JBC B·NANO K Nano Handle Expansion Kit Instruction Manual

June 21, 2024

JBC B·NANO K Nano Handle Expansion Kit


  • Model: B100-KA
  • Charging Holder: H2464
  • Portable Display: PDS Portable Display 7
  • Connection: Bluetooth

Product Usage Instructions

Tool Charger Disassembly and Replacement
To disassemble the tool charger, loosen the screws at the bottom of the charging base and pull downward from the side band. Hold the tool charger with your hand to prevent it from falling down. To install a new tool charger, place it at the top of the side rail, slide back the side band, secure it in place, and tighten the screws.

Cartridge Insertion and Charging
Inserting: Place the tool over a cartridge and press down to insert it. To release the tool with the cartridge, lift it upward.
Charging: Place the tool in the charging holder. A beep will confirm proper placement. Adjust sound using the left button on the display.

C115 Cartridge Adapters
C115 Cartridges require B0643 C115 Cartridge Adapters to be inserted into slots for storage.

Tool Connection
Ensure the charging base is connected to power. To scan and connect a tool, place it in the charging holder. Use the display to select and connect the tool for soldering.


  1. Q: How do I know if the tool charger is properly installed?
    A: The tool charger should be securely placed at the top of the side rail, with the side band slid back over it and screws tightened at the base.

  2. Q: How do I charge a tool using the charging holder?
    A: Place the tool in the charging holder. A beep will sound to confirm proper placement for charging.

  3. Q: Can C115 Cartridges be stored without adapters?
    A: No, C115 Cartridges must have B0643 C115 Cartridge Adapters inserted into slots for storage.

Packing List

The following items are included:

Please read this manual and its safety guidelines thoroughly before using the product.


B·NANO K allows to extend a B·IRON single station with an aditional B·NANO handle.
The provided B·NANO handle performs up to 100 SMD soldering joints per charge. Its technical performance has enabled a comfortable and lightweight design.

Connection with B·IRON Station

**Compatible Cartridges***
B·NANO works with C115 Cartridges. Find the model that best suits your soldering needs on www.jbctools.com

Tool Charger Dissasembly and Replacement

Tool chargers can be disassembled by loosening the screws (1) at the bottom of the charging-base and pulling downward from the side band (2).
Before sliding down the side band, hold the tool charger with your hand to prevent it from falling down.
Then, to install a new tool charger onto the charging- base, place the tool charger at the top of the side rail and slide back the slide band over it until it is secured in place and tighten the screws at the base.
Find more information about Expansion Kits on www.jbctools.com.

  • Not included, sold separately.

Cartridge Insertion and Charging


Place the tool over a cartridge and press the tool down to insert the cartridge (1). To release the tool with the cartridge from the extractor, lift the tool upward (2).


Make sure that the cartridge is appropriately inserted* into the tool by gently pressing the tip agains the holes on the sides of the cartridge exchanger.
Note: Cartridges must be inserted up to the reference ring for a proper connection.


Place the tool in the charging holder (4) to charge it. A beep will sound to confirm that the tool is properly placed and charging.
The sound can be turned up, down or off using the left button on the display.

Note: Charge the tool completely before using it for the first time. A full charge takes:

  • 30 min for B•100
  • 60 min for B•500
  • 30 min for B•NANO

C115 Cartridge Adapters
C115 Cartridges cannot be stored inside the cartridge holder slots by themselves. It is necessary to insert B0643 C115 Cartridge Adapters into the slots (6) so that the cartridges don’t sink all the way in.

Cartridge Retention
Cartridges are held in place inside the cartridge exchanger thanks to the retention clamps (5), with the advantage that the cartridges do not fall into the exchanger and the cartridge tips are therefore protected.
The cartridge exchanger of B-IRON stations works with C210 and C115 Cartridges.

C115 Cartridge Retention Area
The holding area of C115 Cartridges is delimited by the two rings at the cartridge shaft (x).

