TEXAS TI-1795 Mini Desktop Calculator User Guide

June 6, 2024

TEXAS TI-1795 Mini Desktop Calculator User Guide


The Tl-1795 is totally light-powered. There are never any batteries to replace. The solar power cells below the display operate the calculator under any normal reading-light levels, indoors or outdoors


Do not leave the calculator in direct sunlight for long periods or store it where excessive temperatures are possible.

Turning the Calculator On and Off

To turn the calculator on, expose its solar power cells to a light source and press (ON/Cl.
Note:  Be sure all of the solar cell panel is exposed to light. Covering even a portion of the panel may cause the display to go blank.
The calculator turns off automatically when the solar power cells are no longer exposed to light.

Entering Numbers

You can enter numbers containing up to 8 digits (with a maximum of 7 digits to the right of the decimal).
To enter a negative number, enter the number as a positi’7e value and then press [+/-I.
Negative numbers are indicated by a minus sign on the right side of the display.

Clearing the Calculator

To clear the calculator, press [ON/Cl twice. Note that this key does not clear the memory.

Clearing Entry Errors

If you enter an in~orrect number, press [ON/Cl once to clear the display. You can then enter the correct number.
Note: To clear an incorrect number, you must press ION/Cl before you press a function key. Pressing [ON/Cl following a function key clears the calcu lator.
If you press the wrong arithmetic function key, simply press the correct key and continue with your calculation.

Arithmetic Calculations

The algebraic entry system of the calculator completes all arithmetic operations in the order they are entered.
To display the result of a calculation, press I= I.
The calculator is then ready for you to enter a new calculation.
The – symbol in the following examples indicates the result displayed after you press the key sequence that precedes the symbol.

Addition and Subtraction

Example: 7.921 + 1.6 – 12.321 = ?
7.921 l +l 1.6 1- 112.321 I =I- 2.8-

Multiplication and Divisions

12 ~ 13 =? 12 1″ 1131 +I 61 = 1-26.

Example: – 7 x 23 =?
7 l+l-11″ 123 I= 1-161. –

Calculations with a Constant

The automatic constant register is set when you perform the first calculation in a series.
When you enter another number and press I= I, the calculator completes the problem using the number and function in the constant register.
For addition, subtraction, and division, the constant register uses the second number entered (the number you enter following the function key).
For multiplication, the constant register uses the first number entered (the number in the display when you press the Ix I key).

Example: 2 tl = ?; 4 tl = ?
21+ 131=1- 5. 41=1-7.

Example: 8 ~ = ?; 3 ~ =?
81-161=1- 2. 31=1-3. –

Example:27~3 =?; 15+3 =?
271 + 13 I= I-9. 151=1-5.

Example: ~8 = ?; ~ 15 =? 3I xl8I=I-24. 151=1-45.

Special Functions

Your calculator also enables you to perform several special functions. Squaring a Number
To find the square of a number (the number multiplied by itself), press Ix 11 =I.

Example: 2_52 =?
2.5 Ix 11 = 1- 6.25

Example: (1.6 x 2.5)2 =?
1.61 x 12.51 x II= I – 16.

Square Roots

To find the square root of a number, press lv l.

Example: v’144 =?

Example: V1 62 + 33=?
161 x 11 = 11+ 1331= 11r1-11.


To find the reciprocal of a number (the number
divided Into 1 ), press I+ 11 = I.

Example: – 1-
=? .25 .25 1+11=1-4.

Percentage Calculations

A percentage calculation is completed when you press 1%1. You do not need to press I= I.
Note: If you do press l = l afterl¾I, the calculator may display incorrect results. In the add-on and discount examples, notice that two key sequences are shown. The first calculates the result directly and the second
displays intermediate percentages.

Percentages: 5% of $250 =? 2501 X 151%1-12.5

Add-ons: $250 plus 5% =?
250 I+I51%1- 262.5 or 2501 X 151%1-12.51+11=1- 262.5

Discounts: $250 minus 5% =?
2501-15 1%1- 237.5 or 2501 X 151%1- 12.51- 11= 1- 237.5

Ratios: $600 is what percent of $1 ,500? 600ITI 15001%1- 40

Memory Operations

The IM + I key completes any operation (acts like the I= I key) and adds the result to memory.
The IM – I key completes any operation and subtracts the result from memory.
To display (recall) the number in memory, press IM~l once. To clear the memory, press IM~l twice.

Because IM+ I and IM -I add to or subtract from the current contents of the memory, press (M~l twice before you begin a problem that uses the memory.
Note that the letter “M” appears in the upper right corner of the display when the memory contains a number other than zero.

Example: (4 x 11.99) + (12 x 0.98) =?
IM~l lM~l 4 I x) 11.99 (M + I 12I x I .98 IM + IIM~) -59.72

Example: 1.98 – 4.98 =? 4 8
(Mm(M~) 1.98I+14 (M + )4.98I-JSIM-IIMm -0.1275-

Example: 7·9 + 8· 1 =? -(5.2+ 2.8)
IM~IIMID 5.21 + I2.8 IM -17.91 + 18.1 1 + IIM~ll= l -2.-

Error/Overflow Conditions

An error/overflow condition Is indicated by the letter ” E” in the lower right corner of the display. Press IONIC) once to clear the condition and twice to clear the calculator.
An error/overflow occurs for any of the following reasons.

