Bushnell 362110 GPS Rangefinder User Manual
- October 27, 2023
- Bushnell
Table of Contents
Bushnell 362110 GPS Rangefinder
Care and Maintenance
To help ensure reliable operation, the following care and maintenance guidelines are recommended :
- Avoid exposing the unit to extreme environmental conditions for a prolonged period of time. The unit is IPX7 rated; it is water resistant, but not waterproof. Unit should not be submerged in any liquids.
- Avoid severe impacts on the unit.
- You may clean the unit occasionally with a soft, damp cloth.
- DO NOT expose the unit to strong chemicals such as gasoline and alcohol, as they will damage the unit.
- Store the unit in a dry place when it is not in use.
Do not attempt to open the Phantom 2. Unit contains a lithium ion battery.
- Do not attempt to open, disassemble or service the internal battery. The battery is not replaceable.
- Do not crush, puncture or short the battery’s external contacts.
- Do not expose to temperatures above 140o F (60o C). Do not charge battery when temperature is over 113o F (45o C). Do not store unit in temperatures above 113o F (45o C) or below 32o F (0o C).
- Properly recycle or dispose of the battery. Do not dispose in fire or water.
Legal Disclaimer
By using this product, you agree that Bushnell Outdoor Products will not be
held legally responsible for any injury or damage to you or any person or
property caused by the user’s improper operation and/or poor judgment while
using this product.
Note: See Limited Warranty for other limitations to our liability.
Additional Information
The Global Positioning System (GPS), a network of 32 satellites orbiting
Earth, is operated and maintained by the U.S. government. This GPS device
requires at least 3 satellites to be acquired to accurately determine your
position. Any change made to the system by the government could affect the
accuracy and performance of this product.
Bushnell Golf Website
www.bushnellgolf.com is the best online
resource for all Bushnell Golf product owners, including product support,
FAQs, etc.
The rechargeable battery of the Phantom 2 is long lasting and provides up to
18+ hrs (3+ rounds of golf typically) on a charge. However, battery life may
be reduced due to a variety of factors (external temperature, etc). All
rechargeable batteries lose their effective charge length over time. To check
your remaining battery life, select “Battery” from the SETTINGS menu. To
recharge the battery, attach the smaller plug on the included USB-C cable to
the port at the bottom side of the unit and connect the large (standard) USB
plug (not included) to your computer. The Phantom 2 and USB-C cable are
compatible with all USB ports, including iPhone/other smartphone USB chargers.
Once connected, press the POWER button-the display will show the battery icon
charging. When the Phantom 2 is fully charged (about 3.5 hrs from totally
discharged state, less if partial charge remains) and ready to use when a full
circle is displayed around the battery icon (press POWER to check charge
status if not displayed).
Buttons and Functions
- POWER Button: Press to turn on. In ON state, press for MENU. In ON state in PLAY GOLF mode, press for SCORE entry. Hold for Golf Menu.
- UP (▲ ) Button: Scrolls up through Menu.
- SELECT ( ) Button: Selects highlighted Menu item.
- DOWN (▼) Button: Scrolls down through Menu.
- Be sure the battery has a full charge before powering on.
- Press and hold the orange POWER button on the right side of the unit until Home Screen powers on. To turn off, press and hold the POWER button again to shut down.
- The display will show the Main Screen, with a choice of four operating modes: MENU, SCORING, PLAY GOLF and BLUETOOTH.
- Menu button
- Scorecard list button
- Scorecard indication. Number will show the latest round played. When no rounds have been played, the default score will be “00”.
- Play Golf button
- Bluetooth connection button
- Time
- Bluetooth status
- Battery icon
- From the Home Screen, press (1) SETTINGS (if you are in PLAY GOLF mode, press MENU and select EXIT ROUND to go to the main menu) and press SELECT.
- Select item from menu using UP/DOWN buttons to highlight it, then press SELECT button.
- If multiple options are available for a setting, use UP/DOWN to highlight your choice, then press SELECT.
- Press MENU button to return to previous menu screen.
