SEALEY SUPERMIG140.V2 140A Professional MIG Welder Instructions

June 4, 2024

SEALEY SUPERMIG140.V2 140A Professional MIG Welder

Thank you for purchasing a Sealey product. Manufactured to a high standard, this product will, if used according to these instructions, and properly maintained, give you years of trouble free performance.




WARNING! It is the user’s responsibility to check the following:
Check all electrical equipment and appliances to ensure that they are safe before using. Inspect power supply leads, plugs and all electrical connections for wear and damage. Sealey recommend that an RCD (Residual Current Device) is used with all electrical products. You may obtain an RCD by contacting your local Sealey stockist.
If the product is used in the course of business duties, it must be maintained in a safe condition and routinely PAT (Portable Appliance Test) tested.
Electrical safety information, it is important that the following information is read and understood.
Ensure that the insulation on all cables and on the appliance is safe before connecting it to the power supply.
Regularly inspect power supply cables and plugs for wear or damage and check all connections to ensure that they are secure.
Important: Ensure that the voltage rating on the appliance suits the power supply to be used and that the plug is fitted with the correct fuse – see fuse rating in these instructions.
DO NOT pull or carry the appliance by the power cable.
DO NOT pull the plug from the socket by the cable.
DO NOT use worn or damaged cables, plugs or connectors. Ensure that any faulty item is repaired or is replaced immediately by a qualified electrician.
This product is fitted with a BS1363/A 13 Amp 3 pin plug.
If the cable or plug is damaged during use, switch off the electricity supply and remove from use.
Ensure that repairs are carried out by a qualified electrician.
Replace a damaged plug with a BS1363/A 13 Amp 3 pin plug. If in doubt contact a qualified electrician.
a) Connect the GREEN/YELLOW earth wire to the earth terminal ‘E’.
b) Connect the BROWN live wire to the live terminal ‘L’.
c) Connect the BLUE neutral wire to the neutral terminal ‘N’.
Ensure that the cable outer sheath extends inside the cable restraint and that the restraint is tight.
Sealey recommend that repairs are carried out by a qualified electrician.

Cable extension reels. When a cable extension reel is used it should be fully unwound before connection. A cable reel with an RCD fitted is recommended since any product which is plugged into the cable reel will be protected. The section of the cable on the cable reel is important and should be at least 1.5mm², but to be absolutely sure that the capacity of the cable is suitable for this product and for others that may be used in the other output sockets, we recommend the use of 2.5mm² section cable.
WARNING! Be very cautious if using a generator to power the welder. The generator must be self-regulating and stable with regard to voltage, wave form and frequency. The output must be greater than the power consumption of the welder. If any of these requirements is not met the electronics within the welder may be affected. NOTE: The use of an unregulated generator may be dangerous and will invalidate the warranty on the welder.
WARNING! The welder may produce voltage surges in the mains supply which can damage other sensitive equipment e.g. computers. To prevent this happening, it is recommended that the welder is connected to a power supply that does not feed any sensitive equipment.
IMPORTANT! If using welder to full capacity, we recommend a 16amp supply.
We recommend you discuss the installation of a 16amp industrial round pin plug and socket with your electrician.


DANGER! Unplug the welder from the mains power supply before performing maintenance or service.
Keep the welder and cables in good working order and condition. Take immediate action to repair or replace damaged parts.
Use genuine parts and accessories only. Unapproved parts may be dangerous and will invalidate the warranty.
Use an air hose to regularly blow out any dirt from the liner and keep the welder clean for best and safest performance.
Check and spray the gas cup and contact tip regularly with anti-spatter spray, available from your Sealey stockist.
Locate welder in a suitable work area. Ensure that the area has adequate ventilation as welding fumes can be harmful.
Keep work area clean, tidy and free from unrelated materials. Also ensure the working area has adequate lighting and that a fire extinguisher is at hand.
‰ WARNING! Use welding head shield to protect eyes and avoid exposing skin to ultraviolet rays given off by electric arc. Wear safety welding gauntlets.
Remove ill fitting clothing, remove ties, watches, rings and other loose jewellery and contain long hair.
Ensure the workpiece is correctly secured before welding.
Avoid unintentional contact with the workpiece. Accidental or uncontrolled use of the torch may be dangerous and will wear the nozzle.
Keep unauthorised persons away from the work area. Any persons working within the area must wear a protective head shield and gloves.
Operators must receive adequate training before using the welder.
Stand correctly keeping a good footing and balance, ensure the floor is not slippery and wear non-slip shoes.
✘ DO NOT operate the welder if it or the cables are damaged.
✘ DO NOT attempt to fit any unapproved torches or other components to the welder.
✘ DO NOT get welder wet or use in damp or wet locations or areas where there is condensation.
▲ DANGER! DO NOT weld near flammable solids, liquids or gases and DO NOT weld containers or pipes which have held flammable materials. Avoid welding materials which have been cleaned with chlorinated solvents or welding near such solvents.
✘ DO NOT stand welder on a metal workbench, car bodywork or similar.
✘ DO NOT touch any live metal parts of the torch or electrode while the machine is switched on.
✘ DO NOT pull the welder by the cable, or the torch. Protect cables from sharp or abrasive items. DO NOT bend, strain or stand on cables or leads. Protect from heat. Long lengths of slack must be gathered and neatly coiled. DO NOT place cables where they endanger others.
✘ DO NOT touch the torch or workpiece immediately after welding as they will be very hot. Allow to cool.
✘ DO NOT operate welder while under the influence of drugs, alcohol or intoxicating medication, or if tired.
When not in use store the welder in a safe, dry, childproof area.


