EMERSON Heat Load Calculating Tool User Manual

June 7, 2024

Heat Load Calculating tool

Heat Load Calculating -pic

Quick Start Manual

Disclaimer Of Warranty On Software
The software provided with this Manual is given to you “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness or a particular purpose. Emerson does not warrant, guarantee, or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of the Software Program in terms of its correctness, accuracy,  reliability, newness, or otherwise. In addition, Copeland does not warrant that the functions contained in the Software Program will meet your requirements or that the operation of the Software Program will be uninterrupted or error-free. The entire risk as to the quality, results, and performance of the Software Program is assumed by you. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties so the above exclusion may not apply to you.


This software is developed by Emerson to assist in the calculation of the heat of any building. It has weather data from 44 countries in Asia. Easy step-by-step input of building parameters allows OEMs sales engineers to calculate the precise load requirement and help them decide on an optional system for a building.


This Manual aims to provide the user sufficient information about the use of the Heat Load Calculating Tool® (HLCT) developed by Emerson. With the aid of this tool, engineers can compute the Heat load of any building and provide a summary of all Heat Load Computations.

This Manual will help the user quickly adapt to the HLCT environment by providing step-by-step instructions on how to design a project, how to properly input data, and how to preview and print the summary of results.


The following pages contain actual HLC T environment pictures that will visually assist the user throughout the course of the Manual. For common understanding, please refer to the figure below. The colored picture corresponds to the active screen, while the black and white picture corresponds to the root or previous screen.

HLCT Main Screen

Heat Load Calculating -Starting a Project

Technical Support

For queries regarding the Heat Load Calculating Tool, please send us an e-mail at: [email protected]Or visit us at http://Climate.Emerson.com/Asia


Installing your HLCT
To install the Heat Load Calculating Tool® version 2.0, you must have administrative privileges. This step-by-step Manual will walk you through the installation process with ease.
Step 1. Installation Set-Up
After opening the installer, you will see the Heat Load calculating Tool Setup Main Screen. Read each page and then click on the Next button to be directed through each process.Heat Load Calculating

Step 2. License Agreement
Read through the Terms and Conditions outlined in the End User License Agreement. Click Next to agree and proceed with the installation.

Heat Load Calculating -Installing2
Step 3. User Information
Type your name and your company name. Click Next to proceed with the installation.

Heat Load Calculating -Installing3

Step 4. Choosing Destination Locations
By default, your Heat Load Calculating Tool will be installed in your Programs File folder located on your C: drive. To change this, click on Change, then click on Next to proceed with the installation.

Heat Load Calculating -Installing4
Step 5. Star t of Installation
This will confirm all setup information and proceed with the software installation. Click on Next to proceed with the installation.

Heat Load Calculating -Installing5
Step 6. Installation Progress
The installer program will begin adding the Heat Load Calculating Tool to your computer. Do not interrupt the installation until it is complete.

Heat Load Calculating -Installing6
Step 7. End of Installation
The Heat Load Calculating Tool has been loaded and ready for use. To exit the installation setup, click on Finish.

Heat Load Calculating -Installing7


Activating your HLC T
For activation, please see instructions as stated in the Activation Screen shown below:

Heat Load Calculating -Activating


User Environment and Interface Heat Load Calculating Tool Main Screen

  1. Creates a new Project
  2.  Opens an existing .mdbe Project
  3.  Saves all current Project Information
  4.  Resets all current Project information in the Heat Load Calculating Tool database
  5. Opens the Pr object t Information Screen
  6. Opens the Room Data Screen
  7. Opens the Preview and Print Screen
  8. Opens the About Screen
  9. Opens the Help Screen and a Sample Project Manual
  10. Closes the Heat Load Calculator

Heat Load Calculating -User Env i ronment Project Information Main Screen

  1. Opens the Weather Data of 44 countries in Asia.
  2. Allows you to Change the Weather Data of the chosen City.
  3.  Accepts the Data and returns to the Heat Load Calculating Tool Main Screen

Room Data Main Screen

  1. Displays Room Specification and Fac tor s used during Computation. This also allows you to customize all building parameters.
  2. Allows you to Revise existing Room Data
  3.  Allows you to Delete existing Room
  4.  Allows you to Create New or Copy Existing Room Designs and add them to the Order List
  5. Accepts the Data and returns to Heat Load Calculating Tool Main Screen
  6. The Order List shows the list of Rooms, Room name, Floor, and System
  7. Filter s the Rooms based on the chosen Floor
  8.  Displays the Room Number of selected Room

Heat Load Calculating -Room Data

Print / Preview Main Screen

  1. Sets the Standard units to be used during computation and during printing
  2.  Selec ts the items to be viewed and printed
  3. Documentation and Details
  4. Prints the corresponding hour s reflected in the Time Schedule screen
  5.  Displays Computation Results
  6. Accepts the Data and returns to the Heat Load Calculating Tool Main Screen

Heat Load Calculating -Viewing and Printing a Project

Starting a Project

You can start a project by either creating a New Project opening an existing .mdbe project.

