Beijer ELECTRONICS SER0072 iX Cyber Security Extension User Guide
- June 12, 2024
Table of Contents
Quick start guide
iX CyberSecurity Extension V1.1.8
SER0072 – iX CyberSecurity Extension
Function and area of use
This document provides guidelines when working with the iX CyberSecurity
The document explains the new extensions like password complexity check,
password expiration, lock/unlock users, enable/disable USB port,
enable/disable VNC server as well as the AuditTrail Database surveillance.
About this document
This quick start document should not be considered as a complete manual. It is
an aid to be able to startup a normal application quickly and easily.
Copyright © Beijer Electronics, 2023
This documentation (below referred to as ‘the material’) is the property of
Beijer Electronics. The holder or user has a non-exclusive right to use the
material. The holder is not allowed to distribute the material to anyone
outside his/her organization except in cases where the material is part of a
system that is supplied by the holder to his/her customer. The material may
only be used with products or software supplied by Beijer Electronics. Beijer
Electronics assumes no responsibility for any defects in the material, or for
any consequences that might arise from the use of the material. It is the
responsibility of the holder to ensure that any systems, for whatever
applications, which is based on or includes the material (whether in its
entirety or in parts), meets the expected properties or functional
requirements. Beijer Electronics has no obligation to supply the holder with
updated versions.
Use the following hardware, software, drivers and utilities in order to obtain
a stable application:
In this document we have used following software and hardware
- iX Developer 2.40 SP7, 2.50 ,iX Developer 2.20 SP2
- X2 series, C2 series and iX PC RT (iX Runtime)
For further information refer to
- iX Developer Reference Manual (Maxx831)
- iX Developer User´s Guide (Maxx832)
- Beijer Electronics knowledge database, HelpOnline
This document and other quick start documents can be obtained from our
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for feedback.
The iX CyberSecurity Extension
The following chapter describes what new functionalities are implemented in
this example project and how to utilize and configure it.
4.1 Password Complexity Check
Each time a user logs in, his password is checked for complexity.
The password has to contain a lower case character, an upper case character as
well as a special character and a number. Additionally the minimum password
length is checked.
The minimum password length is pre-configured to 8 characters but can be
adjusted via the non- volatile TAG “iMinimumPasswordLength”.
4.2 Default Users and Passwords
There are two default users “Administrator” and “Super”. As both of them are
belonging to at least one group that is configured hidden, these default users
are hidden and not removeable.
The login of a hidden users is described later in this document – in the
section “Login PopUp”
The default password for the users Administrator and Super is “123qwe.,”
New users are created with the default password, the same applies for a
password reset.
Thus after reset of a password or after adding a user these users are forced
to modify their password according to the password complexity rules at next
The default password for new (added) users can be changed inside the script of
the “UsersDialog”.
4.3 Password History
The password history is preset to “6” – meaning a user isn´t allowed to use
any of his previous 6 passwords when changing his password. The password depth
of the implemented password history can be configured in line 75 of the
4.4 Login Popup
The custom Login PopUp offers the possibility to login both normal and hidden
Normal users can be selected in the ComboBox whilst hidden users are not
To login a hidden user one has to click on the text “Login” → the Combobox
will be hidden and a normal AnalogNumeric will offer the possibility to type
in the name of the hidden user.
To switch back to normal mode simply click on “Login” again.
At first time login and after a password reset users will be forced to change the password.
After a wrong login attempt the user will be hinted how much tries are left and how long a user will be will be locked out. The TAG “iLimitOfWrongInputs“ is preset to 3 and the TAG “iLockoutMinutes” is preset to 10, both TAGs are non-volatile and can be adjusted in the “Settings” screen.
By selecting “Extend Session” each user can decide to extend his “Session time” resulting in a later timeout after xxx minutes inactivity.
The button “Edit users” is only operable for Administrators or members of the
Super group.
It will lead to the “UsersDialog” described later in this document.
4.5 ChangePassword
The change password dialog is shown after the first login of a user or after a
password reset.
It can also be opened on the “HomeScreen”.
4.6 UsersDialog – add/modify Users
Via the “UsersDialog” new users can be added and existing users can be
modified. High level users like Administrators or Super user can modify the
groups a user is belonging to as well as decide whether the users password
should expire or not. Selecting “Unlimited Login Attempts” disables that a
user is locked when the “iLimitOfWrongInputs“ count is exceeded.