  1. The result of a calculation has more than 8 digits to the left of the decimal point. The 8 most significant digits of the result are displayed, with the decimal point appearing 8 places to the left of its correct position. To determine the correct position of the decimal point, mentally move it 8 places to the right, inserting zeros as required.
  2.  The result in memory has more than 8 digits to the left of the decimal point. When you press IONIC), the memory retains the number stored prior to the overflow.
  3. You attempted to divide a number by zero.
  4. You attempted to find the square root of a negative number.

In Case of Difficulty

If you have difficulty operating the calculator,
use the following procedures.

  1. Be sure all of the solar cell panel below the display Is exposed to light.
  2. Press ION/Cl ION/Cl to clear the calculator. Then repeat your calculation.
  3. Review the instructions In this manual to be sure that your calculations were entered correctly.

If the difficulty continues, write or call the Consumer Relations Department to discuss the problem and possible solutions. You can write to:
Texas Instruments Incorporated P.O. Box53 Lubbock, Texas 79408
or call toll-free at 800-842-2737 within the United States. From outside the United States, call 806-741-4800. ()Ne regret that we cannot accept collect calls at this number.)

Returning your Calculator for Service

If you need to return your calculator for service, send the calculator prepaid to the appropriate
Tl Customer Service Facility listed on page 11.
The shipment should be carefully packaged and adequately protected against shock and rough handling. For your protection, the calculator should be sent insured. Texas Instruments cannot assume any responsibility
for loss or damage to an uninsured shipment. Please include information concerning the difficulty experienced with the calculator, and be sure to include your return address-name, address, city, state, and zip code.
In-warranty units will be repaired or replaced under the terms of the Limited Warranty. Out• of.warranty units will be repaired or replaced with reconditioned units (at Tl’s option), and service rates in effect at the time of return will be charged. Because our service facilities serve the entire United States, it Is not feasible to hold units while providing service estimates. For advance Information concerning our service charges, please call Consumer Relations at the telephone numbers listed on page 9.

Tl Customer Service Facilities

U.S. Residents For United States parcel post shipments:
Texas Instruments Incorporated P.O. Box 2500 Lubbock, Texas 79408 For other postal carriers:
Texas Instruments Incorporated 2305 N. University Lubbock,Texas79415
Customers in California and Oregon may contact the following Texas Instruments offices for additional assistance or information.
Texas Instruments Customer Service Center 19505 Hamilton Street Building A, Suite 1 Torrance, California 90502 213-217-7095
Texas Instruments Customer Service Center 6700 Southwest 105th Kristin Square, Suite 110 Beaverton, Oregon 97005 503-643-6758

Canadian Residents Only

Geophysical Services Incorporated 41 Shelley Road
Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada L4C5G4

Local Customer Service Centers

If your calculator needs service, you can exchange it for a factory- reconditioned calculator of the same model (or equivalent model specified by Tl) by taking or mailing the calculator to one of the Customer Service
Centers located throughout the United States. n-warranty units will be exchanged under the terms of the Limited Warranty. Out-of-warranty exchanges will be charged at the rates in effect at the time of the exchange.

Note: A small handling fee will be charged after90 days from the date of purchase. If you mail the calculator, a mail-in service fee will also be charged.
Look for Customer Service Center under Texas Instruments Incorporated in the white pages of your telephone directory or look under one of the following two headings in the yellow pages: “Calculating & Adding Machines & Supplies” or “Computers-Service & Repair.” You can also call or write Consumer Relations for further details and the location of the nearest Customer Service Center. (The Consumer Relations telephone numbers and address are listed on page 9.) Please call the service center to check the availability of your model.

One-Year Limited Warranty

This Texas Instruments electroruc calculator warranty extends to the original consumer purchaser ol the p,oduct.
Warranty Duration: This calculator Is wananted to the 011g1nal consumer purchaser for a period of one (1) year lrom the 011gmal purchase date
Warranty Coverage: This calculator Is wananted against delect1ve matenals or workmanship. This warranty Is void If the product has been damaged by acclden~ unreasonable use, negl~ improper service or other causes not arising oul of defects in material or workmanship.
Warranty Disclaimer>: Any Implied warranties arising oul of this sale, including but not limtted to the Implied warranties of merchentebllitym and lltness tor I particular purpose, are limtted in duration to the above one year period.Texas Instruments shall not be liable tor loss of use ol the calculator or other Incidental or consequential costs, expenses, or damages lncur11d by the consumer or any other user.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitations ol 1mplied wanant1es or conseQuenllal damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.
Legal Remedies: This warranty gr,es you specific legal nghts, and you may also have other nghts that vary lrorn state to state.
Warranty Perlormance: 01mng the above one (1) yearwananty period, your TI calculator will either be repaired or replaced with a reconditioned comparable model (at Tl’s option) when the product Is returned, postage prepaid, to one of the Texas Instruments Service
Facilities listed on page 11. The repaired or replacement calculator will continue the wananty of the 011ginal unit or s,x months, whichever Is longer. 01her than the postage requirement, no charge will be made
for such repair or replacement of in-warranty calculators. Out-of• warranty calculators will be charged at the rates m effect at the time the unit Is received Texas Instruments strongly recommends that you insure the p,oduct for value, prior to mailing.

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