 Store gas cylinders in a vertical position only and ensure the storage area is correctly secured.
✘ DO NOT store gas cylinders in areas where the temperature may exceed 50°C. DO NOT use direct heat on a cylinder. Always keep gas cylinders cool.
✘ DO NOT attempt to repair or modify any part of a gas cylinder or valve and DO NOT puncture or damage a cylinder.
✘ DO NOT obscure or remove any official labels on a cylinder. Always check the gas identity before use. Avoid getting gas cylinders oily or greasy.
✘ DO NOT lift a cylinder by the cap, guard or valve. Always keep caps and guards in place and close valve when not in use.


Forced Air Cooling System allows high duty cycle. Professional contour grip, heat-proof non-live torch ensures no sparks until you press the trigger. Proven wire feed system for trouble-free welding. Welds stainless and aluminium too.
IMPORTANT: These instructions contain the information you require to prepare your machine for welding, together with a maintenance and a troubleshooting section. The instructions are not intended to teach you how to weld. If you have no experience, we recommend that you seek training from an expert source. MIG welding is relatively easy, but does require a steady hand and supervised practice on scrap metal, as it is only with continued practice that you will achieve the desired results.


Model No:……………………………………………….Supermig140.V2
Welding current: …………………………………………………. 30-140A
Wire Capacity: ………………………………………………………0.7-5kg
Duty Cycle: …………….100% @ 36A, 75% @ 41A, 20% @ 80A
Cooilng System: ………………………………………………. Forced Air
Spot Welding Timer: …………………………………………………….No
Gas Type: …………………………….. CO2, Argon, CO2/Argon Mix
Torch: ………………………………………………………..2m Non-Live
Absorbed Power:………………………………………………….2.8kW
Case Size:……………………………………………………….Compact


  1. Take the straight metal handle section and identify the end which has a rectangular hole in it’s rounded top surface. See ‘C’ in fig.1-A.
  2. Ensuring that this hole is uppermost, insert the handle into the opening in the front of the plastic handle until the catch ‘D’ engages in the hole ‘C’ as shown in fig.1-B.
  3. WHEELS. Referring to fig.2, attach a wheel (1) to axle (2) using a circlip (3) and insert a hub cap (4) into the centre of the wheel.
  4.  Raise the welder from the ground by approximately 70mm and insert the axle fixing plates (5) through the slots in the rear platform as shown below.
  5. Slide the axle (2) underneath the rear platform and through the holes in the axle fixing plates.
  6. Slide the other wheel (1) over the protruding axle (2) and fix in place using a circlip (3).
  7. Push the other hub cap (4) into the centre of the wheel.
  8. FOOT. Attach the bent metal foot to the underside of the welder just back from the front panel using the two self tapping screws provided.


  1. Attach the black gas cylinder belt (D) to the back of the welder by passing it through the two pressed metal loops on the back panel.
    Place the lower end of the cylinder (C) (Not supplied) into the metal hoop (E) and fasten the belt around the cylinder.
  1. Ensure that the regulator (B) is closed (knob turned fully clockwise) and then screw it onto the cylinder (finger tight only). Once the regulator has opened the cylinder valve, indicated by the sound of gas escaping, screw it one full turn further, which is sufficient to seal the cylinder.
    ‰ WARNING! Excessive tightening of the regulator will over-compress the sealing washer and allow the gas to leak.

