ANALOG DEVICES EVAL-AD5686RARDZ Evaluation Board User Guide

July 17, 2024
Analog Devices

ANALOG DEVICES logo User Guide

EVAL-AD5686RARDZ Evaluation Board

Evaluating the AD5686R (SPI) and the AD5696R (I²C) Quad Channel, 16-Bit, Voltage Output DACs


ANALOG DEVICES EVAL AD5686RARDZ Evaluation Board Figure 1. Evaluation Board Connected to the SDP-K1 Controller Board


► Full featured evaluation boards for the AD5686R (SPI) and the AD5696R (I²C)
► On-board references
► Various link options
► PC control in conjunction with the Analog Devices, Inc., EVALSDP-CK1Z (SDP-K1) controller board


► EVAL-AD5686RARDZ (SPI) evaluation board or EVALAD5696RARDZ (I²C) evaluation board
► AD5686R (SPI) device or AD5696R (I²C) device


► EVAL-SDP-CK1Z (SDP-K1) controller board, which must be purchased separately


ACE software available for download from the EVALAD5686RARDZ (SPI) product page or the EVAL-AD5696RARDZ (I²C) product page


This user guide details the operation of the EVAL-AD5686RARDZ (serial peripheral interface (SPI)) evaluation board and the EVALAD5696RARDZ (I²C) evaluation board for the AD5686R (SPI) and the AD5696R (I²C), respectively, which are both quadchannel, voltage output digital-to-analog converters (DACs).

The EVAL-AD5686RARDZ and the EVAL-AD5696RARDZ are designed to facilitate quick prototyping of the AD5686R circuit and the AD5696R circuit, respectively, thereby reducing design time. Both devices operate from a single 2.7 V to 5.5 V supply. Additionally, these devices also incorporate an internal 2.5 V reference. However, if required, a different reference voltage can be applied via the EXT_REF SMB connector. Although these two DACs share common features, they differ in their digital interface protocols. The AD5686R uses SPI whereas the AD5696R uses I 2 C.

The EVAL-AD5686RARDZ and the EVAL-AD5696RARDZ interface with the USB port of a PC via a system demonstration platform (SDP) controller board. The analysis, control, evaluation (ACE) software is available for download from both the EVAL-AD5686RARDZ product page and the EVAL-AD5696RARDZ product page. The ACE software can be used with the EVAL-AD5686RARDZ or the EVAL-AD5696RARDZ to allow the user to program the AD5686R and the AD5696R, respectively. A PMOD connection can also be found on the evaluation board to allow the connection of micro-controllers without the SDP controller board. Note that when a microcontroller is used through the PMOD connection, the SDP controller board must be disconnected. Therefore, the user cannot use the ACE software.

The EVAL-AD5686RARDZ and the EVAL-AD5696RARDZ both require the EVAL-SDP-CK1Z (SDP-K1) controller board, which is available for purchase from Analog Devices.
For full details, see the AD5686R data sheet or the AD5696R data sheet, which must be consulted in conjunction with this user guide when using either the EVAL-AD5686RARDZ or the EVALAD5696RARDZ.

Rev. 0

Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable “as is”. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

3/2024—Revision 0: Initial Version


The EVAL-AD5686RARDZ evaluation board and the EVAL-AD5696RARDZ evaluation board use the ACE software, a desktop software application that allows the evaluation and control of multiple evaluation systems.
The ACE installer contains the necessary SDP drivers and the Microsoft®. NET Framework 4 Client Profile by default. The ACE software is available for download from the EVAL-AD5686RARDZ product page or the EVAL-AD5696RARDZ product page. This software must be installed before connecting the SDP controller board to the USB port of the PC to ensure that the PC recognizes the SDP controller board. For full instructions on how to install and use this software, see the ACE software pages on the Analog Devices website.
After the ACE software is installed, open the software, and the EVAL- AD5686RARDZ or the EVAL-AD5696RARDZ evaluation board plugin appears.

