storyblok New Mexico Vaccine Purchasing Act Application User Guide

June 11, 2024

storyblok New Mexico Vaccine Purchasing Act Application


  • Product Name : New Mexico Vaccine Purchasing Act Application
  • Version : 1.0
  • Date : May 23, 2024

Product Information

What is the New Mexico Vaccine Purchasing Act Application?
Application Summary: The New Mexico Vaccine Purchasing Act Application was developed to assist OSI in the administration of the New Mexico Vaccine Purchasing Act (VPA) N.M.S.A. 1978 Sections 245a-1 through 9 and to facilitate the collection of data from organizations who are required to report under the Act. The application provides the capability for covered entities to submit electronic data to comply with OSI reporting requirements.

Reporting Requirements: Under the VPA Act, Covered Entities are required to submit a report even if the total number of lives is zero (0).

Product Usage Instructions

User Account Registration and Log In
How to Register as a New User: Follow the instructions provided in the user manual (Page 4) to register as a new user.

Logging into the VPA Application: Refer to Page 5 of the user manual for steps on how to log in to the VPA Application.

The VPA Reporting Application Homepage
Sections in the Homepage: Explore the different sections available on the homepage as described in the manual (Page 6).

Finding and Linking to a Reporting Organization
Searching for the Reporting Organization: Follow the guidelines on Page 8 for searching and linking to a reporting organization.

Adding a New Reporting Organization
How to Add a New Reporting Organization: Detailed steps for adding a new reporting organization can be found on Page 11 of the user manual.

Submitting Data
Creating Submission: Learn how to create a single record submission by following the instructions on Page 13.

Creating Bulk Submission: For submitting many records at once, refer to Page 21 for steps on creating bulk submissions.

Updating User Profile
Log into the VPA Application: Follow the instructions provided on Page 23 to update your user profile.

Forgot Password
Resetting Password: In case you forget your password, refer to Page 24 for steps on resetting it.


  • Q: What is a Covered Entity?

    • A: A Covered Entity refers to an organization that is required to report under the New Mexico Vaccine Purchasing Act (VPA).
  • Q: Do I need to submit a report if I have zero lives?

    • A: Yes, under the VPA Act, Covered Entities are required to submit a report even if the total number of lives is zero (0).

New Mexico Vaccine Purchasing

Act Application

User Guide
Version 1.0
May 2024

Version Date Description
1.0 May 23, 2024 Initial release of VPA User Guide

What is the New Mexico Vaccine Purchasing Act Application?

Application Summary
The New Mexico Vaccine Purchasing Act Application was developed to assist OSI in the administration of the New Mexico Vaccine Purchasing Act (VPA) N.M.S.A. 1978 Sections 24-5a-1 through 9 and to facilitate the collection of data from organizations who are required to report under the Act.

The intent of the application is to provide a covered entity [see FAQs] the capability to submit electronic data to comply with OSI reporting requirements.

The application provides OSI the capability to:

  • Track and notify organizations each year.
  • Collect annual data.
  • Provide Department of Health data for invoicing.
  • Report on trends.
  • Enforce reporting.

Reporting Requirements
Under the VPA Act Covered Entities are required to submit a report even if the total number of lives is zero (0).

What is a Reporting Organization?
Within the VPA application, a Reporting Organization is the organization or company
(covered entity) that is responsible for reporting the number of lives to the VPA program yearly. This organization can be the covered entity itself, if reporting for their own company, or an organization that contracts as a Third- Party Administrator (TPA) that reports on behalf of the covered entity (client).

What is a Client Organization?
Within the VPA application, a Client Organization is an organization that is determined to be the Covered Entity which is required to report under the VPA. The client may have delegated the responsibility to another organization classified as a Third-Party Administrator (TPA) to report on their behalf.

User Account Registration and Log In

To use the new OSI VPA Reporting Application all reporters must create a user account. As a registered user you are acting as the reporting agent for a ‘Covered Entity’.

How to Register as a New User

  • Click on the OSI VPA Application from the OSI website to open the log-in screen. Office of Superintendent of Insurance (
  • Click Register to open the New User Registration screen.
  • Complete all the fields and follow the instructions on the New User Registration page to create a password. All fields are required to register. \
  • Remember and save your password/login credentials because you will need to login into the system each time you access it.
  • Click in the check box to indicate “I’m not a robot” and complete the Captcha.
  • Click on the Register link below the CAPTCHA.

After a successful registration has occurred, you will get an email to notify you it was successful.

