ZEBRA PTT Pro Workcloud Communication Installation Guide

August 27, 2024

PTT Pro Workcloud Communication


Product Information


  • Product Name: PTT Pro
  • Manufacturer: Zebra Technologies Corporation
  • Integration: Okta
  • Model Number: MN-004831-01EN Rev A
  • Copyright: 2024/01/22

Product Usage Instructions


The PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide provides instructions for
integrating PTT Pro with Okta for seamless communication.


To complete the integration, you will need access to the ACS
server, Okta server, and PTT Pro Server. Ensure you have the
necessary permissions to make configurations.

Configuration Overview:

The configuration process is divided into four phases:

  1. Establish the Realm and Client on the ACS server.

  2. Create the Application in the Okta server.

  3. Create the Identity Provider and finalize the ACS

  4. Configure the PTT Pro Server OAuth connection with the required
    URLs and Certificate.

Creating the Realm:

  1. Select Add realm from the Select realm menu.
  2. Enter a name for the new realm in the Name text box.
  3. Click Create to enable the realm and create the OpenID

Retrieving the Signing Certification of the Realm:

  1. Navigate to Realm Settings > Keys.

  2. Copy the RS256, RSA signing certificate, to a local location on
    your computer. This certificate is used to configure the PTT Pro

  3. Note: Use the RSA signing certificate for encoding, and ensure
    you use the correct certificate for signing when configuring the
    PTT Pro Server.


Q: What should I do if I encounter errors during the

configuration process?

A: If you encounter errors, refer to the Zebra Technologies
support resources or contact their customer service for assistance
in troubleshooting and resolving any issues.


Workcloud Communication
Okta Integration Guide
MN-004831-01EN Rev A

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PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
Workcloud Communication supports OAuth2 authentication using the Okta identity provider. Using OAuth2, multiple users can share a single device. This is referred to as the Shared Device Model. When you install a Workcloud Communication solution with AD/ADFS services, User Authentication, User Provisioning, and Attribute Transformations are possible using LDAP services. The Okta integration only supports User Authentication. User Provisioning and Attribute Transformations are supported indirectly by using the Flat File Import functionality provided by Workcloud Communication. The Okta integration uses the OpenID Connect (OIDC) protocol, which requires the Authentication Connection Service (ACS). ACS enables Workcloud Communication to authenticate with Okta using OIDC. This document describes the Okta and ACS configuration required to support user authentication, and how this affects the configuration of PTT Pro for Android and Workcloud Communication Profile Manager.
You must have an Okta instance configured and running and the PTT Pro for Android users must be provisioned in the Okta IdP. · Okta IdP is installed and in operation. · Users are provisioned in the Okta IdP.
Configuration Overview
The configuration process is divided into four phases. Complete each phase sequentially because each phase uses configuration elements from the previous phase.
Phase 1 Establish the Realm and Client on the ACS server. The Realm is required to create a client, and the client URL is required to configure Okta.
Phase 2 Create the Application in the Okta server. In this phase, the Authentication and Token Access URLs are created along with the Client ID and Client Secret. These elements are required to create the Identity Provider connection in the ACS.
Phase 3 Create the Identity Provider and finalize the ACS configuration.
Phase 4 Configure the PTT Pro Server OAuth connection with the URLs and Certificate needed to connect to the ACS.
Phase 1 ­ Configuring the ACS
In Phase 1 you will create the realm, copy the signing certificate, configure the client, and create the user property matcher. In Phase 1, complete the following tasks: · Create the realm. · Retrieve the signing certificate for the realm. · Configure the client. · Create the user property mapper.

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
· Capture the IdP redirect URL.
Creating the Realm
Create the realm and enter a meaningful name. The following example uses WFC- OKTA-Connector for the realm name. 1. Select Add realm from the Select realm menu.
2. In the Name text box, enter the name for the new realm. 3. Click Create.
The realm is enabled, and the OpenID endpoint is created.

