K3_RTD_4.4_R21-11_3.0.0_P01_HF01 installation can cause an error that the installation path is too long. Click ignore to continue the installation.

Build demo

  • If you want to run the demo without any modifications, you don’t need to build the project. The built binary (s32k396_pmsm_mc_mbdt/mbd/mbd_ebt.elf) is provided in the release package.
  • Before building this project, ensure that the tools have been installed. The following steps give a guide to building the demo.

Open model and setup configuration

  • Add folder ‘data_dictionary’ and ‘modules’ into the MATLAB path. For example, see Figure 1.

  • Getting Started with the S32K396 MBDT Motor Control DemoNXP-S32K396-MBDT-Motor-Control-Demo- \(1\)

  • Figure 1. Add folder to MATLAB path
    Hotfix replaces RTD drivers: copy files from “common/rtd_hotfix” to the RTD installation path “NXP/SW32 K3_RTD_4.4_R21-11_3.0.0_P01_HF01/xxxx” and replace each module driver file(including ADC, DSP, and eflexpwm). NXP-S32K396-MBDT-Motor-Control-Demo-

  • Change the workspace to the project folder s32k396_pmsm_mc_mbdt/mbd. Then open the project model mbd_ebt.slx in MATLAB. NXP-S32K396-MBDT-Motor-Control-Demo- \(4\)

  • Figure 2. Open project

  • Change Project Configurations:

  • In the model, click ‘Hardware Settings’. NXP-S32K396-MBDT-Motor-Control-Demo- \(5\)

Figure 3. Hardware settings1. Change the EB project Template.

  1. In the Configuration Parameters options, click Hardware implementation -> Hardware board settings – > Hardware, and configure the Configuration Template as ‘mbd_TresosProject’, which is in the folder s32k396_pmsm_mc_mbdt/ebt_default_project_config.
    In the dialog box, select ‘Overwrite the existing folder’. After that, click ‘Apply’ to save this configuration. Figure 4 shows the steps. NXP-S32K396
-MBDT-Motor-Control-Demo- \(6\)

Figure 4. Change the configuration template

  • Change EB tool path and RTD location.

  • In the Configuration Parameters options, click hardware implementation -> Hardware board settings –

    Tool Paths, and change the ‘EB Tresos Tools location’ to the location where the tools are installed in the computer.

  • Then, change the RTD location to the place where the “SW32K3_RTD_4.4_R21-11_3.0.0_P01_HF01” version is installed. In the dialog box, select ‘Overwrite the existing folder’. After that, click ‘Apply’ to save this configuration. Figure 5 shows the steps.NXP-S32K396-MBDT-Motor-Control-Demo- \(7\)

Figure 5. Change tool path and RTD location

Build the project
Click the ‘Build, Deploy, and Start’ button. Then the project starts to generate codes and build. When the build is finished, an executable file ‘ mbd_ebt.elf ’ can be found in the folder s32k396_pmsm_mc_mbdt/mbd. Also, a binary file is generated in the same folder ‘mbd_ebt.bin ’.NXP-S32K396-MBDT-
Motor-Control-Demo- \(8\)

Figure 6. Build project
Also, there is another way to build the project. Open the ‘Embedded Coder’ app in the APPS gallery. Then, click the ‘Build’ button. NXP-S32K396-MBDT-Motor-
Control-Demo- \(9\)

Figure 7. Build project

Download elf file into board

  • Download via Multilink PE micro debugger
  • If using the PE debugger to download the project elf file, it can be automatically processed after build. Before building the project, ensure that the configuration is selected as PE debugger in the configuration parameters.
  • To configure the PE debugger as the download tool, follow the steps shown in Figure 8. Click Apply before closing the configuration to save the changes. NXP-S32K396-MBDT-Motor-Control-Demo- \(10\)
  • Figure 8. Configure the download tool
    When the project finishes build, see Section 3.2, the binary is loaded into the board automatically. And a dialog box pops up. See Figure 9. NXP-S32K396
-MBDT-Motor-Control-Demo- \(11\)

Figure 9. Download finish dialog box

  • Download via Lauterbach
  • If using the debugger Lauterbach, Simulink cannot download the file. So when the Download failed dialog box pops up, abort it, and that means the project has been built and compiled successfully. Then, load the generated file ‘mbd_ebt.elf’ through the Lauterbach script ‘debug/s32k396_flash_c0.cmm’.

 Run demo

  1. Connect hardware
    Warning: Do not power-on while connecting any hardware.
    As shown in Figure 10, the EVB board is the central controller and the predriver with motor is the actuator. Download the compiled file through the debugger and observe the variables in FreeMASTER using the USB cable. To connect all the hardware devices perform the following steps:NXP-S32K396
-MBDT-Motor-Control-Demo- \(12\)
    Figure 10. Demo connection

    1. Connect the three-phase winding of the PMSM to J4 on the predriver and connect the resolver signal to J8 on the predriver.
  2. Connect motor control signals from J14 on the predriver to J44 on the EVB board.

  3. Connect the debugger between JTAG J20 and the computer.

  4. Connect the USB cable between J15 and the computer, then the EVB LED D30 will be solid green.

  5. Plug in the 12V power supply port J1 on the EVB board, then the EVB LED D4 will be solid green.

  6. Plug in the 24V driver power on port J13 of the predriver, and then the predriver LED D14 will be solid yellow.


Figure 11. S32K396 EVB
Table 1 shows more details to prepare the EVB board connection for this project. Ensure that all the jumpers on the S32K396 EVB(SCH-54614_A) are in the correct positions.
Note : If the S32K396 EVB version is SCH-55517_B, J71 should connect with 2-3 to use the push button.