The non-volatile TAG “PwdExpireDays” is preset to 30 days but can be adjusted
in the “Settings” screen
A new user is always added with the default password. When the password of an existing user is reset the default password is assign too.
4.7 Settings screen
This screen should only be accessible for Administrators/Super users.
On that screen one can lock/unlock users, enable/disable the USB port,
enable/disable the VNC server as well as backup/restore the actual
user/security settings from/to USB.
Furthermore a couple of default settings can be adjusted.
All parameters are non-volatile thus saved in an own SQLite database.
“Backup Users to USB” saves the internal User Setting File to USB – provided
that USB is enabled and a USB stick plugged/replugged after enabling. The User
Setting File contains all the user specific settings including UserGroups and
encrypted Password. “Restore Users from USB” restores the User Setting File
from USB – provided that USB is enabled and a USB stick plugged/replugged
after enabling. The existing User Setting File is overwritten and both
Passwords and UserGroup assignments are restored from that file.
The settings on “Settings Screen”:
Setting name | Input range | Description |
Pwd Expire Days | 1-60 | See chapter 4.5 UsersDialog – add/modify |
Lockout Minutes| 5-240| See chapter 4.3 Login Popup
Limit Of Wrong Inputs| 3-10| See chapter 4.3 Login Popup
Maximum Password Length| 8-12| See chapter 4.1 Password Complexity Check
AuditTrailStorage Days| 90-180| See chapter 4.10 AuditTrail Surveillance
User Login Session| 5-2880| Logout users after XXXX minutes of inactivity.
4.8 HomeScreen
Via the “HomeScreen” users can be logged in and out, the user password can be
changed and DateTime can be adjusted. The “AuditLog” and the “Settings” Screen
can be called and (for test-purposes only) a test user “ksr” can be logged in
and the current user can be removed. Button “Remove Current User”: Pre-
configured users can never be removed at Runtime!
4.9 Enable/Disable USB port
The USB port can be enabled or disabled via the “Settings” Screen.
The actual state is shown on top of each screen – a green LED indicates the
USB being enabled.
The functionality to enable/disable the USB port is implemented via a DLL “iX_MassStorage.dll” that is added in the Referenced Assemblies of the project. (see section Referenced Assemblies of that document).
As the DLL accesses the registry each change of the USB port state needs the USB stick to be unplugged (if plugged when disabling) or unplug/plug (if plugged when enabling).
4.10 Enable/Disable VNC Server
The VNC server can be enabled or disabled via the “Settings” Screen.
The actual state is shown on top of each screen – a green LED indicates the
VNC server being enabled. If a VNC client is connected the small PopUp on the
top left is shown.
4.11 AuditTrail Surveillance
In the AuditTrail settings as well as in the TAGs editor one can adjust what
user actions should be logged to the AuditTrail Database. The preset
AuditTrail settings are Logging strategy “FDA” and Database size of 5MB. This
creates a buffer of ~80.000 entries (depending on what is logged). Inside the
script module “SCM_CyberSecurity” an Audit Buffer Timer is implemented
checking the AuditTrail Database every 10 minutes. The cyclic check deletes
entries older than the value of the nonvolatile TAG “iAuditTrailStorageDays”.
The TAG “iAudit Trail Storage Days” is preset to 90 days but can be adjusted
in the “Settings” screen. The “AuditTrail” screen can be reached via the
Built-In Auditlog texts:
Message | Description | Additional Information |
VNC Session | activated | External VNC client has connected to the system. |
VNC Session | closed | External VNC client has disconnected from the system. |
User Login session | set to xxx minutes | After xxxx minutes an inactive user is |
loged out automatically – this entry logs the new min setting
Edit Users| XXX1) removed| User XXX1) was removed from the system
Security User Action| XXX1) locked by YYY2)| User XXX1) was locked by the
current user
Security User Action| XXX1) failed login attempt| Wrong password for user
XXX1) entered
Security User Action| XXX1) locked – too much failed attempts| When a user has
tried to login too many times with wrong password he is locked out for an
adjustable time
Message| Description| Additional Information
Security USB Stick| USB Stick Enabled| USB stick was enabled by the current
SecurityUSBStick| USB Stick Disabled| USB stick was disabled by the current
Security USB Stick| USB Stick Disabled due to logout| USB stick was disabled
automatically on user logout
VNC Service| XXX1) activated VNC| The current user activated the VNC Server
VNC Service| XXX1) terminated VNC| The current user terminated the VNC Server
VNC Service| VNC terminated due to logout| The VNC Server was terminated
automatically on user logout
- XXX = The selected user from list
- YYY = The current user
4.12 Scriptmodule SCM_CyberSecurity
This script module contains most of the CyberSecurity functionalities.
