STMicroelectronics STSPIN830 Three Phase Brushless Motor Driver Board User Manual

June 6, 2024

STMicroelectronics STSPIN830 Three Phase Brushless Motor Driver Board

Getting started with the X-NUCLEO-IHM16M1 three-phase brushless motor driver board based on STSPIN830 for STM32 Nucleo


The X-NUCLEO-IHM16M1 motor driver expansion board is based on the STSPIN830 monolithic driver for three-phase brushless motors.
It represents an affordable, easy-to-use solution for driving brushless motors in your STM32 Nucleo project, implementing single and three-shunt current sensing.
The STSPIN830 embeds a PWM current limiter with adjustable threshold together with a full set of protections.
The X-NUCLEO-IHM16M1 expansion board is compatible with the Arduino and ST morpho connectors, so it can be plugged to an STM32 Nucleo development board and stacked with additional STM32 Nucleo expansion boards.

Hardware and software requirements

To use the STM32 Nucleo development boards with the X-NUCLEO-IHM16M1 expansion board, the following software and hardware are required:

  • a Windows PC (7, 8 or 10)
  • an X-NUCLEO-IHM16M1 expansion board
  • an STM32 Nucleo development board
  • a type A USB to mini-B USB cable to connect the STM32 Nucleo board to the PC
  • the STM32 Motor Control SDK (X-CUBE-MCSDK)
  • an IDE chosen among IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM (IAR-EWARM), Keil microcontroller development kit (MDK-ARM-STR) and integrated development environment for STM32 (STM32CubeIDE)
  • a power supply with output voltage between 7 and 45 V
  • a three-phase brushless motor with compatible voltage and current for the power supply and the STSPIN830 driver

Safety precautions

Some of the components mounted on the board could reach hazardous temperature during operation.

While using the board

  • Do not touch the components
  • Do not cover the board
  • Do not put the board in contact with flammable materials or with materials releasing smoke when heated
  • After operation, allow the board to cool down before touching it

Getting started

To start your project with the board:

  1. Step 1. Check the jumper positions and the mounting options according to the desired operation mode (see Section 4.1: Operation mode and sensing topology selection) and STM32 Nucleo development board (see STM32 Nucleo development board compatibility)
  2. Step 2. Connect the X-NUCLEO-IHM16M1 with the STM32 Nucleo development board through ST morpho connectors (CN7, CN10)
  3. Step 3. Connect the brushless motor to 3-4-5 outputs of CN1 using the provided screw terminal
  4. Step 4. Connect the STM32 Nucleo development board to the PC using a USB cable and download the corresponding pre-compiled code
  5. Step 5. Supply the board through one of the supply connectors:
    • inputs 2 (VIN) and 1 (ground) of CN1 using the provided screw terminal
    • J4 jack input (2.1 mm or 2.5 mm, tip positive)
  6. Step 6. Develop your application using the STM32 Motor Control SDK (X-CUBE-MCSDK)

Hardware description and configuration

The figure below shows the X-NUCLEO-IHM16M1 main component positions.

Table 1. X-NUCLEO-IHM16M1 ST morpho connector pinouts

Connector Pin Signal Remarks


| 12| VDD (pull-up voltage)| 3.3 V in STM32 Nucleo dev. boards.

Through R44

17| Hall-effect sensor 1| R43
18| 5 V|
20| Ground|
22| Ground|
28| Motor supply voltage sensing| R33
30| Current feedback phase U| R29
32| Current reference (DAC)| R39 (NP by default)
**** 34| Current feedback phase W| R36
STM32F303RE embedded PGA input U| R75 (NP by default)
35| Speed reference signal|
36| BEMF feedback phase W|
37| BEMF feedback phase V|
38| BEMF feedback phase V|


| 1| BEMF divider GPIO|
2| Hall-effect sensor 3| R87
Connector| Pin| Signal| Remarks