- SCORECARD LIST: press SELECT to open the Scorecard List. There will be a list of the ten most recent scorecards played. The Scorecard can also be accessed by the Home Screen and pressing the red Select button.
- BATTERY*:* press SELECT button to check battery condition (charge %). (also provided in the PLAY GOLF Menu)
TIME:** press SELECT then highlight and select from these time/date related settings:
1. FORMAT: press SELECT and highlight your preference for time display format:
• 12 HOUR
• 24 HOUR
2. TIME ZONE: press SELECT your time zone preference and time display format:
• US Eastern Time Zone = UTC -5
• US Central Time Zone = UTC – 6
• US Mountain Time Zone = UTC -7
• US Pacific Time Zone = UTC – 8
3. DAYLIGHT SAVING: press SELECT and highlight current daylight savings time status for your location:
* DST ON +1
* DST OFF -1
* Use the UP/DOWN buttons to enter the correct current time and date yourself. Choose 12 or 24 or format. If clock is in 12 hr. format AM/PM will need to be selected.
* Press SELECT to automatically set the time based on your current GPS location.
- SET UNITS: press SELECT. The solid (filled in) check box indicates the current setting (default=YARDS). To change how distances are displayed, highlight YARDS or METERS, press SELECT. (*also provided in the PLAY GOLF Menu)
- BACKGROUND: press SELECT then use UP/DOWN to select the display white with black text (default) or black with white text.
- LANGUAGE: The Phantom 2 features 12 menu language settings (ENGLISH, SPANISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, ITALIAN, PORTUGUESE, SWEDISH, DANISH, INDONESIAN, CHINESE, KOREAN AND JAPANESE.). By default, the user interface is in English. Press SELECT, use UP/DOWN to scroll between options on the Language menu, then press the SELECT button to confirm and set all menus to your preferred (highlighted) language.
- ABOUT: press SELECT to display your unit’s firmware version, FCC ID and IC#.
- RESET DEVICE: to restore the unit to all of its original factory settings, press SELECT, then select DEFAULT SETTINGS and confirm you want to do this. This will only reset the settings, not the firmware or course data stored in the device.
To connect your Phantom 2 to your phone and the Bushnell Golf Mobile app:
- Download the Bushnell Golf mobile app at app.bushnellgolf.com/install or scan the QR code below.
- If you are new to the app you will be asked to setup a device after registration, select Phantom 2.
- if you are a returning user to the app, select “See All” from the “My Devices Section”, click “Add Device”, and select Phantom 2.
- Follow the on screen instructions in the app to pair and connect your Phantom 2 .
Note: After paired, once powered up the Bluetooth on/off state will be
the last set state.
Scan the code to download the Bushnell Golf app and register your Phantom 2
Golf GPS. app.bushnellgolf.com/install
- Make sure you are outdoors, with an unobstructed view of the sky. Highlight PLAY GOLF and press the SELECT button. Display will show ”SEARCHING” as the Phantom 2 looks for multiple available GPS satellite signals and locks onto them. This can take several minutes the first time you use the Phantom 2, but will be faster when used in the same general area in the future.
- You will be asked if you wish to continue a game that is active. Make your choice. If you are continuing a game, you will be sent to the Front Center Back (FCB) screen. If you select no, the device will connect to GPS and a list of nearest courses will appear.
- Use the UP/DOWN buttons to select (highlight) the course you want to play from the list of nearby courses (closest course at top of list), then press SELECT.
- The display then shows Front/Center/Back Distance Screen: current hole # (Fig. 1), par for the hole (Fig. 2), game score (Fig. 3), distance to the center/pin (Fig. 4), distance to the front of the green (Fig. 5) and distance to the back of green (Fig. 6).
To cy cle through mode/menu screens (Front/Center/Back > GreenView > Hazards and Layup points > Time), press the Select button.
Fron t/Center/Back Screen
The F ront/Center/Back Distance screen, see diagram to right.