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
Retrieving the Signing Certification of the Realm
The signing certification is required to configure the PTT Pro Server. 1. Navigate to Realm Settings > Keys.
2. Copy the RS256, RSA signing certificate, to a convenient local location on your computer. You use this signing certificate to configure the PTT Pro Server.
NOTE: There are two RSA keys. One is for encoding, ENC, and the other for Signing, SIG. The PTT Pro Server uses the signing certificate.
3. Save the certificate in the X.509 format. The Realm is established. Sample Signing Certificate NOTE: The line length is formatted to fit on the page.
MIICszCCAZsCBgGBpcwvCzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAdMRswGQ YDVQQDDBJXRkMtT2t0YS1Db25uZWN0b3IwHhcNMjIwNjI3MTUzM jEwWhcNMzIwNjI3MTUzMzUwWjAdMRswGQYDVQQDDBJXRkMtT2t0 YS1Db25uZWN0b3IwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggE KAoIBAQCacby8lfRjEeDXn8VeKaxMBxxuQAkhiC/tnKC6q2MKCW IHESQqK21HlZ/Pj1HbnDM7GGpBn7zvhQm+aCJ0XjyZiYxy3wkisB JTqdc6JEzdEXwWxkZ58huenh/PTkpNQy0JLzwCOyzG+iQWWGTY b/xBuBtY9QJoS2yhSHKU53c8txyytLTqurYNUPTfQC1bcZrQJpe onAmmH4+FjM5sfOIQ28O7xD1g69IQ1hiW3+y1CsMoLp4F68SdQ+ pmkwH8jmIdLGWmIn6R1FsccnrdLDiydZc84sZcMCKTMnC9PYu3F GQQzDHsT1goN+QDDfMhCUzbm1zQ4kSXcOkzHoOaG44zAgMBAAE

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAFvl6+35OlKPsbEWPUPttNJpWf WGTBpcVGohNmt8e2tfVj0GT7xh4zvNmQvxh+eaewhzuwKhpT/J G8dyuQVhF4O2Os2W8YPZqvtLWS0cOY9kljqRl1A3z1o2wO1IfDU +D5aaGSkylyBxL7HkuJsPoWtwUMyfBZNH14Xp4Scwb25BfddECP SBNCGJ+j4s1rwfac5YVKTswjcePF+r4VsHzEfTgdMhjJha1wI7G KgzrBXOagZCA6ZfeQMINLTkBSXW6m+xkkcU/owmMXsGJOTEQOTT 0HefiBXq0Jt/0h/NReuc6Qk4AlJHh0Cj9FhAT2OTPvPbn7Yj3vB 7Tne+dMk+p1A=
Creating the Client
Create a client so that PTT Pro for Android users can authenticate using Okta.

  1. Select Clients to display the list of default clients.
    2. Click Create. 3. In the Client ID text box, enter a name for the client.
    The client name in this example is oidc.client.
    4. Verify that the Client Protocol is openid-connect. 5. Click Save to proceed and configure the client.

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
Configuring the Client Complete the configuration of the client to ensure the integration with PTT Pro for Android. 1. Click Clients under the Configure menu. 2. Select the client.
The client name in this example is oidc.client

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
3. Select Settings and verify the following settings.
· Client Protocol is openid-connect. · Access Type is confidential
· The access type public works but does not use a client secret. · Switching from confidential to public and back to confidential resets the client’s secret to a new
value. · The access type bearer-only does not work. · Standard Flow Enabled is ON. If not selected, PTT Pro for Android displays a blank screen and does not prompt for credentials. · Direct Access Grants Enabled is ON. If not selected, PTT Pro for Android displays a login screen but then displays a blank screen and does not complete the connection. · Enter https://localhost in the Valid Redirect URIs field. An invalid URI generates an error on the device when connecting to the ACS; the login screen does not display.

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
4. Click Save to continue.
Copying the Client Secret The client secret is used to configure PTT Pro for Android. Copy the secret and the Client ID. 1. Click the Credentials tab to access the client secret.
2. Copy the client secret. The client secret is automatically generated.
3. Save the client secret and the client ID, oidc.client, in this example, to a convenient location. Example Client Secret 31941cec- 9b16-46b8-8749-2e6c3fa4ff23

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
Creating a User Property Mapper This task maps the token claim sub to the username attribute used by PTT Pro for Android. If this procedure is not completed, the device user is presented with the credentials screen, but after entering the credentials, the device displays a blank screen. 1. Click the Mappers tab in the client definition.
2. Click Create to define a mapping. · Enter username in the Name field. · Select User Property from the Mapper Type menu. · Enter username in the Property field. · Enter sub in the Token Claim Name field. · Select String from the Claim JSON Type menu.
3. Click Save to return to the client definition screen.