Creating a New Project
  1. Click New to start a New Project. This opens the ProjeInformation Screen.
  2. Fill up the Project Name and Project address
  3.  By Clicking Other Cities, you can either choose or custom weather data

HLCT Main Screen

Heat Load Calculating -HLCT Main Screen


Selecting the Weather Data

1. Select from the Listed Locations on the left side of the screen by choosing the Country, Province, and City
2. Click Select to accept the changes

  • Please refer to the List of Nomenclature at the end of this Manual for more information.

Project Information Main Screen

Heat Load Calculating -Project Information Main Screen

Selecting the Design Data

1. From the Project Information Screen, click Design Data
2. By choosing Revise, you can change the data in the spreadsheet by simply clicking on the cells
3. To accept the changes, click Confirm. To close the window without saving the data, click Exit.

Design Data

Heat Load Calculating -Design Data

The input of Room Specifications

A large portion of all Heat Load Computations is based on the parameters entered in this par t of the program. Room Specifications include Building Material Characteristic, Fac tor s, Design Room Temperature, Time, other Sources of Heat, and more.

  • Please refer to the List of Nomenclature at the end of this Manual for more information.

HLCT Main Screen

Heat Load Calculating -HLCT Main Screen2

Room Data Main Screen

Adding a New Room

By choosing Add from the Room Data Main Screen, you can insert a new Room to your current Project. Completely fill up all Room Specification Details. Room’s Specification:

  • Identifies the Room number. It also corresponds to the order that the Room was created.
  • The name of the Room
  • The Floor where the Room is located
  • Common air conditioning system being used by multiple conditioned Rooms
  • The specific function of the Room
  •  Floor Area of the Room in metric units (sq.m)
  • Ceiling height of the Room in metric units (m)

Room Data Main Screen

Heat Load Calculating -Room Data Main Screen

Load Components:
Load Components are factors that affect Heat Transmissions. If unconditioned areas are located above, below, or adjacent to the room is designed, heat loads will greatly vary.

Ceiling (in metric units,  sq.m)

  •  Boiler Room area located above the conditioned space

  •  Kitchen Room area located above the conditioned space

  • Floor area located above the conditioned space that is exposed to the outside air

  • Interior floor area above the conditioned space that does not have air conditioning. (Ex. Corridors)

  • Roof Area exposed to solar radiation

  • Skylight area exposed to solar radiation. Skylights are windows set into a ceiling or roof that provide natural lighting.

Heat Load Calculating -Ceiling
Floor (in metric units, sq.m and m)

  • Boiler Room area located below the conditioned space
  • Kitchen Room area located below the conditioned space
  • Unconditioned car park area located below the conditioned space
  • Floor area located below the conditioned space that is exposed to the outside air
  •  Interior floor area below the conditioned space that does not have air conditioning. (Ex. corridors)
  • For Lower Floor without basement levels, enter the Ground or Earth area under Lower Floor For Lower Floor with basement levels, enter the Basement Level Floor area
  •  Depth of each Basement Level

Heat Load Calculating -Floor

  • Internal loads brought about by sensible heat generated by indoor equipment
  • Internal loads brought about by latent heat generated by indoor equipment
  • Acceptable allowance for Sensible heating
  • Acceptable allowance for Latent heating

Heat Load Calculating -Equ ipment

Calculating the Conductivity Factor (k)

This portion of the calculator allows you to select or customize the type of material that makes up the structural wall, roof, ceiling, floor, and others. The Conduct tivit y factor denoted by k is measured as kcal/m²-hr-c

The Shielding coefficient for Skylights and glass is denoted by Sc and Sc (RF)

Heat Load Calculating -FACTOR

Conductivity Factor Main Screen

Material Selection for Walls, Roof, Floors, and Ceilings

By choosing Selection, you can choose from the HLC T database-specific construction types of various walls, roofs, floors, and ceilings.