To set up the EVAL-AD5686RARDZ evaluation board or the EVAL-AD5696RARDZ evaluation board, follow these steps (GUI shown in Figure 2 to Figure 4 for the EVAL-AD5686RARDZ but functionality is the same for the EVAL-AD5696RARDZ):

  1. Connect the EVAL-AD5686RARDZ or the EVALAD5696RARDZ to the SDP controller board and then connect a USB cable between the SDP controller board and the PC.
  2. Run the ACE application, and the main window appears as shown in Figure 2. The EVAL-AD5686RARDZ or the EVALAD5696RARDZ evaluation board plugin appears in the Attached Hardware section of the Start tab.
  3. Double-click the EVAL-AD5686RARDZ plugin or the EVALAD5696RARDZ plugin as shown in Figure 2 to open the board view as shown in Figure 3.
  4. Double-click the AD5686R chip or AD5696R chip shown in Figure 3 to access the chip view as shown in Figure 4. This view provides a basic representation of the EVAL-AD5686RARDZ or the EVAL-AD5696RARDZ functionality. The main function blocks of these evaluation boards are labeled in Figure 5.

ANALOG DEVICES EVAL AD5686RARDZ Evaluation Board - ACE Software Main
Window Figure 2. ACE Software Main WindowANALOG DEVICES EVAL AD5686RARDZ Evaluation Board -


The EVAL-AD5686RARDZ software and the EVAL-AD5696RARDZ software are organized to appear similar to the functional block diagram shown in the AD5686R data sheet and AD5696R data sheet, respectively. In this way, it is easy to correlate the functions
on these evaluation boards with the descriptions in the data sheets. A full description of each block, register, and their settings is given in the AD5686R data sheet or the AD5696R data sheet.

Some of the blocks and their functions are described in this section as they pertain to the EVAL-AD5686RARDZ or the EVALAD5696RARDZ. The block diagram is shown in Figure 5, and Table 1 describes the functionality of each block.

ANALOG DEVICES EVAL AD5686RARDZ Evaluation Board - Block Diagram with
Labels Figure 5. Block Diagram with Labels

Table 1. Block Diagram Functions

Label Button Name Function
A CONFIGURATION wizard This button is used to set the initial configuration

for the evaluation board by clicking the reference gain case from the Output Gain drop-down box. A gain of 1 is the default. For a gain of 2, an external supply is needed (VDD = VREF + 1.5 V). After setting up the initial configuration, click Apply Changes (Label J) to apply the values. These settings can be modified at any stage while evaluating the evaluation board.
B| LDAC and RESET (GPIO buttons)| These buttons act as external GPIO pulses to the LDAC pin and the RESET pin. The LDAC button transfers data from the input registers (Label D) to the DAC registers (Label E). The RESET button clears all data from the input registers and DAC registers. These buttons are live. Therefore, there is no need to click Apply Changes (Label J).
C| Select a Command| The drop-down box under Select a Command controls how the data transfer to the device affects the input registers and DAC registers. When a data value is entered in an input register (Label D), it can be transferred to one or both of the internal DAC registers. The data transfer can be either to the DAC input register only, or to both the DAC input register and the DAC register at the same time. If both registers are updated, the channel DAC register (Label E) shows the new value.
D| Input Register 0 to Input Register 3| The input registers serve as a way to select the 16-bit data word to transfer to the device. Once the desired data word is selected, click Apply Changes (Label J) to transfer it to the device.
E| DAC Register 0 to DAC Register 3| The DAC registers display the value that is currently present in the DAC register on the device. The user can update the DAC registers by clicking the appropriate command option or by clicking LDAC (Label B).
F| Software RESET| The Software RESET button returns the evaluation board and software to default values. This button is live. Therefore, there is no need to click Apply Changes (Label J).
G| Load DAC| This button allows the user to individually control which channel loads the values from the input registers to the DAC registers.
H| DAC| The DAC configuration options provide access to individual channel configuration options such as power-down options, and hardware LDAC mask enable or disable.
I| Internal Reference| In the Internal Reference setting, click Enable to enable the on-chip reference for the evaluation board. If Disable is clicked, an external reference must be applied. This control is only available on the AD5686R and the AD5696R.
J| Apply Changes| This button updates the device with all the modified values. However, if there is no evaluation board connected, the input register values cannot be transferred to the DAC registers.

All registers are fully accessible from the Memory Map tab as shown in Figure 6. The Memory Map tab allows registers to be edited at a bit level. The bits shaded in dark gray (see Figure 7) are read only bits and cannot be accessed from the ACE software. All other bits can be edited. The Apply Changes button is used to transfer data to the device. All changes in the Memory Map tab correspond to the block diagram. For example, if the internal register bit is enabled, it shows as enabled on the block diagram. Any bits or registers that are in bold are modified values that have not been transferred to the evaluation board. After Apply Changes is clicked, the data is transferred to the evaluation board.