The most important methods are:
public bool Check Password Complexity(string sPWD, bool bShowMessage)
public bool Check User Name(string s User name, bool bShow Message)
public int Get Expiration Enabled(string sUser)
private void Set Expiration Enabled(string user, int iVal)
private void CheckPasswordExpiration()
public bool AddNewUser(string sUser, string sPWD, List
public bool EditUserGroups(string sUser, List
public bool Remove_User(string sUser, bool bLogout)
public bool ChangeUserPWD(string oldPWD, string newPWD, string confirmPWD)
private void ReadiXUserData()
private void ReadiXUserDataFromXML(){
public string GetUserGroups(string userName)
public List
public bool Login User(string sUser, string sPwd)
private bool WriteUserData(string sUser, bool bIncrementWrongInputs)
private bool GetUserData(string sUser, out DateTime LastWrongTry, out int
private bool TryChangeUserPWD(string sUser, string oldPWD)
private bool TryChangeUserPWD(string sUser, string oldPWD)
public void BackupSecuritySettings()
public void RestoreSecuritySettings()
private void DeleteOldAuditEntries()
public void enableUSBStick(bool enable, bool logoutSilent)
private void ReadSystemSettings()
public void VncServer_Start ()
public void VncServer_Stop (bool bLogout)
4.13 Referenced Assemblies
There are two DLLs added to the example project:
– “iX_MassStorage.dll”: needed for enabling/disabling the USB port
– “OpenNETCF.Net.dll”: needed to check whether a VNC client is active.
Adding CyberSecurity Functionality
The following chapter describes how to import and integrate the different
parts of the
CyberSecurity extension into an existing project.
The implementation of the various additional CyberSecurity features consist of
different parts:
– Microsoft TextBox control
– Additional TAGs
– Script module “SCM_CyberSecurity”
– Screens
– Referenced Assemblies/DLLs
If you intend to have the Audit Trail logging running you have to insert this
module via “Insert” menu → “Audit Trail”
5.1 Add the TextBox Control in iX Developer
The TextBox control (of Microsoft .NET Framework – Namespace
needs to be added to the iX ToolBox of iX Developer. Follow these steps:
- Open the unpacked project.
- Open the “Objects” menu and select “Add Control”.
- Browse the TextBox control and tick the checkbox, OK.
The TextBox control is utilized in the “Login” and “Change Passwords” PopUps
to display *** instead of readable characters.
5.2 Import CyberSecurity TAGs**
Follow the steps to add the TAGs used in the CyberSecurity extension to your
- Unpack the enclosed example ZIP-file to a temporary folder.
- Start iX Developer and open your project.
- Navigate to the “Tags” editor → Tab “Tags” and select “Import” →”Import complete taglist”
- Choose “Excel file” as Import module, navigate to the temporary folder, where you unpacked the ZIP-file and select “CyberSecurity_Tags.xls” → “Import”
- Select “All Items” → “OK”
5.3 Import SystemTags
Follow the steps to add the SystemTags used in the CyberSecurity extension to
your project:
- Start iX Developer and open your project.
- Navigate to the “Tags” editor → Tab “Tags” and select “Add” → “Add System Tag”
- Add the SystemTags “Minute” and “Current User” to your project.
5.4 Import the project parts
Follow the steps to add the enclosed screens and the script module to your
iX project:
- Unpack the enclosed example ZIP-file to a temporary folder.
- Start iX Developer and open your project.
- In the Project Explorer, right-click in the lower left corner (1. in the picture)
- In the list, select Import… (2. in the picture)
- Navigate to the temporary folder, where you unpacked the ZIP-file and select SCM_CyberSecurity.neo, click [Open].
- Settings.neoxaml, click [Open].
- UsersDialog.neoxaml, click [Open].
- PopUp_ChangePassword.neoxaml, click [Open].
- Login_Popup.neoxaml, click [Open].
- HomeScreen.neoxaml, click [Open].