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
Copying the Identity Provider Redirect URI Copy the Redirect URI from the ACS to complete the Okta configuration. The ACS IdP requires information from the Okta application configuration, which you complete after the Okta Application is established. 1. Select Identity Providers from the client configuration.
2. Select Open ID Connect 1.0 from the menu to display the redirect URI. 3. Copy the redirect URI from the Redirect URI field.

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
Example Redirect URI In this example, the redirect URI is: https://<ACS- server-name>/auth/realm/WFC-OktaConnector/broker/okta.oidc.connector/endpoint.
Phase 2 ­ Configuring Okta
In this phase, you add and configure a new Workcloud Communication native application using configuration elements from the ACS. The users should already exist in the Okta system.
Creating an App
Use Okta to create a new native application for PTT Pro for Android. 1. Open Okta and navigate to Applications > Applications and click Create App Integration.
2. Select OIDC – OpenID Connect as the Sign-in method.

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
3. Select Native Application as the Application type.
4. Click Next. 13

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide Configuring the New Native App
Configure the app with the described settings. Settings include naming the app and adding the redirect URI that you previously created. 1. Enter a name in the App integration name field.

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
2. Optionally, add an application logo. 15

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
3. Select the Grant type. · Authorization Code is automatically selected. · Refresh Token sets the refresh from persistent to a time interval. · Additional types can be selected if required.
4. Modify the Sign-in redirect URIs. a) Delete the default redirect URI. b) Enter the Redirect URI from the OIDC Identity Provider. Go to Copying the Identity Provider Redirect URI on page 11. c) Click Add URI and enter https://localhost
5. Do not modify the Sign-out redirect URIs. 6. Under Assignments, determine how users are granted access to the application.
· Set Controlled Access to Allow everyone in your organization to access. · Choose whether to grant immediate access with the Federation Broker Mode.
· When enabled, all users are eligible to access the application. Custom access token claims are applied to these users.
· When disabled, users are selectively granted access and customized claims need to be created and applied to the users. When the broker is not enabled, additional configuration is required. See Configuring Access to the Native App on page 16.
7. Click Save to preserve the General Settings. Configuring Access to the Native App When the Federation Broker is not used to grant users access to the application, complete the following task to determine who can access the app.

  1. Open the application and select the Assignments tab.
    2. Select the access appropriate for your environment. In this example, the PTT-Pro App is made available to the group Everyone.

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide Completing the Native App Configuration
Complete the configuration of the app to finish the ACS Identity Provider. 1. Open the application and perform the following steps under the General tab.
2. Click Edit. 3. Copy the client credentials from the Client ID field.
In this example, the client ID is: 0oa5km1v306LXN57y5d7 4. Under CLIENT SECRETS, reveal the secret, and copy the secret to your computer for later in the
configuration. In this example, the client secret is: QUndeR7dkcARwPFjVyGVh6NeFjzbs00Md2xWYFLS

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
5. Click the Sign On tab to edit the OpenID Connect ID Tokenscreen.
6. Select Okta URL from the Issuer menu. 7. Audience is automatically populated with the Client ID. 8. Select Filter for the Group claims type. 9. Enter the Group Claims Filter.
A typical filter is .*. 10. Click Save. Review the remaining configuration options of the native application and make any modifications necessary for your environment.
Phase 3 ­ Completing the ACS Configuration
You completed the application configuration with the Client ID and Client Secret. In this section, you will complete the configuration of the Identity Provider with information from the Okta configuration.
Creating A Simple Login Authentication Flow
The authentication flow enables the mobile client to seamlessly pass credentials through ACS to the Okta IdP. Complete the Authentication Flow before completing the IdP definition. The Authentication Flow is not required, and other configurations are possible, but it improves the sign-in experience for the user.

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
For example, if the ACS IdP configuration specifies: · Browser for the First Login Flow, the user cannot progress past the login screen. · First Broker Login, the user is prompted to enter their first name, last name, and email address. While
this configuration works, it is a poor user experience. · Direct Grant generates a missing parameter error. · Registration flow requires that the user enter their user profile information before continuing. The ACS adds users to the user table as they access the system. The Simple Login Flow automatically populates the user table with the user name when the user signs in. No passwords are examined or tracked. The user authentication occurs on the Okta system Creating the Authentication Flow Create an authentication flow to enable the device client to pass credentials through the ACS to the Okta IdP. 1. Select Authentication > Flows > New.
2. Enter a name in the Alias field and select generic from the Top Level Flow Type menu.
3. Click Save to create the flow.