Tool Selection

Make sure that the charging base is connected to the mains.
Note: The supplied tool is already connected.
Scanning another tool: (This process can take a while) Place the tool in the charging holder to activate it.
The status light band color indicates the charge level (see table below).

If the scanning process does not run automatically, tap “scan” (6) on the display while the tool remains in the charging holder. When the tool is shown in
the device list on the display, select it (11) and tap “connect” (7). Now the tool is ready for soldering.

Tool search function:
When in doubt of which tool corresponds to the tool’s name, use the tool search function. Tap on the magnifying glass symbol (8) next to the tool’s name. The light band on the corresponding tool blinks in blue for five seconds to identify it.

Working with two tools (works also for charging bases with only one charging holder):
It is possible to connect up to two tools at the same time. If a tool is already connected, first disconnect
it from the device by selecting “Menu” (9) and tapping on “Disconnect”.
Place the second tool in the charging holder and scan it (6). The second tool is also shown in the device list on the display (10). To work with two tools, select one from the left-hand column (11) and the other one from the right- hand column (10). Then tap on “connect” (7).

Status Lightband

The status lightband on the tool indicates its status (see table on the right.

Color Tool Status
Green More than 50% charged
Orange Between 20% and 50% charged
Red Less than 20% charged
Green blinking Charging

(more than 50% charged)
Orange blinking| Charging
(between 20% and 50% charged)
Red blinking| Charging
(less than 20% charged)
No color| Safety cap on the handle and/or power off
Blue blinking| Locate Tool function activated

Safety Cap

Thanks to their safety cap, B·IRON handles can be transported safely, even with the cartridge inserted.

HoldersScrewWhen the cap is placed onto the handle, the cartridge stops heating, data transfer is cut off and the handle is disconnected from the station.If the cap is removed before 60 minutes, the tool reconnects and heats up immediately. After 60 minutes with the cap on and without any movement, the handle turns off completely and it is necessary to reactivate it:

To reactivate and turn on the handle, the cap must be removed and the handle inserted in the charging holder so that the station recognizes the handle.
Important: After use, it is recommended to leave the tool in the charging holder until the next use so that it is ready and fully charged. The function of the cap is to allow safe transport, not storage.

Safety Cap Holder

While the handle is in use, the cap can be stored on the cap holder located on the back of the charging base. There is space for two caps.If desired, the cap holder can be detached by removing the screw (1).


JBC’s Most Efficient Soldering System
This revolutionary technology recovers tip temperature extremely quickly. This allows the user to work at a lower temperature and therefore cartrige tips last longer.


When the tool is lifted from the tool holder, the tip of the assembled cartridge heats up to the selected working temperature.

Charge Mode

While the tool remains in the tool holder, it charges and the tip gradually cools down to room temperature.

Sleep Mode

If Sleep Mode is activated (see section “Settings”), upon placing the tool in its holder, besides charging it enters Sleep Mode. The tip temperature drops down and remains at Sleep temperature.

Hibernation Mode

When the tool is away from the tool holder and remains inactive (no movement for at least 10 seconds), it goes into Hibernation Mode and the tip temperature gradually cools down to room temperature.

Automatic Turn Off

If the tool has been inactive for a longer period of time (at least 5 minutes), it automatically turns off.

Turning the Tool Back On

After automatically turning off, put the tool back in the holder to turn it on again.

Note: The tool can also be switched off/on manually. Tap the
Tool power switch on the display (bottom right) to switch it off/ on (if the tool is turned off, it will remain connected up to 5 minutes to the station but will not heat up the cartridge).

Replacing B1510 Grips (Soft Foam)
Inserting Fitters

Insert the fitters into the new grip.

Assembling Grips

Push the grip with the fitters onto the handle.

Removing Fitters

To remove the fitters, hold the grip and pull the fitters out. Use pliers if necessary.

