JOROTO MR380 Water Rowing Machine User Manual

July 10, 2024

JOROTO MR380 Water Rowing Machine


  Fr ont Fr ame Verderer Rahmen Cadre
avant 992.6·80•27 2
2 Left Back Rail L inke hintere Schiene Rail
arriere gauche 1022.6·80•27
3 Right Back Rail Rechte hintere Schiene Rail arriere


| 1022.6·80•27|
4| F ront Baffle| Vordere Schallwand| eflecteur avant| 415•240•27|
5| Top Connecting P ane l| Oberes Verbindungsplanke| Panneau de connex i on superieur| 392•152•27| 1
6| Tank Fi xing P late| T ankbefestigungsplanke| Pl aque de fixation du reservoir| 495•124•27| 2
7| lpad Holder| Ipad-Halter| Support pour iPad| 250•125•20|
8| Support Rod| Stutzstange| T ige de soutien| 90•20•9|
9| Rail Connecting Panel| Schienenve r bindungsplanke| P anneau de connex i on de rail| 250•55•27|
10| Seat Fi xing Panel| S itz befestigungsblech| P annea u de fixation du siege| 220•50•27| 2
11| U Connecting Panel| U- Verbindungspane l| Panneau de connexion en U| 250•70•40• 3|
12| L eft Front Connecting Plate| Lin ke vordere Verbindungsplatte| Plaque de connexion avant gauche|  |
13| Right Front Connecting Plate| Rechte vordere Verbindungsp l atte| Plaque de connexion avant droite|  |
14| B ack Co nn ecting Plate| H intere Ve r bindungsplatte| P laque de con n exion arriere|  |
15| Monitor H older| Mon it orhalter| Support de moniteur| 02|
16| Handlebar| L enke r| Guiden| q,25•380|
17| L eft Fi xing Pl a t e| Link e Befestigungsplatte| Plaque de fi xa ti on gauche| 02.5|
18| Right Fixing Plate| Rechte Befestigungsplatte| Plaque de fixation droi t e| 02.5|
19| Pedal Fi x in g Plate| Pedalbefestigungsplatte| Pl aque de fixation de pedale| o3|
20| lpad Holder Post| lpad-Halterpfosten| Paste de support pour iPad| 02|
21| L-Shaped Connecting Plate| L- Verbindungsplatte| Plaque de connex i on en forme de L| o3|
22| Pivot Shaft| Drehwelle| Arb r e de pivotement| q,10•305| 1
23| Seat Roller Shaft| Sitzrollenwelle| A r b r e de rouleau de siege| q,8•320| 2
24| Little Guide Wheel Shaft| Kleine FUhrun gsradwel l e| Petit a r b r e de roue de guidage| q,10·106|
25| Big Guide Wheel Shaft| Grof1e Fi..ihrun gsradwe l le| Grand arbre de roue de gu id age| q,10•124|
26| Bu sh in g| Buchse| Bague| q,12•q,10·10| 4
27| F ixing Pin| Befestigungsstift| Goupille de fixation| q,10’40|
28| Upper Tank| Obere Tankabdeckung| Reservoir superieur| q,518·100|
29| L owe r T ank| Untere T ankabdeckung| Reservoir inferieur| q,518·100|
30| Oar| Ruder| Rame| 452•115|
31| Sealing Ring| Dichtungsring| Bague d’etancheite| q,501•7|
32| Rubber Washer| Gummischeibe| Rondelle en caoutchouc| q,40•7|
33| Bearing H ousing| L agergehause| Boitier de roulement| 110•98•12|
34| Pl astic Washer| Kunststoffdichtung| Rondelle en p l ast iqu e| q,52•q,20.5•3| 2
35| Oil Seal| Oldichtung| Joint Hu i l e| q,2o•q,40·8|
36| Tank Plug| Tankstopfen| Bouchon de reservoir| q,|
37| Big Guide Wheel| Gror.,es F0hrun gsrad| Grande roue de guidage| q,68•q,54•32|
38| Little Guide Wheel| Kleines F0hrun gsrad| P etite roue de guidage| q,51•q,38•32| 1
39| Plastic Bushing| Kunststoffbuchse| Bague en p l astique| q,18•q,10.2•13| 6