| 4| Hall-effect sensor 1| R81
6| Motor supply voltage sensing| R31
11| ENU driving signal| R79 (NP by default)
13| ENV driving signal| R78 (NP by default)
14| EN/FAULT signal| R35


| Current feedback phase W| R34
ENU driving signal| R69 (NP by default)
ENW driving signal| R74 (NP by default)
16| EN/FAULT signal| R37


| Current feedback phase V| R41
STM32F303RE embedded PGA input W| R77 (NP by default)
PCB temperature sensing (NTC)| R83 (NP by default)
19| Hall-effect sensor 2| R85
21| INV driving signal|
23| INU driving signal|
24| Current feedback phase V| R42
25| Hall-effect sensor 3| R84
26| ENW driving signal| R61
27| Current reference (PWM)| R40


| ENV driving signal| R73
Motor supply voltage sensing| R88 (NP by default)
29| Active low standby|


| STM32F303RE embedded PGA input V| R76 (NP by default)
ENU driving signal| R80
31| Hall-effect sensor 2| R86
33| INW driving signal|
34| PCB temperature sensing (NTC)| R82

Operation mode and sensing topology selection
The X-NUCLEO-IHM16M1 expansion board supports 6-step and field oriented control (FOC) algorithms. According to the algorithm, the board hardware configuration must be changed as follows:

Table 2. X-NUCLEO-IHM16M1 expansion board configuration based on the algorithm used

6-step (1) FOC (3-shunt) (2) FOC (single shunt)
**Single shunt** **Current sensing** Current limiter enabled


| Adjustable current limiter threshold (3)| **Three- shunt| ****Current sensing| Current limiter disabled| Fixed current limiter threshold| ****Single shunt| ****Current sensing| Current limiter enabled**


| Adjustable current limiter threshold (3)
Close JP4

and JP7,

solder bridge at the bottom

| ****

Open J5 and J6 jumpers

| ****

J2 closed to 1-2 position

| ****

J3 closed to 2-3 position

| Open JP4

and JP7,

solder bridge at the bottom

| ****

Close J5 and J6 jumpers

| ****

J2 closed to 2-3 position

| ****

J3 closed to 1-2 position

| Close JP4

and JP7,

solder bridge at the bottom

| ****

Close J5 and J6 jumpers

| ****

J2 closed to 1-2 position

| ****

J3 closed to 2-3 position

  1. Voltage or current mode.
  2. Default configuration
  3. Optional.

Current sensing
The X-NUCLEO-IHM16M1 expansion board mounts three shunt resistors to sense the current in each motor phase.
For each shunt resistor, the TSV994 operational amplifier performs signal conditioning before sending the sensed value to the ADC inputs of the STM32.

Table 3. TSV994 operational amplifier configuration

Opamp| Sensed current| Gain| Out offset| J5| J6| Remarks
1| None (grounded)| 1| 0 V| | | Unused


| ****

Phase V(1)

| 1.53| 1.56 V| Closed| Closed| FOC
3| 0 V| Open| Open| 6STEP
3| Phase W(1)| 1.53| 1.56 V| | | FOC
4| Phase U(1)| 1.53| 1.56 V| | | FOC

1. In single shunt topology, all the operational amplifiers sense the same current.

Sense resistor value and maximum current range in FOC mode
The sensed current range in FOC mode could be limited by the value of the shunt resistor.
The mounted resistor of 330 mΩ allows an up to 1 A reading without distortion.
For better performance at 1.5 A, you should reduce the shunt resistor value to 100 mΩ. The op-amp gain has to be tuned accordingly.

Related links
For further details, refer to the AN5386, STSPIN830: measuring negative voltages on sense resistors.

STSPIN830 current limiter
The STSPIN830 implements a PWM current limiter.
In single shunt topology, the device monitors the motor current through the SNS pin connected to the sensing resistor.