Table 1. Jumpers on the S32K396 EVB

Jumper Connection
J4 2-3
J6 2-3
J7 2-3
J28 2-3
J45 2-3
J67 Disconnect

Run Motor with FreeMASTER
Ensure that the 3-phase LV PWR board is powered with 24V.

  1. Open FreeMASTER application K396_PMSM_FOC.pmp.
  2. Refer to Figure 12 to configure the FreeMASTER.
  3. Click the GO icon on the FreeMASTER, then observe if the variables on the FreeMASTER are being updated. If the variables are being updated, the connection has been established successfully. Otherwise repeat step 1.

NXP-S32K396-MBDT-Motor-Control-Demo- \(14\)

Figure 12. Configure the FreeMASTER
Click the ON/OFF button on the App Control page to run the motor. NXP-
S32K396-MBDT-Motor-Control-Demo- \(15\)

Figure 13. Control motor with the FreeMASTER
Click the speedometer pointer on this page, to set a required speed. The motor accelerates to track the required speed.NXP-S32K396-MBDT-Motor-Control-Demo-

Figure 14. Set speed via FreeMASTER
Also, there are other control modes can be select in pane Control Struc. Select other modes when control state is OFF, and modify the required input parameters and press Enter to make it effective.NXP-S32K396-MBDT-Motor-
Control-Demo- \(17\)

Figure 15. Control Mode and parameters set

PIL demo

Connect the hardware following steps in 4.1, and open the PIL model “pil_model_ebt.mdl”. Before running, we need to link the local project source paths of the hardware model first. Then run the PIL simulation demo with one click. Below are the detailed steps.
First, please check the configuration settings.

  1. Click “Set Path” in the MATLAB menu, select “Add Folder” to add the folder “data_dictionary” and “modules” under the project root path, and save changes. This step ensures that the built model can successfully find the dependency files and reference modules.NXP-S32K396-MBDT-Motor-Control-Demo- \(18\)
    Figure 16. Set path for PIL model

  2. Open data dictionary “MCAT_Parameters.sldd” and modify the parameter values as follow:
    MBD_ALIGN_DURATION set as 30, MBD_SPEED_UP_CNT set as 2, MBD_SPEED_DOWN_CNT set as 2, MBD_APP_OFF_CNT set as 2, MBD_CALIB_CNT set as 2. Save changes and close this data dictionary. Open file “PMSM_appconfig.h” and modify ALIGN_DURATION as 30.

  3. The first time you open the PIL model “pil_model_ebt.mdl”, please click “Migrate Existing Project” in the pop-up window.
    Figure 17. Migrate MBD model setting

  4. Wait for the model to open, then right-click at the blank space of the model and open “Model Configuration Parameters”.

  5. Change the EB configuration project at path “Hardware Implementation -> Hardware board settings -> Target hardware resources -> Hardware -> Configuration Template” to the project folder “pil_TresosProject”. If a new window pops up, select “Overwrite the existing folder”. This step copies the pre-defined EB configuration files to the model configuration folder “pil_model_ebt_TresosProject”.NXP-S32K396-MBDT-Motor-Control-Demo- \(20\)
    Figure 18. PIL hardware setting

  6. Move to the next item “Tools Paths” in the setting. Modify the “EB Tresos Tools location” to the EB Tresos installation path at your computer, change the RTD location to the place where “SW32K3_RTD_4.4_R21-11_3. 0.0_P01_HF01” version (with hotfix replaced) is installed. and select “Overwrite the existing folder”. NXP-S32K396-MBDT-Motor-Control-Demo- \(21\)
    Figure 19. PIL tools paths setting

  7.  At the item “PIL”, click “Refresh” to generate the EB tresos configuration files. Then set the “Serial port” as identified in the “Device Manager” and set the other combo box the same as in Figure 20.NXP-S32K396-MBDT-Motor-Control-Demo- \(22\)
    Figure 20. PIL communication setting

  8. Apply all the changes and close the model.
    Now it’s ready to build the model. Open model “pil_top.mdl”.

  9. Disconnect the USB cable first.

  10. Open “SIL/PIL” in APPS. Check that the mode is set as “SIL/PIL Only” and the system under test is “Model blocks in SIL/PIL mode”.NXP-S32K396-MBDT-Motor-Control-Demo- \(23\)
    Figure 21. PIL application setting

  11.  Click “Run SIL/PIL” and wait for Simulink to build the model.
    Figure 22. PIL application run

  12. Download the debug file with PE micro debugger.

  13. onnect the USB cable again after download starts and before download finishes.

When successfully downloaded, the Simulink time bar starts to count. Open “Data Inspector” to monitor the logged signals in the model. Then use buttons to control the motor running status.

Select the data to be observed in the left area and draw it in the right graphics area. NXP-S32K396-MBDT-Motor-Control-Demo-
Figure 23. Data inspector window

  1. When the logged signal STATEEVENT-model(2) reaches 6, which means the state machine event “MBD_e_ready” occurs, press and hold the SW5 button for a while until STATEEVENT-model(2) becomes 7.
  2. Then wait a moment for the state machine to complete the initialization process, and the signal STATEEVENT-model(2) will eventually become 12.
  3. Press and hold the SW8 until the logged signal SPEEDLOOP-model(1) steps from 0 to 41.9. It give an input speed demand of 41.9 rad/s.
  4. Wait for the feedback speed to track the demand speed. Click “Stop” in Figure22 to end this simulation process or directly set a “Stop Time” in Figure22.NXP-S32K396-MBDT-Motor-Control-Demo- \(26\)

Speed tracking process

Revision history

Document ID Release date Description
UG10136 v.1.0 23 May 2024 Initial release

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Date of release: 23 May 2024 Document identifier: UG10136

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