40| Pedal Fixing Plate| Pedalbefestigungsplatte| Plaque de fixation de pedale| 132•105•18| 2
41| Pedal| Pedale| Pedale| 343•106.56| 2
42| Rubber Pad| Gummiauflage| P ad en caoutchouc| q,20•15| 2
43| Transport Wheel| Transportrad| Roue de transport| q,69.23.5| 4
44| Handlebar Plug| Lenkerendkappe| Bouchon de guidon| 25•1.5| 2
45| Handlebar Cover| Lenkerabdeckung| Couvre-guidon| q,30•3•210| 2
46| PVC Bushing No.1| PVC-Buchse Nr.1| Douille PVC n”1| q,15•q,8.2•40|
47| PVC Bushing No.2| PVC-Buchse Nr.2| Douille PVC n”2| q,15•q,8.2•195| 2
48| PVC Bushing No.3| PVC-Buchse Nr.3| Douille PVC n”3| q,15•q,8.2·10| 4
49| PVC Bushing No.4| PVC-Buchse Nr.4| Douille PVC n”4| q,16•q,10.2•5|
50| PVC Bushing No.5| PVC-Buchse Nr.5| Douille PVC n”5| q,16•q,10.2•38| 1
51| PVC Bushing No.6| PVC-Buchse Nr.5| Douille PVC n”6| q,16•q,10.2·16| 2
52| PVC Bushing No.7| PVC-Buchse Nr.7| Douille PVC n”7| q,15•q,8.2·60|
53| Rotator Spindle Bushing| Rotator-Spindelbuchse| Oouille d’ axe de rotateur| q,3o•q,1r10|
54| Rotator| Rotator| Rotateur| q,110·220|
55| Handlebar Post| LenkerstUtze| Poteau de guidon| 96•54•40|
56| Seat Stopper| Sitzstopper| Butee de siege| 25•15•10| 4
57| Horizontal Seat Roller| Horizontale Sitzrolle| Rouleau de siege horizontal| q,28·11.5| 4
58| Roller Positioning Seat| Rollenpositionierungssitz| Siege de positionnement a roulettes| 46•43_5•32.4| 4
59| Vertical Seat Roller| Vertikale Sitzrolle| Rouleau de siE!ge vertical| q,46.22| 4
60| Foot Pad| Fu polster| Coussin de pied| 100•25•25| 4
61| Edge Strip| Edge Strip| Sande de chant| 30•175•917| 2
62| Seat| Sitz| Siege| 320·260•52|
63| Peddle Strap| Fu gurte| Sangle de colportage| 38.1··2·800|
64| Eva Mat| EVA- Matte| Tapis Eva| 90•25•02| 2
65| Cable Plug| Kabelstecker| Prise de cable| q,14.5.q,12|
66| Left Protective Board| Linke Schutzplalte| Panneau de protection gauche| 474•86·02.5|
67| Right Protective Board| Right Protective Board| Panneau de protection droit| 474.86·02.5|
68| Hex Socket Screw| lnnensechskantschraube| Vis a six pans creux| M6x10xS4| 4
69| Hex Socket Screw| lnnensechskantschraube| Vis a six pans creux| M6x15xS4| 5
70| Hex Socket Screw| lnnensechskantschraube| Vis a six pans creux| M6x30xS4| 2
71| Hex Socket Screw| lnnensechskantschraube| Vis a six pans creux| M6x50xS4| 4
72| Hex Socket Screw| lnnensechskantschraube| Vis a six pans creux| M8x4Qx15xS5| 24
73| Hex Socket Screw| lnnensechskantschraube| Vis a six pans creux| M6x15xq,10×22 q,17x3xS5| 3
74| Hex Socket Screw| lnnensechskantschraube| Vis a six pans creux| M6·16 S5| 6
75| Hex Socket Screw| lnnensechskantschraube| Vis a six pans creux| M8x120x20xS5|
76| Hex Socket Screw| lnnensechskantschraube| Vis a six pans creux| M8x65x20xS5| 2
77| Hex Socket Screw| lnnensechskantschraube| Vis a six pans creux| M8x8Qx2QxS5| 2
78| Hex Bolt| Sechskantschraube| Boulon hexagonal
| M8x90x20xS14| 4
79| Hex Socket Screw| lnnensechskantschraube| Vis a six pans creux| M8x25xS5| 4
80| Hex Socket Screw| lnnensechskantschraube| Vis a six pans creux| M6x32xS4| 6
81| Hex Socket Screw| lnnensechskantschraube| Vis a six pans creux