Before applying power and signals to the EVAL-AD5686RARDZ or the EVAL- AD5696RARDZ, ensure that all link positions are as required by the operating mode. There are two modes in which to operate the EVAL-AD5686RARDZ or the EVAL- AD5696RARDZ. First is the SDP controlled mode to be used with the EVAL- SDPCK1Z (SDP-K1). Second is the standalone mode in which an external supply must be provided.

The EVAL-AD5686RARDZ evaluation board and the EVAL- AD5696RARDZ evaluation board provide an on‑board, 3.3 V regu-lator powered through the USB supply. If the evaluation board is controlled through the PMOD connection or a gain of 2 is required, an external supply must be provided via the EXT_VDD connector.
See Table 2, and the power requirements stated in the AD5686R data sheet and the AD5696R data sheet for more details.
Both AGND input and DGND input are provided on the evaluation board. The AGND plane and DGND plane are connected at one location close to the AD5686R or the AD5696R. To avoid ground loop problems, it is recommended that the AGND input and the DGND input must not be connected elsewhere in the system.

Table 2. Power Supply Connectors

Connector Label External Voltage Supplies Description
EXT_VDD, Pin 1 EXT_VDD External analog power supply from 2.7 V to 5.5 V, VDD
EXT_VDD, Pin 2 EXT_VDD Analog ground
EXT_REF, SMB Connector EXT_REF External voltage reference supply

Various link options are incorporated in the EVAL-AD5686RARDZ evaluation board and the EVAL-AD5696RARDZ evaluation board, and must be set for the required operating conditions before using these evaluation boards. The functions of these link options are described in Table 4. Table 3 lists the positions of the different links controlled by the PC via the USB port. An SDP controller board operating in single-supply mode is required.

Table 3. Link Options Setup for SDP Control (Default)

Link Option
VDD_SEL Position B (2-3)
REF_SEL Position A (1-2)
VDD_VIO Disconnected
RSTSEL Position A (1-2)

Table 4. Link Functions

Link Description
VDD_SEL This link selects the DAC analog voltage source. There are two

options as follows:
Position A (1-2): the EXT_VDD option selects an external supply voltage (the EXT_VDD connector).
Position B (2-3): the 3V3 option selects the on-board voltage source (the SDP-K1, the ADP121).
REF_SEL| This link selects the DAC voltage reference source. There are two options as follows:
Position A (1-2): the EXT_REF option selects an external reference source (the EXT_REF connector). If no external supply is present, the internal on-chip reference is the default.
Position B (2-3): the 2V5 option selects the on-board reference from the ADR4525.
VDD_VIO| The VDD_VIO link selects the DAC digital voltage source. There are two options as follows:
Connected option: shorts V DD and V LOGIC. Use this option only when the SDP controller board is not connected.
Disconnected option: opens the connection of V DD and V LOGIC. Use this option when using the SDP controller board.
RSTSEL| The reset select (RSTSEL) link selects the power-on reset state of the device. There are two options as follows:
Position A (1-2): this position ties the RSTSEL pin to VLOGIC and powers up all DACs to midscale.
Position B (2-3): this position ties the RSTSEL pin to GND and powers up all DACs to zero scale.


ANALOG DEVICES EVAL AD5686RARDZ Evaluation Board - Power Supply and Signal
Route Figure 8. NanoDAC+ Evaluation Board Schematic Diagram—Power Supply and Signal RouteANALOG DEVICES EVAL AD5686RARDZ Evaluation Board - SDP Connector,
PMOD, and EEPROM Figure 9. NanoDAC+ Evaluation Board Schematic Diagram—SDP Connector, PMOD, and EEPROMANALOG DEVICES EVAL AD5686RARDZ Evaluation Board - Component
Placement Figure 10. NanoDAC+ Evaluation Board—Component PlacementANALOG DEVICES EVAL