Click on the ‘Proceed to Login’ button.

Logging into the VPA Application
Each time you log into the VPA application follow these steps:

  • Open the link and enter your user email and password you used to register.
  • Complete the CAPTCHA and click on Sign In.

With a successful login, you will be prompted to enter a temporary code. (OTP).

2.2.4 The code will be sent to the email account you registered with. Check your email for that code. See email sample below.

If you do not receive the email within a few minutes, be sure to check your ‘spam’ or ‘junk’ folder for the email.
Return to the temporary code page and enter the code and click on ‘Validate’ to proceed to the application. You will receive an emailed validation code each time you log into the application.
You will be automatically taken to the Homepage for the New VPA Reporting Application.

The VPA Reporting Application Homepage

The homepage is a dashboard that is unique to each registered user and can only be viewed by the person logging in to the application.

Sections in the Homepage

  • A Welcome message
  • A list of the Reporting Organizations you have registered for as the reporter.
  • A list of all your VPA Submissions.

Note: If you are reporting for more than 25 different clients,
STOP including your organization, it is not necessary to perform steps 4.0 through 6.1.9. If so, jump to section 6.2, page 21 to proceed to Create Bulk Submissions. Before you can submit a Bulk Submission, you must complete the VPA Bulk Submissions Template which can be found on our OSI VPA webpage and in the VPA Application. See Appendix A, page 27 for instructions on completing the template.

Create Bulk Submissions – is a process where a reporter can submit several client reports at one time using the template provided in the OSI’s Vaccine Purchasing Act System.
However, OSI recommends using the Create Submission process if the reporting organization is reporting on behalf of fewer than 25 client organizations including your own organization. The Create Submission process takes seconds per submission and reduces the number of errors that can happen in the bulk upload template.

If you are reporting for a single or less than 25 clients or only for your own organization proceed to step 4.0.

How to Find and Link (Register) to a Reporting Organization

As the registered user, before you can report data for a submission, you will need to link yourself to the Reporting Organization you are representing, including your own organization. You will need to search the application for the organization you want to represent.

Searching for the Reporting Organization

  1. On the left side menu, click on ‘Organization Search’.

  2. First search the system for your organization before you create a new organization.

  3. Begin your search by either entering the organization FEIN OR Name of the Reporting Organization. It is not necessary to enter both.

  4. Click the Search button. Be sure to verify that you are using the correct FEIN OR Name. Click the Clear Search button to start another search.

  5. If your reporting organization is found, you will see it in a list as shown below. In the test example the user searched for ‘Blue’ and two organizations were listed.
    If your organization is NOT found proceed to step 5.0, page 11-Add a New Reporting Organization.

  6. Verify the FEIN, the name, and address of the organization you want to link to.

  7. After confirming, click on Link Organization.
    Note: OSI populated the new VPA Application with organizations with valid FEINs from prior years reporting data. Those organizations will be found when searched for by an accurate FEIN or name.

  8. If you find your organization in the database but it does not have complete information, click Link Organization. You will be prompted to add missing information when you select Link Organization. The below screenshot appears when you select Link Organization:
    Organization Needs Update : Click the OK button. The Reporting Organization Review (Please Provide Missing Information) page appears with pre-populated organization FEIN and name.

  9. Complete all the blank fields in the Reporting Organization Review.
    All fields are required. The Primary and Secondary Contacts must be different.

  10. Click on Update Organization.
    The Link Organization attestation screen opens. Please carefully read the attestation associating you as the reporter for this organization. Each time you link to an organization the attestation will be displayed. Click Link with Organization after reading. After you are linked to the updated Reporting Organization, click on the Search button: Notice on the Search Reporting Organizations page your newly created and linked organization appears as follows:
    The system will automatically link you to the Reporting Organization you updated as well.

  11. Click on the Homepage in the Main Navigation and confirm the name of
    the organization is listed under Reporting Organizations. You can link to multiple organizations if you are reporting on behalf of multiple Reporting Organizations, simply follow instructions in 4.0 section to find more organizations.

If your Reporting Organization was NOT found, double check that the information you entered is correct and try again if necessary. If not found, proceed to 5.0 to add the Reporting Organization.

Skip to section 6.0 if you do not need to add a new Reporting Organization. You are now ready to submit a VPA report.