  2. Push the gas tube (A) into the regulator (to remove tube, press the collet in and pull the tube out).

  3. Leave the regulator closed until the welder is fully set up and you are ready to weld.

  4. When you are ready to commence welding switch the machine on and turn the regulator knob halfway for a flow of approx. 2l/min, and all the way for a max. flow of approx. 4l/min.

  5. Always remove the flow regulator after use if the machine is to be stored for any length of time.

  1. Open the side compartment on the welder by placing your finger into the black catch and lifting both the catch and the door. The welder is supplied with a mini spool of mild steel wire, but will accept spools of up to 5kg without modification.

  2. Referring to fig.4, rotate the pressure knob (F) anti-clockwise and remove it from the threaded spindle together with the spring (E) and the top disc (D).
    Small reels of wire will run on the spindle itself. The larger 5kg wire reel will run on the larger diameter flange at the base of the reel spindle (A). Place the wire reel (C) onto the spindle ensuring that the wire withdraws from the top of the spool in a forwards direction towards the wire feed unit. Place the plastic top disc (D) over the end of the spindle followed by the reel spring (E).

  3. Thread the pressure knob (F) onto the end of the spindle and screw it down clockwise until the spring is partially compressed. The reel take off pressure should be set to provide a mild braking effect to prevent overrun where loose coils of wire form on the reel. Do not overtighten this knob as too much braking will conflict with the wire tension set on the wire drive unit.

  4. Referring to fig.5 turn the knob on the wire tension screw (B) anti-clock wise and unlatch it from the pressure roller moulding. Swing the pressure roller moulding (A) up and away from the drive roller.

  5. Straighten 40-50mm of spool wire (do not allow wire to uncoil), and gently push wire through the plastic guide and through the 6 or 8mm feed roller groove and into the torch liner. Refer to section 7.5 on how to reverse the roller for either 6 or 8mm wire.

  6. Referring to fig.6, move the pressure roller moulding (A) back round onto the grooved drive wheel and swing the wire tension screw (B) up to lock it in place. See 4.6 regarding wire tension.

  1. Remove gas cup (a) and contact tip (b) from end of torch as follows:
    a) Take torch in left hand with the torch tip facing to the right.
    b) Grasp gas cup firmly in your right hand.
    c) Turn gas cup clockwise only and pull cup out to the right.
    ‰ WARNING! do not turn gas cup anti-clockwise, as this will damage internal spring.
    d) Unscrew the copper contact tip (right hand thread) to remove.

  2. Check welder is switched off “0” and that the earth clamp is away from the torch tip. Connect the welder to the mains power supply and set the voltage switches to MIN/1. See fig.8. Set the wire speed knob to position 5 or 6. Turn on the mains power switch on the front panel. Keeping the torch cable as straight as possible press the torch switch. The wire will feed through to the torch.

  3. When wire has fed through, switch welder off, unplug from mains.
    a) Take torch in left hand, slide contact tip over the wire and screw it back into place.
    b) Grasp gas cup in right hand, push onto torch head and turn clockwise only.
    WARNING! do not turn gas cup anti-clockwise, as this will damage internal spring.
    c) Cut wire so that it is just protruding from the cup


IMPORTANT: You must set the correct tension, too little or too much tension will cause problematic wire feed and result in a poor weld.

  1. For mild steel 0.6mm wire the wire tension screw must be fully tightened and undone approximately two complete turns (fig.6).
  2. Correct tension between the rollers is checked by slowing down the wire between the fingers. If the pressure roller skids the tension is correct. Try to use the lowest tension possible as too high a tension will deform the wire and may result in blowing a fuse on the printed circuit board. When you have completed welding disconnect the unit from the mains supply and store it in a safe, dry place.
    Note: Damaged torches and cables are not covered under warranty

Refer to fig.8 below.


  1. Welding wire is automatically fed through an insulated liner to the tip of the torch. The torch consists of a switch, liner, gas hose, and control cable. The switch activates the wire feed roller and the gas flow. Releasing the switch stops wire feed and gas flow. The weld current is transferred to the electrode (the wire) from the contact tip at the torch end. The current to the electrode is set using the two switches on the front of the control panel. Wire speed must be adjusted according to current output using the rotary control below the power switches. The higher the current the faster the wire speed. A gas cup fits over the contact tip to direct gas flow towards the weld, (See fig.9) ensuring that the arc welding process is shielded from oxidisation. The shielding gas also assists heating of the weld. The torch is connected to the positive side of a DC rectifier, and the negative clamp is attached to the workpiece.