The Phantom 2s GreenView Screens will allow you to move the pin around on the
green for a more accurate game. When in GreenView Mode, move the hole around
to its current position on the green to get an accurate front, center and back
distances. Do this by pressing the UP/DOWN buttons on the left side of the
unit to move the hole’s position. You will notice the Nearest and Farthest
distances adjust with moving the hole. When done, press the SELECT button to
save and move on to the next function.If no information is entered while in
GreenView within 60 seconds, the screen will revert back to Distance Screen.
Hazard & Layup Points
Press SELECT to view Hazard callouts per hole, variable depending on the most
significant hazards located near a specific hole on the current course. Hazard
screen will time out after one minute and return to the FCB screen. (see
above) If there are no Hazards, No Obstacle Data will be on screen. See
“Hazard Glossary on page 8 for a list of all abbreviations used to designate
various hazards.
Time Screen
Score Entry
To enter your score, press the SCORE button (button on right side of unit).
Once strokes are entered, press the NEXT button (button in the center on the
left side of the unit). Enter your number of putts on the next screen and
press the NEXT button again to enter the Fairway Hit screen. Scroll the
buttons to the choice of Left, Hit, or Right. Press the NEXT Button to save
your score and move to the next hole. *Note: to enter Putts and Fairways Hit,
the device needs to be in Advanced Score mode.
If you are in Play Golf mode and wish to go to the Golf Menu, press and hold
the SELECT button (on the right) until the menu appears on the screen. Your
game progress will be saved.
- Scorecard View: select to go to Scorecard screen (Fig. 7)
- Exit Round: select to end round and go to the Round Summary (Fig. 8 Shot Distance: Measures your shot distance.
- Units: Choose Yards or Meters
- Score: Choose OFF, BASIC or ADVANCED
- Score Format: Choose Strokes, Stableford, or Modified Standard format Battery: Shows the current battery life on the Phantom 2
- Bluetooth: Choose to enter into Bluetooth mode and Pair to your portable device to play with the Bushnell Golf App. (see Connecting to Bluetooth on page 6)
Hazard Glossary
- ###L To Layup point (i.e 75L= To 75yd Layup point,
- 100L = To 100 yard Layup point)
- ###M To Marker (i.e. 250M = To 250 Marker
- #Bnk To # Bunker (i.e. T1Bk = To 1st Bunker)
- #CBK To # Center Bunker (i.e. 2CBk = To 2nd Center Bunker)
- #Fwy To # Fairway
- #GBk To # Grass Bunker
- #LBk To # Left Bunker
- #RBK To # Right Bunker
- #Wtr To # Water Hazard Bnkr To Bunker
- C#Bk Carry to # Bunker (i.e.C1BK = Carry 1st Bunker)
- C#LB Carry to # Left Bunker (i.e C2LB = Carry 2nd Left Bunker)
- C#RB Carry to # Right Bunker (i.e. C3RB = Carry 3rd Right Bunker
- C#Wt Carry # Water Hazard (i.e. C2Wt = Carry 2nd Water Hazard)
- CBnk To Center Bunker
- CCBK Carry Center Bunker
- CDch To Center Ditch
- CFwy To Center Fairway
- Frwy To Fairway
- CFyB Carry Fairway Bunker
- CHzd Carry Hazard
- CLBk Carry Left Bunker
- CLHz Carry Left Hazard Clif To Cliff
- CLWs Carry Left Waste Area
- CLWt Carry Left Water Hazard
- CPth Carry Path
- CRBk Carry Right Bunker
- CRHz Carry Right Hazard
- Crst To Crest
- CRWt Carry Right Water Hazard
- CWst Carry Waste Area
- CWtr Carry Water Hazard
- Dtch To Ditch
- EFwy To End of Fairway
- ELFy To End of Left Fairway
- ELoF To End of Lower Fairway
- ERFy To End of Right Fairway
- EWst To End of Waste Area
- GBnk To Grass Bunker Gorg To Gorge
- Hzrd To Hazard
- LBnk To Left Bunker
- LDth To Left Ditch
- LFwy To Left Fairway
- LGBk To Left Grass Bunker
- LndA To Landing Area
- LWst To Left Waste Area
- LWtr To Left Water Path To Path
- PotB To Pot Bunker
- RBnk To Right Bunker
- Rdge To Ridge
- RDch To Right Ditch
- RFwy To Right Fairway
- RGBk To Right Grass Bunker
- RHzd To Right Hazard Road To Road
- RWst To Right Waste Area
- RWtr To Right Water
- ThFy Through Fairway
- ThRF Through Right Fairway
- Wter To Water Hazard
- WstA To Waste Area
- WstB To Waste Bunker
- WstE Waste Area End
- CGrg Carry Gorge
- RvrB To River Bed Wall To Wall
The Phantom 2 features a powerful BITE magnet incorporated into the rear center of its housing, which allows the device to be securely attached to a golf cart bar or attached to the included bag/belt clip. To use the BITE bag/belt clip, simply slide it onto your golf bag or belt (round concave part facing out), then place the convex BITE magnet on the back of the Phantom 2 near the round concave area on the BITE clip (below).