When the SNS pin (VSNS) voltage exceeds the reference voltage threshold (VREF) the current limiter is triggered, the OFF time is started and all the power outputs are disabled (high impedance) until the OFF time expires.
J2 jumper selects the SNS input connection: when closed in 2-3 position (default), it shorts the pin to ground disabling the current limiter feature; when closed in 1-2 position, it connects the pin to the shunts.
It is possible to set the VREF value in two ways:

  • J3 closed in 1-2 position: fixed to 0.497 V corresponding to about 4.5 A in single shunt topology (equivalent resistance 0.11 Ω)
  • J3 closed in 2-3 position: adjustable through MCU up to 0.497 V corresponding to about 4.5 A in single shunt topology (equivalent resistance 0.11 Ω).

The MCU can set the reference voltage through:

  1. PWM signal (default)
  2. DAC output, if available (not connected by default)

R16 resistor sets the OFF time duration according to the graph shown below (default value is about 18 µs).

STSPIN830 logic inputs and fault signaling
The STSPIN830 offers two methods for driving the power stage selectable through the MODE pin.
When the MODE pin is low, the ENx and INx inputs control the power outputs according to Table 4. ENx and INx inputs truth table (MODE = L) (the board default configuration).
When MODE pin is high, the INxH and INxL inputs control the power outputs according to Table 5. INxL and INxH inputs truth table (MODE = H). This configuration is set by removing R12 resistor; it is also recommended to replace R11 with a 0 R resistor.
When the EN\FAULT input is forced low, the power stage is immediately disabled (all MOSFETs are turned off) in both modes and the D1 LED turns red.

Table 4. ENx and INx inputs truth table (MODE = L)

X: Don’t care; High Z: High impedance

EN\FAULT| ENx| INx| OUTx| ‘x’ half-bridge condition
0| X| X| High Z| Disabled
EN\FAULT| ENx| INx| OUTx| ‘x’ half-bridge condition
1| 0| X| High Z| Disabled
1| 1| 0| GND| LS on
1| 1| 1| VS| HS on

Table 5. INxL and INxH inputs truth table (MODE = H)
X: Don’t care; High Z: High impedance

EN\FAULT INxH INxL OUTx ‘x’ half-bridge condition
0 X X High Z Disabled
1 0 0 High Z Disabled
1 0 1 GND LS on
1 1 0 VS HS on
1 1 1 High Z Disabled (interlocking)

The EN/FAULT signal is forwarded to the TIM1 BKIN input to implement failure protection.

Hall effect sensors and encoder connector
The X-NUCLEO-IHM16M1 expansion board provides an interface between the digital Hall effect sensors or encoder mounted on the motor and the STM32 Nucleo development board through J1 connector.
The connector provides:

  • Pull-up resistors (R20, R21, R22) for open-drain and open-collector interfacing.
    Note: It is recommended to remove the pull-up resistors in case of push- pull outputs.

  • Protection from overvoltage on the MCU input pin through the D2, D3 and D4 Zener diodes. Table 5.

Table 6. J1 connector pinout

Pin Encoder Hall effect sensor
1 A+ Hall 1
2 B+ Hall 2
3 Z Hall 3


| 5 V supply from

Nucleo development board

| 5 V supply from

Nucleo development board

5| Ground| Ground

Speed trimmer
The R17 trimmer provides an analog signal to the MCU that can be used by the firmware to set the speed control loop.
The voltage range is from 0 to 3.3 V (VDD) and increases rotating the knob in clockwise direction.

X-NUCLEO-IHM16M1 schematic diagrams

Bill of materials

Table 7. X-NUCLEO-IHM16M1 bill of materials

Item| Q.ty| Ref.| Part/Value| Description| Manufacturer| Order code
1| 1| CN1| | Pluggable terminal block| Wurth Elektronik| 691311500105
2| 1| CN2| | Pluggable terminal block| Wurth Elektronik| 691351500002
3| 1| CN3| | Pluggable terminal block| Wurth Elektronik| 691351500003