Add a New Reporting Organization to the Application

  1. Repeat search steps in 4.1 to assure that the organization is not found.
  2. If No records found, ‘No Records Found’ click on Create New Organization button to open the Create New Reporting Organization page. 
  3. All fields are required to create a new reporting organization.
  4. Enter the FEIN for the reporting organization. Must be a 9-digit number (excluding the dash – ).
  5. Enter the complete legal name of the organization that associates with the FEIN.
  6. Complete the Address fields.
  7. Complete the Primary and Secondary Contact fields.
  8. The Secondary contact is required AND must be different from the primary contact.
  9.  After verifying the accuracy of the information, click the Create Organization button. 
  10.  The Link Organization attestation statement screen opens. Click Link with Organization on the attestation statement.
  11. Since you created this organization, the system will automatically links you to it. See screen sample below: The organization that you created is a Reporting Organization. The Reporting Organization will be responsible for reporting the number of lives for themselves or on behalf of another client (Client Organization).
  12. Return to/click on the Homepage in the left menu and verify the organization is listed under Reporting Organizations.

You are now ready to create a submission to comply with the VPA for the 2024 Reporting Year.

How to Submit Data

There are two ways to submit data to comply with the VPA.
Create Submission – A single record manually entered through the VPA application that collects the Reporting Organization Information, the Client Organization Information, who the responsible party is, and the details of the record such as the number of lives and insurance types. Single submissions can be created individually for several organizations one at a

To create a single submission, proceed to step 6.1.
Create Bulk Submissions – A collection of records submitted via an excel template, where every row is the same information collected in a single submission.
The only difference between a single submission and a bulk submission is that the bulk submission contains multiple submissions at once. It is intended to support users who must submit MANY records into the system, usually where the user represents a single reporting organization with many clients.

OSI has made the bulk submission functionality available for everyone, but only recommends using the bulk submission if you need to enter information for 25 or more client submissions. The new VPA submission process has been streamlined to support quick entry of organization and submission information; it is likely you will spend more time collecting information for the bulk submission if you have less than 25 records over using the single submission process.

To create a Bulk Submission, proceed to step 6.2.

Create Submission (a single record)

  1. You are now ready to submit a record for the Reporting Organization you linked to.

  2. In the Main Navigation, click on Create Submission.

  3. On the Create Manual Submission page, select the Reporting Organization by clicking on the dropdown arrow and select the organization you just created. It should appear automatically. If not found in the dropdown field enter the name of the organization to search for it.  Only the Reporting Organization(s) you have linked to will appear. You will be automatically linked to the organizations you create as shown in the Create Organization steps above.

  4. Select the Reporting Organization from the drop-down menu.
    Reporting Organization The organization contact information created will populate into the Reporting Organization fields. Now select the Client Organization for which you are reporting for or on behalf of; this organization can be the same as the Reporting Organization if ‘self-reporting’ or a different Client Organization.

  5. In the Client Organization section, click on the drop-down arrow in Client Organization field. The options are as follows: If you are reporting VPA data for the same Reporting Organization, select ‘Same as Reporting Organization’.
    When ‘Same as Reporting Organization’ is selected this will trigger the Client Organization information to populate with the same information as the Reporting Organization.
    See below screenshot.
    Note: See section 6.1.15 for information regarding completing the Submission Information Section / Responsible Pary field when the ‘Same as Reporting Organization’ is selected here. When ‘Lookup Client Organization’ is selected this will open a search Client Organization field to the left. You must have the FEIN of the Client Organization to search.

  6.  By selecting ‘Lookup Client Organization’ you will be reporting for a different Client Organization on their behalf, different from the Reporting Organization. Enter the Client FEIN in the lookup and click on Search.

  7. If the Client information is found in the application, it will populate the fields with the client information that is saved in the system. (If not found see section 6.1.11)

  8. If the Client record is found but is missing information the following screen will open. Read the message then Click Ok.

  9.  Enter the missing information in the Client Organization (Please Provide Missing Information) screen.
    The Primary and Secondary contacts are required, and the Secondary contact must be different than the primary.
    Click Update Organization when completed.

  10. The new client organization is saved to this submission and is saved to the VPA application database.
    The New Client Organization record is displayed below:

  11.  If the client is NOT found, the following screen will appear. Click on the Create New Client button.

  12. Fill out the new client information on the Create New Client Organization screen and click on the Create Organization button.
    The Primary and Secondary contacts are required, and the Secondary contact must be different than the primary. You are now ready to submit a record for the new Client Organization you just created.

  13. Under Submission Information, select the Network Type and Plan Type from the dropdown menus. Enter the Group Number and Number of Lives free text.

  14. Under the Responsible Party field, click the dropdown arrow and select the organization that is responsible for paying the DOH invoice. Then select the Submit button.