  1. To ensure a complete circuit, the negative lead must be securely attached to the workpiece close to the weld area. Best connection is obtained by grinding the point of contact on the workpiece before connecting the clamp.
  2. The weld area must be free of paint, rust, grease, etc.
  1. Welding mild steel with CO² gas is appropriate for most welding tasks where spatter and high build-up of weld do not pose a problem. To achieve a spatter free and flat weld however, requires an Argon/CO² mixture.
  2. To weld aluminium use:   ✓ Argon Gas   ✓ 0.8mm Contact Tip   ✓ 0.8mm    Aluminium Wire (MIG/2/KAL08).

Should the welder become overheated due to prolonged use beyond the stated duty cycle, the thermal protection will cause the welder to cut out and the amber light on the front panel will illuminate. Wait for fifteen minutes for the welder to cool down at which time it will reconnect automatically.


On the front panel of the welder is the rating plate, giving the following data:

  1. The BS/EU standard relating to the safety and construction of arc welding and associated equipment.

  2. Inverter-transformer-rectifier symbols

  3. Symbol indicates welding with a continuous flow of welding wire.

  4. Symbol for Single-phase AC supply.

  5. Rating of internal protection provided by casing.

  6. Output.
    U0 : Maximum open-circuit voltage.
    I 2 , U2 : Current and corresponding voltage.
    X: Welding ratio based on a 10 minute cycle. 20% indicates 2 minutes welding and 8 minutes rest, 100% would indicate continuous welding.

  7. Mains Supply. U1
    : Rated supply voltage and frequency. I1 max: Maximum current. I1 eff: Maximum effective current.

  8. A/V – A/V: Welding current adjustment range and corresponding voltages.

  9. Serial Number. Specifically identifies each welder.


▲ DANGER! Unplug the welder from the mains power supply before performing maintenance or service.

  1. Check the wire feed unit at regular intervals. The feed roller wire guide plays an important part in obtaining consistent results. Poor wire feed affects the weld. Clean the rollers weekly, especially the feed roller groove, removing all dust deposits.
  1. Protect the torch cable assembly from mechanical wear. Clean the liner from the machine forwards by using compressed air. If the liner is blocked it must be replaced. See section 7.6.

(to remove tip follow steps in section 4.5)

  1. The contact tip is a consumable item and must be replaced when the bore becomes enlarged or oval. The contact tip MUST be kept free from spatter to ensure an unimpeded flow of gas.

(to remove cup follow steps in section 4.5)

  1. The gas cup must also be kept clean and free from spatter. Build-up of spatter inside the gas cup can cause a short circuit at the contact tip which will result in either the fuse blowing on the printed circuit card, or expensive machine repairs. To keep the contact tip free from spatter, we recommend the use of anti-spatter spray (MIG/722307) available from your Sealey stockist.

Turn the feed roller to suit the wire size.

  1. There are two grooves on the feed roller, 0.6mm and 0.8mm. Always have the groove that is being used on the outside of the roller (nearest to you). To turn the feed roller first loosen the knob on the wire tension screw and move the screw into its down position (see fig.10-1), then move the tensioning roller assembly to its up position (see fig.10-2). Take hold of the triangular knob on the roller retainer and rotate it 90°anticlockwise to release it as shown in fig.10.3. Now pull the roller retainer off the drive spindle to reveal the roller as shown in fig.11.
  2. Pull the roller off the drive spindle, flip it over and put it back on the drive spindle. (See fig 12) The groove size you require should now be visible on the face of the roller. Push the roller retainer back onto the drive spindle with the opening facing left. Ensure that the flanges at the base of the retainer, seat fully into the circular recess in the main moulding and then rotate the retainer through 90° to lock it in place.
  1.  A worn or damaged wire liner will seriously affect the performance of the welder and should be immediately replaced. First wind the wire back onto the spool and secure it. Remove the four screws securing the torch cable clamp to the wire feed unit (fig.13) and take off the clamp. Undo the torch case (fig.14) and pull the wire liner from the insulation block. Pull out the liner from the torch cable and insert the new one. Reverse the process to re-assemble. Ensure the liner is fully inserted into the torch insulation block and reassemble the torch.
    Trim the other end of the liner as close to the feed roller as possible. Replace the torch cable clamp.


Weld current interrupted. Overheating protection activated due to overload.