| M8x20xS5|
82| Hex Socket Screw| lnnensechskantschraube| Vis six pans creux| M6x8| 4
83| Crosshead Screw| Kreuzkopfschraube| Vis cruciforms| M3x17x<P6| 12
84| Crosshead Screw| Kreuzkopfschraube| Vis cruciforms| ST4.2x19x<P11| 19
85| Crosshead Screw| Kreuzkopfschraube| Vis cruciforms| M4x6xct>7| 8
86| Nylon Nut| Nylonmutter| Ecrou en nylon| M8xH7.5xS13| 22
87| Nylon Nut| Nylonmutter| Ecrou en nylon| M3xH3.8xS6| 12
88| Cap Nut| Hutmutter| Ecrou borgne| M8xH16xS13| 8
89| Hex Nut| Sechskantmutter| Ecrou hexagonal| M8xH6.8xS14| 2
90| Flat Washer| Flache Unterlegscheibe| Rondelle plate| d8x<P16x1.5| 22
91| Flat Washer| Flache Unterlegscheibe| Rondelle plate| d8x<P16x1.5|
92| Flat Washer| Flache Unterlegscheibe| Rondelle plate| d6x<P16x1| 4
93| Spring Washer| Federscheibe| Rondelle a ressort| D7x0.9| 4
94| Crosehead Screw| Kreuzkopfschraube| Vis a tete croisee| M5x12| 4
95| Monitor| Monitor| Moniteur|  | 1
96| Sensor Cable| Sensorkabel| cable de capteur|  | 2
97| Pull Strap| Kordelzug| Sangle de traction| 24•3100|
98| Hex Key| Sechskantschli..issel| CIS hexagonale| 30•80•5 s5|
99| Pump| Pumpe| Pompe| 55o•q,22|
100| Purification Tablet| Wasserreinigungstabletten| Tablette de purification| <P30•30| 3



  1. It is important to read this entire manual carefully before assembling and using the rower. It can be ensured to use this equipment safely and efficiently only if assembled, maintained and used properly. It is your responsibility to ensure that all users of the equipment are informed of all warnings and precautions.
  2. Before starting any exercise program, please consult your doctor to determine if you have any physical or health conditions that could create a risk to your health and safety, or prevent you from using this equipment. Your doctor’s advice is essential if you are taking medicines about heart rate, blood pressure or cholesterol.
  3. Be aware of your body’s signals. Incorrect or excessive exercise can damage your health. Stop exercising at once if you experience any of the following symptoms: pain, tightness in your chest, irregular heartbeat, extreme shortness of breath, feeling light-headed, dizziness or nausea. If you have experienced any of these symptoms, please consult your doctor before continuing with your exercise program.
  4. Keep children and pets away from the equipment. The equipment is only used for adults.
  5. Put the rower on solid and flat ground when you use it, also, you can consider using an exercise mat under the machine to protect your floor or carpet. For safety, the equipment should have at least 0.5 meters of free space all around it.
  6. Ensure that all nuts and bolts are tightened securely before using this equipment. Safe usage of the equipment can only be maintained if it is examined regularly for damage or wear.
  7. Always use the equipment as indicated. Please stop using it immediately, if you find any defective components while assembling or checking the equipment, or hear any abnormal noise from the equipment during use it. Do not use the equipment until the problem has been rectified.
  8. Wear suitable sport clothes when using the equipment. Avoid wearing loose clothes which may get caught in the equipment, or it may restrict the movement to continue normally.
  9. This machine is only used for indoor.
  10. The equipment is not applicable to therapeutic.
  11. Must be careful when lifting and moving the equipment. Always use proper lifting technique, and seek assistance if necessary.
  12. Check the integrity of guards and safety devices regularly.
  13. Be aware of all moving parts of the rowing machine, be careful of pinching your hands.