  15. In the Client Organization selection section 6.1.5 another option displays in the dropdown menu; ‘Same as Reporting Organization’. When ‘Same as Reporting Organization’ is selected the Reporting Organization information populates the Client Organization information AND the Responsible Party field.

  16. At the same time the Responsible Party field under the Submission Information section automatically populates the Reporting Organization as the Responsible Party. See below sample.

  17. Click on the Submit button. The Create New Submission attestation statement appears. Click Submit again.

  18. You will see the Submission created successfully! message below and you have successfully made a single submission. Click Close.

  19. The system automatically takes you your Homepage. Under ‘Your Submissions’ your submission(s) will be displayed.

  20. To view the details of the submission you made click on the Submission ID number link to see the details.
    Each submission will be expanded to see more details of each record. For example, the submission type, group number, if reported, reporter name, and network type.

Under the Status you will see if your submission was accepted, rejected, or pending for review. Each status will have an explanation as to reason.

Create Bulk Submission (many records)
When submitting Bulk Submissions, it is not necessary to search for any organization (Reporting or Client) or create, as described in the above steps 4.0 through 6.0. This process automatically creates the Reporting and Client Organizations when the Bulk Submissions template is uploaded to the system.

Prior to uploading the Bulk Submission, you should have downloaded the VPA Bulk Submissions Template and completed all fields (see section 6.0, page 13 for an explanation of Bulk Upload Submission).

The VPA Bulk Submission template and completion instructions can be accessed and downloaded from the Create Bulk Submission page (see below screen shot) or the OSI VPA website. The instructions are also included in this guide, Appendix A, page 27. Once downloaded, it is recommended to rename it and save it on your personal/work computer for ease of completion and browsing to for uploading purposes.

  1. From the homepage, click on Create Bulk Submission.

  2. The following screen displays:

  3. Click on the Upload button and browse to the location of your saved Bulk Submission file.

  4. Browse to the file name and click ‘open’ to import into the VPA application. The system will validate the file for completion errors. All errors will be displayed as follows:
    Note: The Bulk Submission upload file is not submitted nor accepted, until all errors on the Bulk Submission file have been addressed/corrected. The new VPA application will not accept even a portion of the file until all errors are resolved. Once corrected and the Bulk Submissions file is accepted the Reporter/User will be able to see the list of submissions in their Homepage dashboard.

  5. The list of Submission Errors found in the template will display in columns identifying the row, column, value entered, and error found in your Bulk Submission file. Description: Row 5, column Y had the incorrect, or invalid Plan Type entered = Third Pary Administrator for two or more self-funded plans.

  6. This is an invalid plan type name for this year’s reporting period. Edit your Bulk Submission file and correct this error. Only select plan types from the dropdown menu in the Bulk Submission template.
    Description: Row 3, column A had the incorrect or invalid FEIN entered = 99-999999 (8 numbers)

  7. FEINs must be 9 numbers, not including the dash.  The Bulk Submission file contains only 8 numbers. Edit your Bulk Submission file and correct this error.
    Continue correcting all errors on your Bulk Submission file and resave the corrected file on your computer/server.

  8. Return to the VPA Application > Create Bulk Submission section. Upload your corrected file again.
    Once your complete file is accepted the following message will appear: Carefully read and attest to the New Mexico VPA submission regulations by clicking Submit.
    Your file has been accepted in its entirety!

  9. On your Homepage under ‘Your Submissions’ you will find all the accepted records submitted in the Bulk Submissions file.

Each submission can be expanded to see more details of each record/submission by clicking the Submission ID link.

For example, the submission type, group number, reporter name, and network type.

How to Update My User Profile

  1. Log into the VPA Application as instructed above.

  2. Click on User Profile Settings in the Main Navigation.

  3. Click on User Profile Settings in the Main Navigation.

  4. Make the appropriate changes (User Name, Phone, Email or Password) and click the Update button.
    Note: If the reporting organization is changing the individual who is reporting, the new user/reporter should register themselves using the registration process above. The new user/reporter needs to send an email to [email protected] and report the change in reporter and new contact information for the Reporting Organization. OSI must correct the Reporting Organization account in the system.

  5. The user will see the following dialog box. Click “ok” to proceed with using the application or sign out.

Forgot My Password

  1. Reset your Password
  2. Go to the VPA Login screen and enter email address and click on “Forgot Password”. You will see the following dialog box.
  3. Enter your registered name and email.
  4. Click on the “I’m not a robot” to complete the CAPTCHA.
  5. Click reset password.
  6. A “Reset Password” dialog box will open enabling you to reset your password.
  7. Check your email for the password reset link.
  8.  Complete the CAPTCHA and click “Reset Password”.