  1. Selec t composite material from the roll-down menu
  2. Equivalent k values and structure type are automatically displayed
  3. Choose Select to accept the changes or Exit to ignore the changes

Heat Load Calculating -Mater ia l Selection f

Material Selection Screen

Material Selection for Skylight and Glass

By choosing Selection, you can choose from the HLCT database-specific construction types of Skylights and Outside Glass.

  1. Select Window Type with its corresponding thickness from the roll-down menu
  2. Select Curtain Type
  3. Equivalent K(OG) and Sc are automatically displayed Choose Select to accept the changes or Exit to ignore the changes

Heat Load Calculating -Material Selection for Skylight and

Material Selection (Glass) Screen

Calculate New Composite Material

By choosing Calculation, you can create specific construction composite materials that will make up the walls, roofs, floors, and ceilings. Sample Composite Wall = Tile, Mortar, Brick, Plaster

  1.  Select from the material list “Tile”

  2. Input the material thickness “9mm”

  3. To transfer the “Tile” to the spreadsheet, click the Right pointer arrow. To remove the “Tile” from the spreadsheet, highlight the “Tile” entry in the spreadsheet, and then click the Left pointer arr  ow

  4. Continue data entry for the following materials:
    Mor tar – 40 mm
    Brick – 200 mm
    Plaster – 3 mm

  5.  Click Cal K to view the K results

  6.  Click Select to accept the changes

Heat Load Calculating -FACTOR

Calculation Screen

Adding a New Material to the List

In case the material you need is not included in the Material List, new material can be created.

  1. Click Add and type in the new material name.
  2.  Enter the specific value of the new material at the entry below the Material List.
  3. To add the new material to the Material List, click Conf. To permanently remove any material from the Material List, highlight the material and click Del.
  4. Click Select to accept the changes.

Heat Load Calculating -NEW

Calculation Screen

Design Room Temperature and Humidity

By choosing Temperature/Humidity, you can change the temperature ( C) and RH (%) that the conditioned space is designed to maintain under the most extreme conditions.

  1. Enter the Summer Design Temperature
  2.  Enter the Summer Design Relative Humidity
  3.  Enter the Winter Design Temperature
  4.  Enter the Winter Design Relative Humidity
  5.  Click Confirm to accept the changes
  6. To reset the data to Default Design Values, click Back to Preset

Heat Load Calculating -Design Room Temperature

Design Room Temperature Humidity Main Screen

Load Time Scheduling

By choosing Time Schedule, you can assign the amount of internal heat (percentage, %) produced during particular time periods.

  • Operation Time denotes the exact hours when Lights, People, or Equipment generate internal heat
  •  Internal Heat Distribution Table: Column – Amount of Internal Heat generated by Lights, People, Indoor Equipment and its equivalent Time. (1-24 the hour 1 AM-12 Midnight) Row – Hourly Time Period
  • To accept the new Operation Time, click Timing Change
  • To reset the data to Default Design Values, click Back to Preset
  • To input new internal heat percentages, click Figure Change
  • Click Confirm to accept the changes

Heat Load Calculating -Time Schedule Main Scre

Time Schedule Main Screen

Sample Internal Heat Gain Distribution:
8-18 Hour, 50% Internal Heat Gain 19-24 Hour, 100% Internal Heat Gain
1. Change Default Operation Time, from “8:00 – 18:00” to “8:00-24:00”
2. To accept the new time, click Timing Change
3. To manually change the percentages, click Figure Change. Input “50” on the cells under Lights, People, and Equipment and during the time period “8:00-18:00”

Heat Load Calculating -Time Schedule Main Screen2

Time Schedule Main Screen

Outside Wall (OW), Outside Glass (OG), Inside Wall (IW) Input Data

The position of the building in reference to the sun’s orientation greatly affects the amount of heat gained through various sides of the building.

At each direction (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW), wall and glass dimensions (length and height) are measured in meter s (m).

  • Dimension of the outside wall
  •  Dimension of outside wall in ear the Underground wall depth from the ground level
  • Dimension of the outside glass
  •  Dimension of internal wall
  •  Indicates whether the internal wall is adjacent to a boiler room, kitchen, or a room facing outdoor air If the internal wall is not adjacent to any of these rooms, use the option “located in the interior area ”
  • Choose Select to accept the changes
  • Choose Exit to ignore the changes

OW/OG/IW Input Data Main Screen

Heat Load Calculating -Viewing and Printing a Project

Other / Supplementary Load

In addition to the heat transmitted into the conditioned space through walls and air infiltration, any heat gain from other sources must be included in the total cooling/heating load computation. The infiltration air amount, power consumption from lighting, and people-generated heat are directly affected by the function of each room.