- Extend_Session_PopUp.neoxaml, click [Open].
- backgroundScreen.neoxaml, click [Open].
- AuditLog.neoxaml, click [Open].
- Answer Yes to the following questions.
The Import supports multi-selection utilizing the “CTRL” button when selecting
files – thus you can import all project parts in one step.
If you have imported the “Background Screen” it has to be re-assigned to the
screens where you want to use it. (“HomeScreen”, “Settings”, “AuditLog”)
When importing project parts to iX 2.20 SP2 you have to confirm all version
hints with “Yes”.
5.5 Add the Referenced Assemblies to the project
Follow the steps to add the Referenced Assemblies to your iX project:
- Unpack the enclosed example ZIP-file to a temporary folder.
- Start iX Developer and open your project.
- Navigate to the “Project” menu → “Referenced Assemblies” Navigate to the temporary folder, where you unpacked the ZIP-file and select “Add” “iX_MassStorage.dll”, click [Open].
- “Add” “OpenNETCF.Net.dll”, click [Open].
- → “OK”
5.6 Compatibility to iX 2.20 SP2
To cover the changes that have taken place from iX 2.2.0 SP2 until iX 2.40 SP7
and reach code compatibility, preprocessor commands are used in different
project parts.
When you imported the project parts to iX 2.20.SP2 you typically get errors
like that:
This is because some Namespaces have been changed and/or enhanced with
additional methods, properties or methods/overloads.
The definition of the preprocessor commands is always located before the
You will find these preprocessor commands in line 28 of the following project
– Scriptmodule SCM_CyberSecurity
– Script of Screen “UsersDialog”
– Script of Screen “PopUp_ChangePassword”
– Script of Screen “Extend_Session_PopUp”
To switch to the iX 2.20 SP2 code one simply has to remove the comment // in
front of the line “#define …” in line 28 of the above project parts.
5.7 Activating CATSecurity
To cover the special network security implemented via the so called
CATControls another preprocessor command is inserted in two scripts. This is a
special setting for one customer and it obviously makes no sense to activate
it without having the CATControls installed.
The definition of the preprocessor commands is always located before the
You will find these preprocessor commands in line 29 of the following project
– Scriptmodule SCM_CyberSecurity
– Script of Screen “PopUp_ChangePassword”
To activate CATSecurity code one simply has to remove the comment // in front
of the line “#define …” in line 29 of the above project parts.
Security Configuration
This chapter explains where and how to define normal and special user groups
both in the Security Editor and inside script parts.
6.1 Security Groups
In the Security Editor → Tab “Groups” you define your Security Groups and
whether users of a groups should be invisible at Runtime.
Invisible users password never expires (but for sure can be changed).
6.1.1 Important Information when using other group names
If you use other user group names than the group names used in the imported
screens you need to uncheck the old ones from the buttons that comes with the
imported screens. See example below.
Otherwise those security groups (that are configured in any button) will be
added automatically after rebuild (even if they first were deleted or renamed
from the Security menu).
6.1.2 Disable lock/unlock for specific security groups
Inside the scriptmodule “SCM_CyberSecurity” you can define 3 security groups
whose members should not be lockable/unlockable in the “Settings” screen.
Set the groupname to something unusual for groups that are not used – e.g.:
string sGroup3 = “XXXXXXXXXX”;
A groupname must not be “” or string.Empty !!
6.2 Security Users
In the Security Editor → Tab “Users” you define your Security User and to what
groups they should belong to. To build up a hierarchy, include the highest
user in all groups, the next level user in all groups but the highest and so
The default password for the users in this example project is “123qwe.,”
But you can choose any passwords you want – we suggest to use a password that
doesn´t fullfil the password complexity rules in order to force a user to
change his password at first login.
The default password for new (added) users can be changed inside the script of
the “UsersDialog” PopUp. (see chapter 4.2)
About Beijer Electronics
Beijer Electronics is a multinational, cross-industry innovator that connects
people and technologies to optimize processes for business-critical
applications. Our offer includes operator communication, automation solutions,
igitalization and support. As experts in user-friendly software, hardware and
services for the Industrial Internet of Things, we empower you to meet your
challenges through leading-edge solutions.
Beijer Electronics is an Ependion company. Ependion (formerly Beijer Group) is
listed on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Stockholm Mid Cap list under the ticker EPEN.
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