  • Strongly recommend that you consult the doctors or do the physical examination before using the rowing machine to do regular exercise. Pay more attention if you’re over 35 years old and have never worked out before, or you’re under pregnancy or there is any issue happened to your body. Read carefully and follow the precaution, it might cause serious injuries or damage to body if not following the instructions and warnings above.
  • Due to the failure to read the precautions carefully, JOROTO will be not responsible for the injury or other possible injury caused by the user’s own reasons!



No. Name Qty. No. Name Qty.
A Rower 1 PC D User Manual 1 PC
B Seat 1 PC E Water Purification Tablet 3 PCS
C Pump 1 PC F Hex Key S5 1 PC



  1. Take the product out of the box and stand it up. Place one hand on the Round Tube (N) and the other hand on the Guide Rail (M). Unfold the product and lay it flat on the ground, being careful to avoid getting your hands pinched.
  2. Use a Hex Key (F) to loosen the Internal Hex Screws (G) and remove the Seat Stopper (H). Slide the Seat (B) into the Guide Rail (M). Then, reattach the previously removed Internal Hex Screws (G) and Seat Stopper (H).


  1. Remove the Tank Plug (L) from the water tank.
  2. Fill water according to Fig 1: Insert the outlet of the Pump (C) into the water tank, place the inlet of the Pump (C) into a bucket, and repeatedly compress the Pump (C) to pour water into the tank. Use the numerical markings on the side of the water tank to measure the water level. Insert the tank plug (L) back into the water tank after completion, and use a dry cloth to wipe away any water droplets on the machine and its surroundings.
  3. Extract water according to Fig 2: Insert the inlet of the Pump (C) into the water tank, place the outlet of the Pump (C) into a bucket, and repeatedly compress the water pump to draw water from the tank. Insert the tank plug (L) back into the water tank after completion, and use a dry cloth to wipe away any water droplets on the machine and its surroundings.


  1. Depending on the environment of the installation site and the frequency of use, the water should be changed regularly, but at the latest every 3 months or if there are signs of discolouration, bacteria or algae, etc. Water purification tablets (enclosed 3 tablets) are suitable for keeping the water clean. Add tablet to the tank after changing the water. One tablet is sufficient for the maximum filled water tank.
  2. Never expose the tank to direct sunlight and empty it if it is not going to be used for a long time.
  3. The water from the tank is not suitable for consumption. After emptying, please pour the water away.

Adjust the angle of the iPad Holder (J) by placing the Support Rod (K) into the slots at different angles as shown in the diagram.

When folding the product, first move the Seat (B) to the end of the Guide Rail (M) to prevent the Seat (B) from rapidly dropping and damaging the product during the process. Then, grasp the Round Tube (N) with your hand and pull it upwards to complete the folding.


Set your arms forward, release your shoulders. Raise up your head and keep your eyes forward. Holding your feet and legs under your body.

Grab the lever, set your body at the correct gesture and angle, release your legs to push forward.

Push forward your legs, pull the lever to your chest and release your shoulders. Keep eyes looking forward. After regular exercise and get the right rowing method, it will be much easier than rowing a real boat. Soon you will find the advantages of using a rowing machine to exercise.


Use this Rowing Machine will help build your shape and strengthen your body, also with a healthy diet it will help you lose weight.

    Warm-up can help reduce the risk of cramps or muscle damage. Stretching exercise is recom­mended as shown below. Each stretch should be about 30 seconds. Please proceed stretch­ing according to your body condition.–lf you feel painful, please stop.

    Effort is needed. Your body will be more flexible after regular exercising for a period. It’s very important to exercise with your own steady and acceptable cadence. The intensity of the exercise should allow you to reach the target heart rate range. Refer to the left image, find your age group on the x-coordinate, and then up to find your target heart rate range.
    The target heart rate is suggested to last for at least 12mins to reach the exercise goal. It’s suggested to +/- exercise according to the condition of your body. It’s suggested to increase the intensity step by step.