| ****


| ****


| ****


| 10 position receptacle connector| ****


| ****



| ****


| ****

CN6, CN9

| ****


| 8 position receptacle connector| ****


| ****


6| 2| CN7, CN10| | Board-to-board connectors| Samtec| ESQ-119-24-G-D


| ****


| ****


| ****


| 6 position receptacle connector| ****


| ****



| ****


| ****


| 33 µF, 50 V,

±20%, D6.3_H7.7

| Aluminium electrolytic capacitor| ****

Wurth Elektronik

| ****



| ****


| ****


| NP, 50 V, ±20%, D6.3_H11_P2.5| Aluminium electrolytic capacitor| ****

Wurth Elektronik

| ****


10| 1| C3| 330 NF, 50 V,

±10%, 805

| Ceramic capacitor| Any| 330NF_50V_X7R_0805
11| 2| C4, C16| 10 NF, 50 V,

±15%, 603

| Ceramic capacitors| Any| 10NF_50V_X7R_0603
12| 1| C5| 2.2 NF, 50 V,

±15%, 603

| Ceramic capacitor| Any| 2.2NF_50V_X7R_0603
13| 1| C6| NP, 50 V, ±15%,


| Ceramic capacitor| Any| 4.7NF_50V_X7R_0603
14| 5| C7, C8, C9, C13, C22| 220 NF, 16 V,

±10%, 603

| Ceramic capacitors| Any| 220NF_16V_X7R_0603
15| 3| C10, C11, C12| 10 PF, 50 V,

±10%, 603

| Ceramic capacitors| Any| 10PF_50V_COG_0603
16| 3| C14, C17, C19| 680 PF, 50 V,

±15%, 603

| Ceramic capacitors| Any| 680PF_50V_X7R_0603
17| 3| C15, C18, C20| NP 603| Ceramic capacitors| Any| C_NP_0603
18| 1| C21| 100 NF, 50 V,

±15%, 603

| Ceramic capacitor| Any| 100NF_50V_X7R_0603
19| 1| D1| RED, 805| LED| Wurth Elektronik| 150080RS75000
20| 3| D2, D3, D4| 3 V, SOD123| Zener diodes| OnSemiconducto rs| MMSZ3V0T1G
21| 6| D5, D6, D7, D11, D12, D13| SOD523| Small signal Schotky diodes| ST| BAT30KFILM
22| 3| D8, D9, D10| YELLOW, 805| LED| Wurth Elektronik| 150080YS75000
23| 1| JP3| CLOSE, 603| Resistors| Any| SMALL TIN-DROP CLOSE
Item| Q.ty| Ref.| Part/Value| Description| Manufacturer| Order code
24| 2| JP4, JP7| OPEN| Resistor| Any| SOLDER_BRIDGE


| ****


| ****


|  | 5 position connector header| ****

Wurth Elektronik

| ****



| ****


| ****

J2, J3

| CONHEADER 1X3_L7.62_W2.


| 3 position connector header| ****

Wurth Elektronik

| ****


27| 1| J4| FC681465P| Jack connector| RS| FC681465P


| ****


| ****

J5, J6

| CONHEADER 1X2_L5.08_W2.


| 2 pin THT header| ****

Wurth Elektronik

| ****


30| 1| M4| GU_4xx| PCB| Any| PCB GU -rev4 2 layers
31| 4| M5, M6, M7, M8| CLOSED JUMPER| 2 position shunt connector| Wurth Elektronik| 60900213421
32| 1| Q1| P-MOS, SOT323| P-channel MOSFET| NXP| NX3008PBKW
33| 1| R1| 12 K, 1/10 W,

±5%, 603

| Resistor| Any| 12K_5%_0603
34| 1| R2| 1 K, 1/10 W,

±5%, 603

| Resistor| Any| 1K_5%_0603


| ****


| R3, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R11| 39 K, 1/10 W,

±5%, 603

| ****


| ****


| ****


36| 4| R4, R23, R24, R25| 330 R, 1/10 W,

±5%, 603

| Resistors| Any| 330R_5%_0603


| ****


| R12, R29, R31, R33, R34, R35, R36, R37, R40, R41, R42, R43, R44, R45, R61, R73, R80, R81, R82, R84, R85, R86, R87| ****