Protection automatically resets when transformer has cooled (approx. 15 mins).
No weld current, fuse blowing in 13amp plug.| Rectifier blown.| Replace rectifier.
No weld current.| Bad connection between clamp and workpiece.| Clean or grind contact surface and weld area.
Break in earth lead.| Repair or replace earth lead.
Break in torch lead.| Repair or replace.
Feed motor not working.| Gear damaged or worn.| Replace gears (Section 6.7).
Motor defective.| Replace motor (Contact service agent).
Wire does not feed, feed roller rotates.| Pressure roller improperly adjusted.| Adjust wire tension. (Section 3.6).
Dirt, copper, dust, etc. have collected in torch liner.| Clean the liner from the machine forward. Use compressed air. If too much dirt, replace the liner (Sections 6.2 & 6.6).
Gas cup (nozzle) or tip defective.| Replace gas cup (nozzle) and/or tip (Sections 6.3 & 6.4).
Deformed wire.| Check roller tension (Section 3.6).
Wire feeds unevenly.| Dirt, etc, in liner.| Clean the liner from the machine forward using compressed air.
Gas cup (nozzle) or tip defective.| Replace gas cup (nozzle) and/or tip (Sections 6.3 & 6.4).
Gas cup (nozzle) spattered.| Clean or replace gas cup (nozzle) (Sections 6.3 & 6.4).
Feed roller groove clogged.| Clean feed roller (Sections 6.1 & 6.5).
Feed roller groove deformed.| Replace feed roller (Section 6.5).
Pressure roller tension incorrect.| Adjust tension (Section 3.6).
Unstable arc.| Incorrect settings.| Check settings (Section 3.7).
Impurities in weld area.| Clean and/or grind workpiece (Section 4.2.1).
Worn or defective gas cup (nozzle).| Replace gas cup (nozzle) (Sections 6.3 & 6.4).
Porous weld.| No gas.| Open gas cylinder, regulate gas flow.
Gas cup clogged.| Clean or replace cup (Section 6.4).
Draft blowing away shielding gas.| Screen off welding site or increase gas flow.
Rusty/dirty joints.| Clean or grind the workpiece (Section 4.2.1).
Torch too far from, or at wrong angle to, workpiece.| Gas cup to workpiece should be 8-10mm. Torch angle approx 75°.
Gas leak.| Check hoses, connections and torch assembly.
Wire sticking in gas cup (nozzle).| Worn or defective gas cup (nozzle).| Replace gas cup (nozzle) (Section 6.4).
Wire deformed.| Check roller tension (Section 3.6).
Wire speed too slow.| Increase wire speed. (Section 3.7).
Irregular weld head.| Torch incorrectly held.| Use correct torch angle.
Wire weaving in weld pool.| Check roller tension and adjust (Section 3.6).
Weld bead too narrow and raised.| Weld current too low.| Increase power and wire speed (Section 3.7).
Weld speed too fast.| Move torch slower and weave a little more.
Weld bead too wide.| Weld current too low.| Increase current and wire speed (Section 3.7).
Weld speed too slow.| Move torch faster and weave less.
Poor penetration.| Weld current too low.| Increase current and wire speed (Section 3.7).
Arc too long.| Bring torch closer to workpiece.
Excessive penetration.| Weld current too high.| Decrease current and wire speed (Section 3.7).
Weld speed too slow.| Move torch faster.
Incorrect distance of torch to workpiece.| Torch distance should be 8-10mm.
Dispose of this product at the end of its working life in compliance with the EU Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). When the product is no longer required, it must be disposed of in an environmentally protective way. Contact your local solid waste authority for recycling information.
Recycle unwanted materials instead of disposing of them as waste. All tools, accessories and packaging should be sorted, taken to a recycling centre and disposed of in a manner which is compatible with the environment. When the product becomes completely unserviceable and requires disposal, drain any fluids (if applicable) into approved containers and dispose of the product and fluids according to local regulations.
Note: It is our policy to continually improve products and as such we reserve the right to alter data, specifications and component parts without prior notice. Please note that other versions of this product are available. If you require documentation for alternative versions, please email or call our technical team on or 01284 757505.
Important: No Liability is accepted for incorrect use of this product.
Warranty: Lifetime guarantee on Transformer – Comprises 1 year unconditional parts and labour on all parts, followed by a lifetime guarantee (parts and labour) conditional on registering your purchase with us online at

Sealey Group, Kempson Way, Suffolk Business Park, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. IP32 7AR
01284 757500 | 01284 703534 | |

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