  • Type of Ventilation System to be installed
  •  The amount of fresh air required for building occupants
  • Total Heat Exchanger Efficiency; Standard total heat exchanger efficiency is 60% d. Amount (percentage) of infiltrated air during Summer and Winter months Standard air infiltration is 0.2-time air changes of total room air volume.
  • Power consumption of lighting equipment measured in Watt/sq.m.
  • Power consumption for equipment that consumes power 24 hours each day (Guaranteed Equipment heat)
  •  The reasonable number of persons occupying the floor based on the declared floor area and specific room function
  • Amount of sensible and latent heat generated by the occupants

Heat Load Calculating -Amount of sensible


Viewing and Printing a Project

The Heat Load Calculating Tool generates all the necessary heat load computation results allowing you to view and review them systematically. By choosing Preview/Print, you can either view or print the project result summary.

  1.  Select the unit (W or Btu/h) to be used.
  2. Mark which items to be viewed and printed.
  3. Fill -up the Cover page details.
  4.  Enter the Hour s that you wish to Preview and Print. These Times correspond to the Internal Heat Gain Percentage Time Schedule
  5. Choose Preview/Print to display the summary of the results
  6.  Choose Exit to ignore the changes

HLCT Main Screen

Heat Load Calculating -Pr int

From the selection, click on the buttons you want to preview and print.

  1. Cover Page
  2.  System Table
  3. Room Peak Load
  4.  Room Data Details
  5.  Room Data (Walls)
  6.  System Peak Load
  7. Room Load Cooling
  8.  Room Load Heating
  9.  Building Load

Heat Load Calculating -Preview Scen

Summary of Results


Summer DB Summer Dry Bulb temperature °C
The ambient or outdoor summer temperature samples for each country/city.
Summer RH Summer Relative Humidity %
The summer relative humidity y in relation to the Summer DB and atmospheric

pressure. The ratio of water vapor in the air in relation to the amount needed to saturate the air at the same temperature.
Summer X| Summer Absolute Humility| g/Kg (Dry Air)
| The summer absolute humidity in relation to the Summer DB and atmospheric pressure. The mass of water vapor is divided by the mass of dry air at a given temperature and volume of air.
Winter DB| Winter Dry Bulb Temperature| °C
| The ambient or outdoor winter temperature samples for each country/city.
Winter RH| Winter Relative Humidity| %
| The winter relative humidity in relation to the Winter DB and atmospheric pressure. The ratio of water vapor in the air in relation to the amount needed to saturate the air at the same temperature.
Winter X| Winter Absolute Humility| Kcal m 2- hr-°C
| Preset or calculated K factors of composite (walls, floors, roofs, ceilings) and non-composite construction materials.

The rate of heat transfer through a material or compound structural member with parallel walls.

SC and SC (RF)| Shielding Coefficient| n/a
| The measure of how well glazing blocks solar heat gain relative to 1/8” clear glass under the same conditions. The lower the coefficient, the better the unit blocks solar heat.


Quantity Symbol Coherent  unit
Ceiling CL m
Conductivity Factor K Kcal / m^2-hr-°C
Conductivity Ratio λ Kcal / m^2 -hr-°C
Floor FL m^/hr
Fresh Air Amount CMH Kcal/hr
Guaranteed Internal Equipment Power GP m
Internal Wall IW m
Outside Glass OG m
Outside Wall OW m
Roof RF n/a
Safety Factor SF n/a
Shielding Coefficient S and S  (RF) m
Summer Absolute Humidity Summer X g/Kg(Dry Air)
Summer Dry Bulb Temperature Summer DB °C
Summer Relative     Humidity Summer RH %
Winter Absolute Humidity Winter X g/Kg(Dry Air)
Winter Dry Bulb Temperature Winter DB °C
Winter Relative Humidity Winter RH %

Contact lists

Asia Pacific Headquarters
Suite No. 2503-10A, 25/F,
Exchange Tower, 33 Wang Chiu Road,
Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2866 3108
Fax: (852) 2520 6227

India – Pune
Plot No. 23, Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park,
Phase – II, Hinjewadi,
Pune 411 057, Maharashtra, India
Tel: (9120) 4200 2000
Fax: (9120) 4200 2099

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Emerson Asia


                            Asia 01 00 Issued 05/2020 Emerson is a trademark of Emerson Electric Co. or one of its affiliated companies. ©2020 Emerson Electric Co. All rights reserved.



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