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
4. Select the new flow from the Authentication view and click Add Execution. 5. Select Create User If Unique from the Provider menu.
6. Click Save. 7. In the Authentication view, select Alternative to activate the flow. The configuration is automatically

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide Creating the Identity Provider
Create the identity provider using information from Okta to complete the configuration. 1. Select Identity Providers from the ACS interface. 2. Select Open ID Connect 1.0 from the menu.

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
3. Configure the Identity Provider.
· Alias, okta.oidc.connector in this example. · Set Enabled to On. · (Optional) Set Store Tokens to On. · (Optional) Set Store Tokens Readable to On. · Select Simple Login Flow from the First Login Flow menu. The redirect URI is displayed in the Redirect URI field and is used as the Okta Redirect for the native app. In this example, the redirect URI is: https://<acs-server- name>/auth/realms/WFC-Okta-Connector/broker/ okta.oidc.connector/endpoint
Collecting Information from the Well-Known URL
To complete the configuration of the Identity provider, collect additional information from the well-known URL. To complete the Identity Provider configuration the following elements are required: · Authentication URL from the well-known URL · Token URL from the well-know URL

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
· Client Authentication · Client ID · Client Secret · Client Assertion Signature Algorithm You can obtain this information by browsing into the Okta IdP using the well-known URL. The Okta domain and client ID are required to create the well-known URL. Accessing the Well-Known URL Use the Okta domain and the client ID to create the well-known URL. A well-known URL uses the following structure: https:///.well-known/openid- configuration?client_id= In this example, the well-known URL becomes: https://dev-84941762.okta.com/.well-known/openid-configuration? client_id=0oa5km1v306LXN57y5d7 · The domain is dev-84941762.okta.com. · The Client ID, 0oa5km1v306LXN57y5d7, was generated when you created the Native App. Figure 1 Native App with Client ID
Entering the well-known URL in a web browser returns a response in a JSON file format. The JSON response includes information required for the ACS configuration: · Authorization endpoint · Token endpoint

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
· The supported encrypting format
{ “issuer”: “https://dev-84941762.okta.com”, “authorization_endpoint”: “https://dev-84941762.okta.com/oauth2/v1/ authorize”, “token_endpoint”: “https://dev-84941762.okta.com/oauth2/v1/token”, “userinfo_endpoint”: “https://dev-84941762.okta.com/oauth2/v1/userinfo”, “registration_endpoint”: “https://dev-84941762.okta.com/oauth2/v1/ clients/0oa5km1v306LXN57y5d7”, “jwks_uri”: “https://dev-84941762.okta.com/oauth2/v1/keys? client_id=0oa5km1v306LXN57y5d7”, “response_types_supported”: [ “code” ], “response_modes_supported”: [ “query”, “fragment”, “form_post”, “okta_post_message” ], “grant_types_supported”: [ “authorization_code”, “refresh_token”, “password”, “urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange” ], “subject_types_supported”: [ “public” ], “id_token_signing_alg_values_supported”: [ “RS256” ], “scopes_supported”: [ “openid”, “email”, “profile”, “address”, “phone”, “offline_access” ], “token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported”: [ “client_secret_basic” ], “claims_supported”: [ “iss”, “ver”, “sub”, “aud”, “iat”, “exp”, “jti”, “auth_time”,

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
“amr”, “idp”, “nonce”, “name”, “nickname”, “preferred_username”, “given_name”, “middle_name”, “family_name”, “email”, “email_verified”, “profile”, “zoneinfo”, “locale”, “address”, “phone_number”, “picture”, “website”, “gender”, “birthdate”, “updated_at”, “at_hash”, “c_hash” ], “code_challenge_methods_supported”: [ “S256” ], “introspection_endpoint”: “https://dev-84941762.okta.com/oauth2/v1/ introspect”, “introspection_endpoint_auth_methods_supported”: [ “client_secret_basic” ], “revocation_endpoint”: “https://dev-84941762.okta.com/oauth2/v1/revoke”, “revocation_endpoint_auth_methods_supported”: [ “client_secret_basic” ], “end_session_endpoint”: “https://dev-84941762.okta.com/oauth2/v1/logout”, “request_parameter_supported”: true, “request_object_signing_alg_values_supported”: [ “HS256”, “HS384”, “HS512” ], “device_authorization_endpoint”: “https://dev-84941762.okta.com/oauth2/v1/ device/authorize”, “pushed_authorization_request_endpoint”: “https://dev-84941762.okta.com/ oauth2/v1/par” }
NOTE: The authorization and token URLs are shown in the response from the well-known URL. If the Okta system uses a Federation Broker, modify the authorization and token URLs.