Replacing Sealing Plugs
The sealing plug prevents undesirable flux vapors or particles from entering the handle. Its usage is highly recommended for intensive applications when soldering is exposed to FOD environments or for applications where the soldering iron works close to a vertical position.
Note: Choose between the two available sealing plug references depending on your handle model.
Before replacing the sealing plug, disconnect the handle from the station and make sure the device is not hot.

Handle Sealing Plug

B·500| OB4000
B·NANO| OB5000

OB5000 for B-NANO Handles
For B115 handles, the use of the OB5000 sealing plug is  mandatory.
Without the use of the sealing plug, the cartridges cannot be properly inserted.

OB5000 has a thread for attaching the plug to the handle.
To replace it, unscrew the plug, replace it with a new one and screw it in until fixed.

JBC Software
The app is already installed on JBC’s B-IRON Display. If another display is to be used, the app must be downloaded to the corresponding display (see chapters below).
At the moment of purchasing the B-IRON tool, the current firmware is already downloaded to the tool.
Note: Since the tool firmware is not updated automatically, updates must be carried out by the customer.
To do so follow the instructions on the next page.

App Versions
If an app with version 1.6 or higher is already installed on the display (tablet or smartphone) used with B-IRON, the firmware of the tool can be updated directly without updating the app. Carry out the steps described in section “B-IRON Tool Firmware Update”.
Older app versions must be updated. If no app has been installed, it must be installed first.

App Installation
On JBC’s portable display (Android), the B-IRON app is already installed. On the user’s smartphone or tablet  (Android / iOS), go to the App Store/Play Store and search for “JBC B.IRON” on the search bar.
Note: Internet connection is required to download the app.

Alternatively, scan these QR codes to access the B-IRON app page directly:

App Update
Display with internet connection (Android / iOS)
Update the app using Google Play (Android) or the App Store (iOS).
Display without internet connection (Android)
Download JBC’s installer program to another device with an internet connection from JBC’s website: https://www.jbctools.com/jbcsoftware.html

Then copy the downloaded program to the internal storage of the display used with B-IRON. Access the internal storage of the display and run the downloaded program. Once the program is completed, the app will be updated to its newest version.
Note: For JBC’s displays, swipe down to open the internal storage folder.

Downloading the 100l Firmware Update File

Display with internet connection:
Download the firmware update file to the display used with B-IRON from: https://www.jbctools.com/ibcsoftware.html. Go to the internal folder and unzip the downloaded file.

Display without internet connection:
Download the firmware update file to another device with an internet connection from JBC’s website: https://www.jbctools.com/jbcsoftware.html and unzip the downloaded file.
Then do as described in the table.

JBC’s display (android)| Other android devices| iOS devices
Copy the unzipped files on the device used with B·IRON:
Folder:| Folder:| Path:
\Internal shared storage\Android\data\ es.infinitysource.jbc_ soldering.JBCBiron\files| \Internal shared storage\ Android\data\com. jbctools.jbcbiron\files| Files > On my iPad > JBC B.iron

Executing the Tool Firmware Update File

Tool firmware updates are not executed automatically; they must be carried out by the user.
On the display you are using with the B-IRON, and the latest app
version installed, access the B-IRON app:
Select he tool you want to update. Then in the main menu select “update”.
Note: At least one tool must be linked to see the expanded menu options.

If the downloaded tool firmware update file contains a newer version than the one already installed, the current and new version are displayed (1). Tap “Update” to start the update (2).

The update process takes about 10 minutes.
The B-IRON status light continuously changes its colour during the update process.
Once the update is completed, “Tool updated” (3) will be displayed.

If “No new version available” is displayed (4), no update is possible nor required.


Before carrying out maintenance, always extract the cartridge from the tool and disconnect the charging stand from the mains. Allow the equipment to cool down.