Reporting of Technical Error Messages
Send OSI an email at [email protected] with Application Error in the subject line. Provide your name, email address, the organization information and include the submission number/ID if available and error pertains to a completed submission. OSI staff will respond to your email with information and directions.

How do I correct information?
Send OSI an email at [email protected] with the Submission ID number in the subject line. Provide your name, email address, the organization information and the incorrect information followed by the correct information. Include an explanation as to why the information is incorrect. OSI staff will respond to your email with information and directions via email.

Appendix A

How to complete the New VPA Bulk Submission Template

General Rules:

  1. Do not use templates/spreadsheets from previous year’s VPA submissions. The new VPA Application will not accept it.
  2. Do not copy information or records from previous years’ spreadsheets/templates.
  3. Do not modify any section or field of the template.
  4. Do not delete, rename, or modify the second tab (Reoccurring Values) of the template.
  5. All fields are required for every line item completed, even if it’s repeated or the same information as the line above it.
  6. Where a dropdown selection box exists, you must select from the results listed. No other information will be accepted in those fields.
  7. The new VPA Reporting application will validate all the information on the bulk submission template; any missing or incorrect information will prevent the complete bulk submission report from being accepted.

Completion Instructions:
First Section – Reporting Organization:

Reporting Organization


| Address| City| State| Zip Code
99-999999| Sample Reporting Organization-Insurance Co| 1109 Maciel Dr NW| Albuquerque| NM| 87104

Enter the organization that is responsible for reporting the covered lives for either themselves as the covered entity, or on behalf of another organization or company. This organization can be the covered entity itself, if reporting for their own company, or an organization that contracts as a TPA (Third Party Administrator) that reports on behalf of the covered entity (client).

Second Section – Reporting Organization Primary Contact:

Reporting Org Primary Contact

Name Phone              Email

Joshua Rivera| 5053634305| [email protected]

Enter the contact information; full name, phone number, and email address for the person that is the primary contact for the reporting organization. This is required if OSI or DOH has a question for this reporting organization.

Third Section – Reporting Organization Secondary Contact:

Reporting Org Secondary Contact

Name Phone                      Email

Sumarin Brum| 5053639999| [email protected]

Enter the contact information; full name, phone number, and email address for the person that is the secondary contact for the reporting organization. This contact must be different from the primary contact. This is required if OSI or DOH has a question for this reporting organization.

Fourth Section – Client Organization:

Client Organization


| **Address| ****City| ****State| Zip Code**
99-999999| Sample Client Organization-Insurance Co| 1109 Maciel Dr NW| Albuquerque| NM| 87104

Enter the covered entity organization that is required to report covered lives under the VPA. The client organization can be the same as reporting organization if reporting for themselves.

Fifth Section – Client Organization Primary Contact:

Client Org Primary Contact

Name Phone                    Email

Joshua Rivera| 5053634305| [email protected]

Enter the contact information; full name, phone number, and email address for the person that is the primary contact for the client organization. This is required if OSI or DOH has a question for this reporting organization.

Sixth Section – Client Organization Secondary Contact:

Client Org Secondary Contact

Name Phone                    Email

Sumarin Brum| 5053639999| [email protected]

Enter the contact information; full name, phone number, and email address for the person that is the secondary contact for the client organization. This contact must be different from the primary contact. This is required if OSI or DOH has a question for this reporting organization.

Seventh Section – Submission Information:

Enter the details of the plan type, group number, network type, responsible billing party, and number of covered lives here. The Plan Type must be selected from the drop down. No other information will be accepted in this field. To reduce the number of duplicate submissions OSI has created new identifying fields to distinguish any differences between reporting plans.

  • Group number – enter the group plan number for the insurance type.
  • Insurance Network Type – enter the type of insurance network by selecting from the drop-down menu. If the network type is not listed enter ‘unlisted’. No other information will be accepted in this field.
  • Responsible Billing Party – enter the organization that is responsible for payment of the DOH invoice, the reporting organization or client organization. Select from the drop-down menu. No other information will be accepted in this field.
  • Number of Lives – enter the total number of covered lives for which you are reporting for the plan year 2023. Covered entities must annually report the number of insured children who were under the age of 19 on the last calendar day of the previous year (children insured on December 31, 2023).


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