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
The original URLs from the JSON response: · “authorization_endpoint”: “https://dev-84941762.okta.com/oauth2/v1/
authorize” · “token_endpoint”: “https://dev-84941762.okta.com/oauth2/v1/token” Modify the URLs to include the Authorization Server: · “authorization_endpoint”: “https://dev-84941762.okta.com/
oauth2//v1/authorize” · “token_endpoint”: “https://dev-84941762.okta.com/oauth2//v1/

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide Completing the Identity Provider Configuration
Use the information from the JSON response to the well-known URL to complete the configuration of the Identity Provider. 1. Open the Identify Provider and complete the configuration.

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
2. The example configuration uses the following data. · Authorization URL is https://dev-84941762.okta.com/oauth2/v1/authorize · Token URL is https://dev-84941762.okta.com/oauth2/v1/token · Set Client Authentication to Client secret as jwt · Sent as Post also works · basic auth also works · JWT Signed with Private Key will fail. The device displays the error, An Unexpected error when authenticating with the Identity Provider after entering credentials · Client ID is 0oa5km1v306LXN57y5d7 This value is assigned by the Okta system for the Native App definition. Go to Completing the Native App Configuration on page 17. · Client Secret is QUndeR7dkcARwPFjVyGVh6NeFjzbs00Md2xWYFLS This value is assigned by the Okta system for the Native App definition. Go to Completing the Native App Configuration on page 17. · Client Assertion Signature Algorithm is HS256 (HS384 or HS512) The authentication algorithm is specified in the response from the well-known URL. If the algorithm is not supported, the device displays an authentication error after the credentials are entered. · Enter openid, offline_access, and profile as space-separated strings in the Default Scopes field. These scope values are returned in the response from the well- known URL. · · If only openid is entered, authentication does not advance beyond the credentials screen. · If only offline_access is entered, authentication does not advance beyond the credentials screen. · If only profile is entered, the device displays a web page not available error. · Enter login in the Prompt field. · The Consent and Select_Account parameters also work. · Unspecified results in a blank screen on the device after the credentials are entered. · Non results in a blank screen.
3. Click Save.
Setting the Login Browser Flow
After you configure the Identity Provider, you can complete the configuration of the ACS Identity Provider. The Identity Provider Redirector should be set to the Identity Provider to enable the Okta login screen. If this step is not performed, the user is presented with the ACS login screen.

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
NOTE: A user could click on the okta.oidc.connector to log in, but this can be confusing in a runtime environment. 1. Select Authentication and click the Flows tab to list all of the authentication types.
2. Click the Actions menu on the right side of the screen and select Configuration for the Identity Provider Redirector.
3. Configure the oidc.connector.
· Enter an Alias. In this example, oidc.connector. · Enter the Default Identity Provider. In this example, okta.oidc.connector.

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
4. Click Save.
Validate the Configuration
Validate the configuration before testing with a mobile device. Two tools are used to validate the configuration: the Postman application and the jwt.io token validator.
Validating with Postman
Testing access with Postman validates that the collected information is accurate and produces the expected results. Create a profile with the following configuration parameters: · Auth URL · Access Token URL · Client ID · Client Secret · Scope with the space-separated values of openid, profile, and offline_access
The profile scope is used to get a refresh token.

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
1. Insert the following URLs into the Postman profile along with the Client ID and Client Secret. The URLs can be found by entering the well-known URL into a browser. In this example, the well-known URL is https://<acs-server- name>/auth/realms/WFC-Okta-Connector/.well-known/ openid-configuration · Authorization endpoint URL: https:///auth/realms/WFC- OktaConnector/protocol/openid-connect/auth · Access Token URL: https://<acs- server-name>/auth/realms/WFC-Okta-Connector/ protocol/openid-connect/token

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
Remember to clear the cookies before running the test again. 32

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
2. Click Get New Access Token. A successful test displays the Okta login screen from the ACS.
NOTE: The branding icons in the example are configured separately and outside the scope of this document. 3. Enter user credentials.