WARNING: Mounting accessory included with device contains a Neodymium magnet. Magnets could affect the functioning of pacemakers and implanted heart defibrillators. If you use these devices, keep sufficient distance from magnet. Warn other who wear these devices from getting too close to magnets.
- Unsafe handling could cause jamming of fingers or skin under magnet.
- Magnet may lose part of its adhesive force permanently if exposed to temperatures above 175o F (80o C).
- Magnets produce far-reaching, strong magnetic field. They could damage TVs and laptops, computer hard drives, credit and ATM cards, data storage media, mechanical watches, hearing aids and speakers. Keep unit away from devices and objects that could be damaged by strong magnetic fields.
Your Phantom 2 is pre-loaded with data for over 38,000 courses located worldwide. It is ready to use right out of the box, with no need to download software or pay any membership fees. To Update a single course file. Connect the Device to the Bushnell Golf Mobile App via Bluetooth. Select Phantom 2 from your device List. Select Course Update. Follow the instructions on the Bushnell Golf Mobile App to search for your course and update your device. To Update multiple courses. Please visit the Bushnell Golf Update Manager at https://appsupport.bushnellgolf.com in Google Chrome and follow the instructions.
Your Bushnell® Phantom 2 is warranted to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for one year after the date of purchase. In the event of a defect under this warranty, we will, at our option, repair or replace the product, provided that you return the product postage prepaid. This warranty does not cover damages caused by misuse, improper handling, installation, or maintenance provided by someone other than a Bushnell Authorized Service Department. Go to https://www.bushnellgolf.com/contact and fill out the contact form for any questions or warranty information. This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may have other rights which vary from country to country. ©2021 Bushnell Outdoor Products
FCC Statement
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Shielded interface cable must be used with the equipment in order to comply with the limits for a digital device pursuant to Subpart B of Part 15 of FCC Rules. Specifications and designs are subject to change without any notice or obligation on the part of the manufacturer.
WARNING: Bite feature included with the device contains a Neodymium magnet. Magnets could affect the functioning of pacemakers and implanted heart defibrillators. If you use these devices, keep sufficient distance from magnet. Warn others who wear these devices from getting too close to magnets.
- Magnet may lose part of its adhesive force permanently if exposed to temperatures above 175o F (80o C).
- Magnets produce far-reaching, strong magnetic field. They could damage TVs and laptops, computer hard drives, credit and ATM cards, data storage media, mechanical watches, hearing aids and speakers. Keep unit away from devices and objects that could be damaged by strong magnetic fields.
Disposal of Electric and Electronic Equipment (Applicable in the EU and
other European countries with separate collection systems)
This equipment contains electric and/or electronic parts and must therefore
not be disposed of as normal household waste. Instead, it should be disposed
at the respective collection points for recycling provided by the communities.
For you, this is free of charge. If the equipment contains exchangeable
(rechargeable) batteries, these too must be removed before and, if necessary,
in turn be disposed of according to the relevant regulations (see also the
respective comments in this unit’s instructions). Further information about
the subject is available at your community administration, your local waste
collection company, or in the store where you purchased this equipment.
- Customer Service: (800) 423-3537 www.bushnellgolf.com ©2021 Bushnell Outdoor Products
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