  • Use a damp cloth to clean the casing and the tool. Alcohol can only be used to clean the metal parts.
  • Periodically check that the metal parts of the tool and tool charger are clean so that the charging works properly.
  • Keep the tip surface clean and tinned prior to storage in order to avoid tip oxidation. Rusty and dirty surfaces reduce heat transfer to the solder joint.
  • Do not use liquids such as alcohol, thinner or benzene to clean the tablet.
  • Repairs should only be performed by a JBC authorized technical service.

Safety – Battery
It is imperative to follow safety guidelines to prevent electric shock, injury, fire or explosion.

  • Caution: This product contains lithium-ion batteries. Mishandling or improper use may result in fire, explosion, or personal injury.
  • Always use the provided charger. Do not use damaged chargers or batteries.
  • Never attempt to disassemble or modify the batteries or the product. Doing so may lead to electric shock, fire, or damage to the product.
  • In the event of damage, leakage, or overheating of the batteries, discontinue use immediately and contact customer support or JBC technical service facility.
  • Dispose of devices with batteries inside, responsibly according to regulations. They must be disposed of in accordance with local regulations so that they can be recycled.
  • Do not throw devices with batteries into household waste and do not dispose of them in fire or water.


It is imperative to follow safety guidelines to prevent electric shock, injury, fire or explosion.

  • Do not use the units for any purpose other than soldering or rework. Incorrect use may cause a fire.
  • The power cord must be plugged into approved bases. When unplugging it, hold the plug, not the wire.
  • Do not attempt to dismantle or open the housing of the tool as it may cause damage.
  • Do not work on electrically live parts.
  • The tool should be placed in the charging holder when not in use in order to charge the batteries.
  • The soldering tip, the metal part of the tool and the charging holder may still be hot even when the station is turned off.
  • Do not leave the tool unattended when it is on.
  • Avoid flux coming into contact with skin or eyes to prevent irritation.
  • Be careful with the fumes produced when soldering.
  • Keep your workplace clean and tidy. Wear appropriate protection glasses and gloves when working to avoid personal harm.
  • Utmost care must be taken with liquid tin waste, which can cause burns.
  • This appliance can be used by children over the age of eight and also persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack of experience provided that they have been given adequate supervision or instruction concerning the use of the appliance and understand the hazards involved.
  • Children must not play with the appliance.
  • Maintenance must not be carried out by children unless supervised.
  • Do not expose the portable display to high temperatures, humidity or dust. Avoid direct sunlight.
  • Do not drop the portable display or the tool, as it may cause damage or malfunction.
  • Do not disconnect your device when it is in file transfer mode.
  • Do not use the portable display in places where wireless communications are restricted.


Nano Handle Expansion Kit for B·IRON
Ref.: BN-KA

B·NANO Nano Handle

  • Peak Power (Tool): 24 W
  • Battery: Li-Ion 7.4 V / 180 mAh
  • Charge Time: 30 minutes
  • Selectable Temperature: 100 – 450 °C / 210 – 840 °F
  • Idle Temp. Stability (still air): ±1.5 °C / ±3 °F
  • Temp. Accuracy: ±3% (Using reference cartridge)
  • Connections: Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
  • Ambient Operating Temp: 10 – 50 °C / 50 – 122 °F


  • Total Net Weight: 151 g / 0.33 lb
  • Total Package Dimensions/Weight: 245 x 185 x 45 mm / 284 g
    (L x W x H) 9.65 x 7.28 x 1.77 in / 0.63 lb
    Complies with CE standards.
    Not grounded device. No ESD discharge feature.

JBC’s 2 year warranty covers this equipment against all manufacturing defects, including the replacement of defective parts and labour.
Warranty does not cover product wear or misuse.
In order for the warranty to be valid, equipment must be returned, postage paid, to the dealer where it was purchased.
This product should not be thrown in the garbage.
In accordance with the European directive 2012/19/EU, electronic equipment at the end of its life must be collected and returned to an authorized recycling facility



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