    After exercise, repeating the stretching like we do in warm-up stage. It can help relax your body. It’s suggested to last for about 5mins. Please do the stretching according to the condition of your body. Do not force your muscle.
    After the training intensity is adopted, it’s suggested to train for at least 3 times a week.

    A certain training intensity is required. It means pressure on your leg’s muscle. Please try your best to exercise within the intensity that your body can handle. Keep your heart rate in the target zone and do stretch after training.

    The important factors are your exercise frequency and intensity. Work harder, burn more calories. We want to improve our health by training. The difference is the training goal.



  • Upper Window
    In Scan mode, The upper window of screen will display Time, Time/500m, Distance, Stroke, Calorie, Watt, SPM, Pulse in sequence every 6 seconds. Pressing MODE button will switch between the Scan mode and different data displays.

  • Lower Window
    All data will be displayed in groups on the lower window of screen. Time, Stroke, Cal, Pulse as a set, Time/500m, Distance, Watt, SPM as another set. Press UP or Down button to switch between the 2 sets of data.


TIME Workout duration 0:00 – 99:59 (M: S)
TIME/500M The time needed to row 500 meters according to current speed. 0:00

– 99:59 (M: S)
DISTANCE| Rowing distance.| 0.00-99.99 (KM)
STROKE| The number of completed rowing strokes.| 0 – 9999 ( Stoke )
CALORIE| Calories burned during rowing.| 0.0-999.9 (kcal)
Watt| Current exercise power.| 0.0-999.9 (WATT)
SPM| Strokes per minute.| 0-999 (S/M)
Pulse| Heartbeats per minute.| 30-240 (BPM)


MODE 1. Switch between different data displays and Scan mode for the main

window of screen.

2. Hold on pressing for 1.5 seconds to enter the target exercise data (Time, Distance, Stroke, Cal, Pulse) setting. The data will countdown from target to O when exercising.

UP| 1. Switch the lower window of monitor between 2 sets of data.

2. After entering the target exercise data setting, press UP to increase corresponding target exercise data. Press and hold to increase continual­ ly.

DOWN| 1. Switch the lower window of monitor between 2 sets of data.

2. After entering the target exercise data setting, press DOWN to decrease corresponding target exercise data. Press and hold to increase continually.

RESET| Hold on Pressing for 3 seconds to zero all exercise data.
RECOVERY| When the monitor receives and displays your current pulse, press the RECOVERY key to start the heart rate recovery test. The display shows a 1-minute countdown, simultaneously displaying the gradually decreas­ ing heart rate value. When the countdown reaches zero, the test result is displayed, with ratings ranging from F1 to F6. F1 is excellent, F2 is good, F3 is fair, F4 is below average, F5 is poor, and F6 is very poor. Press the RECOVERY heart rate recovery key again to exit the heart rate recovery function.

Install two AA UM3 batteries in the battery compartment according to the positive and negative directions indicated on the instrument. When the screen displays dimly or flashes prominently during operation, it indicates insufficient battery power. Please replace two new batteries.

If there is no rowing or button operation for more than 4 minutes, the monitor will automatically shut down; the monitor will automatically turn on as soon as rowing or any button is pressed.


  1. Search “KINOMAP” in the mobile app store to download the app.
  2. After the download is complete, open the APP and register your personal information, turn on the Bluetooth of your mobile phone, and make sure that the monitor is powered on and awake.
  3. Add sports equipment, the specific operations are as follows:
  4. After the equipment is connected, choose the scene you like and start your workout!


FCC Warning Statement
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interfer­ence by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirement. The device can be used in portable exposure condition without restriction.

ISED Canada Statement:
This device contains licence-exempt transmitter (s)/receiver(s) that comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada ‘s licence-exempt RSS(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

  1. this device may not cause interference and
  2. this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
    Radiation Exposure: This equipment complies with Canada radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment

RF Exposure Statement
To maintain compliance with IC’s RF Exposure guidelines, The installation and operation of the device should meet the requirements for portable devices. This device and its antenna(s) must not be co-located or operation in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter

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