0 R, 1/10 W,

±5%, 603

| ****


| ****


| ****


38| 1| R13| 3.9 K, 1/10 W,

±5%, 603

| Resistor| Any| 3.9K_5%_0603
39| 1| R14| 180 K, 1/10 W,

±1%, 603

| Resistor| Any| 180K_1%_0603
40| 1| R15| 22 K, 1/10 W,

±5%, 603

| Resistor| Any| 22K_5%_0603
41| 1| R16| 12 K, 1/8 W,

±5%, 805

| Resistor| Any| 12K_5%_0805


| ****


| ****


| 10 K, 1/2 W,

±10%, L9.5_W4.9_H9.5

| ****


| ****


| ****


43| 1| R18| 10 K, 1/10 W,

±5%, 603

| Resistor| Any| 10K_5%_0603
44| 1| R19| 12 K, 1/10 W,

±1%, 603

| Resistor| Any| 12K_1%_0603
45| 3| R20, R21, R22| 3 K, 1/10 W,

±5%, 603

| Resistors| Any| 3K_5%_0603
Item| Q.ty| Ref.| Part/Value| Description| Manufacturer| Order code
46| 3| R26, R27, R28| NP, 1/10 W,

±1%, 603

| Resistors| Any| 4.7K_1%_0603


| ****


| R30, R32, R39, R69, R74, R75, R76, R77, R78, R79, R83| ****

NP, 603

| ****


| ****


| ****


48| 1| R38| 47 K, 1/10 W,

±5%, 603

| Thermistor| Murata| NCP18WB473J03RB
49| 6| R46, R47, R48, R49, R50, R51| 10 K, 1/4 W,

±5%, 603

| Resistors| Any| 10K_5%_0603_1/4W


| ****


| R52, R53, R54, R55, R58, R59, R60, R64, R65, R66, R67, R71, R72| ****

2.2 K, 1/10 W,

±5%, 603

| ****


| ****


| ****


51| 3| R56, R62, R68| 680 R, 1/10 W,

±5%, 603

| Resistors| Any| 680R_5%_0603
52| 3| R57, R63, R70| 0.33 R, 1/2 W,

±1%, 1206

| Resistors| Any| 0R33_1%_1206_0.5W
53| 1| R88| NP, 1/10 W,

±5%, 603

| Resistor| Any| 0R_5%_0603


| ****


| TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4, TP5, TP6, TP7, TP8| ****


| ****

Test terminals

| ****


| ****



| ****


| ****


| ****

QFN24_L4W4 P0.5

| Three-phase brushless monolithic motor driver| ****


| ****



| ****


| ****


| ****


| Wide bandwidth rail-to-rail input/ output 5 V CMOS quad Op- Amps| ****


| ****


Revision history

Table 8. Document revision history

Date Revision Changes
17-May-2018 1 Initial release.
01-Sep-2020 2 Added Section 4.2.1 Sense resistor value and maximum current

range in FOC mode.
20-Jul-2021| 3| Updated Getting started and Hardare and softare requirements.

Added references to X-CUBE-MCSDK-Y.

21-Feb-2024| 4| Updated Section 1: Hardware and software requirements and Section 3: Getting started. Removed Using the STM32F303RE embedded PGA and STM32 Nucleo development board compatibility.

STMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries (“ST”) reserve the right to make changes, corrections, enhancements, modifications, and improvements to ST products and/or to this document at any time without notice. Purchasers should obtain the latest relevant information on ST products before placing orders. ST products are sold pursuant to ST’s terms and conditions of sale in place at the time of order acknowledgment.
Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection, and use of ST products and ST assumes no liability for application assistance or the design of purchasers’ products.
No license, express or implied, to any intellectual property right is granted by ST herein.
Resale of ST products with provisions different from the information set forth herein shall void any warranty granted by ST for such product.
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© 2024 STMicroelectronics – All rights reserved
UM2415 – Rev 4

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