Table 5. Bill of Materials

Quantity| Reference Designator| Description| Supplier, Part Number¹
1| U1| IC, Analog Devices, quad, 16-bit or 14-bit or 12-bit nanoDAC| Analog Devices,
1| U2| IC, Analog Devices, 150 mA, low quiescent current, CMOS linear regulator, 3.3 VOUT| Analog Devices,
1| U3| IC, Analog Devices, ultra-low noise, high accuracy voltage references| Analog Devices, ADR4525DEZ
1| U4| IC, 32 kb serial electronically erasable programmable read‐only memory (EEPROM)| Generic
2| AGND, DGND| Connector for printed circuit board (PCB) test points, black| Generic
1| AGND1| Connector for PCB test points, black| Generic
1| C1| 0.1 μF ceramic capacitors, 16 V, 10%, X7R, 0402, AEC-Q200| Generic
3| C5, C11, C18| 1 μF ceramic capacitors, 16 V, 10%, X7R, 0603| Generic
4| C4, C6, C9, C12| 0.1 μF ceramic capacitors, 16 V, 10%, X7R, 0402| Generic
1| C15| 0.1 μF ceramic capacitors, 50 V, 10%, X7R, 0603| Generic
2| C2, C7| 10 μF ceramic capacitors, 25 V, 10%, X5R, 0805| Generic
1| C3| 4.7 μF ceramic capacitors, 25 V, 10%, X5R, 0805| Generic
1| C8| 10 μF tantalum capacitors, 10 V, 10%, 3216-18, low effective series resistance (ESR)| Generic
1| E1| Inductor, ferrite bead, 600 Ω, 25%, 100 MHz, 2.9 A, 0.038 Ω, 1206, AEC-Q200| Generic
1| EXT_VDD| Connector for PCB 2-position terminal block side entry, 5 mm pitch| Generic
7| GAIN, LDACB, RESETB, SCLK/A0, SDIN/A1, SDO/SDA, SYNCB/SCL| Connector for PCB test points, white| Generic
2| P3, P7| Connector for PCB receptacles, 25 mil square post, 2.54 mm pitch| Generic
1| P4| Connector for PCB receptacles, 25 mil square post, 2.54 mm pitch| Generic
1| P6| Connector for PCB receptacles, 25 mil square post, 2.54 mm pitch| Generic
5| R1, R2, R12, R31, R32| 100 kΩ resistors, surface-mount device (SMD), 1%, 1/16 W, 0603| Generic
2| R5, R10| 0 Ω resistors, jumper, 1/10 W, 0603| Generic
1| R3| 0 Ω resistors, SMD, jumper, 1/8 W, 0805, AEC-Q200| Generic
1| R6| 1.8 Ω resistors, SMD, 5%, 1/10 W, 0402, AEC-Q200| Generic
3| REF_SEL, RSTSEL, VDD_SEL| Connector for PCB high temperature 3-position, male header, unshrouded, single
row, straight, 2.54 mm pitch, 3.05 mm solder tail| Generic
VOUTC, VOUTD, VREF| Connector for PCB, test point, red| Generic
1| VDD_VIO| Connector for PCB header, 1 row, 2 way| Generic
6| R17, R20, R21, R24, R27, R28| 0 Ω resistors, jumper, 1/10 W, 0603| Install for AD5686R
6| R18, R19, R23, R25, R26, R30| Resistors, film, SMD, 0603| Install for AD5696R
6| R18, R19, R23, R25, R26, R30| 0 Ω resistors, jumper, 1/10 W, 0603| Do not install for
6| R17, R20, R21, R24, R27, R28| 0 Ω resistors, jumper, 1/10 W, 0603| Do not install for
2| R22, R29| 0 Ω resistors, jumper, 1/10 W, 0603| Do not install
1| C10| 0.1 μF ceramic capacitors, 16 V, 10%, X7R, 0402| Do not install
4| C13, C14, C16, C17| 200 pF ceramic capacitors, 16 V, 55%, C0G, 0805| Do not install
1| EXT_REF| Connector for PCB, coaxial, SMB, jack| Do not install
1| PMOD| Connector for PCB, Berg, header, straight, male, 12 position, do not insert
(DNI) or do not populate (DNP) for both the EVAL-AD5686RARDZ and the EVALAD5696RARDZ| Do not install
1| R11| 0 Ω resistors, jumper, 1/10 W, 0603| Do not install
4| R13, R14, R15, R16| 2.0 kΩ resistors, SMD, 0.1%, 1/18 W, 0805, AEC-Q200, high reliability| Do not install
4| R4, R7, R8, R9| 100 kΩ resistors, SMD, 1%, 1/16 W, 0603| Do not install
4| VOUT_A, VOUT_B, VOUT_C, VOUT_D| Connector for PCB, SMB, jack, straight| Do not install

¹Generic indicates that any part with the specified value, size, and rating can be used.

I²C refers to a communications protocol originally developed by Philips Semiconductors (now NXP Semiconductors).

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