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
4. Analyze the access token by entering it into the https://jwt.io/ token analysis site.
5. Review the decoded payload data and verify the user identification. In this example, the sub claim is the UserID used by Workcloud Communication.
NOTE: Additional claims are shown in this example. You can provide custom access token claims by configuring and mapping attributes in the Okta Directory / Profile Editor. This is not covered in this document.
Configuring the Workcloud Communication System
After validating the basic Okta and ACS configuration, configure the PTT Pro Server. PTT Pro on mobile devices first connects to the PTT Pro Server and uses the URLs to connect to the ACS server, which redirects the user to the Okta system. The PTT Pro Server requires three configuration parameters: · Access URL · Token URL · Signing certificate 1. Log in to the Workcloud Communication PTT Pro Management Portal and navigate to Customer >
Profile to configure OAuth.

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
2. Enter the Access URL and Authorization Endpoint URL (OAuth URL) in the Configure OAuth dialog. · The Authorization Endpoint URL is the Oauth URL field: https://[acs-server-name]/auth/ realms/WFC-Okta-Connector/protocol /openid-connect/auth · The Access URL is the Access URL field: https://[acs- server-name]/auth/realms/WFCOkta-Connector/protocol/openid-connect/token These are the same URLs used to validate the configuration with Postman and obtained from the JSON output of the well-known URL.
3. Enter the OAuth Token Certificate. You copied the certificate previously in Retrieving the Signing Certification of the Realm on page 5. Copy the certificate and paste it into a text editor such as Notepad++. Add Begin Certificate and End Certificate as shown in the example.
—–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—-MIICszCCAZsCBgGBpcwvCzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADAdMRswGQYDVQQDDBJXRkMt T2t0YS1Db25uZWN0b3IwHhcNMjIwNjI3MTUzMjEwWhcNMzIwNjI3MTUzMzUwWjAd MRswGQYDVQQDDBJXRkMtT2t0YS1Db25uZWN0b3IwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUA A4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQCacby8lfRjEeDXn8VeKaxMBxxuQAkhiC/tnKC6q2MKCWIHES QqK21HlZ/Pj1HbnDM7GGpBn7zvhQm+aCJ0XjyZiYxy3wkisBJTqdc6JEzdEXwWxkZ 58huenh/PTkpNQy0JLzwCOyzG+iQWWGTYb/xBuBtY9QJoS2yhSHKU53c8txyytLTq urYNUPTfQC1bcZrQJpeonAmmH4+FjM5sfOIQ28O7xD1g69IQ1hiW3+y1CsMoLp4 F68SdQ+pmkwH8jmIdLGWmIn6R1FsccnrdLDiydZc84sZcMCKTMnC9PYu3FGQQzDH sT1goN+QDDfMhCUzbm1zQ4kSXcOkzHoOaG44zAgMBAAEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAD ggEBAFvl6+35OlKPsbEWPUPttNJpWfWGTBpcVGohNmt8e2tfVj0GT7xh4zvNmQv xh+eaewhzuwKhpT/JG8dyuQVhF4O2Os2W8YPZqvtLWS0cOY9kljqRl1A3z1o2wO 1IfDU+D5aaGSkylyBxL7HkuJsPoWtwUMyfBZNH14Xp4Scwb25BfddECPSBNCGJ+j 4s1rwfac5YVKTswjcePF+r4VsHzEfTgdMhjJha1wI7GKgzrBXOagZCA6ZfeQMINL TkBSXW6m+xkkcU/owmMXsGJOTEQOTT0HefiBXq0Jt/0h/NReuc6Qk4AlJHh0Cj9 FhAT2OTPvPbn7Yj3vB7Tne+dMk+p1A= —–END CERTIFICATE—-NOTE: Do not add or remove any characters from the certificate because it will cause the authentication to fail.

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
4. Enter the device serial number in the PTT Pro Server and create OAuth user accounts with an accurate OAuth name.
5. Add the JSON configuration to the mobile devices so that the PTT Pro client connects to the ACS server. { “oAuthClientID” : “oidc.client”, “oAuthClientSecret” : “31941cec-9b16-46b8-8749-2e6c3fa4ff23”, “oAuthBasicHeader” : true }

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide
6. Use a mobile device to verify the configuration. The Okta sign-on screen should display.
If the device displays a blank screen after entering the credentials, potential causes include a certificate with unprintable characters or white space. Another potential cause is that the Authorization Endpoint URL or Access URL is not correct.

PTT Pro Okta Integration Guide

Revision History
Revision MN-004831-01EN

Date January, 2024

First version.





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